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1.1 Introduction
Eesti Energia has teamed up with YTL Power International and local partner NEI, through
a special purpose company, Attarat Power Company (“APCO”), to develop an oil shale
fired generation project which will supply NEPCO with electricity under a 30-year Power
Purchase Agreement. APCO (referred to as ‘the Company’ throughout this report) is
planning to develop oil shale mining and power production project within Attarat area in
Jordan. The nominal capacity of the power plant at average ambient conditions is
expected to be 532[+/-5%] MW (gross) (corresponding to net output of 490[+/-5%] MWe).
The average output is set to 490 MWe, which will be used throughout the EIA.APCO is
the owner of the proposed project, and has the purpose of developing and operating the
mining and oil shale fired power plant project. APCO is a subsidiary fully owned by Enefit
Jordan. Enefit Jordan’s ownership arrangement is as follows:
 65% is owned by the Estonian state owned company EestiEnergia;
 30% is owned by YTL Power International Berhad (YTLPI);
 5% is owned by the Jordanian investor Near East Investments (NEI).

APCO was established as ‘’Estonian Power Generating Company’’ 5th of April 2011 and
was later renamed to APCO on 2 June 2011 and is expected to comply with the
guidelines put forward in this report.

Project activities include open cast oil shale mining, direct burning of the oil shale for
power production and disposal/stockpiling of mining and oil shale processing wastes.

According to the requirements of the Ministry of Environment (MoE), power purchase

agreement with NRA, and approved EIA terms of reference approved by Ministry of
Environment (MoE) in April 2011, The Company must prepare a comprehensive
Environmental Impact Assessment for the power project and its associated mining

The Company has appointed Pöyry Management Consulting Oy (Pöyry) to undertake the
lead supervisory role in preparing the EIA for the power production project. Pöyry have
subcontracted Arabtech Jardaneh (AJ) to be the local Jordanian partner to help undertake
a part in the activities of preparing the EIA Study.

This EIA study will be completed in line with the requirements of the Jordanian
Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) Regulation 37/2005, in addition to the
requirements for the social and environmental assessment of the Equator Principles and
IFC Performance Standards, to identify environmental, social and health receptors
susceptible to potential impacts as a result of the project activities (i.e. construction,
operation and decommissioning).

The proposed power plant and mining project is anticipated to enhance Jordan’s electrical
capacity; which gives a potential possibility in boosting Jordan’s energy sector in the long-
run; which will in turn generate positive economic returns to the country.


1.2 Legislative Framework
The Competent Environmental Authority for projects within the Kingdom of Jordan, the
Ministry of Environment, is responsible for the evaluation of the environmental impacts of
the project and the issue of associated approvals and permits.

When the Impact assessment is approved the project will get the letter of approval and
commence the proposed activities while adhering to the environmental mitigation and
management systems specified and approved in the study. Any deviation from those
guidelines would render the project to violations.

The Principal relevant national legislations and guidelines were taken into account while
conducting this EIA Study and are listed in Section 3 of this Report which specifically
outlines regulations relevant to the natural environment of Jordan and describes relevant
standards, conventions and treaties signed and ratified by Jordan and incorporated into
the national law.

As for International standards and guidelines, this EIA study took into account the relevant
World Bank operational policies and International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance
Standards such as the Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines and Practice Notes,
in addition to the Equator Principles (which also adopts the IFC’s performance standards)
provide guidelines on conducting environmental, social and health assessments and
address a variety of issues for different types of projects and sectors.

1.2.1 Identification of Gaps between National and International Standards

Jordan’s current regulations are not fuel specific and mainly designed to regulate industry
and gas fired power plants. Internationally it is common practice to have fuel specific laws
as gas and solid fuel power production needs to be regulated differently, taking into
account that gaseous fuels and solid fuels have different environmental impacts.
Therefore APCO has proposed a regulation specific for the solid fuel based power
industry to the Government of Jordan (GoJ) in September 2011, which has been
amended based on feedback from Ministries, and is currently being discussed and
reviewed by the Council of Ministers and Legislative Bureau.

Table 8under section 3.5.1 presents the current Jordanian laws, regulations and
guidelines, and the reasoning behind APCO’s need for updating the regulations to be
applicable for a solid fuel based power industry in Jordan. It is expected that APCO’s
comprehensive proposed regulation will be adopted into law.

1.3 Project Description

This EIA represents the aspects and dimensions of the Power Project including open cast
oil shale mining, direct burning of oil shale for power production and disposal/stockpiling of
mining and oil shale processing wastes.

1.3.1 Project Location and Area

The project will be located in the Attarat Um Ghudran oil shale deposit located 50 km east
of the village of Al Qatranah. Al Qatranah is located 70 km south of Amman by the main
desert highway connecting the city of Amman with Al Aqaba.

The size of the Combined Project area is approximately 73 km 2 which will be divided
between the Oil Project and Power Project. The SRCA is governing the oil project and a
mining license, Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), Implementation Agreement (IA)and
Land Lease Agreement (LLA) are planned to govern the power plant project, where the


power plant project with the adjacent mining operation are the subject of this EIA

1.3.2 Process Description

Oil Shale Mining

According to the conceptual mining plan APCO is expected to hold the mining license and
mining right issued by the Natural Resources Authority (NRA) in respect of oil shale
contained within the LLA part of the project area in Attarat as shown in Figure 6in section

The proposed mining concept indicates that mining is first developed in the south-western
part of the SE-block and then progressed towards to North-East as illustrated in Figure
6of section 4. The total surface of the minable part of the SE-block covers some 11 km².

The mine will be sized for an annual delivery of up to 13Mt/y of oil shale “as extracted”,
based on the requirements of the power station operating at full load (2 units, each 245

According to the conceptual mining plan a combination of excavators/wheel loaders and

off-highway mining trucks could be used to handle the required annual volumes of oil
shale and overburden. Average mined overburden will be ca 19 Mm3/y for the 13 Mt/y
production rate. The oil shale is transported after passing an in-pit primary crusher by belt
conveyer to the fuel yard at the power plant site. The overburden is transported to
different dumpsites and can later be used for backfilling the mined-out areas. The
overburden material is used for building protective barriers on both sides along of Wadi el
Ghadaf to prevent flooding of the mining site and power plant site. The overburden will
also be used as filling material in order to level areas where buildings or ash dumps will be
created. The overburden could also be used to construct a bridge across the wadi to
connect the mining area with the power plant site.

The mine will be operated up to seven days week 24 hours a day.

The optimal main mine access to the opencast mine was selected opposite the planned
power plant site at a central location in the project area on the east bank of Wadi el
Ghadaf. The pre-stripping will go in a north-easterly and eastern direction. Mining of oil
shale will then follow in the same direction.

The construction and pre-stripping works on site will be initiated in the range of 2-3 years
ahead of oil shale extraction.

Pre-stripping continues until extend the benches reaches the necessary bench width of

The oil shale is generally mined simultaneously on several benches, depending on actual
thickness of mineable seam and selected equipment. The oil shale is then hauled by
trucks from the mining face to one or more in-pit primary crusher(s), where the ROM
material is crushed to a grain size less than 300 mm and transported by a belt conveyor
system to the fuel yard of the power plant.

Backfilling the opencast will start as soon it is possible, today it is foreseen to be after 7 - 9
years of normal mining operations.

Overburden consists of fractions with different characteristics; the softer parts can be
directly excavated by excavators, whereas the harder layers require either mechanical
breaking by impact hammers or drilling and blasting. Drilling will be done by mobile drill


rigs. Blasting operations are foreseen to be carried out once a day (preferably at shift
change or lunch time). Explosive truck(s) for transportation and charging of explosives
and blasting materials will be used.

Excavating and loading operations could be supported by track dozers equipped with
rippers or tractors to prepare smooth surfaces for truck transport.

To meet a grain size of <300 mm convenient for belt conveyor transport, one or more
crusher(s) are installed in the pit. The crushed oil shale is loaded to the main belt
conveyor system, which delivers the oil shale to the fuel yard at the power plant site.

Power Production

APCO is planning to commence with the construction and operation of a 2 electricity

production units each approximately 245 MWe. The main systems within the power plant
consist of: 1) fuel handling and feeding system; 2) boiler plant; 3) water steam cycle and
related components; and 4) ash handling system.

The electrical power will be generated with steam turbines. The energy of the oil shale will
be used for the production of the steam which will drive the steam turbine. The
combustion will take place in Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) boilers. CFB combustion is
a proven technology, which has certain flexibility for fuel variations and is thus well
suitable for oil shale.

The advantage of using CFB boilers lies in the residence time of the combustion and in
the moderate combustion temperatures.

CFBC is used in the current power production in Estonia, and it is the preferred
technology for future capacity development.Figure 7in section 4.5.3illustrates the CFB

1.3.3 Water Requirements and Usage

The main supply of water will be from groundwater wells, but water collected from wadis
and the mine as well as water derived from oil processing will also be utilized. APCO has
already tested the water quality from the aquifer A7/B2 and kurnub and can confirm that
none of these aquifers meet the potable water standards of Jordan.

It is envisaged that rain water from the plant site will be captured and reused
opportunistically for mining and dust control as will mine water inflows to the mining
operation. Rights to collect this water for the oil project are granted in the concession
agreement, as for the power project, the potential rights to collect water from wadis will be
approved via this EIA study.

Water derived from the process will be treated for internal reuse or for mine de-dusting
and ash handling.

Water will be used in the power production process for cooling systems, steam production
and for washing and cleaning. Steam production requires a high quality water production
from Reverse Osmosis or other technologies. High brine streams are produced, which can
be evaporated for disposal with potential for recovery of dissolved chemicals. Runoff is
collected and reused where possible.

In order to minimize the water consumption in the in power plant air cooled condensers
are used in the steam process.


Dust suppression is also an important consideration. Water is used for mine and road dust
suppression as well as wetting of the ash to ensure it is not excessively dusty after
processing and during disposal processes. Conveyors protected from wind are planned to
transport the ash from the plant to the ash storage site in order to reduce the water needs
for de-dusting as explained above.

An estimate of the anticipated total water consumption for mining, power production and
for consumption at the housing for the power plant is between 2,625,000- 3,225,000
m3/year. A more detailed breakdown for water consumption is shown in Table 10 of
section 4 of this EIA report.

1.3.4 Ash Handling and Disposal

As discussed in detail in the project description of this EIA, section 4.5.4, and based on a
comprehensive series of studies conducted for this project in order to get a clear
understanding of the ash’s physical and chemical properties, the ash handling technique
that will be used in Jordan will rely on dry ash disposal due to the country’s scare water
resources. The dry ash disposal technique is requires water but to a much less extend
than wet disposal method.

The results of the studies conducted on the chemical and physical properties of ash
showed that the oil shale has an ash content of approximately 63%, and that both bottom
ash and fly ash consists of a very fine and dusty material. This means that the ash has to
be treated with water in order to handle it in a safe manner during transport and dumping
of the ash.

The geotechnical studies showed that the ash can be dumped in a stable way both in dry
or wet state. Dry, in terms of geotechnical stability, means less than 35% of water.

The most promising method for conditioning the ash is to transport the ash dry from the
power plant to an ash handling facility in closed systems, most likely by using pneumatic
transport. At the ash handling facility the ash will be cooled and sprayed with water to a
moisture content of approximately 25-35%. After this treatment the ash is transported on
conventional conveyors protected from wind to the dumping site.

At the end of the conveyors the ash will be dumped by stackers and the surface of the ash
dump will be sprayed with water to keep the surface wet until the surface has cementified
or been covered by overburden which will create a cemented top layer.

If cracks appear in the surface layer the water will infiltrate the lower un-hydrated ash and
chemical reactions will create more impermeable rock effectively sealing the crack again.
Therefore, ash layer will create a self-sealing surface layer that will prevent water from
reaching the lower parts of the ash dump, effectively removing leachate problems from the
ash hill, as any rain fall will run off as surface runoff.

To minimise the water consumption the ash mount will eventually be covered with
overburden layers so only the active parts of the ash dumps needs the continuous water

For the first 7-9 years the ash will be disposed south-west of the power plant on an ash
dump together with overburden most likely by using the dry ash handling techniques as
described above. After 7-9 years the mine will be so developed that backfilling to the mine
void can be initiated. This will use the same principles as for the initial ash dump.

The total area of the initial ash dump is approximately 1.8 km2, and it is planned to build it
up in phases. The ash dump will be covered with overburden as the dump progresses,
thereby effectively minimizing the water usage.


The final size of the ash dump is shown in Figure 10in section 4.5.4.

1.3.5 Manpower Requirements and Workers Accommodation

The combined project (for both mining and power activities) will employ about 3,000
personnel during the construction phase which may live on temporary camps on site until
construction is completed.

During the operation phase, around 800 to 1000 personnel will be employed;
approximately 300 employees will be living in the offsite housing in Qatranah; while the
remaining will reside in the on-site housing located within the project area.

The proposed concept for the accommodation is to house:

 Permanent employees accounting for approximately 300will be accommodated with
their families in an Offsite Housing Complex (OHC) nearby Al Qatranah.
 Contract workers at an Onsite Labour Camp (OLC) within the project area that will
host about 500 to 800 workers and will not cater for any family or dependent
members of the workers.

1.4 Environmental and Socio-economic Baseline

This section describes the physical, biological and socio-economic environment in which
the proposed project will operate. The information obtained during specialised studies
conducted for this project, field surveys, in addition to the review of secondary data
sources has been presented here.

Available information has been reviewed and persons having specific knowledge of the
region have been consulted as well.

1.4.1 Physical Environment

Meteorology and Climate

The nearest weather station to the project area is found to be Al-Qatranah Station. The
initial meteorological characteristics for the project area have been obtained based on the
data averages for the years (1990 to 2010) recorded by this station. Table 1 below
summarizes the climate data as per the data provided by the Department of Meteorology.
Detailed average monthly meteorological data recorded by Al Qatranah weather station
are included in Annex B.

Table 1: Average Climate Data for the last twenty years

Parameter Qatranah Station

Ave. Max Temp (ºC) 24.7

Ave. Min Temp (ºC) 10.3
Ave. Mean Temp (ºC) 17.5
Ave. Monthly Rainfall Amount (mm) 7.6
Ave. Total Annual Rainfall Amount (mm/year) 91.2
Ave. Mean Wind speed ‘ (m/s) 1.86


Parameter Qatranah Station

Prevailing Wind Direction (Degrees from True

263 (SW)
Total Evaporation, Class ”A” Pan ’mm’ 170.6

The average maximum and minimum temperatures recorded at Al-Qatranah station

indicate moderate summers and winters.

Air Quality

An air quality monitoring programme was conducted at the project site in Attarat from
December 22nd 2010 to December 18th, 2011 which covered the following emission
parameters: Carbon Monoxide (CO), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S)
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Nitric Oxide (NO), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Inhalable Particulate
matter (PM10), Fine Particulate matter (PM2.5), Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Polycyclic
Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) measured as Benzo (a) Pyrene. In order to put the
monitored concentrations into context, the results were compared to the Jordanian
Ambient Air Quality standards (JS1140/2006) which include twelve parameters for
ambient air quality. Some of the monitored compounds are not included in the standard.

During the monitoring year all results of gaseous emission concentrations were far below
the limit values of Jordanian ambient air quality standard JS1140/2006. However, the
concentrations of particulate matters (PM10 and PM2.5) were on a clearly higher level
than any other emission compounds. PM10 exceeded the limit value during January,
February, March and May - a total of 11 times. Altogether 3 exceedences for PM2.5 were
all occurred during February. These exeedances is mainly due to natural conditions, such
as sand storms and monsoon winds. Also light traffic in the area could have influenced as

The detailed results of the air quality monitoring programme are presented for all
parameters in section 5.2.2 of this EIA.


Given that the project area is situated in a remote area, away from nearby settlements
and residential areas, the only known noise emission sources known to exist within the
vicinity of the project site are those associated with the Royal Jordanian Air force training
and number of quarries scattered outside the project boundaries.

Noise spot measurements within the project site were taken. The average noise levels (LA
eq) recorded within the site was 47.6 dB. Since the site will be classified as an industrial
zone the recorded average was found to be lower than the maximum allowable noise
levels of 75 dBA for day time and 65 dBA for night time provided by the Jordanian
Standards for the prevention and elimination of noise (2003) and the IFC noise level
guidelines standards of 70 dBA for both daytime and night-time within industrial and
commercial zones.

Data available from 1990- 2009
Data available from 1990- 2009


Topography, Morphology and Soil

The project area in Attarat falls within the ‘east Jordan limestone plateau’ land region as
demonstrated in Figure 36 of section 5.2.4. It mainly consists of highly dissected rocks
from the Umm Rijam and Muwaqqar chalk and marl formations in the west (700-1000 m
altitude range), with very gently undulating paleofans and limestone plateau to the east
and north; including the sediments of the Azraq depression at 500 m altitude. A feature of
the region is the large number of very broad, shallow wadi channels running eastward to
the Azraq-Sirhan depressions. The region has arid moisture regime and hyperthermic
temperature regime. The area is very sparsely vegetated with the exception of the
numerous broad wadi channels that support significant vegetation of palatable species,
which provide browse for sheep. In the north, barley is grown very occasionally when
there is adequate wadi flow. Otherwise, there is no cultivation within this region. Major soil
subgroups are the typic camborthids and calciorthids.


The project site i.e. Attarat Um Ghudran belongs to the Balqa group within the B4 and B3
formations (Umm Rijam and Muwaqqar formations), which fall within the palaeocene and
upper cretaceous systems. In terms of sedimentary rocks these formations consists of
chalk, chert, limestone and marl, the B3 formation is sometimes bituminious.

Attarat Um Ghudran which is known as part of the central Jordan oil shale locality that is
considered one of the important areas containing oil shale deposits of commercial scale
interest, representing the core for future investment interest in central Jordan.

The main geological units within the project area with their approximate thicknesses are
the following:

Tertiary to Upper Cretaceous Belqa Group (B):

 Muwaqqar Formation (B3) mainly composed of marl, and overlain by relicts of
Eocene cherty limestone. Approximate thickness: 78 m;
 Al Hisa and Amman limestones (B2), underlain by the Wadi Umm Ghudra chalky
limestone (B1). Approximate thickness: 289 m.
 Upper Cretaceous Ajlun Group (A):
 Wadi As Sir fractured limestone (A7). Approximate thickness: 185 m;
 Shuayb limestone and evaporite (A6/A5), Hummar (A4), Fuheis (A3) and Naur
(A2/A1) units, mainly composed of limestone, dolomite and marl. Approximate
thickness of A1/A6: 314 m.
 The Lower Cretaceous Kurnub Group (K), consisting of sandstone with intercalated
marl layers. Approximate thickness: 396 m.

Tectonic Setting

Overall, the rate of current seismic activity in Jordan, including the project area, is minor
with many of the strong seismic events located along the axis of the Dead Sea Rift.

The project site i.e. Attarat lies within the minor magnitude of Richter’s scale which is
illustrated on the seismic hazard distribution map of Jordan shown inFigure 45in section
5.2.6. Therefore, if an earthquake was induced in that area, it is anticipated that the
intensity will fall between the 3.0 to 3.9 magnitude (yellow colour), which is barely felt on
the ground, with no destructive effects (Richter Scale Explained, 2011).


Water Resources

Surface water

The project area is located within the Azraq surface water basin which is one of Jordan’s
major water basins.

There are two desert ponds in the area storing about 1 MCM of rainfall flooding. Currently
water is being pumped out from these ponds by water tankers and distributed to locals’
within the area. The first pond which is called Wadi Al Ghadaf pond is located within the
boundaries of project area with a storage capacity of 0.5 MCM. The Attarah pond is
located a few kilometres north-west of the project area with a storage capacity of 0.5

The water level in each pond is correlating to the amount of rainfall in the area, which
means that the water level fluctuates with the season.

However, long term average precipitation inside the Azraq catchment ranges varied
between 50mm/y at southeast region of the catchment near Al Omari and 300mm/y at Al
Arab Mountain (Jabal Al Arab). The mean annual precipitation over the catchment is
about 100mm as mentioned before.

Azraq basin is considered as a closed catchment. It can be sub-divided into 10 sub-

catchments as follows with wadi streams flowing towards the Azraq depression (Qa’a Al
Azraq) near the center of the catchment.

The project area is located within wadi Al Ghadaf, the rainfall average is about 58mm and
it covers approximately a 2400 km2 area. The project area is about 73km2 which is
considered as 3% of Wadi Al Ghadaf area.

On basis of the topographical map the complete drainage basin was divided into seven
catchment areas show in section 5, Figure 50. The borders of these particular catchment
areas were established by the watershed heights for each wadi. Inside the catchment
areas the surface is divided into the different soil types and the wadis itself.

In order to evaluate the amount of water quantities in each sub-catchments surface water
modelling has been conducted, based on analysis of all metrological parameters in Al
Qatranah weather station, based on the results of analysis of the rainfall data, an IDF
(intensity, Duration, and Frequency) curve was developedFigure 51. The Surface Water
Model results are provided in Annex C of this EIA report.


The project area is located in the central to southerly part of the Azraq basin, and the most
important aquifer system in Azraq groundwater basin is the Amman-Wadi Sir Aquifer
(B2/A7) which is related to Upper Cretaceous limestone aquifer. It is considered the main
aquifer in the project area.

Groundwater flow is generally directed towards northeast to north directions. The

groundwater flow pattern in the B2/A7 in the project area is north to northeast direction.

Pumping Tests

Three exploration wells were drilled in the project area during June and July 2011. The
three wells were called ENEFIT-1,-2 and -3, with the following depths, respectively: 425
m, 703 m and 972 m. They were designed to assess the local capacity and characteristics


of the three target aquifers below the project concession area, respectively: the (i) A7/B2
Aquifer, (ii) Hummar and Naur (also known as A4, A1/A2), and (iii) Kurnub aquifers. The
three wells were drilled along wadi Attarat Um Ghudran, on its south bank near the
eastern borders of the project area as shown in Figure 55. The pumping test results are
summarized below:
 Well No. ENEFIT 1 (A7/B2 Aquifer): it is strongly recommended not to dewater
ENEFT 1-Well at the producing level of 174 mbgl. The A7/B2 aquifer significantly
contributes to the Great Amman water supply, is overexploited and shows a general 1
to 2 m/year decline over large areas.
 Well No. ENEFIT 2 (Hummar and Naur (also known as A4, A1/A2)): the well is
unable to sustain a yield of more than 15m3/hr. No samples were collected for
comprehensive analysis; however, the short pumping tests showed a very low
transmissivity and low permeability value. During the tests, the pumped water was
very cloudy with greenish aspect.
 Well no. ENEFIT 3 (Kurnub Aquifers): the groundwater quality of the kurnub aquifer
does not meet the drinking water standards because of a high TDS value and H2S
smell, the kurnub aquifer is presently weakly exploited in central and southern Jordan.
This means that the probability that new pumping wells compete with existing ones is
likely to be small.

A crucial point for exploiting the Kurnub aquifer in the project area is the very deep
water level – 377 mbgl in static conditions and obviously more in any exploitation
scenario – combined with hot water temperature and high TDS content in addition, all
water quality parameters exceeding JS drinking water standards. Therefore it is
recommended to exploit the Kurnub sandstone aquifer through ENEFIT 3 well for
mining and industrial water needs.

1.4.2 Biological Environment

Ecological and biological baseline assessment has been undertaken for the proposed
project, and the main conclusion of the study and field visits indicated that large portions
of the project area fall under the Saharo-Arabian realm, which is characterised by
extensive gravel plains that are either devoid of vegetation or with annual grasses. Wadi
Al Ghadaf crosses the project area in some parts.

The project area is not in close vicinity to any existing or proposed Protected Areas (PA),
grazing areas or Important Bird Areas (IBA), as defined by the designated national
authorities in Jordan.

There are no mammals with significant conservation status in the project area.
Psammomys obesus (Fat Sand Jird) is the most common species in the study area.

With the exception of the spiny tailed lizards with the tendency to take refuge inside its
borrow when threatened, the other rare, vulnerable or threatened mammals and reptiles
are most likely to escape the area to a more secure grounds avoiding the direct impacts
from the various project activities. Noise-sensitive species including mammals, reptiles
(including the spiny-tailed lizard) and birds would be expected to avoid the project area
during construction. Similarly, species intolerant to surface disturbance and human
activities would also be expected to avoid proximity to project activities.

1.4.3 Socio-economic Baseline Conditions

The project study area includes the project site at Attarat Um Ghudran, in addition to Al-
Damkhi, due to its proximity to the project area, and Al-Qatranah due to its proposed
candidacy for locating the off-site housing complex.


The qualitative and quantitative description of the findings of the socio-economic baseline
conditions is based on:
 Participatory consultative processes with local populations (sex and age-
disaggregated focus groups, public consultations and roundtable sessions).
 Socio-economic baseline survey of a sample of households in Al-Damkhi, Al-
Qatranah, and a sample of nomadic herders utilizing the concession area; and
 Literature review of local and national socio-economic context.
 Stakeholder interviews were held with stakeholders with the local community, and
others including community and tribal leaders, government officials and civil society
organisations. Relevant stakeholders in Amman were also interviewed including
government bodies, NGOs and donors that work in sectors or on projects relevant to
the socioeconomic study of this project.

Key baseline socio-economic conditions relevant for the project are summarised below,
however for more details of the socio-economic situation and survey findings, please refer
to section 5.4 of this EIA report.
 The project area is currently an industrial zone falling within the municipal boundaries
of Um Al-Rassas within the Amman Governorate in east-central Jordan. Within the
vicinity of the project area there are no permanent settlements except for some
nomadic groups moving during the grazing season. These groups use also the Wadi
Al Ghadaf and Attarah soil dams to water their animals; the Ghadaf pond is located
within the project area, however away from the mining activities, while Attara pond is
outside the project area. The herders use the rangeland for grazing their sheep and
goats during the grazing season, which varies from year to year based on the level of
rainfall in the region.
 The project area is located within a traditionally-recognized tribal zone historically
belonging to the Al-Haqeish tribe.
 The project area land is documented as government lands as per the signed
Concession Agreement by the Government of Jordan and the Company in 2010.
 The closest settlement to the concession area is the small village of Al-Damkhi
(population of 995 people) that locates within Um Al-Rassas municipality, and at 53
km to the west of the site, and 68 km south of Amman along the Desert Highway. The
municipality of Al-Qatranah is another settlement at 20 km to the south of Al-Damkhi
and 60 km far from the site. It is a larger settlement (population of 5,420 people), with
more domestic and commercial services.
 The settlements surrounding the project area are comprised of nomadic Bedouins
whom have more recently adopted a resident life style in response to socio-economic
changes. The communities of Al-Damkhi and Al-Qatranah have strong tribal and
social organization.
 Both Al-Damkhi and Al-Qatranah are very homogenous and insular, with the majority
of households identifying with local Jordanian tribes. However, Al-Qatranah is slightly
more open with some other populations living within the community (including
Egyptians, Yemenis, Turkish, Chinese, Syrian, Saudi).
 An estimated 48% of households in Al-Qatranah and 32% of households in Al-
Damkhi live below the average estimated household poverty line. The average
household income is JOD 357 in Al-Damkhi for an average family size of 6.56 and is
JOD 332 in Al-Qatranah for an average family size of 5.6. Over half of the
households in Al-Qatranah and Al-Damkhi earn less than the estimated average


household expenditures on basic necessities including education, healthcare, food,
and electricity.
 The labour force in Al-Qatranah consists of 1,920 persons, of whom 43% (820) are
unemployed. The labour force in Al-Damkhi consists of 198 persons, of whom 41%
(81) are unemployed. The labour force in the rest of the Um Al-Rassas municipality
consists of 1,541 persons, of whom43% (665) are unemployed, and in Al-Jiza (a
municipality north of Al-Damkhi along the Desert Highway) the labour force consist of
11,848 of whom 25%(2,933) are unemployed.
 The current minimum wage in Jordan is JOD 190 per month. The unemployed
families in Al-Qatranah and Al-Damkhi receive JOD 120 monthly in financial
assistance from the government. Locals, particularly, women, that have worked for
less than JOD 200 monthly at factories in the area have high turn-over because the
compensation for working long hours is almost equivalent to government financial
 There are no vocational training schools in Al-Damkhi or Al-Qatranah to develop the
skills of the labour force. The nearest vocational training centre is in Lajjoun (Karak
Governorate), and the lack of reliable transportation makes it difficult to access,
particularly for women.
 Women, men, and youth lack access to resources to start new businesses, including
access to financial capital, credit, and entrepreneurial/ business management skills
 Although water is available in Al-Damkhi and Al-Qatranah, there is poor water
pressure and the community is not satisfied with the water. Wastewater treatment
facilities and sewage systems are not available in Al-Damkhi or Al-Qatranah.
 Over the past 35 years, due to the improved access to schools as well as settling of
nomadic populations in the communities, there has been an increased school
attendance. Less than 5% of males and females in Al-Qatranah and Al-Damkhi
between the age of 6 to 24 have never attended school, compared to more than 80%
of men and women over the age of 60 in Al-Damkhi and more than 64% of men in the
same age group in Al-Qatranah.
 Females in Al-Damkhi have the highest rates of illiteracy among their peer group
(14%) compared with their male counterparts (4%).For males and females in Al-
Qatranah the number is 6.5% and 5%, respectively), and illiteracy is more common
among men and women in both communities over the age of 28.
 No comprehensive health centres exist in neither Al-Damkhi nor Um Al-Rassas
municipality. Small primary health centres in the area provide health services to
residents from 8am to 2pm. The nearest hospital is located approximately 40km away
from Um Al-Rassas in the District of Theban in Madaba Governorate, indicating that
the hospital nearest to the project area is located approximately 125 km to the west.
There is a health centre located in Al-Qatranah in acceptable condition with adequate
equipment. However, it is already overloaded with patients, and would not be able to
provide services to an additional population (e.g. additional foreign workers in the

1.4.4 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

The archaeological and cultural heritage sites identified during the baseline assessment
include three locations:
 Site 1: A destroyed site with few lithic tools.
 Site 2: A burial site, which is of low significance without any archaeological remains.


 Site 3: A heap of sand scattered all over the lower slopes of low mound, where field
investigations revealed no presence of archaeological remains at the site.

None of these three sites found within the project area is under direct or indirect threat by
the proposed project activities during the construction, operation and decommissioning
phases as these are not located in close proximity to mining and power operations.

1.5 Environmental and Socio-economic Aspects and Receptors

ISO 14001:1996 Environmental Management Systems – Specification with Guidance for
Use (ISO, 1996) defines the environmental and socioeconomic aspects adopted for this
ESHIA. An environmental aspect is denoted where an activity has the potential to interact
with the environment. A socio-economic aspect can be considered to occur when an
activity has the potential to interact with the social or economic environments within or at
the vicinity of a specific project area.

In order to identify environmental and socio-economic aspects for this project, project
activities, which may affect environmental and socio-economic receptors, require
identification. This has been achieved through:
 Project documentation
 Consultation with the project proponent, i.e. APCO
 Consultation with the Ministry of Environment during the Scoping Session and ToR in
addition to relevant stakeholders along the course of the project

Environmental and Socio-economic receptors in relation to this Project have been

identified in Section 6, which includes receptors within the physical, biological and socio-
economic environments. In addition, the possible interaction between the environmental
aspects and receptors relevant to this project have been identified and presented in
Section 6. This includes the main project activities/environmental & socio-economic
aspects and the potential environmental impacts associated with each activity related to
the Project. The impacts are mainly generated from construction, operation, and
decommissioning activities.

1.6 Stakeholder Identification and Engagement

In compliance with local EIA regulations, the IFC Performance Standard 1 on Social and
Environmental Assessment and Management Systems, the World Bank OP 4.01, and the
Equator Principle No. 5 on Consultation and Disclosure, stakeholder engagement will be
an ongoing process throughout the project, in order to ensure transparency with all
stakeholders that may be affected by, or have influence on, the project.

Prior to the preparation of the social impact assessment; scoping and baseline activities,
stakeholder engagement activities were carried out as follows:
 Project stakeholders and all parties affected or related to this project were identified;
 A public scoping session was held on December 14th 2010 and documentation of its
results in a public scoping statement were conducted submitted with the Final Terms
of Reference that was approved by the Ministry of Environment in April 2011;
 Stakeholders within the project site and those impacted by the project works were
consulted; and
 Public consultation documents were made publicly available and easily accessible.


In order to inform the development of the social impact assessment, the following
stakeholder engagement activities were carried out as follows during social assessment
and baseline preparation:
 A stakeholder analysis to confirm previously identified project stakeholders and all
parties affected or related to this project, and identifying additional stakeholders were
carried out;
 Stakeholder interviews with experts in Amman and with locals within the project area
were carried out
 Qualitative interviews with a representative sample of herders utilizing the project
area for grazing were carried out
 A socio-economic baseline survey including questions related to potential community
concerns regarding the project was carried out; (Annex D).
 A series of sex-disaggregated public consultation sessions within the affected
communities was carried out;
 A series of sex- and age-disaggregated focus groups within the affected communities
were carried out; and
 A series of roundtables with local community leaders, tribal leaders, teachers, and
health care providers within the affected communities were carried out.

A Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) was also conducted for the project where stakeholders
were also engaged as a data source for the development of the RAP, in addition to the
data and findings already available from the social impact assessment and baseline.

Stakeholders who were engaged in the RAP activities included individuals representing
different social institutional disciplines such as parliamentarians, local governors and tribal
and community leaders.

1.7 Assessment of Project Alternatives

This analysis for this project only contains two options/alternatives which are the “No
Project” versus “Project” alternative.

The results of this analysis show that the project will have potential impacts on topography
and soils due to waste generation and disposal, specifically for the ash resulting from
power plant combustion process.

Medium to low significance potential impacts on air quality, noise, water resources, public
health and safety, traffic and are also anticipated, however, the application of the
mitigations will minimise the significance. These management and mitigation measures
are discussed in more detail in Section 10; and in the Environmental and Social
Management Plan, Section 11.

Impacts on ecological resources are also considered of low significance.

In terms of positive impacts, the project is anticipated to encourage beneficial macro-

economic impacts for Jordan.

These results indicate that it is favourable to encourage development of the project but
with proper application of appropriate mitigation and management measures so as to
ensure that the significant potential negative impacts are either eliminated or minimised to
acceptable levels.


1.8 Impact Assessment
An identification and assessment of environmental, socio-economic and health issues
potentially arising from the Project have been undertaken, and mitigation measures were
proposed aiming to reduce the potential impacts that may result from the Project.

Details of impact assessment and impact significance are provided in Section 9 of this
EIA. In addition, an Environmental and Social Management Plan have been developed
including a waste management plan to ensure that potential impacts are sufficiently
monitored and mitigation measures are implemented.

A brief summary of the key potential impacts and their corresponding mitigation measures
and monitoring requirements are presented in Table 2, Table 3 andTable 4 below.

A summary of waste disposal and treatment methods as part of the Project’s waste
management plan is also provided below (Table 5).


1.9 Environmental and Social Management Plan
The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Social Management Plan (SMP) for the respective project phases are presented in the following tables below.

Table 2: Environmental Management Plan during Construction Phase

No. Aspect Summary of Potential Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
Impacts Requirements Frequency

1 Air Quality • Dust emissions from Dust Control Visual monitoring of Daily Contractor/sub- N/A
excavation works and exhaust and dust contractor to ensure
• Setting an appropriate site speed limit to reduce dust
movement of vehicles emissions during that complaince with
generation from vehicles travelling over unmade surfaces.
across dirt/unpaved roads, earthworks and Jordanian Ambient Air
especially during windy • During construction dust generated on unpaved roadways construction activities of Quality standards (JS
conditions. and work areas should be controlled by the application of the mine and power 1140/2006) during the
water on an “as needs” basis. plant. construction phase.
• Exhaust emissions due to
movement of trucks and • Conduct a regular and/or when needed air quality
vehicles during monitoring programme from first day of commencement of
construction works. work through the life of the project.
• Utilize necessary PPE such as dust inhalation masks and Conduct air quality
wind proof glasses during high wind seasons. Pave the monitoring for PM, NOx, To EPC Contractor
main roads, which will also be used after project moves into SOx In case of if standards are
operation phase, to and from the construction site in complaints exceeded.
addition to optimum selection of the other service roads.
• Unnecessary handling of dusty materials will be avoided
such as minimising drop heights when loaders dump soils
into trucks.
• Train workers to handle construction materials and debris
during construction to reduce fugitive emissions.
Exhaust Emissions
• Ensure adequate maintenance and inspection of vehicles
to minimize exhaust emissions.Not running engines for
longer than is necessary.

2 Noise and Noise generating activities During construction activities, a series of site controls can be Noise monitoring to be Monthly Contractor / Sub- To EPC Contractor
Vibration such as: implemented to limit the noise generations, these include the undertaken during contractor in case of
following: construction activities, at complaints or
• Opening access roads to
the site and at the deviations on site.
camp and facilities • Adopt good site management practices, and ensure all
accommodation facilities
• Haulage activities, machinery is correctly maintained and operated. Ensure
like workers camp, in
excavation and backfilling operation of machinery in accordance with the
order to demonstrate
• Operation of vehicles and manufacturers’ instructions and locate plant equipment
compliance with the
equipment away from the noise sensitive areas as far as practicable.
National environmental
• Trucks and drilling • It is recommended that engines and machinery are not kept noise guidelines using a
equipment and associated idle when are not in operation. portable noise meter.
plants movement on the
access roads • Set up guidelines for limiting traffic movements within the
• Construction of workers site. Compliance with MoE
preliminary facilities and • All workers to follow the health and safety measures on and National guideline
site, e.g. put on necessary personal protective equipment, limits for environmental


No. Aspect Summary of Potential Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
Impacts Requirements Frequency
accommodation and ear plugs especially during noisy activities. noise at sensitive
However it is recognizable that noise impacts will occur within
the project site for several months during the construction As for the project,
phase, however these impacts as stated in section 9, will be allowable limits for
temporary. industrial areas apply.

3 Topography • Surface disturbance with • The contractor shall ensure general cleanliness and good Visual inspection of Daily Contractor/Sub- N/A
changes to topography housekeeping practice at the project site at all times. general housekeeping constractor
and consequent impact to and cleanliness at site
• Reduce the requirement for the construction of site access and waste management
surface-water runoff
tracks through the use of existing tracks where possible.
patterns due to various
construction activities
such as mine opening,
materials lay down,
trenching and backfilling,
haulage, spoil and
wastewater disposal,
storage, vehicles and
equipment operation.
• Minor site grading to mark
access tracks in addition
to levelling

4 Soils • Impact to the project • Training and equipping of on-site personnel with Oil Spill • Visual Inspection of Weekly Contractor /Sub- To EPC Contractor
area’s top soil especially Contingency kits to contain or minimize any accidental storage area, and contractor must ensure
in some areas along the spillage during Project activities. Mobile spill kits should be machinery through the following:
wadis with vegetation that readily available at all ‘active’ locations under construction conducting regular
• Number of spills or
would be vulnerable to within the project area. audits of on-site
incidents to be
disturbance. activities and
• Specific procedures shall be developed for the removal of recorded during on-
incident reporting
• Impacts to soil due to waste or spilled fuel, oil and contaminated soil at approved site audits.
drilling operations as well recycling / disposal facilities.
• Training records of
as from possible leakage • Condition of tanks
• Proper storage for chemicals and fuel within confined areas personnel trained in
from stored chemicals and and ponds on site to
on site and adopting proper safety measures when spill response
fuel be inspected
handling those chemicals to prevent their leakage and procedures must be
monthly for signs of
infiltration into the soil. filed.
fracture or
• Hazardous wastes and liquid wastes generated during deterioration.
construction will either be recycled or disposed off-site to
• All site workers to be
an approved waste facility.
trained in spill
• To control soil erosion surface run-off should be response
collectedfrom all paved working areas into retention ditches procedures.
to restrict concentration of flows.
• As preventive measure, place drip trays under generators
or standby machineries on site.
• All consruction vehicles and machinery shall comply with
using the defined access roads either paved or dirt into the


No. Aspect Summary of Potential Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
Impacts Requirements Frequency
project site and the surrounding area.

5 Water Anticipated impacts on • All fuel storage must be appropriately confined and Spetic tanks for Weekly Contractor / Sub- To EPC Contractor
Resources surface water and ground refuelling must be undertaken following set procedures. domestic wastewater contractormust ensure
(surface and water are interrelated: collection shall be the following:
groundwater) • Develop a spill response plan, to control any inadvertent regularly monitored to
• Improper solid and liquid leakage or spillage of hydrocarbons. Spill response • Number of spills or
avoid overflow.
waste disposal. measures should be instigated (as necessary) to contain incidents to be
and clean up any contaminated soil present. recorded during on-
• Contamination with
site audits.
vehicles and equipment • Adopt appropriate soil conservation measures, such as Accidental spills of oil or
maintenance waste and reducing the disturbed area and scheduling work, where other chemicals • Training records of
operations such as waste practical, to avoid working during periods of high rainfall. Daily personnel trained in
fuel and oil. spill response
• Adopt measures to minimize contamination outside the site procedures must be
• Contamination with stored by any surface water run-off that may occur during rainy filed.
Chemicals and fuel due to seasons.
inadequate storing Visual inspection of
operation. • Contaminated soil should be removed and disposed of in
accordance with Municipality guidelines. erosion from During heavy
• Temporary or permanent construction area and rainfall
disposal of excavated • All inert and domestic waste generated during construction transport of sediments
material within wadi beds must be removed from site and disposed in accordance and contaminants
that may alter the flow of with the requirements of landfills approved by the local
surface water at these municipality.
wadies • Hazardous wastes and liquid wastes generated during
• Excessive use of water for construction will either be recycled or disposed off-site to
controlling dust generation an approved waste facility.
during construction phase. • Collection of black and grey water separately to allow the
• Improper disposal for use of grey water for dust suppression on site, and the
domestic wastewater transportation of black water off site to a waste water
generated by workers at treatment facility.
the construction camps. • If no sewerage system is available during construction,
appropriate lined sanitary septic tanks should be put in
place to collect wastewater resulting from domestic use by
construction workers.

6 Aesthetics • Visual intrusion and a • The contractor shall ensure general cleanliness and good Visual inspection of Daily Contractor/Sub- To EPC Contractor
disruption to aesthetics housekeeping practice at the project site at all times. general housekeeping contractor in case of any
due to materials lay down, and cleanliness at site deviations are found
• Comply with the Waste Management Plan (Table section and waste management
backfilling, spoil and
wastewater disposal, as
well as workers temporary
facilities and housing

7 Biological • Potential disturbance to • Minimize width of access tracks. Visual inspection within Quarterly Contractor/Sub- To Ministry of
Environment biological environment project site. contractor Environment in case
(flora, fauna & • Avoid/Minimize clearing of vegetation. of any disturbance
due to construction
natural activities such as noise • Limit driving to marked tracks and lines except in to biological
habitats) and vibration, air emergencies. environment
emissions, waste
discharges and chemicals, • Define certain locations for machinery parking and defining


No. Aspect Summary of Potential Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
Impacts Requirements Frequency
and operation of heavy machinery tracks to be utilized in order to minimize any
machinery and movement potential disturbance to faunal communities (if present).
of vehicles.
• Prevent hunting by workers on site.
• Proper storage and safety measures for chemicals and fuel
so as to prevent their leakage and infiltration into
environment and consequently to the flora and fauna.
• Minimize dusting in order to reduce potential impacts on
biodiversity both in site and offsite.

8 Traffic • Vehicles and pickups may • Pedestrians Safety: All project vehicles and trucks shall Control mechanism shall Daily APCO/ Contractor / sub- To APCO ’s relevant
cause traffic to the project comply with the proposed speed limits inside the urbanized be performed in order to contractor Management
location may increase the areas; however, a speed limit shall be implemented for the monitor speed
probability of accidents non-urbanized areas which can be determined using risk compliance
between the project’s assessment during the construction.
• Ensure adequate maintenance and inspection of vehicles APCO/ Contractor / sub- N/A
Every week and
• Heavy Excavation, Lifting
• Implement Journey management procedure; that includes when needed contractor
and loading machineries Visual Inpesction and
for example documentation of journey destination and
may impact the Asphalt documentation of
expected time frames.
road from the desert inspection results
highway • Heavy loads trucks shall avoid passing through urbanized
areas if possible., Figure 99andFigure 100 in section 10
propose routes for transporting heavy loads that are
expected to be imported during construction phase. This
mitigation measure also considers the expected heavy Record compliants
loads according to the allowed axial loads for the proposed recieved from locals or
routes. authorities.
• At areas that have livestock crossing the roads, following
mitigations shall be implemented:
o Stop at least 10metres from the herd
o Do not use the horn
o Switch off engine if the waiting time is likely to be for
more than 5minutes
o Allow the flock and herder to clear the road before
• Certain heavy and large volume loads shall receive relative
permit from the traffic police department prior to the
transport process proposed route and the transportation
time shall be defined in order to obtain required permit as
per Jordanian regulations.
• Disturbance related to emissions and noise shall be
controlled through:
o Switch off engines during time consuming operations
i.e. loading an unloading
o Avoid unnecessary revving of engines


No. Aspect Summary of Potential Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
Impacts Requirements Frequency

9 Health and • Risks from injuries and Compliance with project’s HSE-MS in addition to Contractor’s Adherence of workers to Daily visual Contractor and sub- To Contractor’s HSE
Safety heat stress health and safety procedures to manage and control the health and safety inspection contractor Manager if any
activities with regard to occupational health and safety. The procedures. deviations are found
• Exposure to dust mitigation measures proposed in the HSE-MS are summarized
• Excavation, use of below:
pneumatic drills for cutting • Inform herders of start date of the project in due time
through hard rock, alerting them of the project activities and potential
working at heights, disturbances (such as noise, dust, light, etc.).
welding, etc
• The control room and accommodation sites shall be located
• Falls, burns, and
upwind from the dominating wind direction where possible,
accidents during
in order to minimise direct exposure to dust and emitted air
manoeuvring of drilling
• First aid kits shall be available at construction site, and
shall be easily accessible to all workers. In addition,
workers must be educated in the use of first aid kits; and
informed of their location within the project site.
• Adequate PPE shall be provided for employees on site.
• All drivers are to be licensed or trained to the machinery
they will be handling.
• Any generators shall be shielded or stored in locked
buildings for safety.
• All electrical equipment shall be checked by a competent
person prior to commencement of work.
• A fire safety procedure shall be developed identifying
potentially hazardous areas.
• Select chemicals with least hazard and lowest potential
environmental and/or health impact, whenever possible.
• For each chemical used, a Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) should be available and readily accessible.
• Workers are to drink sufficient fluids, and use of appropriate
clothing and sunscreen (particularly in summer time) to
minimise the risk of sunburns and sunstroke.
• Visitors’ access to the construction site shall be restricted,
and access shall only be through security.
• Site tidiness shall be maintained at all times.
• Adequate accommodation shall be available at all times
and a cleaning regime shall be implemented.
• Fuel for machinery is to be kept on site, refuelling must be
undertaken following set procedures. Oil spill kits to be put
in place.
• Equipment and noisy activities are to be located away from
sensitive receptors, noise monitoring to take place.


No. Aspect Summary of Potential Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
Impacts Requirements Frequency
• Availability of medical treatment
• For employees safety, all internal surfaces to be easily
cleaned, drain openings, WC basins to be sealed with
water tight seal, adequate and closed storage for refuses
awaiting collection or disposal outside houses
• Daily waste collection to be implemented on site
• All employees to receive manual handling training, heavy
equipment substituted for lighter equipment where possible,
materials are to be supplied in small easily handled
quantities where feasible.
• Provide immediate medical attention and treatment through
contacting the nearest Civil Defence Station to the
construction site.
Refer to section the full HSE-MS report (Annex
F)forcomprehensive control measures.

10 Archaeology • Only potential concern • All construction works shall be ceased if any historical or • Minimum of one site Immediately after Contractor / Department To Department of
and Cultural can be impacts on archaeological sites are chance found during construction inspection chance find of Antiquities (DoA) and Antiquities
Heritage possible unseen or mining activities. APCO
• Informing workers of
archaeological sites or
• In the event potential cultural resources are discovered chance find
remains (chance find)
during construction activities, the Department of Antiquities procedures in case
(DoA) shall be invited for consultations and assessment of any archaeological
the finding. Chance find procedures are further discussed or cultural resources
in Section 10.1.1 of this EIA report. were encountered
• Work shall be resumed only after archaeological experts
from DoA and official authorities are consulted and
appropriate mitigation measures are implemented.


Table 3: Environmental Management Plan during Operation Phase
No. Aspect Summary of Potential Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
Impacts Frequency

1 Air Quality • Fugitive dust will be Mining Operations • Monthly internal

generated as a result of report to APCO’s
• Approved method statements (including health Monitoring for the storage conditons Monthly APCO
mining activities such as of blasting material. Management.
and safety considerations for workers) shall be
drilling, blasting, and
prepared prior to the execution of blasting or dusty • Audit report to the
other activities such as
mining activities i.e. crushing of oil shale in Ministry of
ripping, dozing and
coordination with relevant authorities. Patrolling around the defined buffer Prior to blasting Environment (if
zone during blasting to ensure required).
• Implement dust control measures for the transport oeprations.
• Based on the modelling absence of any individual inside the
of the mined oil shale to the power plant through
results (Annex E) the blasting zone.
compaction of dirt road and regular spray of water.
minimum stack height for
the common stack Power Plant Operations
scenario is 90 metres Based on the results of the air dispersion modelling
and the minimum stack (Annex E) the following are the proposed mitigations
height scenario for two to be implemented:
individual stacksis
140metres. • The minimum stack height for the common stack
scenario is modelled to be of 90metersand for the
• For both scenarios the individual stack scenario 140 meters, based on
project area does not maximum allowed limit values plus maximum 25% Conduct an air quality monitoring
have a sensitive of ambient air limit values as required by IFC. The programme and assessment for the Continuous monitoring
receptors pertaining air actual final stack height needed in order to comply project emissions and connected through the air quality
pollutant since the with all regulations will be determined during the online with MoE. Main objectives are: monitoring station at
emissions based on the
stack height scenarios
detailed design of the power plant taking into - To judge compliance of APCO’s the project site
account all relevant regulations.
are complying with the project with Standards for
allowable ground level • Regular air quality monitoring shall be performed Environmental, health, and safety
concentrations during the operation phase of the project. guidelines for thermal power plants
(JS 2044:2012 IFC:2008) and The
• As a result of oil shale Ash Dust Control proposed Regulation on
combustion ash will be
• The dry ash from the power plant will be Environmental Requirements
produced. Transportation Applicable to Oil Shale Power
transported to an ash handling facility in closed
of ash to the dumping Production Industry No. [ ] of 20[ ] ,
systems, most likely by using pneumatic transport.
site and the dumping Atrical 6 and 7 Issued pursuant to
itself will generate • At the ash handling facility the ash will be cooled Article 25 of the Law of Protection of
dusting, however, with and sprayed with water to a moisture content of the Environment No. 52 of 2006, and
proper mitigation approximately 25-35%. After this treatment the ash Article 32 of the Law of Standards
measures, dust can be is transported on conventional wind protected and Metrology No. 22 of 2000, if
minimized. conveyors to the dumping site. approved by the authorities with
• At the end of the conveyors the ash will be respect to power plant emissions; in
dumped by stackers and the surface of the ash addition to compliance with Jordanian
dump will be sprayed with water to keep the Ambient Air quality Standards (JS
surface wet until the surface has cementified or 1140/2006) with respect to
been covered by overburden. This will according occupational health within the project
to the studies on the chemical properties of ash site.
conducted for APCO create a cemented top layer, - To provide a data base for
in which the ash layer will create a self-sealing assessment during operation
surface layer. phase.Parameters to be
monitored:NOx, CO, SO2,HCl and Continuously during
• The ash mount will be covered with overburden


No. Aspect Summary of Potential Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
Impacts Frequency
layers as a final remediation. PM10 ash handling
• An Emergency Response Plan for ash handling to - To implement applicablecorective
be developed by APCO during the operation measures for controlling any detected
phase. exceedences.

Monitoring Location:existing air quality

monitoring station at the project site

Training Requirements: Train a

compliance officer on carrying out the
required monitoring programme.

Site inspection during ash handling

and disposal on site.

2 Noise and • Mining activities that • For blasting there will be blasting window(s), in Conducting a noise monitoring Once per month APCO • Monthly internal
Vibration involve haulage, order to concentrate the needed blastings during programme, its objectives are: report to APCO’s
excavation, backfilling, the day. Employees on-site will be informed about
- To judge compliance of APCO’s Management.
blasting, crushing and such windows in order to be prepared project with national Noise Standards • Audit report to the
conveying of oil shale
• Certain PPE must be used before entering noisy for Heavy Industrial Areas. Ministry of
and operation of vehicles
areas within the power plant, which should be - To provide a data base for Environment (if
and equipment.
clearly signed. assessment of subsequent project required).
• Noise from the power
• All staff and workers entering mining area on site phases.
plant operations.
should be equipped with proper PPE in order to - To ensure that the project does not
prevent any potential hearing damage. impact future industrial expansions
• Keep all equipment and facilities well maintained within surrounding areas of the
throughout their working life, in accordance with project.
the manufacturer requirements.
Monitored Parameter:Environmental
and Occupational Noise.
Monitoring Location: At site boundary
and at 1m from major noise emission
sources for occupational health
Training Requirements: Train a
compliance officer on carrying out the
required monitoring programme.

3 Topography • During mining activities, • Application of remediation methods which will be Monitoring of ash/overburden Ongoing APCO • Monthly internal
change of topography will developed for this project as part of a remediation dumping and backfilling activities. report to APCO’s
be major within the plan. Management.
mining area at the project
• Solid wastes generated (excluding mining waste • Audit report to the
site and minor around it
and ash) will either be recycled or disposed off-site Ministry of
as it would only be
to an approved waste facility. Environment (if
caused by movement of


No. Aspect Summary of Potential Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
Impacts Frequency
vehicles and heavy • As for ash and mining waste on-site disposal required).
equipment. should be used, adhere to waste management
plant section 11.4
• Solid wastes disposal
activities on site (ash and
mining waste stockpiling
on the surface on site on
ash dump area of
approx. 1.8 km2 and a
maximum height of 80 m
including a 20 m
overburden base layer).
The ash mount will be
built up in layers and
eventually covered with
• The ash and mining
waste will be backfilled to
the mine after 7-9 years
when the mine is
progressed enough

4 Soils • Removal of overburden • Minimize transportation to and from the project Inspect the presence of any After rainfall APCO • Monthly internal
through mining and the area to the extent possible. disturbed areas in and around the report to APCO’s
compaction of soil due to project site for erosion Management.
• Specific procedures shall be developed for the
movement of heavy
removal of waste or spilled fuel, oil and Visual inspection of oil storage tanks, • Audit report to the
trucks and machinery.
contaminated soil at approved recycling / disposal waste storage area and fuel storage Weekly Ministry of
• soil compaction could facilities. area for spills and leaks Environment (if
potentially affect the soil required).
• Proper storage for chemicals and fuel within Leaks of oils and grease from
permeability and hence
confined areas on site and adopting proper safety machinery and equipment
the ability of the area to
measures when handling those chemicals to Weekly
absorb surface run-off
prevent their leakage and infiltration into the soil.
• Accidental spill of All site workers to be trained in spill
• Hazardous wastes (excluding ash) and liquid response procedures in order to
chemicals or liquid fuels
wastes generated will either be recycled or conduct regular audits of on-site
which could lead to soil
disposed off-site to an approved waste facility. activities and fill out incident reporting ’As needs basis’
• As for ash and mining waste on-site disposal forms when necessary.
• Ash dumping on site
should be used, adhere to waste management Maintain readily available records of
plant section 11.4 all workers training.
• Prepare an emergency response plan for the
accidental spill or leakage of hazardous chemicals.
• Overburden will be stored in designated areas on
site i.e. in protective barriers for the mine and ash
dump, and could be used as cover for the ash
dump both during operations and post operations,
in a thicker more permanent cover as will be set
out in detail in the company’s remediation plan
• Mobility within the mining area to be limited to the


No. Aspect Summary of Potential Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
Impacts Frequency
defined access roads inside the mining area.
• Parking of mining machines shall be prohibited
outside the site boundaries.

5 Water Surface Water: Surface Water: Monitoring for flood control measures After heavy rainfall • Monthly Report to
Resources regarding leakage and / or damages APCO’s
• Water quantities required • All surface water runoff draining from undisturbed APCO
for operation are areas should be diverted around the mining site During rainy reason
estimated to average 2.9 using suitable methods (protective barriers, Flood control early warning system • Report to Ministry
MCM which equivalent to diversion ditches, culverts, etc.). of Water and
about 0.2% of the total Irrigation (WAJ)
• As most of the surface rain water runoff arrives at
amount of water that can when required.
point 3 (Figure 90) it offers the possibility to build Monitoring the wastewater effluent
be harvested yearly at quality to comply the Jordanian Weekly
a dam and harvest water for industrial use.
Azraq basin. Based on standard.
that if the majority of the • Al Ghadaf dam could be kept available for the
required amount of water sheep herders of the region as long as it is in safe
for the project will be distance from the mining activities and outside the
sourced from safe zone.
underground aquifer, Monitoring of diversion method used APCO
such impact is • To make sure that the industrial installations will for any potential leak or damage. Monthly
considered insignificant. not be flooded during stormy rain events a
controlled flow has to be secured, this could be
• The Wadi rerouting and achieved by diverting attributes at the location that
water harvesting within feed into Wadi Al Ghadafor to install embankments
the mining area will have to guide the water safely from the southern border
insignificant impact on of the project area on towards the north.
downstream runoff and
ground water recharge. • Take appropriate actions to eliminate or reduce
Since the project the potential storm floods that could happen in the
catchment area is rainy season
contribute in only 17% of • Take appropriate action and monitoring for the
Wadi Al Ghadaf and 3% wastewater treatment plant effluent to meet the
of Azraq Basin. Jordanian standards if discharged.
Groundwater: Groundwater:
• Mining activities will • Proper storage for chemicals and fuel within
involve the removal of confined areas on site and adopting proper safety
overburden and the measures when handling those chemicals to
exposure of the deeper prevent their leakage and infiltration into the soil.
layers to the atmosphere.
This will result in such • Develop an emergency action plan for controlling
layers being exposed to any detected water quality deterioration due to
abstraction. Implement blasting according to
contact with rainfall, approved procedure by APCO and Prior to each operation
surface water runoff and • Based on the leaching experiments conducted for authorities if needed (Public
oxygen. The change in this project, the findings indicate that ash is not Security).
chemical environment expected to leach into groundwater since it was
means a potential concluded that the ash can be stabilised by
increase in the natural moistening it to about 25-35 % water content. In
leachate from the this stabilised form the ash can be transported to
remaining soil below the the dumping site without dusting within the project Conduct a groundwater monitoring


No. Aspect Summary of Potential Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
Impacts Frequency
mine floor. site. When ash is fully hydrated it will solidify to a programme at a nearby well in Quarterly in the first 3
rock with low permeability. This chemical reaction coordination with WAJ to monitor the years; if things are
• Disposal of ash will
will prevent ash leaching to groundwater. In following Parameters:Water level, stable, then once per
require water that will be
practise the hydration will be done so that the ash temperature, pH, electrical year of monitoring for
extracted from the deep
dump will be sprayed with low amounts of water to conductivity, dissolved oxygen, the rest of the project
groundwater aquifer that
keep the surface wet as per the permitted use and calcium, magnesium, sodium, period.
taps the Kurnub aquifer,
estimated water consumption mentioned in Table potassium, chloride, sulphate,
which already has
10. If cracks appear in the surface layer the water alkalinity, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia,
unsuitable water quality
will infiltrate the lower un-hydrated ash and fluoride, faecal coliforms.
for potable use.
chemical reactions will create more impermeable
Moreover, APCO will
rock effectively sealing the crack again. If the
explore other water reuse
water supply is of such quantity that ettringite and
options that will be
gypsum are formed, these will block the open pore
performed on site
space and thereby create layers with low
• Potential leachability of permeability, meaning that with a thorough
ash and overburden, planning of the disposal site, most of the water
however studies showed could be surface run-off and also evaporate.
that ash layers solidified Therefore, the solution is the use of dry ash
as cement and acted as disposal to provide the best protection of
impermeable barriers groundwater, where the structure and expansion
when hydrated, thus of impermeable layer of ash can easily be
preventing leaching. monitored using geophysical methods in any
chosen destinations.

6 Aesthetics Anticipated visual intrusions: • The power plant is an entirely new development
within the project area, however since it is located Visual inspection of general
• Mining pit and its Daily • Audit report to the
within a desert and far away from sensitive housekeeping and cleanliness at site APCO
activities Ministry of
receptors, it is not considered to cause any visual and waste management
Environment (if
• Operation of the vehicles nor aesthetic impacts.
required and/or in
and heavy machinery
• Adopting good housekeeping practices and case of any
including possible
cleanliness within the project area will minimize deviations found).
potential aesthetic impacts within the project area.
• Power plant including its
• Adhere to waste management plan (section 11.4)
stack emissions Ensure compliance of Waste
in terms of ash handling and disposal on site.
• Ash dumping areas Management Plan

• Other facilities such as

generation of spoil, solid
waste generation,
wastewater treatment
plant, and other facilities
on site.

7 Biological Low impacts to flora and • Minimize width of access tracks. Monitor proper application of required Quarterly APCO • Audit report to the
Environment fauna due to discharge of control measures and report on any Ministry of
(flora, fauna & the wastewater effluents and • Avoid/Minimize clearing of vegetation. specific observation noted during the Environment (if
natural the potential accidental spills • Limit driving to marked tracks and lines except in monitoring period. required).
habitats) of chemicals and hazardous an emergency.
• Define certain locations for machinery parking and
defining machinery tracks to be utilized in order to


No. Aspect Summary of Potential Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
Impacts Frequency
minimize any potential disturbance to faunal
communities (if present).
• Minimize human and vehicular contact with fauna,
including their burrows / nests and feeding
• Prevent hunting by workers on site.
• Proper storage and safety measures for chemicals
and fuel so as to prevent their leakage and
infiltration into environment and consequently to
the flora and fauna.
• Assign a buffer zone around the mine area to
decrease potential impacts on biodiversity outside
the mine site.
• Dust suppression in addition to controlled blasting
and ash dumping to effectively reduce potential
impacts on biodiversity both (in site and offsite).

8 Traffic • Crossing of main roads • It is recommended to prepare a Traffic Access Monitor the proper application of Monthly APCO Quarterly internal
during the project works Management Plan (TAMP) to control movement of TAMP to be developed as report to APCO’s
all machineries used in the project. recommended. Management.
• Potential increase in
traffic density along the • Heavy machineries transportation or heavy loads Report to Traffic
road from the Desert transportation shall apply for permits from Ministry Police Department in
Record complaints recieved from case of emergencies
Highway to Al Qatranah of Public works and Housing and Traffic Police.
may increase the locals or authorities. and when required.
• Disturbance related to emissions and noise at or
probability of vehicles
close to urban areas shall be controlled through:
accidents due to an
increase in number of o Do not leave engines idling either when are
commuters and vehicles. queues or parked unless absolutely necessary
• Increased traffic volumes o Avoid unnecessary revving of engines
would develop in the
area due to the proposed
method of transporting
products and necessary
equipments to the
receiving facilities (i.e.
specialised road trucks
on the local highway).

9 Health and • Risks from injuries and Compliance with project’s HSE-MS procedures to Monitor the proper application of the Daily Inspection APCO Quarterly Internal
Safety heat stress manage and control the activities with regard to HSE-MS during all project phases. Reporting to APCO’s
occupational health and safety. The mitigation HSE Manager, in
• Exposure to dust and measures proposed in the HSE-MS are summarized addition to maitaining
emissions below: workers training
Maintain records of
• Falls, burns, and • Workers to wear personal protective equipment Provide regular occupational health health and safety register to keep track
accidents during and safety training for workers on training for workers of training records.
(PPE) when required to avoid potential injuries
manoeuvring of drilling from activities such as welding, dust, potential quarterly basis.
plants. fires, in addition to having ear plugs/ear muffs on


No. Aspect Summary of Potential Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
Impacts Frequency
• Exposure to oil shale during noisy operations and mining activities.
dust and ash
• Explosives used for blasting shall be stored in a
designated and secure place and according to the
requirements of the relevant authorities (public
security, and the Engineering Force of the Army).
• A blasting zone shall be defined inside the mining
area with clear warning prior to blasting activities.
• Define a buffer zone around the mining pits during
and post-operations.
• During ash handling, ash must be wetted to
minimise dust when transported by the ash
• Respiratory protective equipment and eye goggles
are to be worn in areas and situation where
extreme dusts can occur such as ash handling.
• Clear warning signs near conveyors. During the
mandatory HSE-MS training for all employees the
danger of moving conveying belts should be
clearly emphasized.
• Ensure angles on mining slopes are not steeper
than the geotechnical stability of the rock will
minimise the risk of falling rocks. If steeper angles
are needed it is recommended to use wire mesh
for covering the side walls. Employees should also
be educated that close to the edges they should
stay inside the operating machinery and always
wear required PPE.
• Vehicles should be suitable for mining conditions
and vehicles are to be inspected daily by the driver
and maintained and inspected regularly by a
competent person.
• Drilling rig operators should have a recognized
qualification in the operation of drilling rigs. Drilling
rigs are to be inspected according to user
• Use of adequate clothing, in areas where heat
stress is anticipated.
• Onsite labour housing is recommended to be
located at a location upwind of the dominating
wind direction from the power plant in order to
minimise the exposure of emitted air pollutants
from stack and dust from mining and ash
backfilling operations.
• First aid kits should be available at the project site
and easily accessible to all workers. In addition,


No. Aspect Summary of Potential Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
Impacts Frequency
workers must be educated in the use of first aid
kits; and informed of their location within the
project site.
• Hazardous chemical assessments and Material
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are required for the
hazardous substances used on site. All hazardous
chemicals used on site must be placed in a
designated and secure area to avoid accidental
human contact.
• Any generators shall be shielded from working
areas or stored in locked buildings for safety.
• Fuel for machinery is to be kept on site, specific
refuelling areas to be identified on the site plan
(away from accommodation). Oil spill kits to be put
in place.
• All electrical equipment is to be checked by a
competent person prior to commission of the
• An adequate emergency plan is to be produced
and drills carried out to confirm its effectiveness.
• A fire safety plan is to be developed identifying
potentially hazardous areas and fire drills should
be scheduled regularly.
• Workers are to drink sufficient fluids, and use of
appropriate clothing and sunscreen to minimise
the threat of sunstroke
• All drivers are to be licensed or trained to the
machinery they will be handling.
• Visitors’ access to the project siteand mining area
will be restricted and shall only be through
• Plant operators are to have a recognized
qualification for the operation they will be
performing in the plant
• Availability of medical facilities in accordance to
Jordanian regulations
• For employees safety, all internal surfaces to be
easily cleaned, drain openings, WC basins to be
sealed with water tight seal, adequate and closed
storage for refuses awaiting collection or disposal
outside houses
• Equipment and noisy activities are to be located
away from sensitive receptors, noise monitoring to
take place. Noise map for the field operation may


No. Aspect Summary of Potential Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
Impacts Frequency
need to be issued if required.

10 Archaeology Refer to Construction Phase

and Cultural

Table 4: Social Management Plan - during all project phases

No. Aspect Summary of main Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
impacts Frequency

1 Labour and • Unfavourable • Adopt a human resources (HR) policy providing employees with Application of HR policy on Monthly and Contractors, and sub- Quarterly
Working working conditions in information regarding their rights under national labour and terms of employment, Annual reporting; contractors during reporting to
Conditions a remote area employment law, including their rights related to wages and wages, and benefits; review annual audit (if construction and APCO’s
benefits; ensure policy is clear and understandable and is effectiveness and frequency required) decommissioning. Management
• Potential of awareness training and conduct 3rd
explained to each employee upon taking employment.
discrimination party audit (if
between • Include in HR policy a section on anti-discrimination policy APCO’s Human required).
workers(contractors/ basingemployment on principle of equal opportunity and fair Regular reporting by resources during
subcontractors treatment. contractors on grievances operation
• Include in HR policy a section on gender equality. received, resolution, and if
incomliance by labor employee is satisfied, third-
rights ) • All work contracts must be in written format, and in the case of party audits
illiteracy workers must be verbally provided with terms of contract.
• Set reasonable/ legal working hours complying with national law.
Monitoring girevance
• Overtime pay must be included in the employee’s contract. system regularly to ensure
• Develop grievance mechanism for workers and representative workers on site have an
organizations (if they exist), informing them of the mechanism at effective way of
time of hire and made easily accessible to them. Mechanism communicating grievances
should address concerns promptly, using an understandable and their issues to be
process that provides feedback to those concerned, without any adequately resolved during
retribution. Ensure that contracted workers have access to a operation phase.
grievance mechanism.
• Include in contract sub-clauses with contractors, and sub-
contractorsrequirements to prevent exploitation of workers, and
termination clause if contractor engages in exploitation or serious
unmitigated national/ international labour violations. This
procedure applies to also suppliers if there is a high risk of child
labour or forced labour.
• Contractually require contractors to oblige to all national labour
codes and enforce punishment and terminate contract if violation
does not end after the cure period.
• Regularly document all work permits for migrant workers and
require regular reporting from contractors and sub-contractors on
status of work permits and situation of employed migrant workers.


No. Aspect Summary of main Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
impacts Frequency
Prohibit employment of children under the age of 18, particularly
in dangerous or hazardous work conditions (except in a
vocational training programme for workers between the age of 16
and 18, where appropriate and free of hazardous conditions).

2 Employment Overall positive impact, • The Company will comply with Jordanian laws and requirements Documentation of skills Quarterly Contractors, and sub- Quarterly
Generation since the project owner training provided to locals contractors during reporting to
is committed to hiring • The company policy should include hiring preference for local (including type of training construction and APCO’s
locals and will not community members (male and female), and filling of jobs with all provided, number and decommissioning. Management
favour foreign labour if qualified community members from Al-Damkhi, followed by Al- demographics of trainees, and conduct 3rd
the required Qatranah and other municipalities in Um Al-Rassas, when location of training, and party audit (if
qualifications were possible, before filling positions from outside the local community. outcome of training), APCO’s Human required).
actually present within • Recommend contractors and sub-contractors to implement hiring number of job placements resources during
the local community. preference for local community members. after training operation
Indirect jobs can be • Advertise job opportunities with the project locally and through
expected because of mediums where locals receive information; announce vacancies
the project; typically in to municipality, community leaders, and community liaisons for
the range of 1:3, which disbursement.
would mean a minimum
250 additional indirect • Consider providing skills training appropriate to project and
jobs technical training on semi-skilled and skilled jobs that the power
plant and mine may require in order to increase the knowledge
and skills of the local community.
• Consider investing in developing relevant project-related skills of
local male and female workforce to increase their qualifications
for filling employment positions.

3 Economic Positive Benefits such • Contractually encourage contractors and sub-contractors to have Ensure realization of N/A Contractors, and sub- N/A
Growth as: a preferred list of local suppliers to meet supply needs locally first, positive impacts to local contractorsduring
particularly for food and agricultural products for the power plant, economic growth, including construction and
• Opportunities for
mine and labour camp. increased commercial decommissioning.
new or existing small
activity and job creation
businesses to • Consider holding a local business to business event(pre-
provide services to construction) in Al-Damkhi and Al-Qatranah to inform existing APCO during operation
the project; businesses and entrepreneurs of supply needs during
construction and operation, and project requirements in qualifying
• Attraction of other
to meet supplier requirements.
investments in the
area that may result • Encourage staff/ employee to use local businesses, particularly
in increased around the off-site housing complex in Al-Qatranah.
opportunities and • At the time of decommissioning in later years, it is recommended
wages to hold consultations with local businesses within neighbouring
local communities in a timely manner to inform them of
• Increase in land decommissioning plans, schedule, and outlook.
prices (positive
impacts to locals
who own land)

Power production from

oil shale is significantly
cheaper than power


No. Aspect Summary of main Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
impacts Frequency
production based on
Heavy Fuel Oil and
Diesel generators.

4 Land Use and Potential Economic Refer to Resettlement Action Plan Framework (Annex A)
Resettlement displacement for
herders occuring during
grazing period only such
• Loss of assets in the
form of the surface
water resources if
surface water will be
harvested for the
• Loss of access to
assets (pastoral
areas and rural
• Loss or altering of
livelihood and/or
increased cost-of-
living/ cost-of-
production for
nomadic herders
utilizing the
biological resources
of the project area;
• Livelihood impacts
on livestock owners
consequent to the
increased cost-of-
production for
animal feeding of
livestock utilizing the
biological resources
of the project area.

5 Utilities and Overall Positive Impact, • The power plant will supply the national power grid with reliable N/A N/A NEPCO N/A
Infrastructure since the construction of electricity and potentially improve the currently unreliable power
new roads is not supply within the local community areas.
expected to require
acquisition of land or
other constructions
outside the project area.

In addition, during
project operation, the
steady supply of


No. Aspect Summary of main Mitigation / Control Measures Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Responsibility Reporting
impacts Frequency
electricity from the
power plant plus the
needed upgrade of the
electricity network done
by NEPCO could
potentially improve the
currently unreliable
power supply in Al-
Damkhi and Qatranah

6 Social • Survey respondents • Develop a strict Employee’s Code of Conduct including To ensure prevention and Quarterly Contractors and sub- Annual Report to
Cohesion from local requirements for respecting and behaving appropriately within the mitigation of conflict contractors during APCO’s
community reported host community especially important for foreign experts. between local community construction and Management
that they do not and non-local workers (if decommissioning. during all project
• Provide a grievance mechanism for community members to occurred) through regular phases.
prefer the presence
report to project owner any conflicts that arise with workers within reporting on content, result,
foreign workers
the community, providing resolution. and attendance of trainings APCO during operation.
living and working in
or near their and community outreach
community. activities; documentation of
However, if they are community grievances and
located further away, resolution
it is considered less
of an issue to the
local community.
• Lack of community

7 Community Potential positive • Developing a stakeholder engagement plan for the project to Assessment of community Quarterly Contractors and sub- Annual Report to
Liaising and impact: establish community liaisons and grievance mechanism to attitude towards the project contractors during APCO’s
Development maintain effective communication with the local community. through periodic construction and Management
• Social benefits consultation with local decommissioning. during all project
through access to • Developing a consistent message to provide realistic community as per the phases.
skills training, expectations. stakeholder engagement
sustainable plan (if needed) APCO during operation
increasing wages
and living standards;
• Improved
possibilities for
marginalized groups
to increase income-
• Building trust of the
local community and
positive community


Mitigation and Management Measures during Decommissioning Phase

As can be noted, no impacts with high significance are anticipated to take place during the
decommissioning phase of the project since all facilities will be removed, power plant
dismantled and the mining area remediated and restored to sustainable options.
Therefore, this phase will involve some operation of machinery of equipment.

Based on the analysis in section 9, impacts on various environmental and social receptors
are considered low to medium or even negligible in some cases during this phase given
that APCO will be committed to implementing the recommendations proposed in the
Remediation Plan that will be prepared for this project.

The potential impacts of medium significance during decommissioning phase include

those relating to:
 Water Resources (surface water, groundwater, and hydrology)
 Health and Safety

Moreover, the potential impacts of low and negligible significance during decommissioning
 Air Quality
 Biological Environment

The main mitigation and monitoring measures to minimize or reduce the environmental
and social impacts during decommissioning are anticipated to be similar to those identified
for the construction phase. Therefore, for detailed and inclusive mitigation and
management measures please refer toTable 2 above.

Remediation Measures Guidelines

A Preliminary Remediation Plan shall be developed for the rehabilitation and restoration of
the site after decommissioning of work and project activities. This plan shall be developed
subsequent to the EIA and updated throughout the time frame of consequent project
phases in order to reflect with emerging environmental issues and results of monitoring

This Preliminary Remediation Plan consists of project and site description, legal
framework for the plan, results of site investigations and monitoring activities, objectives of
rehabilitation plan, detailed remediation activities, and approach to implementing these
rehabilitation activities.

The preliminary identified site remediation activities to be addressed by the Plan will
include, but not limited to the following:
 Sloping and shaping the ash and overburden dump areas.
 Protect remaining mine void with fence or equivalent safety instalments.


 Dismantling of the project facilities according to a developed demolition and disposal
 Site restoration activities such as measures needed for decommissioning the water
wells in an acceptable manner.
 Internal Roads Network.
 Any remediation measures needed to treat the site from contamination caused by
accidental spills of chemicals or hazardous wastes.
 Groundwater sampling should be conducted, on continuous basis and predetermined
intervals, as part of environmental monitoring and/or remediation processes to assess
potential impacts on groundwater quality as a result of the project. If contamination
was found and can be linked to the actual project activities, then the Company should
hold the prime responsibility to develop a groundwater remediation plan to be
implemented at its cost.
 Continuous monitoring of remediation activities by a specialized contractor assigned
by APCO during the decommissioning phase.

1.9.1 Health, Safety and Environmental Management System

As part of this EIA report, a Health, Safety, and Environmental Management System
(HSE-MS) manual has been prepared together with hazard identification and risk/impact
assessment of various potential activities of the oil shale mining and development of an oil
shale fired power plant project. The management system includes also social issues when

The HSE-MS is based on the requirements set in ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001 and
IFC´s Performance Standard 1 (PS 1) Assessment and Managements of Environmental
and Social Risks and Impacts and is presented in Annex F of this report.


1.9.2 Waste Management Plan

Table 5below provides a summary of the expected wastes and the likely storage, treatment and disposal methods. Proper training in, and
enforcement of, waste segregation among site workers is critical to the implementation of the waste management methods proposed for thus

Table 5: Summary of Waste Storage and Disposal Methods during project

Treatment/Disposal Methods and/or Alternative
of Origin Storage / Handling Methods


Power • Dry ash disposal will take place as described in section 4.5.4, which requires • Alternative uses for ash such as sales to the
production much less water than wet ash disposal methods. The dry ash will be cement industry should be investigated in order
(due to transported from the power plant to an ash handling facility in closed to reduce the amount of ash to be returned to
combustion systems, most likely by using pneumatic transport. the mine or stockpiled on the surface within the
of oil shale in project area bounaries.
the power • At the ash handling facility the ash will be cooled and sprayed with water to a
plant) moisture content of approximately 25-35%. After this treatment the ash is • Based on studies conducted for APCO on
transported on conventional conveyors protected from sun and wind to the Geotechnical properties of Jordanian Oil Shale
dumping site. Ash in 2012; it was found that there is potential
production of building material out of ash by
• At the end of the conveyors the ash will be dumped by stackers and the using a correct technological scheme. Further
surface of the ash dump will be sprayed with water to keep the surface investigations are needed to be done by the
wetuntil the surface has cementified or been covered by overburden. When cement industry in order to study and confirm
sprayed with water, the ash layer will cementify and act like a ’sealing the viability of ash use alternatives.
surface’ preventing water from reaching to the lower layers of the ash dump.
• According to the stability calculations presented in thegeotechnical properties
of the Jordanian oil shale ash. Ash disposal and ash dump alternatives
Report conucted for APCO in 2012; the ash can be disposed in about 50 m

Ash:Spent shale with total organic content of not more than 5 percent (5%).


Treatment/Disposal Methods and/or Alternative
of Origin Storage / Handling Methods

(pure ash) high heaps with the outer slope ratio of 1:1 (slope angle 45°). The
actual height of the ash mounts is up to 80 m, as up to 20 m of overburden
will be used to level the surface of the ash dump area.
• During the initial phase of the project it will not be possible to return the
mining wastes and ash into the mine void as the mine void needs a certain
size before backfilling4 can be initiated. Therefore, for the first 7-9 years the
ash will be disposed south-west of the power plant on an ash dump together
with overburden most likely by using the dry ash handling techniques as
described above. After 7-9 years the mine will be so developed that
backfilling to the mine void can be initiated. The total area of the initial ash
dump is approximately 1.8 km2, and it is planned to build it up in phases. The
ash dump will eventually be covered with overburden as the dump
progresses, thereby effectively minimizing the water usage and in addition
add even further protecting against dust formation.
• All site staff handling transportation of ash shall be educated in ash handling
and instructed to use the required personal protection equipment.

Backfilling: Returning of the Ash and Mining wastes to the mine and/or storing of the Ash and Mining wastes in a pile on surface that has not been mined.


Treatment/Disposal Methods and/or Alternative
of Origin Storage / Handling Methods

Mining Mining • As mentioned above, during the first 7–9 years of the project, parts of the • APCO is planning to build overburden protective
Wastes process overburden will be disposed together with the ash south-west of the power barriers within the project site.
(overbu plant within the project area. To minimise the water consumption the ash
rden) mount will eventually be covered with overburden layers so only the active
parts of the ash dumps needs the continuous water addition; this will also
protect against dust formation. Additional overburden will be used to create
protective barriers next to wadi al Ghadaf in order to make a long term
protection of the mine throughtout the lifetime of the mine,
• After 7-9 years the mine will be so developed that backfilling to the mine void
can be initiated.


Waste vehicles, • Drums in designated areas with spill retention. • Disposal at Al Swaqa landfill or Recycle (if
oil/ equipment possible). If recycling is to be carried out, MoE
Batterie must be informed and their approval must be
s/Tires obtained on the recycling contractor and
• Recycling of this waste can be carried out by
the following companies:
o Batteries: Hopica located in Sahab.
o Tires: Advanced Technologies Company
located at the Zarqa Free Zone.
o Oil: to be collected by any of the
contractor’sapproved by MoE to be

Mining Waste:Overburden and oil shale mined but not used in the power production process.


Treatment/Disposal Methods and/or Alternative
of Origin Storage / Handling Methods

transported to the Oil refinery for recycling.

Chemic Mining, office • Drums in designated areas with spill retention. • Liquid state chemicals are either treated or
als buildings, incinerated. Temporary storage in Swaqa
housing landfill before incineration.
and • Solid state chemicals are directly disposed at
laboratory the Al Swaqa Waste disposal Center

Absorb Used for • sealed drums • Disposal at Al Swaqa Landfill site

ent small spills of
materia chemicals

Ink Camps, • Boxes • Recycling or disposal at Al Swaqa Hazardous

cartridg project Waste Landfill
es and offices,
printing laboratory

Empty Various • rinse and store in designated area • Disposed at Al Swaqa Landfill site
drums potential


Scrap Camp, • open yard • Either recycled at one of the steel plants
metal mining, industry, (e.g. Abboura Factory in Marka) or


Treatment/Disposal Methods and/or Alternative
of Origin Storage / Handling Methods

operation of disposed with the other wastes at any of the

the plant, approved dumpsites6.

Kitchen Camps, • closed containers • landfill disposal currently, however a Bio Gas/
waste office Composting Plant in Rsayfeh is being planned
buildings, to reduce wastes.
and housing

Paper Camps, • containers • Paper is to be recycled where feasible.

and office
wood buildings, • Wood for construction to be reused if feasible.
and housing


Plastic Office • containers • Recycled effectively as separation techniques

buildings, are followed either at the source of disposal by
laboratory, individuals, or at the landfills where contractors
and housing are assigned to be responsible for separation.
township This method is followed at most landfills except
for Greater Amman Municipality Landfill.

Dumpsites:Also known as landfills (hazardous and nonhazardous) for the disposal of solid waste by burying it in layers of earth within low ground.



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