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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,152.460 B2

Gysling et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Dec. 26, 2006
(54) APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR (56) References Cited
(75) Inventors: Daniel L. Gysling, Glastonbury, CT U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
(US); Patrick Curry, Glastonbury, CT 2,874,568 A 2, 1959 Petermann
(US); Douglas H. Loose, Southington,
CT (US); Thomas E. Banach, (Continued)
(73) Assignee: Cidra Corporation, Wallingford, CT
(US) EP 2225O3 A1 * 5, 1987
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued)
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
is- “Noise and Vibration Control Engineering Principles and Applica
spent is Subject to a terminal dis tions'. Leo L. Bernaek and Istvan L. Ver, A. Wiley Interscience
Publication, pp. 537-541, Aug. 1992.
(21) Appl. No.: 10/892,886
(22) Filed: Jul. 15, 2004
(65) Prior Publication Data Primary Examiner Hezron Williams
Assistant Examiner John Fitzgerald
US 2005/OO44929 A1 Mar. 3, 2005
Related U.S. Application Data (57) ABSTRACT
(60) Provisional application No. 60/579,448, filed on Jun. A flow measuring system is provided that provides at least
14, 2004, provisional application No. 60/570,321, one of a compensated mass flow rate measurement and a
filed on May 21, 2004, provisional application No. compensated density measurement. The flow measuring
60/539,640, filed on Jan. 28, 2004, provisional appli system includes a gas Volume fraction meter in combination
cation No. 60/524,964, filed on Nov. 25, 2003, pro with a coriolis meter. The GVF meter measures acoustic
visional application No. 60/512,794, filed on Oct. 20. pressures propagating through the fluids to measure the
2003, provisional application No. 60/510,302, filed speed of sound C, propagating through the fluid to calcu
on Oct. 10, 2003, provisional application No. 60/504, late at least gas volume fraction of the fluid and/or the
785, filed on Sep. 22, 2003, provisional application reduced natural frequency. For determining an improved
No. 60/503,334, filed on Sep. 16, 2003, provisional density for the coriolis meter, the calculated gas Volume
application No. 60/491,860, filed on Aug. 1, 2003, fraction and/or reduced frequency is provided to a process
provisional application No. 60/487,832, filed on Jul. ing unit. The improved density is determined using analyti
15, 2003. cally derived or empirically derived density calibration
(51) Int. Cl. models (or formulas derived therefore), which is a function
GOIN 700 (2006.01)
of the measured natural frequency and at least one of the
GOIN 22/00 (2006.01)
determined GVF, reduced frequency and speed of sound, or
any combination thereof. The gas volume fraction (GVF)
GOIF I/20 (2006.01) meter may include a sensing device having a plurality of
(52) U.S. Cl. ................... 73/32 A: 73/861.18; 73/6144 strain-based or pressure sensors spaced axially along the
(58) Field of Classification Search ............... 73/61.44, pipe for measuring the acoustic pressures propagating
73/61.45, 61.47, 61.49, 61.78, 61.79, 861.04, through the flow.
73/861.08, 32 A, 861.18
See application file for complete search history. 64 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets

1OO 6
als O
! Density
Processing Unit 21

SOS GVF Density Compensated Composition

(UniComp) Density
US 7,152.460 B2
Page 2

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U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2006 Sheet 1 of 14 US 7,152.460 B2

18 16
12 12

Temperature Processing Unit

SOS GVF Density Compensated Composition
(UnComp) Density
FIG. 1

1 OO 16
tly O

Processing Unit 21

SOS GVF Density Compensated Composition

(UnComp) Density
FIC. 2
U.S. Patent US 7,152.460 B2

U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2006 Sheet 3 of 14 US 7,152.460 B2


FIG. 4
U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2006 Sheet 4 of 14 US 7,152.460 B2

Frequency of First Traverse Acoustic Resonance in

1 inch Tube O S Fu Ction of GVF


Gas Volume Fraction (oir in water GSTP)

FIC. 7

Reduced Frequency vs GVF for 1 inch Diameter Tubes

With Structuro F requency of 100 Hz

pK(oeuZanpHbº})u- O.O5--------
- -- - - - - - - -- - -- || | I ? } }
1 || I | }| | | | | | |
| I | I ! |
T ! I| |! ? I
+ {| || || |

- - s1-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

O O1-7---- - - - -- - --

Gas Volume Fraction (air in water GSTP)

U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2006 Sheet S of 14 US 7,152.460 B2

Effect of Fluid Inhomogeneity

Fluid Volume
of Volume Froction 2
Gos Bubble Linked to bubble
of volume Froction I

Sphere under going

Hormonic Motion

Reduced Order Model Accounting for Compressibility and Inhomogeneity

U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2006 Sheet 6 of 14 US 7,152.460 B2

Observed Density as Function of GVF

O. 9



O O.O1 O.O2 O.O3 0.04 O.O5 0.06 O.O7 O.O8 O.09 O. 1
gas volume froction
FIC. f. 1

Observed Density as Function of GVF



O.85 s

O.8 Fio N.

O O.O1 O.O2 O.O3 O.O4 O.05 OO6 OO7 O.O8 O.O9 O.1
gas volume froction
FIC. 12
U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2006 Sheet 7 of 14 US 7,152.460 B2

Coriolis Meter / Entrained Air Test Facility

Return Line

Metered Air Injection


O. 8 O
O.OO%, 1.00%. 2.00%. 3.00%. 4.OO%. 5. OO%. 6.00% 7.OO%
Gos Volume Fraction

FIG. 14
U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2006 Sheet 8 of 14 US 7,152.460 B2

1 inch Diometer Tubes Ofs= 3OOHz

O. 8 O
0.00%, 1.00%, 2.00%, 3.00%. 4.00%, 5.00%. 6.00%, 7.00%
GOS Volume Froction
FIG. 16

Enhance Density Measurement For Aerated Liquids

-- Apparent densit
-- Liquid Density (corrected)
-- Entroined Air

O.95 st Frpr.-

12:36:00 12:43:1212:50:24 12:57:36 13:04:48 13:12:00 13:19:12 13:26:24 3:33:36 13:40:48


FIG. 16
U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2006 Sheet 9 of 14 US 7,152.460 B2

Reduced Frequency vs Mixture Sound Speed

O. 1

O 2OO 4OO 6OO 8OO 1 OOO 12OO 1400 16OO

Mixture Sound Speed (m/s)
FIC. 1 7

Effect of Entroined Air on Corio is meter

is... T' mass foctor

g '1; s: S-4r 1 55 density
0.99 factorfor GVF)
a 1.08 A S 0.98 - A density factor (as observed)
19. E’s E 0.96
3 1.02 ... --r
O.97 g - Poly. (density factor
(correcting for GVF))
S 0.98 Moss Fotoroo:7f-oooissyfooosigm-10oog O.95 - Poly. (density foctor
O O.5. 1 1.5 2 2.5 (as observed))
gas volume fraction (%) - Poly. (mass factor)

FIG. 18
U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2006 Sheet 10 of 14 US 7,152.460 B2

- 5” Coriolis Meter
-A-Mag Mass Flow
1800- corrected Coriolis moss flow
G -- SONARtroC Entroined Air --a
N as 1
9 16OO
Lil 14OO
s U

10:50:45 10:33:36 10:36:29 10:39:22 10:42:14 10:45:07 10:48:00 10:50:55 10:55:46 10:56:38

FIC. 19

SOS OS Function of Entroined Air

(5% consistency)

O O.O2 O.O4 O.O6 O.08 O. 1

GOS Volume Froction

FIG. 23
U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2006 Sheet 11 of 14 US 7,152.460 B2

127 118 119 120 121 127 116

Processing Unit

FIG. 20
U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2006 Sheet 12 of 14 US 7,152.460 B2


12 122 X1 X2 X3 XN 14
Pressure L- - O AD -


Pio Port Po w

Oto Accumulator

Array Acoustic
Ridges 16O
s k2

Acoustic Ridge
dentifier 162



FIC, 21
U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2006 Sheet 13 of 14
U.S. Patent Dec. 26, 2006 Sheet 14 of 14 US 7,152.460 B2


Strain-bosed Sensor Sensor coil 12

array for Sonor-Based
Speed of Sound

FIG. 24


Strain bosed
SenSOS BrOce bor 3O2

Sensor coil

FIG. 26
US 7,152.460 B2
1. 2
APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR frequencies associated with the onset of bubbly or aerated
COMPENSATING ACOROLIS METER flows. These time-delays, for which the flow tube is essen
tially stalled, greatly diminish the utility of coriolis meter in
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED PATENT many applications where two phase flow and transient
APPLICATIONS response are important such as batch processed. This stalling
problem has been and is currently being address by many
The present invention claims the benefit of U.S. Provi manufactures.
sional Patent Application No. 60/579,448 filed Jun. 14, Secondly, multiphase flows present an accuracy chal
2004, U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/570,321 lenge. The accuracy challenge presented by aerated flow
filed May 12, 2004, U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 10 regimes is that many of the fundamental assumptions asso
60/539,640 filed Jan. 28, 2004, U.S. Provisional Patent ciated with the principle of operation of Corilois meters
Application No. 60/524.964 filed Nov. 25, 2003, U.S. Pro become increasingly less accurate with the introduction of
visional Patent Application No. 60/512,794 filed Oct. 20, aerated flow. The present invention provides a means for
2003, U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/510,302 improving the accuracy of Coriolis meters operating on all
filed Oct. 10, 2003, U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 15 types of fluids, with particular emphasis on enhancing the
60/504,785 filed Sep. 22, 2003, U.S. Provisional Patent accuracy for operating on two phase, bubbly flows and
Application No. 60/503,334 filed Sep. 16, 2003, U.S. Pro mixtures.
visional Patent Application No. 60/491,860 filed Aug. 1,
2003, U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/487,832 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
filed Jul. 15, 2003, which are all incorporated herein by
reference. Objects of the present invention include an apparatus
having a device for determining the speed of Sound propa
TECHNICAL FIELD gating within a fluid flow in a pipe to determine the gas
volume fraction of a process fluid or flow flowing within a
This invention relates to an apparatus for measuring the 25 pipe, and augment to improve the accuracy of a density
density and/or mass flow rate of a flow having entrained gas and/or mass flow rate measurement of a coriolis meter.
therein, and more particularly to an apparatus that measures According to the present invention, a flow measuring
the speed of Sound propagating through the flow to deter system for measuring density of a fluid flowing in a pipe is
mine the gas Volume fraction of the flow in the process to provided. The flow measuring system includes a coriolis
augment or correct the density and or mass flow rate 30 meter, a flow measuring device and a processing unit. The
measurement of a coriolis meter. coriolis meter has at least one tube wherein fluid flows
therethrough. The coriolis meter provides a frequency signal
BACKGROUND ART indicative of a natural frequency of a tube and/or phase
signal indicative of a phase difference between a pair of
Coriolis meters are widely used for industrial flow mea 35 tubes. The flow measuring device measures the speed of
Surement, representing one of the largest and fasting grow Sound propagating through the fluid. The flow measuring
ing segments in the industrial flow meter market. Coriolis device provides at least one of an SOS signal indicative of
meters have the reputation for high accuracy and provide the speed of Sound propagating through the fluid, a GVF
mass flow and density as their basic measurements. signal indicative of the gas Volume fraction of the fluid and
Since the technology was first adopted by industry begin 40 a reduced frequency indicative of the reduced frequency of
ning in the 1980s, Coriolis meters have developed the the fluid. The processing unit determines a compensated
reputation as a high priced, high accuracy meter for use in mass flow rate measurement in response to at least one of the
high value applications—predominately within the chemical SOS signal, the GVF signal and the reduced frequency
processing industry. However, despite their success, Coriolis signal and the phase signal, and/or determines a compen
meters have been plagued by poor performance in two-phase 45 sated density measurement in response to the SOS signal,
flows, predominately bubbly flows of gas/liquid mixtures. the GVF signal and the reduced frequency signal and the
Coriolis meters have two fundamental issues with aerated frequency signal.
or bubbly flows. Firstly, bubbly flows present an operability The foregoing and other objects, features and advantages
challenge to coriolis meters. Most coriolis meters use elec of the present invention will become more apparent in light
tromagnetic drive actuators to vibrate the flow tube at it 50 of the following detailed description of exemplary embodi
natural frequency. The meters rely on the vibrating tubes to ments thereof.
generate the corilois forces which causes one leg of the flow
tube to lag the other. The corilois forces, and hence phase BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
lag, are ideally proportional to the mass flow through the
flow tube. The tubes are typically excited at, or near a 55 FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of a flow measuring
resonant frequency, and as such, the excitation forces system for providing a density and/or mass flow rate mea
required to maintain a specified vibration amplitude in the Surement augmented for entrained gas within a fluid flow
tubes is a strong function of the damping in the system. passing within a pipe, in accordance with the present inven
Single phase mixtures introduce little damping to the vibra tion.
tion of the bent tubes, however, the amount of damping in 60 FIG. 2 is a schematic illustration of another flow mea
the system dramatically increases with the introduction of Suring system for providing a density and/or mass flow rate
gas bubbles. As a result, more power is required to maintain measurement augmented for entrained gas within a fluid
vibration in the tubes in bubbly flows. Often more power is flow passing within a pipe, in accordance with the present
required than is available, resulting in the “stalling of the invention.
Corilois meter. 65 FIG. 3 is a function block diagram of a processing unit of
Futhermore, coriolis meters often require significant time flow measuring system similar to that of FIG. 1, in accor
to adjust for the often rapid changes in flow tube resonant dance with the present invention.
US 7,152.460 B2
3 4
FIG. 4 is a schematic illustration of model of a coriolis FIG. 23 is a plot of the speed of sound of the fluid flow
meter having no fluid flowing therethrough, in accordance as a function of the gas Volume fraction over a range of
with the present invention. different pressures, in accordance with the present invention.
FIG. 5 is a schematic illustration of model of a coriolis FIG. 24 is perspective view of a flow measuring apparatus
meter having fluid flowing therethrough, in accordance with including a coriolis meter having an array of sensors dis
the present invention. posed on one of the tubes, in accordance with the present
FIG. 6 is a schematic illustration of model of a coriolis invention.
meter having aerated fluid flowing therethrough that FIG. 25 is perspective view of another flow measuring
accounts for compressibility of the aerated fluid, in accor apparatus including a coriolis meter having an array of
dance with the present invention. 10 sensors disposed on one of the tubes, in accordance with the
FIG. 7 is a plot of the natural frequency of the tubes as a present invention.
function of the gas volume fraction of the fluid flow, in BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE
accordance with the present invention. INVENTION
FIG. 8 is a plot of the reduced frequency as a function of
the gas volume fraction of the fluid flow, in accordance with
the present invention. Coriolis meters provide a measurement of the mass flow
FIG. 9 is a schematic diagram of effect of fluid flow and/or density of a fluid flow 12 passing through a pipe 14.
inhomogeneity with the tube of a coriolis meter, in accor As described in detail hereinbefore, a coriolis meter provides
dance with the present invention. erroneous mass flow and density measurements in the pres
FIG. 10 is a schematic illustration of model of a coriolis ence of entrained gas within the fluid flow (e.g., bubbly gas).
meter having aerated fluid flowing therethrough that The present invention provides a means for compensating
accounts for compressibility inhomogeniety of the aerated the coriolis meter to provide corrected or improved density
and/or mass flow measurements.
fluid, in accordance with the present invention. As shown in FIG. 1, one embodiment of a flow measuring
FIG. 11 is a plot of the apparent density as a function of 25 system 10 embodying the present invention includes a
the gas volume fraction of the fluid flow at differing critical coriolis meter 16, a speed of Sound (SOS) measuring appa
damping rations of gas, in accordance with the present ratus 18 and a processing unit 20 to provide any one or more
FIG. 12 is a plot of the reduced frequency as a function of the following parameters of the fluid flow, namely, gas
of the gas volume fraction of the fluid flow for a number of Volume fraction, speed of Sound propagating through the
coriolis meters differing in the natural frequency of the 30 fluid flow, uncompensated density, compensated density and
tubes, in accordance with the present invention. composition. The fluid flow may be any aerated fluid or
FIG. 13 is a schematic diagram of a coriolis meter/
mixture including liquid, slurries, solid/liquid mixture, liq
entrained air facility, in accordance with the present inven uid/liquid mixture and any other multiphase flow.
tion. In this embodiment, the coriolis meter 16 provides a
FIG. 14 is a plot of the apparent density as a function of
35 frequency signal 22 indicative of the natural frequency of
the gas Volume fraction of coriolis meter having 1 inch the fluid 12 loaded tubes of the coriolis meter and the phase
signal 23 indicative of the phase lag in the tubes of the
diameter tubes at a resonant frequency of 100 Hz, in coriolis meter. The SOS measuring apparatus 18 provides an
accordance with the present invention. SOS signal 24 indicative of the speed of Sound propagating
FIG. 15 is a plot of the apparent density as a function of 40 through the fluid flow. A processing unit 24 processes the
the gas Volume fraction of coriolis meter having 1 inch frequency signal, the phase signal and the SOS signal to
diameter tubes at a resonant frequency of 300 Hz, in provide at least one of the parameters of the fluid flow
accordance with the present invention. described hereinbefore. Pressure and/or temperature signals
FIG. 16 is a plot of the apparent density, corrected 26.28 may also be provided to the processing unit 20, which
apparent density and the gas Volume fraction of coriolis 45 may be used to provide more accurate measurements of the
meter over time as the Volume of entrained air varies, in gas Volume fraction. The pressure and temperature may be
accordance with the present invention. measured by known means or estimated.
FIG. 17 is a plot of the reduced frequency as a function The coriolis meter may be any known coriolis meter, Such
of the speed of Sound, in accordance with the present as two inch bent tube coriolis meter manufactured my
invention. 50 MicroMotion Inc. and a two in straight tube coriolic meter
FIG. 18 is a plot of the density factor and mass flow factor manufactured by Endress & Hauser Inc. The coriolis meters
as a function of the gas Volume fraction, in accordance with comprise a pair of bent tubes (e.g. U-shaped, pretzel shaped)
the present invention. or straight tubes as will be described hereinafter.
FIG. 19 is a plot of the mass flow rate, corrected mass flow The SOS measuring device 18 includes any means for
rate and the gas Volume fraction of a coriolis meter and the 55 measuring the speed of Sound propagating through the
mass flow rate measured by a mag meter over time as the aerated flow 12. One method includes a pair of ultra-sonic
Volume of entrained air varies, in accordance with the sensors axially spaced along the pipe 14, wherein the time
present invention. of flight of an ultrasonic signal propagating between an
FIG. 20 is a schematic block diagram of a gas Volume ultra-Sonic transmitter and receiver. Depending on the char
fraction meter, in accordance with the present invention. 60 acteristics of the flow, the frequency of the ultra-Sonic signal
FIG. 21 is a schematic block diagram of another embodi must be relating low to reduce scatter within the flow. The
ment of gas Volume fraction meter, in accordance with the meter is similar as that described in U.S. patent application
present invention. Ser. No. 10/756,922 filed on Jan. 13, 2004, which is incor
FIG. 22 is a ko) plot of data processed from an array of porated herein by reference.
pressure sensors use to measure the speed of sound of a fluid 65 Alternatively, as shown in FIGS. 2, 20 and 21, the SOS
flow passing in a pipe, in accordance with the present measuring apparatus may be a gas Volume fraction (GVF)
invention. meter that comprises a sensing device 116 having a plurality
US 7,152.460 B2
5 6
of strain-based or pressure sensors 118-121 spaced axially Therefore, knowing the density (p) of the gas/air, the
along the pipe for measuring the acoustic pressures 190 measured gas volume fraction of the gas (e...), and the
propagating through the flow 12. The GVF meter 100 improved density measurement (p) of the aerated flow to
determines and provides a first signal 27 indicative of the be compensated for entrained gas enable the density
SOS in the fluid and a second signal 29 indicative of the gas (p,) of the non-gas portion of the aerated flow 12 to be
volume fraction (GVF) of the flow 12, which will be determined, which provides improved compositional infor
described in greater detail hereinafter. mation of the aerated flow 12.
FIG. 3 illustrates a functional block diagram 30 of the The present invention also contemplates compensating or
flow measuring system of FIG. 2. As shown, the GVF meter improving the mass flow rate measurement of the coriolis
100 measures acoustic pressures propagating through the 10 meter 16, as shown in FIG. 3. For determining an improved
fluids to measure the speed of sound C. The GVF meter mass flow rate for the coriolis meter, the calculated gas
calculates at least gas volume fraction of the fluid and/or the volume fraction and/or reduced frequency is provided to the
reduced natural frequency using the measured speed of processing unit 21. The improved mass flow rate is deter
sound. The GVF meter may also use the pressure of the mined using analytically derived or empirically derived
process flow to determine the gas volume fraction. The 15 mass flow calibration models (or formulas derived there
pressure may be measured or estimated. fore), which is a function of the measured phase difference
For determining an improved density for the coriolis (A(p) and at least one of the determined GVF, reduced
meter, the calculated gas Volume fraction and/or reduced frequency and speed of Sound, or any combination thereof,
frequency is provided to the processing unit 21. The which will be described in greater detail hereinafter. For
improved density is determined using analytically derived or determining an improved density for the coriolis meter, the
empirically derived density calibration models (or formulas calculated gas Volume fraction and/or reduced frequency is
derived therefore), which is a function of the measured provided to the processing unit 21. The improved density is
natural frequency and at least one of the determined GVF, determined using analytically derived or empirically derived
reduced frequency and speed of Sound, or any combination density calibration/parameter models (or formulas derived
thereof, which will be described in greater detail hereinafter. 25 therefore), which is a function of the measured natural
The improved density measurement is the density of the frequency and at least one of the determined GVF, reduced
aerated flow passing through the pipe. frequency and speed of Sound, or any combination thereof,
The present invention further contemplates determining which will be described in greater detail hereinafter. The
improved compositional information of the aerated flow. In improved mass flow measurement is the mass flow rate of
other words, knowing the speed of Sound propagating 30 the aerated flow passing through the pipe.
through the flow and the improved density, the processing While the improved mass flow and improved density
unit 21 can determine density of the fluid/mixture portion of measurement may be a function GVF, SOS and reduced
the multiphase flow. frequency, the present invention contemplates these
For example, the density (p) of an aerated flow is improved measurements may be a function of other param
related to the volumetric phase fraction of the components
35 eters, such a gas damping .
(o,) and the density of the components (p.). Further, while the functional block diagram illustrates that
the processing unit 21 may improve both the density mea
Surement and the density measurement of the coriolis meter
16, the invention contemplates that the processing may only
40 compensate or improve one the density and mass flow rate
Results for a lumped parameter model of FIG. 10 pre
sented hereinafter confirm long recognized accuracy degra
Where continuity requires: dation of vibrating tube density meters attributed to aeration.
45 The models can be used to illustrate qualitatively the role of
several non-dimensional parameters that govern the perfor
mance of the meters in aerated fluids. It can be concluded
from these models that gas Volume fraction plays a dominant
role, with several other parameters including gas damping
50 S. and reduced frequency also influencing performance.
The system 10 provides an improved measure of the Although simplified models may provide some insight
density of the aerated flow. For a two-component mixture, into the influence of various parameters, quantitative models
knowing the density (p.), gas volume fraction (or SOS) remain elusive due to the inherent complexity of multiphase,
and accurately measuring the mixture density (p) pro unsteady fluid dynamics. Furthermore, the difficulty associ
vides a means to determine the density (p) of the 55 ated with correcting for the effects aeration in the interpreted
non-gas portion of the fluid flow. For example, for a two density of the liquid is compounded not only by the trans
component fluid flow: formation of the coriolis meter from a well understood
device operating in homogeneous, quasi-steady parameter
Pnix Pnongas PongastPgas Pgas space into a device operating in a complex, non-homoge
60 neous, unsteady operation space, but also by the inability of
therefore, Pnongas (pix Papas)/Pongas
Whereinpocal-as current coriolis meters to precisely determine the amount of
aeration present in the process mixture.
wherein p, is the density of the mixture, ps, o, . The present invention provides an approach in which a
are the density and phase fraction, respectively, of a non-gas speed-of-sound measurement of the process fluid is inte
component of the fluid flow, and ps, as are the density 65 grated with the natural frequency measurement of a vibrat
and phase fraction, respectively, of the entrained gas within ing tube density meter to form a system with an enhanced
the mixture. ability to operate accurately in aerated fluids. Introducing a
US 7,152.460 B2
7 8
real time, speed-of-sound measurement address the effects vibrating flow tubes 302 to determine both the mass flow
of aeration on multiple levels with the intent to enable rate and process fluid density measurements, see FIGS. 23
vibrating-tube-based density measurement to continue to and 24.
report liquid density in the presence of entrained air with The physical principle used to determine process fluid
accuracy approaching that for a non-aerated liquid. Firstly, 5
density in a Coriolis meter 16 is similar to that used in
by measuring the process Sound speed with process pres vibrating tube density meters. In these devices, the density
sure, the aeration level of the process fluid can be deter of the process fluid 12 is determined by relating the natural
mined with high accuracy on a real time basis. Secondly, the frequency of a fluid-filled tube to the density of the process
real time measurements of Sound speed, and the derived 10 fluid. To illustrate this principle, consider the vibratory
measurement of gas Volume fraction, are then utilized with response of a vacuum-filled flow tube.
empirically derived correction factors to improve the inter In this model, shown schematically in FIG. 4, the fre
pretation of the measured natural frequency of the vibrating quency of oscillation is given by the ratio between the
tubes in terms of the density of the aerated fluid. Thirdly, the effective stiffness (K)
spite of the tubes and the effective mass
combined knowledge of aerated mixture density and aerated 15 (m) of the tubes.
mixture sound speed, enable the determination of the non
aerated liquid component density, providing improved com
positional information. Note liquids phase includes pure 1 Kstruct
liquids, mixtures of liquids, as well as liquid/solids mixtures. nat - 2 fistrict
A methodology is described to improve the accuracy of
vibrating-tube-based density measurements of aerated liq
uids. For most density measuring devices, the presence of a Introducing fluid to the tube changes the natural fre
Small, but unknown, quantity of entrained gaseous phase quency of the oscillation. Under a quasi-steady and homo
within the process mixture can introduce significant errors in geneous model of the fluid 12, the primary effect of the fluid
both the measured mixture density as well as the interpreted 25
is to mass-load the tubes. The fluid typically has a negligible
density of the liquid phase. effect on the stiffness of the system. Thus, within the
One embodiment of the present invention describes an framework of this model, the mass of the fluid 12 is added
approach to measuring fluid density which couples a Sonar directly to the mass of the structure, as shown schematically
based speed-of-Sound measurement with vibrating-tube in FIG. 5.
based density measurement, commonly used in coriolis The mass of the fluid 12 in the tube is proportional to fluid
mass and density meters, to determine the density of aerated density, and therefore, the naturally frequency decreases
liquids. It is well known that the accuracy of coriolis meters with increasing fluid density as described below:
can be significantly degraded with the aeration of the
process fluid. Augmenting the output of the coriolis meter 35
with a speed of Sound measurement provides a novel
approach to improve density measurements for aerated ?at = Kstruct
nat 2. mstruct + Bpfluid
fluids in two ways. Firstly, Sound speed based gas Volume
fraction measurement provides a first-principles-based, real
time measurement of the gas Volume fraction and compress 40 where B is a calibrated constant related to the geometry
ibility of the aerated process fluid. Secondly, the sound speed and vibratory characteristic of the vibrating tube.
of the process fluid may be used to compensate for the effect
of the increased compressibility and inhomogeniety of aer Rearranging, the algebraic relation between the measured
ated mixtures on the output of the coriolis density measure natural frequency J of the vibrating tube and the density
ment. of the fluid within the tube can be written as follows.
To illustrate the fundamental ways in which aeration
impacts vibrating-tube density measurements, a simplified, 1 Kstruct
lumped parameter model for the effects of aeration in
vibrating tubes is developed. The model illustrates that the
Pfluid is: mine
effects of aeration can be attributed to at least two indepen 50
dent mechanisms; 1) the density inhomogeniety of discrete Defining the ratio between the effective mass of the fluid
gas bubbles and 2) increased mixture compressibility due to to that of the structure as C., the natural frequency of the fluid
aeration. Analytical results are Supported by experimental loaded tubes is given by:
data which Suggest that augmenting the density measure
ments from the coriolis meter with a Sound speed measure 55
ment significantly enhances the ability determine the density influid
of aerated liquids with an accuracy that approaches that for fistrict
non-aerated mixtures.
Coriolis Density Measurement
Although the specific design parameters of coriolis meters 60 This basic framework provides an accurate means to
16 are many and varied, all coriolis meters are essentially determine process fluid density under most operating con
aeroelastic devices. Aeroelasticity is a term developed in the ditions. However, some of the fundamental assumptions
aeronautical Sciences that describes the study of dynamic regarding the interaction of the fluid 12 and the structure can
interaction of coupled fluid dynamic and structural dynamic deteriorate under different operating conditions. Specifi
systems, for example the static and dynamic response of an 65 cally, aerated fluids in oscillating tubes behave differently
aircraft under aerodynamic forces. Coriolis flow meters rely from single phase fluids in two important ways; increased
on characterizing the aeroelastic response of fluid-filled, compressibility, and fluid inhomogeneity.
US 7,152.460 B2
9 10
Fluid Compressibility In characterizing aeroelastic systems, it is often conve
It is well known that most aerated liquids are significantly nient to define a reduced frequency parameter to gauge the
more compressible than non-aerated liquids. Compressibil significance of the interaction between coupled dynamic
ity of a fluid is directly related to the speed of sound and systems. For a vibrating tube filled with fluid, a reduced
density of the fluid 12. frequency can be defined as a ratio of the natural frequency
Mixture density and Sound speed can be related to com of the structural system to that of the fluid dynamic system.
ponent densities and Sound speed through the following
mixing rules which are applicable to single phase and
well-dispersed mixtures and form the basis for speed-of fed =
Sound-based entrained air measurement. 10 (inix

Where f is the natural frequency of the tubes in
1 i vacuum, D is the diameter of the tubes, and at is the Sound
Kai F Pnix 2mix =X 1. speed of the process fluid. For this application, as the
reduced frequency becomes negligible compared to 1, the
system approaches quasi-steady operation. In these cases,
where models, which neglect the compressibility of the fluid, such
as that shown in FIG. 6, are likely to be suitable. However,
the effects of unsteadiness increase with increasing reduced
W frequency. For a given coriolis meter, mixture Sound speed
Onix F X. (pip; has the dominant influence of changes in reduced frequency.
i=l FIG. 8 shows the reduced frequency plotted as a function of
entrained air for a one-inch diameter tube with a structural
natural frequency of 100 Hz. As shown, the reduced fre
and K is the mixture compressibility, and (p, is the com quency is quite Small for the non-aerated water; however,
ponent Volumetric phase fraction. builds rapidly with increasing gas Volume fraction, indicat
Consistent with the above relations, introducing air into ing that the significance of compressibility increases with
water dramatically increases the compressibility of the mix gas Volume fraction. However, when considering coriolis
ture 12. For instance, at ambient pressure, air is approxi 30
meters of varying design parameters, increases in tube
mately 25,000 times more compressible than water. Thus, natural frequency or tube diameter will increase the effects
adding 1% entrained air increases the compressibility of the of unsteadiness for a given level of aeration.
mixture by a factor of 250. Conceptually, this increase in Fluid Inhomogeneity
compressibility introduces dynamic effects that cause the In additional to dramatically increasing the compressibil
dynamic of behavior of the aerated mixture within the 35
ity of the fluid 12, aeration introduces inhomogeneity to the
oscillating tube to differ from that of the essentially incom fluid. For flow regimes in which the gas is entrained in a
pressible single-phase fluid. liquid-continuous flow field, the first-order effects of the
The effect of compressibility of the fluid 12 can be aeration can be modeled using bubble theory. By consider
incorporated into a lumped parameter model of a vibrating ing the motion of an incompressible sphere of density of po
tube as shown schematically in FIG. 6. The stiffness of the 40
contained in an inviscid, incompressible fluid with a density
spring represents the compressibility of the fluid. As the of p and set into motion by the fluid show that the velocity
compressibility approaches Zero, the spring stiffness of the sphere is given by:
approaches infinity and the model becomes equivalent to
that presented in FIG. 5. 3p
As before the effective mass of the fluid 12 is proportional 45 W
sphere - 2, Vid
to the density of the fluid and the geometry of the flow tube.
The natural frequency of the first transverse acoustic mode
in a circular duct can be used to estimate an appropriate For most entrained gases in liquids, the density of the
spring constant for the model sphere is orders of magnitude below that of the liquid and
50 the velocity of bubble approaches three times that of the
1.84 1 Kfluid Considering this result in the context of the motion of a
ifiaid sphere in a cross section of a vibrating tube, the increased
motion of the sphere compared to the remaining fluid must
55 result in a portion of the remaining fluid having a reduced
Note that this frequency corresponds to a wavelength of level of participation in oscillation, resulting in a reduced,
an acoustic oscillation of approximately two diameters, i.e., apparent system inertia.
this transverse mode is closely related to a “half wave FIG. 9 illustrates a lumped parameter model for the effects
length acoustic resonance of the tube. FIG. 7 shows the of inhomogeniety in the oscillation of an aerated-liquid
resonant frequency of the first transverse acoustic mode of 60 filled tube. In this model, a gas bubble 40 of volume fraction
a one-inch tube as a function of gas Volume fraction for air (p is connected across a fulcrum 42 to a compensating mass
entrained in water at Standard temperature and pressure. For of fluid with volume 2. The fulcrum is rigidly connected to
low levels of entrained air, the frequency of the first trans the outer tube 44. The effects of viscosity can be modeled
verse acoustic mode is quite high compared to the typical using a damper 46 connected to restrict the motion of the gas
structural resonant frequencies of coriolis meters of 100 Hz, 65 bubble 40 with respect to the rest of the liquid and the tube
however, the resonant acoustic frequency decreases rapidly itself. The remaining volume of liquid in the tube cross
with increased levels of entrained air. section (1–3) is filled with an inviscid fluid. In the inviscid
US 7,152.460 B2
11 12
limit, the compensating mass of fluid 48 (2T) does not
participate in the oscillations, and the Velocity of the mass
less gas bubble becomes three times the velocity of the tube.
The effect of this relative motion is to reduce the effective
inertia of the fluid inside the tube to (1–3 times that 5
Papparent 2
Jiserved -
presented by a homogeneous fluid-filled the tube. In the limit
of high viscosity, the increased damping constant minimizes As a baseline condition, a “representative' coriolis meter
the relative motion between the gas bubble and the liquid, with parameters given in Table 2 was analyzed.
and the effective inertia of the aerated fluid approaches 1-1.
The effective inertia predicted by this model of an aerated, 10 TABLE 2
but incompressible, fluid oscillating within a tube agrees
with those presented by (Hemp, et al., 2003) in the limits of Parameters Defining the Baseline Vibrating Tube Density Meter
high and low viscosities. Parameter Description Value
One should appreciate that the processing unit may use
these models independently or together in a lumped param 15 f Structural Frequency of Tubes 100 Hz
eter model. C. Mass ratio 1.25
struct Critical Damping Ratio - O.O1
Combined Lumped Parameter Model Structure
Models were presented with the effects of aeration on fluid Critical Damping Ratio - fluid O.O1
vibrating tube density meters in which the effects of com gas Critical Damping Ratio - gas O.O1
pressibility and inhomogeniety were addressed indepen Q Frequency Ratio As determined by Sound speed
of airfwater at STP and
dently. FIG. 10 shows a schematic of a lumped parameter structural parameters
model that incorporates the effects of compressibility and D Tube diameter 1.0 inches
inhomogeniety using the mechanism-specific models devel
oped above.
The equations of motion of the above lumped parameter 25 For a given coriolis meter, the level of aeration has a
model, assuming solutions in the form of e" where s is the dominant effect on the difference between actual and appar
complex frequency, can be expressed in non-dimensional ent mixture density. However, other parameters identified by
form as: the lumped parameter model also play important roles. For

-1 S O O O O
2f Q -Q (1 - 3I)s + 2 Q+2, Q -2, ()
O O -1 S O O
O O -2&g 0 2Ds + 2. ()
O O O O -1 S

The parameters governing the dynamic response of the example, the damping parameter associated with the move
model are defined in the following Table 1. ment of the gas bubble relative to the fluid within the tube,
is a parameter governing the response of the system to
TABLE 1. aeration. The influence of on the apparent density of the
45 mixture is illustrated in FIG. 11. As shown, for
Definition of Non-dimensional Parameters Governing the Equation of approaching Zero, the apparent density approaches 13.
Motion for the Lumped Parameter Model of a Tube Filled with a i.e., the meter under reports the density of the aerated
Compressible, Aerated Fluid
mixture by 2I. However, as the is increased, the
Symbol Description Definition apparent density approaches the actual fluid density of 1-T.
50 The influence of compressibility is illustrated in FIG. 12,
C. Mass ratio m fluid/nstruct in which the model-predicted observed density is shown as
Q Natural Frequency Ratio ofluid'ostruct function of gas Volume fraction for a range of meters
Gr Critical Damping Ratio of Fluid System bi?(2mlicoid)
(s Critical Damping Ratio of Structural brief (2me,0s.) differing only in natural frequency of the tubes. As shown,
System the natural frequency of the tubes, primarily through the
g Critical Damping Ratio of Structural bgas (2nduiao struct) 55 influence of the reduced frequency of operation at a given
System level of aeration can significantly influence the relation
t Non-dimensional time to struct
y Non-dimensional temporal derivative of X dxidt
between the actual and apparent density of an aerated fluid.
Experimental Data
A facility, as shown in FIG. 13, was constructed to
Solving the sixth-order eigenvalue problem described 60 experimentally evaluate the performance of coriolis meters
above provides a means to assess the influence of the various on aerated water. The facility uses a mag meter operating on
parameters on the observed density. The natural frequency single phase water as a reference flow rate and the Sonar
of the primary tube mode predicted by the eigenvalue based meter 100 to monitor the gas volume fraction of the
aerated mixtures.
analysis is input into the frequency/density from the quasi 65 The density of the liquid component of the aerated liquid,
steady, homogeneous model to determine the apparent den i.e. the water, was assumed constant. Several coriolis meters
sity of the fluid 12 as follows. of various designs and manufactures were tested. FIG. 14
US 7,152.460 B2
13 14
shows apparent density measured by a coriolis meter with 1 interactions appears to work adequately for most Coriolis
inch diameter tubes with a structural resonant frequency of meters operating with most industrial process flows. The
100 Hz. Data were recorded over flow rates ranging from validity of the quasi-steady assumption will scale with the
100–200 gpm and coriolis inlet pressures of 16 to 26 psi. The reduced frequencies of the vibration of the fluid within the
theoretically correct density of the aerated mixture density pipe. Under a quasi-steady framework, the higher the
factor of 1-T is shown, as is the result from quasi-steady reduced frequencies, the less accurate the Coriolis meters
inviscid bubble theory of 1–3. Density factor produced by become.
the lumped parameter with the C tuned to 0.02 is also One relevant reduced frequency for the unsteady effects
shown. As shown, the apparent density of the coriolis meter within a Corilois meter is the reduced frequency based on
is highly correlated to the gas Volume fraction as measured 10 the vibrational frequency, tube diameter, and process fluid
by the GVF meter 100. The lumped parameter model Sound speed:
appears to capture the trend as well.
FIG. 15 shows the apparent density measured by the
Coriolis meter with 1 inch diameter tubes with a structural
resonant frequency of ~300 Hz. Data was recorded over a 15
similar range of flow rate and inlet pressures as the previous
meter. Again, the theoretically correct density of the aerated Another relevant reduced frequency is the that based on
mixture density factor of 1-I is shown, as is the result from the overall length of the corilois tubes:
quasi-steady inviscid bubble theory of 1–3. Density factor
produced by the lumped parameter with the empirically
tuned to 0.007 is also shown. As with the other meter tested,
the apparent density of the coriolis meter 16 is highly
correlated to the gas Volume fraction as measured by the
GVF meter 100. The correlation between the output of the
lumped parameter model and the output of the density meter 25 It should be noted that, for any given meter design in
provides a useful framework for assessing the impact of which the geometry is fixed, the two reduced frequencies are
aeration on the apparent density of the process fluid 12. not independent, and are scalar multiples of each other. For
The performance of a speed of Sound enhanced coriolis a given meter, variations in the reduced frequencies above
density measurement operating in the presence of entrained are primarily determined by variations in process fluid Sound
air is illustrated in FIG. 16. The data shows the time histories 30 speed.
of the apparent density, entrained air, and corrected liquid Physically, the reduced frequency represents the ratio
density during an approximately 50 minute period over between the time required for sound to propagate over a
which the density meter was subjected to varying amounts characteristic length to the time required for the tube to
of entrained air ranging from 0 to 3%. The data presented in vibrate one cycle. From a performance and accuracy per
FIG. 15 was used in conjunction with the real time entrained 35 spective, reduced frequencies serve to capture the impor
air measurement to quantify the difference between the tance of unsteadiness in the aeroelastic interaction of the
actual liquid density and the apparent liquid density during fluid and structure.
the transient. As shown, the accuracy of the liquid density In the limit of reduced frequencies approaching Zero, the
reported by the speed-of-sound enhanced meter is signifi process can be modelled as quasi-steady. Most analytical
cantly improved over the apparent density output by the 40 models of Corilois flow meters use a quasi-steady model for
baseline meter. the fluid/structure interaction. However, for non-zero
Experimental data and analytical results demonstrate the reduced frequencies, unsteady effects begin to influence the
significant impact that entrained gases have on the accuracy relationship between the measured structural response, i.e.
of vibrating tube based density measurement. Analytical the phase lag in the two legs of the meters and the natural
models were presented illustrating the how the effects of 45 frequency, and the sought fluid parameters, i.e. the mass flow
increased fluid compressibility and inhomogeniety can of the fluid and fluid density.
introduce significant error in the interpreted density of the However, what is disclosed herein is to use a sound-speed
process fluid. Analytical models illustrated how the impact based gas Volume fraction parameter, a reduced frequency
of aeration is linked to the gas Volume fraction of the process parameter relating to phase lag to mass flow rate.
fluid, the reduced frequency of the vibrating tubes, and other 50 If the reduced frequency based on diameter is non
parameters. While analytical models have been illustrated, negligible, the inertial load from the fluid on the pipe
the present invention contemplates that empirical models develops a slight phase lags that increases with increasing
may be used to compensate or improve the density and/or frequency. For non-negligible reduced frequencies based on
mass flow rate of a coriolis meter 16. the length of the flow tube, oscillations in the flow velocity
Experimental data was presented demonstrating how the 55 can vary over the length of the pipe, potentially introducing
advantages associated with combining a real time measure error in the output of the meter.
ment of gas Volume fraction and reduced frequency with a From a dimensional perspective, a 1 inch diameter Corio
vibrating tube based density meter 16 can significantly lis flow tube driven at roughly 80 hz, at a maximum
improve the accuracy of both the aerated mixture density amplitude of 1.5 mm. For the purposes of illustrating, the
measurement as well as the measurement of the non-aerated 60 length of the flow tube is estimated to be ~ 1 m. Using these
liquid portion of the mixture. numbers, the reduced frequency based on diameter and
length are shown in FIG. 17 for mixture sound speed ranging
Mass Flow Correction from 1500 m/s (typical of process liquids) and 50 m/s
The current state-of-the-art appears to utilize quasi-steady (possible for bubbly mixtures).
models, and empirical correlations based on quasi-steady 65 As shown, typical variations in mixture sound speeds due
models, to relate the measured quantities to the derived fluid to two phase flow result in significant variations in reduced
parameters. This quasi-steady model for the fluid structure frequencies.
US 7,152,460 B2
15 16
Thus, by dramatically reducing mixture speed of Sound, speeds. The different fluid properties suggest that the Corio
the introduction of gas to a liquid mixture can dramatically lis meters will be operating at different reduced frequencies.
increase the reduced frequency of the primary vibration The reduced frequency for the water will typically be
associated with the Coriolis meter. If not accounted for in the ~10%-30% lower than that for the oil application.
interpretation, this increase in reduced frequency renders the Recognizing that, while they are different, the reduced
quasi-steady model increasing inaccurate, and results in frequencies for both applications are still "small', the impact
errors in mass flow and in density. on accuracy may not be significant. However, some degree
This decrease in accuracy of Corilois meters with the of inaccuracy is introduced by not accounting for the dif
introduction of bubbly fluids is well documented. In fact, 10 ferences in the reduced frequency of operation of the Corio
others have attempted to correct for the effect of entrained lis meter in this application.
air by correlating observed errors in mass flow to the gas The basic concept disclosed herein was demonstrated in a
volume fraction within the process fluid. These authors water and air loop at near ambient pressures and tempera
proposed a correction based on GVF as follows: ture. The experimental set-up is shown in FIG. 13.
In this facility, water is pumped from the bottom of a large
separator through a mag meter which measures the Volu
metric flow rate of the water. The water then flows through
a SONARtracentrained air meter to verify that the water has
negligible entrained air. Air is then injected into the water
Where the C. represents the gas volume fraction and R forming a two phase mixture. The amount of entrained air is
represents decrease in measured (apparent) mass flow nor then measured with a second SONARtrac meter. The two
malized by the true mass flow. Thus, using this correlation, phase mixture, of known water and air composition then
a 1% increase in entrained air would result in a roughly 2% passes through a 3 inch, bent tube Corilois meter. The output
underestimate of the actual mass flow. s of all of the above mentioned metering devices where
Although this formulation appears to capture the general recorded along with water pressure and temperature. Using
trend observed experimentally, it has two drawbacks for use this information, the errors associated with the coriolis meter
in the field. Firstly, the coriolis meter 16 has no direct way operating in the aerated liquids can be determined and
to measure the gas volume fraction. It has been suggested to plotted as a function of sound speed based parameters. In
use the measured apparent density of the fluid to estimate the 30
this example, Coriolis meter performance is characterized as
level of entrained air, however, this is problematic since both a function of gas volume fraction. Errors in mass flow,
of the two fundamental measurements, phase difference and mixture density, and observed mixture density are shown in
natural frequency, are impacted by changes in the reduced FIG. 18.
frequency of the Coriolis vibration. Secondly, it is unlikely As shown, the errors are indeed significant. At 2%
that the gas volume fraction is the only variable influencing 35 entrained air, the Coriolis meter is over reporting mass flow
the relationship between measured phase difference and by 15% and under reporting mixture density by 2%. The
mass flow and the measured natural frequency and density. actual density being reported by the meter, if interpreted as
Although gas volume fraction appears to correlate over at the density of the liquid phase in the meter would be roughly
least some range of parameters, the physics of the problem 4% in error.
suggest that sound speed, via a reduced frequency effect, 40 For this example, the mass flow error is parameterized by
mayl have also direct influence on the interpretation as the sound speed-based gas Volume fraction of entrained air.
developed above. The parametric dependence of this is given by the equation
What is proposed in this disclosure is to use a direct sound shown on the plot.
measurement from the process fluid to aid in the interpre Mass Factor=0.0147 gf3-0.0018g f2+0.0041gvf
tation of the coriolis meter 16. In this interpretation, the 45 1.0009
reduced frequency parameters developed herein is included
in interpreting the relation between the phase difference in This correlation was then used to correct for the coriolis
the vibrating tubes and the mass flow as well as a direct role mass flow for the presence of entrained air. FIG. 19 shows
in interpreting the natural frequency of the oscillating flow a time series of data in which the amount of entrained air
tubes in terms of process fluid density. The sound speed 50 injected upstream of the Coriolis meter was varied in small
measurement, combined with knowledge of process liquid increments such that the total entrained air levels ranged
and gas components as well as process temperature and from 0 to 2%. As shown, the Coriolis meter registers and
pressure, enables a direct measurement of entrained air as significant errors in mass flow (up to 15%) due to entrained
well. Thus, the reduced frequency parameter and gas Volume air an the gas volume fraction based correlation employed
fraction can be used as inputs in the interpretation of phase 55 successfully corrects the mass flow errors to within roughly
lag in terms of mass flow. 1% for the demonstration.
Due to the strong relationship between air content in FIG. 20 illustrates a gas volume fraction meter 100 of
liquids and mixture sound speed, the role of the reduced FIG. 2, as described herein before. The GVF meter 100
frequency parameter in the interpretation of the fundamental includes a sensing device 116 disposed on the pipe 14 and
measurement of the Coriolis meter will have a more pro 60 a processing unit 124. The sensing device 116 comprises an
nounce effect in bubbly flows. However, changes in sound array of strain-based sensors or pressure sensors 118-121 for
speed and hence reduced frequency of operation in various measuring the unsteady pressures produced by acoustic
types of liquids and other process mixtures have an effect on waves propagating through the flow 12 to determine the
the interpretation and hence accuracy of Coriolis meter used speed of sound (SOS). The pressure signals P(t)-PM(t) are
in these applications as well. Consider, flow example, the 65 provided to the processing unit 124, which digitizes the
performance of a Coriolis meter on two liquids water and pressure signals and computes the SOS and GVF param
oil. Assume that the fluids have different densities and sound eters. A cable 113 electronically connects the sensing device
US 7,152.460 B2
17 18
116 to the processing unit 124. The analog pressure sensor may include more than two pressure sensors as depicted by
signals P(t)-P(t) are typically 4–20 mA current loop pressure sensor 120,121 at location XX. The pressure
signals. generated by the acoustic pressure disturbances may be
The array of pressure sensors 118-121 comprises an array measured through strained-based sensors and/or pressure
of at least two pressure sensors 118,119 spaced axially along sensors 118–121. The pressure sensors 118-121 provide
the outer surface 122 of the pipe 14, having a process flow analog pressure time-varying signals P(t), P(t), P(t), P(t)
112 propagating therein. The pressure sensors 118-121 may to the signal processing unit 124. The processing unit 124
be clamped onto or generally removably mounted to the pipe processes the pressure signals to first provide output signals
by any releasable fastener, such as bolts, screws and clamps. 151,155 indicative of the speed of sound propagating
Alternatively, the sensors may be permanently attached to, 10 through the flow 12, and subsequently, provide a GVF
ported in or integral (e.g., embedded) with the pipe 14. The measurement in response to pressure disturbances generated
array of sensors of the sensing device 116 may include any by acoustic waves propagating through the flow 12.
number of pressure sensors 118-121 greater than two sen The processing unit 124 receives the pressure signals
sors, such as three, four, eight, sixteen or N number of from the array of sensors 118–121. A data acquisition unit
sensors between two and twenty-four sensors. Generally, the 15 154 digitizes pressure signals P(t) P(t) associated with the
accuracy of the measurement improves as the number of acoustic waves 14 propagating through the pipe 114. An FFT
sensors in the array increases. The degree of accuracy logic 156 calculates the Fourier transform of the digitized
provided by the greater number of sensors is offset by the time-based input signals P(t) P(t) and provide complex
increase in complexity and time for computing the desired frequency domain (or frequency based) signals P(co).P.(c)),
output parameter of the flow. Therefore, the number of P(co).P.(()) indicative of the frequency content of the input
sensors used is dependent at least on the degree of accuracy signals.
desired and the desire update rate of the output parameter A data accumulator 158 accumulates the additional sig
provided by the apparatus 100. The pressure sensors nals P(t)-P(t) from the sensors, and provides the data
118-119 measure the unsteady pressures produced by acous accumulated over a sampling interval to an array processor
tic waves propagating through the flow, which are indicative 25
160, which performs a spatial-temporal (two-dimensional)
of the SOS propagating through the fluid flow 12 in the pipe. transform of the sensor data, from the Xt domain to the k-()
The output signals (P(t)-P(t)) of the pressure sensors domain, and then calculates the power in the k-() plane, as
118-121 are provided to a pre-amplifier unit 139 that represented by a k-co plot, similar to that provided by the
amplifies the signals generated by the pressure sensors convective array processor 146.
118–121. The processing unit 124 processes the pressure 30
To calculate the power in the k-() plane, as represented by
measurement data P(t) P(t) and determines the desired a k-co plot (see FIG. 22) of either the signals or the
parameters and characteristics of the flow 12, as described differenced signals, the array processor 160 determines the
The apparatus 100 also contemplates providing one or wavelength and so the (spatial) wavenumber k, and also the
more acoustic sources 127 to enable the measurement of the 35
(temporal) frequency and so the angular frequency (), of
speed of Sound propagating through the flow for instances of various of the spectral components of the stochastic param
acoustically quiet flow. The acoustic source may be a device eter. There are numerous algorithms available in the public
domain to perform the spatial/temporal decomposition of
the taps or vibrates on the wall of the pipe, for example. The arrays of sensor units 118–121.
acoustic Sources may be disposed at the input end of output
end of the array of sensors 118–121, or at both ends as 40 In the case of Suitable acoustic waves being present in
shown. One should appreciate that in most instances the both axial directions, the power in the k-() plane shown in
acoustics Sources are not necessary and the apparatus pas a k-co plot of FIG. 22 so determined will exhibit a structure
sively detects the acoustic ridge provided in the flow 12, as that is called an acoustic ridge 170,172 in both the left and
will be described in greater detail hereinafter. The passive right planes of the plot, wherein one of the acoustic ridges
noise includes noise generated by pumps, valves, motors, 45 170 is indicative of the speed of sound traveling in one axial
and the turbulent mixture itself. direction and the other acoustic ridge 172 being indicative of
As suggested and further described in greater detail the speed of sound traveling in the other axial direction. The
hereinafter, the apparatus 10 has the ability to measure the acoustic ridges represent the concentration of a stochastic
speed of Sound (SOS) by measuring unsteady pressures parameter that propagates through the flow and is a math
created by acoustical disturbances propagating through the 50 ematical manifestation of the relationship between the spa
flow 12. Knowing or estimating the pressure and/or tem tial variations and temporal variations described above.
perature of the flow and the speed of sound of the acoustic Such a plot will indicate a tendency for k-co pairs to appear
disturbances or waves, the processing unit 124 can deter more or less along a line 170,172 with some slope, the slope
mine gas Volume fraction, such as that described in U.S. indicating the speed of Sound.
patent application Ser. No. 10/349,716, filed Jan. 23, 2003, 55 The power in the k-() plane so determined is then pro
U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/376.427, filed Feb. 26, vided to an acoustic ridge identifier 162, which uses one or
2003, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/762,410, filed Jan. another feature extraction method to determine the location
21, 2004, which are all incorporated by reference. and orientation (slope) of any acoustic ridge present in the
Similar to the apparatus 100 of FIG. 20, an apparatus 200 left and right k-co plane. The velocity may be determined by
of FIG. 21 embodying the present invention has an array of 60 using the slope of one of the two acoustic ridges 170,172 or
at least two pressure sensors 118,119, located at two loca averaging the slopes of the acoustic ridges 170,172.
tions XX axially along the pipe 14 for sensing respective Finally, information including the acoustic ridge orienta
stochastic signals propagating between the sensors 118,119 tion (slope) is used by an analyzer 164 to determine the flow
within the pipe at their respective locations. Each sensor parameters relating to measured speed of Sound, such as the
118,119 provides a signal indicating an unsteady pressure at 65 consistency or composition of the flow, the density of the
the location of each sensor, at each instant in a series of flow, the average size of particles in the flow, the air/mass
sampling instants. One will appreciate that the sensor array ratio of the flow, gas volume fraction of the flow, the speed
US 7,152.460 B2
19 20
of sound propagating through the flow, and/or the percentage Alternatively, the sound speed of a mixture can be related
of entrained air within the flow. to volumetric phase fraction (cp.) of the components and the
An array processor 160 uses standard so-called beam Sound speed (a) and densities (O) of the component through
forming, array processing, or adaptive array-processing the Wood equation.
algorithms, i.e. algorithms for processing the sensor signals
using various delays and weighting to create Suitable phase
relationships between the signals provided by the different 1 & bi W
sensors, thereby creating phased antenna array functionality. s
pmir dinia,
=X pic;
where pair = Xi=1 Pith
In other words, the beam forming or array processing
algorithms transform the time domain signals from the 10
sensor array into their spatial and temporal frequency com One dimensional compression waves propagating within
ponents, i.e. into a set of wave numbers given by k=2TU/w a flow 12 contained within a pipe 14 exert an unsteady
where w is the wavelength of a spectral component, and internal pressure loading on the pipe. The degree to which
corresponding angular frequencies given by (0–2 tv. the pipe displaces as a result of the unsteady pressure
One such technique of determining the speed of Sound 15 loading influences the speed of propagation of the compres
propagating through the flow 12 is using array processing sion wave. The relationship among the infinite domain speed
techniques to define an acoustic ridge in the k-(1) plane as of Sound and density of a mixture; the elastic modulus (E),
shown in FIG. 22. The slope of the acoustic ridge is thickness (t), and radius (R) of a vacuum-backed cylindrical
indicative of the speed of Sound propagating through the conduit; and the effective propagation velocity (a) for one
flow 12. The speed of sound (SOS) is determined by dimensional compression is given by the following expres
applying Sonar arraying processing techniques to determine S1O.
the speed at which the one dimensional acoustic waves
propagate past the axial array of unsteady pressure measure
ments distributed along the pipe 14. 1 (eq 1)
25 deif =
The apparatus 200 of the present invention measures the 1 -- 2R
speed of sound (SOS) of one-dimensional sound waves aiico mir E
propagating through the mixture to determine the gas Vol
ume fraction of the mixture. It is known that Sound propa The mixing rule essentially states that the compressibility
gates through various mediums at various speeds in Such
fields as SONAR and RADAR fields. The speed of sound 30 of a mixture (1/(pa)) is the volumetrically-weighted aver
propagating through the pipe and flow 12 may be deter age of the compressibilities of the components. For gas/
mined using a number of known techniques, such as those liquid mixtures 12 at pressure and temperatures typical of
set forth in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/344,094, filed paper and pulp industry, the compressibility of gas phase is
Jun. 25, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,354,147: U.S. patent orders of magnitudes greater than that of the liquid. Thus,
application Ser. No. 10/795,111, filed Mar. 4, 2004; U.S. 35 the compressibility of the gas phase and the density of the
patent application Ser. No. 09/997.221, filed Nov. 28, 2001, liquid phase primarily determine mixture Sound speed, and
now U.S. Pat. No. 6,587,798: U.S. patent application Ser. as such, it is necessary to have a good estimate of process
No. 10/007,749, filed Nov. 7, 2001, and U.S. patent appli pressure to interpret mixture sound speed in terms of Volu
cation Ser. No. 10/762,410, filed Jan. 21, 2004, each of metric fraction of entrained gas. The effect of process
which are incorporated herein by reference. 40 pressure on the relationship between Sound speed and
entrained air volume fraction is shown in FIG. 23.
While the sonar-based flow meter using an array of
sensors 118-121 to measure the speed of sound of an Some or all of the functions within the processing unit 24
acoustic wave propagating through the mixture is shown and may be implemented in Software (using a microprocessor or
described, one will appreciate that any means for measuring computer) and/or firmware, or may be implemented using
the speed of Sound of the acoustic wave may used to 45 analog and/or digital hardware, having Sufficient memory,
determine the entrained gas volume fraction of the mixture/ interfaces, and capacity to perform the functions described
fluid or other characteristics of the flow described herein herein.
before. While the embodiments of the present invention shown in
The analyzer 164 of the processing unit 124 provides FIGS. 2, 20 and 21 shown the pressure sensors 118–121
output signals indicative of characteristics of the process
50 disposed on the pipe 14, separate from the coriolis meter, the
flow 12 that are related to the measured speed of sound present invention contemplates that the GVF meter 100 may
(SOS) propagating through the flow 12. For example, to be integrated with the coriolis meter to thereby provide a
determine the gas Volume fraction (or phase fraction), the single apparatus as shown in FIGS. 24 and 25. As shown in
analyzer 164 assumes a nearly isothermal condition for the these Figures, the pressure sensors 118-121 may be dis
flow 12. As such the gas volume fraction or the void fraction
55 posed on one or both of the tubes 302 of the coriolis meters
is related to the speed of sound by the following quadratic 300, 310.
equation: Referring to FIG. 24, a dual tube 302 coriolis meter 300
is provided having an array of pressure sensors 118-121,
318-320 disposed on a tube 302 of the coriolis meter. In this
wherein x is the speed of sound, A=1 +rg/rl(K/P-1)-
60 embodiment, an array of piezoelectric material strip 50 are
K/P B-K/P-2+rg/rl; C–1-K/rla, 2), Rg gas den disposed on a web and clamped onto the tube 302 as a
unitary wrap. This configuration is similar to that described
sity, K, effective K (modulus of the liquid and pipewall), in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/795,111, filed on Mar.
P pressure, and a measured speed of Sound. 4, 2004, which is incorporated herein by reference. Similar
Effectively, 65 to that described herein before, the pressure signals are
provided to a processing unit to calculate at least one of the
SOS, GVF and reduced frequency.
US 7,152.460 B2
21 22
FIG. 25 illustrates another embodiment of the present desired, for certain applications, the gratings may be
invention that integrated the pressure sensors 118–121 detached from (or strain or acoustically isolated from) the
within the coriolis meter 310. The advantages associated pipe if desired.
with integrating Sonar array into the existing footprint of a It is also within the scope of the present invention that any
Coriolis meter are numerous and include cost advantages, 5 other strain sensing technique may be used to measure the
marketing advantages and potential for performance advan variations in strain in the pipe, such as highly sensitive
tages. piezoelectric, electronic or electric, strain gages attached to
The flow tubes 302 employed in Coriolis meter are many or embedded in the pipe. Accelerometers may be also used
and varied. Typically the flow is diverted from the center line to measure the unsteady pressures. Also, other pressure
of the pipe to which the coriolis meter is attached, however, 10 sensors may be used, as described in a number of the
Coriolis meters employing straight tubes, in line with the aforementioned patents, which are incorporated herein by
process pipe, have also been introduced. The most common reference.
type is the U-tube coriolis meter as shown in FIG. 25. In another embodiment, the sensor may comprise of
Despite the varied shapes, coriolis flow tubes are typical piezofilm or strips (e.g. PVDF) as described in at least one
long and relatively slender, bent or straight. For bent tube 15 of the aforementioned patent applications.
coriolis meters, the flow tubes are typically of constant and While the illustrations show four sensors mounted or
reduced, cross-sectional than the pipe 14 to which the meter integrated in a tube of the coriolis meter, the invention
is attached, resulting in increased fluid velocity through the contemplates any number of sensors in the array as taught in
flow tubes. These two characteristics make the flow tubes at least one of the aforementioned patent applications. Also
well Suited as an acoustic waveguide for low frequency the invention contemplates that the array of sensors may be
acoustic waves. mounted or integrated with a tube of a coriolis meter having
Low frequency acoustic waves refer to waves for which shape. Such as pretzel shape, U-shaped (as shown), straight
the wavelength is significantly larger than the diameter of tube and any curved shape.
the flow tube 302. As we will see, for coriolis flow tubes, The invention further contemplated providing an elon
typically on the order of 1 inch in diameter, this definition of 25 gated, non-vibrating (or oscillating) portion that permits a
low frequency is not very restrictive. Thus, for a 1 inch greater number of sensors to be used in the array.
diameter flow tube conveying water, the acoustic waves with While the present invention describes an array of sensors
frequencies significantly below 60,000 ha are considered for measuring the speed of Sound propagating through the
low frequency (1 inch (1 ft/12 inches)*5000 ft/sec) flow for use in interpreting the relationship between coriolis
For these low frequency waves, the bends in the coriolis 30 forces and the mass flow through a coriolis meter. Several
other methods exists.
flow tubes 302 do not have any significant effect on the For example, for a limited range of fluids, an ultrasonic
propagation velocity of the acoustics. Thus, the coriolis flow device could be used to determine speed of sound of the fluid
tubes 302 are well suited to serve as the waveguide on which entering. It should be noted that the theory indicates that the
to deploy and array of sensors with which to determine the 35 interpretation of coriolis meters will be improved for all
speed of sound of the mixture. fluids if the sound speed of the process fluid is measured and
Most coriolis meters have highly tuned, well balanced used in the interpretation. Thus, knowing that the Sound
sets of flow tubes. It is important to minimize any impact of speed of the fluid is 5000 ft/sec as it would be for a water like
the sensor on the dynamics of the flow tubes. For the U-tube substance, compared to 1500 ft/sec as it would be for say
shown in FIG. 25 sensors as shown deployed near the body 40 Supercritical ethylene, would improve the performance of a
306 of the meter where the tubes 302 or essentially canti coriolis based flow and density measurement. These mea
levered. By attaching lightweight, Strain based sensors Surements could be performed practically using existing
118-121 at this position, the dynamics of the flow tube ultrasonic meters.
should be essentially unaffected by the sensor array. Further, Another approach to determine speed of Sound of the
placing the two groups of sensors 118,119 and 120,121 at the 45 fluids is to measure the resonant frequency of the acoustic
ends allows the sensor array aperture to span the entire flow modes of the flow tubes. When installed in a flow line, the
tube. Instrumenting the flow tubes as described herein cross sectional area changes associated with the transition
maximize the aperture of the sensor array contained within from the pipe into the typically much smaller flow tubes
a coriolis meter. Locating multiple sensors, but relatively creates a significant change in acoustic impedance. As a
closely spaced sensors near the ends results in a non 50 result of this change in impedance, the flow tube act as
uniformly spaced array. Initial data processed with Such Somewhat of a resonant cavity. By tracking the resonant
arrays indicates that this approach will be suitable. frequency of this cavity, one could determine the speed of
While integrated coriolis meters 300,310 of FIGS. 24 and sound of the fluid occupying the cavity. This could be
25 are U-shaped, the present invention contemplates that the performed with a single pressure sensitive device, mounted
sensor array may similarly disposed on a tube of a straight 55 either on the coriolis meter, of on the piping network
tube coriolis meter. attached to the coriolis meter.
For any embodiments described herein, the pressure sen In a more general aspect, the present invention contem
sors, including electrical strain gages, optical fibers and/or plates the ablility to augmenting the performance of a
gratings among others as described herein, may be attached coriolis meter using any method or means for measuring the
to the pipe by adhesive, glue, epoxy, tape or other Suitable 60 gas volume fraction of the fluid flow.
attachment means to ensure Suitable contact between the In one embodiment of the present invention as shown in
sensor and the pipe. The sensors may alternatively be FIG. 20, each of the pressure sensors 118-121 may include
removable or permanently attached via known mechanical a piezoelectric film sensor to measure the unsteady pressures
techniques such as mechanical fastener, spring loaded, of the fluid flow 12 using either technique described here
clamped, clam shell arrangement, strapping or other equiva 65 inbefore.
lents. Alternatively, the strain gages, including optical fibers The piezoelectric film sensors include a piezoelectric
and/or gratings, may be embedded in a composite pipe. If material or film to generate an electrical signal proportional
US 7,152.460 B2
23 24
to the degree that the material is mechanically deformed or pressure sensors 14 they may be connected individually or
stressed. The piezoelectric sensing element is typically con may be multiplexed along one or more optical fibers using
formed to allow complete or nearly complete circumferen wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), time division
tial measurement of induced strain to provide a circumfer multiplexing (TDM), or any other optical multiplexing
ential-averaged pressure signal. The sensors can be formed techniques.
from PVDF films, co-polymer films, or flexible PZT sensors, In certain embodiments of the present invention, a piezo
similar to that described in "Piezo Film Sensors Technical electronic pressure transducer may be used as one or more
Manual provided by Measurement Specialties, Inc., which of the pressure sensors 115-118 and it may measure the
is incorporated herein by reference. A piezoelectric film unsteady (or dynamic or ac) pressure variations inside the
sensor that may be used for the present invention is part 10 pipe or tube 14 by measuring the pressure levels inside of the
number 1-1002405-0, LDT4-028K, manufactured by Mea tube. These sensors may be ported within the pipe to make
Surement Specialties, Inc. direct contact with the mixture 12. In an embodiment of the
Piezoelectric film (“piezofilm'), like piezoelectric mate present invention, the sensors 14 comprise pressure sensors
rial, is a dynamic material that develops an electrical charge manufactured by PCB Piezotronics. In one pressure sensor
proportional to a change in mechanical stress. Consequently, 15 there are integrated circuit piezoelectric Voltage mode-type
the piezoelectric material measures the strain induced within sensors that feature built-in microelectronic amplifiers, and
the pipe 14 due to unsteady pressure variations (e.g., acous convert the high-impedance charge into a low-impedance
tic waves) within the process mixture 12. Strain within the voltage output. Specifically, a Model 106B manufactured by
pipe is transduced to an output Voltage or current by the PCB Piezotronics is used which is a high sensitivity, accel
attached piezoelectric sensor. The piezoelectrical material or eration compensated integrated circuit piezoelectric quartz
film may be formed of a polymer, Such as polarized fluo pressure sensor Suitable for measuring low pressure acoustic
ropolymer, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). The piezoelec phenomena in hydraulic and pneumatic systems. It has the
tric film sensors are similar to that described in U.S. patent unique capability to measure Small pressure changes of less
application Ser. No. 10/712.818, U.S. patent application Ser. than 0.001 psi under high static conditions. The 106B has a
No. 10/712,833, and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/795, 25 300 mV/psi sensitivity and a resolution of 91 dB (0.0001
111, which are incorporated herein by reference. psi).
Another embodiment of the present invention include a The pressure sensors incorporate a built-in MOSFET
pressure sensor Such as pipe strain sensors, accelerometers, microelectronic amplifier to convert the high-impedance
Velocity sensors or displacement sensors, discussed herein charge output into a low-impedance Voltage signal. The
after, that are mounted onto a strap to enable the pressure 30 sensor is powered from a constant-current source and can
sensor to be clamped onto the pipe. The sensors may be operate over long coaxial or ribbon cable without signal
removable or permanently attached via known mechanical degradation. The low-impedance voltage signal is not
techniques such as mechanical fastener, spring loaded, affected by triboelectric cable noise or insulation resistance
clamped, clam shell arrangement, strapping or other equiva degrading contaminants. Power to operate integrated circuit
lents. These certain types of pressure sensors, it may be 35 piezoelectric sensors generally takes the form of a low-cost,
desirable for the pipe 12 to exhibit a certain amount of pipe 24 to 27 VDC, 2 to 20 mA constant-current supply. A data
compliance. acquisition system of the present invention may incorporate
Instead of single point pressure sensors 118–121, at the constant-current power for directly powering integrated cir
axial locations along the pipe 12, two or more pressure cuit piezoelectric sensors.
sensors may be used around the circumference of the pipe 12 40 Most piezoelectric pressure sensors are constructed with
at each of the axial locations. The signals from the pressure either compression mode quartz crystals preloaded in a rigid
sensors around the circumference at a given axial location housing, or unconstrained tourmaline crystals. These
may be averaged to provide a cross-sectional (or circumfer designs give the sensors microsecond response times and
ence) averaged unsteady acoustic pressure measurement. resonant frequencies in the hundreds of kHz, with minimal
Other numbers of acoustic pressure sensors and annular 45 overshoot or ringing. Small diaphragm diameters ensure
spacing may be used. Averaging multiple annular pressure spatial resolution of narrow shock waves.
sensors reduces noises from disturbances and pipe vibrations The output characteristic of piezoelectric pressure sensor
and other sources of noise not related to the one-dimensional systems is that of an AC-coupled system, where repetitive
acoustic pressure waves in the pipe 12, thereby creating a signals decay until there is an equal area above and below
spatial array of pressure sensors to help characterize the 50 the original base line. As magnitude levels of the monitored
one-dimensional sound field within the pipe 12. event fluctuate, the output remains stabilized around the
The pressure sensors 118-121 of FIG. 20 described herein base line with the positive and negative areas of the curve
may be any type of pressure sensor, capable of measuring remaining equal.
the unsteady (or ac or dynamic) pressures within a pipe 14, It is also within the scope of the present invention that any
Such as piezoelectric, optical, capacitive, resistive (e.g., 55 strain sensing technique may be used to measure the varia
Wheatstone bridge), accelerometers (or geophones), Veloc tions in Strain in the pipe, such as highly sensitive piezo
ity measuring devices, displacement measuring devices, etc. electric, electronic or electric, Strain gages and piezo-resis
If optical pressure sensors are used, the sensors 118–121 tive strain gages attached to the pipe 12. Other strain gages
may be Bragg grating based pressure sensors, such as that include resistive foil type gages having a race track con
described in U.S. patent application, Ser. No. 08/925,598, 60 figuration similar to that disclosed U.S. patent application
entitled “High Sensitivity Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor For Ser. No. 09/344,094, filed Jun. 25, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No.
Use In Harsh Environments', filed Sep. 8, 1997, now U.S. 6.354,147, which is incorporated herein by reference. The
Pat. No. 6,016,702, and in U.S. patent application, Ser. No. invention also contemplates strain gages being disposed
10/224,821, entitled “Non-Intrusive Fiber Optic Pressure about a predetermined portion of the circumference of pipe
Sensor for Measuring Unsteady Pressures within a Pipe', 65 12. The axial placement of and separation distance AX, AX
which are incorporated herein by reference. In an embodi between the strain sensors are determined as described
ment of the present invention that utilizes fiber optics as the herein above.
US 7,152.460 B2
25 26
It is also within the scope of the present invention that any 8. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the meter is a coriolis
other strain sensing technique may be used to measure the meter.
variations in Strain in the tube, such as highly sensitive 9. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the processing unit
piezoelectric, electronic or electric, strain gages attached to determines a density signal indicative of the density of the
or embedded in the tube 14. non-gaseous portion of the aerated fluid in response to the
While a number of sensor have been described, one will natural frequency signal, the SOS signal, and a pressure
appreciate that any sensor the measures the speed of Sound signal indicative of the pressure of the fluid.
propagating through the fluid may be used with the present 10. The apparatus of claim 1, further includes a pressure
invention, including ultrasonic sensors. sensor to provide a pressure signal indicative of the pressure
The dimensions and/or geometries for any of the embodi 10 of the fluid, and
ments described herein are merely for illustrative purposes wherein the processing unit determines a density signal
and, as such, any other dimensions and/or geometries may indicative of the density of the non-gaseous portion of
be used if desired, depending on the application, size, the aerated fluid in response to the natural frequency
performance, manufacturing requirements, or other factors, signal, the pressure signal, and the SOS signal.
in view of the teachings herein. 15 11. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the at least one
It should be understood that, unless stated otherwise sensor includes a pressure sensor, ported pressure sensor,
herein, any of the features, characteristics, alternatives or ultrasonic sensor, or ported ultrasonic sensor.
modifications described regarding a particular embodiment 12. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the natural fre
herein may also be applied, used, or incorporated with any quency signal is used to determine the density of the aerated
other embodiment described herein. Also, the drawings fluid.
herein are not drawn to scale. 13. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the at least one
Although the invention has been described and illustrated sensor is an array of sensors having at least two sensors
with respect to exemplary embodiments thereof, the fore axially spaced along the pipe or the at least one tube.
going and various other additions and omissions may be 14. The apparatus of claim 13, wherein the array of
made therein and thereto without departing from the spirit 25 sensors includes Strain based sensors to measure acoustic
and scope of the present invention. pressures in the pipe or the at least one tube.
What is claimed is:
1. An apparatus for measuring density of an aerated fluid 15. The apparatus of claim 13, wherein the array of
flowing in a pipe; the system comprising: sensors are disposed on non-vibrating portions of the at least
one vibratable tube.
a meter having at least one vibratable tube wherein the 30
16. The apparatus of claim 14, wherein the acoustic
fluid flows therethrough, the meter providing a natural pressure is a one dimensional acoustic wave propagating
frequency signal indicative of a natural frequency of axially through the fluid in the pipe or the at least one tube.
the at least one vibratable tube: 17. A method of measuring density of an airated fluid
a device having at least one sensor disposed at the pipe or flowing in a pipe; the method comprising:
the at least one tube to measure the speed of Sound 35
providing a natural frequency signal indicative of a natu
propagating through the fluid, the device providing an
SOS signal indicative of the speed of Sound propagat ral frequency of at least one vibratable tube:
ing through the fluid; and providing an SOS signal indicative of the speed of sound
a processing unit to determine a density signal indicative propagating through the fluid; and
of the density of the non-gaseous portion of the aerated 40 determining a density signal indicative of the density of
fluid in response to the natural frequency signal and the the non-gaseous portion of the aerated fluid in response
SOS signal. to the natural frequency signal and the SOS signal.
2. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the SOS signal is 18. The method of claim 17, wherein the at least one tube
used to determine a GVF signal indicative of a gas Volu of the meter is bent or straight.
metric fraction (GVF) of the fluid. 45 19. The method of claim 17 further includes determining
3. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the at least one tube a composition signal indicative of the phase fraction of the
of the meter is bent or straight. fluid in response to the density signal and the SOS signal.
4. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the processing unit 20. The method of claim 17, further includes providing at
determines a composition signal indicative of the phase least one of the SOS signal, a GVF signal indicative of the
fraction of the fluid in response to the density signal and the 50 gas Volume fraction of the fluid and a reduced frequency
SOS signal. signal indicative of the reduced frequency of the fluid; and
5. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the device provides determining the density signal indicative of the density of
at least one of the SOS signal, a GVF signal indicative of the the non-gaseous portion of the fluid in response to at
gas Volume fraction of the fluid and a reduced frequency least the natural frequency signal, and at least one of the
signal indicative of the reduced frequency of the fluid; and 55 SOS signal, the GVF signal and the reduced frequency
wherein the processing unit determines the density signal signal.
indicative of the density of the non-gaseous portion of 21. The method of claim 17, wherein the meter is a
the fluid in response to at least the natural frequency coriolis meter.
signal, and at least one of the SOS signal, the GVF 22. The method of claim 17, further includes determining
signal and the reduced frequency signal. 60 the density of the aerated fluid in response to the natural
6. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the at least one frequency signal.
sensor is an array of sensors having at least three sensors 23. The method of claim 17, wherein the determining the
axially spaced along the pipe or the at least one tube. density signal further includes determining the density sig
7. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the at least one nal indicative of the density of the non-gaseous portion of
sensor is an array of sensors having at least 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 65 the aerated fluid in response to the natural frequency signal,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16 sensors axially spaced along the the SOS signal, and a pressure signal indicative of the
pipe or the at least one tube. pressure of the fluid.
US 7,152.460 B2
27 28
24. The method of claim 21, further includes measuring 40. The apparatus of claim 22, wherein the meter is a
the pressure of a fluid. coriolis meter.
25. The method of claim 17, further includes determining 41. The apparatus of claim 22, wherein the at least one
a GVF signal indicative of a gas volumetric fraction (GVF) sensor is an array of sensors having at least three sensors
of the fluid in response to the SOS signal. axially spaced along the pipe or the at least one tube.
26. The method of claim 17, wherein the providing an 42. The apparatus of claim 22, wherein the at least one
SOS signal includes using a at least one sensor disposed at sensor is an array of sensors having at least 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
the pipe or the at least one tube to determine the speed of 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16 sensors axially spaced along the
Sound propagating through the fluid. pipe or the at least one tube.
27. The method of claim 26, wherein the at least one 10 43. The apparatus of claim 22, wherein the at least one
sensor is an array of sensors having at least three sensors tube of the meter is bent or straight.
axially spaced along the pipe or the at least one tube. 44. The apparatus of claim 22, wherein the device pro
28. The method of claim 26, wherein the at least one vides at least one of the SOS signal, a GVF signal indicative
sensor is an array of sensors having at least 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. of the gas volume fraction of the fluid and a reduced
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16 sensors axially spaced along the 15 frequency signal indicative of the reduced frequency of the
pipe or the at least one tube. fluid; and
29. The method of claim 26, wherein the at least one wherein the processing unit determines the mass flow rate
sensor includes a pressure sensor, ported pressure sensor, signal indicative of the mass flow rate of the non
ultrasonic sensor, or ported ultrasonic sensor. gaseous portion of the fluid in response to at least the
30. The method of claim 26, wherein the at least one phase signal, and at least one of the SOS signal, the
sensor is an array of sensors having at least two sensors GVF signal and the reduced frequency signal.
axially spaced along the pipe or the at least one tube. 45. The apparatus of claim 22, wherein the at least one
31. The method of claim 30, wherein the array of sensors sensor is an array of sensors having at least two sensors
are disposed on non-vibrating portions of the at least one axially spaced along the pipe or the at least one tube.
vibratable tube. 25 46. The apparatus of claim 35, wherein the array of
32. The method of claim 30, wherein the array of sensors sensors are disposed on non-vibrating portions of the at least
one vibratable tube.
includes strain based sensors to measure acoustic pressures 47. The apparatus of claim 35, wherein the array of
in the pipe or the at least one tube. sensors includes Strain based sensors to measure acoustic
33. The method of claim 32, wherein the acoustic pressure 30 pressures in the pipe or the at least one tube.
is a one dimensional acoustic wave propagating axially 48. The apparatus of claim 45, wherein the acoustic
through the fluid in the pipe or the at least one tube. pressure is a one dimensional acoustic wave propagating
34. An apparatus for measuring mass flow rate of a fluid axially through the fluid in the pipe or the at least one tube.
flowing in a pipe; the system comprising:
a meter having at least two vibratable tubes wherein the 49. A method of measuring mass flow rate of an aerated
fluid flows therethrough, the meter providing a phase
35 fluid flowing in a pipe; the method comprising:
signal indicative of a phase difference between the at providing a phase signal indicative of the phase difference
least two vibratable tubes; between at least two vibratable tubes;
a device having at least one sensor disposed at the pipe or providing an SOS signal indicative of the speed of sound
propagating through the fluid; and
the at least one tube to measure the speed of Sound 40 determining a mass flow rate signal indicative of the mass
propagating through the fluid, the device providing at flow rate of the non-gaseous portion of the aerated fluid
least one of an SOS signal indicative of the speed of in response to the phase signal and the SOS signal.
Sound propagating through the fluid; and 50. The method of claim 36, wherein the at least one tube
a processing unit to determine a mass flow rate signal of the meter is bent or straight.
indicative of the mass flow rate of a non-gaseous 45 51. The method of claim 36, further includes providing at
portion of the fluid in response to the phase signal and least one of the SOS signal, a GVF signal indicative of the
the SOS signal. gas Volume fraction of the fluid and a reduced frequency
35. The apparatus of claim 22 wherein the SOS signal is signal indicative of the reduced frequency of the fluid; and
used to determine a GVF signal indicative of a gas Volu determining the mass flow rate signal indicative of the
metric fraction (GVF) of the fluid. 50 mass flow rate of the non-gaseous portion of the fluid
36. The apparatus of claim 22, wherein the phase signal in response to at least the phase signal, and at least one
is used to determine the mass flow rate of the aerated fluid. of the SOS signal, the GVF signal and the reduced
37. The apparatus of claim 22, wherein the at least one frequency signal.
sensor includes a pressure sensor, ported pressure sensor, 52. The method of claim 36, wherein the meter is a
ultrasonic sensor, or ported ultrasonic sensor. 55 coriolis meter.
38. The apparatus of claim 22, further includes a pressure 53. The method of claim 36, further includes determining
sensor to provide a pressure signal indicative of the pressure the mass flow rate of the aerated fluid in response to the
of the fluid, and phase signal.
wherein the processing unit determines a mass flow rate 54. The method of claim 36, further includes determining
signal indicative of the mass flow rate of the non 60 a GVF signal indicative of a gas volumetric fraction (GVF)
gaseous portion of the aerated fluid in response to the of the fluid in response to the SOS signal.
phase signal, the pressure signal, and the SOS signal. 55. The method of claim 36, wherein the determining the
39. The apparatus of claim 22, wherein the processing unit mass flow rate signal further includes determining the mass
determines a mass flow rate signal indicative of the mass flow rate signal indicative of the mass flow rate of the
flow rate of the non-gaseous portion of the aerated fluid in 65 non-gaseous portion of the aerated fluid in response to the
response to the phase signal, the SOS signal, and a pressure phase signal, the SOS signal, and a pressure signal indicative
signal indicative of the pressure of the fluid. of the pressure of the fluid.
US 7,152.460 B2
29 30
56. The method of claim 52, further includes measuring 61. The method of claim 49, wherein the at least one
the pressure of a fluid. sensor is an array of sensors having at least two sensors
57. The method of claim 36, wherein the providing an axially spaced along the pipe or the at least one tube.
SOS signal includes using a at least one sensor disposed at
the pipe or the at least one tube to determine the speed of 5 are62.disposed
The method of claim 54, wherein the array of sensors
on non-vibrating portions of the at least one
Sound propagating through the fluid. vibratable tube.
58. The method of claim 49, wherein the at least one
sensor is an array of sensors having at least three sensors 63. The method of claim 54, wherein the array of sensors
axially spaced along the pipe or the at least one tube. includes strain based sensors to measure acoustic pressures
59. The method of claim 49, wherein the at least one 10 in the pipe or the at least one tube.
sensor is an array of sensors having at least 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 64. The method of claim 61, wherein the acoustic pressure
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16 sensors axially spaced along the is a one dimensional acoustic wave propagating axially
pipe or the at least one tube.
60. The method of claim 49, wherein the at least one through the fluid in the pipe or the at least one tube.
sensor includes a pressure sensor, ported pressure sensor, 15
ultrasonic sensor, or ported ultrasonic sensor.

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