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ISSN 00406015, Thermal Engineering, 2013, Vol. 60, No. 12, pp. 865–871. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2013.

Original Russian Text © F.A. Serant, I.Yu. Belorutskii, Yu.A. Ershov, V.V. Gordeev, O.I. Stavskaya, T.V. Katsel, 2013, published in Teploenergetika.



An AnnularFurnace Boiler for the 660MW Power Unit

for Ultrasupercritical Parameters Intended for Firing Brown
Slagging Coals
F. A. Seranta, I. Yu. Belorutskiia, Yu. A. Ershovb, V. V. Gordeevb, †, O. I. Stavskayaa, and T. V. Katsela
ZiO KOTES, ul. Kropotkina 96/1, Novosibirsk, 630049 Russia
b Podolsk Machinery Construction Works, ul. Mashinostroitelei 23, Podolsk, Moscow oblast, 142115 Russia

Abstract—We present the main technical solutions adopted in designing annularfurnace boilers intended for
operation on brown coals of the prospective Maikubensk opencast mine in Kazakhstan as part of 660MW
power units for ultrasupercritical steam conditions. Results from 3D modeling of combustion processes are
presented, which clearly show the advantages furnaces of this kind have over a traditional furnace in burning
heavily slagging brown coals. The layout of the main and boiler auxiliary equipment in the existing boiler cell
of the 500MW power unit at the Ekibastuz GRES1 district power station is shown. Appropriate attention is
paid to matters concerned with decreasing harmful emissions.

Keywords: annularfurnace boiler, pulverizedcoal burner, brown coal, ultrasupercritical steam conditions
DOI: 10.1134/S0040601513120112

Along with the firstrate Ekibastiz coal field in produced in them differ significantly from each other
Kazakhstan, which has been developed for a long (Tables 1–3). Thus, in contrast to slagging and explo
period of time, large deposits of Maikubensk brown sionhazardous Maikubensk brown coal, Ekibastuz
coals are also available in the same Pavlodar region. brown coal is related to Grade SS and Group 1 of
According to the data of Karagandagiproshakht i K, explosion hazard; this coal is less readily ignited and is
the balance deposits of these coals amount to 2.1 bil almost nonslagging. Thus, the slagging that occurred
lion t. Planned mining of Maikubensk coals has been during the experimental combustion of Maikubensk
conducted since 1987. In 2011, 7.5 million t of these coals in the highly heatintensive furnaces of the P57
coals was produced, and it is planned to bring their boilers operating in the composition of the 500MW
annual production to 15.64 million t per year by 2020. power units at the Ekibastuz GRES1 district power
Maikubensk coals are currently supplied and fired as station did not allow these power units to be loaded to
substituting offdesign fuel at many industrial enter more than 70% of their nominal output.
prises in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine. For further In order to secure reliable and efficient operation of
development of such a large coal field be advisable, the boiler on Maikubensk coals, its furnace must be set
large permanent consumers of its coal must be avail to operate with moderate thermal intensities in its sec
able. tion to ensure a low temperature level of gases in the
flame core and in the furnace top part.
The Maikubensk opencast mine offers coals cate
gorized in the following groups of supply for being On request of the Ekibastuz GRES1 Directorate,
fired at power stations in pulverized form: with ash specialists of ZiOKOTES, working jointly with spe
content Ad = 13, 22, and 28% with the working content cialists of the Podolsk Machinery Construction Works,
of moisture W r ≈ 18%. Maikubensk coal has high reac elaborated the profile of an annularfurnace boiler tai
tivity: with an average yield of volatiles equal to 41– lored for firing Maikubensk slagging coals as applied to
42.9%, its heating value is 18840–19000 kJ/kg [1]. a 660MW power unit for ultrasupercritical steam
The heating value of volatiles with an ash content of conditions.
13–28% is around 7950 kJ/kg. This coal is related to The technical solutions for the boiler were elabo
Group 3 of explosion hazard (characterized by the rated taking into consideration the experience gained
explosibility criterion Кst, the value of which is in the from operation of the E820 annularfurnace boiler
range 1.5–3.5), as the majority of brown coals. Geo installed at the Novoirkutsk cogeneration station in
graphically, the Maikubensk opencast mine is located the city of Irkutsk. This boiler, designed for a steam
not very far from the Ekibastuz mine, but the coals output of 820 t/h, is installed in the existing cell for a
boiler with a steam output of 500 t/h and has success
† Deceased.
fully been operating for already 12 years [2]. The boiler

866 SERANT et al.

Table 1. Characteristics and composition of coals

Coal W r, % A r, % Sr, % Cr, % Hr, % Nr, % O r, % r

Qi , MJ/kg V daf, %

Maikubensk 21.0 11.5 0.9 50.0 3.6 0.8 12.2 18.4 41.0
Ekibastuz 6.3 39.6 0.6 43.0 2.7 0.8 7.0 16.4 31.4

tests performed during its operation on slagging coals chamber accommodates the main central building
from the Kansk–Achinsk (Irsha–Borodino) and column (a pylon), ladders, and platforms.
Azeisk fields completely confirmed the serviceability In the furnace lower part, the external waterwalls
and efficiency of its annular furnace [the boiler effi are bent to inside to form an eightslope cold funnel.
ciency is 93.5%, NOx emissions are less than With the adopted sizes of the furnace, the calorific
400 mg/m3 (at standard temperature and pressure), intensities of the furnace volume and section are equal
and the furnace and convective heating surfaces are to 111.7 kW/m3 and 4.34 MW/m2, respectively. The
free from slagging]. temperatures of furnace gases in the flame core (at the
outlet from the active combustion zone) and in the
A Pp180027.0610/610 oncethrough annular furnace upper part are equal to around 1380 and
furnace boiler is designed for a steam output of 1090°С. With such temperatures, slaggingfree com
1800 t/h with a steam pressure of 27 MPa and pri bustion of Maikubensk coals is secured.
mary/secondary steam temperatures equal to 610°С.
This singleshell boiler, equipped with a steam reheat The furnace is fitted with 24 main adjustable low
system, has a closed Tshaped layout and a gastight emission directflow burners arranged on eight outer
design. The general view of the boiler and the plan facets of the furnace in three tiers according to a tan
view of its annular furnace are shown in Figs. 1, 2. The gential scheme (along the tangents to the inner wall).
main design technical parameters of the boiler are as The design of the burners makes it possible to set up
follows. a system for admitting air in a staged and stepped man
ner in order to reduce NOх emissions and create sym
Live steam: metrical aerodynamics in the furnace.
flowrate, t/h 1804 Aerodynamic adjustment is used as the basic prin
pressure, MPa 27.0
ciple in the design of the controlled directflow burner
(see Fig. 2). The secondary air channel is subdivided
temperature, °C 610 into two verticalslit subchannels: a middle one, the
Feedwater temperature at the boiler inlet, °C 301 axis of which is parallel to that of the aircoal mixture
Steam reheating: channel, and a lateral one, oriented at an acute (30–
temperature at the outlet, °C 610
45°) angle to the former. With such design of the
burner, the direction of burner jets and the intensity of
temperature at the inlet, °C 345 mixing the primary and secondary flows can be varied
steam flowrate, t/h 1431 in sufficiently wide limits by redistributing secondary
pressure at the boiler outlet, MPa 4.4 air between these channels [3]. To make the furnace
Boiler gross efficiency, % 92.0
outer waterwalls less susceptible to corrosion and to
achieve better conditions for igniting air mixture, the
Flowrate of natural fuel, t/h 276.1 jet of air mixture flowing out from the burner is
arranged on the flame side and the jet of secondary air,
The key distinctive feature of the boiler design is on the side of the outer waterwall. The use of adjust
that it contains an annular furnace made in the form of able burners also makes it possible to vary the condi
an octahedral prismatic chamber (see Figs. 1, 2) with tions of heat transfer in the annular furnace.
the outer chamber having an equivalent diameter of 23 Eight startup fuel oil burners are installed at the
m, inside which a hollow shielded octahedral insert level of the lower tier of burners. For organizing
with an equivalent diameter of 11.5 m is coaxially stepped combustion (with a view to reduce NOх emis
1 sions), nozzles for blasting tertiary air [termed as over
installed over the entire height. The walls of the outer fire air (OFA)] are placed in the furnace upper part. To
and inner chambers are fabricated of allwelded achieve more intense mixing and suppress residual
gastight panels assembled of tubes with a standard size swirling of the flame, the OFA jets are admitted into
of ∅32 × 6 mm [diameter × thickness] made of Grade the furnace according to a tangential scheme in the
12Kh1MF steel with a pitch of 48 mm. The inner direction opposite to that in which the main flame is
1 The term “equivalent diameter is understood to mean the diam rotating.
eter of circle conditionally inscribed into the chamber’s octahe The directinjection pulverizedcoal system
dral cross section. with gas drying of fuel can be made with eight



Table 2. Chemical composition of ash residue, %

Coal SiO2 Al2O3 TiO2 Fe2O3 CaO MgO K2O Na2O SO3 MnO2 P2O5

Maikubensk 45.33 21.65 0.91 14.75 5.27 2.86 2.71 0.91 4.25 – 0.78

Ekibastuz 59.2 29.6 1.3 6.0 1.6 0.6 0.6 0.2 – 0.2 0.7

MMT2600/2550/590 hammer mills or eight MVS260 ens, after which it enters into the convective steam
mediumspeed bowl mills. A valve and a centrifugal superheater outlet stage. Each subflow is fitted with
powder divider fitted with rotary blades are installed injectiontype steam desuperheaters for controlling
on the pressure side of each mill (Fig. 3). Air mixture the live steam temperature, which are installed
from the dust divider is supplied to three tiers of the upstream of the firststage platens and upstream of the
vertical cluster of burners. By adjusting the dust outlet convective stage. The heating surfaces of steam
divider’s rotary blades it is possible to redistribute the desuperheater stages, which operate at ultrasupercrit
loading of burner tiers with fuel over the furnace ical parameters of steam, are made of austenitic steels
height. 12Kh18N12T able to operate at temperatures up to
The concentration of nitrogen oxides is reduced to 640°С, 10Kh13G12BS2N2D2 (DI59), or
a level not exceeding 350 mg/m3 (at standard temper 10Kh16N16MV2BR (EP184) able to operate at tem
ature and pressure) owing to the following technolog peratures up to 650°С.
ical measures: Owing to the adopted hydraulic circuit of the
(i) A tangential layout of burner devices is used, due boiler, the appropriate design solutions adopted for
to which vortex motion of gases is created in the hori water and steam distribution units, the availability of a
zontal plane of such furnaces, and inflow of furnace fullflow separator, and use of high mass velocities in
gases with depleted content of oxygen is facilitated, the heating surfaces, it becomes possible to start the
and, accordingly, a smaller content of oxygen is boiler at sliding pressure and to unload it with the
obtained in the volatile outlet and combustion seg required rates (these matters are supposed to be elabo
ment. rated in more detail in the course of further improve
(ii) Stagewise combustion is organized in a hori ment of the boiler).
zontal plane due to the burner design, which makes it The calculations carried out using the ANSYS
possible to remove part of air (around 30%) separately FLUENT software system allowed us to obtain fur
from the main flow; additional lateral nozzles can be nace process characteristics, such as distributions of
installed. velocities and temperature, concentration fields of
(iii) Around 18–22% of air is supplied to the fur NOx, O2, CO, and discrete phases, heat fluxes in the
nace upper part (OFA). furnace sections, and to trace the trajectories of parti
According to the steam–water path scheme, the cles in different operating modes of the boiler and pul
feed water supplied to the boiler is subdivided into two verized coal systems.
flows, each of which locates in one half of the furnace An analysis of the calculation results shown in
and in one convective shaft of the Tshaped boiler. In Figs. 4, 5 shows the following:
turn, each flow in the boiler is subdivided into two sub
flows, which have several points at which full mixing (i) The adopted design and operating parameters in
takes place within the flow boundaries upstream of the the annular furnace make it possible to obtain favor
unit of builtin fullflow separators. After passing the able aerodynamic conditions under which the flame
economizer and suspended tubes of the convective
shaft, feed water enters into the inner insert’s water
walls, through which the entire medium flows in one Table 3. Temperature characteristics of ash
pass with a mass velocity of 1950 kg/(m2 s). On leaving Coal
the inner insert, the medium enters into the outer Temperature of, °C
waterwalls and flows through them in two passes with maikubensk ekibastuz
the same mass velocity. On passing the furnace outer
Onset of ash 1200 1270
waterwalls, steam is directed into a steamtosteam deformation tA
heat exchanger (SSHE), which serves to perform main
control of the secondary steam temperature. On leav Onset of ash 1380 Above 1500
ing the SSHE, the medium passes through the unit of softening tB
builtin fullflow separators, the waterwalls shielding Ash liquidmolten 1470 Above 1500
the ceiling and enclosing walls, and two stages of plat state tC


868 SERANT et al.

+63.000 CSS
+59.300 PSS1








+0.000 3

11000 9000 9000 9000 9000 11000



1 3


11000 9000 9000 9000 9000 11000


Fig. 1. General view of a Pp180027.0610/610 annularfurnace boiler. (1) Elevator, (2) overfire air nozzles, and (3) pulverized
coal burners. PSS1 and PSS2 are a platen live steam superheaters nos. 1 and 2, PSR is a platen steam reheater, CSS is a con
vective live steam superheater, CSR1 and CSR2 are convective steam reheaters nos. 1 and 2, and ECO1 and ECO2 are an
economizers nos. 1 and 2.

moves mainly in the annular channel middle part in the furnace outlet section, also during operation
without being actively thrown onto the inner and outer with one of two mills disconnected.
waterwalls; the maximal rotary component of velocity (ii) The maximal level of flame temperature is
in the zone of burners installed in the first to third tiers observed in the zone located above the third tier of
does not exceed 18 m/s; the supply of OFA jets in an burners and is approximately equal to 1380°С, which
amount of 22–26% with counterswirling significantly is close to the results obtained from zonewise calcula
suppresses the swirling of the main flame, and, tions; the temperature of gases in the furnace upper
according to the field experience gained from opera part is around 1090°С.
tion of a E820 annularfurnace boiler [2], makes it (iii) The maximal temperatures of the contami
possible to obtain an almost uniform field of velocities nated wall in the inner insert and in the outer water



Taps of powdered
fuel to the burners

Air mixture
and part of

Electrically driven
Secondary swirler

Fig. 2. Plan view of the boiler annular furnace. Fig. 3. Centrifugal adjustable powder divider.

walls are close to each other and equal to 790–860°С, It should be pointed out that highly uniform
due to which favorable conditions for their slagging absorption of heat by waterwalls (up to 90%) is
free operation are created. obtained in the annular furnace over its height, as well
(iv) The maximal heat fluxes equal to 225– as a highly uniform distribution of temperatures in the
250 kW/m2 are also observed in the zone above the furnace cross sections owing to the fact that furnace
third tier of burners. gases uniformly flow over the waterwalls.
The calculation results clearly demonstrate the
(v) Despite comparatively low temperatures of the principal advantage of annularfurnace boilers in
flame in the annular furnace, almost complete burn comparison with boilers equipped with a traditional
out of fuel (98.4–98.7%) is achieved due to intense furnace. Owing to an inner insert installed in the fur
formation of mixture. nace central part for increasing the heating surface and
Since the maximal temperatures in the furnace in owing to additional enhancement of heat transfer
case of gasassisted drying of fuel do not exceed obtained as a result of organizing tangential motion of
1400°С, a level at which air NOx are not generated in the flame and increasing the convective component, a
the flame, favorable conditions appear in this operat comparatively low level of maximal temperatures (no
ing mode of the annular furnace for achieving very low higher than 1380°C) is achieved in the furnace (see
generation of nitrogen oxides [less than 300 mg/m3 (at Fig. 5). As a result, intense slagging of the furnace
standard temperature and pressure) at the O2 concen walls is avoided, and better cooling of flue gases is
tration equal to 6%]. ensured towards the furnace outlet.

20 40
18 35
16 30
4 10

2 5

0 0
(a) (b)

Fig. 4. Fields of velocities at different furnace sections, m/s. (a) At the second tier of burners and (b) at the tier of OFA nozzles.


870 SERANT et al.







1000 (a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5. Temperature fields at different furnace sections, °C. (a) At the second tier of burners, (b) at the third tier of burners, and
(c) at the tier of OFA nozzles.

Exhaust pipelines




To the smoke
+27.520 stack




7500 6000
6020 6020 6020 10970
12000 39000 15000 24000 12000 12000


Fig. 6. Arrangement of the Pp180027.0610/610 boiler in the existing boiler cell of the 500MW power unit at the Ekibastuz
GRES1 district power station (a longitudinal section).

Thus, flue gases that enter into the convective deaerator stack zone, and shifting to the use of gas
shafts have been cooled to a level sufficient to prevent assisted drying of fuel with installing gasrecirculating
active slagging of the heating surfaces. According to exhaust fans.
the results of thermal calculations, the temperature of
gases leaving the furnace is at a level of 1090°С, and
that of gases entering into the swivel chamber is CONCLUSIONS
around 850°С. But even with such low temperatures, (1) The Tshaped annularfurnace boiler proposed
stable ignition and efficient burnout of fuel are ensured for the 660MW power unit and intended for firing
in the annular furnace. slagging brown coals is designed to operate with ultra
Figure 6 shows the layout of the Pp180027.0 supercritical parameters of steam (primary steam
610/610 boiler together with its auxiliary equipment pressure equal to 27 MPa and primary/secondary
placed in the existing boiler cell of the 500MW power steam temperature equal to 610/610°С).
unit at the Ekibastuz GRES1 district power station. (2) Owing to intense heat absorption in the furnace
The adopted layout solutions suppose modifying the inner insert, the design of annular furnace makes it
fuel feed path, installing new raw coal hoppers in the possible to obtain the temperatures in the flame core



and in the furnace upper part required for slagging REFERENCES

free operation of the boiler.
1. B. V. Bogomolov, N. V. Artem’eva, A. N. Alekhnovich,
(3) With the existing main building of the Ekibastuz et al., “Thermalengineering and physical characteris
GRES1 district power station remaining unchanged, tics of Maikubensk coal,” Elektr. Stn., No. 6, 10–16
shifting the 500MW power unit to operate on slagging (2007).
Maikubensk brown coal with retaining or increasing 2. R. V. Gubanov, V. A. Poloskov, V. P. Sennov, and
its power output is possible only if an annularfurnace F. A. Serant, “A 12year experience gained from suc
boiler is installed. cessful mastering and operation of the E820 annular
(4) The results from the performed elaborations furnace boiler,” Elektr. Stn., No. 11, 17–20 (2012).
confirm the advisability of using annularfurnace boil 3. F. A. Serant, Development and Investigation of an Annu
ers installed in the existing building cell at a power sta lar Furnace, Its Introduction for CommercialScale Use,
tion for replacing the old boilers that have worked out and Tests on a Boiler with a Steam Output of 820 t/h,
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