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Taxation is theft: Equality or death

At the first continental congress our founders had a momentous decision before
them. Who would rule our new nation? Every other power in the world was a
monarchy to some degree, a lofty bloodline ruling by divine right.

Many believed that we must petition the House of Hanover for a prince to rule us,
but others knew the truth, that Americans are exceptional. We are unique among
the peoples of the world by our ability to rule ourselves, our collective destiny of
self-determination. We had no nobles then and have none now, so why doesn’t our
tax system reflect this equality among Americans?

Our very nature makes us exceptional, but it is our private sector that makes us the
envy of the world.
Small business owners created 60% of new private sector jobs in recent years,
picking up the slack where our larger corporations have outsourced rightful
American growth overseas. But this is not necessarily the fault of our esteemed
captains of industry; they merely react to the unbearable tax rate placed on them by

The tax rates in our country are the highest in the world. They strangle economic
growth in it’s crib in the name of redistribution of funds towards central planning,
which; as we know, is terribly inefficient. The American worker used to reign
supreme in the world market by his rate of wealth production. It is time we adjusted
the tax system to foster growth among the middle classes, who are robbed of their
harvest by the reaping of the state.

If we implement tax reform and allow the prosperous among us to keep more of
their income, it grows the economy and the sources of that income. In this way the
American worker will regain his rightful place. It is time we stopped handicapping
the ambition of our people and made one tax standard for all citizens.

The American dream exists because it is fair, the ability for anyone, regardless of
birth or class to rise up, climbing the ladder of prosperity. When some rungs of this
ladder are differently spaced or uneven, the climber falters, and his fall hurts us all.

Our founders knew that a Royal, top-down rule would not serve the American way.
The clumsy ministrations and gradations of big government are no different.
One nation, one people, one tax rate.

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