Multi - Class Welding Aws Classification Using Texture Feature For Radiographic Images

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Multi - Class welding flaws classification using texture feature for

radiographic images

Conference Paper · January 2014

DOI: 10.1109/ICAEE.2014.6838443


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3 authors, including:

Jayendra Kumar R.s. Anand

National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee


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Multi - Class Welding Flaws Classification using
Texture Feature for Radiographic Images
Jayendra Kumar, R.S. Anand, S.P. Srivastava
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,
Roorkee, India,,

Abstract—The paper presents a novel approach for multi- classify the 6 different types of weld defects of radiographic
class weld flaw classification by means of Gray level co- images with classification accuracy of 80.00% using ANN.
occurrence matrix (GLCM) based texture feature extraction Researcher[4] have proposed a study on multi- class pattern
technique and Artificial Neural Network classifier. The weld classification and compared six different neural network
radiography films have been digitized using CCD camera, system architectures. Zapata et al. proposed a methodology for
followed by image processing techniques i.e. RGB to gray the extraction of 12 geometrical features from radiographic
conversion, region of interest (ROI) selection, noise reduction and weld images, but have used eccentricity, orientation, equivalent
contrast enhancement. Subsequently a set of 8, 64 and 44 texture diameter and solidity features to give input to the classifier.
features vectors have been obtained from each of the digitized The classification accuracy of 78.9% and 82.6 % have been
weld images by means of GLCM. Further, the features obtained reported using ANN and ANFIS, respectively by using above
have been classified with cascade-forward back propagation
mentioned four features [5]. Further, they have proposed the
neural network. The proposed system has obtained overall
use of ANN classifier with diverse architectures for the input
classification accuracy of 86.10% for nine different types of weld
flaws of digitized radiographic images. and hidden layer, to raise the classification accuracy to 80.0%
for the same feature sets [6].
Keywords—GLCM; multi-class classification; weld flaws; An approach for automatic detection of weld flaws in
texture feature; neural network; radiographic images; radiographic images and classification of the same with the
I. INTRODUCTION inclusion of PCA in the input layer of ANN has proposed by
Mirapeix et al.[7]. In 2010, Valavanis et al.[8] have proposed a
Welding is considered to be the backbone of many fast SVM and ANN based technique for multiclass weld flaw
growing sectors such as nuclear reactors, shipping industry, detection and classification, by means of geometrical and
chemical plants and aeronautics. The detection of weld flaws is texture features of the radiographic images in consideration.
a vital task for non-destructive testing of welded material. For The overall classification accuracy of 85.0% has been reported
this purpose radiographic testing is the most commonly by them. In 2012, Hassan et al.[9], have used feed forward
preferred technique, as it generates a physical record of back propagation algorithm to classify only four weld defects
inspection in the form of radiographic film. Radiography is a using geometrical features, followed by segmentation with
well established technique, which looks out for the defects if classification accuracy of 86.0%.
any, present inside the material. The efficiency of this process
depends on the operating skills of the technicians. Till date, various researchers have worked on seven
different types of flaws using radiographic images of weld with
Machine vision technology has to play a vital role in the different set of descriptors of texture feature, geometrical
development of Automatic identification and classification of measurement and classification methods. In this paper, author
radiographic images of weld. The research for the development aims to present an approach to develop a methodology to
of an automatic or semi automatic system of weld flaws classify nine different flaws of radiographic weld images that
(defects) classification using radiographic images of weld has not been considered by the researchers so far. The inclusion
joints has grown considerably in the last 10 years. An image of moderate number of descriptor of feature extracted from the
processing approach has been used by D. Mery et al.[1], for weld images using GLCM and selection of optimum quantity
automatic detection of welding defects from digitized of neurons in the hidden layer of ANN has used to increase the
radiographic films based on two types of widely known texture classification accuracy of nine different weld flaws.
features extraction techniques, co-occurrence matrices and 2D
Gabor functions. A study of nonlinear classifier using Artificial The article is structured as follows: the proposed
Neural Network (ANN) was implemented by Silva et al.[2], methodology have been discussed in Section II, the
concluded that the quality of the extracted features are more implementation aspect of the weld image flaws classification is
important than the quantity of the features. Further, in the year presented in section III, further the results and discussion of the
2005, Da Silva et al.[3] have proposed a methodology to experimentation are being considered in section IV, and finally
estimate the classification accuracy of nonlinear classifier to results are concluded in section V.
II. METHODOLOGY D. Feature extraction
The block diagram of the proposed methodology for the After pre-processing the digitized radiographic images, the
classification of radiographic images of weld flaws is as shown features of these images are extracted for further processing.
in Fig.1. It consist of digitization of radiographic film, RGB to The feature extraction technique represents a huge reduction of
gray scale conversion, pre-processing stage, GLCM based image size without changing the nature of the image for a
feature extraction and ANN as classifier. Further, each of the particular application. The output of this stage is a descriptor
blocks are discussed in detail as follows: for each of the weld defects in the radiographic images. In this
work, the authors have used different set of texture feature
descriptors based on GLCM approach for different experiment
to improve the overall classification accuracy, as well as
individual classification accuracy of different weld flaws.
E. Gray Level Co occurrence Matrices (GLCM) :
Gray level co-occurrence matrix is a common statistical
texture analysis method in which texture features are extracted
by means of statistical approaches from the co-occurrence
matrix[13].Texture descriptors based on GLCM are an well-
organized ways to study the texture of an image. The GLCM
used in the present study is used for a series of second order
statistics calculations. These second order statistics are
calculated for all pair wise combinations of grey levels. In the
present work twenty two texture feature based on study of
Clausi, Soh and Haralick [11, 12, 13] have been used. These
features are energy, entropy, dissimilarity, contrast, inverse
difference, correlation, homogeneity, autocorrelation, cluster
Fig. 1. Block diagram of radiographic weld flaw classification system shade, cluster prominence, maximum probability, sum of
square, sum average, sum variance, sum entropy, difference
variance, difference entropy, information measurement of
A. Digitization of Radiographic film: correlation(1), information measurement of correlation(2),
After obtaining the radiographic film, the first stage is to maximum correlation coefficient, inverse difference
digitize the film for further processing. The most common way normalized and inverse difference moment normalized.
of digitization of radiographic film is to scan it using high
optical density scanner[6], but in this work authors have used F. Classification using ANN:
Nikon, 14 megapixel digital camera and white glow board A neural network is made of simple processing units called
(generally used by doctor to read X-ray) for digitization of neuron. In the proposed scheme, the classification method is a
film. The radiographic film of weld images are positioned on feature matching method for which ANNs are typically used.
top of intensity controlled glow board; rest of the part of box is One of the most universal and frequently used ANN learning
covered by black paper to reduce the non uniform illumination algorithms is the back propagation algorithm which is based
effect. Then a digital image of the film is capture through CCD on the error energy minimization.
camera [10]. Further the images are cropped in order to select
the ROI of weld portion for additional processing. The images III. IMPLEMENTATION ASPECTS
obtained thus have size of 2500 x 500 pixels with a resolution
of 300 dpi. A. Radiographic Image Database:
Overall 79, radiographic weld images are considered for
B. RGB to Gray Conversion: this experimentation. The original radiographic films of weld
Since, the image are taken by digital camera so the flaws have been collected from Welding Research Laboratory,
digitized radiographic weld images are RGB image (24 bit), it Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of
should be converted to gray scale (8 bit image ) for further Technology, Roorkee, India. The distributions of different
processing, in order to save the computation time to extract flaws in the database are shown in Fig.2 and digitized image of
texture features. each flaws are in Fig.3.
C. Pre-processing stage: B. Processing Step:
With a digital image, it is common practice to pre-process The radiographic weld flaw recognition process in weld
the image in order to shrink or remove the noise and enhance radiography image provide a set of image that belongs to one
the contrast level of it. Radiographic film generally has noise of the following classes: gas cavity(GC), lack of
and deficient contrast due to non-uniform illumination and penetration(LOP), porosity(PO), slag inclusion(SI), crack(CR),
limited range of intensities of the capturing device [5]. Two lack of fusion(LOF), worm hole(WH) undercut(UC) and non
pre-processing steps are applied in this paper: first for dropping defect(ND). In order to differentiate each of the weld flaws a
or eliminating noise by an adaptive 5 x 5 Wiener filter. different set of descriptor of GLCM based texture features are
Secondly, the contrast enhancement has been applied to adjust extracted and then used as a input to ANN based multi-class
the contrast value to a specified range. classifier. Many researchers have used combination of
geometric and texture features for defect classsification. In case, IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
if the geometrical features are considered, thhen it is of utmost Three experiments are beeing performed to classify the
important to segment the weld defect objeccts, which is time radiographic weld flaws into nine different categories. In all the
consuming. In the present work, authors havve concentrated on cases the training, testing andd validation data ratio are 70%,
various descriptors of GLCM technique with different direction 15% and 15% respectively.
and spatial pixel distance, to increase the classification
accuracy. A. Experiment 1:
In the first experiment, fourr texture feature of second order
25 statistics (contrast, correlation, energy and homogeneity) [13]
are extracted in two direction (0o and 180o) for spatial pixel
No. of samples

15 distance d=2 (0,2; 2,0). So thhere are 4x2=8 texture feature
10 descriptors extracted for eachh of the image The data-base
5 utilized in the present study connsist of 79 digitized weld images
with nine different types of o flaws. Based on various
0 experimentation it is observedd that the cascade-forward back
GC LOP PO SI CR LOF WH propagation neural network arrchitecture is most suitable for
classification of flaws in the weld
w images. So the target vector
Name of flaws of size 9x79 and test vector of size
s 79x8 are applied to cascade-
forward back propagation neuural network architecture. The
Fig. 2. Distribution of different flaws in database overall accuracy of classificatioon is 82.3% for one hidden layer
with 146 neurons in that layer. The confusion matrix in Table-I
shows that 87.5% of gas cavitty flaws are classified correctly
whereas 12.5% are misclassiffied as crack. The accuracy of
other flaws like LOP, SI, CR,, UC and ND are 75%, 87.5%,
90.9%, 66.7% and 80% resppectively. The lowest accuracy
Gas cavity(GC) recorded for porosity type of flaws
f is 57.1%. The accuracy of
WH and LOF are recorded as 100% in this case.


Lack of penetration(LOP) Classifiication Accuracy %
GC 87.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LOP 0 75 0 6.2 0 0 0 33.3 0
Porosity(PO) PO 0 0 57.1 0 9.1 0 0 0 0
SI 0 20 42.9 877.5 0 0 0 0 20
CR 12.5 0 0 0 90.9 0 0 0 0
LOF 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
WH 0 0 0 6.2 0 0 100 0 0
Slag inclusion(SI) UC 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 66.7 0
ND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80

B. Experiment 2:
Crack(CR) In the second experiment the t same four texture parameter
of second order statistic are exttracted in four direction (0o, 45o,
90o, 135o) for four different spatial pixel distances d=1,2,3,4
thus sixteen features for eachh parameters are extracted with
Lack of fusion(LOF) pixel value (0,1; 0,2; 0,3; 0,4; -1,1;
- -2,2; -3,3; -4,4; -1,0; -2,0; -
3,0; -4,0; -1,-1; -2,-2; -3,-3; -4,-4). So there are 4x16=64
texture features descriptors which are extracted for each of the
images. Again it is observed that the cascade-forward back
Worm hole(WH) propagation neural network arcchitecture is the most suitable for
classification of flaws in the weld images with the foresaid
features set. So the target vectoor of size 9x79 and test vector of
size 79x64 are applied to neuraal network architecture. Here the
Undercut(UC) overall accuracy of the classifiication is 86.1% for one hidden
layer with 110 neuron in that layer. The confusion matrix for
the same is shown in Table-II. TheT diagonal value of confusion
Non defect(ND) matrix indicates the individual classification rate of each flaws.
In this set of feature classification rate of porosity is again low
Fig. 3. Digitized images of radiographic Weld
W flaws compared to other but higher thhan the previous one.
Classification Accuracy % This work was carried on digitized weld flaws images
GC LOP PO SI CR LOF WH UC ND using radiographic film obtained from the Welding Research
GC 87.5 0 0 6.2 0 0 0 0 0
Lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Roorkee,
LOP 0 85 0 6.2 0 0 0 0 0
PO 0 0 71.4 0 9.1 0 0 0 0 India, for the study of multiclass pattern classification using
SI 12.5 15 28.6 81.3 9.1 0 0 0 0 artificial neural network classifier with three different texture
CR 0 0 0 0 81.8 0 0 0 0 feature set having 8, 64, and 44 descriptors of texture features
LOF 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 of 79 images containing nine types of flaws . From
WH 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 experimental observation it is concluded that the flaws class
UC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 like LOF, WH, PO, UC presents high accuracy of
ND 0 0 0 6.2 0 0 0 0 100
classification with 44 feature set however the GC, LOP, SI
C. Experiment 3: and CR gives moderately low accuracy of classification in all
the three feature sets, whereas, confusion between different
In the third experiment twenty two texture features of
second order statistic discussed in section-II are considered for classes are different in each experiment. The combined
feature extraction in two direction (0o and 180o) for spatial accuracy of classification using three different feature sets on
pixel distance d=2 (0,2; 2,0). Here, total of 22x2=44 texture same data sets are 82.3%, 86.1% and 86.1% respectively.
feature descriptors are extracted from each of the image. Again From Fig.4, it is also clear that recognition rate 100% can be
it is observed that the cascade-forward back propagation neural achieved with the GLCM based texture feature approach.
network architecture is the most suitable for classification of
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Fig. 4. Classification accuracy of different flaws in different experiments

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