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Shovel : a tool with a broad flat blade

and typically upturned sides, used for

moving coal, earth, snow or other

What are guidelines for Shoveling?

- Keep feet wide apart. Place front foot

close to shovel.
- Put weight on front foot. Use leg to push
- Shift weight to rear foot. Keep load close
to body.
- Turn feet in direction of throw.

A hand fork is a small, hand-held

gardening tool designed to be used
with small plants or seedlings. Because
they are often used for digging up
weeds, hand forks are sometimes
referred to as 'weeding forks'. ...
Hand forks typically have three sharp,
sturdy tines (prongs) and a wooden,
plastic or metal handle.

Using a hand fork to remove weeds

You may also need to remove weeds from the

area you are working in. This is much easier
to do if the soil is moist; it can be very
tough to pull up weeds from hard, dry earth.

Step 1 - Insert fork into soil

Grasp the base of the weed you wish to
remove and sink your fork into the ground
behind its base.
Step 2 - Lift up weed
Carefully lever the weed up from the soil to
pull out the roots without breaking them.

Then lift the weed by hand and dispose of it

properly (see below for details).

Make sure that you have removed all of the

root as some weeds are able to regrow from
traces of root left behind.

Garden waste, garden recycling, disposing

of garden waste. It is very important that
you dispose of weeds correctly, by adding
them to your garden waste.

You should never compost weeds. Adding

weeds to your compost heap provides them
with a fertile place in which they are able to
regrow. When the compost is used, they will
be spread across your garden, reinfecting
the flower beds you have worked so hard to

A trowel is a small hand tool used for

digging, applying, smoothing, or moving
small amounts of viscous or
particulate material.
How to use a garden trowel to dig a hole
for a plant

Step 1 - Place tip in soil

Place the sharpened tip of the blade into the

Step 2 - Place pressure on handle

Whilst holding the handle, push the blade
into the ground until the bottom of the tang
is touching the soil.

Step 3 - Lever handle

Next press down on the top end of the
handle to lever the blade and the soil out of
the ground.
Step 4 - Lift garden trowel
Lift the garden trowel, by the handle, out of
the ground and place the soil in a pile next
to the hole. Repeat steps one to four until a
hole of the right size has been made

A garden fork, spading fork, digging

fork or graip is a gardening implement,
with a handle and several (usually four)
short, sturdy tines. It is used for
loosening, lifting and turning over soil in
gardening and farming. It is used
similarly to a spade, but in many
circumstances it is more appropriate
than a spade: the tines allow the
implement to be pushed more easily into
the ground, it can rake out stones and
weeds and break up clods, it is not so
easily stopped by stones, and it does not
cut through weed roots or root-crops.
Garden forks were originally made of
- when opening the earth without moving the
wood, but the majority are now made of
weighty bulk of soil. Does less damage to worms
carbon steel or stainless steel.
and soil than a spade,

The fork is a favourite tool among gardeners, - when opening the soil surface to lightly
especially useful for the following tasks:- cultivate and work in organic fertilizer, compost
or manure around plants or shrubs,
- to avoid slicing plant roots when transplanting to move light fibrous materials like straw, weed
and, to avoid damaging crops when lifting e.g. heaps, manure etc...
-divide certain clumps of perennials by slipping in
- to lift branching underground weed stems e.g. 2 forks back to back, and pulling plant apart.
couch grass, it breaks soil away from clumps to
extract the weed in one piece, Reported By: Jamie Ann Jimenez

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