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Course Description:

The course presents a multidimensional view of major conceptualizations in

psychopathology using the scientific approach that blends recent empirical and clinical
evidences. Each mental disorder is examined through an integrated perspective that considers
the dynamic reciprocal influences of biological, social, emotional, developmental, and
cognitive factors. The course acknowledges the uniqueness of distressful human experiences
by having human encounters with patients at the mental wards of government hospitals and
private clinics, and exploring such issues as cultural and regional diversities, socioeconomic
class differences, gender roles, and biopsychospiritual factors (yes, it includes the realm of
spirit or soul which is the original meaning of “psyche”, and is a characteristic feature of the
Filipino psyche) to create a wholistic tapestry for understanding psychopathology and its
treatment. Ethical considerations are incorporated throughout as a guide to sound clinical

Course Outcome:

By the end of the course, the student is expected to:

1. Demonstrate a working understanding of the science of psychopathology by answering the
two primary questions of what factors contribute to specific abnormal behaviors, and what
interventions are suggested for each dysfunction;
2. Discuss, compare, and explain theories, contributing factors, researches, and treatments in
3. Recognize that the boundaries and foundations of mental disorders are, at least in part, the
product of social consensus;
4. Interrupt and manage the debilitating toll of emotional disturbances by becoming more
aware of the dynamics of the psyche and how these characteristics can be used in
5. Demonstrate compassion for people who suffer from psychological disorders.
6. Acknowledge the creativity of the human psyche in meeting life’s many challenges to
emerge as empowered persons capable of living healthy and fulfilling lives.

Atlas Compound, Naga Road, Pulanglupa I, Las Piñas City, Philippines 1742
Telephone Numbers: (+632) 543 2663 (+632) 692 1129 Page 1 of 6
Email: Abnormal Psychology
Course Credits: 3 units

Contact Hours/week: 3 hours

Prerequisite: Personality

Course Content:

1  Course Introduction
 Chapter 1. Historical Overview
 Defining Mental Disorder
 History of Psychopathology
 The Evolution of Contemporary Thought
 The Mental Health Professions
2  Chapter 2. Current Paradigms in Psychopathology
 The Genetic Paradigm
 The Neuroscience Paradigm
 The Cognitive-Behavioral Paradigm
 Factors that cut across the Paradigms
 Diathesis-Stress: an Integrative Paradigm
 Chapter 3. Diagnosis and Assessment
 Cornerstones of Diagnosis and Assessment
 Classification and Diagnosis
 Psychological Assessment
 Neurobiological Assessment
 Cultural and Ethnic Diversity and Assessment
3  Chapter 5. Mood Disorders
 Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology
 Etiology of Mood Disorders
 Treatment of Mood Disorders
 Suicide
 Chapter 6. Anxiety Disorders
 Clinical Descriptions of the Anxiety Disorders
 Gender and Sociocultural Factors in the Anxiety Disorders
 Common Risk Factors Across the Anxiety Disorders
 Etiology and Treatment of Specific Anxiety Disorders

Atlas Compound, Naga Road, Pulanglupa I, Las Piñas City, Philippines 1742
Telephone Numbers: (+632) 543 2663 (+632) 692 1129 Page 2 of 6
Email: Abnormal Psychology
4  Chapter 7. Obsessive- Compulsive Related and Trauma Related
 Obsessive – Compulsive Related Disorders
 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders and Acute Stress Disorders
5-6  Class Activity
 Chapter 8. Dissociative Disorders and Somatic Symptom- Related
 Dissociation and Memory
 Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
 Chapter 9. Schizophrenia
 Clinical Descriptions
 Etiology
 Treatment of Schizophrenia
7  Chapter 11. Eating Disorders
 Clinical Description
 Etiology of Eating Disorders
 Treatment of Eating Disorders
8-9  Chapter 15. Personality Disorders
 Classifying Personality Disorders: DSM-5 Approach and
 Odd/Eccentric Cluster: Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal
 Dramatic/Erratic Cluster:Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic,
 Anxious /Fearful Cluster: Avoidant, Dependent, Obsessive-
 Types of Personality Disorders and Their Treatment

10  Chapter 10. Substance Use Disorders
 Clinical Description, Prevalence, and Effects
 Etiology
 Treatment
 Prevention of Substance Use Disorders

Atlas Compound, Naga Road, Pulanglupa I, Las Piñas City, Philippines 1742
Telephone Numbers: (+632) 543 2663 (+632) 692 1129 Page 3 of 6
Email: Abnormal Psychology
11  Chapter 12. Sexual Disorders
 Sexual Norms and Behavior: Sexual Dysfunctions and
 The Paraphilic Disorders: Etiology and Treatment
12-13  Chapter 13. Disorders of Childhood
 Classification and Diagnosis of Childhood Disorders
 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Etiology and
 Conduct Disorder: Etiology and Treatment
 Depression and Anxiety in Children and Adolescence: E and T
 Learning Disabilities: Etiology and Treatment
 Intellectual Disability: Etiology and Treatment
 Autistic Spectrum Disorder
14  Chapter 14. Late Life and Neurocognitive Disorders
 Aging Issues and Methods
 Psychological Disorders in Late Life
 Neurocognitive Disorders in Late Life: Dementia and Delirium

 Chapter 16. Legal and Ethical Issues

Note: This chapter will be incorporated across all the above

15  Class Activity
 Issues and Trends in Abnormal Psychology

Atlas Compound, Naga Road, Pulanglupa I, Las Piñas City, Philippines 1742
Telephone Numbers: (+632) 543 2663 (+632) 692 1129 Page 4 of 6
Email: Abnormal Psychology
Course Requirements:



Continue Learning
Research Mastery

Personal Mastery
Critical Thinking

Ethical Behavior

Independent and
the Psychology
Knowledge in


Sensitivity to
Examinations (3 Exams) 30 * * * * * * *

Learning Checks, 20 * * * * * * *
Assisgnments, Mental
Hospital Visit, Class
Participation and
Final Examination 20 * * * * * * *

Final Examination 30 * * * * * * * *
Group Project (Syndrome
Illustrative Cases/ Individual
Case Studies
with 3 recent related researches
(hard and soft copies) submitted
two days before the day of
presentation; initial submission as
project proposal 2 weeks before
presentation with actual references
(in hard and soft copies)

Atlas Compound, Naga Road, Pulanglupa I, Las Piñas City, Philippines 1742
Telephone Numbers: (+632) 543 2663 (+632) 692 1129 Page 5 of 6
Email: Abnormal Psychology

Main Textbook
Kring, A.M., Johnson S.L., Davison, G.C., and Neale, J. M.(2014). Abnormal Psychology, 12th
ed. DSM-5 Update. New York: Wiley.

Suggested Reading:

Bennett, P. (2011). Abnormal and Clinical Psychology: An Introductory Textbook.

Maidenhead, Berkshire, England: McGraw Hill, Open University.
Durand, M.V., & Barlow, D.H. (2010). Essentials of abnormal psychology. Australia:
Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.
Sue, D., Sue, D.W., & Sue, S. (2010). Understanding abnormal behavior. Australia:

Class Policies:

1. Academic Honesty: Cheating, plagiarism, and other acts of dishonorable conduct can result
in the student receiving a sanction for the assignment and also may result in a referral to the
dean’s office. Remember, a student who assists in a dishonest act is equally guilty as the student
who accepts such assistance.
2. Attendance & Punctuality: Students are expected to attend class regularly and on time. As
per the school’s guidelines, a student who exceeds 6 absences/cuts (with or without valid
reasons) will automatically get a “W”, which is equivalent to an “F”. Everyone is expected to
come to class on time. Classes will start as soon as the second bell rings. Two (2) “late arrivals
(after the bell rings)” are equivalent to one (1) cut. Be responsible in informing the beadle about
coming in late, otherwise you will be marked absent for the session. You are responsible for
all assignments or announcements given in class. Missed classroom activities cannot be made
3. You are responsible for reading the required chapter topics in the textbook before we discuss
them in class.
4. NO make-up exams will be given since all Exams are announced beforehand.
5. To obtain an exemption from the final exam, a student must obtain a letter grade of B+ = 87
or above (A) on the Examinations.

Atlas Compound, Naga Road, Pulanglupa I, Las Piñas City, Philippines 1742
Telephone Numbers: (+632) 543 2663 (+632) 692 1129 Page 6 of 6
Email: Abnormal Psychology

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