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DEPARTMENT OF BASIC SCIENCES Independence – Freedom – Happiness

Time: 3 Periods

Location of class: HDDLK10_CS

Date: 9/4/2019
Unit 12 At the currency exchange office
w To teach Students (Ss)
o Vocabulary: about currency
o Grammar: a, some, a lot of, there is/ there are: positive
w To develop Ss’ listening and reading skills
w to engage students in a classroom discussion
B. ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE: Ss have already learnt about the names of different types of
money and how people exchange currency when on holiday
Step 1: Attendance check (5’)
w Greeting
w Checking attendance
Absent Ss: …………………………………………………………..
Teacher’s comment: Try your best in your study to get the best result.

Step 2: Revision of the previous lesson: (10’)

- Play role a traveler and worker
- Imagine that you are at an airport, you need cash. Ask the worker questions to find out
Where the nearest bank is
 The bank’s business hours
 Where the ATM is
-You are a worker at an airport. Answer student your partner’s questions
Step 3: Teaching the new lesson: ( 90’ )
Aids: Cassette player, face2face
Method: Audio – Lingual method
Communicative approach

Part Content Teacher and Students ‘s activities Time

1/ Before you read the passage, talk
about these questions
1. What are the names of -Ask sts to work in pairs and answer these
different types of money? questions
2. How do people exchange -Listen and correct
2 currency when on holiday?
2/ Listening and read this poster -Play the record and ask stst to do the
from a currency exchange office, exercise
and then mark the following -Ask them to correct if the sentence are false
statement as true (T) or false (F)
1.F The exchange rates constantly
2. F Money takes a small
3 3. T
VOCABULARY Ask stst to scan again the passage and find
3/ Write down the word that means down the word that means the same as the
the same as the underlined part underlined part
1. Rate -Correct
2. Local currency
3. Commission
-Ask sts to do the exercise
4/ Match the word (1-8) with the -Correct
definitions (A-H)

1. D
2. A
3. G
4. B
5. C
6. F
7. H
4 8. E
LISTENING -Play the record twice and ask sts to listen
5/ Listen to the conversation between the conversation between an employee at the
an employee at the currency currency exchange and a customer. Then
exchange and a customer. Then choose the correct answer.
answer the questions
1. A
2. C
6/ Listen again. Fill in the blanks -Play the record again and ask sts to fill in
1. Exchange the blanks
2. Money -Play again and check
3. Currency
4. Exchange rate
5. Commission
6. 4 euros
7. Policy
5 8. Free
SPEAKING -Ask sts to use the language such as:
7/ With a partner, act out the role
below, based on the dialogue from What currency do you need?
Task 6. Decide who students A and What’s the exchange rate?
student B are. Then switch roles Do you take a commission?
-Ask sts play role
Student A : You are a customer at a currency
exchange office. Ask sts B question about:
 The exchange rate
 The commission
 The buy-back policy
Students B: You are an exchange worker at
Global Money Exchange. Answer stst A’s
6 question
WRITING -Listen and correct
Use the conversation in task 7 to fill
in the information about
conversation with partner

Step 4: Consolidation (20’)

T asks Ss to repeat “ there ‘s and there are”
T asks Ss to do exercise on workbook to consolidate lesson.

Step 5:T stops the class. (4’)

T asks Ss to learn by heat all vocabulary
T asks Ss to prepare for the next lesson.
QUALITY: ...............................................................................................................
CONTENT: ..............................................................................................................
METHOD: ................................................................................................................
Date: 9/4/2019
Departmental Head Teacher

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