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Date 9/3/16
Time 1630HRS-1900HRS
Venue LT2
Chairperson Soo Sze Jie
Present All except the following
Absent Yuxin, Ze Ning, Yee Jing, Cie Jen, Yuzhen, Xinrui,
Marcus, Ying Xuan, Rachel Tan, Zi Wen,
Remarks -


1 Introduction to SC
2 Proposal Writing
3 Google Calendar
4 School Tour Training


1 Introduction to SC
1. Job scope
a. 1 department (except EXCO)
b. 2-3 projects
c. responsibilities (moning assemblies, ushering, match
support etc)
d. council activities (GMs and Camps)
e. personal development (trainings)
2. How does council work?
a. 5 departments, projects (some between JH and SH,
some not combined)
b. DFs (goal for the year)
c. Projects align goals to DFs
d. Departmental Objectives align to DF
e. Departments: Split into sub-committees (eg IA was
split into bonding, welfare and training)
f. Projects are also split into sub-committees (bonding
induction finale etc)
g. Using a car as an analogy, the car represents a
project/department, and these are vehicles that
allow you to do what you said you wanted to
achieve in your campaign (eg vibrancy, unique

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school culture)
h. Projects: Secondary committee members, primary
committee members (basically sub-comm ICs), OIC
& AICs (number varies based on scale of events),
council teachers
i. P, VPs in a ‘cloud’ between OIC AIC/ HODs and
j. Part of being a KP is knowing when to step in and
when to step out
k. Departments: department members, sub-comm ICs,
HODs, teachers
l. Process:
i. Idea generation à meetings - google
ii. Proposal writing à SOPs – proposal template
iii. Approval à milestone meetings (presentation,
feedback, decisions)
iv. Preparation à procurement (established
procedure of buying logistics)
v. ExecutionàSOPs (DAS)
vi. Follow-up à thank you email, AAR, survey,
scoreboard (more for departments, measures
the percentage of work done compared to
what was set out to be done)
m. SOPs/habits:
i. Templates – Proposal, GGD etc
ii. Archiving à naming documents
iii. Emails à title, signature, cc
3. Expectations
a. A good student
i. Basics: attendance, attire, attitude,
b. A good worker
i. Organised, determined, meticulous,
independent, resourceful…
c. A good teammate
i. Pulling your own weight, looking out for

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2 Proposal Writing

- To ensure standardisation
- For ease of future reference

- Refer to slides for the details of proposal writing

Follow-up action: Proposal writing practice. To be
submitted to Michelle and Bryan. Deadline will be given by
3 Google Calendar

- To facilitate scheduling of meetings

- SCs should consistently update their calendar, a not
updated calendar should not be an excuse not to attend
- Remember to only use the official DHS calendar for SC

4 School Tour Training

- Familiarise yourself with the route, facts about the school

- Be prepared to give school tours during events like
AM@DHS, Open House, Investiture networking sessions
- Refer to slides for more details

There being no other matters for discussion,

The meeting was adjourned at: 1900HRS


Notes of Meeting documented Koh Ming Yi
Date 9/3/1/6
Vetted and approved by Soo Sze Jie
Date 9/3/16

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