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GUIA INGLES_ Theseus and the Minotaur

I. Read and match the words in column A with their correct Spanish meaning in column B.

1. Maze ____ Altar
2. Sword ____ Perderse
3. Tie ____ Rugir
4. Sail ____ Toro
5. Creep out ____ Espada
6. Get lost ____ Enojado
7. To be afraid ____ Mar
8. Bull ____ Luchar
9. Angry ____ Sostener
10. Roar ____ Vela
11. Sea ____ Laberinto
12. Hold ____ Tener miedo
____ Escapar

II. Read and complete the sentences using words from the table above.

1. People __________ when they go into the maze.

2. Theseus dosesn’t change the __________ of the boat when he comes back to Athens.

3. Ariadne gives Theseus a __________ and some string.

4. Theseus hears a loud _________ behind him.

5. The minotaur is strong, and it has got an ugly _________ head.

6. Theseus and Ariadne __________ of the prison after killing the minotaur.

7. There are a lot of bones in the __________ after the minotaur eats.

8. Theseus is not __________ of fighting the minotaur.

III. Read and write T true or F false. Correct the false answers to get complete score.

1. _______ King Aegeus wants to kill the minotaur.


2. _______ The minotaur likes eating people.


3. _______ King Minos is afraid of King Aegeus.


4. _______ When King Aegeus sees the black sail of the boat he jumps in the sea and goes

5. _______ Theseus follows the minotaurs’s roar to find the door of the maze.

6. _______ King Aegeus lives in Athens.


7. _______ Theseus uses a sword to kill the minotaur.


8. _______ The minotaur lives in a prison under King Minos’s palace.


9. _______ Ariadne helps Theseus to fight the minotaur.


10. _______ The minotaur is big and ugly.

11. _______ King Aegeus has a young and strong son.

12. _______ Theseus has to put a black sail on the boat to indicate he is alive.

13. _______ When people go into the maze they get lost.

14. _______ Theseus cuts off the minotaur´s hand and kills him.

15. _______ Today we call the sea of the story Aegean Sea.

16. _______ A centaur has got a horse´s head.


17. _______ After Theseus kills the minotaur he goes to prison and wakes up the other young

IV. Read and circle the correct alternative.

1. _______________ lives on an island called Crete.

a) King Minos.
b) Theseus.
c) Ariadne.

2. The soldiers take Theseus and the young people to……….

a) King Minos’s palace.

b) The maze.
c) The prison.
3. Ariadne is King Minos’s ….….

a) Wife.
b) Daugther.
c) Morher.

4. Theseus has to tie the string to the….….

a) Door of the maze.

b) Door of the prison.
c) Sail of the boat.

5. Theseus cut off the minotaur’s __________ and kills him.

a) body.
b) arm
c) hair

6. A __________ has got horse’s leg

a) sphinx.
b) centaur
c) minotaur

7. Theseus has to put up a __________ sail to show he is alive.

a) Blue.
b) White
c) Black

8. Today, there is __________ called like King Aegeus.

a) A river.
b) An ocean
c) A sea

9. King Aegeus send 7 __________ men and women to the minotaur.

a) Old.
b) Young
c) Small
10. The minotaur has got……

a) A bull head.
b) A Lion head
c) A horse head

11. When the minotaur is hungry King Aegeus has to send….

a) 5 young men and 5 young women

b) 7 young men and 7 young women
c) 7 old men and 7 old women

12. The sea in the story is next to….

a) England
b) France
c) Greece

13. Theseus follow the ______________ to find the door of the maze.

a) String
b) Ariadne
c) Soldiers

14. ______________ is big and ugly.

a) The minotaur
b) Theseus
c) Aegeus

15. King Minos lives ….

a) In Athens
b) The island of Crete
c) Aegean Sea
16. King Aegeus thinks Theseus is dead when he sees the ______________ sail of the boat.

a) White
b) Blue
c) Black

17. Ariadne is…..

a) King Aegeus´s wife…

b) King Minos´s daughter
c) Theseus´s sister

18. The minotaur has got a ____________ head.

a) Cow
b) Bird
c) Bull

V. Read, draw and color.

The maze Black Sail Minotaur´s head

Some bones A Sword King Aegeus

VI. Read and order the sentences.

a) ______ Ariadne is watching the young people on the island.

b) ______ King Aegeus sees the black sail on the boat.
c) ______ Theseus and Ariadne wake up the young people in the prison.
d) ______ king Aegeus send young men and women to the island of Crete.
e) ______ The soldiers are sleeping, and Ariadne goes to the prison.
f) ______ King Minos sees Theseus and says, “you are big and strong”.
g) ______ Theseus looks for his father, but he can’t find him.
h) ______ In Athens, King Aegeus is waiting his son and looks carefully at the sail of the boat.

VII. Read and answer the questions in complete form.

1. How does Theseus find the door of the maze?


2. What does a sphinx look like?


3. What sail does Theseus has to put up on the boat to show he is right?


4. Who is your favorite character of the story and why?

5. What does Ariadne give Theseus?


6. What does king Minos live?


7. Who helps Theseus to kill the minotaur?


VIII. Read and match the words in column A with their correct Spanish meaning in column B.

1. Soldiers ____ Levantar
2. Shout ____ Velas
3. Maze ____ Enojado
4. Lift ____ Rugido
5. Sails ____ Prisión
6. String ____ Despertar
7. Roar ____ Perderse
8. Prison ____ Fuerte
9. Wake up ____ Tener miedo
10. Get lost ____ Gritar
11. Strong ____ Laberinto
12. To be afraid ____ Llorar
____ Soldados
____ Hilo
IX. Read and complete the sentences using words from the table above.

goes – comes – lives – kills – creep – ties - jumps

1. Theseus __________ the minotaur with a sword.

2. When Theseus __________ back to Athens, he doesn’t put up a while sail.

3. The minotaur ___________ in a maze under King Mino’s palace.

4. King Aegeus _________ in the sea goes under the water.

5. Theseus and Ariadne __________ out of the prison.

6. Theseus __________ Ariadne’s string to the door of the maze.

7. Ariadne __________ to prison at night.

X. Read and match the people with the correct description.

People B
1. Young men and women a) ____ lives in a maze
2. King Minos b) ____ lives in the city of Athens
3. Theseus c) ____ wants to fight the minotaur
4. The Minotaur d) ____ gives Theseus a sword
5. King Aegeus e) ____ has got a daughter
6. Ariadne f) ____ are food for the minotaur

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