Praxis Analysis Paper

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Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

Personally, I plan on attending Nevada State College in the Fall semester of 2019.

I recently spoke to a NSC counselor, and I found out that I am only able to take about 27

credits before I need to pass the Praxis Exam. My plan is to take my first attempt at the

Praxis this summer. Nevada State College requires the Praxis for a majority of the classes

in the elementary education department. The passing score for Reading is 156. The

passing score for Math is 150 and the passing score for Writing is 162.

Exam Preparation

To prepare for the practice Praxis Exam, I briefly looked over the materials given

on canvas. I did a little of my own research on what to expect on the exam, but I feel like

they did not help me, personally. I learn best from just doing it and now that I have

experienced a taste of how the exam goes, I can better prepare for next time. In my head,

I felt very overwhelmed with the amount of information that could potentially be on the

test, and it made me nervous. There is so much information packed into one test, it was

unpredictable to me.

Exam Results

In math, I scored a 79% (borderline). Math was actually the easiest test for me to

take and understand. In reading, I scored a 46% (needs significant improvement). I felt

that I was not in the right environment to read and answer questions according to the

paragraph, I should have planned accordingly. In writing, I scored a 70% (borderline). It

was different than I expected it to be, and it showed.

Future Exam Preparation

I feel as though I need to personally take the time to study materials more

effectively. It is so easy for me to skim through information and not retain a word in my

brain. I will definitely invest in a study book/ practice program to give myself the best

chance at a passing score. I will also continue to use the resources given on canvas in this

class. I am also considering taking the C-BEST exam after my first attempt at the actual

praxis exam. I want to get a feel of what works best for me.

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