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1/ Name:

- English name: Tilapia

- The scientific name : Oreochromis mossambicus
2/ Feature:

It is the clear rhombus shape. Body length is 2.5 times the height. Large pectoral fins are as long as
the length of the head. The body is ash-gray or light brown, the belly is white and gray, the margin
of the dorsal fin is red, with no horizontal stripes on the body. The maximum length is 30cm,
usually 10-25 cm. Tilapia for export need large size when harvested (600-1,000g / fish)

3/ Distribution

Tilapia is the name for common freshwater fishes, living in rivers, canals, ponds and lakes, this is a
fish belonging to the familia Cichlidae. Although they are freshwater species, they can live and
develop in brackish and saline environments with salinity of up to 32% (most suitable for 0-25%),
heat resistant from 14- 40ºC (suitable for growing fish from 25-35ºC).

Their origin is from Middle East and Africa, but until now there are more than 100 countries in the
world raising tilapia including Japan, China, Taiwan and some Southeast Asian countries (such as

4/ Classification

Oreochromis mossambicus, Oreochromis niloticus, Genetically improved farmed Tilapia, Red

Tilapia. In which GIFT tilapia and red tilapia are being exported the most by Vietnam

5/ Season.

- For freshwater areas can be cultured all year round.

- For brackish water areas, salted fish stocked:

North area : from August to December

South area: From April to October

After 5-8 months of culture, the size of tilapia is about 0.4-0.5kg / peice. Productivity reaches 8-10
tons / ha / season.

For the Northern provinces due to weather conditions, this area only culture tilapia a season / year
6/ Raw material area

Tilapia are cultured scattered in most provinces of Vietnam. However, it is mainly concentrated in
Mekong Delta (70%) and Northern provinces (30%). The quantity of Tilapia in the Mekong Delta
reached 120,000-150,000 tons, of which concentrated in provinces such as Ca Mau, Vinh Long,
Tien Giang ...

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