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Dwarka International School

Sector – 12, Dwarka, New Delhi

Summer Holiday Assignment (2019 – 20)
Class V

Summer Summer almost here

Lets give summer a big fat Cheer!
Of this fact I’m surely clear:
Summer is the best time of year

Dear Parents
As Dwarka International School has always taken initiative to
incorporate innovative ways to make teaching – learning a fun activity.
In continuation with the same we would request you to kindly make
this forthcoming summer vacation a life learning experience for your
ward. Since life is always in a flux and we are constantly busy in
covering basic chores, let us take this vacation as an opportunity to
build hands on learning experience for children.

Hence I request you to kindly give a thought to the following…..!

Activities for Summer Vacations:-

During holidays, instead of taking kids to movies, shopping…. Try to do

the following:-

 Appreciate Nature- Go for long walks in a park or garden with

your family and friends. Adopt/Grow a plant.

 Build Relationships: Take them to your hometown/ village and

let them spend time with their grandparents, uncles, aunts and
cousins. Let them experience the affection and good times of being
with the family. Show them what is agriculture/ farming and the
difficulties a farmer goes through in providing the food that we are
eating and that we should not waste food.

 Faith in God:Take them to all the places of worship without

restricting to any single place. Take them to temples, mosques,
gurudwara, church etc.., based on how you know of each place,
explain it to them.

 Unravel the artist in you- Let you child create a new story, try
a new recipe with mother, learn a new song, play a new
 Good manners are the key- Respect your parents,
grandparents and all elders. Use three magical words (Sorry,
Please and Thank you) often. ‘A little more courtesy goes a long

 Awareness about neighbourhood places: Go to the nearest

bank and show them the functioning of banks, how ATMs work
and what is the benefit of it. Take them to government hospitals
and show them the difficulties, the patients are going through if
they met with an accident.

 Save Nature- Contribute to save our precious environment.

Minimize the wastage of resources like water, fuel and electricity.

Must do: -
 Eat healthy food and drink lots of water and juices
 Read newspaper every day. Watch channels like Discovery,
Animal Planet and National Geographic.
 Revise the concepts taught.
Instructions for the Holiday Home work:-
Note:-Holiday homework will be graded; hence submission of work post
vacation is compulsory for all students.
1. Start the revision for all the subjects as per the syllabus of UT-1
which has been scheduled from July onwards.

2. Written Homework of all the subjects has to be done as per the

instructions & guidance given by the subject teacher.

3. The project will be assessed for the Handwriting, presentation,

neatness, completion of all the given questions. Therefore,
questions must be done in the given sequence aesthetically.

4. Charts, presentations and projects must be labelled properly

indicating very clearly the Name_____, Class_______, Roll
No_______, and Subject_________.

5. Use good quality pencil and gel pen to draw neat & tidy diagrams
with labelling.

6. Parents can be the facilitators for the child at home but let the
child complete his work independently & in his own handwriting.

Enjoy the summer vacations with your wards.

 Submission Date of Holiday Homework is 29/6/2019
Q1.Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow-
Children are like wet clay, that can be moulded in any shape. They are also quick
learners and absorb everything around them with their audio-visual senses. The
course of a mature person’s life depends upon what he/she has learnt during his/her
childhood. Thus, the values that were inculcated in us in our childhood, determine
what we will grow up to become. It is the prime responsibility of parents and teachers
to develop certain moral values in young children. Today’s kids are super smart and
there is no topic under the sun, they are not aware of. This may make them lose their
innocence and attain maturity at a very young age. Hence, it is important to teach your
child a few basic values in order to survive. Make your child understand the
importance of honesty in life. Also it is important to respect your child, so that in future,
he learns to respect people he comes in contact with.
Choose the most appropriate option:
Q1. Which statement related to the passage is incorrect?
A. Values are not important to a child.
B.Children can be easily moulded
C. Nowadays, children are very smart.
D. Parents should be a role model for their children.
Q2. What is the most essential thing for a child tolearn?
A. Honesty B. Truthfulness C. Respectfulness D. None
Q3. How can you teach your child to respect others?
A. By lecturing him
B. By punishing him for his wrong deeds
C. By showing respect yourself
D. By giving him good books to read
Q4. The antonym of ‘wet’ is ______________.
Q 5. The word ‘honesty’ is a-
A. Noun B. Verb C. Adjective D. Adverb
Q6. Give a suitable title to the passage. ___________________

Q2.Read the following poem carefully:
Fair pledges of a fruitful tree,
Why do ye fall so fast?
Your date is not so past,
But you may stay yet here awhile
To blush and gently smile,
And go at last.
What , were ye born to be
An hour or half’s delight,
And so to bid good night?
T’was pity Nature brought ye forth
Merely to show your worth
And lost you quite.
But you are lovely leaves , where we
May read how soon things have
Their end, though ne’er so brave:
And after they have shown their pride
Like you awhile, they glide
In to the grave.

Choose the most appropriate option out of the following:

(i) ‘Why do ye fall so fast?’ These words express that the poet.............

(A)is happy at their fall

(B) is indifferent at their untimely fall
(C) is sad at their short stay in the world
(D) is sad that they are falling fast before their time.

(ii) ‘Your date is not so past’ here means that......................

(A) their time has come
(B)their time will not come
(C)their end has not come so far
(D)their end will never come.
(iii) It was pity that Nature brought the beautiful flowers merely

(iv)The flowers are like lovely books where


(v)Write two pairs of rhyming words from the above stanza:

__________________________ __________________________

Q1- State whether the underlined nouns are countable or
a) Avi loves to play basketball.
b) Drinking too much of coffee is not good for health.
c) He is drinking juice.
d) He kept some eggs in the basket.
e) We should drink milk to keep fit and strong.

Q2- Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns-

a) Yesterday, I lost my _________ of keys.
b) She brought a ________ of flowers on my birthday.
c) A _________ of musicians performed at the concert.
d) Our ________ won the match.
e) We saw aof wolves in the jungle

Q3- Fill in the blanks with correct pronouns from the options given:

a) Rita and Reena are my friends. I know ________ very well. ( them/
b) This is my book and that is ________ (ours/yours).
c) This is the dress _________ I wore on my birthday. (Who/that).
d) _________ is your plan for the weekend? (What/ whom).
e) This car belongs to us. This is.(our/ours)
Q4- Write the subject and the predicate of each sentence.
a) Virat Kohli is a brilliant player.
b) Udaipur is the city of palaces.
c) The earth moves around the sun.
d) My mother bought fruits and vegetables.
e) I live in a joint family.

Q5- Identify the gender of these nouns. Mark M for masculine, F for
feminine, C for Common and N for Neuter:
a) Teacher __________ c) Table __________
b) Vixen __________ d) Emperor __________

Q6 – Change these nouns to the feminine gender:

a) Prince __________ c) Brother __________

b) Stallion __________ d) Drake __________

 Read the newspaper daily and prepare a list of nouns, verbs and adjectives
on an A4 size sheet (20 words each).
Read story books to develop the reading habits
Activity 1 Information Technology
Project: Prepare a creative and colorful album/magazine on an eminent
personality of your choice, who has contributed tremendously towards
technology for the development of our nation.
To make a magazine you may include the following
 Bio – sketch of famous personality
 Pictures & reports
 Contribution to the society
 His/her achievements
 Fill all your information in A4 size sheet and compile in a magazine with
proper heading on Information Technology.
Activity 2-

IPL Survey: Compare the performance of your favourite 2 IPL won,

maximum number of sixes, strike rate of bowlers, orange cap and purple
cap winners of IPL 2016. Collect, represent and analyse the data with the
help of bar graphs and tally charts. Also draw inferences of your survey.
Compile all the information in a file.
* Bring self-composed poems, articles, jokes, riddles or stories for

the School Magazine “Gokul Days 2019”

ह द
िं ी ग्रीष्मवकाश ग ृ कार्य

प्रश्न 1) ननम्नलिखित अपहित गदर्ािंश को पढ़कर प्रश्नों के उत्तरलिखिए :-

दे श प्रेम मनष्ु र् के भीतर ोना स्वाभाववक ै, ोना भी चाह ए क्र्ोंकक मारे ऊपर
दे श का अधिकार ै | जिस प्रकार म अपने माता-वपता के उपकारों का बदिा न ीिं
ु ा सकते उसी प्रकार दे श के उपकारों का बदिा न ीिं चक
ु ार्ा िा सकता | दे श
प्रेम का अर्य ै , दे श के रीनत-ररवािों, भाषा, दे श भलू म से प्रेम और उनके प्रनत
अपनेपन और गवय की भावना | अपने दे श की उन्ननत में र्ोगदान दे ना प्रत्र्ेक
व्र्जक्त का कतयव्र् ै |
प्रश्न क)प्रत्र्ेक मनष्ु र् में क्र्ा ोना स्वाभाववक ै ?
उत्तर -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
प्रश्न ि) दे श का अधिकार ककस पर ै ?
उत्तर ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
प्रश्न ग) दे श के प्रत्र्ेक व्र्जक्त का क्र्ा कतयव्र् ै ?

उत्तर ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
प्रश्न घ ) ननम्नलिखित शब्दों के अर्य लिखिए |
क ) मनष्ु र् -------------------- ि ) प्रेम ---------------------

प्रश्न 2) ननम्नलिखित वाक्र्ों को उधचत शब्दों से परू े कीजिए :-

क) बोिकर अपनी बात क ना ----------------- भाषा क िाती ै |
ि)भाषा की सबसे छोटी ध्वनन को -------------- क ते ैं |
ग) ----------------- में भाषा का शद
ु ि ज्ञान कराता ै |
घ ) ------------------ को स्वरों की स ार्ता से बोिा िाता ै |
प्रश्न 3)ननम्नलिखित शब्दों में उधचत स्र्ान पर अनस्
ु वार( ) औरअनन
ु ालसक

क) कगन ------------- ि) गाव ------------------

ग ) साप ------------------ घ ) सद
ु र --------------------

प्रश्न 4) ननम्नलिखित दववत्व व्र्िंिनों से शब्द बनाइए :–

क) क्त ------------------ ि) न्र् ------------------------

ग) म्म------------- घ) क्क़ -------------------

ड) ब्ब -------------- च) ल्ि -------------------

प्रश्न 5) ननम्नलिखित भाषाओँ की लिवपर्ााँ लिखिए :-

क ) ह द
िं ी ------------------------ि ) अिंग्रेज़ी ------------------------

ग) उदय-ू ------------- घ) सिंस्कृत-----------------------

प्रश्न 6) ननम्नलिखित वाक्र्ों में भाषा के ककस रूप का प्रर्ोग ु आ ै ?

क) ने ा कववता लिि र ी ै | ------------------------------------

ि) मााँ राम को बि
ु ा र ी ै | ----------------------------------

ग) रवव समाचार सन
ु र ा ै | -----------------------------------

घ) नव्र्ा पत्र लििब र ी ै | -------------------------------------

प्रश्न 7) ननम्नलिखित शब्दों के दो-दो पर्ायर्वाची शब्द लिखिए :-

क) वस्त्र ------------- ----------------

ि) नदी ------------ -----------------

ग) वार्ु -------------- ----------------

प्रश्न 8) ननम्नलिखित शब्दों के वर्य – ववच्छे द कीजिए :-

क) भारत ---------------------------------------------------------------

ि) नाटक -------------------------------------------------------------

ग) राम ----------------------------------------------------------

घ) सैननक --------------------------------------------------------

ड) धचड़िर्ा -------------------------------------------------------

च) कमि ------------------------------------------------------

प्रश्न ) हदए गए धचत्र का अपने शब्दों में वर्यन कीजिए :-

प्रोिेक्ट कार्य
(ROLL NO. 1-17)

प्रश्न 10) क) एक बार मैंने सिक के ककनारे एक घार्ि व्र्जक्त को दे िा | शार्द

ककसी वा न ने उसे टक्कर मार दी र्ी -------- ------ ---- ----- --- ------ इसके
आगे क ानी बनाकर लिखिए |

ि) पढाई के अनतररक्त आपको क्र्ा-क्र्ा करना अच्छा िगता ै और क्र्ों ?

लिखिए |

ROLL NO. 18-35

ग) र्हद आपके घर के आसपास कोई बाि मिदरू ी का लशकार हदिाई दे तो आप
क्र्ा करोगे ?

घ) आपकी दृजष्ट ( निर ) में ककसका अधिक म त्त्व ै ? घर र्ा दे श अपने

ववचार लिखिए |

* ववदर्ािर् की पत्रत्रका के लिए स्वर्िं रधचत कोई िेि , कववता ,

ननबिंि, चुटकुिे प े लिर्ााँ आहद लििकर िाइए |
Maths Holiday Homework
Q.1 Read the table. Then, fill in the blanks:

8 1 9 5 0 3 2 6

In 8,19,50,326

a) What is 1000 more than 8,19,50,326______________________________________

b) What is 20,000 less than 8,19,50,326______________________________________
c) The sum of place value and face value of 8 is _____________________________
d) The difference of place value and face value of 9 is _______________________
e) The successor of the given number is _______________________________________
f) The predecessor of the given number is ____________________________________

Q.2 Form the Greatest and Smallest numbers from the given digits:
4 8 3 8 0 6
(You may repeat the digits)
a) Greatest 8-digit number ______________________________
b) Smallest 8-digit number______________________________

Q3 Write the number names for the given numerals in the Indian and the
international system. Put the commas also as per both systems.

a) 457111209
b) 162456777


Q4 Write the corresponding place in the given columns.

International System Indian System

One million
Ten thousand
Ten Million
One lakh
One Thousand

Hundred Million

Q5 Write the predecessor and successor of following numbers:

Predecessor Number Successor



Q6 Divide to find the quotient and remainder and check your answer
a) 59876 ÷26 b) 31789 ÷ 750

Q7 Multiply
a) 54678 × 548 b) 87964 × 65

Q8 What should be subtracted from 5,00,00,000 to get 3,46,49,586

Q9 Find the sum of greatest 8 digit number and smallest 7 digit number.
Q10 Raghav works on a farm. He is paid Rs 96 for one day.

a) If he works for 25 days, how much he will earn?

b) How much he will earn in a year?

Q11 Write the expanded form for the following:-

a) 56,789,209

b) 17,92,57,253

Q12 Rearrange the following:

a) 45,67,89,235 ; 45,76,89,235 ; 54,99,99,999 ; 45,67,98,235 ( in Ascending Order)

b) 567,456,123 ; 325,456,124 ; 567,465,123 ; 567,456,321 ( in Descending Order)

Math Activities (Mandatory for all)

 Tables: Learn and Revise Tables from 2 to 20

 Make a Math Formulary/ Dictionary ( Write the formula’s of every

chapter covered in your text book)

Math Projects

Make a separate folder for the maths work and submit holidays homewok.

Students will make the following projects according to the given roll
1 Rounding off Concept ( Roll No. 1 to 15)

 Choose any five states.
 Write the distance ( from Delhi) in the given table.
 Round off each distance ( inmetres) to the nearest thousand and
ten thousand.
 What difference do you observe in the values when numbers are
rounded off to the given place values?

State/ Capital Distance in m Round off (in m) Round off (in m)

to the nearest to the nearest
( Km × 1000)
thousand ten thousand

2) Slider Place Value Chart : (Roll No. – 16 to 30 )

 Take an A3 coloured sheet.
 Fold it into 3 equal parts and paste the ends, so that it looks like a
pocket with both sides open.
 Cut out 4 windows either in the shape of a square or circle.(TH H
T O)
 Make 4 strips of any other contrasting colour, each having digits
from 0 to 9 so that it slides in the window.
 Also cut 2 slits on the top and bottom of each place so that each
number strip slides.

3) Prime numbers ( 1 to 100) [ Roll No. 31 onwards ]

Prime numbers play a very important role in mathematics, since they

can’t be divided any further. They are like the “atoms” of numbers.
Eratosthenes, a Greek mathematician,found an easy way to calculate
all the prime numbers less than 100. It is called the Sieve of
Eratosthenes. Explore and use it to find the prime Numbers less than
100?You will need a grid of numbers from 1 to 100.You may use an
old snake and ladder board.
Q. 1 Fill in the cross word using the clues given below:

2 3 4 5

6 7

8 9

10 11

12 13

14 15

2. The only even prime number is ____ .
6. The difference between the face values of two 1's in 49511 is ___.
7. The fractions with 1 as their numerator are called ___ fractions.
8. 1 more than any number is called ____ .
10. The V2part of 100 = _ .
13. In a division, the remainder should always be less than_.
14. If we add difference to subtrahend, we get _.
15.The total number of basic Roman numerals is .

I. The process of repeated addition is __ .
3 The least five digit number = greatest four-digit number + .
4 The number of thousands in a million is .
5 Twenty-four hundreds less than 2500 is .
9. A whole number with more than 2 factors is_____number,
11.The symbols I, X and C are used ______times in a number.
12. An acronym for common multiple is _______________ .
Project Assessment
NAME- ________________ CLASS- ___________________ ROLLNO-____________

Use a scrap file for doing homework.

1. Due to carelessness and negligence anyone can meet accidents.
When an accidents occur, the injured person should be provided help
immediately. This immediate help is known as First Aid. Write about
few safety measures to deal with certain emergencies like
Roll No. 1-5 Wounds
Roll No. 6-10 Nosebleed
Roll No. 11-15 Sprain
Roll No. 16-20 Dog bite
Roll No. 21-25 Sprain
Roll No. 26- 30 Fractures
Roll No. 31- last Snake bite
Paste related pictures.
2. Delhi is a city of hustle and bustle. We see cars and buses running on
roads all day. Busy roads, tall buildings and crowded markets are
common in Delhi. Amid all this people forget about basic rules they
should follow on road. Write any five rules that you will suggest to
people living in Delhi to avoid accidents. Draw related pictures.
3. There are various traffic signs are used to managing traffic on roads
and it is important for everyone to be aware of these signs. It will help
us to follow the traffic rules and be safe. Draw and write about some
traffic signs that are used on road for manage the traffic.
( Also Refer Ch-3 Safety and First aid for doing this homework)

Revision Work:-
Revise Ch-1 Plant Reproduction
Ch-2 Keeping Healthy
Read the chapter thoroughly; revise book exercises, question-answer,
assignment booklet and all notebook work for the Science Assessment
after summer vacations.
NAME- ________________ CLASS- ________________
Q-1Answer in One Word:
1. It helps to maintain your body temperature __________________
2. It is needed for building bones and teeth __________________
3. It is a plant that is grown on a farm in large numbers______________
4. It is caused due to deficiency of Vitamin A in our diet_____________
5. It is a process of scattering seed __________________
6. It is crop grown in winter __________________
7. Method of developing immunity of the body __________________
8. A disease caused by infected food and water __________________
Q-2 Give two examples of the following:-
1. Plants that grow from roots ______________ __________________
2. Plants that grow from stem cutting ______________ ____________
3. Food sources rich in fats ______________ ____________
4. Plants that grow from leaves ______________ ____________
5. Food sources rich in proteins ______________ ____________
6. Crops grown in summer ______________ ____________
7. Plants that grow from underground stem _________ ____________
8. Food sources rich in roughage ______________ ____________
9. Juicy fruits that dispersed from animals _________ ____________
10. Seeds that dispersed from wind ______________ ____________
Q-3 What are the ways to prevent communicable diseases?
Q-4 What will happen if you do not boil the milk that you have
Q-5 Identify the vitamin?
1. Which vitamin help in clotting of blood? __________________
2. Which vitamin makes our bones and teeth strong?_________________
3. Which vitamin keeps our skin healthy? __________________
4. Which vitamin helps in formation of red blood cells?________________
5. Which vitamin keeps our eyes healthy? __________________
Q-6Write the deficiency disease which are connected with the
following food component.
1. Iron _______________________
2. Vitamin A _______________________
3. Vitamin D _______________________
4. Iodine _______________________
5. Vitamin C _______________________
6. Vitamin B _______________________
7. Calcium _______________________
Q-7Asha wants to grow few potato plants in her kitchen garden.
Suggest an easy and practical method that she can use to grow them
Q-8 What would happen if seeds are sown in the field without
ploughing it?
Q-9Ravi spends his holidays sitting in front of the computer while
Saurabh plays outdoors games. Who is doing write and why?
Q-10Communicable diseases spread from a sick person to a healthy
person. Name two diseases each that spreads through the following:
1. Through water ___________________ ___________________
2. Through insects ___________________ ___________________
3. Through air ___________________ ___________________
4. Through food and water______________ ___________________
Q-11 Write any four things which we get from plants.

Q-12Classify the following food item into carbohydrates, fats and

Sweet potato, ground nuts, dal, potato, sugarcane, nuts, gram, milk,
moong, butter, ghee, soya bean, cream, wheat, paneer, rice, bajra.
Carbohydrates Fats Proteins
Q-13 Which main nutrient is common in each of the following food?
(a) Meat, fish , curd, beans
(b)Butter, oils, nuts, cheese
Q -14Crossword
3. They are oxidized in the body into simple sugars like glucose.
5. They are also known as Dietary fibres
6. They are chemical substances that help in maintaining a healthy body
8. This nutrient is useful for the neck.
1. It helps the body to get rid of wastes in the form of urine and sweat..
2. They act as building blocks and serve as materials helping in growth and
repair of the body cells and tissues.
4. It is a mineral other than iron, iodine and calcium.
7. It is required for Formation of haemoglobin in red blood cells.
Name: _____________ Sec:__________ Roll no. ___

I. Choose the correct option.

1. The Earth is _______________ in shape.
a. Square b. Circular c. Spherical d. All of these
2.The total number of meridians of longitude is:
a. 360 b. 180 c. 181 d. 361
3. A year with ________ days is called a leap year.
a. 365 b. 360 c. 366 d. None of these
4. _________________ is the largest cold desert in the world.
a. Gobi b. Thar c. Antarctica d. Sahara
5. On a map, the actual distance between places is:
a. Reduced b. Expanded c. Both of these d. None of these
II. Give one word for the following:
1. This is a type of land where nothing grows.________________
2. This is a path which is followed by the Earth around the sun._________
3. They make a natural barrier against cold and hot winds.____________
4. This causes day and night. ____________
5. This city is known as ‘the land of the rising Sun’. ___________
6. It is a highland with a flat top.________________
7. The symbols and colours in a map. _______________
8. It is an imaginary line divides the Earth into two hemispheres. ________

III. Correct the following statement:

1. The Arctic Ocean is the largest Ocean.
2. The Prime Meridian passes through a place called United States.
3. Mountains, rivers, plateaus, etc are shown in political map.

4. The spinning of the Earth on its axis is called Equator.
5. The part of the Earth facing the Sun experiences winter season.

6. To revolve around the Sun, the Earth takes 350 days.


IV. Give reasons:

1. It is important to understand the language of maps.

2. Equator is the most important latitude.

3. The plains are more thickly populated than the deserts and the

4. Japan is known as the Land of the Rising Sun.

V. Fill in the blanks:
1. The river forms _______________ in its upper course.
2. The Earth takes ___________ months to complete one revolution.
3. The plateau is also called a ______________ .
4. The _______________ desert is the hottest desert of the world.
5. All the planets move around the ___________.
6. The place in a desert, where water is found is

VI . Draw and label the diagrams of :

A. Important parallels of latitude

B. Formation of seasons
VII. Revise all the work done in class
Project work
1. Collect information about any historical place and prepare a report
on it.( Roll No. 1-12)
2. Write and paste the information on any 2 historians on A-4 size
sheets.( Roll No. 13- 25)
3. Explain the differences between Renewable & Non- Renewable
resources with the help of pictures & paste it on A-4 size sheet.
( Roll No. 26-39)
नाम ------------
ु मािंक ----------- सिंस्कृत ग ृ कार्य (2019-20)

प्रश्न 1) ररक्त स्र्ान भररए |

क) सिंस्कृत वर्यमािा में ----------------------- स्पशय व्र्िंिन ोते ैं |

ि) जिन वर्ों को बोिते समर् स्वरों की स ार्ता िेनी पिती ै उन् े -------------

क ते ैं |

ग) वर्ों को अिग करने की प्रकक्रर्ा को --------------------------------- क ते ैं |

घ) सर्िंक्
ु त व्र्िंिन ---------- व्र्िंिनों के मेि से बनते ैं |

ड॰) जिन शब्दों के अिंत में ‘अ’ वर्य की ध्वनन आए उसे -------------------------

क ते ैं |

च) जिन शब्दों से स्त्रीिानत का बोि ो उन् े --------------------------- क ते ैं |

प्रश्न 2) वर्य ववच्छे द कीजिए |

क) चातक: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ि) शशक: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ग) साररका -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

घ) कोककिा ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ङ) श्र्ेन ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
प्रश्न 3) वर्य सिंर्ोग कीजिए |
क) भ ् + अ + ि ् +ि ् + ऊ + क् + अ: = --------------------------------------
ि) व ् + ऋ + ष ् + अ + भ ् + अ = ----------------------------------------
ग) ग ् + औ = ----------------------------------------
घ) क् + उ + क् + क् + उ + ट् + अ: = ----------------------------------------
ङ) अ + ि ् + अ: = ------------------------------------------
प्रश्न 4) सिंस्कृत शब्दों को ह द
िं ी में लिखिए |
क) अश्व: = ----------------------------------------
ि) मर्रू : = ----------------------------------------
ग) मेघ: = ---------------------------------------
घ) मवू षका = ----------------------------------------
ङ) वपपीलिका = -----------------------------------------
च) मक्षिका = ----------------------------------------

प्रश्न 5) वचनों के अनस

ु ार शब्दों को अिग – अिग करके लिखिए |

(मवू षका , दे वौ , लसिं : , कपोता: , घट: , िते , वपपासा , शािा: , ििने ,

कालिका: , अिा: , र्मन

ु ा , सेववके , कन्र्ा: , वि
ृ ौ )

एकवचन दवववचन ब ु वचन

-------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------

-------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------
-------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------
-------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------
-------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------
-------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------
प्रश्न 5)ननम्नलिखितशरीर के अिंगों के नाम सिंस्कृत में लिखिए |

1) मार्ा -------------------

2) कान ---------------------

3) ार् ---------------------

4) किंिा ---------------------

5) पेट ------------------------

प्रश्न6) ननम्नलिखित शब्दों में से पजु ल्ििंग और स्त्रीलििंग शब्दों को अिग-अिग

करके लिखिए |

(िता, वपपीलिका, मर्रू :, मक्षिका, पवयत:, श्रलमक:, सेववका, मेघ: , कोककिा,

अध्र्ापक: )

पजु ल्ििंग स्त्रीलििंग

----------------- ------------------

----------------- ------------------

------------------ -----------------

----------------- ------------------

----------------- ------------------

------------------ ------------------
प्रश्न7) ररक्त स्र्ान परू े कीजिए |
एकवचन दवववचन ब ु वचन
गि: ---------------- --------------
------------ -------------- घटा:
कपोत: कपोतौ -------------
अिा अिे --------------
------------- ---------------- मह िा:
-------------- ------------------ चटका:
प्रश्न 8) ननम्नलिखित रिं गों के नाम सिंस्कृत में लिखिए |

1) रा ------------------------

2) िाि ------------------------

3) सफ़ेद -------------------------

4) पीिा -------------------------

5) गि
ु ाबी ------------------------

1. Neatness in work will be highly appreciated.
2. Submission of the homework should be on time.

 Make a beautiful collage on any five famous monuments of

 Make a picture dictionary and write any one word beginning with
each alphabet along with its English meaning.
 Revise all the work done in the book and notebook.


 Revise All work done in notebook and book of Chapter 1 and 7.

 Make a collage on A-3 sheet
Roll No
 1 to 10 : Uses of Internet
 11 – 20: Different types of internet connection.
 21 onwards: Three most popular e-mail facility.
 Do the following worksheet. Take a printout and bring it in a folder.
Name:_______________ Class :____________ Date: __________

I. Fill in the blanks:

1. Generations are based on ___________________.

2. _______________ was the first computer to handle both numeric and text data.
3. _________________ generation is used in present era.
4. ______________ computers are capable of supporting 4 to about 200 users
5. Micro computers are also known as ________________
II Tick the correct answer:

1. (Summit / PARAM) was the world fastest super computer.

2. In 5th generation (vacuum tubes/ Artificial Intelligence) technology is used to make
computer so intelligent that it act as human beings.
3. In India super computer is used for (weather forecasting/ ticket reservation).
4. (Difference Engine/ Analytical Engine) was the first mechanical computer developed
by Charles Babbage in 1833.
5. (Mainframe/ Micro) computers are used in network environment.

III Answer in one word:

1. Which device was the first calculating device, developed in China. _______________
2. Who is known as father of computers? _____________________________________
3. Which type of computers are used in homes, schools, shops etc. ________________
4. Which computer is used by Indian Railway for booking and cancellation of tickets?
5. Which computer was the first general purpose electronic digital computer, invented in
1946? __________________________________________________________________

CLASS V______ NAME__________________ DATE____________

I Fill in the blanks:
1. ______________ is a programming language that enables the children to create their
own games, animated stories and projects.
2. The ___________________ option in Info Pane enables the Sprite to only face left or
3. ______________________ is the main working area to draw pictures or perform
4. _____________________ block palette includes blocks to compare the numbers.
5. The main steps in logical thinking are Task _______________  Solve.
II Answer in one word:
1. What we call the different look of a sprite? _________________________

2. What do we call a character or an object in scratch? _________________________

3. Name the default sprite in scratch. _________________________

4. What are the dimension of the stage in scratch? _________________________

5. What do we call the placeholder that stores a changing value? __________________

III Tick the correct answer:

1. When a word is saved in a variable, it is called (Numeric/String) variable.

2. (Data/Operators) block category is used to create variables.

3. To put a check on any problem a (condition /Task) is applied.

4. In a car racing game, car is a (Script/Sprite)

5. The founder of Scratch is (Mitchel Resnick/ Douglas Engelbart).

Unit test-1 Date Sheet

DATE Subject
15-Jul-19 S.SCIENCE
17-Jul-19 COMPUTER
19-Jul-19 ENGLISH
24-Jul-19 SCIENCE
26-Jul-19 HINDI


ह द
िं ी

ु धच पाि – 1 बढ़े चिो ,पाि - 2 लशष्टाचार ,पाि – 4 मि
ू मिंत्र
अभ्र्ास – पजु स्तका– पाि – 1 भाषा, लिवप और व्र्ाकरर् ,पाि - 2 वर्य – ववचार
पर्ायर्वाची शब्द (1-15) वविोम शब्द (1-15)
अपहित गदर्ािंश,
ु छे द िेिन , धचत्र वर्यन

UNIT TEST-1 (50Marks)

 Unseen Passage(1)
 Unseen Poem(1)

 Picture composition
 Paragraph Writing

SECTION – C--Grammar
 Chapter 2 - The sentence
 Chapter 4 - Subject & Predicate
 Chapter 5 - Nouns
 Chapter 9 - Pronouns
Coursebook Book Poem1- Sir Smasham Upp
Chapter 2 -The Puddle Master
Poem 3 - Dear Mum
Literature Reader Chapter5-The Magic Paint Brush
Poem 1- A Swing Song

Chapter- 1 Numbers
Chapter -2 Four Operations

Chapter- 1 Plant Reproduction
Chapter -2 Keeping healthy


सिंस्कृत पाठ्र्क्रम

पाि – 1 सिंस्कृत वर्यमािा

पाि -2 अकारािंत पजु ल्ििंग

पाि -3 आकारािंत स्त्रीलििंग

शरीर के अिंगों के नाम (सिंस्कृत में ), रिं गों के नाम (सिंस्कृत में )


 Revise all the work done in N/B, book and holiday homework worksheet.

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