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Installing SPC for Excel Version 6

SPC for Excel is distributed in a zip file for both PC and Mac. The same file works on both the PC and the
Mac. The zip file is downloaded when you select the link emailed to you after you purchased the
software. This link can only be used once and expires after that. Sign into your account after that to
download the software. The name of the zip file is “

Earlier versions of SPC for Excel will be uninstalled as add-ins when Version 6 is installed. If you want to
uninstall the earlier versions completely, please see the instructions below (To Uninstall Previous

To install SPC for Excel, you must unzip the files and add the SPC for Excel program as an Excel add-in.
The instructions below show how to do this.

Unzip the Files

To unzip the download file called “":

• Windows:
o Create a new folder for the software on your computer, e.g.,
C:\Users\Username\Documents\SPC for Excel V6
o Unzip the files into the new folder.
▪ Right-click on the zip file, select Extract All, and then follow the instructions to
extract to files to the folder you created above, or:
▪ Double-click the zipped folder to open it and then drag or copy all the items
from the zipped folder to a new folder.
• Mac:
o Double click the zipped file.
o The file will automatically be decompressed into the same folder the compressed file is
o Change the name of the folder if you wish.

The following are the folders/files contained in the zip file.

• spcforexcelv6.xlam – this is the software program.

• SPC for Excel Example Files – this folder contains the data files used in help; it also contains a
folder called MSA Output Descriptions which contains detailed descriptions of the MSA reports
that the software generates.
• Getting Started with SPC for Excel_V6.pdf – this is the getting started guide to help you learn to
use the program.
• SPC-Example-Data-for-Getting-Started.xlsx – this the example data used in the getting started
• Installing SPC for Excel Version 6.pdf – this document.

Unblock the Workbook (Windows Only)

In Windows, you need to unblock the add-in. A 2016 Windows update causes Excel to block files
created on another computer. To unblock the SPC for Excel program, do the following:
• Find the software file (spcforexcelv6.xlam) in Windows Explorer (in the folder you created above
for the unzipped files).
• Right click on the file and choose Properties.
• If the security warning “This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help
protect this computer” is present, check the Unblock checkbox as shown below.

• Click OK.

Installing the Software in Excel

To install the software in Excel on a PC:

• Open an Excel workbook

• Select File (Excel 2010 and later) or the Office button (Excel 2007) in the upper left-hand corner
• Select Options (Excel 2010 and later) or Excel Options (Excel 2007)
• Select Add-Ins
• Select “Go” by Manage “Excel Add-ins” at the bottom of the form
• Select Browse
o Browse to the folder containing the software program file – where you unzipped it.
• Select the software program file (spcforexcelv6.xlam)
• Select OK

To install the software in Excel on a Mac:

• Open an Excel workbook

• Select Tools from the Excel toolbar
• Select Add-ins
• Select Browse
o Browse to the folder containing the software program file - where you unzipped it.
• Open the folder
• Select the software program file (spcforexcelv6.xlam)
• Select OK

The SPC for Excel program will open when Excel is opened. The SPC for Excel tab is between the Home
and Insert tabs on the Excel ribbon.

To Uninstall Previous Versions

If version 4 or 5 is installed on your computer, you can remove it if you wish.

If you installed version 4 or 5 on the PC, do the following:

• Close Excel.
• Go to Control Panel.
• Select Uninstall a Program.
• Select “SPC for MS Excel” from the list of programs.
• Select Uninstall.
• The form below shows.

• Select “Yes” and the SPC for MS Excel software will be uninstalled.

If you installed version 5 on a Mac, do the following;

• If you don’t know the location of the software, search the computer for “spcforexcelv5” (this is
the software program file). Note the location.
• Browse to the folder and delete the software program file.
• Open Excel.
o You will get a message that the file "spcforexcelv5.xlam" cannot be found. Select OK
• Select Tools on the Excel menu.
• Select Add-ins.
• Uncheck "spcforexcelv5.xlam" if it is still there.
o You will get a message asking if you want to remove it from the list. Select Yes.
• Select OK.

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