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Designation: D1837 - 11 Standard Test Method for NTO EXTRANJERO. IMPRESION RUTORIZADA PC 60. RWALIZACION ¥ CERTICACION Volatility of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases! This saad eau ur the fe designation DIN the inher imesinly following the devigationinbesten the year af ‘ism npn in the eave revise year oft eve une in parce ase the year ls ego & “pens epilon iste an etoile sie the st eso ot epee 1. Scope” 1.1 This test method is a measure of the relative purity of the various types of liquefied petroleum (LP) gases and helps tocensure suitable volatility performance, The test results, when properly related to vapor pressure and density of the product, fan be used to indicate the presence of butane and heavier components in propane type LP-gas, and pentane and heavier components. in propane-butane and butane type fuels. The presence of hydrocarbon compounds less volatile than those of Which the LP-gas is primaily composed is indicated by an increase in the 95 % evaporated temperature. 1.2 When the type and concentration of higher boiling components is required, chromatographic analysis should be used. 1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard, The values given in parentheses are for information only. [4 WARNING Mercury has been designated by many regulatory agencies us a havardous material that can cause central nervous system, kidney and liver damage, Mercury, or its vapor. may be hazardous to health and commusive 10 ‘materials. Caution should be taken when handling mercury and mercury containing products. See the applicable prexiuet Ma terial Safely Data Sheet (MSDS) for details and EPA's website—hip/—for addi- tional information, Users should be aware that selling mercury andor mercury containing products into your state or country ‘may be prohibited by law, 15 This standard does not purport 10 address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- priate safety and health practices and determine the applica: bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. "This tet method is under the scion of ASTM Cowsntes DO2 on Fel Pacts an Lint and the diet responsiliy of Sabon rent sion approval Oc. 1 201 Pablsbd Novsree 2011, Oginally pprat n 1961 Last peviwncliion approved 207 5 DISS7-024200 Dot 1015300189711 x Sum 2. Referenced Documents 2. ASTM Standards? B96 Test Method for Water and Sediment in Crude Oil by Centrifuge Method (Field Procedure)’ 11796 Test Method for Water and Sediment in Fuel Oils by the Centrifuge Method (Laboratory Procedure) EI. Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers Summary of Test Method 3.1 Refrigerate the sample by means of a eooling coil and collect 100ml. of liguid in a weathering tube, Allow 10 evaporate (weither”) at ambient pressure under specified conditions that approximate a single plate distillation. Correct the observed temperature, when 5 mL. of liquid test portion remains, for barometric pressure and thermometer iee point error, and report as the 95 % evaporation temperature, 4. Significance and Use 4A Volatility, expressed in terns of the 95 % evaporated temperature of the product, is a measure of the amount of least volatile components present in the product. Coupled with a vapor pressure limit, it serves } ensure essentially single component proclucts in the cases of commercial grades of propane and butane, When volatility is coupled with a vapor pressure limit which hus been related to density, as in the case fof the commercial PB-mixture, the combination serves (0 assure essentially (wo component mixtures for such fuels. ‘When coupled with a proper vapor pressure Tinit, this mea surement serves to assure that special-duly propane products «will be composed chielly of propane and propylene and that propane will he the major constituent For sfrnced ASTM sundids,vsie he ASTM website, mivatnong somact ASTM Casket Service st erica. Fr Anne! Bik of AST Ie ASTM website wanda Te ast ape on ww am 4 eri ofthis store sani is een tary of Changes section appears at the end ofthis standard ‘coyoht © ASTI Ieee, 109 Ber Har Cv, PO Bae C70, We Canesten A 26.26, Und Ses 4QWy 1837-11 TOLERANCE 95 ame) Nor—For graduation tolerances see Table | FIG. 1 Weathering Tube 5. Apparatus 5.1. Weathering Tube—A centrifuge tube, cone-shaped. con- forming to the dimensions given in Fig. | and made of thoroughly annealed heat-resistant ghass.* The shape of the lower tip ofthe tube is especially important. The taper shall be uniform and the bottom shall be rounded as shown in Fi “trot ns has ben oud satiny fr dis arp eee SCT wast TABLE 1 Weathering Tube Graduation Tolerances i Seale Unter anges Dizon mk roc mL wor 005 Oreos 805 O3t08 0 O5m10 ° 1owso os 30:50 05 5010250 10 2599 1000 19 ‘The tubes shall comply in wall thickness to ASTM centrifuge tube requirements (Note 1). The given in Table 1 Nore 1—Roguitements for ventetage thes appear in Test Methods 196 and B17! 5.2 Tube Support—Means shall be provided for s the weathering tube by its neck in a vertical position, Water Barh (for use in tests on butane and propane butane mixture types of liguefied petroleum gas only). A. shallow container filled with clean water having a maintained temperature ranging from 15 to 21°C (60 to 70°F) and a dept ‘of 38 mm (114 in) 54 Thermometer—ASTM Armored Weathering Test Ther- mometer having a range from ~50 to 5°C (=58 to 41°F) and conforming 1 the requirements for Thermometer 99C-92 (09F-86) as prescribed in Specification E, Do not remove the armor from the thermometer Sampling Precooling Equipment 5.5.1 Cooling Vesse!—Any suitable wide-mouthed metal container or Dewar flask at least 64 mm (214 in.) in inside diameter by 292. mm (1195 in.) deep 5.5.2 Cooling Coil—Approximatcly 6 m (20 1) of 4.8-mm (@4e-in,) outside diameter soft copper tubing, wound around hollow mandrel at least 54 mm (2% in.) in outside diameter, with adjacent ens touching. Run the lower end of the tube up through the center of the mandrel before winding so that the finished coil will fit snugly inside the cooling vessel. When assembled. the top of the coil shall be at least 25 mm (1 ia.) below the top of the cooling vessel and the open ends of the coil shall not be more than 100 mm (4 in.) above, Connect the downstream end oF the coil to 4 3.2 mm (i in.) needle valve having an outlet connection not more than 76 mm (3 in.) long (ee Fig. 2), 553 Precovlant—This can be the liquefied petroleum gas from the same container from which a Sample is to be taken, Other refrigerants having a boiling point lower than the initial, boiling point of the sample can be used. Use a nonflamrnable precoolant if required 5.6 Charcoal—Four grains of activated charcoal, approxi ‘mately 6 to 14 mesh in size, are required. The four be similar in size (Nove 2), rraduation tolerances are porting [Nor 2 Grain of charcoal are used as boiling ad wick reduses the tendeney forthe propane or butane to overow the weathering tube a the Propane or butane evaporates 6. Procedure 611 Positioning she Thermometer—Add water wo the 5 ml. line of the weathering tube. Add two grains of charcoal. Insert (iy o1837- 11 dnt n3 oF aa ous) 00 Nore—The cols in the draving are extended for cary FIG. 2 Precooting Equipment the armored thermometer as low as possible into the weather: ing tube, Observe and recon! the water level in the tube. Remove and discard the water and charcoal and clean and dry the weathering tube, 62 Obtaining a Test Portion: 6.2.1 Fill the colin; cover the cooling coil vessel with the precoolant so as 10 6.2.2 The source of the sample (lest portion) m: process or delivery line, or a sample eylinder, king care to dobain a liquid sample. 6.2.3 Attach the inlet of the cooling coil to the source from ‘which the sample isco be taken with a shor line connection of {6-4 mm (4 in.) pipe (or larger). having a sampling. valve large ‘enough to prevent vaporization of the material due to the drop. in pressure across the valve seat, 6.2.4 Purge the sampling line and cooling coil by opening both the sampling valve and the 3.2 mm (% in,) needle valve fon the downstream end of the cooling coil 62.5 Fill the weathering wbe with the sample flowing through the cooling coi 6.2.6 Empty this first sample. 6.2.7 Add two grains of similar-sized charcoal as was used in 6.1, and then refill the weathering tbe to the 100-mL, mark with Iresh liquid sample passing through the cooling coll 6.3 Placement of Thermometer—Carefully insert the pre cooled armored thermometer into the centrifuge tube, to the same position as in 6.1, and center it in the tube by a slotted cork. Take all § % residue readings at the level ‘established in 6.1 Nort 3—tradsquateprecooting ofthe sample will result in excessive ‘aporization and Jos of fight components fom the sample collected in the ‘weathering tube, This ress in proportionally mre of the higher boiling onponent inthe sample in oer to eect 100 maf lg, Ava results tbe test is made more severe. with higher reported 9S Se evaporation temperate, which ison the conservative side 64 Weathering Burane and Propane-Butane Mixture Types of Liquefied Petrolewn Gas Products—When the temperature of the sample is below -12°C (10°F), allow it 40 weather in the ‘atmosphere until the temperature has reached 12°C (10°F). At this point, place the weathering tube, with the armored ther ‘mometer stil in place, in the water bath in a vertical position, submerging it (0 the |’4-mL mark, and allow the eontents to weather. 6.5 Weuthering Propane Type of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Products—Allow the sample to weather in the atmosphere, taking care to disturb the frost on the tube as litle as possible An acetone of alcohol swab can be used t0 remove frost sullicient to permit reading of the temperature 6.6 Reading of Temperature—When the liquid level in the ‘weathering tube, with the armored thermometer still in place corresporuls to the level previously determined in 6.1, read and record the temperature of the sample in accordance with 6.1 and 6.5, 6.7 Temperature Correetion—Following the final tempera: ture reading (6.6), remove the armored thermometer Irom the ‘weathering tube and place it in a bath of finely crushed ice up to the immersion point. Observe the reading of the thermom- eter when a constant reading is obtained. If the thermometer reading is less than 0°C (32°F), add the fraction of a degree it is low to the final test reading. If the thermometer reading is more than 0° (32°F), subtract the fraction of a degree that tis high from the final test reading. If the thermometer reading varies more than 0.5°C (1°F), the test result is invalid. Repeat the procedure using an accurate thermometer Nor: 4A high reading of the thermometer when it is placed in ice usually indicates dat there i a Break in the mer: eam be corocied by warming the thermovnlcr gently ina warm wate th to deve the break opwa into the expaasion chamber atthe 1p of the thermometer. While the mereury-thallvm is continuous in the upper chamber tap the bortom of the thermometer on har, bot cusbined surface to jin the Ligud ino a continuous teed, A low reading in ce usually indicates dat sone of the Foti his remained ia the expansion chamber. To coreet this allow the thermometer Wo Warm so the guid ters the chamber ad ap as previously inteute 7. Interpretation of Results, 7.1 Comect the thermometer at the 95 % boiling point (3.% residue) for the thermometer error (6.7) 7.2 Correct the observed temperature for the thermometer error from the observed aumospherie pressure in kPa (millime tres of mercury) to a base barometric pressure of 101 kPa (760, mm), 7.3 In the weather test for propane, add 0.3°C (0.6°F) to the correeted temperature for each 1.3 KPa (10mm Hg) that th lest is conducted below 101 KPa (760 min) pressure, or subieaet Satay ew areas a8

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