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Weekly Accomplishment Report

Coral Bay Nickel Corporation (CBNC) is a hydrometallurgical processing plant who

used the latest technological innovation in processing nickel and cobalt from existing stockpiles
of low grade nickel ore from Rio Tuba Nickel Mining Corporation (RTNMC). The plant is
designed to produced 10,000 tons of nickel and 750 tons of cobalt per year.

The main product of this processing plant is Mixed Sulfide (MS) of nickel and cobalt
which analysed 55% nickel and 4.5% cobalt. The processing plant is using High Pressure Acid
Leaching (HPAL) to produce nickel or cobalt from low grade nickel laterite ores at high
recovery rate and at low cost.

The plant is composed of the following namely: Ore Preparation, High Pressure Acid
Leaching (HPAL), Pre-Neutralization, Counter Current Decantation (CCD), Neutralization, Zinc
Removal, Sulphurization, and Final Neutralization.

Our training at Maintenance Department Mechanical Section Focusses on safety

awareness within the company premises, arrangement of activities, safety confirmation and
procedure before the contractor conducts their activity, proper coordination between the
production or inspection tools, judgement criteria of parts of equipment and troubleshooting.

Objectives of the Training

1. To become useful Mechanical Inspector in the Plant operation.

2. To familiarize plant area, process and equipment functions.
3. T establish a basic equipment condition monitoring, inspection and repair standards.
4. To have an excellent safety consideration in every plant area and equipment’s before,
during and after the activity.
5. To be able to familiarize safety procedures on repair and preventive maintenance.
6. To acquire technical, troubleshooting and decision making skills from every activities.
Signing of Contract  Must know the content of the contract first
Between Trainee’s before signing it.
and CBNC  The contract must be Bilateral.
 CBNC is an ISO (International Organization for
Standardization) certified company.
 CBNC is the HPP (Hydrometallurgical
Processing Plant)
 ISO 14001: 2015 (Environmental
Management System)
 ISO 9001: 2015 (Quality Management System)
To secure the safety of:
 Manpower
 Environment
 Equipment
 Community
The Policy:
Safety Orientation  Comply all the Laws
April 17,  Protect the Environment
2018  Continually improve the production for
environment purposes.
 Communication to the interested parties.

 Awareness of the CBNC General Plant Rules.

 Awareness of the different Fire-Fighting
 Awareness of HPP Monitoring Equipments.
 Learn about the Emergency Assembly Area in
case of any accident.
 Awareness of the CBNC receives awards.
 Awareness about the mother company of
Film Showing CBNC.
 SMM Spirit
Company Rules and  Learn the different rules and regulation of the
Regulation CBNC.
Film Showing  Learn how the RTN begins.
 RTN  Learn how they discovered the Rio Tuba that
Beginning full of minerals.
 HPP  Learn that CBNC is a Hydrometallurgical
April 18,
(Hydrometal Processing Plant.
lurgical  Learn that CBNC is one of the world first
Processing successful HPAL (High Pressure Acid Leaching)
Plant) Plant Technology to produce Mixed Sulfide of
Nickel and Cobalt.
 Know that CBNC operates the World Most
Successful Hydrometallurgical Processing
Presentation of
Plant (HPP) that applies the High Pressure
Acid Leach Technology to produced mixed
Processing Plant
Sulfide of Ni & Co from Low grade Ni Ore.
Operation &
 Mixed Sulfide is an Intermediate
Protection Program
 Awareness in what way the CBNC controls the
by Environmental
Air Pollution.
Management &
 Awareness how they control and treat the soil
Quality Control
and water.
Section (EMQCS)
Personnel  Awareness the rehabilitation project and
Livelihood program of CBNC.


 EMQC is the department in the CBNC that manage how to treat and control the pollutions.
 They are responsible for the rehabilitation of the surroundings.
 It implements the rules about environment and quality management.
 CBNC is an Environmental Management System ISO 1400: 2015 certified.
Field Trip by Engr.  Learn the color indicator of the pipelines.
Judy Reil  Learn how to read the pH meter with the
1. Emergency standard of 6-9 pH.
Pond  We observed how they get a sample of water
2. Upper at upper kinurong.
Kinurong  We actually observed of getting sample for
3. Lower fish tissue. They send in manila for water
Kinurong analysis. They estimated to be more or less
4. Lower 500 telapia in the Fish Net.
tugpon  Learn the route of water in the saltation
5. Upper pond.
Tugpon  The common they do in the intake dam id to
6. Intake Dam get the water sample, pH, chlorine, etc.
April 19, 7. Ibelnan  We’ve visited the Ibelnan resort and take
2018 resort some pictures.
8. TSF2  We learn that the total area of the south dam
9. EMQC is 110 ha and 70% is water and 30 % solid.
Nursery  Mr. Arnel is the Dam operator.
10. TSF1 Tailing
 The tailings dam is the one that treating the
water from power plant before to discharge
in the ocean.
11. Pier Site
 We’ve visited the TSF1 Rehabilitation and its
12. Mixed
total area to be estimated to be 70 ha.
 Learn that the pier site is the loading of the
finish product and unloading of sulphuric acid,
13. Sulphuric
methanol and some low grade ore from other
mining company.
 We’ve also have a walk through at the trestle
with the total distance of 900 m.
 Mr. L. Amores taught us about some activities
and function of the comrel in the community.
April 20, Overview in  They implement projects in the community.
2018 COMREL  They guides and aides the community barangays
in conducting their proposed projects for the
benefit of the people.
Film Showing  Awareness the activity of sdmp to the
community, their accomplishments and doings.
Field Trip  Learn how to deal to the community.
 Bohoy  We’ve saw the vegetable garden that supported
 SAPA by the sdmp.
 We’ve visited also the coffee plantation at SAPA.
Community Visited  Learn that the management doing their part in
1. Hydroelectri the community.
c Power  Learn how to help and give to the people.
Plant at Sitio  It increased our endurance while visiting to the
Gamayon, community.
Brgy.  Observe the lifestyle and culture of the people
Taratak, we’ve visited.
April 21,
2. Brgy. Puring
3. Brgy. Tabud
4. Sitio
n, Brgy.

Turn-over to  Learn how to be behaved and act properly.

Maintenance  Learn how to be be-friends to other
Department maintenance personnel.
Introduction to all  To know their position.
Maintenace  To know how to greet the Japanese staff.
Staff/Personnel  To be discipline inside the office.
Maintenance  Learn the organizational flow of the
April 23, Department maintenance department.
2018 Overview and  Learn the different area of every inspector.
Orientation with
Engr. E. Fiedacan
 Learn the different plantsite work safety policy.
Plantsite Safety
 We learn that we should always need to wear
the required PPE’s.
Role of Mechanical  We learn that the safety inspector always
Inspector conduct safety policy before conducted any
Maintenance Work.
 The Inspector should always have a Daily PM.
 The Inspector should always record and report
the condition of the equipments.
 It should need to be good at decision making
about the equipment safety parameters, ect.
 The inspector should prepare the materials and
supervise the manpower for conducting the
maintenance work.
 The Mechanical Inspector should have the
Knowledge/Skills Gained to the ff.:
1. Safety Consciousness
2. Coordination
3. Equipment Condition
4. Troubleshooting/Maintenance
Procedures/Fault Finding/Preventive
5. Decision Making by Knowing the
Criticality of Plant Operation during
Equipment Failures.
6. Preventive Maintenance
7. Work Request
8. Spare Parts Specification and
 We have learn a lot about the maintenance
house rules.
 We learn that we should need to Time-In on-
time or before the start of the working hour.
 We learn how to conduct proper housekeeping.
 Be aware of safety hazards inside of the plant
Maintenance House
 Conduct finger pointing and calling when
crossing the road.
 Ensure to understand the instructions and
always ask confirmation from your senior
inspector before proceeding for any activity.

 We learn the two types of Seals that used to

prevent leakage, the Mechanical Seal and Gland
 The comparison between the Mechanical Seal
Attended Daily
April 24, and Gland Packing.
2018  The application of the Seal.
Technical Education
 Awareness about the different cost of
mechanical seal and gland packing.
 Mechanical Seal has a High Cost but low
maintenance while the Gland Packing has a Low
Cost but high Maintenance and efficiency.
 The Two Types of LOTO; the Electrical LOTO and
the Mechanical LOTO.
 Electrical LOTO use in the MCC (Motor Control
Presentation: Lock-
Center), while the Mechanical LOTO use in Sites,
Out and Tag-Out
like the valves, Pipes, Pumps, ect.
Procedure by L.
 They implement the LOTO to ensure the safety
of the manpower.
 Monthly they conducted safety inspection of the
tools or equipment they used.
 We learn that doing proper communication and
Relevant Plant-site
coordination tends to prevent accident/incident
cause by mis-communication.
 The different traffic rules in the plant-site,
Town-site, and in Macadam Road.
Traffic Rules  The purpose of the traffic rules is to reduce the
accident in the CBNC or outside CBNC that
relates to vehicles.
Implementing of  In order to all of the employees to be aware
Finger Pointing and before crossing the road.
Attended the  They discussed about the Safety, Health &
Maintenance Environmental (SHE) matters.
Monthly General  Discussion of the past month accident/incident
Meeting @ in the maintenance and other department.
Workshop Meeting  To make the countermeasure how to prevent
Room any accident inside or outside the plant-site.
 The purpose of this seminar is to enhance the
understanding of all personnel on the purpose
and intention of the 4RKY.
Attended the
 The 4RKY is a Japanese activity that used to
seminar about 4RKY
motivate members to recognize and predict
 It intended for Risk Assessment.
 We first discussed the Mechanical Seal.
 Mechanical Seal is a device designed to prevent
Lecture: TPM the fluid from leakage between the rotating
Overview by Mr. shaft and the stationary causing under
Michael Reil conditions of extreme pressure.
 TPM – Total Productive Maintenance
April 25,
 Learn the different Pillars of TPM.
 In order to reduce the accident/incident in the
Lecture: Traffic Rules
 It used in Maintenance in order to know all the
pipelines, equipment, facility, etc. in the plant-
P & ID Education
 We learn the different schematic diagram and
instrumentation diagram.
 Learn that safety is the first thing to do, before
Walk Through in the
doing anything else.
Plant-Site with Engr.
 We saw the different motors, pumps, pipelines,
Michael Reil
valves, etc. that used in the Plant-site.
 Learn the different Mechanical Seal Materials.
 The designation of the Mechanical Seal
Attended Daily
Materials that was used.
Technical Education  The Orifice is used to reduce the pressure from
the pump to have a pressure drop. To maintain
the required pressure flows.
 The purpose of this policy is to set a system that
Relevance of will ensure proper communication for issuance
Confined Space of confined space entry clearance.
Education  This policy applies to all confined space under
cleaning, inspection, maintenance and repairs.
 Learn that every month they have an inspection
Relevance of Lifting color coding of lifting equipment.
Procedure  Learn the different lifting equipment.
 Learn the basic lifting safety procedure.
April 26,
2018  In order to determine the information on proper
communication and permitting for hot works
Relevance Hot activities.
Works Procedure  This policy applies to any operation involving
open flames or producing heat and/or sparks
within CBNC scope of works.
Relevance in the  To ensure proper dissemination of information.
Coordination and  To prevent any incident/accident due to
Communication miscommunication.
 The seal that used in the ore prep area is the
gland packing because it’s not really critical.
Walkthrough & Field  The different equipment used in the Ore Prep
Orientation Area.
 The material used in the autoclave; 30mm
carbon steel and 12 mm titanium steel.
 Learn how to fill the KY card.
Filling up the KY
 All of the inspector must fill the KY card before
conducted an activity.
Attended Daily Mechanical Seal Failures causes:
April 27, Mechanical  Incorrect Selection
2018 Technical Education  Improper Start-up
(Common Causes of  Improper Pump Operation
Mechanical Seal  Lack of Seal Water Barrier.
Failure)  Improper Installation
Walkthrough at the  Be aware of the continuous movement of the
H2S Area fore clip.
 Every 7 days the scaffold always updating for
safety procedure and for the safety of the
 The Scrubber is use to filter the toxic in the air.
 The Chilling Unit Screw Type Compressor is used
to cold the by-product of reactor which is the
Brine Methanol.
 The Brine Methanol is used to chill the by-
product of reactor.
 The H2S Compressor is used to deliver the H2S
to MS Area.
 The Refrigerant that use in the Chilling Unit is
the R-134a.
 FRP is the Fibrouos Re-enforce Plastic.
 Process A is the General Term for HPAL.
Walkthrough at MS
 Process B is the General Term for MS.
Area with Engr. A.
 Observe the repair of rubber lining of spool Pipe
(Carbon Steel).
 We saw the different materials that used in the
Walkthrough at
 To be aware the Total Cost of the Warehouse.
Conduct Inspection  Knows correlation of Tension and V-belt
of Final Deflection (16mm/m).
Neutralization  Lubrication required Viscosity Grade (Turbo-
Blowers (08BW01B 46).
and 08BW01C)  Pulley Sheave standard Wear (1/16”).
 V-belt  Pulley Standard Alignment (1mm/m).
April 28,
 Lubrication
 Pulley
Pulley Alignment
 Learn how to check the spliced section and top
and bottom surface for possible peel-off.
April 30, Inspection Points of  Clearance between belt conveyor and scraper.
2018 Belt Conveyor  The surface of the belts
 Alignment of the belt
 Belt splicing condition
 Learn the different pumps that used in the
Video Presentation
Power Plant.
(Pumps, Power
May 1,  Learn the Operating Principles of the Power
2018 Plant.
 It shut down because the thickener at MS Area
Line 2 Shutdown
has a leakage.
 We learn that they need to have a temporary
patching to prevent the passing of acid. Epoxy
Putty is used for Patching.
 Learn that 205, 2016, 209 are restricted area for
welding. You should need a lot of procedure
Walkthrough with before conducting welding in this area.
Engr. O. Boton  We learn how to check the condition of the V-
 Learn how to measure the elbow of the pipe.
Polishing  Learn how they change the cloth in the Polishing
Filter Filter.
Video presentation  Learn about the functions of fans and blower in
about Fans And the Power Plant.
 Learn the Types of Tanks that based on Pressure
Attended Daily and Roofing.
Mechanical  Learn the classes of Tanks Roof.
Technical Education  Learn that you should always consider the
(Tanks & Vessels) Safety and Cost for designing the Tanks and
May 2,
 Learn how to read the P & ID.
 The Flash Vessel decrease the Pressure and
Lecture with Mr. R.
 Lorry is used to transport the sulphuric acid for
safety procedure.
 The coagulant inject to separate the solid but it
has a higher concentration.
 Learn the materials used in the tanks and
Attended Daily vessels. This materials are Carbon Steel,
Mechanical Stainless Steel, and FRP (Fibrous Re-enforce
Technical Education Plastic).
(Tanks & Vessels  Learn why they use linings in the tanks. In order
May 3, Materials) to prevent corrosion and to protect the tanks
surface from acidic or basic solution.
 Inspection @ 205 De-Zinc Area.
Monitoring with  Learn how to monitor the equipment and how
Engr. O. Boton to deal to the manpower from JMAINT.
 Learn the flow of the cooling water.
Bray Control  Learn the different valves they sale.
Presentation by  Learn how to select good valves.
Vladimir S. Cunanan
May 4, Overhauling of  The clearance of the blower is .13 - .18 mm.
2018 Blower Lube Type
Vibration  Learn how to use the thermo gun and vibro
Monitoring With meter.
Engr. A. Lacandazo  Learn how to take vibration monitoring in the
drive end and non-drive end of the motor.
 Learn why we conduct Vibration Monitoring.

Attended the Past  How to predict hazard.

Similar Accident  Learn how avoid accident by knowing the
Review related past accident.
Discussed about  The bearing can be Lubricant because it cause
Cylindrical Bearing less friction.
and Tapered Bearing  Learn the different parts of Bearing.
Pinhole at Pressure  Learn how to select the material to replace the
Filter Feedline at MS Feedline.
May 5, Area  Learn the specs of the material to use.
2018 Coupling Alignment  Learn how align the coupling of the blower.
of Blower at  Learn the standard of alignment.
Attended Technical  Quiz about past presentation of Tanks and
Meeting Vessel.
 Learn how to monitor the Manpower of
Monitoring of
Autoclave Feed
May 7,  Learn how to monitor the Autoclave FeedPump.
Pump 202PU07AB
 Learn how they check the cap screw.
Weekly Checking of
 The purpose of the loose bolt of cap screw can
Cap Screw Agitator
cause to sway the agitator shaft. Because it
@ 203AG12 & 13
affect the gear box.
 Learn how to secure the work permit and work
Re-Tensioning of
May 8,  Learn how to conduct LOTO at MCC.
chain drive @
2018  Learn how to Re-Tension the chain drive.
 Learn how to inspect the condition of the chain
Re-Tensioning of  Learn that before doing the activity always
Blower V-Belt @ consider the Safety.
208BWM01B  Learn how to Re-Tension the Blower of V-Belt.
 The trouble is out of tension, and the possible
May 9,
Inspection of V-Belt cause is the normal elongation.
Condition and  Checking the tension of the V-belt using tension
Bearing Lock-Nut @ meter.
205PU01B  Know what type of v-belt is used.
 Learn how to re-tighten the lock-nut.
Conducted Cutting  Learn the safety procedure before conducted
of Plates using Oxy- cutting.
May 10, acitylin at Repair  Learn how the oxi-acitylen cut the carbon steel.
2018 Group
 Learn how to weld.
Conducted Welding
 Learn the basic welding style.
 Learn the safety procedure before grinding.
 Learn how to grind, and the technique of
Conducted Grinding grinding.
 Learn the proper position while conducted

 Learn how to follow orders and how to thank
the Maintenance Department.
 Learn the house Rules in the Utilities
 The management system of CBNC.
Turn-over to Utilities  How the CBNC form.
Department  The overall operation of the Utilities are;
May 11, P-Power
2018 S-Steam

 Learn the different sources of water that they

Site Visit
used in the Boiler.
 Intake Dam
 Learn to what they maintain in every water
 Reservoir 1
 Siltation 1&2
 Learn the process of water from raw water to
 Reservoir 2
useful water to the Boiler.
 Rock Quarry
 Learn the Engineering strategy they do to
manage water.
 Always be Safe, Neat, Organized in the
 The Benefits are:
Relevance of 5s  Safety
Program  Productivity
 Quality
 Shall continuously maintain high
standard of 5s practices.
 Water is the most basic needs. Therefore
May 12,
manage the water with quality and concern to
Site Visit the environment.
 Water Pond  Learn the system they do to prepare the water
Line 1 before using in the boiler.
 Water Pond  Learn the demi-system, how it works and its
Line 2 different parameters.
 Demi-  Learn the functions of Anions and Cations.
System  Learn the process of water.
 The Neutralization Basin is the Waste Water
from Demi System & Boiler.
May 15,  Learn the different coal they use in the furnace
Relevance of Coal
2018 of the Boiler.
 Learn the process of coal before its use.
 Learn its source and its quality.
 Learn how it manage and CBNC is great when it
comes to manage the coal.
 How to handle and how to dispose the coal.
 We saw the types of coal; the Malinau and
Adaro at coal yard.
 Learn how they clean and manage the coal in
the coal yard.
 They make some siltation pond in order to
recover the coal from the flow of water during
rainy season.
Coal Yard Site Visit
 The problem they encounter in the coal yard
during rainy season is the water, because it spill
some coal and they need it to put a cover to the
coal yard. On the other hand, they had some
problem when summer season because of its
dust particle that can affect to the nearest
house in the coal yard.
 Learn the improvement of the Boiler Line 2
when compare to Boiler Line 1.
 It has High Cost but Low Maintenance and High
 Learn the different parameters of the Boiler Line
 Learn the actual process of the Boiler.
 The clinkers is the Melted Ash that stick to the
May 16, Site Visit at the wall of the furnace and it cost to lessen the
2018 Boiler Line 2 transfer of heat to the pipelines.
 The Boiler Line 2 has a 3 back-up Nigata Diesel
Generator with capacity of 1.640 MW each in
order to supply power to the autoclave when
the Boiler has a problem or shutdown.
 The Type of Boiler in the CBNC is
COGENERATION Type. Meaning the steam is not
supply only to the Boiler, but also it supply for
almost 40% to HPAL.
 The primary monitor are:
 Coal Bunker
 FD Fan
 Maintain the Furnace Pressure.
Relevance of Coal
May 17,  Check the Gas Analyser before it went
2018 to the stack.
 Steam Dum
 Maintain the level of water.
 Monitor the Steam Pressure to HPAL.
Site Visit to Boiler  Learn the difference between Boiler Line 1 and
Line 1 Boiler Line 2.
 Coal  Learn the location of Power Control and Source.
Handling  Learn the Coal Handling of line 1.
 Boiler MCC  Learn the difference of the Furnace.
 Wet Ash/Dry  Learn the process of wet ash and dry ash before
Ash its disposal.
 Furnace  The steam drum has a PSV (Pressure Safety
 Steam Drum Valve) in order to add the safety procedure in
 Coal Feeder the boiler. Aside from that, when the steam
 Coal pressure will increase, immediately the PSV will
Spreader function and control the pressure.
 ESP  Learn the Coal Spreader and Coal Feeder of
(Electrostati Boiler Line 1.
c  The Function of FD (Force Draft) Fan, Stationary
Precipitator) Fan and ID (Induced Draft) Fan.
 ID Fan  The difference between the ESP of Boiler Line 1
 Stack and Boiler Line 2.
 The Function of ESP in the Boiler.
 The function of stack.
 2 types of alarm in steam Turbine
Minor Alarm
Major Alarm
 The Steam Turbine is the one that rotate by the
steam in order to generate power to the
Lecture  The ESP is the most economic device in the
 The RA No. 8479 is the Philippine Clean Air Act
May 18,
of 1999 that follow the CBNC.
 They use ESP and Scrubber in order to meet this

 Learn the different function of HP Governor

Valve and LP Governor Valve.
 Learn the Function of Exciter.
 The Boiler Line 1 have 2 back-up Caterpillar
Diesel Generator with the capacity of 1.640

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