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5, MAY 2013 2253

A Smart Wearable Textile Array System for

Biomedical Telemetry Applications
Ping Jack Soh, Student Member, IEEE, Bertold Van den Bergh, Hantao Xu, Student Member, IEEE,
Hadi Aliakbarian, Member, IEEE, Saeed Farsi, Student Member, IEEE, Purna Samal,
Guy A. E Vandenbosch, Fellow, IEEE, Dominique M. M.-P. Schreurs, Fellow, IEEE, and
Bart K. J. C. Nauwelaers, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—A smart wearable textile array system (SWTAS) radiators in body-worn systems is crucial in guaranteeing user’s
with direction of arrival (DoA) estimation and beamforming is comfort without limiting regular movements. Textile antennas
proposed and developed for biomedical telemetry applications. are regarded as one of the most realistic candidates in achieving
This conformal system enables effective and continuous patient
monitoring when combined with one or more health sensors, as these users’ requirements, offering sufficient flexibility, confor-
information about the subject’s health condition is received adap- mality, and ergonomicity [3]–[6].
tively to guarantee link reliability. This operation is facilitated by a Such wearable health monitoring systems are not new, as
receiver front-end and a digital baseband beamforming network, they have been previously realized for the biomedical appli-
which enables scalability and flexibility. The proposed SWTAS cations domain. Several examples are the smart shirt, VTAM
also features flexible antenna arrays made using textiles, which
are arbitrarily located on a cylindrically shaped body phantom (Clothes for Teleassistance in Medicine) Project, the European
to ensure wide spatial DoA estimation capability. Besides being Wearable Healthcare System (WEALTHY) [7], LifeShirt [8],
designed to suit on-body placement, the system performance and the in-shoe plantar pressure measurement system [9]. Such
is also characterized for on-body usage using a commercial vests and worn clothing are integrated with various sensors, ei-
body-emulating liquid, and placed at a realistic distance from ther made using textile and/or conventional materials, and fea-
the body, considering user clothing. Investigation indicated a
good performance in the system’s 80 forward plane with a ture various health monitoring functions, including electrocar-
DoA accuracy of 3 . Finally, a practical evaluation is presented diography (ECG), respiration activities, and temperature and
using two transmitters placed at distinct locations and distances. shock/fall sensors. Each of these wearable health monitoring so-
The system successfully estimated both DoAs and received the lutions also features a mechanism to channel information back
telemetry signals using beamforming. to the health personnel through the use of existing telecommu-
Index Terms—Antenna arrays, biomedical communication, nication infrastructures and protocols, i.e., global system for
biomedical monitoring, biomedical telemetry, conformal an- mobile communication (GSM), Bluetooth, wireless local area
tennas, direction of arrival (DoA) estimation, smart antennas.
netowrk (WLAN), 802.15.4, etc. This feature is crucial, as all
gathered health information from the patient would be rendered
I. INTRODUCTION useless if a reliable telemetry link cannot be guaranteed.
This work implements and analyzes a low-cost and flexible

T HE RECENT development in wireless body area net-

works (WBANs) necessitates the integration of various
features onto the conformal radiating systems. WBAN appli-
smart wearable textile array system (SWTAS) designed to be
worn on the body, e.g., by health-monitoring personnel for a
reliable telemetry signal reception. Similarly, the described tex-
cations, which range from medical monitoring and sensing, tile antennas can also be used on patients to transmit telemetry
emergency response, military, sports, and even consumer information. The term “smart” refers to the signal processing
electronics, require features such as power efficiency and capability that combines antenna signals with different phases
self-sustainability [1], [2]. The use of low-profile conformal and amplitudes to determine transmitting sensor’s direction of
arrival (DoA), and consequently adapt its radiation pattern to-
Manuscript received October 10, 2012; revised January 29, 2013; accepted wards it [10]–[12]. This DoA capability realized using a digital
January 31, 2013. Date of publication February 26, 2013; date of current ver- baseband beamforming (DBBF) network enables an effective
sion May 02, 2013. This work was supported in part by the IEEE Antennas
nonobtrusive biomedical monitoring and telemetry when com-
and Propagation Society (AP-S), the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education
(MOHE), and the European COST-VISTA IC1102 (Versatile, Integrated and bined with a wearable textile array and wireless health sensor.
Signal-Aware Technologies for Antennas) STSM Initiative. This proposed system can communicate health conditions for
P. J. Soh is with ESAT-TELEMIC, Department of Electrical Engineering,
home-bound patients or outpatients to their medical monitoring
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 3001 Leuven, Belgium, and also with the
School of Computer and Communication Engineering, Universiti Malaysia personnel by searching for nearby-transmitting medical sensor
Perlis (UniMAP), 02000 Kuala Perlis, Perlis, Malaysia (e-mail: e-mail: ping- nodes through DoA estimation, and consequently, beamforming
toward the intended direction, once a transmission is detected.
B. Van den Bergh, H. Xu, H. Aliakbarian, S. Farsi, P. Samal, G. A. E.
Vandenbosch, D. M. M.-P. Schreurs, and B. K. J. C. Nauwelaers are with This allows for a self-sustaining and continuous patient mon-
ESAT-TELEMIC, Department of Electrical Engineering, Katholieke Univer- itoring, both with the monitored patient in static and dynamic
siteit Leuven, 3001 Leuven, Belgium.
conditions. To our knowledge, such an arbitrary flexible array
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at system with a combined DoA estimation and beamforming ca-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2013.2247051 pability has yet to be reported in the open literature.

0018-9480/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE


Wireless sensor network (WSN) nodes are typically powered

by a battery or an energy scavenging system. Thus, reducing
the power consumption is of utmost importance. Our system
achieves this by increasing the link margin using beamforming
on the receiving side, allowing use of a weaker on-body trans-
mitter for the same bit error rate (BER). Furthermore, in sys-
tems with more than one receiver, the DoA information could
be used to estimate the position of the WSN node. This extends
the system’s capability with patients’ localization and tracking.
Due to the similarities between this system and acoustic DoA
estimation using human ears, our SWTAS, to some extent, is
human inspired. Besides realizing a smart wearable antenna
system, a proper characterization and validation procedure is
performed for on-body usage, which is unique compared to a
Fig. 1. Diagram showing different components of the SWTAS and its final
recent investigation in [13]. Moreover, a proper DoA-DBBF two-transmitter measurement setup.
capability evaluation is also performed using two wireless per-
sonal area network (WPAN) nodes, placed at specific angles of
incidence around the setup to ensure practical system accuracy.
Solving complications that come along with the utilization of
low-profile flexible textile antennas placed on a curved surface
will also be demonstrated through an improved multiple signal
classification (MUSIC) algorithm.
Section II gives the system overview, including antenna ma-
terials and topology, enabling its conformal realization on a
human body, as well as development details of the custom re-
ceiver subsystem and DBBF. Section III then systematically
presents and discusses the various numerical and experimental
system verifications prior to the real-time evaluation using mul-
tiple transmitters.


The system aims to implement an effective DoA estimation
and beamforming on a curved human body part, e.g., a human
arm or head. The system can be easily scaled for use on other
body parts with various sizes. Two antennas, chosen to be cir-
cularly polarized, and realized using flexible materials, enable
Fig. 2. (a) Block diagram of the receiver subsystem ( and ). (b) Its
the formation of a 1 2 receiving array, as described in Fig. 1. fabricated prototype.
The gathered RF signals at 2.45 GHz, i.e., in the industrial, med-
ical, and scientific (ISM) band, are then channeled to their re-
spective super-heterodyne receivers ( and ), designed for arbitrarily shaped arrays [14]. This proposed system fea-
and fabricated in-house using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) tures a two-element inclined array separated by a scatterer (the
components. Before and after frequency down-conversion to the “phantom”), which makes the calibration phase more complex.
20-MHz IF, these signals are filtered by bandpass filters (BPFs) The conventional MUSIC formulation for a two-element array
at both RF and IF frequencies, prior to a final amplification. assumes an incident wave, from direction , which is re-
This amplified signal is then filtered once more before being ceived by both antennas as
digitized using a high-speed analog-to-digital converter (ADC).
This subsystem is summarized in Fig. 2. Processing of these sig- (1)
nals is carried out digitally using the proposed DBBF and its un-
derlying MUSIC algorithm, intended to facilitate DoA estima- where is the distance between the elements, defined from the
tion and consequently beamform the radiation patterns to gather center of each antenna, is the wave propagation constant in
health information from a patient. Each component in this pro- free space (FS), and is the noise added to the signal, as-
posed system will be explained in Sections II-A–II-E. suming similar patterns for both antennas. To find the direction
of the incident wave, the MUSIC algorithm searches through all
A. DoA Estimation Algorithm angles of the spatial spectrum , expressed in (2) as follows
The backbone of this system is its digitally implemented DoA and finds the peak value as the DoA:
estimation algorithm. Out of the DoA algorithms developed
over recent years, MUSIC is considered one of the best methods

where is the steering vector and is

the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue of the
correlation matrix , calculated as


In a typical system, the calibration process only eliminates the

phase and amplitude differences between both signal paths not
dependent on the DoA, i.e., for different RF line lengths. In prac-
tice, the different radiation patterns of the embedded antenna
elements affect the direction of the steered beam. This case is
discussed in [10] for small- and medium-sized arrays placed on
a common flat plane. However, considering arbitrary antenna
placement on the cylindrical structure, the effect of antenna ra-
diation patterns and the cylindrical scatterer has to be included
into the DoA calculations. To calibrate the system, the radiation Fig. 3. Dimensions of the single-element textile antenna and its fabricated pro-
totype (all dimensions in millimeters).
patterns are measured in 12 increments and stored in lookup
tables and . During the DoA calculation, these com-
pensation values will be taken into account when calculating the
steering vector. Interpolation is used to estimate the phase and
amplitude difference between calibration points. The presented
system has two modes of operation for performing the calibra-
tion. In the first mode, the system is set up and a transmitter is
moved around the receiver. On the other hand, the system can
also be installed on a rotating platform. A fixed transmitter is
then set up in front of the SWTAS. When the calibration button
in the software is clicked, the platform will rotate and the cali-
bration will be performed automatically. The automatic setup is
shown in Fig. 4. The expression for the steering vector is then


This steering vector removes the ambiguity and widens the de-
tectable range. The peak value of the spatial spectrum
gives the calibrated DoA.

B. Textile Materials and Antenna Design

Flexible materials used to fabricate the antenna are catego-
rized into conductive and nonconductive textiles. The former,
ShieldIt Super from LessEMF Inc., is used to build the radiator
and ground plane of a square-shaped microstrip antenna. These Fig. 4. SWTAS system simulation and measurement setup, consisting of the
two elements are then secured on both sides of a 3-mm-thick two antennas and cylindrical phantom (all dimensions in millimeters).
nonconductive felt substrate. Measurements have estimated
the relative permittivity of felt as 1.45 and its loss tan-
gent as 0.044. On the other hand, the conductivity of measurement setups are shown in Fig. 4. The element spacing
the ShieldIt textile is calculated using its 0.05- sq surface of more than is chosen to suit possible application on
resistivity provided by the manufacturer, yielding a tex- various human body parts, for instance, the diameter of a male
tile conductivity of 1.18 10 S m [15]. This textile is arm is approximately 10 cm.
0.17-mm thick. A 50- SMA connector is used to feed power
into the structure, and connection to the textile patch is enabled C. Body Phantom (BP)
by soldering. The initial dimension of the microstrip antenna A curved human BP is emulated using two cylinders with
patch is estimated through a well-known procedure defined in diameters of 120 and 80 mm. Each cylinder is 250-mm high.
[16], whereas the circular polarization (CP) feature is realized Placing the antennas on this setup with the cylinders filled with
through a diagonally fed probe and a pair of chamfered edges, body-emulating liquid consequently enables systematic perfor-
each placed diagonally at opposite ends of the patch. Sim- mance characterization and behavioral analysis, similar to an-
ulations are carried out using a commercial electromagnetic tenna placement in proximity of the body. The smaller Plex-
solver, CST Microwave Studio [17]. Detailed dimensions and iglass cylinder, which is water tight, is placed into the larger
a fabricated prototype are shown in Fig. 3. The simulation and cylinder made of similar material. For the larger cylinder, two

holes with 10-mm diameter are drilled 85 mm from its top to en- the other antenna element. The system will still work off a
able insertion of RF cables and connection to both antennas. A human body even after calibration for this application. Multiple
commercial body-emulating liquid, MSL2450V2 from SPEAG, wall mount receivers could thus be used to form a patient po-
fills the smaller cylinder, thus providing a 20-mm antenna-to- sition tracking system. To allow further system demonstration
body distance for on-body antenna evaluations. This distance and to emulate possible regular human movements when this
represents a combination of a person’s clothing and any air gaps system is worn, a mechanical rotor is developed to hold the
in practical situations. antenna array. The array can therefore rotate and always track
the transmitter in its vicinity, enabling the system to be more
D. Receiver Subsystem flexible.
The block diagram of the receiver subsystem is shown in
Fig. 2. This board receives the antennas’ output signal and then III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
filters, amplifies, and down-converts this signal to a 20-MHz
IF. The used RF amplifiers are ADL5240, the IF amplifier is In this section, evaluation of the overall system is performed
an AD8366, both from Analog Devices, and the mixer is an systematically and results are presented in parts. All compo-
LT5525 from Linear Technology. The IF signal is then sam- nents are evaluated in detail, starting with the independent tex-
pled by the ADC (LTC2195). To ensure the best digital signal tile radiators in FS, followed by the analysis of performance
quality upon conversion, the received signal must be amplified changes when placed on the human BP. As will be detailed
to match the 2-V ADC input dynamic range, besides both com- later, the radiators are seen to be immune enough from the ef-
ponents being compliant in terms of frequency. This is achieved fect of mutual coupling and on-body detuning. Next, an assess-
by using programmable amplifiers. The down-conversion to IF ment of the received signal amplitudes and phases with a single
is performed by the mixer. Due to the relatively low working transmitting source originating from different angles around the
frequency, the RF and phase-locked loop (PLL) boards are fab- setup is presented. This is to ensure that the setup is receiving ex-
ricated on single-layered FR4 substrates with 1-mm thickness. pected amplitudes and phases on each radiator’s port, avoiding
Several BPFs are also utilized within the lineup, one placed any discrepancies caused by the external factors, e.g., faulty an-
after each of the RF and IF amplifiers and another after the tennas and cables, or overwhelming signal absorption by the
mixer. An identical receiver board is required for each receiving phantom. The accuracy contributed by the calibration procedure
antenna. A PLL, ADF4350, is used as the local oscillator (LO) proposed in Section II is then analyzed to determine the level of
to generate sine waves for the down-converting mixer in the DoA estimation improvements compared to theoretical MUSIC
receiver setup. This then generates a continuous-wave (CW) calculations. Finally, the overall working system is examined
signal at 2.45 GHz, which is controlled by the field-pro- in a practical manner, where it is placed within two interfering
grammable gate-array (FPGA) board via a data interface. signals of different originating angles and distances. With this,
the system’s ability to detect the closest source(s), based on the
E. DBBF highest received power, could then be firmly verified.
The DBBF is implemented in an FPGA using the hard-
A. Radiator Evaluation in FS
ware/software co-design concept. An off-the-shelf low-cost
Atlys Spartan-6 board from Digilent Inc., shown in Fig. 4, The two designed and fabricated antennas of similar build and
is used in our system. The signals from the analog front-end performance, referred to as antenna and , are placed on
are first sampled and digitized by an ADC. This digitized the phantom’s left and right sides, respectively. Fabrication was
input is then calibrated as mismatches between the two analog carried out using the procedure and tools defined in [15] with
down-converting paths from the two antennas are expected to an estimated accuracy of approximately 0.2 mm. Simulated and
exist. The FPGA contains the complete digital demodulation measured reflection coefficients shown in Table I indi-
path for data communications, which utilizes high-speed par- cate good agreement, satisfying ISM operational requirements.
allel programmable components, as “hardware.” This includes Simulations indicated a 10-dB impedance bandwidth (BW) of
the digital waveform synthesis, digital quadrature mixer, and 320 MHz, while measurements of and indicated 240 and
cyclic redundancy check/finite impulse response (CRC/FIR) 270 MHz of BW. This difference can be attributed to the proce-
decimation filter. All these digital function blocks are inte- dure and simple tools utilized, resulting in inaccuracies during
grated via an advanced extensible interface bus (AXI-bus), fabrication. This can be solved by using metallic molds during
which is mastered by an embedded CPU. The software within textile dimensioning at the expense of cost and production time.
the embedded core handles the data processing. A demonstrator Within these impedance BWs, measurements also indicate that
controlled by a laptop is used to read the collected data and antennas and are each producing 100 and 80 MHz of
to apply the MUSIC algorithm to determine the DoA. During left-hand CP BWs, determined by the 3-dB axial ratio borders.
the estimation process, ambiguity in terms of spatial aliasing This is in very good agreement with simulations, which pro-
is known to be present. This can be solved by calibrating the duced 80 MHz of CP BW. Independently evaluated radiation
amplitude and phase response of the system. The antenna that patterns for and shown in Fig. 5 indicated an excellent
receives the highest signal level is more likely to have the agreement with simulations. Maximum radiation direction is
signal source originating in its proximity due to the directivity measured to be at 1 and 0 for and , respectively. Sim-
of the used antennas. Furthermore, the presence of a cylindrical ilar 4.8- and 4.3-dB measured gains are produced in FS by
scatterer, i.e., human body, attenuates the signal impinging on and , respectively.


Fig. 6. Measured radiation patterns for and in FS and on BP.

Fig. 5. Simulated and measured radiation patterns evaluated in FS.

Fig. 7. Measured reflection coefficient and axial ratio for flat and bent and
in FS and on BP.
B. Radiator Evaluation on BP
The application of the antenna system on a human body is
expected to assist DoA estimation by providing a distinguished
received power level at each antenna. Thus, the antennas have
been intentionally placed at 70 relative to the forward (0 )
direction, enabling maximum antenna radiation away from each
other to facilitate this feature.
To ensure repeatability, antennas are secured onto the
cylinder using a thin double-sided tape, as shown in Fig. 4.
Although placement in proximity of the phantom is expected
to alter their performance compared to FS, the existence of
the large ground plane on the rear side avoids significant Fig. 8. Radiation patterns for flat and bent and mounted on the BP.
coupling-detuning effects originating from the phantom.
When placed on the BP, the expected 70 forward direc-
tion is slightly shifted to 73 (for ) and 66 (for ), BP. Nonetheless, a comparison of the expected changes when
which is expected to be worse in the absence of coupling im- being used in bent mode compared to the current configuration
munity provided by the ground planes. For visual clarity, these is presented in Figs. 7 and 8, indicating very minor changes in
patterns have been rotated to 0 in Fig. 6 to ensure proper com- terms of reflection, radiation performance, and axial ratios.
parison with their respective FS evaluations. Besides this slight Now that the radiation patterns in FS and on BP have been
beam-rotation ( toward the negative direction, and to- carefully analyzed to ensure proper operation, the final evalua-
ward the positive), the significant reduction of back radiation is tion for this setup before integration with the DBBF is to study
also observable when placed on body, especially for measured the received amplitudes and phases at each and . This is
right-hand circular polarization (RHCP). performed by rotating the setup between ,
Although it is possible to bend the antenna around the BP, the while measuring the complex received signal at each antenna
protruding SMA connector at the rear of the antenna compli- port, with its adjacent port terminated using a matched load.
cates the measurement process. Moreover, since the final proto- Measurement repeatability is clearly obtained for both ampli-
type is meant for a worn biomedical health monitoring system, it tude and phase evaluations. This is illustrated in Fig. 9, which
is foreseen that a direct connection of this antenna feed to the RF reports that antenna is measured twice. A negative ampli-
front end is very likely, eliminating the need for such connec- tude is seen when the right antenna receives more power
tors. This then allows the antennas to be fixed conformal to the relative to the left as the setup is rotated from 170 and

Fig. 10. Simulated spatial amplitudes for the on BP: (a) in flat and conformal
Fig. 9. Measured and simulated spatial amplitude and phase difference for the
configurations and (b) for different cylinder diameters.
on body setup.

170 . Two measured amplitude peaks can be observed within

the range, one at 78 and another at 71 ,
agreeing well with the measured on-body radiation pattern with
an additional rotation of 5 . Although both antennas are suffi-
ciently spaced apart, this can still be attributed to the existence
of slight mutual coupling between the two elements.
The unwrapped phases for both and also indicate a
smooth phase transition. An important observation is the exis-
tence of ambiguous phases between 80 and 120 for .
This can be attributed to the very low received amplitudes (ap-
proximately 70 dB) at this antenna port, which resulted from
picking up noise phases instead of the phase originating from the
intended signal source. This can be further reduced by an addi-
tional antenna element radiating toward the back plane of the
Fig. 11. DoA measurement error of the whole setup before and after calibra-
setup. Now, with the understanding and characterization of this tion.
amplitude-phase profile on-body, further calibration will enable
these expected error contributions to be eliminated, ensuring
further accuracy.
This configuration results in DoA ambiguities due to the iden-
Since the system is designed to be mounted on-body, the
tical front and rear phantom sides.
distance changes between the antennas are likely to be min-
The absorption of the electromagnetic energy by the human
imal, unless a severe antenna detachment occurs. Slight element
body and the corresponding safety limit are defined by the
spacing changes due to vibrations during movement is expected
specific absorption rate (SAR) level. As specified in the IEC
to not affect the DoA algorithm. On the other hand, more severe
62209 Standard [18], its limit is 2 W/kg averaged over 10 g
changes, which, for example, are possibly caused by the flexing
of tissue. CST simulations using a Hugo body model resulted
of the arm muscles, are expected to be less than 10 mm in diam-
in a SAR value of 0.014 W/kg. Measurements performed in
eter when mounted on an arm. This phantom diameter variation
a certified facility available at IMST GmbH, Kamp-Lintfort,
will only slightly affect the received amplitude (see Fig. 10).
Germany, yielded 0.013 W/kg. These values agree well and are
Phase difference between elements is dependent on the distance
well below the 2-W/kg safety limit. The detailed measurement
between them. Due to the change in this distance, the calcu-
and simulation procedures are described in [19].
lated DoA will be slightly less accurate. However, this system
can be re-calibrated for the new distance between the antenna
C. DoA-Beamforming System
elements. This is due to the ability of the direction finding algo-
rithm in providing the optimal phase compensation to determine A calibration procedure is introduced to properly include the
the DoA, regardless of the element spacing, thus guaranteeing antenna radiation patterns into the SWTAS. This includes ro-
beamforming and communication link quality. Similarly, small tating the system with steps of 3 from the setup’s zero degree
amplitude changes are observed between antennas mounted flat plane, while a 2.45-GHz CW source is placed at 0 . The calibra-
or conformal in this system, validating our initial investigation tion has been proven to reduce the DoA error within the working
presented for the single elements. Although no evident changes range , as shown in Fig. 11. This graph
are seen when the antennas are mounted directly opposite each has been smoothed, with actual data points marked as “x.” In
other on the 120-mm cylindrical phantom, this configuration is Fig. 12, the calibrated and uncalibrated DoA estimation is com-
expected to result in an isolation of the two antenna elements. pared to the actual value.

Fig. 13. Beamforming of a 802.15.4 data burst seen together with an FM-CW
jamming signal.
Fig. 12. Ideal angle versus angle estimated by the SWTAS (with and without
angles and at a distance of 7 and 2.5 m (labeled as and
in Fig. 1), respectively. Signals sent through both trans-
An anechoic chamber is an almost ideal environment. The mitters with a 250-kbit/s bit rate and 2-MHz chip rate, according
effect of multipath in a practical confined environment will cer- to the 802.15.4 protocol were successfully demodulated by the
tainly be more challenging for the DoA estimation. However, SWTAS.
performance degradation resulting from different body sizes To demonstrate the beamforming capability of the system,
and different on-body mounting locations are factored into has been replaced by a jammer, while is transmit-
the overall system through the calibration process proposed ting a desired signal. The calibrated steering vector for DoA
in Section II. Sensitivity analysis for specific body sizes or estimation is also used for beamforming. In Fig. 13, is
on-body antenna locations will enable a more robust system, transmitting a data burst from ms, whereas the
and are planned to be performed in the near future. The mul- jammer is operating continuously throughout this evaluation.
tipath problems can be tackled by either using time-domain The raw input indicates the signal power received directly from
processing, high-speed modulation, or using more than two the SWTAS without processing. As shown, the received power
antennas. from transmission is small compared to the jamming
Generally, placing a shadowing object between the trans- power. After beamforming (dashed line), the signal-to-noise
mitter and receiver in their line of sight (LOS) results in a ratio (SNR) has been improved to 5 dB, which allows for a
similar relative amplitude drop at each receiving array ele- very good demodulation, as seen in [20]. Most importantly,
ment. Hence, this will render the direction finding algorithm the successful demodulation confirmed experimentally in this
unaffected since the DoA estimation algorithm takes only the setup indicated that the SWTAS is able to detect, beamform,
relative amplitude and relative phase difference of the received and demodulate signals from multiple sources in the presence
signal to judge DoA. In practice, late incoming multipath sig- of interference. These interference are expected when operating
nals are also present. Since these signals introduces new phase in an ISM band. Although a motorized rotating platform has
coherency in the received signals, the accuracy of system will been utilized for demonstrative purposes in this work, commu-
then be reduced. At extreme points where multipath signals nicating the correct direction of signal origin to a human can
overpower the direct path, the direction finding will lock on be easily implemented using visual signals to the user (e.g.,
the multipath component. An additional antenna element will electronic displays).
definitely enable an extended system capability. For example,
a three-antenna system will be able to detect the line-of-sight IV. CONCLUSIONS
signal and one multipath signal. Moreover, an additional The design of an SWTAS with DoA estimation and beam-
antenna element on the orthogonal axis enables a 2-D DoA forming for biomedical telemetry has been presented. The
estimation, whereas an additional element on the common system development involves a full-scale hardware imple-
axis improves the system’s resolution due to the array element mentation and software customization cycle, which ensures
redundancy. Another limitation of the MUSIC algorithm is that cost effectiveness, ease of scalability, and extended flexibility.
it is unable to operate with near-field incident waves. Should Due to the flexibility offered by the hardware–software–FPGA
this be the case, other methods have to be used. codesign, other sensors and applications could be easily de-
veloped, utilizing this system as a black box to handle the
D. Practical Biomedical Telemetry in WPAN telemetry downlink. A characterization of this system in prox-
The final objective of this work is to evaluate practical system imity of a human phantom is first performed, indicating a
DoA estimation capability and to feed this information back to comparable performance to its FS operation. It is observed that
the user so that corrective actions can be taken. This is to ensure the antenna ground plane has effectively avoided a large level
the system’s practical functionality for biomedical information of performance variation when mounted on-body, whereas
telemetry. To evaluate this, a dual-transmitter measurement has changes only involve a back-lobe reduction and slight beam
been performed. These transmitters are placed at 0 and 45 rotation. Moreover, the arbitrarily located radiators in this

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Martinez-Vazquez, and D. Schreurs, “Specific absorption rate (SAR)
evaluation of biomedical telemetry texile antennas,” in IEEE MTT-S
Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., Seattle, WA, USA, Jun. 2–7, 2013.
[20] K. Shuaib, M. Alnuaimi, M. Boulmalf, I. Jawhar, F. Sallabi, and A.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Lakas, “Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4: Experimental and
simulations results,” J. Commun., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 29–37, Jun. 2007.
The authors would like to acknowledge the technical con-
tributions of Dr. A. Enayati and Ir. W. De Raedt, both with
IMEC, Leuven, Belgium, R. Casteels and S. Decock, both
with ESAT–CDE–CMW, Leuven, Belgium, Dr. M. Mar-
tinez-Vazquez and A. van den Bosch, both with IMST GmbH,
Kamp-Lintfort, Germany, and W. F. Hoon and Dr. M. F. A. Ping Jack Soh (S’09) was born in Sabah, Malaysia.
Malek, both with UniMAP, Perlis, Malaysia. He received the Bachelor and Master degrees in
electrical engineering from the Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia (UTM), Johor, Malaysia, in 2002 and 2005,
respectively, and is currently working toward the
Ph.D. degree at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
REFERENCES Leuven, Belgium.
From 2002 to 2004, he was a Test Engineer
[1] F. Declerq and H. Rogier, “Active integrated wearable textile antenna involved with new products’ test definition for man-
with optimized noise characteristics,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., ufacturing purposes. In 2005, he joined Motorola
vol. 50, no. 9, pp. 3050–3054, Sep. 2010. Technology Malaysia, as a Research and Develop-
[2] H. J. Lee, K. L. Ford, and R. J. Langley, “Switchable on/off body ment Engineer, where he was involved with the characterization and testing of
communication at 2.45 GHz using textile microstrip patch antenna on new two-way radio antennas and RF front-ends. In 2006, he joined the School
stripline,” Electron. Lett., vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 254–256, Mar. 2012. of Computer and Communication Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis
[3] P. J. Soh, G. A. E. Vandenbosch, S. L. Ooi, and M. R. N. Husna, “Wear- (UniMAP), Kuala Perlis, Perlis, Malaysia, as a Lecturer, where since 2011, he
able dual-band Sierpinski fractal PIFA using conductive fabric,” Elec- has been a Senior Lecturer. He is currently with the ESAT-TELEMIC Research
tron. Lett., vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 365–367, Mar. 2011. Division, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. His research interests include planar
[4] P. J. Soh, S. J. Boyes, G. A. E. Vandenbosch, Y. Huang, and S. L. Ooi, antennas, flexible/textile antennas, on-body communication, metamaterials,
“On-body characterization of a dual-band, all-textile PIFA,” Progr. passive microwave components, and microwave measurements.
Electromagn. Res., vol. 129, pp. 517–539, 2012. Mr. Soh was the recipient of the CST University Publication Award in 2011
[5] S. J. Boyes, P. J. Soh, Y. Huang, G. A. E. Vandenbosch, and N. Khi- and 2012, the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) Doctoral Re-
abani, “On-body performance of dual-band textile antennas,” IET Mi- search Award in 2012, and the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
crow., Antennas, Propag,, vol. 6, no. 15, pp. 1696–1703, Dec. 2012. (MTT-S) Graduate Fellowship for Medical Applications in 2013.
[6] J. Lilja, P. Salonen, T. Kaija, and P. de Maagt, “Design and manufac-
turing of robust textile antennas for harsh environments,” IEEE Trans. Bertold Van den Bergh was born in Wilrijk,
Antennas Propag., vol. 60, no. 9, pp. 4130–4140, Sep. 2012. Belgium, on August 9, 1990. He received the B.S.
[7] S. Park and S. Jayaraman, “Enhancing the quality of life through wear- degree in electrical engineering and computer sci-
able technology,” IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Mag., vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 41–48, ence from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU
May 2003. Leuven), Leuven, Belgium, in 2011, and is currently
[8] F. Axisa, P. M. Schmitt, C. Gehin, G. Delhomme, E. McAdams, and A. working toward the Master’s degree in electrical
Dittmar, “Flexible technologies and smart clothing for home healthcare engineering at KU Leuven. His Master’s thesis is
and disease prevention,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Technol. Biomed., vol. 9, focused on wireless sensor networks (WSNs).
no. 3, pp. 325–336, Sep. 2005. He has been involved with indoor location systems
[9] L. Shu, T. Hua, Y. Wang, Q. Li, D. D. Feng, and X. Tao, “In-Shoe and measurement automation.
plantar pressure measurement and analysis system based on fabric pres-
sure sensing array,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Technol. Biomed., vol. 14, no.
3, pp. 767–775, May 2010. Hantao Xu (S’12) was born in Guangzhou, Guang-
[10] H. Aliakbarian, H. Xu, and G. A. E. Vandenbosch, “Simple technique dong, China. He received the Bachelor’s degree in
to predict beam direction based on element pattern and array factor in electronics and information engineering from South
small and medium sized array,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., China Agricultural University, Guangdong, China,
vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 763–766, Jun. 2012. in 2008, the M.S. degree in electronics engineering
[11] R. Schmidt, “Multiple emitter location and signal parameter estima- (cum laude) from GroepT Hogeschool, Leuven,
tion,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. AP-34, no. 3, pp. 276–280, Belgium, in 2009, the M.S. degree in electrical
Mar. 1986. engineering (cum laude) from the Katholieke Uni-
[12] L. C. Godara, “Application of antenna arrays to mobile communica- versiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Leuven, Belgium,
tions II: Beam-forming and direction-of-arrival considerations,” Proc. in 2011, and is currently working toward the Ph.D.
IEEE, vol. 85, no. 8, pp. 1195–1245, Aug. 1997. degree at KU Leuven.
[13] R. Zhou, “Improved two-antenna direction finding inspired by human He is currently with the ESAT-TELEMIC Research Division, KU Leuven.
ears,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 59, no. 7, pp. 2691–2697, His research interests include beamsteering technology, array signal processing,
Jul. 2011. and smart antenna architecture.

Hadi Aliakbarian (M’00) received the B.S. and Dr. Vandenbosch currently leads the Working Group on Software, European
M.S. degrees in electrical and telecommunication Association on Antennas and Propagation (EuRAAP). He is the chairman of
engineering from the University of Tehran, Tehran, the IEEE Benelux Chapter on Antennas and Propagation. He is secretary of the
Iran, in 2002 and 2005, respectively, and is currently Belgian National Committee for Radio-electricity (URSI), where he is also in
working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical en- charge of Commission E.
gineering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
(KU Leuven), Leuven, Belgium. Dominique M. M.-P. Schreurs (S’90–
From 2005 to 2007, he was with the Microwave M’97–SM’02–F’12) received the M.Sc. degree
Laboratory and the Center of Excellence on Applied and Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from
Electromagnetics, University of Tehran, as an Asso- the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven),
ciated Researcher. In 2007, he joined the TELEMIC Leuven, Belgium.
Research Division, Department of Electrical Engineering, KU Leuven. His re- As Post-Doctoral Fellow, she was a Visiting
search interests include different aspects of digital and analog beam steering (es- Scientist with Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara,
pecially in space conditions), small antennas, ultra-wideband (UWB) antennas, CA, USA, E.T.H. Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, and
antenna optimization, and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems. the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), Boulder, CO, USA. She is currently a Full
Professor with KU Leuven. She coedited two books,
contributor to seven books, and coauthored approximately 100 journal papers
Saeed Farsi (S’11) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. de- and 300 contributions at international conferences. She is an Associate Editor
grees from the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, in for the International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies. Her
2001 and 2004, respectively, and is currently working main research interests concern the nonlinear characterization and modeling
toward the Ph.D. degree at the Katholieke Univer- of microwave devices and circuits, as well as nonlinear hybrid and integrated
siteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Leuven, Belgium. circuit design for telecommunications and biomedical applications.
As a part of his doctoral program, he is currently a Prof. Schreurs has served on the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques
Visiting Researcher with the University of California Society (IEEE MTT-S) Administrative Committee (AdCom) since 2009. She
at San Diego (UCSD), La Jolla, CA, USA. From 2004 was the vice-chair of the IEEE MTT-S Technical Coordinating Committee
to 2006, he was with the University of Tehran, as a (2009–2010). She has been the chair of the IEEE MTT-S Education Committee
Research Assistant. From 2006 to 2009, he was with since 2012. She was the chair of the IEEE MTT-S Technical Committee on
the Fara-Afrand Company, Tehran, Iran, as a Design Microwave Measurements (MTT-11) (2005–2008). She is an IEEE MTT-S
Engineer involved with high-power active/passive circuits in TV/radio trans- Distinguished Microwave Lecturer (2012–2014). She is an associate editor
mitters. His current field of research is modeling and linearization of microwave for the IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS. She is a
circuits and systems, and receive-band noise cancellation in RF transceivers. reviewer for all of the IEEE MTT-S publications. She is a Technical Program
Review Committee (TPRC) member of the IEEE MTT-S International Mi-
crowave Symposium (IMS), Radio and Wireless Week (RWW), and European
Microwave Week (EuMW). She is a reviewer for various IEEE MTT-S
Purna Samal was born in Wangdue, Bhutan, on cosponsored conferences and regularly acts as session chair at conferences and
September 7, 1984. He received the Bachelor’s as a judge for student competitions. She also serves as the technical chair of the
degree in electrical engineering from the College of Executive Committee, ARFTG. She initiated the Nonlinear Vector Network
Science and Technology, Phuentsholing, Bhutan, in Analyzer (NVNA) Users’ Forum, as well as the IEEE Women in Microwaves
2008, and is currently working toward the Master’s event at EuMW.
degree in electrical engineering (with a major in
electronics and integrated circuits) at the Katholieke Bart K. J. C. Nauwelaers (S’79–M’88–SM’99)
Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Leuven, Belgium. was born in Niel, Belgium, on July 7, 1958. He
He is currently in his final year of study, completing received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical
his thesis on textile-based ultra-wideband (UWB) engineering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
antennas for body area networks (BAN). (KU Leuven), Leuven, Belgium, in 1981 and 1988,
In January 2009, he joined the Electronics and Communication Department, respectively, and the Master degree in design
College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan, Thimphu, of telecommunication systems from ParisTech
Bhutan, as an Assistant Lecturer. Télécom, Paris, France, in 1992.
Since 1981, he has been with the Department of
Guy A. E. Vandenbosch (M’92–SM’08–F’13) re- Electrical Engineering (ESAT), KU Leuven, where
ceived the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical en- he has been involved in research on microwave an-
gineering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven tennas, passive components, interconnects, microwave integrated circuits and
(KU Leuven), Leuven, Belgium, in 1985 and 1991, monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs), linear and nonlinear device
respectively. modeling, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and wireless communica-
Since 1993, he has been a Lecturer, and since 2005, tions. He teaches courses on microwave engineering, analog and digital com-
a Full Professor at KU Leuven. His research interests munications, wireless communications, and design in electronics and telecom-
are in the area of electromagnetic theory, computa- munications. For the last 20 years, he has served education in several functions,
tional electromagnetics, planar antennas and circuits, the last one being Program Director for the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs
nanoelectromagnetics, electromagnetic (EM) radia- in electrical engineering.
tion, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and bio- Dr. Nauwelaers is former chair of the IEEE AP/MTT-Benelux and past chair
electromagnetics. He has authored or coauthored approimately 150 papers in of URSI-Benelux.
international journals, which has led to approximately 250 presentations at in-
ternational conferences.

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