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5:30 PM Public Meeting with Agenda Items as follows:

A. Call to Order ​Ms. Bachus

B. Vote to go into closed session for discussion and/or action regarding those items of
business exempt from open meetings under General Laws of Rhode Island RIGL
42-46-5 (a (1)), (a (2)), (a (4)), (a(9)).
Discussion Items
1. Litigation/Mediation
A. Discussion/Action: Warwick School Committee/City of Warwick Budget
2. Litigation/Legal Advice
A. Discussion/Action: FY2020 School Committee Adopted AMENDED Recommended

6:00 PM Return to Open Session

Pledge of Allegiance
National Anthem
C. Vote to seal minutes of Executive Session
D. Votes taken in Executive Session

E. Recommended Actions
​A. Approval of Minutes of Public Session(s)
-June 7, 2019
-June 11, 2019
-June 18, 2019
B. Approval of Minutes of Executive Session(s)
-June 7, 2019
-June 11, 2019
-June 18, 2019
C. Approval of Warrant(s)
-June 27, 2019
D. Approval of Transfer(s)
-June 27, 2019

F. 1. ​Announcements-Personnel-As Presented
A. Retirement(s)/Resignation(s)

G. ​School Committee Correspondence, Donation Announcement(s)

H. ​Public Comment on Agenda Discussion Items Only

I. ​Unfinished Business
1. Discussion/Action: Contract Award-GRANT Funded-WACTC Program
Evaluation Services
J. New Business
1. Discussion/Action: Authorization to Use Donations to Pay Off Student
Lunch Balances
2. Discussion/Action: Bid Award-School Lunch POS System
​3. Discussion/Action: Bid Award-Program Audit Consultant(s)
4. Discussion/Action: Contract Awards-Consent as Presented-Items 1-27
Index # Department/Program Company
1 Tech-Google G Suite Renewal Amplified IT, LLC
2 Tech-Software Virtual Desktop Envision Technology Advisors, Inc.
3 Spec. Ed-Autism Project The Autism Project
4 Maint.-Medical Waste Removal Biowaste, LLC
5 Athletics-Injury Fund Reimburse. Ann Marie Gillbert
6 Elem.-Webpath Site Lic. Renew. X2 Development
7 2 nd Webpath Site Lic. Renew. X2 Development
8 Scott-Instruct. Subscriptions-GRANT Funded-Scholastic Inc.
9 Veterans MS-Copy Paper WB Mason, Inc.
10 War. Neck-Supplies WB Mason, Inc.
11 Lippitt- Supplies WB Mason, Inc.
12 Oakland Bch-Supplies WB Mason, Inc.
13 Holliman-Supplies WB Mason, Inc
14 Cedar Hill-Supplies WB Mason, Inc.
15 Sherman-Supplies WB Mason, Inc.
16 Park-Supplies WB Mason, Inc.
17 Norwood-Supplies WB Mason, Inc.
18 Wyman-Supplies WB Mason, Inc.
19 Scott-Supplies WB Mason, Inc.
20 Tollgate-Supplies WB Mason, Inc.
21 Sherman-Supplies School Specialty
22 Park-Supplies School Specialty
23 Pilgrim-Art Supplies School Specialty
24 Pilgrim-Sci. Supplies Flinn Scientific, Inc.
25 Toll Gate-Sci. Supplies Flinn Scientific, Inc.
26 Pilgrim-Sci. Supplies Carolina BIO Supply Company
27 Pilgrim-Supplies Cengage Learning
5. Authorized Bond Funding Expenditures
a. Discussion/Action: Contract Award-Asbestos Abatement Testing Services
6. Discussion/Action: Contract Award-Elementary PBIS Program
7. Discussion/Action: Contract Award-iReady Math Program/Universal Screener
8. Discussion/Action: Contract Award-Gemsnet, Grades 3-5 Science
9. Discussion/Action: Contract Award-Food Service Annual Safety Inspections
10. Discussion/Action: Contract Award-MutuaLink System Renewal
11. Discussion/Action: Postage Meter Annual Service
12. Discussion/Action: Providence Journal Annual Advertising
13. Discussion/Action: RILINK Annual Renewal
14. Discussion/Action: Job Vacancies/Staffing for School Year 2019-20 ​M
15. Discussion/Action: FY2020 School Committee Adopted Amended Recommended
​16. Discussion/Action: Contract Award-​Property & Liability Insurance Renewal
17. Discussion/Action: Contract Award-Telephone System; VOIP Renewal

K. ​Public Comment

L. ​Information & Proposals From Superintendent/Staff

M. ​Scheduled Meetings
Achievement Sub-Committee Meeting, Monday, July 8, 2019
Monthly School Committee Meeting, Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Policy Sub-Committee Meeting, Wednesday, August 7, 2019

N. Adjournment

If an interpreter is needed, please contact the Special Services Office three (3) business days prior to the meeting by calling 401-734-3051. Hearing
impaired persons may obtain assistance by calling 1-800-745-5555 TDD, 48 hours prior to the meeting. Warwick Public Schools do not discriminate on
the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, color, or disability, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Karen Bachus, Chair Judith Cobden, Vice Chair Nathaniel Cornell, Clerk
David Testa Kyle Adams Philip Thornton, Ed.D., Superintendent
Posted: June 25, 2019

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