Set Theory Enhanced

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Bicol University

Legazpi, Albay

Course Title : Set Theory and Abstract Algebra

Course No. : Math Ed 213

Course Prerequisites : None
Number of Credits : 3 units
Course Placement : M.A. Math Education
Semester/Term : 2nd Second Sem 2018-2019
Time/Room : 8:00-11: 00 AM, CB 305
Course Description :
This course is a study of basic algebraic structures such as groups, rings, integral domains and fields. It provides a basic understanding of relations
focusing on isomorphism. It aims to enhance the students’ skills in constructing mathematical proofs, and develop their symbolic thinking and appreciation
of mathematical structures.

Institutional Learning Outcomes:

Every BU graduate should:

a) Demonstrate critical thinking integrate critical thinking skills to solve problems and to support lifelong learning:
b) Communicate effectively and appropriately orally and in writing for various purposes with the responsible use of ICT tools;
c) Collaborate with diverse people ethically and with mastery of knowledge and skills in given disciplines; and
d) Create knowledge and innovation to promote inclusive development as well as globalization.

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College Learning Outcomes:
Graduates of the Master of Arts in Mathematics Education are professional who can:
1. Articulate competencies in a specialization or expertise towards contributing to mathematics, development and economy.
2. Analyze issues with critical scrutiny and in-depth understanding of the underlying principles and theories.
3. Create framework options for innovative solutions to challenges for research development and innovation; and
4. Demonstrate positive attitude imbued with ethics of a world citizen in addressing issues in society.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates of MA Math Education Program are professional who :

1. have mastery of knowledge, skills and appreciation of the breadth and depth of mathematics, including the connections
between different areas of mathematics, and between mathematics and other disciplines.
2. create knowledge and innovation through researches as their contribution to promote inclusive development in mathematics as well as
3. create and utilize appropriate materials and assessment tools to enhance instruction and improve learning outcomes,
4. practice ethical standards of the teaching profession;
5. exhibit willingness and capability to continue learning and render service to the community.

Course Outline:

Course Learning Specific Learning Learning Content Instructional Instructional Performance Assessment Tasks Time Allotme
Outcomes Outcomes Delivery Resources Standard
●The students have The student can relate the A. Overview of the Lecture Handout The learner can Oral Recitation 1 hr
demonstrated in depth VMGO and integrate with VMGO Demonstration and manual/Posted relate and integrate Content = 30%
understanding on the the set theory and Sharing of Ideas material on VMGO. the VGMO of Organization of ideas
abstract algebra. BUCE with at = 30%

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integration of VMGO to least 85% PL Language = 20%
Set Theory & Abstract particularly in Delivery = 20%
Algebra Advanced Calculus
Demonstrate the The students can Mathematics and Lecture Book, websites, The learner can Open-ended 10 hrs
knowledge and define SETS and Proofs Demonstration Lectures, perform with at questions/Free
understanding of sets perform its operations Sets and /Brainstorming on researched least 85% PL of Response questions
and set operations and Equivalence Sets, Operations, materials on SETS, the operation in
its connection with the Relations its connection with Equivalence SET and apply it Sharing of ideas and
culture in the To relate the concepts Mathematical the culture in the Relations, in real life. reflection on the SETS
communities. of sets and subsets in induction, Complex communities, Mathematical and its Operations.
identifying the presence and Matrix Algebra Induction and (Question and answer)
Content = 30%
of subcultures and Matrix Algebra.
Organization of ideas
counter culture in local = 30%
communities Language = 20%
Delivery = 20%

Practice : 15-item
problems on
understanding the
concept of sets.
Book, websites, The student can 10 hrs
Employ higher skill in The students can Binary operations Lecture Lectures evaluate with at Practice
evaluating binary describe a binary Isomorphism and Demonstration and Researched least 85% PL if Quiz : 20-item on
operation , groups and operation on a given Cayley’s Theorem Flip Classroom & materials on the the given set is a sets and
isomorphic groups. set by characterizing Cooperative topic binary operation. isomorphism.
the elements by some . Learning
properties defined in
terms of the elements. The students can
apply the binary
operation of sets Boardwork on
The students can with at least 85% application of the
identify and evaluate PL. binary operation
binary operation. identifying the

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The students can isomorphism of the
identify the two two sets.
The students can sets if it they
provide a careful isomorphic to
treatment of the notion each other with at
of isomorphic groups least 85% PL.
and a discussion of
how to decide whether
two groups are

Apply the depth The student can define 2.Groups Group Activity Handouts/ The students can Problem Set: 10 hrs
understanding of and identify the set 1. Subgroups /Brainstorming Webpage identify and Evaluate the groups
groups, type of groups which is a group. 2. Cyclic groups /Book /hand determine the set and its types using
and subgroups. and Individual Activity out/soft copy of the of elements as practice and quiz
The students can give Generators and materials on group and they
examples of some sets 3. Other Lecture Groups, Types of can give
with binary operation properties of Demonstration on Groups. examples of a Drawing Cayley’s
that give groups and Groups Groups, types of group with at graph:
also of some that do 4. More groups groups and least 85% PL.
not give groups. and subgroups.
COSETS The students can Rubric:
The students can draw draw Cayley’s 3 – Completely
the lattice diagram of diagram with at Correct elements of
subgroups of a set. least 85%. subgroups and
cyclic groups. lattice diagram

2 – Missing element
of subgroup and
almost complete
lattice diagram

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1- Missing elements
and incorrect lattice

Show the knowledge To define permutation 3.Groups of Lecture Book/Hand The students can Problem set: 20- 10 hrs
well as its application and groups whose permutations Demonstration and out/webpage/soft apply with at items of problems on
on finding the cosets elements are individual activity copy of least 85% PL of permutations, cosets
and theorems of permutations. Orbits, Cycles, and Research materials the theorem of and application of
Lagrange. the Alternating Worksheet on Lagrance as well Lagrange theorem.
To define cosets and Group Permutations, as evaluating
theorem of Lagrance. cosets and and identifying
Cosets and the lagrange theorems the cosets . Boardwork and
To employ the theorem of Lagrance Flip classroom problem set. 15-item
procedure of cyclic Inquiry based The students can questions on cyclic
groups to give a large Direct Products and method evaluate the set if and abelian group
class of abelian group. Finitely Generated it is cyclic as well and finite abelian
Abelian Groups as abelian with at using direct
To form new groups least 85% products.
from known groups by
taking direct products. The students can
To describe all finite form new groups
abelian groups using by taking
direct products. products and
describe all finite
abelian groups
using direct
products with at
least 85% PL.

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Exhibit the knowledge The students can Homomorphism Lecture Hand out / The students can Presentation on 5 hrs
and understanding of define and explain Groups and Demonstration Book, webpage identify the showing
homomorphism and homomorphism Subgroups Group activity Soft copy of the homomorphism homomorphism in
factor groups. Homomorphism’ and researched and differentiate real life or with other
The students can Factor Group materials on endomorphism disciplines.
apply the properties of Homomorphism and isomorphism Rubric:
homomorphism with with at least 85% 70% - Homomorphism
other disciplines (i.e. PL . /of the two objects or
chemistry, physics etc) structures/ application
The students can 30% - Integration of
real life problems in
The students can Factor Group Individual activity show the
other disciplines.
differentiate Factor Computations and homomorphism in
groups, computations, Simple Groups real life through
simple groups and its Series of Groups other disciplines
series groups .
The students can Quiz- 10-item quiz
The students can give connect Factor on factor groups,
examples of group Group to other simple and series of
cosets which are Factor simple groups groups.
Group. and series of
groups with at
least 85% PL.

Demonstrate the The students can Introduction to Rings Brain Storming/ Worksheet and a The learner can BoardWork/Practice 6 hrs
knowledge and differentiate and know and Fields Group Activity soft copy of the establish the
understanding on rings the basic properties of material on Rings familiarity on both Rubric:
and fields. rings and fields. Integral domains and Fields. rings and fields Correct Information of
including the Rings and Fields :
The students can give Fermat and Euler’s theorems behind 40%
Appropriate properties
example of rings and Theorems it with at least
of Rings and Fields
fields. The Field of 85% PL. used – 40%
Quotients of an Examples – 20%
Integral Domain

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The students can justify The students can Quiz – 15 items of
the Fermat and Euler’s Rings of make justification Rings and Fields
Theorems and the Field Polynomials in using Fermat linked with Fermat
of Quotients. Factorization of and Euler’s and Euler’s
Polynomials over a Theorems as well application.
field as the application
of Field of

Midterm/Final Exams 2 hrs

TOTAL No. of Hours 54 hrs

Course Requirements:
1. Attendance and Recitation
2. Assigned Activity/Homework
3. Mid Term Exam and Final Exam
4. Quizzes
5. Problem Set
6. Group Reports (option)

System of Computing Grades:

Midterm/Final Examination 40%
Problem Set/ Quiz 30%
Homework/Assignment 10%
Board work Participation/Group Report 20%
TOTAL 100%

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Final Rating : 1/3 (MidTerm Grade) + 2/3 (Tentative Grade)

N.B. This syllabus allows flexibility for the application of other concepts.


Arapura, Donu. (2004). Abstract Algebra. Purdue University. USA. Retrieved on July 2018.

Beachy, Blair, Abstract Algebra. 2nd Edition. 1996. guide/content.html. Retieved on July 2017.

Clark, Edwin W.(2003). Elementary Abstract Algebra. Department of Mathematics .University of South Florida. pdf

Fraleigh, John B. 1999.Abstract Algebra. Adison –Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. Retrieved, 2018.

Fraleigh, John B. 2001. Instructors’ Manual with Abstract Algebra. pDf Retrieved on January 2018

Jeck, Tomas. (2002). Set Theory. Retrieved on July 2018.

Paul, Garret. 2000.Introduction to Abstract Algebra, http//www.umn-garret

Whitelaw, T.A. Introduction to Abstract Algebra. Blackie Academic and Professional, 1995.(ISBN 0751401471)

Wilkin, D.R . 2008. Abstract Algebra .

Weis, William. 2008. Introduction to set theory.

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Subject Professor Department Chair, BSED

College Dean

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