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ISBN: 978 – 978 – 936 – 958 – 4

‫مركز إحياء السنة وإخماد اليدعة‬

Markaz Ihyahi Sunnah Waikhmadi Bid’ah
+2347031937133, +2348055772203

I would like to commend Sheik Abubakr Ali for writing foreword to the
book. For your cordiality, trust and whole-hearted support, please, accept my deep
I owe an enormous scholarly debt to Hajia Mairo Bello Garko, the
Director/Project Coordinator of Adolescent Health and Information Project (AHIP),
her sensitivity to my underlying messages, her consideration to detail, her talent to
translate ideas into clear prose, her determined dynamism are greatly appreciated.
The editors, men with pedigree of uncommon integrity and humility, Mall.
Isiaq Tata Alada and Dr Haleem Abdur Rahman, sincerely deserve my considerable
appreciation. Thanks for bearing with me and dealing so patiently with my numerous
enquiries during the process of editing this book.
I am forever indebted to my parents, siblings, cousins, nephews, nieces and
other family member for their understanding, endless patience and encouragement
when it was most required.
I would like to gratefully acknowledge the enthusiastic understanding of my
Ummu Mutmainnah. She has been extremely patient and provided constant support
– thanks a million.

I appreciate the sage advice and guidance of all the staff of AHIP. The
wonderful organization is comprised of individuals with wonderful talent all of whom
are dedicated to sharing their knowledge with others. You are wonderful guys.
No one walks alone on the journey of life, it is necessary and pleasant task
to thank the legions of people who have assisted, encouraged, participated in the
preparation of this book. It is in the best tradition to say Jazakumullahu khayran.



I was pleased when Abubakr Amosa Ladi Ibraheem gave

me the honor of writing the foreword for this book. For me, it is
a welcome change to have the mixture of western and Islamic
knowledge to talk about the issues that are eating into the fabric
of our society. The difference of this book to other books that
are calling attention to the magnitude of violence in Nigeria is
the linking to the Islamic guiding principles which is the true
way to follow.

This book touched on the Origin of Man, the position of

Women in ancient societies and, other Religions. He also talked
about the Position of Women in Islam and women in the
contemporary world as it relates to Violence against Women.
These includes Rape, Sexual Harassment, Domestic Violence,
Human Trafficking, Forced Prostitution, Kidnapping, Abduction
of Women/Girls to Baby Factories; Incest, Female Infanticide and
Indiscriminate Divorce.

The author has drawn attention to the facts that the

incidence of violence is very high in the country especially,
violence against women which is a major public health problem

and a violation of human rights. This can also be linked to lack
of access to education and opportunities. The most important
reasons for perpetrating violence against women that the author
highlighted are the deviation from the provision of Islam; using
culture as a yardstick for engaging with the women folks and
committing harmful traditional practices. This has given rise to
a lot of harmful consequences and, misinterpreting the religious
provisions is also a serious problem.

Violence by an intimate partner is one of the most

common forms of violence against women. This comes in the
form of unjustified physical beating; verbal, emotional and,
economic abuse. The author wrote about factors that can trigger
violence which include the behavior of persons who grew up in
a family where violence is common; alcoholism; drug abuse and
some other cultural believes.

The book talked about the consequences of violence

against women which includes a wide range of physical injury,
mental or emotional trauma, negative sexual and reproductive
health outcome and, maternal health problems. Many women
do not seek help or report violence when it occurs even to their
family members and, silence promotes the act of violence.

The author articulated the position of Islam on early
marriage, gender equality, processes of divorcing a spouse and
female circumcision. The write brought out many arguments for
the laid down traditions of Islam. Drawing inference from an
argument he provided showed circumcision is compulsory for
men but not for women. Ibn Qudamah (May Allah blesses him)
said: “Circumcision is obligatory for men, but for female, it is not
obligatory for them. This is the opinion of many scholars. Imam
Ahmad said: for men it is more strictly required, but for women
it is less strictly required” Al Mugni 1/70. The author also
concluded that early marriage is not compulsory, in Islam, but
it is allowed and recommended as soon as it is possible by the
age of puberty.

This book seeks to draw lessons of a broader significance

from Quran and Hadith that rings through all chapters. This is
an invaluable reference for those who want to liberate minds
that have been enslaved by the evil perpetrating writers, and for
those who want to nurture a divine atmosphere for Islam to
thrive as well as to establish a society devoid of all sorts of social

The author meticulously deserves tributes for delicately,
but deliciously weaving through such fundamental issues.
Indeed, it’s when we don’t write, teach, preach and practice the
teachings of Islam that the moral decadence will not be stopped,
may Allah forbid. I pray to Allah Almighty to bless this book,
accept it as an act of Ibadah and reward the author abundantly.

Sheik Abubakr ‘Aliy

Table of Contents
Introduction 11
1. Origin of Man 16
2. Position of Women in Ancient Societies and Other Religions 22
3. Position of Women in Islam 27
4. Women in The Contemporary World 48
5. Violence Against Women: 55
(a) Rape 59
(b) Sexual Harassment 70
(c) Domestic Violence 72
(d) Human Trafficking 76
(e) Forced Prostitution 81
(f) Kidnapping 83
(g) Abduction of Women/Girls to Baby Factories 85
(h) Incest 87
(i) Female Infanticide 89
(j) Indiscriminate Divorce. 92
6. Harmful Traditional Practices 102

(a) Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). 104
* Islam; Female Circumcision 108
(b) Male Child Preference. 113
(c) Widowhood Rites. 114
(d) Wife Inheritance. 115
(e) Nutritional Taboos. 116
(f) ‘Sara’ (Sadaqah) Marriage. 117
7. Early Marriage in Islam 120
8. Gender Equality 131
9. Consequences of Violence Against Women and Harmful Traditional
Practices 142
*Effects of Violence against Women and Harmful Traditional Practices on
Children 147
10. Ways to Curb Violence Against Women and Harmful Traditional
Practices 148
11. Bibliography 160

10 | P a g e

11 | P a g e
In the name of Allaah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

All Praise be to Allaah, we praise Him, seek His

help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allaah from
the evils of our souls and evils of our deeds. One, whom
Allaah guides, none can lead him astray, and one whom
He misguides, none can guide him. I bear witness that
there is nothing worthy of worship except Allaah, and I
bear witness that Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of
Allaah be upon him) is His servant and His messenger.

“Oh you who believe! Fear Allaah as He should be

feared, and do not die except as Muslim”. (Q3:102).

“O mankind! Fear your Lord who created you from a

single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He
created his wife (Hawah), and from them both He
created many men and women and fear Allaah through
whom you demand your mutual (rights), and (do not
cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship). Surely,
Allaah is Ever an All-Watcher over you.” (Q4:1).

12 | P a g e
“O those who believe! Fear Allaah and say what is
correct (always). He will direct you to do righteous
good and He will forgive you your sins. And whoever
obeys Allaah and His messenger that is a great
achievement” (Q33:70-71).

The best of speech is the speech of Allaah. That

is The Book of Allaah. The best of guidance is the
guidance of Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allaah
be upon him), the worst of all matters are innovations
(in the din); and every newly invented matter (in the din)
is an innovation, and every innovation is a deviation, and
every deviation leads to Hell-fire.

The role of women in any society is crucial to its

wellbeing and survival. Men and women are
complimentary partners to each other in the progress
of humanity. Here and now, women are suffering from a
lot of dehumanizing practices and their status is highly
controversial. The manifestation of this is in sexual
abuses, human trafficking, abduction of women to baby
factory, harmful traditional practices ..., and the evil
effect of these practices is increasingly becoming
13 | P a g e
foolish to be virtuous despite condemnation of such
practices in our religion.

Islamic perspective on the status of women is the

most misinterpreted and often misunderstood by non-
Muslims and some Muslims. However, in order to
understand what Islam established for women, there is
need to separate the religion from wrong cultural norms
and style of our society. Islam has given women a very
honorable and respectable position, unprecedented in
the history of mankind. It granted women rights which
were completely suppressed and not recognized before
the time of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of
Allaah be upon him).

In Islam, women are like men in some aspects and

they differ from them in others. Where a distinction is
made between both sexes, the rightly guided Muslims
accept and regard that as a mercy from Allaah Almighty
(Subhanahu Wata’aala) but the rebellious among
mankind pinpoints that as an oppression, depression,
repression, suppression and injustice. While some

14 | P a g e
misinterpret the difference and use it as a tool to
oppress women.

This book is intended to provide a concise and

authentic exposition of what Islam stands for in this
regard, create awareness on the menace of the abuses
of the rights of women and clarify what is violence
against women and harmful traditional practices in Islam
with clear cut evidence from Quran and Hadith without
having bias against men or women. Our Prophet
Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him)
never maltreated a woman, emulating him is the solution
and divergence from his teachings will not help.

Lastly, whatever is written of the truth and

benefits are due to Allaah’s Assistance and Guidance. All
errors are of my shortcomings. Allaah Alone Knows Best
and He is the Only Source of Strength, may He continue
to guide me and you.


15 | P a g e

16 | P a g e
Allaah (SubhanahuWata’aala) created man in
several stages from conception till death through a
gradual process. Adam, the first man, was created from
clay and Hawah, his wife, was created from him.

Allaah (SubhanahuWata’aala) says: “O mankind! Be

dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single
person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his
wife (Hawah) and from them both He created men
and women…”1

It is a process of creation by the Best of

creators in which inorganic matter, clay, becomes living
matter. The inorganic matter after becoming living
matter, reproduces itself by means of sperm which is
deposited in the uterus where it encounters its
counterpart; the ovum and fertilizes it.

Allaah (SubhanahuWata’aala) says: “And indeed

We created man (Adam) out of an extract of clay
(water and earth). Thereafter, We made him (the

17 | P a g e
offspring of Adam) as a nutfah (mixed drops of the
male and female sexual discharge) and lodge it in a
safe lodging (womb of the woman). Then We made
the nutfah into a clot (a piece of thick coagulated
blood), then We made the clot into a little lump of
flesh, then We made out of that little lump of flesh
bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh and then
We brought it forth as another creation. So blessed
be Allaah, The Best of creators”2

In another verse, Allaah (SubhanahuWata’aala)

says: “O mankind, if you are in doubt about the
resurrection, then verily! We have created you (i.e.
Adam) from dust, then from nutfah (mixed drops of
offspring of Adam), then from a clot (a piece of thick
coagulated blood) then from a little lump of flesh,
some formed and some unformed (miscarriage) that
We may make (it) clear to you (i.e. to show you Our
power and Ability to do what We will). And We cause

18 | P a g e
whom We will to remain in the wombs for an appointed
term, then We bring you out as infants…”3

Narrated ‘Abdullah (R.A.), Allaah’s messenger (Peace

and Blessings of Allaah be upon him) the true and truly
inspired said: “(as regard creation), every one of you is
collected in the womb of his mother for the first forty
days, and then he becomes a clot for another forty days
and then a piece of flesh for another forty days. Then
Allaah sends an angel to write four words. He writes his
deeds, time of his death, means of livelihood, and
whether he will be wretched or blessed (in the
Hereafter). Then the soul is breathed into his body…”

Going by the quoted verses of Quran and Hadith,

the processes by which human beings produce offspring
starts with the union of sperm and egg which is called
fertilization. Usually, fertilization occurs in the
fallopian tube. The fertilized egg which is called zygote
travels to the prepared uterine lining where it develops.

Muslim Hadith No 2643
19 | P a g e
During fertilization, sex of the baby is determined and
it has been proven that male components determine the
sex of the baby because the semen from the male
contains sperms that carry the X chromosome and
others that carry Y chromosome while female egg/ovum
carries only X chromosomes. If Y chromosome from the
male fuses with X chromosome from the female, a boy
is formed. If X chromosome from the male fuses with X
chromosome from the female, a girl is formed. It has
been scientifically proven that the Y spermatozoa is
weaker, in terms of life span than the X spermatozoa
which forms female zygote and that more baby girls
survive the first six months of life than baby boys,
apart from this, gestation period and other processes
are the same.

The first change in the fertilized ovum (zygote)

is the conversion to a blastocyst through repeated cell
division (a sort of clot or thickly congealed blood); the
blastocyst cell grows further by segmentation; then the
mass gradually assumes shape in its growth as an
embryo. From the lump (embryo) develop bones, flesh,
organs and a nervous system; then the breathing of
20 | P a g e
Allaah’s spirit into it; then it develops into another

21 | P a g e



22 | P a g e
Before discussing position of women in Islam,
there is need to appraise how women were being treated
in pre-Islamic cultures and religions.

In Sumerian,56 man used woman as a mere child

producing machine and most Sumerians men took second
wives and maintained regular relationships with
concubines and prostitutes. The Sumerian law states
that: “If a woman stole goods from her husband, she was
to be executed, while if she stole goods from a
neighbor’s house, then she might either have her ears
cut off by her husband”, “If a woman gave shelter to a
run-away wife without her husband’s knowledge both of
them were liable to lose their ears”. There is another

“In that part of the middle – East called the Fertile Crescent hunter gatherers began
planting gardens. By 7000 BCE there was farming which required permanent settlement.
By 4500BCE people archaeologists call Ubaidians were living in towns near where the
Tigris and Euphrates rivers emptied into Persian Gulf… This was Mesopotamia (Greek for
“between two rivers”). It was around 4000BCE that people called Sumerians moved into
Mesopotamia….at least twelve cities arose among the Sumerians. Among them were Ur,
Uruk, Kish and Lagash. The Sumerians – Macro History
The Sumerians are responsible for the first known set written laws. These laws are known
as the “code” of Ur Nammu - Sumerian Society]
23 | P a g e
provision in their law where the wife of a Sumerian man
followed another man and slept with him, “it is only the
woman who should be put to death, while the man is
allowed to go free”. Also, when a husband died, the wife
(widow) comes under the control of her former
husband’s father or brother or if she had a grown-up
son she was put under his control.

In Mesopotamia, the law states that: “If an

Assyrian man took a virgin by force and ravished her,
the girl’s father had the right to take the rapist’s wife
to be ravished and never to be return to him. However,
if the father of the deflowered girl so desired, she was
to be given to her ravisher in marriage”, “A man could
divorce his wife; he might give her something if he
desired. But if he did not want to give her anything she
had to go out empty handed”.

According to The Encyclopedia Britannica: in

Roman law, the wife is a purchased property of her
husband, acquired only to benefit husband/owner just
like other properties. The Encyclopedia Britannica also
states Indian rule; “the rule of inheritance was agnatic
24 | P a g e
that is descent traced through males to the exclusion
of females”.

In Pagan Arab, women were considered as an

unproductive creature, their births in to the family
were considered to be a curse, disgrace or shame and
that necessitate being buried alive by them. Women
were also treated as Chattels to be bought and sold at
will. Arabs make women dance naked in the vicinity of
the Ka’bah during their annual fairs (Ukaz). Women were
treated as an object of sexual pleasure, possessing no
rights or position whatsoever. In fact, one can take any
number of wives and divorce them whenever he is fed

Among practices of Africans, man and woman may

have sexual relationship before marriage in order to
test that the woman is not barren. African cultures
were characterized with many harmful practices which
will later be examined, inshaa Allaah, particularly in

25 | P a g e
In religions, other than Islam, the matrimonial
union of man and woman has been considered
incompatible and had been regarded as derogatory to
man. In another religion, woman has no right to call for
the dissolution of her marriage no matter how badly she
is been treated by her husband. And the widow is
expected to burn herself on a pyre (large pile of wood
for burning) of her husband. Woman in another religion
has been described as; “The origin of devil”, “The
mother of all evils”, “The gate way of hell”, “A scorpion
ever ready to sting”, “Sentinel of hell”, “Daughter of
falsehood”, “Lance of the demon” and “The enemy of

This was the position of a woman before the

advent of Islam in different parts of the world. Islam
came and elevated woman to a respected standard,
position. Islam disapproves and condemns those aspects
of cultures that contradict its teachings and principles.

26 | P a g e

27 | P a g e
Islam views the religion of all Prophets (peace of
Allaah be upon them) as one for the truth is one. Islam
is not a sect or an ethnic religion; it was the religion
preached by all the earlier Prophets (peace of Allaah be
upon them), it was the truth taught by all the
inspirational books. In essence it amounts to a
consciousness of the will and plan of Allaah and a joyful
submission to that will and plan; Prophets preached
Islam, before Prophet Muhammad, after them darkness
engulfed the world. But the light of Islam shines and
reclaims the lost people from the midst of Arabia with
fresh holy revelation to humankind emancipating women
and encouraging the upholding of the highest level of
respect for women.

Annemarie Schimmel states that; “Compared to

the Pre-Islamic position of women, Islamic legislation
meant an enormous progress; the woman has the right,
at least according to the letter of the law, to administer
the wealth she has brought in to the family or has
earned by her own work”7 . William Montgomery Watt

Annemarie Schimmel (1992) Islam: An Introduction, p65
28 | P a g e
states that; Muhammad, in the historical context of his
time, can be seen as a figure who promoted women’s
rights and improved things considerably. Watt explains
“At the time Islam began the conditions of women were
terrible – they were considered a sign of weakness, they
were buried alive they had no right to own property,
were supposed to be the property of the man, and if the
man died everything went to his sons. Muhammad,
however, by instituting rights of property ownership,
inheritance, marriage, education and divorce, gave
women certain basic safeguards”8

However, position of women in the society from

Islamic point of view will be vividly illustrated under the
following headings:

i. As a Child and an Adolescent

ii. As a Wife
iii. As a Mother

Maan, Mc Intosh (1999), Women_in_Arab_societies

29 | P a g e

In Islam, the practice of female infanticide is

condemned. It is an evil practice of Pagan Arab before
the advent of Islam, either to keep the poor girl as a
thing of contempt, bringing disgrace on the family, or to
get rid of her by burying her alive. Allaah (Subhanahu
Wata’aala) says: “And when the news of the birth of
a female child is brought to any of them, his face
becomes dark, and he is filled with grief! He hides
himself from the people because of the evil of that
whereof he has been informed shall he keep her with
dishonor or bury her in the earth. Certainly, evil is
their decision”9 Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says:
“And when the female (infant buried alive (as the
Pagan Arab used to do) shall be questioned for what
sin she was killed?”10 The Prophet (Peace and Blessings

Q81: 8-9
30 | P a g e
of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah has forbidden for
you… to bury your daughters alive ………..”11

Unjust suffering is caused, and innocent lives

wasted, without a trace being left, by which offenders
can be brought to justice. But in the world of justice,
the day of resurrection, questions will be asked because
the female child has right to live like a male child. Both
males and females are alike in the sight of Allaah,
however, each is physically prepared and equipped to
perform certain tasks and duties that are suitable to
his/her nature. Both, male and female children are
entitled to the following rights:

• Right to be properly brought up, raised and

educated (including religious, ethical, moral
education and, western education).

Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says “O you who

believe! Ward off from yourselves and your
families a fire whose fuel is men and stones,

Bukhari Hadith No 2408 and Muslim Hadith No 593
31 | P a g e
over which are appointed angels stern (and)
severe, who disobey not the commands they
receive from Allaah, but do that which they
are commanded”12

The Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be

upon him) said: “Every one of you (people) is a
shepherd, and everyone is responsible for
whatever falls under his responsibility. A man is
like a shepherd of his own family, and he is
responsible for them” 13

• Right to be treated equally irrespective of sex.

Islam establishes the fact that no child, male or

female, should be preferred over others, all must
be treated equally and fairly. Allaah (Subhanahu
Wata’aala) says: “O you who believe! Stand out
firmly for Allaah and be just witnesses and let
not the enmity and hatred of others make you

Bukhari Hadith No 7138 and Muslim Hadith No 1829
32 | P a g e
avoid justice. Be just: that is nearer to piety,
and fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is Well-
acquainted with what you do”14

Abubakr (May Allaah is pleased with him) said

that Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) was approached
by one of his Companions, Al Numan bn Basheer,
who Said: “O Prophet of Allaah! I have granted a
servant to one of my children (asking him to
testify to that gift)”. But the Prophet (May the
peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked
him: “Did you grant the same to each and every
child of yours?” when the Prophet (May the peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was informed
negatively about that, he said: “Fear Allaah, the
Almighty, and be fair and just to all your children.
Seek the testimony of another person, other than
me. I will not testify to an act of injustice.”15
Therefore, preference of one child over the

Bukhari Hadith No 2587 and Muslim Hadith No 1624
33 | P a g e
others (like male over female) is an act of
injustice and is forbidden in Islam.

Based on the aforementioned verses of Quran

and Hadith narrations, it is very important for parents
to care about their children, irrespective of sex; Which
type of friend they associate with? What are they doing
on internet? And separate their bed (male aside and
female aside) when they reach seven years of age. But
it is pitiful that many parents have neglected their
responsibilities causing their children to grow up
without any sign of responsible adulthood and they
become nuisance. Would that parents knew! If they
fulfill these responsibilities they will be free of the
consequences of the Hereafter and their children will
be the pleasure of their eyes in this life and the

Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “And those

who believe and whose families follow them in faith,
to them shall we join their families: Nor shall we
deprive them of the fruit of aught of their works:

34 | P a g e
Yet is each individual in pledge for his deeds”16 The
Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him)
said: “Upon death, man’s deeds will stop except for
three deeds, namely: a continuous charitable fund,
endowment or goodwill; knowledge left for people to
benefit from; and pious righteous and God-fearing
children who continuously prays to Allaah, the Almighty,
for the soul of his parents”.17

Also, it is narrated by the prophet’s wife ‘Aishah

(May Allaah be pleased with her) that a woman entered
her house with two of her daughters. She asked for
charity, but ‘Aishah could not find anything, except a
date which was given to her. The woman divided it
between her two daughters and did not eat any herself.
Then she got up and left. When the prophet (May the
peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to the
house Aishah told him about what had happened and he
declared that when the woman was brought to account

Muslim Hadith No 1632
35 | P a g e
on the day of judgment about her two daughters they
would act as a screen for her from the fires of Hell”.18


A man’s well-bred, humane and kind behavior that

reflect a sense of honor to the opposite sex is natural
and Allaah given. Undeniably, the marriage of same
gender (gay or lesbian) is quite different in quality and
temper from the feeling which unspoiled nature (or
human being) expects from the marriage of man and
woman. There is a special natural kind of love and
tenderness between men and women. Allaah (Subhanahu
Wata’aala) says: “And among His signs is this, that He
created for you your wives from among yourselves,
that you may find repose in them, and He has put
between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are
indeed signs for a people who reflect”.19 Also He says:
“They (your wives) are your garment and you

Muslim Hadith No 2629
36 | P a g e
(husband) are a garment for them”.20 What a beautiful
adjective that Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) use to
qualify relationship between men and women, He called
them garment and, what garment does to the body? It

- It beautifies our body

- It hides our nakedness
- It protects us from cold
- It brings comfort to the body etc.

Thus, in accordance with true Islamic teachings,

husband and wife reciprocate the aforementioned.
Below are some narrations on marriage and how they
(wives) should be treated:

The Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon

him) said: “Whoever Allaah provides with virtuous wife,
He has helped him to safeguard half of his religion, and
he should fear Allaah in respect of the remaining half”.21

Hakim Hadith No 2681 and Tabarani Hadith No 972
37 | P a g e
The Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon
him) said: “Marriage is my way and whoever keeps away
from my way is not from me”.22

The Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon

him) said: “The world and all things in the world are
precious but the most precious thing in the world is a
virtuous woman”. 23

He (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“Fear Allaah in respect of women”. 24

He (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“the best of you are they who behave best to their

He (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“A believing man should not hate a believing woman (his

Bukhari Hadith No 5063 and Muslim Hadith No 1401
Muslim Hadith No 1467
Muslim Hadith No 1218
Tirmidhi Hadith No 3892
38 | P a g e
wife), if he be displeased with a conduct in her, let him
be pleased with a conduct that is good in her”.26

He (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“The most perfect believers are the best in conduct and
the best of you are those who are the best to their

He (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“Fear Allaah regarding women. Verily you have married
them with the trust of Allaah, and made their bodies
lawful with the word of Allaah. You (husband) have got
(rights) over them, and they (wives) have got (rights)
over you in respect of their food and clothing according
to your means”.28

A woman in her full maturity, Islam encourages

highest respect for her, that she does not expose her
body parts as to unwillingly encourage unsolicited sexual

Muslim Hadith No 1469
Tirmidhi Hadith 1162
Muslim Hadith No 1218
39 | P a g e
abuse. Thus, Islam designates the full observance of a
modest dress code and also raises the ideal of wifehood
which is not allowed in certain religions and encourage
husbands to fear Allaah regarding their wive rights that
has been acknowledged by Allaah Almighty in His book
saying: “and for women are rights over men similar to
those of men over women but men have a degree over
them. Allaah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.”29

For instance, women are enjoined to exercise

humanized influence over their husband to soften the
sternness inherent in their nature while men are to
educate their wives in order to cultivate good quality of
life to make them excel.


Without question, man and woman are

complimentary partners to each other in the progress
of humanity by playing roles that are impossible for the
other to play successfully e.g. Men do not give birth to

40 | P a g e
somebody like you and me. Islam describes parental love
as a divine love and enjoined Muslims to show respect,
be dutiful and kind to our parents (Father and Mother)
even if they are unbelievers.

Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “And we have

enjoined on man to be dutiful and kind to his parents.
His mother bears him with hardship and she brings
him forth with hardship, and the bearing of him and
the weaning of him is thirty (30) months till when he
attains full strength and reaches forty…..”30 He
(Suhahahu Wata’aala) also said: “And your Lord has
decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you
be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both
of them attain old age in your life, say not to them
a word of disrespect nor shout at them but address
them in terms of honor”31

Also, Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “And we

have enjoined on man to be dutiful and good to his

41 | P a g e
parents. His mother bore him in weakness and
hardship upon weakness and hardship and his weaning
is in two years – give thanks to Me and to your
parents – unto Me is the final destination”32

A man asked the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of

Allaah be upon him) “What deeds are the best? The
Prophet said: “To perform the (daily compulsory) Salat
(Prayers) at their stated fixed times; to be good dutiful
to one’s own parents and to participate in jihad in
Allaah’s cause” 33. Abu Hurrairah (May Allaah be pleased
with him) reported that a man came to the messenger
of Allaah (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him)
and asked “O Messenger of Allaah, who is the person
who has the greatest right on me with regards to
kindness and attention? He replied: “Your mother”. Then
who? He replied: “Your mother”. Then who? He replied:
“Your mother”. Then who? He replied: “Your father”.34

Bukhari Hadith No 527 and Muslim Hadith No 85
Bukhari Hadith No 5971 and Muslim Hadith No 2548
42 | P a g e
Mu’awiyyah, the son of Jahimah reported that
Jahimah came to the Prophet and said: “Messenger of
Allaah! I want to join the fighting (in the path of Allaah)
and I have come to seek your advice. He said: “Do you
have mother?” he replied: “Yes” Prophet said:” Then
remain in your mother’s service because paradise is
under her feet”.35

Women are charged with responsibility of proper

upbringing of children i.e. to give her children moral and
spiritual teachings, etc. The Prophet (Peace and
Blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The woman is
responsible for her husband’s house and will be
questioned about her responsibility….”36 Here, “woman is
responsible for her husband’s house” means caring for
his (husband) children and properties. Therefore, the
primary role of a woman, which is the most important, is
being a mother to give children spiritual, moral and

Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah
Bukhari Hadith No 7138 and Muslim Hadith No 1829
43 | P a g e
emotional support and not to be merely a child producing
machine as it was before the advent of Islam.

In Islam, sex difference, which is a difference in

nature, does not count before Allaah in terms of their
religious duties (belief in Allaah and His messengers, His
divine revelations, His Angels etc.). Still, less of course,
would it count artificial distinctions, such as wealth,
race, birth, etc. A number of verses specify this in the
Quran and it is stressed that these verses are as
necessary to women as to men. Both sexes have spiritual
rights and duties in an equal degree, and the reward of
the hereafter.

Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “Verily the

Muslims (those who submit to Allaah in Islam) men
and women, the believer men and women (who believe
in Islamic monotheism), the men and the women who
are obedient (to Allaah), the men and the women who
are patient (in performing all the duties which Allaah
has ordered and in abstain from all that Allaah has
forbidden), the men and the women who are humble
(before their Lord-Allaah), the men and the women
44 | P a g e
who give ‘Sodaqh’ (i.e. Zakat, and alms, etc), the
men and the women who observe ‘Saum’ (Fast) (the
obligatory fasting during month of Ramadan and
‘Nawafil’, the optional, fasting), the men and the
women who guard their chastity (from illegal sexual
acts) and the men and the women who remember
Allaah much with their hearts and tongues (while
sitting, standing, lying, etc) Allaah has prepared for
them forgiveness and a great reward (i.e. Paradise)37

Also, He (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “whoever

works righteousness, whether male and female, while
he (or she) is a true believer (of Islamic monotheism).
Verily, to him we will give a good life (in this world
with respect, contentment and lawful provision), and
we shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to
the best of what they used to do (i.e. paradise in
the Hereafter).38

45 | P a g e
From the above verses, there is a clear-cut
evidence that a woman is not different from a man in
terms of religious obligation and both will definitely be
rewarded. Therefore, women have religious rights and
responsibilities as men.

Additionally, in the Pre-Islamic era, women were

considered as chattels to be bought and sold, and even
part of property to be inherited. However, Islam
recognizes women’s rights in marriage (dowry), property
and inheritance and they should be held in honor not as
chattels. Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “And give
to the women (who you marry) their ‘mahr’ (obligatory
bridal gift given by the husband to his wife at the
time of marriage) with a good heart……”39 He
(Subhanahu Wata’aala) also says: “Allaah commands
you as regards your children’s (inheritance): to the
male a portion equal to that of two females; if (there
are) only daughters, two or more, their share is two
thirds of the inheritance; if only one, her share is
half. For parents, a sixth share of inheritance to

46 | P a g e
each if the deceased left children; if no children and
the parents are the (only) heirs, the mother has a
third; if the deceased left brothers or (sisters), the
mother has a sixth. (The distribution in all cases is)
after the payment of legacies he may have
bequeathed or debts. You know not which of them,
whether your parents or your children, are nearest
to you in benefit, (these fixed shares) are ordained
by Allaah and Allaah is Ever All-Knowing, All-Wise.40
Therefore, a woman’s right to own properties and to
inheritance must be protected and they must be
treated with kindness.

In conclusion, Islam has given women an honorable

and respectable position which was absent before the
coming of Islam, thus any act of violence against women
is contrary to divine and comprehensive Islamic laws.

47 | P a g e


48 | P a g e
Despite the fact that Islam emancipate women
and encourages the upholding of the highest level of
respect for a woman and the presence of international
and national legislations41 to reduce or eradicate

- The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights (1948)
- The African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights (1981)
- The Convention on the Elimination of All forms Of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
- Nairobi Forward Looking Strategies (1985)
- In 1993 the UN General Assembly passed the declaration on the Elimination of Violence
Against Women, UN Resolution 48/104 (444)
- At both the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo
and the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, women’s organization from
around the world advocated ending gender violence as a high priority (479). The Cairo
Programme of Action recognized that gender violence is an obstacle to women’s
reproductive and sexual health and rights, and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for
Action devoted an entire section to the issue of violence against women.
- In March 1994 The Commission on Human Rights appointed the first special Rapporteur on
Violence against women.
- In March 1994 the Organization of American states (OAS) negotiated the Inter-American
convention to prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women. As of 1998, 27 Latin
American Countries had ratified the convention (82).
- In May 1996 the 49 th World Health Assembly adopted a resolution (WHA 49.25) declaring
violence a public health priority (479). WHO is sponsoring, together with the center for
Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE) and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, a multi-country study on women’s health and domestic violence.
49 | P a g e
violence against women, women in the contemporary
world still suffer untold hardship. In fact, many women
are being treated worse than animal. However, a growing
number of abuses and reports of women and girls around
the world are hereby examined:

“Studies in countries as different as Malaysia,

Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Chile and the United States
showed that 36 to 62% of women who had been raped

- In September 1998 the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) brought together 400
experts from 37 countries to discuss the causes and costs of domestic violence, and
policies and programs to address it. The IDB currently funds research and demonstration
projects on violence against women in six Latin American countries.
- In 1998 UNIFEM launched regional campaigns in Africa, Asia/Pacific and Latin America
designed to draw attention to the issue of violence against women globally (502). UNIFEM
also manages The Trust Fund in support of Actions to Eliminate Violence Against Women,
an initiative that has disbursed US $3.3million to 71 projects around the world since 1996
- In 1999 The United Nations Population Fund declared violence against women “a public
health priority” (445). – Population Reports (pg 5)
- National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP)]
50 | P a g e
were 15 years old or younger, and 18 to 32% of them
were girls of 10, or even younger.”42

“In the Maternity Hospital of Lima, Peru 90% of

young mothers aged 12 to 16, had been raped by their
father, stepfather or another close relative. A report
from Costa Rica shows that 95% of pregnant girls under
15 are victims of incest”43

“You may also not know that one out of every five
women is likely to be raped during her life time…. You
may also be unaware of the fact that 30% of suicides
and 60% of homicides of women are associated with
domestic violence.”44

Dr Tomris Turmen, Family and Reproductive Health, World Health Organization,
Switzerland. WHO/FIGO Pre-congress Workshop on Violence against Women (pg. 9).

Dr Tomris Turmen, Family and Reproductive Health, World Health Organization,
Switzerland. WHO/FIGO Pre-congress Workshop on Violence against Women (pg. 9).
Dr Tomris Turmen, Family and Reproductive Health, World Health Organization,
Switzerland. WHO/FIGO Pre-congress Workshop on Violence against Women (pg. 8).
51 | P a g e
“…at an antenatal clinic in the outskirts of Cape
Town, South Africa, 32% of 191 teenage Mothers,
whose average age was 16, reported that their first
intercourse had been forced. Some 72% reported
having had sex against their will at some point, and 11%
said they had been raped. Seventy-eight percent said
they would be beaten if they refused sex, 39% feared
being laughed at, and 6% said they would lose their

“A study of female homicide in Alexandra, Egypt,

found that 47% of all women killed were murdered by a
relative after they had been raped (190).”46

Domestic violence is the single major cause of

injury to women in America. Nearly one quarter of
women in the United States – more than 12million – will
be abused by a current or former partner some time
during their lives. According to the America Medical
Association, and, despite Islamic teachings of justice

Population Report, 1999. (pg10)
Population Report, 1999. (pg10)
52 | P a g e
and compassion, many Muslim women in the United
States and Canada are no exception.

Dr Mairo Mandana, Chairperson of the Right to

Information Initiative Nigeria (R2K) and Director of
the Charity Girl Child Concerns, spoke to Think Africa
Press regarding the futility of making police complaints:
“Domestic violence is pretty common in Nigeria and rape
is on the increase …. Unfortunately, the police and
support systems for these cases are very poor. Unless
the victim is likely to be supported by civil society
groups, seeking redress is almost a waste of time.”47 An
amnesty International report documents sexual violence
including rape by members of the police against women
in their homes, in the street and in detention. Currently,
the Public officers Protection Act prevents prosecution
of state actors charged for rape”48

Domestic Violence: The Problem Pervading Nigeria, Article/14 March, 2012. 11:45 by Leonie
Domestic Violence: The Problem Pervading Nigeria, Article/14 March, 2012. 11:45 by Leonie
53 | P a g e
CLEEN Foundation an NGO which promote public
safety, security and justice, in a nationwide survey
undertaken in 2005 found out that only 18.1% - less than
one in five of some 10,000 respondents who had been
raped had reported to the police. Also, CLEEN
Foundation’s figures shows that in 1999 there were
2,241 cases of rape and indecent assault. In 2000, 1,500
cases were reported; in 2001, 2,284; in 2002, 2,084; in
2003, 2,250; in 2004, 1,626, and in 2005, 1,835 cases
were all reported”49 And Tribune has reported in 2012
that “Cases of rape rise to 84% in Nigeria.”50

It has been shown that the rates of violence

against women around the world are on the increase,
thus necessitating knowing violence against women, its
consequences and ways to curb it.

Between Rape and Women’s Sexuality Rights in Nigeria. Gamji,
Tribune: Friday, 30 November 2012.
54 | P a g e

55 | P a g e
Violence means using or threatening force caused
by a person (or people) against others which result in
pain, injury degradation and humiliation. Violence is
defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as
“the intentional use of physical force or actual coercion
against a person, or against a group or community that
either results in or has a high likelihood resulting in
injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development or
deprivation.”51 Violence is of different categories,
however, when it is directly against a woman or a girl
simply because she was born female; it is called Gender
Based Violence (GBV). According to Beijing Declaration
and Platform for Action, it defines violence against
women as “any act of GBV that result in or is likely to
result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or
suffering to women (and Girls), including threats of such
acts coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty,
whether occurring in public and private life”.52

WHO/Liverpool JMU Centre for Public Health, “Violence Prevention: The evidence, 2010.
Between Rape and Women’s Sexuality Rights in Nigeria. Gamji,
56 | P a g e
Violence against women is a worldwide
phenomenon. This illicit act is as old as human history
and is still present in every society, that around the
world at least one woman in every three has been
beaten, coerced in to sex, or otherwise abused in her
life time as it was internationally reported by Population
Report 1999.

However, being born female is neither a crime nor

a sin. Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) creates all things in
pairs: “And that He (Allaah) created the pairs, -male
and female”53 and each sex created performs its
proper function and yet its balanced and wonderful
working is part of the creative process of Allaah. Thus,
He (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “To Allaah belongs the
kingdom of the heavens and the earth, He creates
what He wills, He bestows female (offspring) upon
who He wills, and bestows male (offspring) upon whom
He wills. Or He bestows both males and females and
He render barren whom He wills. Verily, He is the

57 | P a g e
All-Knower and is Able to do all things” 54 This is the
evidence that it is forbidden for those that believe in
Allaah to direct harmful behavior at a girl or a woman
because of her sex. And the essence of believing in
Allaah is to serve Allaah and do good to our fellow-

However, despite condemnation of violence

against women in Islam, women still suffer many forms
of violence in the contemporary world. These include:

1. Rape

2. Sexual Harassment

3. Domestic Violence

4. Human Trafficking

5. Forced Prostitution

6. Kidnapping

58 | P a g e
7. Abduction of Women/Girls to Baby Factories

8. Incest

9. Female Infanticide

10. Indiscriminate Divorce.


Rape means sexual intercourse that takes place

as a result of force or threats of force rather than
mutual consent between those involved. Legally, it can
also be defined as intentional, unlawful sexual
intercourse without consent. Also, “Any person who has
unlawful carnal knowledge of a woman or girl, without
her consent or with her consent, if the consent is
obtained by force or by means of intimidation of any
kind, or due to fear of harm, or by means of false and
fraudulent representation as to the nature of the act,

59 | P a g e
or in the case of a married woman by impersonating her
husband, is guilty of an offence which is called rape.55

Common types of rape are stipulated below:

1. Date Rape

2. Acquaintance Rape

3. Stranger Rape

4. Statutory Rape

5. Marital Rape

6. Rape by Family Members

7. Rape in times of Crisis

Date Rape refers to the type of rape that occurs when

a person is forced to have sex by his/her date.

Criminal Code Act (under S357).
60 | P a g e
Acquaintance Rape refers to the type of rape that is
committed by someone known to the victim, but there is
no potential for romantic involvement between them.

Stranger Rape refers to the type of rape that is

committed by an assailant who is not known to the
person attacked before.

Statutory Rape refers to the type of rape involving

having sexual intercourse with a person who is below the
age of consent.

Marital Rape refers to non-consensual sex in

which the perpetrator is the victim’s legal spouse. This
may not be a punishable crime in our society but it is un-
Islamic to rape one’s wife that is unable to actively
respond due to her psychological or physical illness.
Marriage is based on love and affection and Islam enjoin
husband to treat his wife with dignity and respect, to
be considerate of her condition and never harm her. The

61 | P a g e
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "There
is to be no harm done or reciprocation of harm."56

Rape by Family Members refers to the type of rape

involving family members or close relatives. Example

. Parents and children.

. Uncles and nieces or nephews,

. Aunts and nieces or nephews.

Rape in Times of Crisis refers to type of rape

committed during conflict or war by soldiers,
combatants, or civilians. This include rapes of refugees
that do result in many deaths, under the nose of the
security forces while some military commanders used
rape as a tool to break the spirits of rebels. Rape
committed during war is often intended to terrorize the
inhabitants, break up families, destroy communities,
and, in some instances, change the ethnic temperament

Ibn Majah, Hadith 32 of An-Nawawi collection
62 | P a g e
of the next generation. So often, it is also used to
deliberately infect women with HIV or render women
from the embattled community incapable of bearing

Cases of rape have been on the increase, despite

the fact that it is nationally and internationally
punishable under law. Although both males and females
can be victims of rape, but the most prevalent reported
victims of rape are of females.57

OsunDefender - 2 Brothers Kidnap, Rape A Minor in Osun
On Nov 6, 2013 By folashade adaradohun,. “An Osogbo Chief Magistrate’s Court on
Wednesday ordered the remand of two brothers, Feyisola Olatunji (25) and Olabode Olatunji
(28) for charges of abducting and raping a 14-year-old girl.”
THE PUNCH - Boy, 14, rapes nine-year-old girl to death
October 30, 2013 by Eniola Akinkuotu. “According to police authorities, the deceased was
raped over five times, by a 14-year-old student, Onyi Adimabua, in the Ikorodu area of the
GISTMANIA - Police sack 2 officers, demote Inspector over rape in Kano, From Desmond
Mgboh, Kano.Thursday, December 23, 2010
“The Kano State Police Command has sacked two serving police constables, Yusuf Ibrahim
and Salim Mahmoud, from the Nigeria Police Force (NPF).
This followed their alleged complicity in the abduction and rape of a 16-year-old girl. The
State Commissioner of Police, Alhaji Mohammad Tambari Yabo, disclosed that another
officer, Inspector Mohammed Dantalle, was demoted to the rank of a sergeant, following
63 | P a g e
the scandal, even as he stated that the case had been dispatched to the Director of Public
Prosecution (DPP) in the state Ministry of Justice for advice.”
Daily Post - Gang Rape at Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto
By Amiru Adamu on April 30, 2012.
“Some male students of the shehu shagari college of education sokoto, went on rampage
last night and attacked female students and their male visitors at the school premises.
Reports from eye witnesses suggests that about ten female students were gang raped by
the male students,who also destroyed more than 5 cars parked within the school
premises.” - 4 Friends Gang-Rape Woman In Lagos.
29 April, 2013 By “A 24-year old woman (name withheld) has allegedly been
raped by four friends in Olodi Apapa, Lagos State, southwest Nigeria. The incident happened
at 170, Muyibi Street, Olodi Apapa. One of the suspects, 28-year old Suleman Abubakar, has
been arrested and charged before Apapa Magistrate’s court, Lagos with rape.Three of his
friends and accomplices are still on the run.” - I Raped Only 6 Children - Kano Bank Driver Confesses.
1 August, 2013 “A 50-year-old driver in one of the new generation banks,
arrested for allegedly raping a 10-year-old girl, Zainab, who feigned ignorance of the
implication of his offence, has told the police at the Kano State Police Command, Bompai
police division, that he has successfully had carnal knowledge of five other minors in the
Enownow - Immigration Officer Rapes Girl In Kano
2008/12/03 enownow. “An officer in the department of immigration, at the Immigration
Training School in kano has been accused of raping a young girl. The man in question is
said to have specifically targeted newly elected students in the school or women who have
recently been posted to the immigration office. Individuals with knowledge of the man have
stated that it is known that whenever he has his eye on a lady he will always make sure he
has his way with her.

64 | P a g e
A number of cases have been alleged, including a woman who sustained spinal cord injuries
during an assault. However, despite her subsequent death, it is claimed that the man's
position has allowed him to go unpunished. However, his latest rape was that of the
daughter of a colleague, crossing a boundary that appears to have been a step too far, and
resulting in public outrage over the incidents.”
The Nigerian Voice - Man arrested for allegedly raping 5-yr-old girl in Jigawa
12 August, 2013 By The Citizen. “The Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC) in
Jigawa state has arrested a man, 34, for allegedly raping a five-year-old girl in Hadejia
local government area.”
The Herald - Police arraign man for rape
October 21, 2013 By Tayo Ayanda. “Police in Ilorin has arraigned an 18-year-old man, Olaiya
Lateef of No. 2, Asa-Dam Road, Ilorin, before an Ilorin Magistrate Court for allegedly raping
a married woman. The accused was said to have entered into the room of the victim while
she was fast asleep and forcefully had sexual intercourse with her.”
GBOOZA - Police nab 80-yr-old for raping 4-yr-old in Kano
Posted by News Updates on November 24, 2011 at 2:17am in Nigeria Crime News “THE Kano
State police command has arrested one Shu’abiu Jibrin (80), for allegedly raping a four-
year-old girl, just as the command also paraded a 65-year-old man, Ado Shehu, for
allegedly raping another four-year-old girl.”
Channels Television - SSS parade students over alleged rape, cult activities in Kwara
Posted by: Channels Television Posted date: July 31, 2012. “The Kwara State Directorate of
the State Security Service (DSS) paraded seven students of tertiary institutions in Ilorin,
the state capital over alleged abduction and rape. Other offences allegedly committed by
the suspects include possession of fake currency notes. The suspects are Abdulrasak
Abubakar, Musa Sikirullahi; Kamaldeen Isiaka; Olanrewaju Lawal; Ibrahim Olanrewaju, Tunde
Yusuf and Abdularaham Jimoh”
65 | P a g e
Naija Mayor - Three men gang rape 15 year old girl in Lagos
Posted on Nov 2, 2013. “Three men have allegedly gang-raped a 15-year old girl at the
Ikorodu area of Lagos, as the police are alleged to be threatening the victim’s parents to
settle the matter out of court. The state government had earlier blamed the police for
frustrating rape cases by threatening victims and their families to withdraw their cases.
Two of the men have been arraigned at one of the newly established Family Courts in Ikeja
for allegedly raping the girl.
The suspects are being tried by the Lagos State Office of the Public Defender, OPD, while
the third suspect is still at large. It was learnt that the victim was lured to No 23, Fola
Mustapha Street, in Ajegunle area of Ikorodu by her classmate (name withheld), a 16-year
old girl, on the pretext that she wanted to return a text book which she had earlier
borrowed from the victim. The victim was deceived by her friend who had already arranged
with the three suspected rapists to have sex with her forcefully. The three suspects; Yusuf
Mohammed, Rasheed Oyedepo and Tunde were alleged to have inflicted bodily injury on the
girl (name withheld). It was gathered that the raped girl’s friend deliberately delayed her
classmate for hours and enabled the heinous crime by putting on the generator set, on the
pretext that she needed to charge her phone. According to the OPD , the victim wanted to
take her leave in annoyance when it was getting too late for the her to return home, but
her friend told her to wait for a while before taking her to a new room where she was
raped in turns by the gang.”
Channels Television - Police Nabs Man For Raping 4 year old To Death
on March 2, 2013. “The Imo state police command has arrested a 30-year old man, Mr.
Onyebuchi Ejinkonye who allegedly raped a 4-year old girl to death Omuna Oru East Local
Government Area of Imo state.” –
66 | P a g e
Few cases are reported, considering the fact that most
rape cases are not reported for shame and fear of
further victimizations.

Islam view rape as a violent crime, inhumanity to

humanity and mischief for having coerced the victim in
to sex against her will. Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala)
says: “….seek not mischief in the land. Verily, Allaah
likes not the ‘mufsidun’ (those who commit great
crimes and sins, oppressions, tyrants, mischief
makers, corrupter or the corrupted, rapist etc).”58
The Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him)
said: “Whosoever does not show mercy towards others,
will not have mercy bestowed upon him”.59 Though, the
punishment for committing rape in Islam could be
stoning to death or other great punishment, yet the
rapist should fear Allaah and His prepared humiliating
torment for mufsidun.

Bukhari Hadith No 6013 and Muslim Hadith No 2319
67 | P a g e
There is no blame attached to the victim but
women/girls should endeavor to take precautions laid
down by Islam which includes:

- Meeting a new date in the presence of your

‘Mahram’ (father, brother, son…). Or in the open.

- Travelling in company of ‘Mahram’ (husband,

father, brother, son…).

- Avoiding taking alcohol and other drugs and their


- To be wary of the company to keep.

- Avoiding deserted routes by day and night.

- Visiting opposite sex alone should be avoided.

- Indecent dress is not a justification for rape but

it may be an invitation to treat, avoid it. Allaah
(Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “O Prophet! Tell
your wives and your daughters and the women
of the believers to draw their cloaks (veil) all
over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves
68 | P a g e
completely except the eyes or one eye to see
ANNOYED. And Allaah is Ever Oft – Forgiving,
Most Merciful”60

Additionally, the victim could be anyone, if you can

help the victim during, after the incident or even
prevent it, do not hesitate! The Prophet (Peace and
Blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Help your brother
whether he is a wrong-doer or is wronged”. A man
inquired: “O Messenger of Allaah, I may help him when
he is wronged but how can I help him when he is the
wrong-doer?” The Prophet said: “You can prevent him
from the wrong-doing. That will be your help to him”

Bukhari Hadith No 2444
69 | P a g e
Prosecution under Criminal Code Cap

“Any person who commits the offence of

rape is liable to imprisonment for life,
with or without caning.” 62


Sexual Harassment means illegal intentional or

repeated unsolicited verbal comments, gestures,
physical contact (like touching) of a sexual nature. It
usually take place in the school, work place (office
workers and domestic workers) etc.

After all, sexual harassment is forbidden in Islam

for it is an indecent deed and a sin. Allaah (Subhanahu
Wata’aala) says: “And come not near to the unlawful
sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a ‘faishah’ (anything
that transgresses its limits (a great sin) and an evil
way (that leads one to Hell unless Allaah forgives

Criminal Code Cap 358.
70 | P a g e
him)”.63 Although, sexual harassment, in Nigeria, has no
legal protection except that extreme forms of sexual
harassment may result to assault, the perpetrator
should know that, certainly, psychological exploitation
of another person’s liberty and dignity for one’s own
gratification will definitely lower the respect given to
the perpetrator. And perpetrators should also
remember the day that ungodly people will be unable to
speak or offer any defense and their own hands and feet
speak against them. Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says:
“This day we shall seal up their mouths, and their
hands will speak to Us and their legs will bear witness
to what they used to earn”.64

Sexual harassment is an approach to unlawful sexual

intercourse which is forbidden and should be avoided.
Lastly, women/girls are advised to take Islamic
precautions against unforeseen harassment.65

See Rape above
71 | P a g e

This is an act of violence against women that is

perpetrated by men against their female partners or by
members of the family. This includes; lying, beating,
verbal abuse, false accusations, nagging, breaking
promises made to her, sarcasm, hurting her feelings,
distrust, reverting to past faults which should be
forgiven and forgotten, threats to harm, verbal threats
to divorce her or remarry, ignoring or ridiculing her in
public or before other family members; ignoring her
needs, twisting Islamic teachings to make her feel
worthless, speaking ill at each other in other people’s
presence and other verbal abuses.

Things that trigger domestic violence include:

- Refusing husband sex.

- Not having food ready on time.

- Suspicions of infidelity.

- Failing to care for the children and the home.

72 | P a g e
- Disclosing family secrets.

- Disobeying husband, e.g. going out without

husband’s permission. Etc.

The aforementioned could be the immediate cause of

domestic violence, also it should be understood that
each aforementioned might have remote causes. Islam
enjoins not the aforesaid things that trigger domestic
violence, it enjoins wives to be obedient and husbands to
be considerate and care for their wives.

It should however be emphasized that Islam has laid

down measures to curb ill conduct of wives instead of
violence against them. For example, when dealing with a
rebellious wife, four steps are mentioned in the Quran
to resolve it: Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “…as
for those women on whose part you see ill-conduct,
admonish them (first), next refuse to share their
beds; (and) beat them (if it is useful) but if they
return to obedience, seek not against them any means
of annoyance. Surely, Allaah is Ever Most High, Most
Great. If you fear a breach between them (the

73 | P a g e
husband and the wife), appoint two arbitrators, one
from his family and the other from her’s. If they
both wish for peace, Allaah will cause their
reconciliation. Indeed, Allaah is Ever All knower,
Well-Acquainted with all things.”66 And the four steps
mentioned above should be taken in that order; not step
3 before step 1;

1. Verbal admonition.

2. If not, sex relations may be suspended.

3. If this is not sufficient slight physical
correction may be administered (lightly that will
not leave marks). Established on Quran and
Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and
Blessings of Allaah be upon him), this measure
may be applied by the husband in the
circumstances of vulgarity on the part of the
wife or extreme refraction and rejection of the
husband's reasonable requests on a consistent
basis, intentionally, in what Allaah Almighty has

74 | P a g e
permitted for him upon her. If the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
never resorted to this measure and he
encouraged us to forgive our servant’s faults
seventy times talk less of our own wife, then
it should be on the last resort to beat wife and
not merely on unnecessary things. {Once
Muhammad was asked, "O Apostle of God!" How
many times are we to forgive our servant's
faults?" He was silent. Again the questioner
asked, and Muhammad gave no answer. But when
the man asked a third time, he said, "Forgive
your servants seventy times a day."67

4. If all this fails, a family council is recommended

to settle the problem.

Also, it should be noted that verbal abuse is part

of divergences from Islamic teachings. Allaah
(Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “….speak good to

Silsilatus-Saheehah Albani 1/800
75 | P a g e
people…..”68 And that damage done to personality may
not be easily overcome as reflected in one battered
woman’s remark: “The body mends soon enough. Only the
scars remain…but the damage inflicted upon the soul
takes much longer to heal. And each time I re-live these
moments, they start bleeding all over again. The broken
spirit has taken longest to mend: The damage to the
personality may be the most difficult to overcome.”69


Human Trafficking is a form of Gender based

violence that involves the procuring and transfer of
women and girls with or without their consent for
commercial sex or slave like practices (e.g. forced
domestic labor) both within and outside the country.
The Trafficking Protocol defines Human Trafficking as:

(a) [...] the recruitment, transportation, transfer,

harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of threat or

Richters, J. (1994) Women, Culture and Violence: a development, health and human rights
issue. Leiden, the Netherlands: Women and Autonomy Centre (VENA).
76 | P a g e
use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction,
of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a
position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of
payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person
having control over another person, for the purpose of
exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum,
the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other
forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services,
slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the
removal of organs;

(b) The consent of a victim of trafficking in persons

to the intended exploitation set forth in subparagraph
(a) of this article shall be irrelevant where any of the
means set forth in subparagraph (a) have been used;

(c) The recruitment, transportation, transfer,

harbouring or receipt of a child for the purpose of
exploitation shall be considered “trafficking in persons”
even if this does not involve any of the means set forth
in subparagraph (a) of this article;

77 | P a g e
(d) “Child” shall mean any person under eighteen
years of age.70

No doubt, this is a form of modern-day slavery involving

the exploitation of children and adults. The Middle East
destination is mainly Saudi Arabia. Girls are recruited
from Kano, Kwara, Kaduna, Niger, Borno,Taraba, Yobe,
Nassarawa, Plateau, Kebbi,Sokoto, Kastina, Adamawa,
Zamfara,Jigawa, Gombe and Bauchi states and taken to
Saudi Arabia. Improved immigration records have
helped to debunk the erroneous impression that human
trafficking for prostitution does not occur in the
Northern part of Nigeria. Mashi stated that “from
March 2002-April, 2004, the Saudi Arabia authorities
deported 9,952 women and 1,231 underage
unaccompanied children. Investigations revealed that
the majority of the women deported from Saudi Arabia
are from Kano, Borno, Adamawa, Yobe, Nassarawa,

United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and The Protocols
78 | P a g e
Plateau, Niger, Kebbi, Kwara, Sokoto, Kastina, Zamfara,
Jigawa, Gombe, Bauchi and Taraba states”.71

It has been reported that Nigeria is the second

largest source of child trafficking victims to UK and the
State where Stepping Stones Nigeria works, Akwa Ibom
state, has the highest rate of trafficking in Nigeria.72

Islam discourages slavery, encourages respecting

individual dignity and helping each other in
righteousness and piety, not in perpetuating sin and
transgression (e.g. adultery etc.). Allaah (Subhanahu
Wata’aala) says: “…help you one another in ‘Al-Birr’
and ‘At-Taqwa’ (virtue, righteousness, and piety): but
do not help one another in sin and transgression. And
fear Allaah, verily, Allaah is severe in punishment.”73
Also, Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allaah

Human trafficking in Nigeria and its implications for food security, Ofuoku, A.U.Department
of Agricultural Economics and Extension Delta State University, Asaba Campus,Asaba, Delta
Supporting Victims of Witchcraft Abuse and Street Children in Nigeria – Stepping Stones,
2007 - 14k
79 | P a g e
be upon him) said: “You are not a real believer until you
love for your brother what you love for yourself”.74
There is no human being that will like such to happen to
his or her own children, so let stop promoting

Prosecution under NAPTIP Act

The 2003 Trafficking in person’s law

Enforcements and Administration Act, amended
in 2005 to increase penalties for
trafficking offenders, prohibits all forms
of human trafficking……… the law prescribes
10 to 15 years; imprisonment for sex
trafficking offences; these penalties are
sufficiently stringent, and commensurate
with penalties prescribed for other serious
crimes, such as rape.75

To comply with Article 5 of the Palermo

Protocol, which requires states to enact
domestic anti-trafficking laws, Nigeria

Bukhari Hadith No 13 and Muslim Hadith No 45
Refworld | 2011 Trafficking in Persons Report - Nigeria UNHCR/REF WORLD – Trafficking in
persons Report – Nigeria 27 June, 2011.
80 | P a g e
enacted the 2003 Trafficking in persons
(prohibition) Law Enforcement Act (“NAPTIP
Act”), Nigeria’s first federal counter
trafficking law. The NAPTIP Act complies
with the Article 5 of the Palermo Protocol
that it criminalized human trafficking and
provides for severe penalties, ranging from
two years to life imprisonment.76


Forced prostitution is a form of human trafficking

using women or girls for commercial sex, without her
consent, but with the use of force or threats of force
in exchange for money or kinds. Prostitution in itself is
not only a shameful act and inconsistent with any self-
respect or even respects for others, but it also opens
the road to many evils. It is a mischief in the land, not
only should it be avoided as a sin but any approach to it
should be avoided as is reflected in the divine book of
mankind, Al Quran. Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says:

Room for Improvement: Nigeria's Approach to Trafficking |’s-approach-trafficking
81 | P a g e
“And come near to the unlawful sexual intercourse.
Verily, it is a ‘fahihah’ (anything that transgresses
its limits (a great sin) and evil way (that leads one to
Hell unless Allaah forgives him)”77. Also He (Subhanahu
Wata’aala) says: “….seek not mischief in the land.
Verily, Allaah likes not the ‘mufsidun’ (those who
commit great crimes and sins, oppressions, tyrants,
mischief makers, corruptors, rapes etc).”78

Prosecution under Trafficking in persons law

Enforcements and Administration Act

The 2003 Trafficking in person’s law

Enforcements and Administration Act, amended
in 2005 to increase penalties for
trafficking offenders, prohibits all forms
of human trafficking……… the law prescribes
10 to 15 years; imprisonment for sex
trafficking offences; these penalties are
sufficiently stringent, and commensurate

82 | P a g e
with penalties prescribed for other serious
crimes, such as rape.79


Kidnapping is the taking away or transportation of

a person with or without ransom or in furtherance of
another crime against that person’s will usually to hold
that person in false imprisonment or confinement
without legal authority, e.g. Parental kidnapping, Bride
Kidnapping, Tiger Kidnapping and Express Kidnapping.
Although, men and women can be victim but the common
victims are women and children. Nigeria ranks highly
globally after Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan as most
kidnapping prone nations80

Islam teaches treatment of animals with mercy talk

less of fellow human beings and also Allaah warns against
treating parents unfairly on account of their children.

Refworld | 2011 Trafficking in Persons Report - Nigeria UNHCR/REF WORLD – Trafficking in
persons Report – Nigeria 27 June, 2011.
Daily Times, New law gives life jail term to kidnappers – Daily Times, Article/October 20,
2011 4:30am/By BENNIE IFERI.
83 | P a g e
Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “…No mother should
be treated unfairly on account of her child or father
on account of his child….”81.

Prosecution under Criminal Code Cap

Any person who:

1. Unlawfully imprisons any person, and

takes him out of Nigeria, without his
consent; or

2. Unlawfully imprisons any person within

Nigeria in such a manner as to prevent
him from applying to a court for his
release or from disclosing to any
other person the place where he is
imprisoned, or in such a manner as to
prevent any person entitled to have
access to him from discovering the
place where he is imprisoned;

84 | P a g e
Is guilty of a felony, and is liable
to imprisonment for ten years.82



This is a form of violence against women/girls. It

involves kidnapping women/girls, apprehending them as
captives, impregnating them and selling their babies, as
soon as they were delivered, to ritualists. It is sad but
it happens in Nigeria.83

Criminal Code Cap (364) (Note: New law gives life jail term to kidnappers – Daily Times,
Article/October 20, 2011 4:30am/By BENNIE IFERI.
Police uncover ‘baby factory in Rivers’ “On interrogation, the husband and wife
confessed to the offence of trafficking in new babies and further admitted that the three
pregnant women found in their houses were procured to deliver babies that would be sold
as soon as they were delivered of their babies.” – Vanguard News Paper July 3, 2012. By
Jimitota Onoyume
Police uncover a baby factory in Akwa Ibom. Doctor pays pregnant girls N70, 000. Sells
their babies to ritualists: “Police in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, have uncovered a mysterious
factory where young girls are made to conceive, give birth and the babies later sold to
85 | P a g e
Abduction of women/girls, having sexual
intercourse/raping them, and accelerating the death of
their babies, by selling them to ritualists, some of the
captives might have died in the process; this is a great
crime and sin, it is dehumanizing and disgusting. Islam
condemns all such acts and, it is mischief in the land.
Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “Verily, Allaah
likes not the ‘mufsidun’ (those who commit great
crimes and sins, oppressors, tyrants, mischief –
makers, corrupts). If at all a perpetrator escape being
brought to justice here, definitely, he/she cannot and
will not escape the punishment in the World of Justice

Prosecution under Criminal Code Cap

(Note: It encompasses abduction, rape and

acceleration of death)

“Any person that is guilty of;

suspected ritualists and other members of the public in Uruan Local Government Area of
the state” Tribune Friday, 3 April 2012 by Udeme Utip, Uyo.
86 | P a g e
Abduction – is liable to imprisonment for
seven years.84

Rape – is liable to imprisonment for live,

with or without canning.85

Acceleration of death – is deemed to have

killed that other person. 86


Incest means sexual activity that occurs between

family members and close relatives – parent and child,
cousins, siblings etc. this is forbidden in Islam, Allaah
(Subhanahu Wata’aala) said: “forbidden to you (for
marriage) are you mothers, your daughters, your
sisters, your father’s sisters, your mother’s sisters,
your brothers daughters, your sister’s daughters,
your foster mother who gave you suck, your foster
milk sucking sisters, your wife’s mothers, your step

Criminal Code Cap (361)
Criminal Code Cap (358)
Criminal Code Cap (311)
87 | P a g e
daughters, under your guardianship, born of your
wives, to who you have gone in – but there is no sin
on you if you have not gone into them (to marry their
daughters), - the wives of your sons who (spring)
from your own loins, and two sisters in wedlock at
the same time except for what is already passed.
Verily, Allaah is Off – Forgiving, Most Merciful.”87

Sleeping together of close relations promote

incest; going back to Sunnah will be the solution.
Separating girls and boys in beds whenever they are
close to puberty age or 10 years of age is the Sunnah of
the Prophet. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace and
Blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “….and separate
them (boys and girls) their beds (when they reach 10
years of age)”88

Abu Dawud Hadith No 495, Tirmidhi Hadith No 407 and As-Saheehah by Albani Hadith No
88 | P a g e

Infanticide is the killing of a newborn child. The

practice of female infanticide is an example of evil
practice of pagan Arabs before advent of Islam.
Nowadays, males and females are the victims of
infanticide when we relate it to the cases of married
and unmarried persons.89

But when it is the case of married, only; some

parents preferred baby boys for their so-called reasons
and therefore aborting the pregnancy whenever they
discover that it is ‘XX’ (girl) and not ‘XY’ (boy), some
dump new born baby girls in a dust bin or kill them after
delivery, just because of their sexes.

An 18 years-old mother of one, Adeola Joseph, was yesterday sentenced to six years
imprisonment with hard labor for burying her child alive. …Adeola Joseph was said to have
buried her only child, Fatiat Nafiu, at her residence located at ijetu area of the state capital
alive, but the child was rescued by a Good Samaritan.” Woman Jailed 6 Years for Burying
Her 2-yr-old Baby Alive, Thu,
21/02/2013-12:52am. By Safiu Ayanbimpe and Josuah Dada.
89 | P a g e
Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) said: “And when
the news of the birth of a female child is brought to
any of them, his face becomes dark, and he is filled
with grief! He hides himself from the people because
of the evil of that whereof he has been informed
shall he keep her with dishonor or bury her in the
earth. Certainly, evil is their decision”.90

Also, He (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “And when

the female (infant buried alive (as the Pagan Arab
used to do) shall be questioned for what sin she was

He (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “To Allaah

belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth,
He creates what He wills, He bestows female
(offspring) upon who He wills, and bestows male
(offspring) upon whom He wills. Or He bestows both
males and females and He renders barren whom He
wills. Verily, He is the All-Knower and is Able to do

Q81: 8-9
90 | P a g e
all things”92. So, it is ungrateful of any human being to
kill his or her bestowed child (female or male) while
Allaah renders some barren.

Prosecution under Criminal Code Cap

Where a woman by any willful act or omission

causes the death of her child being a child
under the age of twelve months, but at the
time of the act or omission the balance of
her mind was disturbed by reason of her not
having fully recovered from the effect of
giving birth to the child or by reason of
the effect of lactation consequent upon the
birth of the child, then, notwithstanding
that the circumstances were such that but
for this section the offence would have
amounted to murder, she shall be guilty of
felony, to wit of infanticide, and may for
such offence be dealt with and punished as
if she had been guilty of the offence of
manslaughter of the child.93

Criminal Code Cap (327A).
91 | P a g e
Any person who commits the offence of
manslaughter is liable to imprisonment for


Divorce (‘Talaq’) means legal or lawful ending of

marriage. Divorce (or the dissolution of marriage) is the
final termination of a marital union, withdrawing the
legal duties and responsibilities of marriage and
liquifying the bonds of matrimony between the parties
(unlike annulment, which declares the marriage null and

While ‘Talaq’ (divorce) is the right of a man to

initiate and determine the fate of a marriage contract
with respect to all the injunctions of Allaah, ‘Khul’ ’
(divorce) is the dissolution of marriage mainly at the
instance of the woman when she can no longer cope with
her marital obligations to her husband, putting into
consideration all the injunctions of Allaah.

Criminal Code Cap (325)
92 | P a g e
In Islam, ‘Talaq’ and ‘Khul’ ‘, after putting in to
consideration the injunctions of Allaah, are allowed
going by the verses of Quran and authentic narrations
of The Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of
Allaah be upon him) which includes:

Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “O Prophet when

you divorce women, divorce them at their ‘Iddah’
(prescribe periods)…”

Also He (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “The divorce is

twice, after that, either you retain her on reasonable
terms or release her with kindness. And it is not
lawful for you (men) to take back (from your wives)
any of your ‘Mahr’ (bridal-gift (money or material)
given by the husband to his wife at the time of
marriage) which you have given them, except when
both parties fear that they would be unable to keep
the limits ordained by Allaah (e.g. to deal with each
other on a fair basis). Then if you fear that they
would not be able to keep the limits ordained by

93 | P a g e
Allaah, then there is no sin, on either of them if she
gives back (the ‘mahr’ or a part of it) for her ‘Al-
Khul’ (divorce). These are the limits ordained by
Allaah, so do not transgress them. And whoever
transgresses the limits ordained by Allaah. These are
the limits of Allaah, He makes plain for the people
who have knowledge.”96

Narrated Abdullah bn Umar (May Allaah be

pleased with him) that he had divorce his wife while she
was menstruating during the life time of Allaah’s
messenger (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him).
Umar bn Al khatab asked Allaah’s messenger about that.
Allaah’s messenger (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be
upon him) said: “Order him (your son) to take her back
and keep her till she is clean from her menses and then
to wait till she gets her next period and becomes clean
again, whereupon, if he wishes to keep her, he can do so
and if he wishes to divorce her he can divorce her
before having sexual intercourse with her; and that is

94 | P a g e
the ‘Iddah’ (prescribed period) which Allaah fixed for
the women meant to be divorced.”97

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas (May Allaah be pleased with

him) that the wife of Thabit bn Qais came to the
Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him) and
said: “O Allaah’s Messenger! I do not blame Thabit for
defects in his character or his religion, but I, being a
Muslim, dislike behaving in a un-islamlic manner (if I
remain with him). On that Allaah’s Messenger said (to
her): “Will you give back the garden which your husband
has given you (as ‘Mahr’)? She said: “Yes.” Then the
Messenger of Allaah said to Thabit: “O Thabit! Accept
your garden and divorce her once” Today, divorce in
our society is like fun that we could hardly hear a case
other than divorce in our law court, especially Sharia
Court of Law.

In Medieval Egypt, Al-Sakhawi recorded the

marital history of 500 women, the largest sample of

Bukhari Hadith No 5251 and Muslim Hadith No 1471
Bukari Hadith No 5276 and Abu Dawud Hadith No 2229
95 | P a g e
married in the middle ages, and found that at least a
third of all women in the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and
Syria married more than once, with many marrying three
or more times. According to Al-Sakhawi as many as
three out of ten marriages in 15th century Cairo ended
in divorce.” Rapoport, Yoseef (2005) Marriage, Money
and Divorce in Medieval Islamic Society. Cambridge
University p5-6. “In the early 20th century, some
villages in western Java and the Malay Penisula had
divorce rates as high as 70%”99 A mass wedding
ceremony for divorcees, widows and young unmarried
girls aims to encourage marriage in northern Nigeria.
“Divorce rates in northern Nigeria are among the
highest in West Africa. Although there are no definitive
figures, it's believed that one in three marriages fail
within three years.” 100

Rapoport, Yoseef (2005) Marriage, Money and Divorce in Medieval Islamic Society.
Cambridge University p5-6
ALJAZEERA - Nigeria's Kano shakes off divorce capital tag,, By
Mohammed Adow. Last modified: 16 Jul 2012 11:08.
96 | P a g e
An annual study in the UK by management
consultants Grant Thornton, estimates the main
proximate causes of divorce based on surveys of
matrimonial lawyers. The main causes in 2004 were:

- Adultery, Extramarital sex; infidelity – 27%

- Domestic Violence – 17%

- Midlife Crisis – 13%

- Addictions, e.g. alcoholism and gambling – 6%

- Workaholics – 6%

According to this survey, husbands engaged in

extramarital affairs in 75% of cases; wives in 25%. In
cases of family strain, wives’ family were the primary
source of strain in 78%, compare to 22% of husbands’
families. Emotional and physical abuses were more
evenly split, with wives affected in 60% and husband
40% of cases. In 70% workaholics related divorces it
was husbands who were the causes, and in 30%, wives.
The 2004 survey found that 93% of divorce cases were

97 | P a g e
contested. 53% of divorces were of marriage that had
10 to 15 years, with 40% ending after 5 to 10years. The
first 5 years are relatively divorce free, and if marriage
survives more than 20years it is unlikely to end in

Here in Nigeria, it is obvious from the practice of

many Nigerians that most married men and women are
ignorant of the religious injunctions of divorce; men
indiscriminately divorce their wives, women leave
abusive relationship without husband or court
permission, many leave and return several times without
taking Allaah’s injunction in to consideration. Is this the
teaching of Islam? No! Islam establishes and
encourages socially, healthy and happy family whereby
sanctity of marriage determines it.

Research shows that at the Customary Court,

Ikeja, Lagos and the Customary Court, Ojo, Lagos, 354
applications for divorce were filed in the 2010-2012
period. “Ninety-three applications succeeded, thirty
were withdrawn, while 231 are still pending in the two

98 | P a g e
courts.”101 But the paper viewed concomitant effects of
divorce as socially negative, not economically positive.
For example, divorce renders children vulnerable to vice
and they can end up on the street. “Most children you
find roaming the streets hawking are largely products
of broken homes.” Society is put at risk, if children are
not cared for, the paper noted.

In 2012, according to press accounts, the Kano

State Hisbah Board “married off one thousand couples
in the third batch of the Kano State sponsored mass
wedding of divorcees, widows, and spinsters.” Religious
authorities in Kano might agree, reducing Kano’s rising
divorce rate and providing women with a stable home and
financial and social security represented higher
understanding of Islamic governance and effort to
improve quality of life.

However, factors contributing to high rate of

divorce in our society include:

Africa in Transition - Are Rising African Divorce Rates a Social Good?By Gust Blogger
for John Campbell, September 16, 2013
99 | P a g e
- Family disapproval before marriage.

- Lack of trust, mutual respect and co-operation.

- Financial insecurity/economic hardship.

- Unreligious based relationship.

- Having wives beyond capability.

- Refusing husband/wife sex.

- Persistent domestic violence.

- Adultery and extramarital sex.

- Cultural reasons.

- Suspicions of infidelity. Etc.

Without question, Islam has warned against the

aforementioned factors that contribute to high rates
of divorce in our society and indiscriminate divorce is
completely contrary to the teachings of Islam.
Specifically, Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’la) constantly
reminds us that committing adultery and having affairs;
100 | P a g e
what we know as a short fling today, will be the main
cause of destruction of the blessed marriage. This will
bring about misery and destroy families.

Parties (husband and wife) should strengthen the

social and spiritual aspects of marriage and think twice
on the effects of that divorce on their children. The
effect includes:

- Learning, emotional and behavioral problems

- Being abused physically or sexually.

- Lack of security. Etc.

101 | P a g e


102 | P a g e
What is tradition?

Tradition refers to beliefs, customs or ways of

doing something that have existed for a long time among
a particular group of people. According to Thomas
“Tradition refers to beliefs, objects or customs
performed or believed in, in the past, originating in it,
transmitted through time by being taught by one
generation to the next, and are performed or believed
in the present.”102 Therefore, the practices which are
carried out and promoted by people of the same ethnic
group which have negative effects on the victim are
called Harmful Traditional Practices. Although, these
practices may not be enacted to harm anybody, but due
to ignorance, misconception and misinformation, it leads
to harmful practices.

In Islam, traditional practices were

acknowledged and those aspects that contradict its

Thomas A. Green (1997). Folkore: an encyclopedia of beliefs, customs, tales, music and
art. ABC-CLIO. Pp800 – Retrieve 5 February 2011.

103 | P a g e
teachings and principles were condemned. Forms of
traditional practices that are unislamic include:

(g) Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

(h) Male Child Preference.

(i) Widowhood Rites.

(j) Wife Inheritance.

(k) Nutritional Taboos.

(l) ‘Sara’ (Sadaqa) Marriage.


Female Genital Mutilation means extreme cutting

of female external genitals whether for cultural or
other reasons that are not medically necessary. This can
be mutilation of the clitoris together with part or all of
the labia minora or mutilation of part or all of the
external genitalia with or without stitching the raw

104 | P a g e
surfaces together etc. The extent of the extreme
cutting determines its implications and its implication

- Septicemias

- Excessive bleeding (complications in child birth).

- Infections like STIs, HIV and Tetanus.

- Keloid formation.

- Painful menstruation.

- Painful sexual intercourse.

- Pelvic inflammatory diseases.

- Perinea tearing.

- Prolonged, labor and distress.

- Lifelong Sexual dysfunction.

- Tubal obstruction and primary infertility. Etc.

- Urinary retention.
105 | P a g e
Ekweledding Ihsanoglu, Secretary General of the
Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), said
Tuesday, December 4, 2012, that: “Female genital
mutilation is a violation of human rights of girls and
women”103 According to the WHO, an estimated 100 to
140million girls and women worldwide are currently living
with the consequences of FGM. In Africa, the WHO
estimates that three million girls are at risk”104 UN
Women’s Executive Director Michelle Bachelet said:
“No religion condones the female genital mutilation.”

According to the Female Genital Cutting

Education and Networking Project “….it is not Islamic
practice. FGC is a cross-cultural and cross religious
ritual. In Africa, and the Middle East, it is performed

Trust law reported - Al-Haqq, December 2012/2013 (pg. 9).
Al-Haqq, December 2012/2013 (pg. 9).
Al-Haqq, December 2012/2013 (pg. 9).
What is female genital mutilation? | Amnesty International
106 | P a g e
by Muslims, Coptic Christians, Members of indigenous
groups, Protestants and Catholic, to name a few.”

Female circumcision consists of the removal of

the prepuce which covers the clitoris or removal of a
part of the clitoris; which is situated above the opening
of the urethra while Female Genital Mutilation means
extreme cutting of female external genitals. Though,
both, female circumcision and female genital
mutilation/cutting, involve cutting off part of the
female sex organ but female circumcision is the only one
accepted and permitted in Islam as it causes no health
implication rather it increases sexual pleasure.

Female genital cutting is divided into 4


(a) Clitoridotomy – Removing or splitting the prepuce

(foreskin or ‘hood’) which covers the clitoris
which is situated above the opening urethra of a
female, thus exposing the glands or coupled with

Female Genital Cutting (FGC): An introduction, Marianne Sarkis.2
107 | P a g e
partial removal of the clitoris. This is also called
female circumcision.

(b) Clitoridectomy – Removal of clitoris together

with part or all of the labia minora.

(c) Infibulations or Pharaonic circumcision – Total

excision of the clitoris, both the labia minora and
majora, and the stitching of the two sides of the
vulva across vagina. Only an opening sized hole
(like the size of a pen nib) is left to allow the flow
of urine and menstrual blood.

(d) This covers other very badly cuts of female

external genitals e.g. pricking and piercing of the
clitoris and/or labia, Angurya or Gishiri cuts
(cutting the virginal or surrounding tissue;
canterisation, introduction of corrosive
substances or herbs into the virginal etc


Historically, female genital mutilation is a cultural

practice before the advent of Islam. “FGC (Female

108 | P a g e
General Cutting) predates Islam and is not practiced by
the majority of Muslims, but has acquired a religious
dimension.” Islam, in its concepts, condemns all
categories of genital cutting except category ‘A’
(female circumcision that is comparable to male
circumcision), only when it is performed by trained
health care providers and in sterile conditions.

Islam does not support female genital mutilation

and other practices that will result to physical,
psychological and reproductive health implications. It is
only female circumcision that is allowed not female
genital mutilation. One can only imagine, if what is done
in the extreme cases of female genital cutting is carried
out in male circumcision. Definitely, it would be
practically absurd to cut off part of or the entire penis,
or even parts of the scrotum.

A narration from Umm ‘Atiyyah Al – Ansaariyyah,

a woman who used to carry out female circumcision in
Medina during the time of the Prophet was admonished
by the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon
him) when he said to her: “Do not go to the extreme in
109 | P a g e
cutting; that is better for the woman and more liked by
the husband.”107 The Prophet (Peace and Blessings of
Allaah be upon him) said: “When the two circumcised
parts meet then ‘ghusl’ (ritual bath) is obligatory”108
Going by the last Hadith, the Prophet (Peace and
Blessings of Allaah be upon him) used two circumcised
(male and female), if it is not allowed in Islam he will not
use circumcised parts for two of them.

Ibn Qudamah (May Allaah blesses him) said:

“Circumcision is obligatory for men, but for female, it is
not obligatory for them. This is the opinion of many
scholars. Imam Ahmad said: for men it is more strictly
required, but for women it is less strictly required”109

Sahih (Abu Dawud Hadith No 5271 and Albany in SilsilatuSaheehah Hadith No 722)
Tirmidhi Hadith No 109
Al Mugni 1/70.
110 | P a g e
“….the sunnah is not to remove all of it, but only a

However, widespread opposition to the practice

of what is permitted in Islam is due to misconception
and, or misinformation about female circumcision
(category A) and alarming statistics of the rate of
female genital cutting without distinguishing between
female genital mutilation from female circumcision and
generalizing that it is also a harmful traditional

Al-Mawsu’ah al-fiqhiyyah, 19/28
According to the United Nation Population Fund, “this form is comparable to the male
circumcision” Frequently Asked Questions on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting
In this matter, it is to follow the interests of the female if the clitoris is large, then part
should be removed, otherwise it should be left alone. The size of the clitoris will vary from
woman to woman, and there may be difference between those from hot climates and those
from cold climates.
“Studies conducted by the National Baseline Survey of Positive and Harmful Traditional
Practices Affecting Nigeria, show that the highest rates of FGM were found in:
- Osun State with 98.7 percent
- Oyo state with 96.8 percent
111 | P a g e
Yet, what is expected of every Muslim is to
evaluate the practice using Quran, Hadith and go against
any practice that is not Islamically allowed (Category B,
C and D), but where the practice is permissible
(Category A above), it is not expected of a Muslim
oppose it. Most Muslims advocating against female
circumcision are beguiled by the confusing term Female
Genital Mutilation. Their misplaced agitation saddens
the heart even now that researchers of western
countries are advocating for Clitoridotomy stating that
it increases sexual pleasure and gives other

- Ondo state with 91.6 percent

- Edo State with 74 percent
In the south – East, the highest rates were found in Imo State with 95.4 percent, while Abia
and Anambra State have rates of 82.4 percent and 75.5 percent respectively. Significant
rates were also recorded in the South – south region, Cross River with 93 percent, Delta
State with 91.4 percent, AkwaIbom state with 65 percent and Rivers state with 58.3
percent. In Kano state, the rate is 55.5 percent, Kaduna state, 36.5 percent and in Jigawa,
32 percent.” – Halting An Age long Damage - TELL Magazine › Health
C.F. McDonald stated in his 1958 paper entitled; Circumcision of the Female. He states:
“If the male needs circumcision for cleanliness and hygiene, why not the female? I have
operated on perhaps 40 patients who needed this attention.” The author states that it
112 | P a g e
Female circumcision is allowed in Islam regardless
of what people may claim out of ignorance, error or
malice. It is obligatory for men, but for female, it is not
obligatory for them


In many societies, male and female children are

not treated equally. Female children are often
discriminated in areas of living, access to education,
self-respect and equal opportunities for advancement.
Male child preference has been the practice before the
advent of Islam and Islam condemned it and restored
respect for both sexes by establishing the fact that no
child, male or female, should be preferred over others,
all must be treated equally, especially in terms of
nurturing, education and health.114

remedies “irritation, scratching, irritability, masturbation, frequency, urgency and

smegmaliths that causes dyspareunia and frigidity.”
See Position of woman in Islam above
113 | P a g e

In many cultures, widows were often treated in

cruel and dehumanizing ways. In some cultures, the head
of a widow will be shaved, or even force her to drink the
water that is used to wash the corps of her dead
husband. It is better in some cultures, for the wife to
die before her husband, if otherwise they will accuse
her of killing her husband. In fact, problems of widows
are indescribable, their husband just died, people are
less concerned about the grieving wives, they still force
them to drink the water that is used to wash the corpse
of their dead husbands, what an irritating culture?!
What is not Islamic cannot be Islamic. In Islam, the
Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him)
said: “One who makes efforts to help the widow or a
poor person is like a Mujahid (Warrior) in the path of
Allaah, or like one who stands up for prayers in the night
and fasts in the day”115.

Bukhari Hadith No 6006 and Muslim Hadith No 2982
114 | P a g e
Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of
Allaah be upon him), the prophet with exemplary
qualities, he leads by example; most of his wives were
widows and even encourages his followers to marry
widows. He always ready to help them and let the
Muslims know the reward (as in the aforementioned).
However, Islam is against harmful traditional practices
and enjoins us to take good care of widows.


In some cultures, the wife is part of husbands

properties, the brother takes possession of a dead
man’s wife irrespective of whether she accept or not,
along with other properties. Allaah (Subhanahu
Wata’aala) says: “O you who believe! You are forbidden
to inherit women against their will…”116. Wife
inheritance is against Islamic teachings.

115 | P a g e

Nutritional taboos are forms of Harmful

traditional practices in which women or children are
forbidden from taking certain types of food. In some
cultures, the mother of a new born baby is forced to eat
earth worms, lizards etc. Also in another culture, such
woman should not add salt to whatever food she will eat.
The practice is not Islamic and some Muslims, till date,
still practice it. The questions remain, “What verse of
Quran or Hadith establishes it? And what will happen to
you when you reject it? It is frightening from ‘Shaytan’!
You should fear Allaah only. Allaah (Subhanahu
Wata’aala) saiys: “Or have they partners with Allaah
(false Gods), who have instituted for them a religion,
which Allaah has not allowed…”117

Being Muslim, we need to be free from

superstitious fears. For as long as we have the true
believe in Allaah because, without His will nothing can
happen. It is the Godless that have grounds for fear of

116 | P a g e
what they expect to happen. When Allaah (Subhanahu
Wata’aala) is narrating response of Prophet Ibraheem
(Peace be upon him) to his people when he rejected their
unislamic practices, He (Subhanahu Wata’aala) says:
“And how should I fear those whom you associate
with Allaah (though they can neither benefit nor
harm), while you fear not that you have joined in
worship with Allaah things for which He has not sent
down to you any authority. (So) which of the two
parties has more right to be in security? If you but
know. It is those believe (in the oneness of Allaah
and worship none but him ‘Zulm’ (wrong i.e. by
worshiping others besides Allaah), for them (only)
there is security and they are the guided.”118. May
we be among those who are rightly guided!


Sara or Sadaqah marriage is a practice where the

bride will not know her groom and vice versa. Marriage
ceremony will take place at bride’s house, while groom

117 | P a g e
to be will not be aware of or be in attendance but not
knowing that the bride is coming to him. Later in the
night or by the dawn of the subsequent day, the head of
the family will pray for them (Brides) and present them
to other family heads in (or outside) the community and
those heads of the family will now offer them to their
family members immediately. Obviously, this kind of
marriage will generate a lot of problems. Consequently,
causing brides to feel contempt when they face denial
by those offered to.

This kind of marriage cannot be found in the Quran or

Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings
of Allaah be upon him). Islamic marriage has befitting
conditions to be met before it is consummated; there
should be an offer and acceptance among others. And
women should not be forced to marry whom they don’t
love. It is sunnah for man to see the woman before
deciding whether to marry her or not.119

Jaabir ibn ‘Abd-Allaah: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) said: ‘If one of you proposes marriage to a woman, if he can look at her to see that
which will encourage him to go ahead and marry her, then let him do so.’ I proposed
118 | P a g e
The practice of Sara marriage was as a result of
misconception or misinterpretation of the term Sadaqah
Jaariyah in a hadith as explained by Scholars. The
Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
said: “When a man dies, his good deeds come to an end
except three: Sadaqah Jaariyah (ongoing charity),
beneficial knowledge and a righteous son who will pray
for him.”120 Sadaqah is charity, correct! But Jaariyah
here means “ongoing” not “woman or lady”. But some

marriage to a young woman, and I used to hide where I could see her, until I saw that which
encouraged me to go ahead and marry her, so I did so.’” According to another report he
said, ‘a young woman of Bani Salamah. I used to hide from her, until I saw that which
encouraged me to go ahead and marry her, so I did so.” (Saheeh Abi Dawood, no. 1832,
From Abu Hurayrah: “I was with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
when a man came and told him that he had married a woman of the Ansaar. The Messenger
of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to him, ‘Have you seen her?’ He
said, ‘No.’ He said, ‘Go and look at her, for there is something in the eyes of the Ansaar.”
(Reported by Muslim, no. 1424; and by al-Daaraqutni, 3/253 (34))
From al-Mugheerah ibn Shu’bah: “I proposed marriage to a woman, and the Messenger of
Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Have you seen her?’ I said, ‘No.’
He said, ‘Look at her, because it is more fitting that love and compatibility be established
between you.’” According to another report: “So he did that, and he married her and
mentioned that they got along.” (Reported by al-Daaraqutni, 3/252 (31, 32); Ibn Maajah,
Muslim, 3084.
119 | P a g e
misunderstood it to mean “giving out woman in marriage
as charity”. Hence, give out daughters in marriage to
who they like charity even if it is against the wish of
their daughter. This has resulted to grave harms like
committing suicide, murder… physical, psychological,
socio-economic problems. This is divergent to Islamic
teachings; hence, it is considered as a harmful
traditional practice.

120 | P a g e


121 | P a g e
Early marriage is the marriage between
adolescents (between the ages of 10 – 19) or a marriage
between two people of which one of the partners is an
adolescent. An adolescent who has reached the age
puberty and he/she is physically and mentally mature is
allowed in Islam to marry provided the conditions of
marriage are fulfilled. So, there is no fixed age, in
Islam, at which a girl is considered ready to be married.
Jurists opined that marriage of minors should be based
on achieving clear and real interests thereby. If
marriage of a young girl will serve some very real
interest for her, then her guardian may arrange a
marriage for her, but if no real interest will be served
for her by that, then he does not have the right to
arrange a marriage when she is still a minor, until she
can choose for herself and give consent.

Early marriage is the practice of Prophet

Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him)
of which his practice contains valuable lessons for
people at large. In the authentic Islamic source of
‘Sharia’, it was clearly stated that Aisha’s (May Allaah
be pleased with her) marriage betrothal contract took
place when she was six years old, but was not
consummated until she was nine years old. Aisha (May
Allaah’s be pleased with her) narrated that the Prophet
122 | P a g e
(Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him) was
betrothed to her when she was six years and he
consummated his marriage when she was nine years old,
and then she remained with him for nine years”.121

Prior to this, early marriage has been the cultural

norms of Biblical times, when people were considered
ready for marriage when they reach puberty age.
According to Gerald Segal “It should be noted, however,
that in biblical times females married at an early age”122
According to Women Resource Centre: “Getting your
period” marks a rite of passage for young girls entering
womanhood. There are of course a large number of
contemporary references indicating the age at which
girls were considered ready for marriage to be puberty.
So, what is puberty?

Puberty is the transitional biological state

between childhood and adulthood when a surge in sex

Bukhari Hadith No 5133 and Muslim Hadith No 1422
Gerald Segal, The Jew and the Christian Missionary, ktv Publishing House, 1981, pg28.
The Young Marriage of Aishah by Abu Iman Abdur Rahman R. Squires - Islamic Awareness › Polemics
123 | P a g e
hormones triggers the development of secondary sexual
characteristics and the achievement of reproductive
capacity. The process of puberty generally begins, on
the average, between 8 and 14 years for males and

It can be deduced that puberty is the biological

sign which confirm that a boy or a girl is capable of
reproducing at that age, and puberty age of individual
varies with races and other conditions. According to
Abdul-Hamid Sidiqqi “Islam has laid down no age limit
for puberty for it varies with countries and races due
to the climate, hereditary, physical and social
conditions. Those who live in cold regions attain puberty
at a much later age as compared with those living in hot
regions where both male and female attain it at a quite
early age. According to Marie Espino’s summarized data
age of puberty states: The limit of age for the first
appearance of menstruation is between nine and twenty-

The Training Manual for Adolescent and Youth Friendly Health Service Providers (2002).
Yaba, Lagos. Action Health Incorporated pg 20.
124 | P a g e
four in the temperate zone; The average age varies
widely and it may be accepted as established that the
nearer the equator, the earlier the average age for
menstruation125 Therefore, marriage soon after
puberty has been the cultural norms of generation
before Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of
Allaah be upon him) and it is the best, because it is the
major way to overcome moral corruption. Other studies,
however, show that women possess stronger sexual
desire and that this should be satisfied at an early age.
And there are grave risks associated with delayed
marriage because it is like putting pressure on them to

While it has not been extensively documented,

international and national study indicates that in
Nigeria: Every year, almost one million teenage girls
become pregnant in Nigeria and many of these

English-translation of Sahih Muslim, volume 2, International Islamic Publishing House,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia page 715 The Young Marriage of Aishah by Abu Iman Abdur Rahman
R. Squires - Islamic Awareness › Polemics
125 | P a g e
pregnancies are unintended and unwanted”126. More
than one million teenage boys and girls acquire a
sexually transmitted disease in Nigeria every year. In
1998 alone, 60% of all AIDS cases reported in Nigeria
were among young people aged 12 – 24 years”127. By the
time they turn age 20, more than three quarters of
Nigerian girls and boys have had sexual intercourse.128
Two out of every five secondary school girls
interviewed in a study, admitted to at least one
previous pregnancy. In fact, unsafe induced abortion
has been described as a school girls’ problem in

It is pitiful, while Muslim young men are waiting

for young girls to complete their educational
programmes, more than three quarters of our girls
have had illegal sexual intercourse, so where are the

1998 State of the World Population Report. Meeting The Sexual And Reproductive Health
Needs Of Young People in Nigeria: A Guide for Action (1998)
National AIDS and STD Control Programme.
Puline Makinwa–Adebusoye, in Sexual Behaviour, Reproductive Knowledge and
Contraceptive Use Among Young Urban Nigerians.
Nigerian Family Health Fact Sheet.
126 | P a g e
virgins?! And the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of
Allaah be upon him) said: “Mary the virgin amongst
women for their wombs are the most fertile, their
mouths the freshest and they are the most satisfied
with little provision”130 and according to another
tradition “….less cunning”. However, it is the
responsibility of the father to ensure that his
daughter marries as soon as possible in order not to fall
into fornication when not married early, whoever fails
will account before Allaah on the day of Judgement.
The Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon
him) said: “Allaah (Subhanahu Wata’aala) will be asking
every head of family to account for the task he has
been entrusted with, whether he has carried it out
properly or neglected it; and he will be asked to account
for his family.” 131

Ibn Maajah 1861
An Nisaai in Ishrat An Nisaa, 293 and by ibn Hibban on the authority of Anas. Tradition
mentioned in Sahih Aljami’ (1775), As Silsilah As-Sahihah 1636.

127 | P a g e
Contrary to what people believe in early marriage:

1. It is culturally normal

2. It is religiously allowed

3. It is educationally/professionally allowed (in a

situation whereby spouses and parents are ready
for it), it does not stop education.

4. No loss of self-esteem. No practice of sunnah can

cause loss of self-esteem.

5. Broken relationships cannot be the consequence.

(Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allaah
be upon him) and ‘Aishah (May Allaah be pleased
with her) relationship is a good example). Broken
relationship can only be the consequence of
irreligious male-female relationships.

6. Health consequences can be associated by limited

access to accurate and comprehensive information,
and services on sexual and reproductive health and
not early marriage. Fatimah daughter of Prophet

128 | P a g e
Muhammad (May Allaah be pleased with her) and
‘Aliy bn Abi Talib’s (May Allaah be pleased with him)
relationship is a good example.

7. It is not a “forced marriage” because it is done with

her consent. In reality, ladies do feel reluctant but
their parents had experience, they know what can
be the consequences; a father that wants well for
his daughter will persuade her to marry early. And
if we can drive (or force) our young ones to go to
school with cane (on what will benefit them) why
then are we easily inclined not to persuade our young
girls to marry as soon as it is possible, especially
when necessary?!

Surprisingly, the idea of criticizing early

marriage have also penetrated into the mind of Muslims
and therefore, rejecting the practice of early marriage
and support free sex, lesbians, gays… hiding under the
clamoring for freedom and human rights. It saddened
the heart, for a Muslim to reject the practice of the
Prophets (Peace of Allaah be upon them) and support
practices of Shaytan!
129 | P a g e
Progressively more, sexual misconduct is
recognized as a major public health concern,
convincingly; early marriage is the solution because it
will reduce it. No doubt, the disbelieving host will not
stop condemning the idea of early marriage, if
perchance you fear that the host would feel ‘bad’ or hold
an ‘ill-feeling’ and turn away from sunnah. Then, as a
believer you should know that the consequences of the
displeasure and wrath and anger of Allaah Who created
you far supersedes the displeasure of any in creation by
a considerable and unimaginable margin!

In addition, early marriage is not compulsory, in

Islam, but it is allowed as soon as it is possible by the
age of puberty, do not think that your daughter will sit
tight, when her marriage is delayed, till she will be
permitted. It is human nature, it needs to be satisfied
early especially those that are sexually active, if you
don’t want her to fornicate or bring you unwanted
pregnancy from ‘Zina’ (illegal sexual intercourse) let her
marry as soon as possible.

130 | P a g e

131 | P a g e
Here and now, voicing protection of
woman’s rights by stakeholders is the talk of
today. Islam acknowledged protection of woman’s
rights and strictly condemn violation of woman’s
rights and violence against women. However,
under the cover of protecting woman’s rights
some un-Islamic ideologies have been introduced
(i.e. Male and Female are equal) by double-dealers,
beware! The urgency of now is to cast-off the
claim that male and female are equal,
subsequently be treated equally.

The stakeholders outwardly appear to

support the oppressed and to take a stance
against torture and undermining of human dignity
but sincerely support other ideologies which are
aimed at destroying the family, and opening the
door for immoralities. They are opposed to the
rule of sharee’ah which enjoins hadd punishments
and other sharee’ah rulings that have to do with
women, such as the necessity of her wali’s consent
for marriage, the command to observe hijab, and
the prohibition on her mixing among others.

What they support, in reality, is that man

should be able to do whatever he wants, no matter
132 | P a g e
how awkward; lesbians, homosexuals and
bisexuals, and religious deviance should be free.
They regard it as a human right to disbelieve in
whatever religions one wants and to express one’s
opinion – even about the Prophets – without any
fear or shame, and they also support the
liberation of woman from the guidance of her
father, husband or religion. They also protect
criminals against execution, and started to give
bad publicity to the nations which carry out the
hadd punishments of Allaah by stoning married
adulterers and executing bandits and those who
spread mischief in the land. This move is a
message that gives peace of mind to those
criminals that their lives will never be lost
because of their deeds, which is a way of
spreading mischief on earth. They claim that the
individual has the right to life and liberty, even if
it is a degrading life, and even if that freedom
leads to corruption, sicknesses and loss of
security for the family and society.

It is value observing that these

stakeholders are used for political purposes to
put pressure on the Muslim states that care about
virtue, modesty and morals, or that apply all or
133 | P a g e
some of the rulings of sharee’ah. Some Muslim
nations have abolished the death penalty, and
they have introduced strict laws about marriage
at an early age for both genders, and passed
gender equality into law. No rational person
doubts that gender equality, same sex, free sex
and others are unearthly but the hypocrites are
not taking siesta to promote these immoralities.
When you mention female circumcision, they will
shout No! This is genital mutilation! When you
preach gender justice, they will frown at it and
request for gender equality. When you talk about
early marriage, they will accuse you of preaching
forced marriage.

They wish that we would leave our religion

(or our values) and believe in theirs, and they
would not be pleased with anything less than that.
This is the essence of syncretism and bringing
religions together, and this is what the sponsors
of immoralities have been trying to instil in
Muslim hearts and minds for some time, so as to
make them give up their religion and their beliefs,
and to leave them with nothing to cling to. So that
moral and spiritual value will be forgotten for us
to live like animals; our women should walk naked
134 | P a g e
in the name of fashion, free sex, same sex can be
allowed in the name of freedom of right. May
Allaah forbid!

It is no more news that researchers have

proven that male is not like female, biologically
and scientifically. On chances of access to
education and others, Islam establishes the fact
that no child, male or female, should be preferred
over others, all must be treated justly. Women
are like men in some aspects and they differ from
them in others. In cases where a distinction is
made between the sexes, the Muslim regards that
as a mercy from Allaah and a sign of His
knowledge of His creation, He created male and
female, He knows better than anyone. Men
observe salaat (prayer), fast, pay zakah, etc.,
women also observe salaat fast (in the state of
purity), pay zakah etc. And there are matters in
which men and women are treated differently in
Islam, such as:

1. Qiwaamah (being in charge of the

household) Allaah (SubhanahuWata’aala)
says: “Men are the protectors and
maintainers of women, because Allaah
135 | P a g e
has made one of them to excel the other,
and because they spend (to support them)
from their means”132
2. Testimony or bearing witness. The Qur’aan
states that the testimony of one man is
equivalent to the testimony of two
women. Allaah (SubhanahuWata’aala)
says: “And get two witnesses out of your
own men. And if there are not two men
(available), then a man and two women,
such as you agree for witnesses, so that
if one of them (two women) errs, the
other can remind her”133
3. A woman inherits half of what a man
inherits. Allaah (SubhanahuWata’aala)
says: “Allaah commands you as regard
your children’s (inheritance): to the male,
a portion equal to that of two females”134
4. Clothing: Allaah (SubhanahuWata’aala) says:
“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your
daughters and the women of the

Q 4:34
136 | P a g e
believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all
over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves
completely except the eyes or one eye to
see the way). That will be better, that
they should be known (as free
respectable women) so as not to be
annoyed. And Allaah is Ever
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”. The
‘awrah of a man is the area from the navel
to the knees. It was said to ‘Abd-Allaah ibn
Ja’far ibn Abi Taalib, “Tell us what you
heard from the Messenger of Allaah (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and
what you saw of him, and do not tell us
about anyone else, even if he was
trustworthy.” He said, “I heard the
Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) say, ‘The area
between the navel and the knee is
‘awrah.’” 136

Al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak (6418); classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh
al-Jaami’, 5583.
137 | P a g e
5. A man can marry four women, but a woman
can only have one husband at a time. 137
6. Prayer in the mosque is obligatory for men,
but not for women; a woman’s prayer in her
house is more beloved to Allaah. It is
obligatory for a man to pray in the mosque
in congregation, as it says in the hadeeth
of Ibn Umm Maktoom – who was a blind
man. He said, “O Messenger of Allaah, I do
not have a guide to lead me to the mosque,”
and he asked the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
to grant him a concession allowing him to
pray in his house, and he allowed him that,
but when he turned away he called him back
and asked, “Can you hear the call to
prayer?” He said, “Yes.” He said, “Then
answer it.” Narrated by Muslim in
his Saheeh, 635. But it was narrated from
‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood that the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
said: “A woman’s prayer in her room is
better than her prayer in her courtyard,

138 | P a g e
and her prayer in her cabinet is better than
her prayer in her room.”138
7. Woman may wear silk and gold, but man
must not wear them. The scholars are
agreed that it is permissible for women to
wear and use pure silk, and that it is haraam
for men to do so, because of the hadeeth
of ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased
with him), who said that the Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) took a
piece of silk in his right hand and a piece of
gold in his left, held them aloft and said:
“These are haraam for the males of my
ummah and permitted for the females.”139
Abu Moosa (may Allaah be pleased with
him) reported that the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Gold
and silk have been permitted for the
females of my ummah and forbidden for
the males.” Indeed, a stern warning has
been narrated concerning this matter, as
was reported in the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Umar

Abu Dawood, 570; al-Tirmidhi, 1173. This hadeeth was classed as saheeh by al-
Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb wa’l-Tarheeb, 1/136).
Ibn Maajah, 2/1189
139 | P a g e
(may Allaah be pleased with them both),
who reported that the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Silk
is only worn in this world by the one who will
have no share of the pleasure of the
Hereafter.”140 Anas (may Allaah be pleased
with him) reported that the Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“Whoever wears silk in this world will not
wear it in the Hereafter.”141

In fact, our pious predecessors believe

male is different from female. Allaah
(SubhanahuWata’aala) says (in the story of Hanah
wife of Imran, grandmother of ‘Issa (Jesus): “….
And the male is not like the female…”.142 Allaah
(SubhanahuWata’aala) says: “Should not He Who
has created know? And He is the Most Kind and
Courteous (to His slaves), All-Aware (of
everything)”143. Yes of course! He should know
better than us. Islam is a complete religion that

al-Bukhaari (5853) and Muslim (2069)
Reported by al-Bukhaari, 5832
Q 3:36
140 | P a g e
recognizes what befit each sex (male and female)
and clearly stated their roles for the progress of
humanity. No single verse enjoins equality, but
rather enjoin justice.144 Paralleling MALE and
FEMALE is like paralleling APPLE and PINEAPPLE.
Male and female are humans and apple and
pineapple are fruits, but they are not the same!
Or maternity leave is 12 weeks, can paternity
leave be 12 weeks? No!!!!!!!!!! But why? Because of
gender differences, those weeks befit woman not

We have male and female, ruler and

subject, father and children, employer and
employee, teacher and student, and every
category has duties and responsibilities to take
for the progress of humanity. No difference
between male and female will lead to no
difference between father and son…then chaos!
May Allaah forbid! I acknowledge that the roles
of women in any society is crucial to its wellbeing
and survival, and men and women are
complimentary partners to each other in the
progress of humanity. Women trying to be men –

Q4:58, Q16:90
141 | P a g e
that is where the problem begins, from broken
home to broken society, from there broken… may
Allaah forbid! This is a flash point for rightly
guided minds.

142 | P a g e

143 | P a g e
These includes:


2. Wound infection

3. Severe blood loss and death

4. Chronic pelvic pain

5. Gastrointestinal disorders

6. Keloid formation (disfiguring scar


7. Distressing virginal itching

8. Painful defecation or painful urination.

9. Painful menstruation (dysmenorrhoea)

10. Perineal tears

11. Gait deformity

12. Maternal mortality

144 | P a g e
13. Miscarriages

14. Premature labor

15. Anaemia in pregnancy.

16. Preterm delivery

17. Fetal distress

18. Fetal growth retardation

19. low birth weight

20. Prostitution

21. Sexually transmitted infection

22. Divorce

23. Smoking, Alcohol and Drug abuse

24. Social stigma

25. Anxiety disorders

26. Loss of trust

145 | P a g e
27. Low self esteem

28. Post-traumatic stress Disorder

29. Suicide

30. Homicide

31. Insanity (psychosis)

32. Depressive disorder

33. Eating disorder

34. Extreme obesity

35. Unwanted pregnancy

36. Urinary tract infection

37. Urinary retention

Note: Consequence of multiple abuses over time

appears to be cumulative, the more the extent of
the abuse the more its impact on women’s health
and after the abuse has stopped, the consequence
can persist long if not forever.
146 | P a g e

1. Behavioral problems

2. Exposure of children to physical, sexual, or

emotional abuse

3. Inadequate emotional support

4. Undermining child survival. Etc.

5. Lack of security

6. Learning problems

7. Psychological disorders (mood, anxiety and


147 | P a g e

148 | P a g e
To address the need to curb violence
against women and harmful traditional
practices, these are the roles for; individuals,
parents/guardian, educational administrators
and teachers, health care service providers,
religious leaders/scholars and governments to


- Indecent dresses may not be illegal in none

Muslim society but such dresses get
girls/women noticed in a seductive manner
and causes a bad reaction by the men. Islam
has designated a modest dress code for
girls/women; other dress codes cannot

- Ladies need to be meeting their date in the

presence of their ‘Mahram’ (father,

149 | P a g e
- Girls/Women need to be travelling in
company of their ‘Mahram’ (husband,
father, brother, son…).

- Everyone needs to avoid taking alcohol and

other drugs.

- Everyone needs to be wary of the type of

company to keep. The Prophet Muhammad
(Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him)
said: “A person is likely to follow the faith
of his friend, so look when you befriend”.

- Everyone needs to avoid deserted routes

by day and night.

- Visiting the opposite sex alone should be


- Silence about violence against women and

harmful traditional practices means helping

Ahmad 8/307/8398 and Abu Dawud 4/261/4833.
150 | P a g e
in perpetuating the transgression. We need
to stop this act and report cases of such
when necessary.

- We need to love for our neighbors,

relatives what we love for ourselves. If
they neglect responsibilities on their
children and one does not at least advice
those parents; you are enabling their toxic
behavior, consequently turning their
children to human predators while your
children will be the most likely first prey.

- Singles need to choose the right partner

(husband or wife). Remember she/he is
going to be a mother/father of your


- Married people should endeavor reforming

their partners.

151 | P a g e
- Choice of neighbors needs to precede the
choice of house, location and its design. If
one’s neighbor is morally corrupt then one’s
family members are prone to risk. Allaah
(SubhanahuWata’aala) says: “And incline not
toward those who do wrong, lest the fire
should touch you, and you have no
protectors other than Allaah, nor would
you then be helped.146

- More than 90% of marital problems are

connected to our tongues or how we
communicate; parents need to refrain from
arguing in front of children, abusive words
should also be prohibited.

- Women’s work outside the home (like

teacher, doctor, nurses etc.), in Islam, may
be allowed with conditions. Women’s work
outside the home should only be the last
resort, not just because “I don’t want my

152 | P a g e
degree to be wasted”. (Women, today,
because of so called “better job offers”
leave home around 7:00am and come back
around 8:00pm while the husband is also on
official assignment, if their children abuse
themselves who is to be blamed? Parents!
With the increase in the number of child
abuses in the contemporary world, if the
primary duties assigned to women by Allaah
are to take care of children and home, that
they can have better family atmosphere,
that their children will become pleasure to
their eyes and they will be free of the
consequences of here and hereafter, is it
not yet time for women/mothers to accept
what Allaah assigned to them?! Allaah
(Subhanahu Wata’aala) says: “Has not the
time come for the hearts of those who
believe (in Oneness of Allaah – Islamic
Monotheism) to be affected by Allaah’s
Reminder (this Quran), and that which
has been revealed of the truth, lest they

153 | P a g e
become as those who received the
Scripture [the Taurat (Torah) and the
Injeel (Gospel)] before (i.e. Jews and
Christians), and the term was prolonged
for them and so their hearts were
hardened? And many of them were
‘Fasiqun’ (rebellious, disobedient to

- Parents need to be at home as much as they

can. This will give opportunity to discuss
family matter and father will be able to
supervise and correct things through

- Parents need, always, be able to answer

these kinds of questions:

Who are your children’s friends?

With whom do your children go out?

154 | P a g e
When and where do they go to?

What do they bring home from outside?


- Parents need to quit purchasing items that

depict women in a bad light.

- Parents need to be well informed about

human sexuality, purposely because of
their children.

- Parents that want their children to be

computer literate need also to know how to
use the computer, how to browse on the
internet and how to retrieve browsing
history on their children’s phones and
computers. Also, those parents need to be
able to control their children’s browsing
outside the home.

- Parents need not to relent in educating

their children (both male female) and fill

155 | P a g e
them with essential moral and religious

- Media (Newspaper, Radio TV, Video,

Internet etc.) is expected to be educative
and beneficial, unlike what we have today,
in Nigeria, where the media portrays
indecent dresses, vulgar expressions etc.
In fact, what you see is like everyone is
having sexual intercourse, parents need to
avoid media that glorify indecent dresses,
immorality and sexual abuses.

Educational Administrators and Teachers:

- Student sitting arrangement: Islamically, it

is boys on one side and girls the other side.

- School activities that promote sexual

tendencies need to be avoided.

- Islamic dress code need to be welcomed

and respected in schools, and

156 | P a g e
teachers/lecturers need to lead by

Health Care Service Providers:

Health care service providers need to…

- Offer high quality care to young adults.

- Respect confidentiality.

- Base his/her advise on what is allowed in

the religion of Islam.

- Learn Islamic ways for circumcising male

and female.

Religious Leaders/Scholars

Islamic Scholars/Religious Leaders need


- Challenge perpetrators of misinterpreted

Islamic justifications on violent abuses of
women and harmful traditional practices.

157 | P a g e
- Educate people on the difference between
Islamic Female Circumcision and Female
Genital Mutilation/Cutting.

- Educate people on what is called early

marriage, why do we need it and challenge
unreligious points that those criticizing it

- Try and educate their followers on some

specific Islamic laws for proper child


Government needs to:

- Impose laws stopping selling of alcohol and

dangerous drugs.

- Open rehabilitation centers for drug users.

- Arrest and counsel sex workers and

embark on rehabilitating them.

158 | P a g e
- Impose law restricting night parties.

- Prosecute any media organ that portrays

negative sexual information.

- Impose law stopping the selling of

phonographic pictures, porn videos and
prosecute the sellers.

159 | P a g e

160 | P a g e
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- Divorce.

168 | P a g e
- Domestic Violence the Problem Pervading
Nigeria/Article 14 march 2012 11:45AM By
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- Female Circumcision.

- Female Genital Cutting (FGC): An

Introduction, Marrianne Sarkis

- Frequently Asked Questions on Female

Genital Mutilation/Cutting
- Human trafficking in Nigeria and its
implications for food security, Ofuoku,
A.U.Department of Agricultural Economics
and Extension Delta State University,
Asaba Campus,Asaba, Delta State,

- Police Nabs Man For Raping 4 year old To

Death –
169 | P a g e
- Police uncover ‘baby factory in Rivers’ by
Jimitota Onoyume, Vanguard News Paper
July 3, 2012

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Doctor pays pregnant girls N70,000. Sells
their babies to ritualists by Udeme Utip,
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- Supporting Victims of Witchcraft Abuse

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- Trafficking in persons Report – Nigeria.


- What is Female Genital Mutilation?

Amnesty International

- Wife Abuses in the Muslim Community by

Kamran Menoon

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yr-old Baby Alive. Thu,21/02/2013-
12:52am By Safiu Ayanbimpe and Josuah

171 | P a g e
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- October 30, 2013 by Eniola Akinkuotu.

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Minor in Osun

On Nov 6, 2013 By folashade adaradohun, -

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demote Inspector over rape in Kano, From
Desmond Mgboh, Kano.Thursday,
December 23, 2010. Htt//
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College of Education Sokoto

By Amiru Adamu on April 30, 2012.


- - 4 Friends Gang-Rape Woman In

Lagos. 29 April, 2013 By

172 | P a g e
- - I Raped Only 6 Children - Kano
Bank Driver Confesses. 1 August, 2013
- Enownow - Immigration Officer Rapes Girl
In Kano 2008/12/03 enownow.
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allegedly raping 5-yr-old girl in Jigawa. 12
August, 2013 By The Citizen.
- The Herald - Police arraign man for rape

October 21, 2013 By Tayo Ayanda

- GBOOZA - Police nab 80-yr-old for raping

4-yr-old in Kano

Posted by News Updates on November 24,

2011 at 2:17am in Nigeria Crime News.

- Channels Television - SSS parade students

over alleged rape, cult activities in Kwara

173 | P a g e
Posted by: Channels Television Posted date:
July 31, 2012.

- Naija Mayor - Three men gang rape 15 year

old girl in Lagos

Posted on Nov 2, 2013.

- Channels Television - Police Nabs Man For

Raping 4 year old To Death

on March 2, 2013.

- ALJAZEERA - Nigeria's Kano shakes off

divorce capital tag -
- Africa in Transition - Are Rising African
Divorce Rates a Social Good?By Gust
Blogger for John Campbell, September 16,


174 | P a g e
- -
United Nations Convention Against Transnational
Organized Crime and The Protocols thereto

Note: Part of the quoted verses of the Quran and hadith were
translated from original sources by the writer.

175 | P a g e
176 | P a g e

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