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What is EN 10204 means?

When we purchasing steel products like seamless pipe, pipe fittings, sucker rod or steel
plates, manufacturer should release the MTC to the buyer. MTC is Mill Test Certificate, it
contains all the specification of the steel pipe products. Including dimensions, sizes,
weight, chemical composition, mechanical strength, heat treatment status, test result,
traceability etc. These information is to make sure the quality of ordered steel products,
tells the buyer what situations could be applied in engineering purposes. So the certificate
standard for the MTC is generated, EN 10204 is European standard for the inspection
documents for the steel products including steel line pipe, fittings, steel plate, valves,
sucker rods etc. For certifying the results of the specific test is complied with client’s order.
Differences between EN 10204-3.1 and 3.2 for the MTC
EN 10204 contains 4 types of document type, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2.
Type 2.1 and 2.2 are validated by the manufacturer.
Type 3.1 and 3.2 are not only validated by manufacturer.

Type 2.1, The content is statement of compliance with the order. Validated by
Type 2.2, Statement of compliance with the order, with indication of results of non-
specific inspection. Validated by manufacturer.
Type 3.1, Statement of compliance with the order, with indication of results of specific
inspection. Authorized inspection representative by the manufacturer, but is independent
of the manufacturing department.
Type 3.2, Statement of compliance with the order, with indication of results of specific
inspection. Authorized inspection representative by the manufacturer, independent of
manufacturing department and either the buyer’s authorized inspection representative or
the inspector designated by the official regulations.

EN 10204-3.1 type quality certificate.

It requires the manufacturer to show the actual test result for the steel pipes on sale.
According the related standard sampling methods.
3.1 MTC requires the test agency shall be an independent party, mill has no rights to
revise the test results.
If a steel pipe manufacturer passed the audit for the ISO 9001 from a certification agency
of European Union, then this manufacturer have the qualification to release the EN 10204-
3.1 MTC. The buyer information shall be specified on the MTC quality certificate, and one
buyer need one MTC quality certificate. If the manufacturer didn’t pass ISO 9001 or the
ISO 9001 certificate not from European Union Inspection Agency, then the manufacturer
do not have right to release MTC of EN 10204-3.1. In this case, manufacturer shall apply
for the EN 10204-3.2 quality certificate from the third part of inspection agency.
EN 10204-3.2 type quality certificate
EN 10204 3.2 certificate is the most restrict standard level for the steel pipe products.It
indicates the certification shall be additional countersigned and verified by independent
related all the tests, 3.2 certificate cost higher than 3.1. Not only manufacturer test
department, but also a completely independent part. Third party inspector, or the personal,
buyer, or government’s representative also have right to verify the test results.
EN 10204-3.2 certificate must release by the inspection agency that authorized by the
European Union. Through the related inspection or the test for the material that ordered,
to certify that the test result is the same with the PO from a third party inspection agency.
Also on the quality certificate of EN 10204-3.2 shall specify the name of manufacturer and
the buyer.

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