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Technique: Brain:Axials-DWI,T1,T2,FLAIR & SWI,T1 sagital & T2 coronal .

Bilateral cerebral hemispheres show no areas of altered signal intensity.
Bilateral internal capsule, thalami & basal ganglia appear normal.
Corpus callosum appears normal.
Optic chiasma and infundibulum appear normal.
Bilateral cerebellar hemispheres show no areas of altered signal intensity.
Brainstem appears normal in signal intensity.
No haemorrhage/ focal lesion/ infarct.
Cortical sulci, sylvian fissures and cisterns appear normal.
Bilateral lateral ventricles and third ventricle appear normal.
Fourth ventricle appears normal.
CP angles appears normal.
Visualised flow voids appear normal.
Orbits appear normal.
Visualized paranasal sinuses are normal.


 MRI study of brain reveals no significant abnormality.

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