Prueba de Ingles 2018 Octavo Año

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Examen de Validación de Estudio Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes

Menores de Edad 8° año Básico


Establecimiento ESCUELA G N° 345 RBD 10435-3

Nombre del Estudiante


Curso Octavo Puntaje Total 42

Asignatura Inglés Puntaje 25 ptos
Docente Iris Faunes H Puntaje Obtenido
Fecha Proceso Evaluación Si No x


- Lee atentamente cada pregunta antes de contestar.

- Utiliza lápiz grafito para responder.

- Dispones de 90 min. para realizar tu prueba, para que puedas

revisarla antes de entregarla.

I.- Link the word on the left with their corresponding translation on
the right: (6 points)

a) they 1.- nosotros

b) we 2.- yo

c) I 3.- èl

d) she 4.-ella

e) he 5.- tù

f) you 6.- ellos

II.- Choose and mark the right anwser for the following questions: (12

1.- Do you have brothers and sisters?

a) Yes, we do. b) No, I do.

c) Yes, I do. d) Yes, I am.

2.- Am I your math teacher?

a) No, I am b) No, you are not

c) No, I am not. d) No, I do.

3.- Is Winter a cold season?

a) Yes, it is. b) Yes, it does.

c) No, it does not. d) Yes, you are.

4.- Are Arturo Vidal and Alexis Sànchez great football players?

a) Yes, they are. b) Yes, they do.

c) No, they are not, d) Yes, you are.

5.- Is Sebastiàn Piñera the President of Chile?

a) No, you are not. b) Yes, you are.

c) Yes, he is. d) No, he is not.

6.- Do you climb a mountain everyday?

a) Yes, I will b) No, I don’t

c) Yes, I am. d) No, I am not.

III.- Readig comprehension:

1.- Read carefully the following text:

“ Nicanor Parra was born in 1914 in Chillàn, a small town in the south of
Chile. His father was a school teacher. In 1933 he entered the Instituto
Pedagògico of the University of Chile, and got his degree as a teacher of
mathematics and physics in 1938.

“Cancionero sin nombre”, his first book, appeared in 1937.

After teaching in Chilean secondary school, in 1943 he went to Brown

University in the USA to continue his studies in physics. He returned to
Chile in 1946.

In 1952 Parra began to teach Theoretical Physics in Santiago.

He created the so-called “anti-poetry” and he has read his poetry in

England, France, Russia, Mexico, Cuba and the Unites States. He has also
published several books, including one in collaboration with his great
compatriot, Pablo Neruda.

1.- According to the text, classified the followings statements as TRUE (T)
or FALSE (F). (12 points)

a)_____Nicanor Parra was a chilean writer.

b)_____He was a teacher of physics and maths.

c)_____He studied in Santiago and the USA.

d)_____His father was a school teacher.

e)_____ He won the prize Nobel.

f)_____”Cancionero sin nombre” was his first book.

2.- Write the year when happened one of the followings events: ( 12

a) His first book appeared in …………

b) He became a Maths teacher in ……….

c) Was born in Chillàn in ……….

d) He teachs Theoretical Physics in ……….

e) He cameback to Chile in ………..

6.- He studied at The Brown University in ………..






I a 6 Traducir Términos pareados 1
I b 1 Traducir Términos pareados 1
I c 2 Traducir Términos pareados 1
I d 4 Traducir Términos pareados 1
I e 3 Traducir Términos pareados 1
I f 5 Traducir Términos pareados 1
II 1 C Inferir Selección múltiple 2
II 2 C Inferir Selección múltiple 2
II 3 A Inferir Selección múltiple 2
II 4 A Inferir Selección múltiple 2
II 5 C Inferir Selección múltiple 2
II 6 B Inferir Selección múltiple 2
III 1 a T Concluir Comp. de lectura 2
III 1 b T Concluir Comp. de lectura 2
III 1 c T Concluir Comp. de lectura 2
III 1 d T Concluir Comp. de lectura 2
III 1 e F Concluir Comp. de lectura 2
III 1 f T Concluir Comp. de lectura 2
III 2 a 1937 Extractar Comp. de lectura 2
III 2 b 1938 Extractar Comp. de lectura 2
III 2 c 1914 Extractar Comp. de lectura 2
III 2 d 1952 Extractar Comp. de lectura 2
III 2 e 1946 Extractar Comp. de lectura 2
III 2 f 1943 Extractar Comp. de lectura 2

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