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MEASUREMENT Tension - force exerted by a _____ or rope that

is comparing the length, mass, and time with a pulls the object.
standard. Friction - _______________; resists the motion
Fundamental Quantities of the object.
Quantity Unit Symbol Weight - force with which a body is attracted
Length m towards the ______________.
Mass kilogram
Temperature Kelvin K 1st Law: ________________
Electric current ampere A “a body will remain at rest or in motion _______
Luminous cd acted upon by an ______ force.”
Amount of mol 2ndLaw: Law of Acceleration
substance “The force acting upon on a body will
produce an acceleration ________
proportional to the force of the body and
Scalar - it can be described completely by their ___________ proportional to the mass of
magnitudes and appropriate units. body.”
Vector Quantities - it can be described
completely by their magnitudes and 3rd Law: Law of Interaction
appropriate units, and ______________. “Whenever a body exerts a force in another
Scalar Quantity Vector Quantity body it will exert a force _________ but
distance displacement __________ the first body.”
speed velocity
acceleration Newton's Law on Universal Gravitation
work force “Every object in the universe attracts each other
torque with a force __________ proportional to the
energy product of the their masses and __________
temperature proportional to the square of the distance
mass separating them.”

Motion - a change in position of any body or

object with respect to any reference point. (G= )
Work - product of force and the displacement
Displacement- the change in position or the object moves under the influence of that
coordinates of a particle. force.
Speed - a scalar quantity and defined as how Unit:
fast an object is moving. It is a rate covered and
is always measured in terms of a unit of distance Energy - the ability to do work
divided by a unit of time. Unit:
Velocity - a ____ quantity and defined as the
speed of an object. Power - rate of doing work
Acceleration - a change in ______ over time Unit:
An object accelerates when there is: Pressure - magnitude of force acting
a. change in speed perpendicular to a surface divided by the area of
b. change in direction the surface.
c. change in both speed and direction Unit:

Force - push or pull by an object; the effect of Archimedes Principle –

which that tends to change in or change the
state of motion of the body on which it acts.
Bernoulli’s Principle
Fundamental Forces “A body wholly or partially submerged in water
Gravitational Force- experiences an upward force equal to the
weight of the fluid __________."

Electromagnetic Force - responsible for the Heat is a flow of _______ due to temperature
attractions of _____. difference.
Strong nuclear Force - holds the constituents of
the ______ together. Temperature is the measure of
Weak Nuclear Force - responsible for ____________________ of all the particles in
radioactivity the object.
____________ - a device used to measure
Non-fundamental Force temperature.
Normal force - ________ force when object is in
contact with the surface. KINETIC THEORY OF MATTER

"All particles that make up matter are ___________

__________ in motion."
SOUND is a type of ____________________
Units of Temperature (F, °C, K) wave.
o Fahrenheit = (9/5 ×°C) +32 Characteristics of sound:
o Celsius = a. Loudness -also known as amplitude. It refers
o Kelvin = C+273 to the loudness of softness of sound.
b. Pitch - it refers to the highness or lowness of a
Heat is the flow of energy from an object at a sound.
_________________ to an object at *pitch is _____________ to frequency
_________________. c. Quality - also known as timbre. It refers to the
-Measured by units of calorie and Joules (J). uniqueness of a sound.
1 cal= 4.18J Properties of Sound:
1kcal= 4180 J a. Reflection - turning back of sound.
Calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise b. Refraction - bending of sound.
the temperature of 1g of _______ by 1°C. c. Diffraction - bending of sound through an
Specific Heat is the amount of energy needed to obstacle
raise the temperature of 1g of _______ by 1°C.
Doppler Effect - apparent change in frequency
HEAT TRANSFER of a sound caused by the ________ of either the
1. Conduction- process that moves energy from listener or the source of the sound.
one object to another when they are
__________ physically. ELECTRICITY
2. Convection- process that transfers energy by -is the phenomenon associated with either
the ____________ of large numbers of ______ or _______ electric charge.
___________ in the ________________ within a Law of electrostatic
liquid of gas. "Like charges _______. Unlike charges _______."
3. Radiation -heat transfer that travels by __________ - allows charges to flow readily.
____________________. __________ - resists flow of charges.
Electric current - when an electric charge flow
through a material.
SOUND and WAVE - Charge per unit time
WAVE - motion of disturbance Unit:
Parts of wave: Voltage - measure in volts (V) of potential
a. amplitude - maximum distance the particles difference.
in a wave vibrate from their rest position. - Energy per unit time (J/t)
b. crest - position of maximum __________ Unit:
displacement from equilibrium position. Resistance - opposition a material offers to the
c. trough - position of maximum __________ flow of charges through it.
displacement from equilibrium position. Unit:
d. wavelength - distance of two similar point. Ohm's Law - the __________ passing through a
Properties of Wave: conductor varies directly as the __________
a. Reflection - turning back of wave. applied at its ends and inversely proportional as
b. Refraction - bending of wave. the __________ of the conductor.
c. Diffraction - bending of wave through an Circuit
obstacle Series circuit - they share the voltage of the
d. Interference power source, such as a cell.
a. constructive interference - combination Parallel circuit - they are each subject to the
of waves voltage of the cell.
b. destructive interference - cancellation of Electric Power - rate at which it consumes
waves electric energy.
Types of waves
1. Mechanical Waves - travels through solid, MAGNETS are materials that attract some
liquid and gas. materials (ex: iron)
a. Transverse wave- vibration is -It can attract or repel other magnets.
perpendicular to the wave pulse Magnetic force - responsible for the _______
b. Longitudinal wave - vibration is and ___________ of a magnetic material.
___________ to the wave pulse. Magnetic field - area around the magnet where
c. Circular wave - surface wave; no its magnetism can affect other materials.
proper direction.
2. Electromagnetic Waves - travels through
solid, liquid, gas and _______. Magnetic field lines- represent the magnetic
Electromagnetic spectrum (in increasing field of a magnet.
Radio _______________- converts mechanical energy
Microwave to electrical energy.
Infrared ________________- converts electrical energy
__________ to mechanical energy.

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