Ellies Recommendation Letter

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3/19/2019 Ellie's Recommendation Letter - Google Docs

Chelsea Stewart  
18011 R Plaza  
Suite 102 
Omaha, NE 68135  
March 19th, 2019.  
To Whom It May Concern:  
I am honored to recommend Elizabeth McCartney for the Eastern Star Scholarship for 2019-2020. 
Ellie is a dedicated and hard working intern at Omaha Media Group, LLC.  
I have had the pleasure of working closely with Ellie during her time at Omaha Media Group 
(OMG). Ellie is a driven individual who is able to work well with others and independently. 
Furthermore, she shows time and time again that she’s willing to go the extra mile.  
As Ellie’s supervisor, I know that Ellie is someone who can be counted upon to start and complete 
a task in a timely manner. Each week, Ellie is responsible for a number of different tasks as an 
intern here at OMG. All of her tasks have hard deadlines that need to be completed for client’s 
approval. Ellie manages her time and is organized to make sure everything is completed before 
the deadline.  
I have watched Ellie grow more comfortable in her position and her skills that she brings to the 
team. Ellie and I work together each week to advance her writing and grow her confidence. With 
each weekly meeting, I have noticed a difference in her writing and overall confidence. Ellie has 
the ability to quickly learn and adapt in her internship each and every week.  
Ellie is not only hard working and determined, but very kind and caring. Ellie has a sort of calm 
that welcomes everyone who interacts with her. I have enjoyed having her as an intern here at 
Ellie is dedicated to furthering her future career and education by working part-time at OMG and 
going to school full-time. She is someone who can be trusted, is consistent and will always go the 
extra-mile in her education and internship. For these reasons and several others, this is why I am 
honored to recommend her for this scholarship. I look forward to watching Ellie grow at OMG.  
Chelsea Stewart 
Digital Marketing Lead  

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YfBidL1qhjqCyOeViwvbR0GlAkpIMM-gMEIqi0LSuxQ/edit?ts=5c911982 1/1

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