SRM University: Department of Chemical Engineering Course Plan

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Course Code : CH1101
Semester : IV (B.TECH)
Course Time : Jan – May

Required Text Books:

1. Gupta,“Elements of fuels, furnaces and refractories”, Khanna Publishers,NewDelhi, 2010
2. Rao S.& Dr. Parulakar B.B.,“Energy Technology”, Khanna Publishers, NewDelhi, 1994
3. Samir Sarkar,“Fuels and Combustion”,University Press (India) private limited, 2009
4. Haslam. R.J,. Russal.R.P,Fuels and their combustion,1997
5. David. S,Handbook of Industrial energy conservation, Van Nostrand, NewYork, USA, 1997
6. Altert P.E.Thimann,Handbook of Energy Audit, The Fairmount Press Inc.Georgia, USA,
7. Murphy.W.R..Mckay.GEnergy Management, Butterworths.
8. SmithC.BEnergy Management Principles,Pergamon Press
9. Energy Auditing, The Fairmont Press Inc. Published by Atlanta, Georgia
10. Hunt. V.D,“Wind power: A handbook on Wind energy Conversion systems”.Van Nostrand
Reinhold Company, 1981.
11.Agrawal.R.D.“Organization and Management”, Tata McGrew Hill, New delhi

To familiarize
1. To familiarize basics of fossil fuels and their production
2. Combustion process of fuels
3. Recent energy generation techniques
4. Energy audit principles and concepts
5. Various methods of energy management

Assessment Details:
Cycle test I : 10 marks
Cycle Test II : 10 marks
Surprise Test /
Assignment : 5 marks
Model exam : 20 marks
Attendance : 5 Marks

Test Schedule:

S.No Date Test Topics Duration

1 Cycle test-I Unit I 100 min
2 Cycle test-II Unit & II 100 min
3 Surprise test Unit I,II,III 20 min
4 Model Exam Unit III, IV, V 3 hrs
Students who have successfully completed this course will have full understanding of the
following concepts
Course Outcome Program Outcome
This course helps the students Students will:
To motivate the students by highlighting the
importance of Energy technology and • Be able to understand the various
various energy management concepts types of fuels and the combustion
• Energy audit & Energy Management
• Hybrid systems

Detailed Session plan:


Solid fuels–Coal origin, analysis and properties, efficient utilisation, storage and applications,
Liquid fuels–PetroleumProduction and consumption, refining, properties and petroleum products,
Gaseous fuels –natural gas, producer gas, water gas,gasification of coal ;gases from biomass
Sessi Topics to be covered Time Ref Teaching Testing method
on (min) method
1 Coal origin, analysis and 50 1-3 BB Group Discussion
2 efficient utilisation 50 1-3 BB Group Discussion /
3 storage and applications 50 1-3 PPT Group Discussion
4 PetroleumProduction and 50 1-3 PPT GD / Assignment
5 Refining 50 1-3 BB Group Discussion

6 natural gas 50 1-3 BB Group Discussion /

7 producer gas 50 1-3 PPT Group Discussion
8 water gas 50 1-3 PPT Group Discussion
9 gasification of coal, gases 50 1-3 PPT Group Discussion
from biomass
Distinct features of combustion of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels –determination of gross and net
calorific values - combustion of solid fuels including pulverized fuels, stoking and ash removal -
fluidized bed combustion of solid fuels - combustion of liquid fuels - burners and nozzles -
combustion of gaseous fuels - types of combustion: surface combustion, submerged combustion
and pulsating combustion
10 Distinct features of 50 1 BB Group Discussion
combustion of solid, liquid
and gaseous fuels
11 determination of gross and net 50 1 BB GD
calorific values
12 combustion of solid fuels 50 1 BB GD
including pulverized fuels
13 stoking and ash removal 50 1 BB GD
14 fluidized bed combustion of 50 1 BB Group Discussion
solid fuels
15 combustion of liquid fuels 50 1 BB Group Discussion
16 burners and nozzles 50 1 BB/PPT GD
17 combustion of gaseous fuels 50 1 BB Group Discussion
18 types of combustion: surface 50 1 BB Group Discussion
combustion, submerged
combustion and pulsating

Wind -PV systems, Wind -DG systems, Wind -Hydel systems, Gasifier DG –Wind systems and
Application areas, Hybrid conventional and geothermal power plants, Integrated coal gasifier and
fuel cell power plant

19 Wind -PV systems 50 1 BB/PPT Group discussion

20 Wind -DG systems 50 1 BB Group discussion
21 Wind -Hydel systems 50 1 BB Group discussion
22 Gasifier DG –Wind systems 50 1 BB GD
23 Application areas 50 1 PPT Group Discussion
24 Hybrid conventional and 50 1 PPT Group Discussion /
geothermal power plants Assignment
25 Hybrid conventional and 50 1 PPT Group Discussion
geothermal power plants
26 Integrated coal gasifier 50 1 PPT Group Discussion
27 fuel cell power plant 50 1 PPT Group Discussion
Energy Audit: Types and Methodology; Energy Audit Reporting Format;Understanding Energy
Costs; Benchmarking and Energy Performance; Matching Energy Usage to Requirement;
Maximising System Efficiency; Fuel and Energy Substitution; Energy Audit Instruments; Duties
and responsibilities of energy Auditor
28 Energy Audit: Types 50 1 PPT Group Discussion
29 Energy Audit 50 1 PPT GD
Methodology, Energy
Audit Reporting
30 Understanding Energy 50 1 PPT GD / Class test
31 Benchmarking and 50 1 PPT GD
Energy Performance
32 Matching Energy 50 1 PPT GD / Assignment
Usage to Requirement
33 Maximising System 50 1 PPT Group Discussion
34 Fuel and Energy 50 1 PPT Group Discussion
35 Energy Audit 50 1 PPT Group Discussion
36 Duties and 50 1 PPT Group Discussion
responsibilities of
energy Auditors
Definition and objectives of Energy Management; Importance; Indian need of Energy
Management; Energy action planning, Energy organisation, energy costing, budgeting, Equipment
professionals, staffing, Monitoring and targeting -Data and Information Analysis; Relating Energy
Consumption and Production, Design of energy management programs

37 Definition and 50 1 BB Group Discussion

objectives of Energy
38 Importance; Indian 50 1 PPT/BB GD/Seminar
need of Energy
39 Energy action planning 50 1 PPT Group Discussion
40 Energy organisation, 50 1 PPT GD
energy costing
41 Budgeting, 50 1 PPT Group Discussion /
Equipment Seminar
professionals, staffing
42 Monitoring and 50 1 PPT Group Discussion /
43 Data and Information 50 1 PPT GD.
44 Relating Energy 50 1 BB Group Discussion
Consumption and
45 Design of energy 50 1 BB Group Discussion
management programs

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