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Mrigakshi Dave 1

Mr Grover


21st May 2019

Does Macbeth actually possess free will or do forces

outside of his control guide each choice?

Macbeth is one of Shakespeare's successes, even though is a shorter composition compared to

his other works this tragedy has been favorited by much of its readers.The play follows a story of an

ordinary man that is given hope of out of reach expectations such as winning a honorable title and

being able to gain the king’s throne.Being swayed by these not so false promises of future Macbeth

was overjoyed and too excited that he became impatient and selfish, not being able to wait for natural

passing on the throne he decided to take matters into his own hands and plotted against the present

king, Duncan. Macbeth’s in the moment of confidence clouded his better judgment and decision

making causing him to commit multiple murders also in the end costing him not only his life but also

the lives of his wife and several soldiers that fought against Macduff for him. Macbeth had been a

primary example of the saying that ‘To hide a lie a thousand lies are needed', all disasters that occur

through his life after his won battle and gained honour are even though a fault of his own actions and

decisions , his decisions were affected and influenced by his company, situation, and/or feelings.

Although he had choices that could lead the story in a different plot at various checkpoints, his faith

that his destiny is what the witches had told him to be is the thought process that not only greatly

influenced him to plan an illegal act but to also execute it which lead to several other incidents,

eventually concluding into his downfall.


During Act 1 scene 7 as Macbeth retreats back home with the joyful news of the king’s decision to

stay the night at his place, his wife who has already read his sent letter is aware of his intentions of ending

the monarch’s life and taking over the throne himself. Little did lady macbeth know that this was a

spontaneous idea, fueled by selfishness that was at the moment being faced by doubt. ​“​...He’s here in

double trust: First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, Strong both against the deed; then, as his host,

Who should against his murderer shut the door, Not bear the knife myself. Besides, this Duncan Hath

borne his faculties so meek, hath been So clear in his great office, that his virtues Will plead like angels,

trumpet-tongued, against...”(Shakespeare 1.7, 12-19 ) . All though he had difficulty shutting his conscious

he did not let that deter him from his plan as his wife was always present to remind him and encourage

him to go through with killing Duncan. Even after the deed was done the real guilt set in for Macbeth as

he says that he cannot go back to the kings room to drop the knives that he had brought with him in the

hast of getting the work done. Seeing the state of her husband lady Macbeth takes matters into her hands

and drops the knives herself mocking Macbeth of being a man as in the era that the play takes place the

ladies are supposedly innocent housewives that are usually unaware of the cruel doings the males hold like

the killings in the battles and evil plans, not wanting to be mocked further Macbeth starts hiding his fears

which leads him to make more choices that make him hold guilt in his hard.

After having killed the former king the panic of the consequences that could follow if caught

sets in for the now king, Macbeth, to avoid these complications in his plans he decided to eliminate

anyone that stands in the path of him and his throne. Macbeth let his fear affect his decision making

and thinking process that drove him to thinking that one of his close friend, Banquo, had now become

his enemy and was out to get him for his own benefit as his sons where for told to be the owner of the

throne in the future rather than Macbeth’s own successors. “​To be thus is nothing, But to be safely

thus. Our fears in Banquo Stick deep, and in his royalty of nature Reigns that which would be feared.

'Tis much he dares, And to that dauntless temper of his mind He hath a wisdom that doth guide his

valor To act in safety. There is none but he Whose being I do fear, and under him My genius is

rebuked, as it is said Mark Antony’s was by Caesar. He chid the sisters When first they put the name

of king upon me And bade them speak to him. Then, prophetlike, They hailed him father to a line of

kings. Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown And put a barren scepter in my grip, Thence to be

wrenched with an unlineal hand, No son of mine succeeding.”(Shakespeare 3.1, 52-69) Wanting to

avoid conflict he plans another murder but this time wanting no visible part in the act he hires 3

people that a grudge against him too do what he wishes done.

Another example of where Macbeth let’s his situation make his decisions is in the last act of

the play when Lady Macbeth is overwhelmed by the guilt she holds in her and makes the decision to

end her life , apart from the fact that Macbeth was informed by the three evil witches that he cannot

be killed by a man born from women , this information had made Macbeth overconfident and fearless

but hearing the death of his significant other had shook him off a little causing imbalance in

emotions. This imbalance in his emotions and carelessness of his decision to live or not made him

stay back in the castle while all fled to save their lives. The witches had failed to mention that

Macduff was not born of woman and was an actual threat so when Macbeth finally learned this fact it

was a little too late to flee the scene as the fight was now about his pride and ego.

The above are all sèmerions where Macbeth had let his mind be swayed into making a

decision spontaneously and all were majorly affected by either situation, emotion and/or

judgement.For the first example he is faced with judgment from his wife that makes him kill

Duncan,for the second example his fear of being caught and greed makes him commit the murder of

Banquo and lastly in the last example the feeling of sadness and overconfidence and excess trust in

the witches makes him want to stay back at the castle and fight back rather than leave the premises

and start a new life.In conclusion, all these events prove that Macbeth actually does not possess free

will and that outside forces guide each of his choices.



● Shakespeare, William. “No Fear Shakespeare: Macbeth”. Spark Publishing.

2003. New York.

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