2019 Year 10 Spanish Project: Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Communities

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2019 Year 10 Spanish Project

Syllabus Topic: Indicative time: 10 hours

Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Communities

Mark/weighting: 20% Date due: 1 July 2019

Late Policy Comments:

Minus 10% per week late, or part thereof.

The future of the world is unknown. You are a student of Spanish who has a special interest in keeping knowledge about
Spanish-speaking cultures. Therefore, you decide to create a time capsule, for future generations, containing information about
a Spanish-speaking country of your choice. Your time capsule design needs to contain key cultural aspects of the Spanish-
speaking country you have chosen. You will need to research the eating habits of your Spanish-speaking country and
document it as a blog, part of it is to film yourself interviewing a Spanish or Latin American person in Spanish.
ICT Help
• You may use WordPress as your ‘site’ otherwise, any other platform you are confortable in
using, please send us the correct link and give us full access to it for marking

• You may need to consult a teacher at your school to find a suitable site to create your blog in

• You may embed pictures and short clips from other sources, however the ‘written’ content
must be original

• You may record yourself on your phone or tablet cooking the dish, make sure to edit it
according to the time limit using a free software such as iMovie, Windows Movie Maker,
OpenShot or online software such as WeVideo. Then export your video as an MP4, MPEG, AVI or
MOV file and upload it in your blog, if you have issues uploading you may enter a link to your
video and upload it in YouTube or VIMEO

• Your Spanish teacher is here to assist you if you encounter any issues, but ensure to start this
Project on the date you acquire it as it is meant to be a research over several weeks/hours and
the teacher will not be able to assist in the last moment/cramming mode
Step 1- Choose a Spanish-speaking country from the list below
List of countries:

Argentina Bolivia Chile Colombia Cuba Ecuador Guatemala

Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Spain

Uruguay Venezuela Costa Rica Dominican Republic El Salvador

Equatorial Guinea Puerto Rico

Step 2 - Provide facts about your country
In your blog, include topics listed below, giving a concise and informative account IN
SPANISH. You can include pictures, sound files or any design of your liking to accompany
each of them.

1. Country’s official name

2. Capital city
3. Location and bordering countries
Blog Clean Clear Succinct
Ensure the images, fonts and colours used are legible and the blog is clean and easy to follow

Step 3- Provide information about cultural aspects of the country

400 words max

Choose three options from the list below write about 100 -120 words on each IN SPANISH.

Option 1 – Typical food

Describe two typical dishes, including information about its ingredients and when it is
Option 2 – Traditional clothing
Describe traditional dress for men and women, including information about materials
used and when it is worn.
Option 3 – Traditional music/dance
Describe a form of traditional music and/or dance, including information about its style
and when it is performed.
Option 4 – Festivals and celebrations
Describe two national festivals or celebrations, including information about their
significance and what people do on these occasions.
Option 5 – National heroes/famous people
Choose two national heroes or famous people from this country and briefly give an
account of their feats and why they are so well known.

Step 4 - Cultural Comparison 250 words

Compare your chosen country to Australia. Choose from ONE of your options in Step 3
(typical food, traditional clothing, traditional music/dance, festivals and celebrations, national
heroes/famous people) then write approximately 250 words in English about the similarities
and/or differences between the two countries. Remember to include pictures and sound files
to support your comparison.

Step 5- Interview 3 minutes max

Create a short video (approx. 2-3 minutes) of you interviewing a Spanish speaker in

They do not need to be from the chosen country, but it would be preferable. Include
basic questions of name and where they are from, and then add some cultural questions
on any of the topics above – in Step 4.

Include the transcript of the interview and Submit (upload) the video in your blog.
Videos not embedded in the blog will not be accepted.

Step 6 – Bibliography
Include a bibliography listing all the resources used (graphics, information from websites, books,
pamphlets, etc.). Refer to the Bibliography Guide on Moodle for examples.

Step 7 - Submission by ……
Email your project to your teacher with the subject heading Year 10_200 Spanish Project, ensuring that
you have correctly sent a link to your blog.

How can I get help?
Remember that this project is to be done over the whole of Term 2. You can ring or email your teacher
to discuss any aspect of the project. You may also show a draft to your teacher at any time so that you
can get feedback before submitting your final version.


• I have created a Blog and chosen a country.

• I have checked that my blog can be opened.

• I have illustrated each section with relevant, labelled images.

• I have included a cultural comparison.

• I have created a video .

• I have completed a detailed Bibliography.

• I have completed each of the steps listed.

• I have a copy/backup/information, images and video back up of my project just in case it has not
been sent properly.

Marking Criteria
You will be assessed on how well you...
• demonstrate your research skills, selecting the most important information, using the internet and
other resources.
• communicate the information that you have researched in your own words, unless quoting with
appropriate acknowledgements.
• demonstrate knowledge of vocabulary and structures related to Spanish.
• demonstrate ICT skills creating a blog and video.
• present a bibliography including printed resources and website addresses.
• understand inter-cultural differences.
• demonstrate creativity in the creation and presentation of your work.

Student Evaluation of Spanish Year 10 Project (in English)


1. How many hours did it take for you to do this project?

2. What did you learn from the project?

3. What was the most challenging part of the project?

4. Were there any areas where you felt you could have received more support?

5. What was the most enjoyable part of the project?

Year 10_200 Spanish Project 2019 - Marking Scheme
(Extensive knowledge)
17 – 20 • demonstrates excellent research skills by selecting, summarising and analysing
information in a variety of written and spoken texts
• demonstrates excellent planning of ideas and project components
• presents information demonstrating in-depth creativity and flair
• identifies main differences and demonstrates a perceptive understanding of the contrasts relating
to food in Hispanic countries and Australia
• experiments with a wide range of knowledge of Spanish vocabulary and structures in spoken
• demonstrates excellent mastery of ICT skills in creating a slideshow with pictures and audio files
• references all sourced information comprehensively
(Thorough knowledge)
13 – 16 • demonstrates good research skills by selecting, summarising and analysing
information in a variety of written and spoken texts
• demonstrates good planning of ideas and project components
• presents information demonstrating some creativity and flair
• identifies main differences and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the contrasts relating to
food in Hispanic countries and Australia
• experiments with a range of Spanish vocabulary and structures in spoken Spanish
• demonstrates thorough mastery of ICT skills in creating a slideshow with pictures and audio files
• references most sourced information comprehensively
9 – 12 • demonstrates sound research skills by selecting, summarising and analysing
information in a variety of written and spoken texts
• demonstrates adequate planning of ideas and project components
• presents information with limited creativity and flair
• identifies some differences and demonstrates a sound understanding of the contrasts relating to
food in Hispanic countries and Australia
• uses a range of Spanish vocabulary and structures in spoken Spanish
• demonstrates sound ICT skills in creating a slideshow with pictures and audio files
• references most sourced information adequately
5–8 • demonstrates basic research skills by selecting, summarising and analysing
information in a variety of written and spoken texts
• demonstrates some planning of ideas and project components
• presents some information
• attempts to identify and contrast differences relating to food in Hispanic countries and Australia
• uses limited Spanish vocabulary and structures in spoken Spanish

• uses limited ICT skills in creating a presentation with pictures and audio files
• attempts to reference some sourced information

1–4 • demonstrates elementary research skills by selecting, summarising and analysing
information in a variety of written and spoken texts
• demonstrates limited planning of ideas and project components
• presents limited information
• demonstrates elementary understanding of differences relating to food in Hispanic countries and
• uses elementary Spanish vocabulary and structures in spoken Spanish
• uses elementary ICT skills in creating a presentation with pictures and audio files
• attempts to reference limited sourced information

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