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Circulatory System

● The Body’s
Transport System… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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The Circulatory System
● Consists of organs and
tissues that transport
essential materials to
body cells and remove
their waste products.

● This body system is

also known as the
SYSTEM.… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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How the Circulatory System Works
● Hormones from glands
help regulate cell
● Oxygen from the lungs
combines with
nutrients to provide
● Nutrients from the
digestive system
provide food for the
cells.… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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How the Circulatory System Works
● Germ fighters
(antibodies) from
different parts of the
body help to fight
infection and disease.
● Wastes are carried to
the liver and kidneys
for removal from the
● Carbon Dioxide, a
waste gas, is carried
away and delivered to
the lungs, which
remove it from the
body.… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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Parts of the Circulatory System
● Heart: your heart ● Pulmonary
pumps blood Circulation: the
through two major flow blood from the
pathways. heart to the lungs
and back to the
● Blood Vessels heart.
● Systemic
Circulation: is the
● Blood flow of blood to all
the body tissues
except the lungs.… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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The Heart
Consists of four chambers in which blood flows.
● Blood enters the R atrium
and passes through the right
● The R ventricle pumps the
blood to the lungs where it
becomes oxygenated.
● The oxygenated blood is
brought back to the heart by
the pulmonary veins which
enter the L atrium.
● From the L atrium blood
flows to the L ventricle.
● The L ventricle pumps blood
to the aorta which distributes
the oxygenated blood
throughout the rest of the
body.… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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Blood Vessels
Over 80,000 miles of blood vessels transport your blood throughout your
body. There are 3 types of blood vessels.

● Arteries: Blood ● Capillaries: Tiny

vessels that carry tubes that carry
blood away from blood from the
the heart to other arteries to the
parts of the body. body’s cells, and
● Veins: Blood then back to the
vessels that carry veins.
blood from the
body back to the
heart.… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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Arteries, Veins, and Capillaries… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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Blood: a mixture of solids in a large
amount of liquid called plasma.
● Plasma: is about
92% water. It
transports blood
solids, nutrients,
hormones, and
other materials.
● Red Blood Cells:
carry oxygen to
cells and carbon
dioxide away from
them.… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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Blood: a mixture of solids in a large
amount of liquid called plasma.
● White Blood Cells:
help fight disease and
infection by attacking
germs that enter the
● Platelets: help blood
form a clot at the site
of a wound. A clot
seals a cut and
prevents excessive
blood loss.… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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Pulmonary Circulation
● Pulmonary circulation
transports oxygen-
poor blood from the
right ventricle to the
lungs where blood
picks up a new oxygen
supply. Then it returns
oxygen rich blood to
the left atrium.… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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Systemic Circulation
● Systemic
circulation provides
a functional blood
supply to all body
● It carries oxygen
and nutrients to
the cells.
● It picks up carbon
dioxide and waste
products.… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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Blood Pressure
As blood is moved through your body, it exerts pressure against the
walls of blood vessels.

● Systolic Pressure: as
your heart contracts to
push blood into your
arteries, your blood
pressure is at its
highest point.

● Diastolic Pressure: As
your heart relaxes to
refill, blood pressure is
at its lowest point.… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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Problems of the Circulatory System
● Hypertension: is a condition in which
blood pressure is consistently higher
than normal, which can lead to heart
attack, stroke, or kidney failure.
● Stroke usually results from blood
clots that block vessels in the brain,
or from the rupture of a blood vessel.
● Heart Attack is a blockage of the flow
of blood to the heart.… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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Problems of the Circulatory System
● Anemia is an abnormally low level of
hemoglobin, a protein that binds to
oxygen in red blood cells.
● Leukemia is a disease in which extra
white blood cells are produced.
● Hemophilia is a disease in which the
blood plasma does not contain
substances that help the blood to
clot.… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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Care of the Circulatory System
● Limit fat in your

● Get regular
physical activity.

● Avoid tobacco.

● Manage stress.… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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Critical Thinking
● Compare and
contrast. What are
systemic circulation
and pulmonary
● Which one carries
newly oxygenated
blood?… 22/04/2019, 10I53 PM

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