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Report on the Equestrian Diarchy and it’s workings

HSH Twilight Sparkle

Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns

Many things have changed in equestrian politics over the last few years, the princess of
the night, long thought to be a myth has returned, the long fabled crystal empire has
emerged in the north and new alicorns seem to be popping up everywhere.

As the most junior of this plethora of pony princesses I find myself compelled to clarify
the state of the equestrian monarchy and government given all these changes. Whether
you are a school foal learning about our nation for the first time or just a pony curious
about this sort of thing, I hope that I will be able to clear everything up.

Her Divine Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria. (1) That’s a name that you’ve all
heard before, but let’s delve into what the tittle really means.

1: I’m using the Princesses shortened title here. Her full list of honorifics could fill a
small volume.

Currently in Equestria there are three princess variations, corresponding to the magnitude
of pony they represent. The two Alicorn sisters are Divine Highnesses, given their
immortal lifespans and magnificence at birth. (2)

2: Princess Flurry Heart would also be considered such, although her station as a vassal
ruler may complicate things.

The second variation corresponds to members of the royal family that are not members of
the ruling diarchy, the Royal Highnesses. This title is held at current by three individuals,
Prince blueblood (3), Princess Cadence and Prince Shining armor.

3: Prince Bloodblood’s unique case is expanded upon later in the document.

The third and final variation, which happens to correspond to yours truly is the Serene
Highness. This title is reserved for ascended Alicorns that have no designated fiefdom but
are claimed by the monarchy as one of their own. This tradition started in CR 500 as a
way for potential threats to equestrian sovereignty to be neatly folded into the established

For reigning monarchs to possess the title of “Princess” may seem strange to some. The
historical reason for this is actually quite sound. During the founding of Equestria proper
the two regal sisters adopted the title of Princess as a means to display their equality in
rule. It was felt at the time that the egalitarity of two reigning princesses was better than
the strange totality of two reigning queens.
The beginning years of the diarchy were spent smoothing over existing customs in
Unicorn, Pegasus and Earth pony governments, in order to centralize control around a
strong monarchy. This is second reason for the choosing of the “Princess” title, to be
declared Queen, Commander or Chancellor would amount to playing favoritism among
the pony races.(4)

4:Although it is noted that Princess Celestia retains “Queen of Unicornia” as one of her

This brings us to the pre-unification monarchy, the line of Platinum. As the old order was
swept away in the face of the majesty and power of the Alicorn sisters, several
compromises were made. The Unicorn nobles, fearful that their privileges and holdings
would be stripped away as the control of the state was increasingly centralized, appealed
directly to Princess Celestia to preserve their social order.

After intense negotiations between the upper nobility and the crown, a compromise was
made similar to those struck with the governments of the other races. The line of
Platinum and the nobility were allowed to exist in perpetuity provided that the crown of
Unicornia was handed to the Alicorn sisters (5) and the royal line was degraded by and
order of one magnitude to accommodate for the change.

5:Celestia in particular, Luna cared more about martial matters.

This process resulted in the survival of the Platinum line into the current era. The current
Platinum, His Royal Highness Prince Blueblood, Duke of Canterlot and Margrave of the
eastern reach heads the nobility from the Equestrian capital many generations later.
With this multitude of princes and princesses, the need for differentiation in station
becomes readily apparent.

Next we come upon the case of the crystal princess, Her Royal Majesty Princess Mi
Amore Cadenza. Dubious descendent of the Crystal refugees that fled to Equestria during
King Sombra’s reign millennia ago, she and her husband Prince Shining armor currently
rule the Crystal Empire as a vassal state of Equestria.(6)

6: It is worth noting the irony of the status of the Crystal Empire as a vassal state of
Equestria given it’s historical relationship as the larger, more powerful nation prior to
it’s sudden disappearance.

Although Princess Cadence is an ascended Alicron by merit, she was raised to the rank of
Royal Highness when she was adopted into the Monarchy by Princess Celestia. Whether
by pre-cognition or wonderful timing, Princess Cadance and her Husband were ready to
take control of the Crystal Empire when it and the shadow tyrant Sombra re-emerged in
CR 1003.
The two were installed into the vacant crystal throne after Sombra’s defeat according to
Princess Celestia’s Pan-pony unification doctrine. (7) Following such doctrine has led
Equestria through rapid territorial expansion since the three tribes were originally united.

7: Given the birth of Flurry Heart, it seems that the Crystal succession, and as a result
Equestria’s northern border is secured.

The diarchy has gone through many changes since it’s inception at the founding of
Equestria. My only hope is that in the course of time future generations will be able to
appreciate the truly exceptional times this generation of Equestrians live in.

I hope this document serves to clear up any confusion that may arise on the part of the
Equestian populace as it pertains to the royal interworking of the nation. In conclusion,
Equestria as a nation and ponykind as a race continue to flourish under the eye of a
watchful aristocracy that amply rewards merit, however lowly or common it’s origin.

My thanks to Their Divine Majesties Princess Celestia and Luna for their co-operation
during the course of my research. I also would like to thank the Royal Canterlot Archives
for putting up with my requests at all hours of the night in the name of public education.

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