Student Behaviour - Problem Solving Q

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In many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour.

What do you
think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?

It is true that the issue of pupils’ bad attitude is getting worse all over the world. There are
numerous reasons why the school goers show a bad behaviour, but steps can be taken to
tackle this problem.
There are several reasons why young students exert unexpected behaviour. Firstly, there is a
lack of proper training among the teachers on how to control the pupils. Secondly, we live in
a society where kids are showered with instant gratification. Parents are allowing their
offspring whatever they demand almost instantly, and this is making these young minds
impatience and not to listen to the adults. Finally, students have too much screen time in
terms of TV, phone and computer games; and this is making them unsocial and they end up
acting in a bad manner. Overall, due to these key causes, I believe the young generation of
today act in a rough and unacceptable way.
However, these mentioned issues are critical but solvable. To start with, the elementary level
tutors are in need of a great deal of mandatory training on controlling the students. For
instance, in Japan, for the first five years, the institutions only teach the manner and culturally
appropriate behaviours to the children. Also, the responsibility of the parents is even greater.
The parents need to control their school going kids by putting a limit to their demands, since
due to the over access to entertainments and instant gratification these children don't tend
to obey the teachers when they are at school. Furthermore, the parents need to spend a lot
of quality time with their children, rather than making them occupied with phones, TVs and
computer games. Spending quality time and proper counselling can make these youths
behave better.
In conclusion, to make the behaviour of the pupils better what needed is good training for
the teachers, restricting the screen time for the students and parents to spend good time with
their school going kids.

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