M Tech Project Report On Electric ATV

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Tech Project Report on

Design and Development of a Remotely Operated
Electric All-Terrain Vehicle

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Technology

Ramniwas Singh
(Roll No. 143104014)

Under the guidance of

Prof. V. Kartik

Department of Mechanical Engineering


July 2016
Dissertation Approval

The dissertation entitled “Design and Development of a Remotely Operated Electric All-Terrain
Vehicle” by Ramniwas Singh (Roll No. 143104014) is approved for the degree of Master of


This is to certify that this credit first stage report entitled “Design and Development of a Remotely
Operated Electric All-Terrain Vehicle” by Ramniwas Singh (Roll No. 143104014) is approved
for submission.

Prof. V. Kartik



I express deep sense of gratitude to my guide Prof. V Kartik, Department of Mechanical

Engineering, IIT Bombay, for giving me the opportunity to pursue my project under his valuable
guidance. I am thankful to him for his constant encouragement as well as for providing necessary
information regarding the topic.

I express my thanks to Shri Ravi Jain (B. Tech, 2nd year, IITB), Shri Anjan (B. Tech, 2nd year,
IITB) and other B. Tech. 1st year students who devoted heartily for the development of the

I would also like to thank all those who directly or indirectly helped me in the course of my

Last but not the least I would like to express my heart filled gratitude to my parents and family,
without whom nothing would have been possible.

Date: 28/06/16 Ramniwas Singh

Place: IIT Bombay, Powai. (143104014)


This thesis describes the development, fabrication and testing of a remotely-operated electric all-
terrain vehicle (ROEATV) for military, police and civilian application. In operational areas,
military, border guarding and other security forces have to often travel through unprepared roads
in forest, mountainous, riverine, or desert terrain for search operations, patrolling, road opening/
mine clearing or logistical supply. During such operations, there is a need to carry food and
medical supplies, ammunition, and other equipment. Conventionally-fueled ATVs can perform
these functions, but they pose a logistical burden due to the need to supply their fuel through
unfavorable terrain. In most such peacetime operations, the forces operate on a routine basis over
a limited, predefined geographical area of responsibility from an established base station. Also, it
is advantageous if such a logistics vehicle has low thermal and acoustic signature in order to evade
detection by enemy forces. In such a scenario, an electrically-powered all-terrain vehicle can be
a viable solution, especially when charged using a solar photovoltaic or micro-wind system. Such
a 4x4 wheeled vehicle is designed in which the two left or right wheels are powered by one set of
motor and gearbox each, in order to enable differential steering. The methodology and
considerations to design the ROEATV are detailed, including the calculations for power and
torque requirements to negotiate different terrains and gradients, and to climb steps. Suitable
commercially-available powertrain components, such as motors, gearboxes, chains/sprockets and
drive shafts are selected and assembled. Lead-Acid batteries are selected for this proof-of-concept
vehicle, but with the provision to enable upgradation to lithium-ion or other high energy density
battery packs. A double wishbone suspension system that allows a large amount of wheel travel
in the vertical direction is designed and fabricated. The braking and steering systems are
fabricated using commercially available subsystems but actuated electrically. Remote operation
using a line-of-sight radio control (RC) system is demonstrated. Preliminary testing of the
developed prototype has been carried out with and without pay load, and under a limited set of
test points to test step-climbing, gradient negotiation, speed, endurance and turning circle. The
ROEATV’s design has been conceptualized to enable it to be made an amphibious vehicle in
future, as well as upgrade it to a 6x6 configuration for extreme cross-country ability. The
developed ROEATV shows promise as a platform that can serve both military and civilian
applications, in tasks ranging from logistics and light payload transport to remote inspection and


Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Motivation ............................................................................................................................. 2

1.2 Problem Definition................................................................................................................. 2

1.3 Specifications of the EATV ………………....................…………………………….……..2

1..4 Objective …………………………………………………………………...…........……....3

1.5 Outline of report …………………………………………………………….......…..………4

Chapter 2 Literature Survey………………………………………………………….…...…..5

2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................ 5

2.2 Overview of different ATV and their comparison................................................................. 5

2.2.1 Electric All-Terrain Vehicle (EATV)...................................................................5

2.2.2 Fuel Powered ATV ………....…………………………….………………...…..6

2.2.3 Hybrid Vehicle......................................................................................................8

2.2.4 Wheeled and Tracked ATV................................................................................10

2.2.5 Amphibious ATV................................................................................................12

2.3 Suspension system..........................................................................................................12

2.3.1 Classification of suspension systems..................................................................12

2.4 Steering system.................................................................................................................13

2.5 Battery..............................................................................................................................14

Chapter 3 Power Train........................................................................................................16

3.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................16

3.2 Weight calculation..........................................................................................................17

3.3 Power and torque calculation..........................................................................................19

3.3.1 Rolling resistance................................................................................................19

3.3.2 Aerodynamic resistance .......................................................................................20

3.3.3 Gradient resistance ..............................................................................................20

3.3.4 Inertia force .........................................................................................................20

3.3.5 Drawbar pull .......................................................................................................20

3.3.6 Torque required on plain ground ........................................................................20

3.3.7 Torque required for climbing a gradient..............................................................21

3.3.8 Torque required for step climbing........................................................................21

3.4 Power train design ...........................................................................................................24

3.4.1 Motor power calculations and selection...............................................................24

3.4.2 Selection of gear box............................................................................................25

3.4.3 Battery pack and battery selection........................................................................26

3.4.4 Sprocket and chain selection................................................................................27

Chapter 4 Chassis and Mechanical Systems............................................................................30

4.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 31

4.2 Double wishbone suspension system……………………………………………….....30

4.2.1. Geometry design.....................................................................................................31

4.2.2 Force Analysis: force on suspension members....................................................33

4.2.3 Parts Design.........................................................................................................35

4.3 Steering system......................................................................................................................38

4.3.1 Steering force calculation and motor selection...................................................38

4.3.2 Turning circle diameter (TCD) of the EATV.....................................................39

4.4 Brake system.........................................................................................................................40

4.5 Chassis and body...................................................................................................................42

4.6 Wheel assembly....................................................................................................................44

Chapter 5 Control system........................................................................................................45

5.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................45

5.2 Motor controller……………...............................................................................................46

5.3 The circuit diagram of the control system…………………………………………………47

5.4 Power supply system ………………………………………………………………………48

Chapter 6 Testing and trial......................................................................................................49

6.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................49

6.2 Testing of parts and assemblies.............................................................................................49

6.2.1 Testing of motor with drive...................................................................................49

6.2.2 Spring stiffness Test..............................................................................................49

6.2.3 Testing of drive assembly......................................................................................50

6.3 Dimensional measurement ...................................................................................................51

6.4 Testing of EATV on without pay load ................................................................................52

6.3.1 Turning circle diameter (TCD) measurement ......................................................52

6.3.2 Step climbing .......................................................................................................52

6.5 Testing of ROEATV with pay load……………………………………………………….53

6.5.1 Speed test………………………………………………………………… …53

6.5.2 Step climbing test…………………………………………………… ………53

Chapter 7 summery and future scope of work......................................................................54

7.1 Summary………………………………………………………………………………54

7.2 Future Work………………………………………………………………… ………55

List of Figures

Figure no. Title Page no.

1.1 Image of the All-terrain vehicle 1

2.1 Architecture of EATV 6

2.2 Power train of Fueled power ATV 6

2.3 Power train for series hybrid Vehicle 8

2.4 Power train for parallel hybrid Vehicle 8

2.5 Architecture of (a) Tracked vehicle and (b) wheeled vehicle [ 9

2.6 Vehicle steering by (a) differential method and (b) Ackerman Method 13

2.7 Schematic diagram of the rack pinion steering system 14

3.1 CAD Model of EATV (a) 2-D and (b) 3-D 16

3.2 Power train of EATV (a) Schematic diagram (b) CAD model 17

3.3 Rolling Resistance at different coefficient of rolling 19

3.4 Free body Diagram of forces on wheel 22

3.5 Torque required by one motor for step climbing 23

3.6 Torque required at different ground condition 24

3.7 Power required at different ground condition 25

3.8 Photograph of power train assembly 28

4.1 Double Wishbone Suspension System 30

4.2 Geometry design in CAD Software 31

4.3 Camber angle values with vertical travel of wheel 32

4.4 Half-track changes with wheel travel in vertical direction 32

4.5 CAD model of front left side suspension system 34

4.6 Force analysis on suspension members (a) 2D representation of 34
suspension system, (b): force at point ‘C’ (c) FBD of link CD (lower
arm) and (d) force in spring

4.7 Stress analysis of lower arm 36

4.8 Image of fabricated spring 37

4.9 CAD model of steering system operated by motor 38

4.10 TCD determination 40

4.11 General arrangement of brake system (a) schematic diagram, (b) 41

CAD model

4.12 Sketch of braking system at wheel 41

4.13 CAD model of chassis 43

4.14 CAD model of body bolted on chassis 43

4.15 Aluminum profile (a) Cross- sectional view (b) 3-D image and (c) 43
Actual part

4.16 Wheel (a) for ATV application [20] and (b) photograph of wheel 44
using in EATV

5.1 Photograph of (a) transmitter, 2.8 GHz, (b) arduino, (c) receiver and (d) 46

5.2 Circuit diagram of control system 47

5.3 Circuit diagram of power supply system 48

6.1 Motor testing 49

6.2 Spring stiffness test 50

6.3 Testing of drive assembly 51

6.4 Photograph of EATV 51

6.5 Photograph of impression line of wheel 52

6.6 Photograph during the 190 mm step climbing without paypoad 52

6.7 Photograph of 175 mm step climb test on 300 kg payload 53

List of Table
Table no. Title Page No

1.1 Specification of the EATV 2

2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of EATV 7

2.2 Advantages of wheeled ATV over Tracked ATV 10

2.3 Comparison for different types of batteries 14

3.1 Approximate weight of different parts and assemblies 18

3.2 Specification of selected motor 25

3.3 Calculation for battery capacity 27

4.1 Result obtained from geometric design 32

4.2 Spring characteristic 37

4.3 Mechanical properties of Aluminum alloy 6061 T-6 44


6.1 Spring properties 50

6.2 Dimensional measurement 51

EV – Electric Vehicle
ATV – All Terrain Vehicle
EATV – Electric All-Terrain Vehicle.
2-D – two dimension
Rr - Rolling resistance
Ra – Air resistance
Ri – Inertial resistance
Rg – gradient resistance
Rd – Drawbar load
m– Gross weight of vehicle (kg)
g– Gravitational acceleration (m/s2)
µr – Coefficient of rolling resistance
µ– Coefficient of friction between tire and ground surface
ρ– Mass density of air
Cd - Coefficient of aerodynamic resistance
𝐴𝑓 - Frontal area of vehicle
V- Relative speed of vehicle with respect of wind
θ– Road surface inclination angle with horizontal (degree)
t– Time to achieve zero speed to maximum speed of vehicle
r– Wheel radius
𝜂𝑡 – Mechanical efficiency for transmission
R– Reaction at wheel normal to the ground
AWD – All wheel drive
RWD – Rear wheel drive
DC - Direct Current
BLDC – Brushless Direct Current
PCD- Pitch circle diameter

D- Spring mean diameter

W- Weight on suspension spring

d- Spring wire diameter

τ- Shear stress of spring material

C- Spring index

GVW- Gross vehicle weight

Chapter 1

The All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) is the vehicle that is capable to run through unprepared path like
sand, mud, water, ice etc. It is an off-road vehicle that is capable of moving on different terrains
to do its intended function. An image of an ATV is shown in Fig. 1.1. Similar to a regular vehicle,
it can be powered by an IC engine or a battery or both. When it is powered by battery, is called
as Electric All-Terrain Vehicle (EATV). Due to battery capacity, EATV is mostly suitable for
short distances and predefined area such as for patrolling, search operations etc. This EATV can
be operated either by a driver sitting on it or by remote control system from a certain distance
from the vehicle. In this project, the vehicle will be operated by radio control (RC) system with
in the line of sight. Ride comfort of such a vehicle is less compared to an on road vehicle and
requires a little more skill to drive.

Fig. 1.1: Image of an all-terrain vehicle [1]

It is designed and developed to carry the light payload with low speed. The user can put their
luggage or tools on it and walk behind it while controlling it with RC control system. It is 4x4
class of vehicle in which left two wheels are powered by one set of motor and gear box and right
two wheels are powered by other set of motor and gear box. The vehicle is fitted by double
wishbone suspension system. It is steered by differential steering method. Design, to steer the
vehicle on mechanical steering method based on Ackerman principle has been carried out and
may be fitted after testing of differential steering method.

This can be used in remote area where difficult to found or carry the fossils, limited movement or
predefined movement such as search operation or border patrolling, silent operation requirements
etc. This can be used by military for search operation, movement from one place to other place,
border patrolling etc. Road opening party can use it to carry the tools or for survey purpose. It can
also be used by mineral and oil exploration team, forest departments, civil application for
construction, farming, surveying etc.

1.1 Motivation

Many times military, border force and other security forces have to travel through unprepared
road such as forest, uneven terrain, water, mud etc. They have to carry their food items, shelter,
and ammunition with them. While moving through the plain road area transportation is quite
comfortable but where the plain road ends, all items have to be carried by themselves, which is
very cumbersome. It is desirable to reduce their hardship by providing some feasible solution.
ATV is one of the solutions that will help them to carry their goods. Military also needs to perform
patrolling on border, search operation in remote location or in forest etc. where silent operation
is required. The ATV fitted with IC engine will create the sound and will not fit for these type of
operations. Also, the engine and the smoke exhaust areas in ATV fitted with IC engine are at high
temperature and can be detected by thermal sensor. The EATV is silent in operation and produces
very less thermal radiation compare to ATV fitted with IC engine. Therefore EATV is difficult
to detect by the enemy. It has been made remotely operated to reduce the gross vehicle weight
and thus reduce the power and torque requirements for the same pay load. It can also be fitted
with metal detector to find an explosive buried in ground. Considering the above facts, remotely
operated EATV was decided to design and develop for the use of military applications.

The limitation of the electric vehicle is that it can run a limited distance in one recharge comparing
to the ATV run on fuel and also charging station is required for battery charging. The present
EATV is suitable for deployment in area where some definite area is to be covered such as border
patrolling, and again has to come at the recharge station. Battery can be charged by electric supply
or a photovoltaic (PV) solar system installed at charging station. Extra set of battery can be
arranged at charging station where it will be charged in day time and at night it will be replaced
with discharge one on the EATV.

1.2 Problem definition

The EATV is to be designed and developed keeping the requirement of the army, to carry their
payload. In extreme areas the army carries their load themselves and walks through the rough
terrain. Sometimes they may have to pass through enemy zones where the noise free vehicle will
be required. It should be capable of carrying their payload and be remotely controlled by the army
so its speed should be synchronized with troops. It should also be capable of moving with a little
increased speed, in case the troops run. It should be capable of crossing mud, sand, steps, bump
and ditch, gradient etc., and should be able to move a long distance (approximately more than 20
km) in one charge. Specification covers in detail the identified requirements.

1.3 Specifications of the EATV

Specifications of the vehicle has been finalized based on the problem definition and is
summarized in Table 1.1

Table.1.1: Specifications of the EATV


Power source Battery

Configuration 4WD

Pay Load 300 kg

Speed 7 kmph

Gradient 300

Bump and Rebound +150, -100 mm

Step height crossing capability 200 mm

Ground clearance 250 mm

1.4 Objectives

1. Design and development of the EATV that will be capable of fulfilling the requirements as
laid down in the specification section.
2. To understand the methodology and consideration in design and development and enhance
the knowledge in field of design.
3. It should be reliable, safe, feasible and cost effective in comparison with existing ATVs.

4. The selected components should be easily available and the designed components should
be easily manufactured.
5. The final product should be able to cater to a specified terrain with specified payload.

1.5 Outline of the Report

To fu fill these objectives the report has been sectioned to the following chapters.

 Chapter 2 presents literature survey, comparison of different types of available ATVs and
their architecture.
 Chapter 3 deals with the power and torque calculations required for different terrain and
design of power train.
 Chapter 4 deals with design of chassis and mechanical systems i.e. suspension system,
steering system, braking system etc.
 Chapter 5 covers brief on control system
 Chapter 6 covers brief of testing and results of components and trials of an ROEATV.

 Chapter 6 covers summary and future scope of works that can be implemented on this

Work Sheet

Chapter 2

Literature survey

2.1 Introduction:

Different types of vehicle needs in different terrains to suit the human application. It is difficult
for one vehicle to cater all the terrains and needs with high efficiency. Different types of ATVs
are being used to fulfill a particular need. The ATVs configuration and design changes with the
terrain and end users. ATV’s have been classified in to different types based on the power
source, number of drive wheels, control etc. This chapter covers details about the different types
of ATV advantages, disadvantages, limitations and their architectures.

2.2 Overview of different ATVs and their comparison

Many different types of ATV are available to suit the terrain and application. In this section,
architecture, advantages and disadvantages of different ATV has been explained. As the ATV is
an automobile designed to suit the specific terrain so its classification and architecture will be
similar to the vehicle.

2.2.1 Electric All-Terrain Vehicle (EATV)

EATV uses electric motors to power the wheel. The power source for the motor is the battery.
The battery may be charged by the separate electric supply or by onboard generator systems. In
pure EATV the battery is charged by the separate electric supply. After a full run of the ATV it is
brought to the power point where it is charged for the required duration. The battery is the main
unit which decides the distance of run between two consecutive charges. The use of the battery is
the main limitation an EATV. Battery supplies the energy to energy convertor. The energy
convertor then supplies to the electric motor. Electric motor connects with the wheel through
mechanical linkages. The battery management system (BMS) controls between energy convertor
and the battery. The battery supplies energy to the motor when the vehicle runs or accelerates but
in the case of brake application or retardation the motor charges the battery. For this purpose a
special motor (alternator motor) is used. Figure 2.1 presents the architecture of 4x2 wheel drive.

Fig.2.1: Architecture of EATV [2]

2.2.2 Fuel Powered ATV

Fueled power ATV, electric ATV and hybrid ATV mainly difference in the power source and
drive train they use. This ATV comprises IC engine as a power source. The ICE takes fuel and
converts heat energy into mechanical energy. Mechanical power is transmitted to the wheel
through the transmission, propeller shaft, differential and mechanical linkages. It can be 4x4,
6x6, 8x8 etc. driven as per requirement. Gasoline, diesel or hydrogen can be used as a fuel. Each
fuel requires different engine. Hydrogen fuel may also be used in the fuel cells, to generate
electricity and then can be used in an ETV. Advantages and disadvantages of the EATV over the
gasoline ATV has been tabulated in Table 2.1. Figure 2.2 shows the power train of the fuel
powered ATV, the essential components in the power train are the internal combustion engine,
transmission, differential and wheels.

IC Engine Transmission Differential Wheels

Fig.2.2: Power train of Fueled power ATV.

Table. 2.1: Advantages and disadvantages of EATV.

Parameter EATV Gasoline ATV

Noise Silent operation Makes noise due to engine
Pollution Zero emission Produces pollution
Detection Due to silent operation it's difficult to May be detected by engine
detect by opponents sound
Maintenance Requires less maintenance Comparing more
Energy efficiency high Most of the energy wasted as
Fuel No fuel requirement Requires fuel
Running cost Less high
Electricity Requires electricity for charging the Not required
requirement battery
Driving range Limited area Longer range
Refueling time Long charging time Negligible refueling time
Power source life Short battery life Very long life
Energy storage After recharge it can run for a short After fueling it can run long
capability range only distances.

2.2.3 Hybrid Vehicle

A hybrid vehicle comprises the basic components of the fueled and electric vehicle. It
encompasses the advantages of both the vehicles and minimizes the respective disadvantages. It
eliminates the limitations of the electric vehicle and one can drive the long distance. It minimizes
the running cost by using in electric mode. Series hybrid and parallel hybrid are two way of

In series hybrid vehicle the similar to the electric vehicle discussed earlier. The ICE runs the
generator and supplies the energy to the motor via the energy convertor. Energy storage (battery)
also supplies the energy to the motor through the energy convertor. At a time, any one or both
can run in case of acceleration or high power requirement. The energy convertor controls the
flow of energy between the generator, energy storage and the traction motor. In case of braking
the energy converter may also allow for regeneration, further increasing the overall efficiency of
the vehicle. Fig. 2.3 shows the drive train of the series hybrid vehicle.

In the parallel hybrid power from the ICE is directly connected to the transmission and from
other source i.e. battery. The power transmitted to transmission through energy convertor and
electric motor. Fig. 2.4 shows the parallel hybrid system. In this system if the motor or energy
convertor fails, the vehicle will work as the fueled vehicle. That is why the reliability is high for
this system.

ICE Generator

Energy source Energy Motor Transmission Wheel


Fig. 2.3: Power train for series hybrid Vehicle [3].


Energy Energy Motor Transmission Wheel

source convertor

Fig. 2.4: Power train for parallel hybrid Vehicle

2.2.4 Wheeled and Tracked ATV

The wheel or track provides traction to move the vehicle on different terrains. The track is
continuous band of treads or track plates is driven by two or more wheels. This track is typically
made of modular steel plates (in the case of military vehicles and heavy equipment), or synthetic
rubber reinforced with steel wires (in the case of lighter agricultural or construction vehicles).
The large surface area of the tracks distributes the weight of the vehicle better than steel or
rubber tires on an equivalent vehicle, enabling a continuous tracked vehicle to traverse soft
ground with less likelihood of becoming stuck due to sinking. The prominent treads of the metal
plates are both hard-wearing and damage resistant, especially in comparison to rubber tires. The
aggressive treads of the tracks provide good traction on soft surfaces but can damage paved
surfaces. The decision to use tracked or wheeled is depends mainly on the terrain to be
encountered, traction, speed, steering, suspension, ground pressure etc. Tracked vehicle provides
more traction. It provides lower ground pressure so it is best suited for soft terrain. For normal
terrains both can be used but for snow wheels cannot be used and tracks will give required
traction. Track On plain ground normally wheeled vehicle turns faster than tracked. Suspension
of the tracked vehicle is more complicated. Track is preferred mostly for the heavy weight
application. Both have some advantages and disadvantages. Table 2.2 summarizes the
advantages and disadvantage. Figure 2.6(a) depicts the architecture of the tracked vehicle and
Fig 2.6. (b) depicts the architecture of wheeled vehicle.

Sprocke Idler wheel
Power Trans-
t (04)
source missio
Trans- Power
mission source


(a) (b)

Fig.2.5 Architecture of (a) tracked vehicle and (b) wheeled vehicle. [4]

Table: 2.2 Advantages of Wheeled ATV over tracked ATV
Parameter Wheeled vehicle Tracked vehicle

Maneuverability Easy controlled and steered difficult

Noise Produce less noise more

Suspension and Better suspension gives riding Poor suspension gives less comfort
Riding comfort comfort

Maintenance Requires less maintenance Track contains more joints and parts
which requires high maintenance

Cost Cheaper Costly

Weight Lighter Heavier

Speed High speed and better Speed limitation, difficult to attain

acceleration high speed even on plain terrains.

Passive protection After suffering from a blast It becomes totally in off-road

wheel can reach to the safe condition.


Slippage Not suitable for smooth surface Can easily negotiate icy terrain

Ditch crossing Can get stuck in deep ditch Can negotiate deep ditch

Traction capability Low contact patch area High contact area provides high
provides low traction traction

Uneven and soft Difficult, needs specific Can negotiate easily due to large
terrain running configuration 4x4, 6x6 etc. contact area

Ground pressure High ground pressure Low ground pressure for same gross
vehicle weight

2.2.5 Amphibious ATV

Amphibious ATV (AATV) is normally the small, lightweight ATV which runs on the ground
and it can move on water as well. Its body is constructed from hard plastic or fiber glass; such
vehicles are more useful for military applications, in the fishing industries etc. Wheeled AATVs
are mostly of 6x6, 8x8 configuration with low pressure tire. This is similar in design to a normal
ATV but is made light weight and with the floating body. It has the drive train similar to
common ATVs but with an additional propulsion system is for propulsion in water.

2.3 Suspension system

The suspension system supports the weight of the vehicle. It isolates the unsprung mass from the
sprung mass and minimizes the effects of ground irregularities to get transmitted from the ground
to the sprung mass. An effective suspension provides ride comfort and stability of the vehicle.
The suspension system comprises of several elements such as springs, shock absorbers and
linkages that connect a vehicle to its wheels. It keeps the wheels firmly pressed to the ground for
better traction.

2.3.1 Classification of suspension systems

Suspension systems are broadly classified as dependent and independent suspension system. In
the dependent system, the right and left wheels are mounted on the same rigid axle and are
therefore dependent on the motion of each other. The effect of the wheels on the one side
transferred to the wheels on the other side. This is not suitable for passenger vehicle and All-
Terrain vehicle. In independent suspension system, wheels are independent with each other and
does not transfer any effects coming from the other wheels. This gives better ride comfort in
comparison to the dependent system. It keeps the vehicle platform decoupled from the wheels
and maintain the platform almost horizontal.

Commonly used independent suspension systems are (a) Swing axle suspension, (b) Macpherson
strut suspension, (c) Double Wishbone Suspension and (d) Multi-link suspension system.
In swing axle suspension the swing radius is small therefore the camber changes during bump
and rebound is large. Due to the large changes in chamber angle, possibility of Jacking increases
during cornering [5]. Macpherson strut is simple in design with less number of parts but requires
high installation height which increases the height of vehicle. Double wishbone suspension
provides good packaging space. It provides the constructional strength to take longitudinal and
transverse loads. The multi-link suspension system provides good flexibility to maintain the
suspension parameter i.e. camber, lateral displacement etc. and can provides less lateral
displacement and less changes in camber angle compared to the double wishbone suspension
during bump and rebound of the wheel resulting in better contact of the wheel with the ground
[6] but on the other side it carries more parts and joints which makes its design complicated.
Based on study and literature survey, it was decided that the double wishbone suspension system
can fulfill the requirements and is suitable for the EATV

2.4 Steering system

The steering system controls the direction of vehicle. Steering minimizes the wear and tear of the
tire with proper wheel angles and prevents the transfer of the shock or vibration coming from the
wheel to the steering wheel. Based on working method, steering system can be classified as
differential steering method and Ackerman steering Method. In differential steering, the vehicle
can be steered to zero turning circle diameter (TCD) and can turn at same point. It is mostly
fitted in a robot application. The steering action takes place due to the difference in speed
between the wheels. There is more wear and tear of the wheels compared to the other steering
system because the wheel rolls and slides during steering action. In the Ackerman steering,
motion from the steering wheel to the wheel (road) is transmitted through mechanical linkages
assisted by hydraulic power (power steering) or electric power. The steering linkage is designed
to follow the Ackerman principle for true rolling while taking a turn. In the EATV, if the power
is transmitted through the differential then this steering system can be composed. However if the
front wheels are fitted with individual motors (as in the case of 4x4; all wheels are fitted with
independent motors), differential control steering system is used for steering. Figure 2.6 shows
the vehicle steered by both methods. In Ackerman steering, the rack and pinion steering system
is most common due to reduce the complexity in terms of design and the easier accommodation
of the front wheel drive system. General sketch of the rack and pinion steering system has been
shown in Fig.2.7. It comprises of a tie rod, rack-pinion and tie rod ends. In the EATV rack pinion
steering system has been used after required modification.

Fig. 2.6: Vehicle steering by (a) differential method and (b) Ackerman Method. [7]

Fig. 2.7: Schematic diagram of the rack pinion steering system.

2.5 Battery

The battery is the source of energy to the motor. The battery converts chemical energy to electric
energy. Performance of the EATV depends on the number of things, one of which is the system
voltage. Higher voltage batteries are assemblies of many cells, called the battery pack. Battery
capacity is measured in “Ampere-hour (Ah)”. Ampere-hour rating is the amount of steady

current that a fully charged battery can supply without the cell’s voltage dropping below a
predetermined level.

Different types of battery are available for different applications. Suitable batteries for EATV are
explained below. The comparison of these batteries are tabulated in Table 2.3.

Lead-Acid: It is mostly used for starting the engine or to supply power to the starter motor. The
electrode is made of lead and the electrolyte is lead oxide. Its power to weight ratio is less.
Energy density of this battery is also low. It is cheap compared to other battery. These do not
have long deep cycle.

Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH): It is the environmentally friendly battery and commonly used
for today’s hybrid vehicles. Negative electrodes are made of metal hydride and positive electrode
nickel oxy-hydroxide; electrolyte is potassium hydroxide solution. The energy density per unit
weight and volume is three times more than lead-acid battery. It's limitation is it's long recharge
period. It has the much larger life compared to lead-acid battery.

Lithium-ion battery: It has 4-5 times more energy density for same weight and volume of lead
acid battery. It has very small volume. Its recharging timing is also less. They are used in
laptops, cell phones, cameras etc. It supplies large current but small amount of current absorbs
during the charging. It has high specific energy, specific power and long cycle life but also high
initial cost.

Lithium-polymer battery: It is similar to the Lithium-ion battery and have all advantages of
lithium battery. It can be shaped to fit the desired application. Its lithium salt electrolyte is held
in a thin solid polymer which is the soft package. This makes it lighter and little flexible. The Li-
Po has advantages in terms of specific energy and specific power but has the short cycle life.

Considering the lowest cost among all available batteries, Lead acid batteries has been selected
for EATV.

Table.2.3: Comparison for different types of batteries [8]

Types of Specific Energy Specific Power Cycle Approx Cost

battery Energy density (W/kg) at 80% life (US$/kWh) (for
(Wh/kg) Wh/l depth of discharge (cycles) understanding

LA (lead – 34-35 60-90 200-300 400-600 150


Ni-MH 60-70 130- 150-300 600- 200-350

170 1200

Li-ion 90-130 140- 250-450 800- 225

200 1200

Li-polymer 155 220 315 600 Not available

Chapter 3


In the previous chapter, an overview of the ATV and its specifications has been discussed.
Design of the EATV has been done to satisfy the specifications. The CAD model of the EATV is
shown in Fig. 3.1. The major components of the EATV are as follows:

 Chassis and body

 Powertrain (battery, motor and drivetrain)
 Suspensions system
 Steering system
 Braking system
 Control system

In this chapter, the design and analysis of the power train is detailed.




Fig. 3.1: CAD Model of the EATV: (a) 2-D, and (b) 3-D views

3.1 Powertrain architecture

Figure 3.2 shows the power train of the EATV and its basic components. For design and
selection of the power train components, the gross vehicle weight has been calculated and
thereafter, the power and torque required to cross various terrains have been calculated. Based on
the torque requirements for different terrains, the motor and gear box are selected, and
subsequently the battery is selected according to the motor’s specification.

Battery Gear Chain Drive

Motor Wheel
Pack Box sprocket shaft


Gear box


Battery pack Motor

Drive shaft

Fig. 3.2: Power train of the EATV: (a) Schematic diagram, (b) CAD model

3.2 Weight estimation
The weight of the parts and assemblies has been calculated based on the actual measurements of
available parts and estimates from solid model in commercial CAD software (Solidworks 2014,
Dassault Systèmes Solidworks Corp., Massachusetts, USA.). Table 3.1 gives the details of the
weights of different parts and assemblies. The sprung mass is approximately 300 kg and the
gross vehicle weight is about 700 kg .This is total mass is used for power and design calculation.

Table 3.1: Approximate weight of different parts and assemblies

S. No. Part/ Subassembly Weight

1 Chassis Frame (Al structure) 37 (kg)
2 Electric Motor with drive (2 nos) 21
3 Reduction planetary gear box (2 nos) 34
4 Battery pack 92
5 Sprocket and chain (total) 18
6 Steering assembly with tie rod and steering gear box 5.5
7 Bearing housing with bearing (4 sets) 16.5
8 Steel Brackets 19.7
9 Aluminum plates for mountings 22.6
10 Fasteners 25
11 Braking system 05
12 Control panel 2
13 Suspension (Double wishbone suspension with shock 20
14 absorber
Wheel and spring)
assembly (4 nos) 58
15 Half axle assembly (4 nos) 21
Payload 300
Gross vehicle weight (rounded to 10) 700

3.3 Power and torque calculation

The calculation of power and torque of the motors is based on the determination of maximum
tractive effort that the vehicle needs to develop. The total tractive effort of a vehicle is the sum of
the Rolling resistance (Rr), Aerodynamic resistance (Ra), Gradient resistance (Rg), Inertial
resistance (Fi) and Drag force (Fd) [9].

3.3.1 Rolling resistance

Rolling resistance is the resistance experienced by the vehicle due to the rolling of the wheel on
the ground. Many factors affect the rolling resistance, such as the tire material and construction,
inflation pressure, ground condition, temperature, speed, etc. Figure 3.3 shows typical values of
rolling resistance for different ground conditions. The rolling resistance is µrmg. An average

value of µr in field range (0.1-0.35) [10] is taken 0.23 and the rolling resistance at this value is
calculated to be 1805 N.

1 1- Concrete/ Asphalt

3 2- Gravel paved, Dirt

4 road, Sandy

3 - Grassy field

4- Mud

5 - Sand

Fig. 3.3: Rolling resistance at different coefficients of rolling [9].

3.3.2 Aerodynamic resistance (Ra)
Aerodynamic resistance is the resistance offered by air due the movement of the vehicle. Though
it depends on the relative velocity between the vehicle and the air density and frontal area of the
vehicle. It is mainly considerable at high speed. The aerodynamic force at 10 kmph speed was
calculated [9] and obtained as 3.15 N, and hence may be ignored for speed below 10 kmph.

3.3.3 Gradient resistance (Rg)

Gradient resistance is the resistance encountered due to gravity when going up a slope. The
vehicle requires additional tractive force to move up a surface inclined to the horizontal.
Gradient resistance depends on the vehicle weight and inclination, and is independent of speed.
The resistance value is given by mg sinθ and is obtained as 3430 N for this vehicle at an
inclination angle of 300.

3.3.4 Inertia force (Fi)

Inertia force is the force required to accelerate the vehicle from zero to maximum speed in a
definite time and is given by 𝑡 where, m is the mass of vehicle in kg, V is the velocity in m/s

and t is the time in second to achieve the velocity V from rest. The value of Inertia force is
obtained 272.2 N to achieve 7 kmph from zero in 5 second.

3.3.5 Drawbar pull (Fd)

Drawbar pull is the force required to pull the load or another vehicle towed at the rear end. It
may be omitted in this case because, there is no requireemnt to tow any load.

The above forces have been calculated to know the power and the torque requirements of the

3.3.6 Torque required on plain ground (Rt)

On plain ground, the rolling resistance and the inertial resistance will be considered for

calculating the maximum torque. However when the vehicle runs with constant speed, the
inertial force will be zero. The maximum resistance is given by the sum of the rolling resistance
and the inertial resistance. This is obtained as 1850.8 N on taking a coefficient of rolling
𝑅𝑡 𝑟
resistance of 0.23. The maximum required motor torque (Tm) is given by where, 𝑅𝑡 is the
total resistance, r is the tire radius, and 𝜂𝑡 is the transmission efficiency and it is obtained as
616.9 Nm on taking 𝜂𝑡 0.90 [13]. Which is the peak torque required to be supplied by both the
motors together.

3.3.7 Torque required for climbing a gradient

While hill climbing, the vehicle will be required to overcome the rolling resistance, gradient
resistance and inertial force to achieve a certain speed from standstill condition, but if the vehicle
moves with constant speed, the inertial force will be zero, Hence, the maximum resistance to
climb any gradient is the sum of the rolling resistance, inertial resistance and gradient resistance.
Considering acceleration of 0.1 m/s2 and coefficient of rolling resistance between tire and
concrete road of 0.01, the maximum resistance is calculated as 3559.4 N on a gradient of 300.
The required motor torque (Tm) is obtained as 1186.5 Nm

3.3.8 Torque required for step climbing

The vehicle is required to climb a step of 150 mm to fulfill its operational requirements. In this
scenario, it is considered that all the wheels are in contact with ground and can apply the
maximum available tractive torque. Consider ‘Fr’ to be the tractive force applied by both the rear
wheels together. This force will be transferred through the body and act on the front wheels
through their center. In all-wheel drive system, the front wheels can also provide tractive torque.
Consider the vehicle to be initially at rest and the motor as started from standstill to apply torque
to enable the vehicle climb the step of height ‘h’. The free body diagram of the forces acting on a
front wheel is shown in Fig. 3.4. As the motor increases the torque Fr, the reaction at the contact
with the step R2 will also start increasing and the wheel will try to rotate about point ‘P’, the
contact point of the wheel and the step. Due to the combined effect of rear and front wheel

tractive torque (for the all-wheel drive system), vertical reaction at the step contact point ‘P’ will
start increasing and the ground reaction will start reducing. At the time instant when the vertical
upward reaction at P equals the weight on the front wheel, the wheel will lift off and the
horizontal force will move the vehicle forward. Considering that the wheels do not skid, at
equilibrium condition, the force and moment equations for step climbing are expressed as

Fr2 cosθ
F1 O R2 cos

R1  Fr2 sinθ
R2 cos P

W Fr1

Fig. 3.4: Free body diagram of forces on front wheel

Fx = Fr2 sin + F1 +Fr1 - R2 cos =0 (1)

Fy = Fr2 cos + R2 sin + R1-W = 0 (2)

The moments about the pivot point ‘P’ and the wheel center ‘O’ are

Tp = T2+ F1*r sin - (W-R1) r cos - Fr1*r (1-sin) = 0 (3)

and T2 – (Fr1 + Fr2) r = 0 (4)

At the time when the wheels just start to rotate about the pivot, the reaction ‘R1’ and hence Fr1
(friction force) become zero and hence

Fx = Fr2 sin + F1 - R2 cos =0 (5)

Fy = Fr2 cos + R2 sin -W = 0 (6)

Tp = T2+ F1*r sin - W r cos = 0 (7)

T2 ≤ Fr2 r (8)

If T1 be the motor torque of the rear wheels, then

F1= (9)

Solving the above equations, we get

T2 +T1 sin = W r cos (10)

The EATV is fitted with two motors of equal torque value ‘T’ at each end. Assuming that one
motor lifts the left side of vehicle and the torque transmission to both the rear and front wheel are
the same due to a sufficient friction coefficient, the load on front wheel will be and T1 = T2 =
. Hence, the equation (10) may be written as

W r cos
T= (11)

The torque rating required for one motor (for a vehicle with two identical motors) to climb
different heights of step is plotted in Fig. 3.5. The above equation is applicable for the wheel
considering no deformation. In the case of pneumatic tires that can deform, the required torque
value will be slightly lower and this depends on tire characteristics such as elasticity [10].

Fig. 3.5: Torque required by one motor for step climbing.

The torque, at the wheel shaft with tire diameter 600 mm, required to cross different terrains is
plotted in Fig. 3.6. This torque value must be supplied by two sets of motor and gear box
assemblies. This is at continuous torque rating and calculated with the inertial force removed due
to the constant speed of the vehicle. A maximum torque of 1187 Nm is required for negotiating
the 300 gradient. The above calculated torque is used as an input for design and selection of the
powertrain parts and assemblies.

Fig 3.6: Torque required at the wheel shaft with tire diameter 600 mm different ground condition

3.4 Powertrain design

The powertrain comprises a battery pack, motor with drive controller, gear box, chain sprocket to
connect the drive axle, and drive shaft. Calculations for selection of each part are described in
subsequent sections. Figure 3.2 shows the power train of the EATV and its essential components.

3.4.1 Motor power calculations and selection

The continuous power required by motors may be calculated based on the torque required by the

vehicle in case of plane ground. However motor peak torque must fulfill the torque requirements
in other conditions also, such as gradient. Required power by the motors at speed of 3.6 kmph
and 7 kmph of the vehicle for different ground conditions is plotted in Fig. 3.7. On gradient of
300 vehicle need to move with low speed and 4000 W power is sufficient. Therefore, motors of
power more than 4 kW will be required.

BLDC motor is mostly of EV due to its advantages in terms of weight and fine control. PMDC is
also suitable for this application but due to ready availability, low weight and low cost, the
BLDC motor of specification as in Table 3.2 was selected.

Fig 3.7: Power required at different ground condition

Table 3.2: Specification of selected motor

Make Tachometric controls
Model 58F-3
Rated Voltage (V) 48
Rated current (A) 50A, (79 Amax)
Rated power (kW) 3
Rated Torque/ Peak torque (Nm) 7.8 @2500 rpm, 12.43 Nm 2362 rpm
Efficiency (%) 82%

3.4.2 Selection of gear box

There is the requirement of high torque and low speed for this EATV. This can be achieved by
using the suitable gear box with motor to reduce the speed and increase the torque. As two sets
of motor and gear box has been used, the combined torque should be equal to or greater than
1187 Nm. In last section, the motor has been selected of maximum torque 12.43 Nm. Thus, the
required gear ratio is 47.75. Therefore, the planetary gear box with reduction ratio 50 was

3.4.3 Battery pack and battery selection

Selected motor has rated voltage of 48V, then the battery pack should be of 48 V. Four batteries
of 12V each in series, satisfies the requirement. Steps for calculation of the battery capacity is
given below and is summarized in Table 3.3.

a) Find the current drawn by motor to cross the specific terrain (current = power/voltage)
b) Find the time (in hour) that the vehicle will run through certain terrain. In calculating time,
it has been assumed that the vehicle will cover total 6 km in one hour and during this one
hour it will pass through different terrains. The distance covered in this specific terrain is
assumed as given in column (7) in Table 3.3.
c) Battery energy is calculated by multiplying current and time. The summation of column (9)
gives the battery energy in ampere-hour (Ah)
d) Now, the obtained battery energy (Ah) is obtained by dividing the depth of discharge
(DOD) of the battery.

By taking the depth of discharge (DOD) of 80%, obtained battery capacity is 30.56 Ah. Also,
there are other loses occurs which are aging factor, temperature factor etc. so it is better to
oversize the battery capacity by at least 20%. Hence, Required Battery capacity will be 36.7 Ah.
With this battery capacity vehicle will run 6.088 km. therefore, to cover 12 km between one
recharge of battery, the required capacity should be 73.35 Ah. As per market availability, four
battery of 12 V and 80 Ah capacity each, should be taken for use in the EATV.

3.4.4 Sprocket and chain selection

Connection between the output of the gear box and the half axle assembly can be done by using
the coupling, gear train, chain sprocket etc. Here, chain sprocket system was selected
considering the advantage of minor misalignment taking capability, flexibility in choosing center
distance between shaft of gear box and half axle and changing the sprocket ratio. The gear box of
reduction ratio 50 has been taken that will give the vehicle speed of 5.6 kmph and torque 1116
Nm at wheel shaft (with transmission efficiency 90%) by using 1:1 sprocket ratio but, the
maximum requirement of torque is 1186.5 Nm. Therefore, velocity ratio 1.35 was taken to
increase the speed up to 7 kmph. Velocity ratio is the ratio of speed of smaller sprocket (in
r.p.m.) to speed of larger sprocket (in r.p.m.).

Table 3.3: Calculation for battery capacity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Power Time of
covered in
Ground Resistance Torque (W) @ Current run in Ah
CoR terrain
Condition (N) (N-m) (Speed) drawn terrain (C’)
kmph)) (hr)
Macadam 0.03 205.8 68.6 434 (7) 9.1 1.4 0.2 1.81
Dirt 0.03 205.8 68.6 434 (7) 9.1 1.4 0.2 1.81
Grass 0.075 514.5 171.5 1086 (7) 22.6 1.4 0.2 4.53
Mud 0.15 1029 343 1601 (5) 33.3 1 0.2 6.67
Sand (soft) 0.15 1029 343 1602 (5) 33.3 0.6 0.12 4.00
Sandy 2287
(dune) 0.3 2058 686 (3.6) 47.6 0.072 0.02 0.95
field (max 2668
CoF) 0.35 2401 800.33 (3.6) 55.6 0.036 0.01 0.56
Gradient 3957
(30 ) 0.01 3559.4 1187 (3.6) 82.4 0.18 0.05 4.12
Total 6.088 1 24.45

Design and selection of chain sprocket

Design and selection of the chain sprocket [11] has been done on consideration of the available
space, radial load on gear shaft, sprocket ration etc. To keep the ground clearance minimum, it
was required to select the driven sprocket smaller in PCD, therefore, driven sprocket was
selected with 17 teeth and the larger pinion with teeth 23. It is preferred to use the odd number of
teeth on the sprocket with even number of links to uniform wear.

Designed power for one motor (rated power x service factor) [11] is calculated 1.018 kW by
taking rated power for one motor as 543 W from fig. 3.7 on grassy terrain with speed of 7 kmph.
Based on the designed power, ISO simple chain number 12B of pitch ¾” and breaking load 28.9

kN was selected. Load on chain is calculated as 3.3 kN,

By putting the pitch line velocity = 0.334 m/s (D- PCD of smaller sprocket = 103.14 mm, N –
r.p.m. of smaller sprocket at 7 kmph = 62) Factor of safety is calculated as 8.75

Number of links for distance 217 mm was calculated as 42 and for the distance of 1400 mm as
3750 [12] The actual image of the drive train assembly consisting the motor, gear box with chain
sprocket is shown in Fig. 3.8

Sprocket Chain Planetary Gear Motor


Half axle Bearing Battery pack

Fig. 3.8: Photograph of power train assembly

After designing the power train, the chassis and other mechanical system of EATV such as
suspension system, steering system, brake system and wheel assembly have been covered in next

Chapter 4

Chassis and Mechanical Systems

4.1 Introduction

Power train has been discussed in last section. This chapter covers about chassis and important
mechanical system of EATV such as Suspension system, steering system, brake system and
wheels. In section 2.3, different types of suspension system have been discussed and it was
decided to use the double wishbone suspension system. Rack and pinion type steering system has
been found to be better over others steering system due to the availability and ease of fitment in
this EATV. Customize design of the braking system operated with stepper motor and lead screw
and the selection of wheel have been discussed in detail.

4.2 Double wishbone suspension system

This suspension system comprises of two unequal arms, a coil spring and a damper. The upper
arm is smaller, which provides a negative camber angle from bump to rebound and also
facilitates easy adjustment of suspension characteristic such as camber. A negative camber angle
has the advantage that during the turn, the outer wheel provides more ground patch contact area;
this increases the stability and traction. Its dynamic characteristics and load-handling capabilities


Figure 4.1 Double Wishbone Suspension System [6]

are superior to other suspension system [14]. Suitable geometry design of the control arms
provides easy control of the roll center and larger travel of the wheel vertically with minimum
tread change. This gives better stability to the vehicle. The design process of this system can be
divided in the following parts:
 Geometry Design
 Force analysis
 Part design

4.2.1. Geometry design

The fundamental criteria for the design of the suspension geometry is minimum changes in the
camber angle and the lateral displacement of the wheel throughout the bound and rebound phases
to avoid excessive tire wear. The available space also affects the geometry of the suspension. In
designing the suspension of the EATV, the position and lengths of the upper and lower arms are
variable. Knuckle of the Maruti Alto 800 is taken as it is to save time and money. This design
has been done considering minimum changes to the knuckle. 2-D model of all suspension parts
including the wheel, knuckle, upper and lower arm, and axle assembly was made in CAD
software as shown in Fig. 4.1. Number of design iteration were carried out by changing different
variables to minimize the changes in camber angle and lateral displacement. The obtained values
of camber angle and half-track change (lateral movement of wheel) with respect to the vertical
wheel movement are shown in Fig. 4.2 and Fig. 4.3 respectively. Obtained result from this
design is shown in Table 4.1

Figure 4.2: Geometry design in CAD Software

Camber angle with wheel travel 200

Rear wheel 150

Front wheel

Vertical wheel travel (mm)



-3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0

Camber angle (degree)
Fig.4.3: Camber angle values with vertical travel of wheel

Half track changes with wheel travel

Verticle wheel travel (mm)

-50 700 710 720 730 740
Half track change (mm)

Front wheel Rear Wheel

Fig 4.4: Half-track changes with wheel travel in vertical direction

Table 4.1: Result obtained from geometric design

KPI 150
Scrub radius -15.3 mm
Ground Clearance 250 mm
Upper arm: front 320
Rear 321
Lower arm Front 400
Rear 386

4.2.2 Force Analysis: force on suspension members

In this EATV, the sprung mass is supported by the spring which is coaxially mounted with a
damper. One end of damper is connected to the chassis and the other end is from lower arm, as
shown in Fig. 4.4. The force acting on the suspension members at normal position of the wheel,
has been found through graphical approach in the commercial CAD software (Autodesk
Northern California, U.S.). Designed geometry from the previous section was taken as the input
for the force calculation of suspension members. Mass of the members and friction at the joints
was neglected. The analysis is based on the principle that if three equilibrium forces are
concurrent, then the vector sum of the forces must be zero. If the value of one of the three forces
is known, the magnitudes of other two forces can be known by measuring the sides of triangle
drawn by these forces. [15]. Figure 4.5-(a) depicts the front left suspension system with wheel
and joints. It is the presentation of suspension system as shown in Fig. 4.4. AB, CD, FG and BC
represent the upper link, lower link, damper with spring and knuckle respectively. A, B, C, D, F
and G are the joints. Fw is load on the wheel (150kg) in the vertically upward direction. For
calculation of forces in link AB and joint C, line AB is extended to meet this vertical force line
(Fw) at P as shown in Fig. 4.5-(a). A line drawn from P through joint C. Since Fw is 150 kg
therefore 150 unit line is drawn vertically as shown in Fig. 4.5-(b) and named as Fw. Fc and Fb
drawn parallel to lines AB and PC. The lengths of Fc and Fb give the values of the forces at joint
C and in link AB respectively. In the next step, AF and PC is extended to meet at point O as
shown in Fig. 4.5-(c). AF is the direction of force in damper. Under equilibrium condition, the
force at joint D must pass through O. Taking these three force lines, triangle is drawn as shown
in Fig 4.5-(d). Since Fc is known therefore, length of line Fd and Fs gives the value and direction
at joint D and in damper and spring respectively.

Upper arm Damper


Lower arm

Fig. 4.5: CAD model of front left side suspension system

P Fw Fc


Fw (a)

Fc =
149 kg Fd
D Fs


O (d)

Fig. 4.6: Force analysis on suspension members (a) 2D representation of suspension system, (b): force at point ‘C’
(c) FBD of link CD (lower arm) and (d) force in spring

4.2.3 Parts Design:

Among the components of double wishbone suspension system, maximum force is in damper
with spring. These parts are connected with lower arm and chassis. Therefore lower arm and
spring has been taken for design.

Lower arm:

One end of lower arm is hinged with chassis and other arm is connected by tie rod end with
knuckle. In front suspension, damper with spring is connected with the lower arm at a point F at
distance 175 mm as shown in Fig. 4.5 (c). The force diagram in lower arm at point F is 3273.2 N
indirection AF. Angle between force line Fc and link CD is 910, therefore both can be assumed
to be perpendicular to each other. Moment (M) at a Point F is calculated as 511070 Nm taking
the dynamic factor of 2.

Taking square tube of size 35 x35 x2 mm of mild steel material, section modulus (Z) =2748.1
mm3 obtained. (From MD solid software). Stress (f) at outer fiber obtained as 185.9 N/mm2 by
using the relation, f = . Taking the yield strength of mild steel as 260 N/mm2, the factor of
safety obtained as 1.4.

Stress analysis on lower arm

Stress analysis of lower arm has been done in commercial FEA software (ANSYS, Ansys, Inc ,
Pittsburgh, U.S.). The maximum stress was found to be 128 MPa and maximum deformation was
0.4 mm. These values are well within the limit and selection material and section of lower arm
are acceptable. Figure 4.6 shows the stress analysis of lower arm.

Fig. 4.7: Stress analysis of lower arm

Spring design

Coil compression spring is mounted concentric with damper along line AF as shown in Fig. 4.5-
(a). Consider wheel is on flat ground and from this position, wheel can go maximum 100 mm
downwards vertically in rebound. In this case spring gets extended and value is calculated
graphically in CAD-2D model and found 54 measured 54 mm after that there will not be load on
wheel. From Fig. 4.5-(d), load in spring (W) is 334 kg at normal condition when wheel is on flat
ground. Stiffness of spring is calculated as load per unit deflection and calculated as 60.6 N/mm2.
Torque (T) is expressed as, T = , Where, D is the mean diameter of spring and taken 65 mm.
Calculated torque value is 106487 N-mm.

Torque can also be written as , taking medium carbon steel (DIN: 17233-1984) as a
spring material available with the spring manufacturer. Spring wire diameter is obtained as 10.38
mm on taking τ = 485 MPa. Thus, spring index (C) is obtained as 6.26.

d can also be related as

𝑑2 = (4.1)
4𝑐−1 0.615
k (wall stress factor) = + = 1.24
4𝑐−4 𝑐
Now, the value of spring wire diameter is obtained as 11.55. According to the market availability
wire diameter taken 11mm.

The number of turns is calculated [16] on taking the initial deflection (δ) as 54 mm and found 8.8
8𝑤𝐷3 𝑛 .
by using the relation, δ =
𝐺𝑑 4

By taking the Squared and grounded condition compression spring, other characteristic are
calculated and tabulated in Table 4.2. Figure 4.7 shows the image of fabricated spring.

Table 4.2: Spring characteristics

Spring parameter value

Material Medium carbon steel (DIN: 17233-1984)

Stiffness 60.6 N/mm

Wire diameter 11 mm SWG

Mean diameter 65 mm

Free length 269 mm

Closed length 119 mm

Pitch 20.62 mm

Fig.4.8: Image of fabricated spring

4.3 Steering system

Steering system and its types has been discussed in section 2.4. The EATV has been designed to
work on both types of steering systems such as mechanical steering system working on
Ackerman principle and differential steering system. Initially the EATV is to be steered on
differential system and then will be fitted the mechanical steering system. Design and
calculations has been done only for the mechanical steering system. For differential steering of
the EATV, only the upper arms of both front wheels has been modified to constraints the wheel
rotation about the king pin axis and the EATV is steered by controlling the motors speed of left
and right wheels as required for left and right turn.

The rack and pinion type steering system has been selected for mechanical steering system. CAD
model of this steering system has been shown in Fig. 4.8. Rack and pinion steering system of
Maruti A-star was bought as it is and fitted after little modification in length. Steering wheel
shaft is rotated by stepper motor using worm and worm gear arrangement. Pinion will be rotated
by remotely operated stepper motor through worm and worm gear.

Stepper motor
Worm and worm Steering
wheel assembly

Fig 4.9. : CAD model of steering system operated by motor

Steering force is the force required to steer the wheel. It is required for calculating the power and
torque of the motor.

4.3.1 Steering force calculation and motor selection

Torque at King Pin to steer the wheels is obtained as 206.6 N using expression
𝑇 = 𝑊 ∗ µ ∗ √ + 𝐸2

Where, Weight on front wheels (W) 350 kg=3430 N

Friction coefficient between worn pneumatic tire and dry road surface (µ)= 1 [57]

Width of tires (B) = 165mm (Maruti Swift)

Kingpin offset (E): -15mm (measured from CAD model)
Taking steering arm length 115 mm, force on steering arm perpendicular to king pin axis
= = 1796.5 𝑁
steering arm length
King pin inclination is 160, therefore this force is at an angle 160 with horizontal axis

Thus, force in tie rod in horizontal axis is obtained as 1868.90 N

Torque at pinion shaft (pitch radius of pinion is 8 mm) is calculated as 14.95 Nm

Selection of worm and worm gear and motor

As per availability, worm and worm gear of reduction ratio 20 was taken. Thus, required motor
torque is obtained as 0.879 Nm on taking gear efficiency for single start worm as 0.85.

Motor RPM calculation

Experimentally, calculated that full travel of steering rod from left to right is achieved in 3.5
revolution of pinion and considered that it should be completed in 5 sec. Thus, Angular rotation
of pinion calculated as 42 rpm and motor rpm is obtained as 840 rpm by multiplying with
reduction ratio.

As per market availability, 500 rpm with 2 Nm torque DC step motor was bought which will
travel within 4.2 sec.

4.3.2 Turning circle diameter (TCD) of the EATV

Turning circle diameter of vehicle is the diameter of circle which is required to turn the vehicle
when the wheel is steered to full lock. It is the distance measured from turning center to the
center of outer most wheel. TCD of the EATV was calculated graphically in the CAD software
(Solidworks 2014) as shown in Fig. 4.9 and found as 8.64 m.

Fig.4.10: TCD determination

4.4 Brake system

Brake system is the safety unit in the vehicle required to control the speed of the vehicle. Speed
control of the EATV can be done similar to the EV. Some electric motors are equipped with a
brake and reduce the vehicle speed even though mechanical braking is required for effective
braking. In this project the motor is not equipped with a brake facility so the conventional brake,
actuated by hydraulic system, similar to car, is fitted. This vehicle will run at low speed so only
the front two wheels have been fitted with brakes. The conventional brake system as shown in
Fig. 4.10 has been fitted in the EATV in which master cylinder is actuated by electric motor with
screw arrangement for linear motion. Essential parts in this system are brake disc, brake caliper,
master cylinder, motor with lead screw, brakes pipes etc. Except for the motor with the lead
screw, all are standard parts of the Maruti Alto. Motor with lead screw is fitted to apply linear
force to the master cylinder. The motor is selected in the next section based on the required

Wheel Brake pipes

Lead Screw Motor

Master Cylinder

Figure 4.11: General arrangement of brake system (a) schematic diagram, (b) CAD model

Calculation of torque requirement for motor

The maximum speed of the EATV is 1.74 m/s. It is considered that EATV must stop in 1.5 m
distance. Thus, it stops in 1.6 sec with deceleration 1.25 m/s2. Taking the GVW of 700 kg, total
braking force applied on both front wheel is obtained as 875 N. Now, taking wheel radius as 300
mm, torque at wheel axis is obtained as 262.5 Nm

Counter torque by amount = 131.25 Nm must be applied by one side of braking system to
stop the vehicle. This torque will be applied by the brake disc on application of brake. Figure
4.11 shows the detail parts of braking system mounted at wheel.

Fig.4.12: Sketch of braking system at wheel [18]

Resistive force by disc on application of brake = = 1426.6 N
effective raddius

(Effective radius is the distance between center of gravity (C.G.) of brake pad and center of
wheel. It is assumed that uniform pressure is applied by brake pad and center of pressure is C.G.
of brake pad. Brake disc is assumed as trapezoidal shape and C.G. is calculated by, 𝑦 =
, the effective radius is calculated as 0.092 mm)

Frictional force applies on both side of disc, thus, Caliper force normal to disc is calculated by
taking coefficient of friction between brake liner and steel is 0.4 and found as 1783 N.

Area of brake cylinder = 1385.4 mm2 (Diameter of brake cylinder is 42 mm)

Pressure = = 1.287 MPa

Taking piston diameter as19.05mm, applied force on master cylinder is 366.8 N

Torque required to apply this force by lead screw [19]
F ∗ Dm L + (µ ∗ π ∗ Dm)
Torque = ∗
2 (π ∗ Dm) − ( µ ∗ L)
Data of available lead screw is measured as, mean diameter (Dm)= 15 mm, pitch (L) = 10 mm,
coefficient of friction between brake liner and steel (µ) = 0.12, From these values, calculated
torque is 0.938 Nm

For calculation of the rpm of the motor, it is assumed that a lead screw extends 30 mm to apply
the brake completely and take 2 sec in this operation. Pitch of linear actuator is 10 mm. So in one
revolution it travels 10 mm. From here angular rotation is found to be 90 rpm.

From the market availability, 2 phase Step motor, model PK 263-03B of 100 rpm and 2.5 N-m
torque is chosen.

4.5 Chassis and body

Chassis of a vehicle is the structure which supports all the mechanical parts fastened to it. The
body is outer cover of the vehicle built to carry the pay loads. CAD model of chassis is shown in
Fig. 4.12. The body will be bolted to the chassis. In this work, body has not been designed and
fabricated. Body, if designed and fabricated in future, must be taken care to make the vehicle
amphibious capable. A general CAD model of body has been shown in Fig. 4.13.

Fig. 4.13: CAD model of chassis

Fig. 4.14: CAD model of body bolted on chassis

Chassis of the EATV has been made of Aluminium alloy 6061-T6 condition to make it light in
weight .Aluminium profile as shown in Fig. 4.15 has been used to eliminate the welding and ease
of in house fabrication. Profile section provides the scope to accommodate future changes in
design of the frame. It is also suitable for any changes during fitments of mountings. Its material
properties are listed in Table 4.3.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 4.15: Aluminium profile (a) cross- sectional view (b) 3-D image and (c) photograph
Table 4.3: Mechanical properties of Aluminium alloy 6061 T-6 condition

Properties Value
Density 2700 kg/m3
Hardness (Brinell) 73
Ultimate tensile strength 241 MPa
Yield strength 214 MPa
Modulus of elasticity 68.9 GPa
Shear Modulus 25.8 GPa

4.6 Wheel assembly

Design has been done considering the wheel diameter of 600 mm. To satisfy the requirements of
the application and design, ATV tubeless tire of specification 25 x10-12 was selected. Due to
high cost, it was decided to use tire of specification 165/85-R14. For the cost point of view, old
tubeless tire of the same size was readily available in market and used in EATV. Hub and
knuckle assembly of Maruit Alto 800 has been used. PCD of bolts on hub is 101 mm. In future,
if it is required to fit ATV tire 25 x10-12 with 12” rim, it can be fitted on the existing hub
assembly because the PCD of holes in this rim is12”. Figure 4.12 shows the image of wheel.

(a) (b)

Fig.4.16 Wheel (a) for ATV application [20] and (b) photograph of wheel using in an EATV

Chapter 5

Control System

5.1 Introduction
The ROEATV is controlled by radio control system. The user moving behind will have a
transmitter to control the direction and speed of motor, steering and braking system. The vehicle
is controlled within the line of sight of user. The main components used in the control system are
2.8 GHz transmitter, Receiver, Relay and Arduino mega. Figure 5.1 shows the main components
of control system.

The transmitter (TX) works by sending radio waves of frequency 2.8 GHz which has different
band widths for different channels. Initially while using the transmitter for the first time it has to
be bonded with the receiver. This ensures that the radio frequency emitted by the transmitter
matches with that captured by receiver. Receiver (RX), located inside the vehicle, receives the
signal from the transmitter and controls the devices such as motors through Arduino. Relay has
been used to change the direction of motors by using two pins of the motor. When these two pins
are open the motor spins in the clockwise direction and when these pins are short the motor spins
in the anticlockwise direction.

Once the TX/RX gets completely bonded up, the data from the receiver is read through a
microcontroller (arduino). Procedure for reading the data sent from transmitter is described as
 Pulse width modulation (PWM) pins of the receiver connected to the digital pins of
 To power up the receiver, the +5V and ground (gnd) pins are connected with the same pins
of arduino (anyone from 8channels).
 PulseIn(high,pin) function of arduino has been used in the program (Arduino programming
software, Arduino IDE,) to capture the high pulses.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 5.1: Photograph of (a) transmitter, 2.8 GHz, (b) arduino, (c) receiver and (d) relay

5.2 Motor Controller

It controls the speed and direction of the motor. Separate motor controller has been used for each
motor. It has 5 main pins and 2 direction pins.
The 5 main pins are:
 Power – It gives 5V output
 Ground (Grnd)- It gives 0 V output
 Speed input – It takes 0 to 5 V input. The speed changes according to the value between
the respective voltages supplied by the arduino.
 Enable and Disable pins - These are emergency pins which are used to stop the motor. This
can be done by shorting these two pins. These pin s have not been used in this system.

The 2 direction pins are used to control the direction of motor. The controller has an under voltage
LED which glows when the battery is under voltage. Following procedure has been adopted for
mapping the receiver data for controlling the motor speed:

Once the pulses are captured these values are used to control the motors. Pulses ranging from 1045
to 1865 have been used.

The speed of our BLDC motors have been controlled through an analog output pins of arduino
which write voltage values from 0 - 5 V.

 The pulse have been mapped from 0 to 5 V using function “map(channel _name, 1045,
1865, 0, 255)”.
 The direction of BLDC motors has been controlled by using two direction pins of the motor
controller. When these two pins are open the motor spins in the clockwise direction and
when these pins are short the motor spins in the anticlockwise direction. Relay has been
used to solve the purpose. When a high voltage (5V) is given to the input pin of the relay
the two terminals get short and when a low voltage (0V) is given, the terminals get open.
 Coding has been done in such a way that when the channel 5 of TX is in up position i.e.
pulse value > 1440 the relay is ON and motor spins anti clockwise and when it is in down
position i.e. pulse value <1440 the relay is in OFF position and motor spins clockwise.
Green and red LEDs have been given on the relay. Green and red LEDs glow in ON
position and only red glows in OFF position.

5.3 The circuit diagram of the control system

The connection of control system has been done as shown in fig. 5.2.

Fig. 5.2: Circuit diagram of control system

5.4 Power supply system

Power to motors is supplied by battery pack as shown in fig. 5.3.Charger is used to charge the
battery pack. Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB 2) connects the charger with battery pack for battery

Fig. 5.3: Circuit diagram of power supply system

Chapter 6
6.1 Introduction
This section covers the testing of various parts and assemblies. Testing has been carried out to
verify the parameters as laid down in specification. Details of different tastings and obtained result
has been covered in subsequent sections.

6.2 Testing of parts and assemblies

Testing of parts has been done before mounting in the sub-assembly and to verify the design
requirements. Testing of assemblies has been done before fitment in assembly. The details of
testing and recorded data is shown in subsequent sections.

6.2.1 Testing of motor with drive

Testing of both BLDC motor with drive was carried out at supplier end. The torque measuring
instrument was not working. Only the speed and corresponding current value were verified. The
fig 6.1 shows testing setup and testing at supplier end.

Fig. 6.1: Motor testing

6.2.2 Spring stiffness Test

Spring test was carried out at spring manufacturer. Dimensions and properties of the manufactured
spring are tabulated in table 6.1. The photographs of testing is shown in fig. 6.2.

Table 6.1: Spring properties

Initial length Final length Deflection Stiffness

Spring No Load(in kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (N/mm)

(W) (L) (l) (x=L-l) (k=W/x)

1 300 250 198 52 56.5

2 300 250 198 52 56.5

3 300 255 202 53 55.5

4 300 250 198 52 56.5

Fig.6.2: Spring stiffness test

6.2.3 Testing of drive assembly

Before mounting on chassis, drive assembly was tested in house and measured the RPM at gear
box output shaft (point 1) and at input of half axle shaft at point 2 as shown in fig. 5.3. The
measured RPM at point was 52 and at point 2 was 74. RPM was measured visually using stop


Fig.6.3: Testing of drive assembly

6.3. Dimensional measurement

After assembly of ROEATV, the overall dimensions was measured and tabulated in table 6.3.
Figure 6.4 shows photograph of ROEATV

Fig.6.4: Photograph of ROEATV.

Table 6.3: Dimensional measurement

Sr. No. Parameter Dimension (mm)

1 Length 2400

2 Width 1627

3 Height (no load condition) 741

Ground clearance (no load condition) 272

4 With pay load 300 kg 231

5 Wheel base 1365

6 Wheel tread 1462

6.4 Testing of ROEATV without pay load
Initially, the EATV has been tested without pay load condition and detailed in subsequent sections.

6.4.1 Turning circle diameter (TCD) measurement

The test was carried out on vinyl flooring surface. Vehicle was steered by differential method and
minimum TCD was measured as 4240 mm. While turning the only outer two wheels were rotating
as well as skidding whereas inner wheels were only skidding. Figure 6.5 shows the photograph of
impression line of wheels during steering. Impression line of wheels, skidding on floor was created
during the steering and the diameter this impression line of outer wheel was measured to find the
line of wheel

Fig.6.5: Photograph of impression line of wheel

6.4.2 Step climbing

The test was carried out on no load condition. The EATV was brought to touch the step of 175
mm, then the motor was powered to cross the step. It crossed the step easily. In second test of 190
mm step, the vehicle started slowly from 1 m back from the step, it also crossed the step with slow
speed of approximately 2 kmph. Figure 6.6 shows photograph of the step (190 mm) climbing. In
both cases, the length of available step was short, so only one wheel climbed the step other wheel
was on plain ground.
190 mm step

Fig.6.6: Photograph during the 190 mm step climbing without payload

6.5 Testing of ROEATV with pay load
After testing on without pay load, the vehicle was loaded with 300 kg payload and tested for
maximum speed and 175 mm step climbing.

6.5.1 Speed test

The speed test was carried out on normal available asphalt road. Vehicle was run to 10 m distance
at constant speed, the time was measured with stop watch. Two trials were carried out and the
speed was measured as 7.4 kmph and 7.0 kmph respectively. The average speed is calculated as

6.5.2 Step climbing test

The vehicle was tested to climb 175 mm step. The step was available beside the road and was not
a standard one. The length of step was approximately 1400 mm so only one wheel can climb at a
time. The vehicle was brought near the step and started from standstill. Due to back pressure, the
vehicle first came back approximately 400 mm and climbed the step. Figure 6.7 shows the vehicle
with payload and climbed the step of 175 mm.
300 kg Payload

Fig.6.7: Photograph during the

Fig.6.7: Photograph of 175 mm step climb test on 300 kg payload

Chapter 7

Summary and Future Scope of Work

7.1 Summary

 To fulfill the specified requirement, motor of power 3 kW and peak torque 12.4 Nm has
been selected. It has been coupled with planetary gear box of reduction ratio of 50. Power
from output shaft of gear box to wheel shaft is transmitted through chain sprocket
arrangement with sprocket ratio 1.35 to increase the speed of EATV to 7 kmph. Selected
motor can transmit maximum torque 919 Nm that is capable to negotiate all specified
terrain condition on plain ground but cannot cross gradient more than 230. The torque for
300 gradient is required as1187 Nm that can be achieved by 1:1 sprocket ratio using 17/17
teeth. In this case the speed will reduce to 5.4 kmph from 7.3 kmph as in current case.

 Power to motor is given by 48 V battery power pack which comprises four number of 12
V and 80Ah capacity lead acid maintenance free battery connected in series that is capable
to run the vehicle up to 12 km in one recharge. This distance can be increased up to 50 km
approximately by using Li-ion battery of same weight as of lead acid battery in current case
[21]. Cost will increase approximately 4-5 times compare to lead acid battery but life cycle
of Li-ion battery is approximately 2.5 times more than the lead acid battery, thus the overall
cost of battery will increase up to 2 times approximately if Li- ion battery is used. This is
a study project, so lead acid battery has been used for cost of point. For user, Li- ion battery
is recommended.

 Power train is mounted on chassis. Chassis is built by bolted joints of aluminium profiles
of aluminium alloy 6061 T6 condition. Joints works on frictional grip, so there are chances
to dislocate the joints. Finally, chassis must be made with welded joints.

 Designed wishbone suspension system has been designed by CAD analysis software and
fabricated to provide 150 mm bump and 100 mm rebound, but half axle assembly limits
the rebound up to 90 mm. Wheel moves almost vertically i.e. no changes in camber, during
rebound but change in camber at 150 mm in bump is 40.

 The EATV equipped with differential steering and the TCD was measured as 4.24 m.
provision has been made to fit the mechanical steering system based on Ackerman principle
and will be fitted in future.

 Only front wheels have been fitted with brake assembly. Master cylinder of brake assembly
is actuated by an arrangement of the stepper motor and the lead screw. Motor and lead
screw has been bought based on calculations and other components are taken as it is of
Maruti Alto 800. It is capable to stop the EATV in 2 second at a distance of 1.6 m.

 In testing, the average speed was measured as 7.2 kmph with payload of 300 kg. The EATV
was tested to climb 175 mm from standstill condition and 190 mm step with very low speed
without payload. With pay load of 300 kg, it was able to climb 175 mm step. Other tests
could not be completed due to unavailable terrain condition in campus and time constraint,
and will be carried out in future.

 Control system is capable to drive the EATV with operation of steering system and braking

7.2 Future Work

EATV was conceptualized to make it 6x6 wheel drive, amphibious capable and equipped with
solar system to charge the battery. Presently it is 4x4 wheel drive and body has not been designed
and fabricated due to time constraint. Following extension to this EATV can be implemented as a
future work:

 It can be extended to 6x6 wheel drive. Currently the wheel base is 1400 mm and one more
wheel can be fitted in between.
 In case of the chain, connecting to gear output with drive shaft, fails the wheels of that
side will not rotate and the vehicle will become totally off road. In this case, the left side
drive shafts can be connected with right side of drive shafts by suitable mechanism
operated manually or automatically.
 In can be made amphibious capable, by proper designing of body. Its chassis and many
other parts have been made by aluminium alloy to make it light in weight. Liberian seal
can be fitted to isolate the half axle assembly and the body.
 Solar system (PV) can be fitted to the ROEATV to increases the running distance between
one charges of battery.
 Present linkages of steering system can be modifies to fit inside the chassis.

1 “Agricultural vehicle-tractor”, URL:http://heavycherry.com/machineinfo/john_deere/-

2 ‘Track versus Wheel’, URL:http://www.slideshare.net/1st_TSG_Airborne/track-vs-

wheels, retrieved on 29 Dec 2012.

3 Adam R. Chevrefils, ‘Modeling and Design of an Electric All-Terrain Vehicle’ Thesis

report, Manitoba, 2008, P1-18

4 ‘Tracked vs wheels’, URL:http://www.slideshare.net/1st_TSG_Airborne/track-vs-


5 Thomas D Gillespie,”Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics”,Chapter 7

6 Shpetim LAJQI,. Stanislav PEHAN,. Naser LAJQI, “Design of independent suspension

mechanism for all-terrain vehicle with four wheels drive and four wheels steering”,
International Journal of Engineering, Tome XI (Year 2013). ISSN 1584 – 2665

7 Xiaodong Wu, Min Xu, and Lei Wang, “Differential Speed Steering Control for Four-
Wheel Independent Driving Electric Vehicle”, International Journal of Materials,
Mechanics and Manufacturing, Vol. 1, No. 4, November 2013

8 C. C. Chan, Y. S. Wong, “Electric vehicles charge forward,” IEEE Power and Energy
Magazine, vol. 2, issue. 6, pp. 28, Nov-Dec. 2004

9 J Y Wong, ‘Theory of Ground Vehicle’ John wiley and Sons, INC, new York, 3rd edition
2001, chapter 3.

10 Alexander Wilhelm, William Melek, “Dynamics of Step-climbing with Deformable

Wheels and Applications for Mobile Robotics” Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems San Diego, CA, USA, Oct
29 - Nov 2, 2007

11 Khurmi and Gupta, “Machine design”, pp.766-772, 2010

12 Chain length calculator, URL:https://www.rbracing-rsr.com/chainlength.html

13 Drive wheel motor torque calculation, ‘EML2322L-MAE Design and Manufacturing


14 N.Vivekanandan, Abhilash Gunaki , Chinmaya Acharya, “Design, analysis and

simulation of double wishbone suspension system” IPASJ International Journal of
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15 Julian Happian-Smith, “An introduction to modern vehicle design”, pp-299-300. 2002.

16 Khurmi and Gupta, “Machine design”, chapter-23, 2010

17 URL:http://thecartech.com/subjects/auto_eng2/auto_b.aspx

18 URL:http://nexgenbikes.com/site/2014/08/12/frequent-brake-disc-pads-changes-time-

19 “Lead screw”, URL:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leadscrew

20 “Tyres.aspx”, http://www.trident-intl.com/Product/Industrial-Tyres.aspx

21 K.T. Chau, Y.S. Wong, C.C. Chan, “An overview of energy sources for electric
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