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Financial Management Sec I Assignment (Individual) 5x1 Marks Handwritten

Due Date 8th July 2019, Monday

1. Read some newspaper articles and discuss the role of a financial manager in India

2. Search the Internet for reports about the financial scandal in IL&FS.
Required: (a) Explain the essential elements of the scandal based on your understanding of financial
management at this stage. (b) Prepare a report comparing the IL&FS scandal with other financial scandals like
the PNB scam highlighting any similarities and differences between them.

3. Choose a listed company of your choice (say, Jet Airways). Download its annual report from the company’s
website and get capital market trading information from sources such as National Stock Exchange (NSE) and
Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) websites. You are required to provide a brief writeup on the company (covering
its history, products, markets, capacity, turnover, shareholding pattern, major competitors, and so on) and
comments on its objective(s).

4. Visit the SEBI website and read the various links. Discuss your understanding of the various functions of SEBI
and its organization structure.

5. Visit the RBI website and read the various links. Discuss your understanding of the various functions of RBI
and its organization structure.

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