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Reliability of upper airway linear, area, and

volumetric measurements in cone-beam
computed tomography
Claudia Trindade Mattos,a Christiane Vasconcellos Cruz,b Thais Cristina Sobreira da Matta,c
Leonardo de Abreu Pereira,d Priscilla de Almeida Solon-de-Mello,e Anto^ nio Carlos de Oliveira Ruellas,f
and Eduardo Franzotti Sant’Annaf
Niteroi and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Introduction: Our objective was to assess the intraexaminer and interexaminer reliabilities of upper airway
linear, area, and volumetric measurements in cone-beam computed tomography. Methods: Cone-beam
computed tomography scans of 12 subjects were randomly selected from a pool of 132 orthodontic patients.
An undergraduate student, an orthodontist, and a dental radiologist independently made linear, area, and volu-
metric measurements. Linear anteroposterior and transversal measurements, cross-sectional area, sagittal
area, minimum axial area, and volume measurements were made. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)
was used to assess intraexaminer and interexaminer reliabilities, and measurement errors were assessed.
Agreement was further assessed with the Bland-Altman method and 95% limits of agreement. Results: Overall,
the ICC values indicated good reliability for the measurements assessed. The ICC values were greater than 0.9
(excellent) for 93% of intraexaminer and 73% of interexaminer assessments. Transversal width measurements
and cross-sectional area at the level of the vallecula, however, had only moderate reliability (minimum ICC,
0.63), large 95% limits of agreement, and the greatest mean measurement errors (as high as 16% and 13%
of the mean measurements, respectively). Linear anteroposterior measurements; cross-sectional areas at the
levels of the palatal plane, soft palate, and tongue; and sagittal area and volume were reliable
measurements, with a minimum ICC of 0.93 and more restricted limits of agreement. Conclusions: Based
on these results, airway assessments by examiners with different backgrounds might have reliable anteropos-
terior linear measurements; cross-sectional areas at the levels of the palatal plane, soft palate, and tongue; and
sagittal area and volume. The unreliable measurements were linear width, cross-sectional area at the level of the
vallecula, and minimum axial area. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2014;145:188-97)

n increasing interest in cone-beam computed
tomography (CBCT) and the benefits it can bring
Professor, Department of Dental Clinics, Universidade Federal Fluminense,
Niteroi, Brazil. to diagnosis and treatment planning in the oral
PhD student, Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Universidade and maxillofacial specialties can be seen in the literature
Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
in the last decade.1-7 Particularly, CBCT airway
Postgraduate student, Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Uni-
versidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. assessment has been studied by many authors, because
Undergraduate student, School of Dentistry, Universidade Federal do Rio de Ja- this 3-dimensional (3D) tool has many advantages over
neiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. the way we analyzed the airway in the past: ie, mainly
Postgraduate student, Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Uni-
versidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. through 2-dimensional cephalometric radiographs.8-14
Associate professor, Department of Orthodontics, Universidade Federal do Rio Two recent systematic reviews on airway analysis
de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. with CBCT images, one focusing on clinical indications,
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. technical parameters, and accuracy and reliability of up-
This work was supported by scholarships to individual authors and grants to Uni- per airway analysis,15 and the other on upper airway seg-
versidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro from CAPES, CNPq, and FAPERJ. mentation,16 show that some aspects are not yet
Address correspondence to: Claudia Trindade Mattos, Faculdade de Odontologia,
Disciplina de Ortodontia, Rua Mario Santos Braga, 30, 2 andar, sala 214, Centro, completely elucidated because of few adequate studies.
Niteroi, RJ, Brazil, CEP: 24020-140; e-mail, Some aspects regarding upper airway analysis that lack
Submitted, January 2013; revised and accepted, October 2013. evidence and still need to be addressed are the validity
Copyright Ó 2014 by the American Association of Orthodontists. and reliability of CBCT-generated 3D models16; the influence of respiratory phase, tongue position, and
Mattos et al 189

Fig 1. A and B, Linear measurements at the levels of the palatal plane, soft palate, tongue, and
vallecula: anteroposterior length and transversal width, respectively; C-F, cross-sectional axial slice
areas at the levels of the palatal plane, soft palate, tongue, and vallecula, respectively.

mandibular morphology on the CBCT images obtained; Nevertheless, airway measurements are not easy to
longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis; and determi- make and demand much attention and concentration.
nation of anatomic limits.15 Whether the examiner's background influences the mea-
Accuracy and reliability of airway measurements in surements when he or she has been properly calibrated
CBCT images have been tested. Lenza et al17 compared remains unanswered.
the linear, area, and volumetric measurements by 2 exam- The purpose of this study was to assess intraexaminer
iners and found no significant differences. However, they and interexaminer reliabilities of upper airway linear,
did not use statistical tests to assess the reliability of the area, and volumetric measurements in CBCT images
measurements, since that was not the focus of the study. among examiners with different backgrounds.
Luiz and Szklo18 suggested that the results of more than 1
statistical strategy should be considered when assessing
the reliability of quantitative measurements. MATERIAL AND METHODS
The best approach in airway assessment is a thorough The sample size estimates recommended by Walter
analysis, including linear measurements, area, and vol- et al19 for reliability studies were followed, considering
ume, since volume information alone might not neces- r0 5 0.5 (minimum acceptable level of reliability),
sarily represent or identify the locations of the relevant r1 5 0.9 (expected level of reliability), a 5 0.05, b 5
constrictions.17 0.2 (which implies a power test of 80%), n 5 2

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics February 2014  Vol 145  Issue 2
190 Mattos et al

Fig 2. A, Limits determined to assess airway volume; B, calculations of sagittal area and minimum
axial area (white line); C and D, morphology and calculation of airway volumes: right lateral and frontal
views, respectively.

(intraexaminer), and n 5 3 (interexaminer). We deter- The CBCT scans were obtained by 1 operator using
mined that a sample of CBCT images from 9 subjects the same I-CAT tomograph (Imaging Sciences Interna-
would be sufficient. tional, Hatfield, Pa). The subjects were positioned with
CBCT images of 12 patients were randomly selected the Frankfort horizontal plane parallel to the floor and
from an available pool of 132 images from patients in instructed to maintain maximum intercuspation with
the orthodontics clinics of the postgraduate course in the tongue touching the palate and to avoid swallowing
dentistry of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro during the scanning period. The imaging protocol used
in Brazil. The exclusion criteria were cleft, systemic con- were 120 kV, 5 mA, 13 3 17 cm field of view, 0.25-
dition, craniofacial syndrome, detectable airway pathol- mm voxel size, and a scanning time of 20 seconds.
ogy, or previous orthognathic or craniofacial surgery. Images were saved in DICOM files, and these files were
The research was approved by the research ethics imported into Dolphin Imaging software (version 11.5;
committee of the Institute of Collective Health Studies Dolphin Imaging and Management Systems, Chats-
of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, and worth, Calif) to obtain the primary reconstructed images
informed consent was signed by all subjects. The (sagittal, coronal, and axial) and the 3D reconstructions.
methods and principles involved in the research com- Head orientation was the same for each CBCT image
plied with the Helsinki Declaration. performed by the same experienced operator. The

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Table I. Intraexaminer and interexaminer reliabilities estimated by ICC for each measurement
Intraexaminer ICC

Undergraduate student Orthodontist Radiologist Interexaminer ICC

Anteroposterior length (mm) at the level of
Palatal plane 0.981 0.979 0.955 0.983
Soft palate 0.989 0.957 0.987 0.979
Tongue 0.991 0.995 0.996 0.986
Vallecula 0.999 0.995 0.989 0.996
Width (mm) at the level of
Palatal plane 0.998 0.986 0.996 0.969
Soft palate 0.988 0.943 0.999 0.883
Tongue 0.942 0.637 0.976 0.853
Vallecula 0.987 0.855 0.989 0.664
Cross-sectional area (axial slice) (mm2) at the level of
Palatal plane 0.993 0.993 0.993 0.988
Soft palate 0.975 0.984 0.996 0.974
Tongue 0.935 0.974 0.987 0.960
Vallecula 0.993 0.984 0.989 0.696
Sagittal area (mm2) 0.983 0.979 0.985 0.977
Minimum axial area (mm2) 0.999 0.869 0.999 0.932
Volume (mm3) 0.995 0.987 0.994 0.992

Table II. Descriptive statistics and intraexaminer and interexaminer measurement errors assessed by the absolute
mean difference for each measurement
Measurement Intraexaminer Interexaminer

Mean Mean
Mean SD Minimum Maximum difference SD Minimum Maximum difference SD Minimum Maximum
Anteroposterior length (mm) at the level of
Palatal plane 20.70 2.91 17.06 26.61 0.48 0.45 0.00 1.88 0.49 0.39 0.03 1.39
Soft palate 10.35 1.88 8.38 13.76 0.25 0.26 0.00 1.15 0.30 0.19 0.00 0.75
Tongue 11.24 3.53 8.31 20.71 0.32 0.24 0.00 0.99 0.30 0.33 0.00 1.62
Vallecula 15.91 4.06 10.08 24.12 0.32 0.29 0.00 1.21 0.52 0.30 0.00 1.12
Width (mm) at the level of
Palatal plane 26.83 7.49 15.23 37.40 0.48 0.60 0.00 3.26 1.16 1.23 0.06 4.28
Soft palate 21.90 8.08 10.03 35.38 1.13 1.89 0.00 9.43 2.52 2.75 0.11 8.35
Tongue 26.21 6.94 16.62 37.68 2.61 3.55 0.00 15.98 3.52 3.30 0.01 10.98
Vallecula 20.43 7.49 9.81 35.56 1.41 2.25 0.11 10.96 3.29 3.26 0.11 9.25
Cross-sectional area (axial slice) (mm2) at the level of
Palatal plane 485.67 154.65 263.35 825.44 14.99 11.58 0.05 38.78 19.94 14.20 0.18 52.86
Soft palate 224.45 83.85 107.62 405.44 10.25 11.74 0.18 48.66 18.75 17.96 1.23 78.33
Tongue 253.48 75.40 136.90 423.20 13.43 13.54 0.75 56.41 18.33 14.02 0.07 54.27
Vallecula 232.62 79.24 126.17 359.46 8.74 7.96 0.65 30.30 31.15 30.00 0.03 112.14
Sagittal area 701.01 147.80 498.50 886.40 18.28 13.96 0.30 60.90 31.31 30.29 0.50 142.00
Minimum axial 198.41 61.52 103.10 291.20 8.33 14.92 0.00 53.40 12.79 23.28 0.00 74.20
area (mm2)
Volume (mm3) 17184.49 6238.42 7667.40 25512.40 464.68 423.78 11.30 1999.70 860.17 914.53 22.60 3492.20

horizontal reference plane was defined bilaterally by po- vertically, defined bilaterally by porion, and perpendic-
rion, and the head on the right side view was tilted clock- ular to the horizontal reference plane. The midsagittal
wise or counterclockwise until the palatal plane—defined plane was oriented vertically, defined by nasion, and
by the anterior nasal spine and the posterior nasal perpendicular to the previously defined planes.
spine—became parallel to the horizontal reference plane. A fourth-year dental student (L.A.P.), an orthodon-
This condition was checked later on the midsagittal tist (T.C.S.M.), and a dental radiologist (C.V.C.) were
plane slice. The transporionic plane was oriented oriented, trained, and calibrated as examiners for

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics February 2014  Vol 145  Issue 2
192 Mattos et al

Table III. Bland-Altman means, standard deviations, 95% limits of agreement (LoA) for intraexaminer differences,
and paired t test P values to detect systematic errors
Undergraduate student Orthodontist

Mean (SD) 95% LoA t test P value Mean (SD) 95% LoA
Anteroposterior length (mm) at the level of
Palatal plane 0.19 (0.57) 0.93; 1.33 0.257 0.05 (0.57) 1.06; 1.18
Soft palate 0.06 (0.25) 0.56; 0.43 0.430 0.04 (0.51) 1.05; 0.96
Tongue 0.16 (0.46) 0.74; 1.06 0.249 0.20 (0.38) 0.53; 0.95
Vallecula 0.09 (0.21) 0.52; 0.32 0.148 0.13 (0.41) 0.67; 0.94
Width (mm) at the level of
Palatal plane 0.05 (0.39) 0.83; 0.71 0.632 0.29 (1.13) 2.50; 1.92
Soft palate 0.98 (1.40) 1.77; 3.74 0.043 1.36 (3.12) 7.48; 4.75
Tongue 0.44 (2.84) 6.02; 5.14 0.616 2.45 (6.55) 15.30; 10.40
Vallecula 0.37 (1.09) 1.77; 2.52 0.261 0.34 (4.39) 8.94; 8.26
Cross-sectional area (axial slice) (mm2) at the level of
Palatal plane 4.77 (19.14) 42.29; 32.74 0.406 5.61 (19.01) 42.87; 31.64
Soft palate 2.87 (20.32) 36.96; 42.70 0.634 0.16 (17.59) 34.32; 34.65
Tongue 2.42 (25.62) 47.78; 52.64 0.749 1.77 (17.25) 35.60; 32.05
Vallecula 3.65 (9.49) 22.25; 14.94 0.209 1.66 (13.06) 23.94; 27.27
Sagittal area (mm2) 7.62 (26.51) 59.58; 44.33 0.362 2.44 (29.54) 60.35; 55.45
Minimum axial area (mm2) 0.25 (0.71) 1.14; 1.65 0.264 7.10 (29.66) 51.03; 65.25
Volume (mm3) 196.82 (648.61) 1468.12; 1074.46 0.338 183.95 (949.42) 2044.84; 1676.92

airway analysis using images not included in this study. region in every level that it would have to be measured.
The calibration protocol included an explanation of the The airway's transversal width was then measured in
3D measurement tools in the Dolphin Imaging software the coronal slice at the same levels of the measure-
and a demonstration of the measurements to be made ments in the sagittal slice. The axial plane was then
for this research (see Video, available at www.ajodo. moved to each level of the previous measurements in
org). The examiners were given 4 images for training the sagittal slice, and the airway area was then calcu-
at will. Each examiner was considered calibrated lated by the software after its limits were determined
when an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) test be- by the examiner (Fig 1). Finally, the airway/sinus tool
tween 2 time measurements and between his or her from the software was accessed. Airway limits were
measurements and those from the trainer was above defined with this tool according to the following: up-
0.9 for all variables. After calibration, each examiner per limit, palatal plane extended until it reached the
independently made the linear, area, and volumetric posterior pharyngeal wall; lower limit, a plane parallel
measurements twice in the CBCT images selected for to the palatal plane passing through the vallecula; pos-
this study, with a 2-week interval between these pe- terior limit, posterior pharyngeal wall; and anterior
riods. The images were randomly analyzed to allow a limit, soft palate, tongue, and anterior pharyngeal
blinded assessment, and the examiners did not have wall. The airway was scanned 3-dimensionally to
access to their previous measurements at the second ensure that every aspect was included. The software
analysis. calculated the sagittal area, the minimum axial area,
Eight linear measurements, 6 area measurements, and the volume of the airway within the established
and 1 volumetric measurement were made for each im- limits (Fig 2).
age. Initially, each examiner measured the airway's an- The data were checked carefully, and extreme outliers
teroposterior length in the midsagittal plane slice at 4 were removed. Intraexaminer reliability was calculated
levels: palatal plane, soft palate, tongue, and vallecula. by ICC for the measurements obtained by each examiner
At the soft palate and tongue levels, the smaller ante- at both times. ICC values were also used to assess inter-
roposterior length was determined by visual inspection examiner concordance by comparing their second mea-
and measured. In this same slice view, the coronal surements. ICC values were estimated using a 2-way
plane was moved to the airway region until it reached mixed-effects model. Reliability was ranked according
a position 1 mm posterior to the most posterior point to the ICC value and considered excellent when it was
in the soft palate, tongue, or anterior pharyngeal wall above 0.9, good when it was between 0.75 and 0.9,
so that the coronal slice would fall into the airway moderate when it was between 0.5 and 0.75, and poor

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Table III. Continued


t test P value Mean (SD) 95% LoA t test P value

0.735 0.11 (0.82) 1.72; 1.49 0.635

0.780 0.11 (0.29) 0.69; 0.47 0.222
0.100 0.10 (0.31) 0.72; 0.51 0.274
0.273 0.12 (0.59) 1.29; 1.05 0.488

0.414 0.08 (0.65) 1.20; 1.36 0.678

0.158 0.08 (0.41) 0.73; 0.89 0.527
0.222 0.20 (1.45) 2.65; 3.06 0.653
0.793 0.18 (1.14) 2.06; 2.43 0.597

0.328 7.21 (17.85) 42.20; 27.76 0.189

0.976 1.71 (7.36) 16.13; 12.71 0.438
0.740 6.73 (12.43) 31.11; 17.64 0.087
0.681 4.67 (12.37) 28.93; 19.57 0.217
0.779 12.25 (25.55) 62.34; 37.83 0.143
0.445 0.99 (2.24) 5.39; 3.41 0.174
0.516 401.47 (672.43) 1719.44; 916.49 0.076

when it was below 0.5. Intraexaminer and interexaminer less reliable measurements in this research, with moderate
measurement errors (average of the absolute mean dif- reliability (0.5 \ICC \0.75), were the transversal widths at
ferences) were determined for all variables assessed. the level of the tongue (intraexaminer for 1 examiner) and
Measurement agreement was further assessed with the at the level of the vallecula (interexaminer), and the cross-
Bland-Altman20 method through means, standard devi- sectional area at the level of the vallecula (interexaminer).
ations, and 95% limits of agreement, which were avail- Table II shows measurement errors (average of the
able as data and plots. Ninety comparisons were made in absolute mean differences) in perspective, considering
this method, including 45 intraexaminer comparisons their relationship to measurement means, and mini-
(the 2 measurements for each of the 15 variables mum and maximum values (made by the researcher
measured by the 3 examiners) and 45 interexaminer [C.T.M.] who trained the examiners). The sample's
comparisons (15 variables measured by each pair of ex- descriptive statistics show the variability of airway mea-
aminers: student and orthodontist, student and radiolo- surements among the images of the subjects in this
gist; and orthodontist and radiologist). Each comparison study. As to the measurement errors, the greatest
generated a plot, and additional plots were constructed mean differences (.10% of the mean measurement
by mixing data from more than 1 comparison by assign- value) in linear measurements were the transversal
ing different colors for the comparisons. Paired t tests widths at the level of the soft palate (interexaminer,
were used to detect systematic intraexaminer and inter- 11.5%), at the level of the tongue (interexaminer,
examiner errors in each comparison. P values below 0.01 13.4%), and at the level of the vallecula (interexaminer,
were considered statistically significant. 16.1%). The greatest mean differences in area mea-
surements were the cross-sectional area at the level
of the vallecula (interexaminer, 13.3%). The volumetric
RESULTS mean differences were below 10% of the mean mea-
Intraexaminer and interexaminer reliabilities estimated surement value. The maximum measurement error
by ICC values for each measurement are shown in Table was exceedingly high in relation to the maximum mea-
I. These results indicate good reliability for both intraexa- surement of some variables: intraexaminer, widths at
miner and interexaminer assessments. The ICC values the levels of the soft palate (26.6%), tongue (42.4%),
were above 0.9 for 42 (93.3%) of the 45 intraexaminer as- and vallecula (30.8%); and interexaminer, widths at
sessments, and none had poor reliability (ICC \0.5). The the levels of the tongue (29.1%) and vallecula (26%);
ICC values were above 0.9 for 11 (73.3%) of the 15 inter- cross-sectional area at the level of the vallecula
examiner assessments, and none had poor reliability. The (31.1%); and minimum axial area (25.4%).

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics February 2014  Vol 145  Issue 2
194 Mattos et al

Tables III and IV present Bland-Altman20 method tool or, when they did, presented only ICC values.16,26
statistics, including mean differences, standard devia- However, even high ICC values (.0.9) can hide
tions, 95% limits of agreement, and P value from paired clinically important measurement errors.18 For that
t tests. These results show wider limits (proportionally to reason, reliability was assessed in this study by ICC, mea-
the measurements) for transversal width, cross-sectional surement errors, and the Bland-Altman20 method.
area, and minimum axial area slices. Our results show excellent intraexaminer and interexa-
Bland-Altman intraexaminer and interexaminer plots miner (ICC .0.95) reliabilities in the anteroposterior
for the minimum axial area are displayed in Figure 3. The lengths at all levels. Measurement errors in this aspect
intraexaminer plot shows narrow limits for 2 examiners, were also low: all mean differences were below 0.53
representing extremely good reliability, and wide, unac- mm. These were probably the less-challenging measure-
ceptable limits only for the orthodontist. The interexaminer ments in this study, since they are similar to measurements
plot shows that in the comparisons of the measurements in cephalometric analyses.27-29 Additionally, the sagittal
from the orthodontist with the other 2 examiners, the dif- slice for this measurement was already established and
ferences of 4 CBCT images were proportionally great, but did not have to be chosen by the examiners; this
the differences between the measurements from the stu- eliminated 1 step in the method and, most likely, 1
dent and the radiologist fell into a narrow interval. possibility of incorporating errors. Even though the
Systematic errors were observed between examiners length at the levels of the soft palate and tongue needed
in anteroposterior length, transversal width, and cross- keener judgment so that the most constricted region
sectional area measurements at the level of the vallecula, was really measured, the reliability was good. The
and in anteroposterior length at the level of the palatal Bland-Altman20 results agree with this assertion.
plane (Table IV). Transversal width, on the contrary, showed moderate
intraexaminer (ICC .0.63) and interexaminer
(ICC .0.66) reliabilities, especially at the levels of the
DISCUSSION tongue and vallecula, and the greatest measurement er-
Our findings indicate good intraexaminer and inter- rors proportionally (mean difference as high as 3.52 mm
examiner reliabilities in upper airway anteroposterior and maximum difference as high as 15.98 mm), reaching
linear measurements, the sagittal area, and volumetric up to 42.2% of the maximum measurement. The 95%
measurements. limits of agreement of the Bland-Altman20 plots corrob-
Airway volume is highly variable and can be influenced orate these findings. This result might be due to the dif-
by breathing stage and head posture,9 and might vary ficulty in selecting a specific coronal slice in the upper
among patients with different anteroposterior jaw rela- airway region to measure transversal width, since few
tionships.21,22 Tso et al23 stated that both inspiration and anatomic references can be used in this sense. El
expiration can contribute to changes in airway volume. A et al30 made transversal measurements in the coronal
limitation of this study was that the respiratory phase could plane similarly to those in this study, but they did not
not be controlled because the scanning time for the CBCT specify which parameters they used to select this slice.
image was 20 seconds. However, since our objective was A good alternative to obtain the airway transversal width
not to compare airway dimensions of different patients at different levels might be to measure it directly in the
or the dimensions of the same patient at different times, cross-sectional axial slices, as other authors did.11,31,32
this limitation probably had no effect on the results. Nonetheless, the reliability of these measurements
Head posture and tongue position were standardized. would then have to be tested.
Dolphin Imaging has been described as a software Cross-sectional areas had excellent intraexaminer
that enables accurate airway volume measurements24,25 and interexaminer (ICC .0.93) reliabilities, except at
with few errors (1%).25 Among its advantages, Weiss- the level of the vallecula, where the interexaminer coef-
heimer et al25 emphasized its friendly interface, quick ficient was only moderate (ICC 5 0.664). Measurement
upper airway segmentation, good segmentation sensi- errors were also proportionally greater at the vallecula
tivity, possibility of checking segmentation in 2- level (interexaminer mean difference of 31.15 mm2
dimensional slices, and minimum cross-sectional area and maximum difference of 112.14 mm2), reaching up
analysis. However, the disadvantages include its cost, to 31.1% of the maximum measurement. These findings
lack of tools to correct or adjust airway segmentation might be due to the specific anatomy at this region,
in 2-dimensional slices, and incompatibility of its where the interference of the epiglottis in the airway
threshold interval units with other imaging softwares.25 can cause more measurement errors. The systematic er-
Most studies published assessing the reliability of rors detected mostly at the level of the vallecula might
airway measurements did not use an adequate statistical add to the conclusion that measurement in this region

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Table IV. Bland-Altman means, standard deviations, 95% limits of agreement (LoA) for interexaminer differences,
and paired t test P values to detect systematic errors
Student and orthodontist Student and radiologist Orthodontist and radiologist
t test P t test P t test P
Mean (SD) 95% LoA value Mean (SD) 95% LoA value Mean (SD) 95% LoA value
Anteroposterior length (mm) at the level of
Palatal plane 0.49 (0.55) 0.59; 1.57 0.011 0.03 (0.53) 1.02; 1.09 0.814 0.45 (0.45) 1.34; 0.43 0.005*
Soft palate 0.04 (0.35) 0.65; 0.74 0.664 0.10 (0.28) 0.46; 0.67 0.239 0.08 (0.43) 0.76; 0.94 0.522
Tongue 0.00 (0.59) 1.17; 1.16 0.166 0.04 (0.42) 0.78; 0.86 0.760 0.13 (0.33) 0.78; 0.51 0.183
Vallecula 0.66 (0.21) 0.24; 1.07 0.000y 0.41 (0.40) 0.37; 1.19 0.004* 0.25 (0.49) 1.21; 0.71 0.106
Width (mm) at the level of
Palatal plane 0.83 (2.14) 3.36; 5.03 0.025 0.34 (0.73) 1.10; 1.78 0.155 0.68 (1.25) 3.15; 1.77 0.100
Soft palate 1.26 (3.86) 8.82; 6.30 0.303 0.81 (3.78) 8.24; 6.61 0.943 1.31 (3.40) 5.37; 7.99 0.231
Tongue 1.26 (5.96) 12.95; 10.42 0.819 0.53 (4.88) 10.11; 9.03 0.181 1.72 (3.11) 7.82; 4.37 0.095
Vallecula 4.38 (3.91) 3.28; 12.05 0.010 0.26 (2.01) 4.22; 3.68 0.668 3.68 (3.77) 11.08; 3.71 0.009*
Cross-sectional area (axial slice) (mm2) at the level of
Palatal plane 1.23 (28.52) 57.14; 54.67 0.884 12.17 (25.95) 38.70; 63.05 0.212 9.78 (12.54) 14.80; 34.36 0.027
Soft palate 4.29 (14.97) 25.06; 33.64 0.364 13.94 (19.88) 25.02; 52.91 0.033 16.12 (31.67) 45.96; 78.22 0.213
Tongue 2.80 (25.61) 53.01; 47.39 0.711 9.99 (24.16) 37.36; 57.35 0.361 4.71 (18.09) 30.74; 40.17 0.408
Vallecula 26.59 (51.84) 75.02; 128.20 0.244 22.52 (16.13) 9.10; 54.15 0.001* 1.82 (42.36) 81.21; 84.87 0.889
Sagittal area 1.31 (33.60) 67.18; 64.55 0.894 1.55 (36.04) 69.09; 72.20 0.889 1.44 (22.06) 41.79; 44.68 0.832
Minimum axial 16.03 (24.78) 32.55; 64.62 0.057 0.07 (0.73) 1.51; 1.36 0.750 20.95 (28.92) 77.64; 35.74 0.056
area (mm2)
Volume (mm3) 194 (895.06) 1560.05; 0.468 94.74 (878.97) 1628.04; 0.728 130.05 (447.53) 1007.21; 0.358
1948.62 1817.53 747.10

*P \0.01; yP \0.001.

Fig 3. Bland-Altman20 plots for minimum axial area measurements. Dotted lines represent 95% limits
of agreement. A, Intraexaminer comparisons: black circles and lines, student; blue circles and lines,
orthodontist; red circles and lines, radiologist. B, Interexaminer comparisons: green circles and lines,
student and orthodontist; purple circles and lines, student and radiologist; orange circles and lines,
orthodontist and radiologist.

is more complex. Cross-sectional areas, including the and for each examiner. Measurement errors and
minimum axial area, are important parameters in airway Bland-Altman20 results also indicate good intraexaminer
assessment because they have a direct implication in the and interexaminer agreement.
airflow, since they are perpendicular to it.11 The minimum axial area had reasonably good reli-
Sagittal areas had ICC values all above 0.97, which in- ability according to the ICC values (.0.86 and 0.93 for in-
dicates that the limits determined for volume assessment traexaminer and interexaminer coefficients, respectively).
and minimum axial area were similar among examiners However, it also had wide 95% limits of agreement for

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics February 2014  Vol 145  Issue 2
196 Mattos et al

some comparisons, reaching limits of agreement as low as ICC values above 0.9 for 86%,1 90%,2 and 72%2 of the in-
77.64 mm2 and as high as 65.25 mm2. Souza et al33 traexaminer assessments, and 66%1 and 74%2 of the in-
found 95% limits of agreement for the interexaminer terexaminer assessments. These percentages were similar
comparison of the minimum axial area of 27.49 to to those in this study. However, although they reported
29.69 and an interexaminer ICC value of 0.98; they good reliability, their results cannot be compared with
considered the reliability appropriate. The assessment of our findings because they did not analyze the upper
the Bland-Altman20 plot for the intraexaminer and inter- airway. Those authors focused on 3D landmark identifica-
examiner comparison of this measurement contributes tion1 and head orientation in CBCT-generated cephalo-
to the understanding of the results (Fig 3). One examiner grams.2 Additionally, inferences concerning the 3 classes
showed great differences between the measurements at of examiners are not the determinant in our study, since
the 2 times, and the comparisons of her measurements just 1 person was used to represent each category.
with those of the other 2 examiners had great differences Measurement errors above 10% of the average mea-
also. The definition of the minimum axial area in the Dol- surement might indicate an increasing lack of agreement
phin Imaging software can be tricky, and discussion of this as this percentage rises. Our results discourage the use of
tool is important because it might lead to errors. We have linear transversal measurements in coronal-slice and
observed that after defining the limits for measuring the cross-sectional area measurements at the level of the
airway (Fig 2, A) in the software's airway/sinus tool, it is vallecula. The minimum axial area, which is an important
possible to move the boundaries in which the minimum parameter in diagnosis and treatment follow-up, is also
axial area will be determined. That is easily visualized by subject to measurement errors and must be used with
the red dotted lines in Figure 2, B. If the red lines are special attention. Our results also indicate that airway
moved to coincide with the upper and lower limits previ- measurements should be performed carefully and
ously determined (green lines), the minimum axial area checked to prevent measurement errors.
frequently appears coincident with the lower limit, reach- Divergences in diagnostic measurements can affect
ing in reality some areas outside the limits and underesti- treatment planning and follow-up and thus can be clin-
mating the minimum axial area. When the red lines are ically significant. The comparison of the same subject's
moved to a position immediately below the upper limit airway measurements at 2 or more times, or the compar-
and immediately above the lower limit—within the limits ison of different subjects' airway measurements, should
and not coincident with them—the actual minimum axial be reliable when they are assessed by the same calibrated
area is selected. The examiners in this study were oriented examiner. Nonetheless, airway measurements made by
to position the red lines within the limits, as mentioned different examiners might be less reliable, especially if
before. The failure to follow this instruction might have these examiners were not calibrated in the same way.
contributed to some discrepancies in the results. There- One limitation of this study was the sample size, which
fore, this tool should be used with extreme attention. was calculated according to the ICC. When we calculated
Volume measurements showed the greatest coeffi- the precision of the limits of agreement, however, only the
cients (.0.98) and low measurement errors proportionally, anteroposterior linear measurements and the transversal
indicating excellent intraexaminer and interexaminer reli- width at the level of the soft palate had adequate preci-
abilities. Souza et al33 found similar ICC values and higher sion.20 As in the example of Bland and Altman,20 the
95% limits of agreement for volumetric measurements considerable discrepancies in some measurements in our
(3390.36-2777.53, interexaminer) and considered the study lead to the conclusion that the degree of agreement
reliability excellent. is not acceptable, but measurements considered reliable
Ghoneima and Kula10 reported good accuracy and (cross-sectional areas at the levels of the palatal plane,
reliability for airway volume analysis when comparing soft palate, and tongue; sagittal area and volume) should
CBCT measurements and manual measurements of an be retested in studies with larger sample sizes.
airway model. El and Palomo9 showed high reliability Future research should investigate intraexaminer and
and poor accuracy in airway volume calculations when interexaminer reliabilities for airway transversal widths
3 commercially available DICOM viewers were compared. measured in cross-sectional axial slices. Further studies
Oliveira et al1 and Cevidanes et al2 introduced the pro- assessing the reliability of airway measurements by using
tocol we used, which included an undergraduate dental more than 1 statistical approach are also encouraged.
student, an orthodontist, and a dental radiologist to assess
intraexaminer and interexaminer reliabilities with ICC CONCLUSIONS
values in CBCT measurements. Good reliability among 3 Based on the results of this study, airway assessments
examiners with different backgrounds can be attributed by examiners with different backgrounds might be reliable
to their careful calibration.1,2 These authors reported for anteroposterior linear measurements; cross-sectional

February 2014  Vol 145  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics February 2014  Vol 145  Issue 2

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