False Teaching Complaint Against Augustine Unuigbe

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To The Most Reverend Nicholas Okoh, Archbishop and Primate of all Nigeria,

Your Grace,

Greetings from the United States and blessings to you. We are all grateful for your bold
leadership and clear witness to the Gospel both in Nigeria and around the world and for your zeal
to defend the Faith once and for all delivered to the saints.

It is my sad duty to provide evidence below that The Reverend Dr. Augustine Unuigbe,
Suffragan Bishop-elect of the Anglican Diocese of The Trinity of the Convocation of Anglicans
in North America (CANA), has embraced, and up to the present day teaches, both the Prosperity
Gospel and the Word of Faith doctrine.

Bishops/overseers, whether diocesan or suffragan, must meet the requirements the Apostle Paul
articulates in 1st Timothy 3 and Titus 1 which include the following: “He must hold firm to the
trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also
to rebuke those who contradict it” (Titus 1:9). Moreover, Anglican bishops have traditionally
been called to embody in their ministry the true doctrine of Christ and to be models of
faithfulness not just to one jurisdiction, but to the entire Church of God. I do not believe that
The Reverend Dr. Augustine Unuigbe meets either the biblical or ecclesial requirements for the

Below please find the following sections:

A. Summary of the Errors in Question, ​p.1

B. Evidence that The Reverend Dr. Augustine Unuigbe believes and teaches the Prosperity
Gospel and the Word of Faith Doctrine ​p.3
I. Evidence from Social Media ​p.3
II. Evidence from The Reverend Dr. Unuigbe’s Pentecost Sermon, 2019 ​p.6
III. Fourteen Selected Excerpts ​p.7
IV. Full Transcript p.​10
C. Conclusion​ p.17

A. Summary of the Errors in Question

The Prosperity Gospel

Propagators of the Prosperity Gospel teach that Jesus died not only to save sinners from the
eternal consequences of sin and sin’s power, but also to provide health, financial prosperity, and
temporal worldly power. Sickness, poverty, affliction, weakness, so this teaching goes, are not
from God. Rather, He desires that every believer prosper in every earthly sphere. The Christian
should not experience sickness or poverty, nor lack success in work or business, but should
always live in material abundance. To lay hold of this abundance, the believer must act and/or
speak in faith. Faith, for prosperity teachers, is not utter spiritual and material dependence upon
Christ. Faith is a power to be wielded. The object of faith is not the person of Christ, but his

power disassociated from his person. The Christian, by believing that God will give whatever
you ask, channels the power of God to heal diseases, win fortunes, and rise to power. If you
believe strongly enough, there is no miracle you cannot perform.

If, therefore, you work no miracles, if you are sick, impoverished, or unsuccessful, you do not
have strong enough faith. You have not believed that you will be well, or rich, or successful. It
may also be that you need to act in some way to show God that your faith is genuine. You might
give money you do not have, buy property you cannot afford, move to a location where you hope
to live. All of these actions show God that you really “believe him for your miracle” and prompt
God to give you “the substance of what you hope for.”

Why is the Prosperity Gospel a False Doctrine?

While Jesus is all powerful, and can heal every disease, and lift up the impoverished and
powerless, he does not promise to do these things for everyone. Sometimes it is not his will to
heal the sick, or to make his people rich and prosperous. In this world, Jesus says, you will have
trouble (John 16:33). He promises, in fact, that those who follow him will endure what he
endured. The Christian life will be full of persecution and trouble, the Christian will often be
afflicted (Matthew 24, John 15:18). Those who would be his disciples, therefore, must take up
their cross and follow him. His disciples must be willing to lose their lives in this world in order
to find them (Matthew 16:24-26). God does not always desire our healing or worldly prosperity.
On one occasion, recorded in John 5:1-9, Jesus sees a crowd of sick people at the Pool of
Bethesda and chooses to heal only one of them, and the one he chose to heal did not express any
faith in him or his power to heal. The Apostle Paul cried out for relief from his “thorn in the
flesh”, and God did not take it away (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). Paul lived a life of hardship,
marked by physical illness, beatings, imprisonments, stonings, shipwrecks, and loss. God
brought Paul even to the point of death so that he might rely on the one who raises the dead (2
Corinthians 1:9). The Apostle Peter says that Christians should rejoice in our sufferings (1 Peter
4:12) and not be surprised when affliction comes for “to this we were called” (1 Peter 2:21). The
Prosperity Gospel, by contrast, teaches that the Christian with enough faith, will not suffer
worldly affliction.

The Word of Faith Doctrine

The Word of Faith teaching is closely related to the Prosperity Gospel and most who teach the
Prosperity Gospel also teach the Word of Faith doctrine. Word of Faith teachers believe that
words have power, especially when accompanied by the name “Jesus”. The Christian can, by his
“decree”, transform his or her earthly circumstances. One might, for example, decree that “all
disease is banished from my house, in Jesus’ name.” By that decree, so long as you believe
strongly enough, disease will be forbidden to come into your home. The name “Jesus” becomes a
kind of talisman, a magic word, that, when used, shapes and changes your circumstances.

Why is the Word of Faith Doctrine a False Teaching?

Word of Faith teachers often appeal to Jesus’ promise that “whatever you ask for in my name, I
will do it because I am going to the Father” (John 14:13). But to do or say something in a
person’s name in 1st century Jewish thinking means to act or speak in accordance with a
person’s known character and will. So when Jesus tells his disciples to ask “in my name”, he

means for them to pray for those things that are in accordance with what they know about Him
from His revealed character and expressed will. He does not mean that the word “Jesus” itself
has power. Moreover, while Jesus encourages us to go to the Father with all of our needs and
wants (Matthew 7:9-11), we are to come with humble requests. We are nowhere in Scripture told
to make declarations or decrees about what God will do in our personal lives. Christians have not
been given the authority to decree that God “will” do anything, nor can we with assurance expect
anything that he has not explicitly promised in the Bible (1 Corinthians 4:6). Since God has not
promised that we will be free from need or affliction in the Bible, we cannot decree that we will
be, especially using Jesus’ name.

Well Known Prosperity Gospel and Word of Faith teachers

Kenneth Copeland
Benny Hinn
Todd White
Joel Osteen
TD Jakes
Creflo Dollar

The Gospel
All of this is contrary to the true Gospel which teaches that God sent his Son to live a righteous
life, fulfilling the law on our behalf, to die as our sinless substitute, bearing the penalty for our
sins in our place, and then raised him up from the dead, destroying death and giving all who
believe eternal life beginning now and consummated at the resurrection of the dead. While we
pray for God’s provision in all circumstances, believing he is able to do whatever we ask, we
know that God is good and sovereign over all things. Sometimes what we think we need and
want will not be good for the soul. Jesus bids us not to prosperity, success, and earthly wealth,
but to come and die, to take up the cross and endure all things for his sake and for the Gospel.

B. Evidence that The Reverend Dr. Augustine Unuigbe believes and teaches the Prosperity
Gospel and the Word of Faith Doctrine

I. Evidence from Social Media

On January 18th, 2018, after numerous discussions with Anglicans promoting the Prosperity
Gospel and Word of Faith doctrine on the “Anglicans Worldwide” Facebook page, I posted the
following on my Facebook page:

“In my discussions with word-of-faith/prosperity-gospel Anglicans, I find that at least two

exegetical errors inevitably take center stage 1. Whatever power or authority Jesus gives to his
apostles, he also gives to me. There is little or no concern with the actual context and an intense
desire to read the self into the text inappropriately. 2. Historical narratives are almost always
prescriptive and universal. They are descriptive and particular only where convenient. So
Elijah's prayer for rain means that I can declare rain into existence or keep it from falling if I
just speak with faith and claim my authority. And the hope and a future passage from Jeremiah
29 is all about me and God's personal plans for me rather than a prophecy dealing with Israel in

exile and, more broadly, about the coming of Christ. Chris Rosebrough calls this sort of biblical
interpretation, "Narcigesis ",(combining narcisist and exegesis) and I think that is an apt

In numerous comments beneath this post, The Reverend Dr. Augustine Unuigbe, objected
strenuously. I will provide a sampling of these comments below, but you can see all of them in
context by following this link:


“Paul Peter James and John ... do not have higher standing with God than today’s believers.
Whatever Authority, Jesus gave them is applicable to all believers.
Anything short of that is DEAD religion.

I am believing God that my shadows will one day heal the sick

John 14:12
Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will
do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

“Whoever believes means who?

Or do I have to teach you English?”

“I don’t know why I haven’t raised a dead but I still that His promise is true”

“Probably my faith has been too small or not fasting enough”

“I shall prosper in Jesus name.”

"I banish diseases and all form of demonic operations far from me in Jesus name."

“Poverty is not my portion in Jesus name.”

"May your desire to be poor be answered just as my desire to be rich in money be granted by my
God who owns the wealth of the world and gives it freely."

“Poverty is banished far from me”

“I decree that poverty is banished from my life in Jesus name. Amen”

The Reverend Dr. Unuigbe then posted the meme below:

Then The Rev. Dr. Unuigbe posted a link to a video by the prominent Prosperity Gospel and
Word of Faith false teacher, Benny Hinn. And he wrote in consecutive comments:

“That might help you.”

“Watch it and receive some word.”
“Benny Hinn is a christian brother.”

At some point during the conversation, The Reverend Dr. Unuigbe suggested that my concern
over his words and teachings stems from the fact that I am a cessationist. Cessationists believe
that the gifts of prophecy and tongues ceased after the apostolic age and the completion of the
New Testament canon. I am cessationist, but I do not think that those who believe in the
continuation of these gifts believe a heretical doctrine. I made this point to him many times. Here
is one of my comments.

“while I think the sign gifts have ceased with the close of the apostolic age, there are good
Christian brothers and Anglicans who disagree and believe that they continue. That is all fine
and good. but you have adopted the prosperity gospel which is a heresy. Along with the pagan
notion that words carry power embraced by the heretical word of faith theology. These are
rejected by all who call themselves Christian. Legitimate charismatics and Pentecostals reject
what you embrace and refuse to countenance it.”

To which The Reverend Dr. Unuigbe responded:

Prosperity message is not altogether erroneous.

Many priests were party to this facebook conversation and in the subsequent days a number of
these priests sent formal charges to his ecclesiastical authority.

After the conversation summarized above, I contacted The Reverend Dr. Unuigbe privately and
urged him to recant and repent. He refused to do so. As a consequence, I too filed formal

I heard nothing about the situation for quite some time. The Reverend Dr. Unuigbe blocked me
from his Facebook page so that I could not see anything he posted.

Then, at the beginning of this year, I heard that The Reverend Dr. Unuigbe, had been elected
suffragan bishop in the Anglican Diocese of The Trinity (CANA).

I expressed my concern at the time about his teachings and was told that he had repented and
recanted. This gave me some relief. But then a friend of mine sent me a link to The Reverend Dr.
Unuigbe’s sermon from Pentecost day, 2019. As I listened, I realized that his embrace of the
Prosperity Gospel and Word of Faith heresy is even more firm than before.

II. Evidence from The Reverend Dr. Unuigbe’s Pentecost Sermon, 2019

Below are 14 excerpts from the sermon. The entire sermon can be viewed online here:


The full transcript may also be found below the excerpt section.

Among the things The Reverend Dr. Augustine Unuigbe teaches in this sermon:

1. The Gospel includes the good news that God will heal your diseases.
2. The Holy Spirit teaches believers “all things” which means, for example, that he will tell
you the correct diagnosis for an illness, the right exit to take while driving, and give you
business insights and success if you have enough faith.
3. God expects you to raise the dead. All Christians should be doing greater miracles than
Jesus, including healing the sick and raising the dead.
4. If you are not doing greater miracles than Jesus, it is because you do not believe.
5. Faith means believing that God will give you the substance of what you hope for.
6. An example of faith is a woman who bought a shopping mall for 80,000 dollars. She later
sold it and made 2,000,000 dollars from the sale.
7. An unmarried woman buys a dress and clothes for a baby boy because she believes God
has told her she will be married. This is the kind of act of faith that all believers should be

III. Fourteen Selected Excerpts

1. ​You can be doing some design and the Holy Spirit puts some idea in your mind. Why don’t you
cut it this way, and cut it this way. And you are cutting this way, you cut it this way. You put it
together this way. I put it together this way. And guess what? The person who wear it and says,
‘wow, hmm. This dress, where did you get this inspiration? This is so beautiful.’ Before you
know it you are making designs that nobody understands how you brought the design. You are
getting inspiration from the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. The Holy Spirit can help you in your
business. He can help you in your work. You are a physician. You are a doctor. You are treating
people. Sometimes you are treating people and you don’t know what they are suffering from.
Indeed. They come to the hospital. They keep presenting with one symptom, one symptom, one
symptom, same symptom over and over. One day you find it best to make him sit down. Tell me
the story of your family. He say, ‘what?’ Tell me the story of your family. He say’ ‘oh. My father
died of kidney failure. My mother died of kidney failure. My grandfather died of kidney failure.’
Generation by generation of mine died of kidney failure. And now, guess what, I just look at your
lab. Your kidneys begin to move in that direction.​ Is it just enough to say, ‘oh, you see I think I
see you have a disease that arose in your family, you are going to die soon?’ No. Is that good
news? No. Good news is that I see something that is a trait in your family, that is the bad
news...The good news is that Jesus Christ has come that you might be set free. And if you are
a doctor that is able to make that diagnoses for the person, you have saved his life. It takes the
Holy Spirit to do that. Amen?

2.​Verily Verily I say unto you, he that believes on me, the works that I do, shall he do also and
greater works shall he do because I go to the father. Church, I want you to put your name on that
Whoever. Write you name there. And I want you to meditate on that scripture for the rest of your
life. ​Until you start doing what is written there, you are not living a normal Christian life.

3.​As many as believe. The works that I do, you will do. Amen. He didn’t say similar. He said the
same ones. So I want us to take them. Let’s not flip around. Let’s not find the words to explain
them out. What were the exact works Jesus Christ did when he came on earth? Let’s list them.
He healed the sick. If you believe you will heal the sick. Amen.

4.​Believe in the power of God. B​ elieve in the name of Jesus. That name is powerful. I don’t
know how it works but I know when I call on the name somebody somewhere is activated​.
Some angels gets to work. When I call that name something begins to happen in the heavenly.
When I call that name something begins to happen in hell. When I call that name, I know that
something begins to happen on earth. Church, I don’t know the mechanism. I don’t know the
scientific mechanism. B ​ ut I know that when I call that name, sickness begins to respond.​ I
don’t know how it works. I can’t explain it scientifically. I can’t explain it medically. It doesn’t
make sense. B ​ ut I know that when we call that name, legs can grow out again. When we call
that name tumors can disappear. When we call that name people that have been strong, who
go and pack up their stuff and prepare to die, can live again, when we call that name. When

we call that name situations that have been said to be impossible become possible when we call
that name.​

5.​Jesus Christ said, I didn’t say it, he said it, Amen. If he said it, he is bound by his word. He is
bound by his word. I​ f he said if you believe you will lay hands on the sick for a miracle of God.
Did he say Special men of God? He said As many as believe.

6.​And what do you mean by faith, church? I want to explain that to you. So that we don’t use big
big language and confuse ourselves. You have to get used to me. I’m not one coming here
quoting some authors, some theologians. I’m not into all that. I simply open the Bible, and I open
the simple bible. I read the Bible for myself. Amen. ​Thank God it is written in the English.
Don’t confuse me with Greek version and Hebrew version. I dont want to hear all that jazz. I
read it in English. ​And I see. There are times I will need some interpretation. Interpretation. But
this one is simple.​ H
​ e said the works that I do, you will do. Is that simple enough? The works that
I do, you will do. What was the work that he did? One, he healed the sick.​ If he healed the sick,
what is Jesus expecting of whoever believes? You should heal the sick. If he made the deaf
man to hear, what does he expect from you? You should make the deaf man to hear. If he
made the dumb man to speak, what does he expect from you? Make the dumb man to speak. If
he made the lame one to walk, make the lame to walk. Church. If he raise the dead, he expect
you to raise the dead. You are afraid? You don’t want to do it, that’s why you have not done it.
But he says the work that I do, you will do. And greater works. That’s what Jesus Christ, that’s
what is expected of the church. To do the work. We are a continuation of what Jesus was doing
while he was on earth. You and I are the continuation of what he was doing when he was on
earth. Amen.

7.​So the job of believers, every believer, not just for senior men of God, or senior pastors, or
televangelists is that the works that you do, that he did, we can do also. ​And what does it need?
You need faith, right? T ​ hat’s what it said, it said you need faith. Jesus Christ was telling, if you

8. ​You know some years ago, some crazy brothers who are crazy enough. I will tell you this, If
you walk by faith you will be crazy. Can I say that? Do you want me to repeat that? If you walk
by faith you’ll be closer to crazy....Because you are saying things that don’t make sense.

9.​You wake up, and suddenly, guess what, you go to a shopping mall that is for sale, because
the Holy Spirit told you while you were praying, go and bid for that shopping mall. And you
say, hehe, oh cooccooo. Go and bid for a shopping mall. How much do you have? Do you
have what it takes? No, you have $100,000. Y ​ ou looked at this shopping mall cannot be less
than 1 million. Why would I be bidding for something that is one million, when you have
$100,000? The Holy Spirit told you while you were praying, go and bid for that thing. You didn’t
go. One year later you go back and saw the lady had bought it. You say, man, why did you
Partition them and start selling them? She partitioned them into five. All these partitions. She
sold them for $400,000. She ended up getting two million. Guess how much she got it, she made
a bid of $80,000. And of all the people who bid, her’s was the highest.​ If you had put in your
$100,000, your bid would be higher.

10. ​Church, I tell you something, you better believe God. You better learn to believe God. I know
this is not traditional Christians. Cause traditional Christians make sense. We only do what
makes sense. ​But I’m telling you, until you get to that level of faith where you do things that
don’t make sense, you are not walking by faith. Because the work of faith doesn’t make sense.​

11.​ The Bible says the definition of faith, Hebrews 11:1. I want you to read Hebrews chapter 11
verse one. I will close. Hebrews 11:1 please read for me. Now faith is confidence in what we
hope for, assurance about what we do not see. S ​ o What we are hoping for, right, we are already
having confidence in it. And Having an evidence of something we have not seen.​ What I am
saying is that a sister who walks by faith, God has already assured her she is getting married
next year. She bought her wedding gown. The moment she heard it last month. She bought a
wedding gown. You will know what else she bought? She already went to Toys/BabiesRus And
bought baby clothes and materials. She is already shopping.....I see her in the shopping mall. I
say congratulations. She say no. What are doing with baby clothes?vAre you going for baby
shower? No. Then what are you buying? She said, I am buying clothes for my son. She didn’t
even say my baby. My son. How can you be buying clothes for your son? Are you adopting? No.
As I prayed and I was fasting last month, the word of the Lord that I received told me. In august
2020 I will be marrying. And so I am already preparing. The lord also told me I will have a son.
Crazy. Do you understand what I’m saying? Crazy. But you need to be crazy enough to believe
God. There is a level of faith that can be interpreted as crazy. What is crazy is relative to the
information you have. By the time time you get married August next year, and by the time you
have your baby at the dedication somebody is going to say ....But when I saw her and she was
acting on it, I thought she was mad. ​The substance of things hoped for. What is the substance?
Already buying baby clothes for a baby is not existent. That’s the substance of things hoped
for. I’m hoping for a baby, and I’m buying clothes for the baby. Hallelujah. Is the baby born
yet? Am I married? ​But I bought clothes for the baby. Amen.

12. ​I walked into a brothers house some years ago. And I saw a check that posted on the wall in
his study in the basement. Blank. Ten thousand dollars. And under it, tithes. Tithes. I said, bros,
I’m lending. ​The Lord is taking me to a place where my tithe is going to be ten thousand
dollars. I say wow. Because he knows where, he is already preparing spiritually for it. Amen

13. ​I used to visit secondary schools. So, I went to one of them one day, and you know what I
saw? They invited one of the small boys. He came he was supposed to be preacher. H ​ e had the
camera man. Brought lights. Photographer. For secondary school boy. What I’m telling, I
have never seen that boy. He was ready to take it big.​ He would be televising live. He would
have had a press conference. How was it? Thousands? It was a great program. People say.
People came. You saw hundred, I saw one thousand. You saw one hundred physically. I saw one
thousand spiritually. So which one should we believe? The physical or the spiritual? You saw
what it is now, he saw the future. That’s faith.

14.​ ​It’s faith that makes people land. They not buy one acre. I​ was going to buy a church. I
went to buy a church. One of my friends helped me find a church building. The church building
was very small. Probably it would be able to take 20 people. Small everything. 70 years and it

was too small. No room for growth. I went in there, I said this is so nice. The price was right. It
was just the size for us now. It would have been convenient to buy it. You don’t need faith for
something that you have already. You don’t need faith to eat food. So in this case I didn’t need
faith to buy this building. I could have just written a check. A brother looked at me, and said,
Austin, don’t buy that building. That building is not you, I know you, if you buy that building you
will soon call me again and say you want to buy. That building will not fit you

IV. Full Transcript:

Prayer: Father we thank you for your word. We thank you you for the words we are about to
receive at this time. We ask that heavens be opened. Release your word to us. Let this word
transform everyone of us, O God. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Jesus Christ said, one of the things the Holy Spirit is supposed to do...What is one of the jobs of
the Holy Spirit as listed in what we just read? I want to see if you can give me some of the things
that Holy Spirit is said we would be doing. One, anybody. [Pause] I like doing my sermons with

Answer: He would be our Comforter.

He would be our Comforter. The Bible calls him the Spirit of Truth. Correct? The Spirit of Truth.
And it said that Spirit of Truth, it will teach you— all things. Did you see that? He will teach you
what? All Things. All Things. I want to take this [literally at home], and read it again. He will
teach you—all things.

You know, there are people who read the Bible...there are many ways to read the Bible. I am a
literal reader of the Bible. What did I say? I’m a literal reader of the Bible. I read the Bible. I
simply believe what the Bible says. That’s a literal reader of the Bible. I don’t intend to help the
Bible. If the Bible said it...it is the truth. Now, there are some times, there are [legitimate issues]
in the scriptures you have not understood it. I am not going to try to claim that I know
everything. But I’ll tell you what the Bible says. Now, do I know what it means?
I probably don’t. That is what the Bible said. Right? Sure? I am not going to change it because I
don’t understand it. Praise the Lord. That said, the Bible says that Jesus Christ was saying
today...he said, When the Holy Spirit is come, the New Comforter, the one I will send to you, He
said, One of the things he said he was going to do, he will teach you all things.
Now what is, let us try again. What is all?

Answer: Everything, All is all.

If it’s not all, the Bible could have said it would teach you Most Things. Right?
The Bible didn’t said it would teach you all things that pertain to God. Right?
It didn’t say all things that pertain to God. He said he would teach you All things. That’s why
there are times that even Holy Spirit will teach you things outside [the space] of the Bible. That’s
why some people get some extra knowledge—extra knowledge because the Holy Spirit gives

them some knowledge, some inspiration, rare inspiration. Some knowledge that if you are in
business, you are in tailoring... Right? You can be doing some design and the Holy Spirit puts
some idea in your mind. Why don’t you cut it this way, and cut it this way. And you are cutting
this way, you cut it this way. You put it together this way. I put it together this way. And guess
what? The person who wear it and says, ‘wow, hmm. This dress, where did you get this
inspiration? This is so beautiful.’ Before you know it you are making designs that nobody
understands how you brought the design. You are getting inspiration from the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen.

The Holy Spirit can help you in your business. He can help you in your work. You are a
physician. You are a doctor. You are treating people. Sometimes you are treating people and you
don’t know what they are suffering from. Indeed.

They come to the hospital. They keep presenting with one symptom, one symptom, one
symptom, same symptom over and over. One day you find it best to make him sit down. Tell me
the story of your family. He say, ‘what?’ Tell me the story of your family. He say’ ‘oh. My
father died of kidney failure. My mother died of kidney failure. My grandfather died of kidney
failure.’ Generation by generation of mine died of kidney failure. And now, guess what, I just
look at your lab. Your kidneys begin to move in that direction. Is it just enough to say, ‘oh, you
see I think I see you have a disease that arose in your family, you are going to die soon?’
Is that good news?
Good news is that I see something that is a trait in your family, that is the bad news...The good
news is that Jesus Christ has come that you might be set free. And if you are a doctor that is able
to make that diagnoses for the person, you have saved his life. It takes the Holy Spirit to do that.

The Holy Spirit can teach you all things. He said the Holy Spirit would put you in remembrance
of the things that I taught you. The things that are in the Bible, the Holy Spirit puts you in
remembrance of them. Then sometimes, the Holy Spirit speaks to you quickly. If you hear it,
early enough, you avoid some places.

You know we were driving down. Something was telling me, don’t go to this way [route,
Eschew] this route. I was going for the faster route. I didn’t know there was a bad accident on
that faster route. So I went to the faster route and guess what, that’s why we we’re late now. If I
had gone with that other alternate route, would I be here 5 minutes, I mean 15 minutes earlier? I
would have taken the longer road but there was no accident on that one. Amen? The Holy Spirit
will teach you all things.

Sometimes you wake up in the morning and something just tells you stay at home don’t go
anywhere. [.......don’t even try...] You decide to go and guess what, your key is missing, you
can’t find your key. You will look for a key, Oh, key Oh. You look everywhere, you don’t find
your key. After about one hour, you find you key at the center table, the center table in your
parlor. Meanwhile you looked at this same [parlor], you removed all the cushions. You removed

everything. You didn’t find it. The center table. How could the key be on the center table [.....]
and you have said how could I find it? Now you found it.

And guess what, you take your key, you are angrily driving away. As you are driving, you meet
people at the junction close to your house. They are clearing up some things. Gas spill
everywhere. Remnants of car broken down. And you see some two van, parking two cars away.
Then someone tells you, that was a ghastly accident at this point. One guy beat the red light and
went through. The guy who was coming from this direction was killed and died on the spot. The
Holy Spirit, if your eyes are open, you will discover you just escaped this.

The Holy Spirit teaches you all things, if you listen. Praise the Lord. I want us to look at John
chapter 14 verse 12. That’s what I really [want to do].

The life of the Christian. The victorious life of the Christian, the life of the Christian that is
interesting, that will make you feel accomplished, the kind of life of the Christian that I pray that
all of us here will live before we die. When you read it it sounds like supernatural. But it is not
supernatural. It’s the natural Christian life. John chapter 14 verse 12. Somebody read for me, and
note that every time you are reading your bible, that is if you have the Bible’s that have some
things in red and some in black. This [...] thing that we are going to read now is written in what?
Red. And anytime that you see red [who read it], these are direct words and quotes from Jesus.
So this one is one of those direct quotes from Jesus. So please somebody read.

Verily Verily I say unto you, he that believes on me, the works that I do, shall he do also, and
greater works shall he do, because I go to the Father.

Church, I want you to put your name on that ‘Whoever’. Write you name there.
And I want you to meditate on that scripture for the rest of your life. Until you start doing what is
written there, you are not living a normal the Christian life. Period. The Bible did not say that as
many as are pastors...is that what it said? Did it say as many as are [Jews]? Did it say as many as
are apostles? Did he say as many as are senior men of God? Did he say as many as went to
theological school? No
As many as believe.
As many as believe.
Am I reading another bible? Is it in your bible? As many as believe.
[name]_____if you believe
_____If you believe
_____if you believe. Etc.
As many as believe. The works that I do, you will do. Amen. He didn’t say, ‘similar’. He said,
‘the same ones’. So I want us to take them. Let’s not flip around. Let’s not find the words to
explain them out. What were the exact works Jesus Christ did when he came on earth? Let’s list

He healed the sick. If you believe you will heal the sick. Amen.

Believe in who? In yourself? The worst teachings I have heard today is believe yourself. Believe
in yourself. I didn’t say believe yourself, _______. Don’t believe yourself. Believe in God.
Amen? If you believe in yourself you will fail. Believe in God.

Believe in the power of God. Believe in the name of Jesus. That name is powerful. I don’t know
how it works but I know when I call on the name, somebody somewhere is activated. Some
angels gets to work. When I call that name something begins to happen in the heavenly. When I
call that name something begins to happen in hell. When I call that name, I know that something
begins to happen on earth. Church, I don’t know the mechanism. I don’t know the scientific
mechanism. But I know that when I call that name, sickness begins to respond. I don’t know how
it works, I can’t explain it scientifically. I can’t explain it medically. It doesn’t make sense. But I
know that when we call that name, leaves can grow out again. When we call that name, tumors
can disappear. When we call that name, people that have been strong, who go and pack up their
stuff and prepare to die, can live again, when we call that name. When we call that name,
situations that have been said to be impossible become possible, when we call that name. I’m not
talking about myself. I am not telling you I have power of my own. Obviously not. No. I don’t. I
am not a powerful man of God. I am a man of the powerful God. Amen. I am a man, a simple
weak man of a powerful God. Hallelujah.

But I serve a living God. I serve a living God who parted the Red Sea to make a whole nation
walk through it. I serve a living God who fed a whole nation for 40 years. Not 40 days. 40 years.
Gave them food every day. They didn’t have to work. 40 years. And guess what? They did not
buy any clothes for 40 years. You know the miracle there? Because as they were growing, their
clothes were growing with them. Lord Jesus. Their clothes were growing with them. Their shoes
were growing with them. They did not change their clothes. They did not change their shoes. 40
years. And you tell me there is no God? You must be out of your mind. There is a God. And he
is a mighty God. And I’ve got to tell you, that’s the God we serve. And this God has told us,
through his son Jesus Christ, that if you call upon me, using that name, Jesus, and you believe it,
the works that I did, you will do.

I have not entered greater...I went to a church some time ago and I saw a big sign, Greater Works
Ministry. I said, I never entered greater works ministry yet. If I can [do the] works that he did?
Hey church, let me tell you, if someone walked into this church right now, this place as small as
we are now, if somebody walks into this church now that has been diagnosed with metastatic
cancer of the breast, and the doctor has already told her we are starting your chemo next month,
and walks into this place and the word of God hits that person, the person goes back to the doctor
to do tests, we cannot find a tumor anywhere, whether in the breast, in the back, in the liver. We
can’t find a legion anywhere. We don’t know what happened, but Ma’am, it looks like your
tumor has gone into spontaneous resolution. They can call it anything they want to call it. We
call it healed. We call it a miracle. Jesus Christ said, I didn’t say, he said. Amen?

If he said it, he is bound by his word. He is bound by his word. If he said, ‘if you believe you
will lay hands on the sick the sick will recover.’ Did he say [one special/miracle for God]? He
said, ‘as many as believe.’ When he was talking to his disciples he said, ‘When I come to this

world will I find faith on it?’ I’m not talking about just going to church. I’m not talking about
just carrying a Bible. Church, I’m talking about having faith in God.

And what do you mean by faith, Church? I want to explain that to you. So that we don’t use big
big language and confuse ourselves. You have to get used to me. I’m not one coming here
quoting some authors, some theologians. I’m not into all that. I simply open the Bible, and I open
the simple Bible. I read the Bible for myself. Amen. Thank God it is written in the English.
Don’t confuse me with Greek version and Hebrew version. I don’t want to hear all that jazz. I
read it in English. And I see. There are times I will need some interpretation. [...Interpretation.]
But this one is simple. He said the works that I do, you will do. Is that simple enough?

The works that I do, you will do. What was the work that he did? One, he healed the sick. If he
healed the sick, what is Jesus expecting of whoever believes? You should heal the sick. If he
made the deaf man to hear, what does he expect from you? You should make the deaf man to
hear. If he made the dumb man to speak, what does he expect from you? He expect a dumb man
to speak. If he made the lame one to walk, make the lame to walk.

Church. If he raise the dead, he expect you to what? To raise the dead. You are afraid? You don’t
want to do it, that’s why you have not done it. But he says the work that I do, you will do. And
greater works. That’s what Jesus Christ, that’s what is expected of the church. To do the work.
We are a continuation of what Jesus was doing while he was on earth. You and I are the
continuation of what he was doing when he was on earth. Amen?

So the job of believers, every believer, not just for senior men of God, or senior pastors, or
televangelists, is that the works that you do, that he did, we can do also. And what does it need?
You need faith, right? That’s what it said, if you believe, it said you need faith. Jesus Christ was
telling the disciples what they need, if you faith little as a mustard seed. Not even a big one. As
little as a mustard seed. He said you should ask big unto this mountain. Be thou moved and cast
into what? The sea. It shall happen, according to what? According to your faith.

You know some years ago, some crazy brothers who are crazy enough, I will tell you them this
morning, If you walk by faith you will be crazy. Did I say that? Do you want me to repeat that?
If you walk by faith you’ll be [that closer] to crazy [....] Because you are saying things that don’t
make sense. You are walking a walk that doesn’t make sense. You are carrying actions that are
not reconcilable with science. You are doing things that are considered grandiose.
You are delusional. In fact, you are mad.

Why? You wake up, and suddenly, guess what, you go to a shopping mall that is for sale,
because the Holy Spirit told you while you were praying, go and bid for that shopping mall. And
you say, ‘hehe, oh cooccooo.’ Go and bid for a shopping mall. How much do you have? Do you
have what it takes? No, you have $100,000. You looked at this shopping mall cannot be less than
1 million. Why would I be bidding for something that is one million with $100,000? But the
Holy Spirit, you know, the Holy Spirit told you while you were praying, go and bid for that
thing. You didn’t go. One year later you go back and saw the place had bought it. You say, ‘man,
why did you get to buy this [...] big mall [...]’ Partition them and start selling them. She

partitioned them into five. [...] Each of those partitioned, she sold them for $400,000. She ended
up getting two million, for something, guess how much she got it, she made a bid of $80,000.
And of all the people that bidded, her’s what’s the highest. They sold it to her for $80,000. If you
had put in your $100,000, your bid would have been higher. The Holy Spirit speaks.

Church, I tell you something, you better believe God. You better learn to believe God. I know
this is not traditional Christians. Cause traditional Christians, if you don’t make sense, you don’t
do. We only do what makes sense. But I’m telling you, until you get to that level of faith where
you do things that don’t make sense, you have not started walking by faith. Because the work of
faith doesn’t make sense.

The Bible says the definition of faith, Hebrews 11:1. I want you to read Hebrews chapter 11
verse one. I will close the service now. I will finish the sermon now.

Hebrews 11:1, please read for me. ‘Now faith is confidence in what we hope for, and assurance
about what we do not see.’ So what we are hoping for, right, we are already having confidence in
it. And having an evidence of something we have not seen. What I am saying, is that a sister who
walks by faith, God has already assured her she is getting married next year. She bought her
wedding gown. The moment she heard it last month. She bought a wedding gown. You will
know what else she bought? She already went to Toys/BabiesRus and bought baby clothes and
materials. She is already shopping for [...]. I see her in the shopping mall. And I say, sister,
‘congratulations. So you are married now?’
She says ‘no.’
‘What are you doing with baby clothes? Are you going for baby shower?’
‘Then what are you now buying?’
She said, ‘I am buying clothes for my son.’ She didn’t even say my baby. My son.
‘How can you be buying clothes for your son? Are you adopting?’
‘No, as I prayed and I was fasting last month, The word of the Lord that I received told me that
In august 2020 I will be marrying. And so I am already preparing. The lord also told me I will
have a son.’ [...]
Do you understand what I’m saying?

But you need to be crazy enough to believe God. There is a level of faith that can be interpreted
as crazy. What is crazy with relative to the information you have. By the time time you get
married August next year, and by the next year have your baby, at the dedication somebody is
going to say this woman has faith to [.....] But when I saw her and [...] she was acting on it, I
thought she was mad. The substance of things hoped for. What is the substance? Already buying
baby clothes for a baby is not existant. That’s the substance of things hoped for. I’m hoping for a
baby, and I’m buying clothes for the baby. Hallelujah. Is the baby born yet? Have I been
married? But I bought clothes for the baby. Amen.

I walked into a brother’s house some years ago. And I saw a check written, posted on the wall in
his study in the basement. He put a check. Wrote it there. Blank. He wrote there ten thousand
dollars. And he wrote there under it, tithes. Tithes. I said, ‘bros, [....].’ He say, ‘oh [.....] you saw
my tithes check.’ I said ‘yes.’ He said, ‘’because I am seeing into the spirit...The Lord is taking
me to a place where my tithe is going to become ten thousand dollars.’ I say, ‘wow.’ He has
already started learning how to write tithes check of ten thousand dollars, because he knows
where God is taking him. He is already preparing spiritually for it. Amen?

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things you haven’t seen. A few years
ago when we started Transformation Church, we are a church of faith, pure faith, the first time I
started that church, I talked to them, I said to them, I do not want anybody to ever treat this
church based on the number you see now, because I am not seeing ten people. I am seeing
hundreds of people. And I relate to this church, we are related to a church that was 1000 people.
And when I am buying things, I am not buying small small small, I am buying big big things.
Praise the Lord. By faith, because faith is the substance of things you are hoping for, evidence of
things not seen.

This gets some of us into trouble. As teachers of the Bible. Because some people talking to you
like [.....] oh this evangelist [....] are you one of these people who want to steal our people....Did
he tell you to come [....] I didnt [...] I’m telling you, the normal Christian life, if you want to
enjoy it, you walk by faith. You walk by faith. The Bible says without faith it is impossible to
please God. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. So let’s go back again.

Jesus Christ said if you believe the works that I do, you shall do, and greater works, because I go
to the Father. So years ago I used to visit the secondary schools. I was a visitor to secondary
school fellowships. Some small kids who are doing fellowship in secondary school. SU. How
many of you went to SU? Secondary school [....] SU, I went to one of them one day, and you
know what I saw? They invited one of the small boys, probably somewhere like 13, 14.
He came he was supposed to be preacher. He came. You know what they brought to him. He had
the camera man. He had a cameraman. Cameraman brought lights. He had Photographer. He had
photographer, cameraman, someone to carry lights, for secondary school boy. What I’m telling
you, I have never seen that boy, that was the only day I saw him, I don’t know where, how he
ended up. But the fate I saw that guy I saw that day. There is no way he would end up an
ordinary man. He was ready to take it big. He was ready to for them to be televising him live. I
would believe that after that program He would have had a press conference. He would bring my
portfolio and ..... How was the program today? He would say Thousands were present. You
know it was a great program. It was a great program.

People say you were lying....Only one hundred people came...He say You saw hundred, I saw
one thousand. [....] you say you saw one hundred? You saw one hundred physically. I saw one
thousand spiritually. So which one should we believe? The physical import or the spiritual
import? You saw what it is now, he saw what is coming future. That’s faith.

It’s faith that makes people buy land. They buy land, and they are not buying one acre. I will
conclude with my story. Some years ago I was going to buy a church. Then we had just started

small like this. I went to buy a church. One of my friends helped me look for a church building.
The church building was very small. It was just the capacity that was right for us. Probably it
would be able to take 30 people. Maximum. Everything was there. Small kitchen. Small hall.
Small everything. And that church has been in existence for more than 70 years. How does a
church stay for 70 years and it’s so small. You know why? Because the way they are structured,
they will not grow. No room for growth.

So I went in there, I said, ‘wow this is so nice.’ The price was right. Everything was just right. It
was just good enough for us at that time. And then, we were going to call the pastor the church
and negotiate with him on buying the building. It would have been convenient to buy it. I
wouldn’t have needed faith to buy it. I was just going to the bank and write a check to buy it.
You don’t need faith for something that you have already. You understand that right? You don’t
need faith to eat food. Food is present, you eat it. You only have faith when you are hungry you
have no money you have no food. You believe God. Right. So in this case I didn’t need faith to
buy this building. I could have just written a check for them and bought the building.

A brother looked at me, one of the pastor friends of mind, and said, ‘Augustine, don’t buy that
building.’ He said don’t buy that building. I said, ‘why.’ He said, ‘that building is not you, I
know you, that building is not you.’ He said, ‘I am the one you brought to come and look at this
building, but I know if you buy that building, you will soon call me again and say you want to
buy another building, because that building will not fit you.’ Amen?

Are you a woman of faith? Are you a man of faith? Do you walk by faith? Or do you walk
traditionally, by everybody’s...by sight? I want to challenge you to be a woman of faith. I want to
challenge you to be a man of faith. I want you to get into the place of faith and see what God can
do. And see that even you, even you, even you, God can use you. Amen. Even you, God can use
you, if you believe. Let us pray.

C. Conclusion​:
I believe that I have provided sufficient evidence that The Reverend Dr. Augustine Unuigbe both
believes and teaches doctrines that are contrary to the scriptures and antithetical to the Christian
faith and that, therefore, he is disqualified to hold the office of bishop/overseer. I believe his
consecration would do great harm to the integrity of the office and, since his teaching would be
rejected by many Gafcon provinces and dioceses, sow seeds of division within the Fellowship of
Confessing Anglicans.


The Reverend Matthew M. Kennedy

Rector, Church of the Good Shepherd
Binghamton, New York


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