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Opera Hotel Edition

Property Management System and Quality

Management System
Configuration Guide V5.0.002
June 28, 2019


QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM....................................1
1 RESERVATIONS...............................................................................................................................7
1.1 OUT OF ORDER / OUT OF SERVICE..................................................................................7
1.2 ROOM CONDITIONS........................................................................................................... 8
1.3 ROOM MAINTENANCE........................................................................................................ 9
1.4 HOUSEKEEPING SECTION CODES...................................................................................10
1.5 HOUSEKEEPING ATTENDANTS......................................................................................... 11
1.6 HOUSEKEEPING TASK CODES.........................................................................................12
1.7 FACILITY MANAGEMENT – FACILITY TASK......................................................................13
1.8 FACILITY MANAGEMENT – FACILITY CODE.....................................................................14
1.9 RESERVATION TYPES...................................................................................................... 15
1.10 DEPOSIT RULES.............................................................................................................. 16
1.11 CANCELLATION RULES.................................................................................................... 17
1.12 RULE SCHEDULES........................................................................................................... 18
1.14 NO SHOW POSTING SCHEDULE....................................................................................18
1.13 COLOURS......................................................................................................................... 19
1.14 DISCOUNT REASON CODES............................................................................................ 20
1.15 CANCELLATION REASONS...............................................................................................21
1.16 ORIGIN CODES................................................................................................................. 22
1.17 TRACE TEXTS.................................................................................................................. 23
1.18 ALERT DEFINITION – ALERT MESSAGES.........................................................................24
1.19 ALERT DEFINITION – GLOBAL ALERTS............................................................................25
1.20 ROOM CLASSES.............................................................................................................. 26
1.21 ROOM TYPES................................................................................................................... 27
1.22 ROOMS............................................................................................................................ 28
1.23 BOOKING TYPES.............................................................................................................. 30
1.24 RESERVATION METHODS................................................................................................. 31
1.25 BLOCK CANCELLATION/LOST/REFUSED REASONS.........................................................32
1.26 DESTINATION CODES...................................................................................................... 33
1.27 FLOOR PLANS.................................................................................................................. 34
1.28 ITEM INVENTORY.............................................................................................................. 35
2 PROFILES.........................................................................................................................................36
2.1 PREFERENCE GROUPS................................................................................................... 36
2.2 PREFERENCES................................................................................................................. 38
2.3 LANGUAGES..................................................................................................................... 42
2.4 NATIONALITIES................................................................................................................. 43
2.5 REGIONS.......................................................................................................................... 44
2.6 COUNTRIES...................................................................................................................... 45
2.7 STATES............................................................................................................................. 46
2.8 DISTRICTS........................................................................................................................ 47
2.9 CITIES.............................................................................................................................. 48
2.10 TITLES.............................................................................................................................. 49
2.11 RELATIONSHIP TYPES...................................................................................................... 50
2.12 COMMUNICATION TYPES.................................................................................................51
2.13 ADDRESS TYPES............................................................................................................. 52
2.14 MAILING ACTION CODES.................................................................................................53
2.15 ACCOUNT TYPE............................................................................................................... 54
2.16 VIP LEVELS..................................................................................................................... 55
2.17 KEYWORD TYPES............................................................................................................ 56
2.18 INACTIVE REASONS......................................................................................................... 57
2.19 PROFILE REQUEST DEFINITION......................................................................................58
2.20 PROFILE REQUEST TYPES.............................................................................................. 59
3 MEMBERSHIPS..............................................................................................................................60
3.1 MEMBERSHIP CLASS....................................................................................................... 60
3.2 MEMBERSHIP TYPES AND LEVELS..................................................................................61
3.3 MEMBERSHIP CALCULATION GROUPS............................................................................62
4 RATE MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................63
4.1 MARKET CODE MAIN GROUPS.......................................................................................63
4.2 MARKET CODES.............................................................................................................. 64
4.3 TURNAWAY CODES.......................................................................................................... 65
4.4 SOURCE GROUPS........................................................................................................... 66
4.5 SOURCE CODES.............................................................................................................. 67
Rate/Yield Management Overview.........................................................68
Rate Code.....................................................................................................................68
Rate Categories..............................................................................................................68
4.6 RATE CLASSES................................................................................................................ 70
4.7 RATE CATEGORIES.......................................................................................................... 71
4.8 RATE CODES................................................................................................................... 72
4.9 PACKAGE ELEMENTS....................................................................................................... 74
4.10 PACKAGE ELEMENT GROUPS......................................................................................... 76
4.11 PACKAGE FORECAST GROUPS.......................................................................................77
4.12 EVENT CODES................................................................................................................. 78
4.13 DAY TYPES...................................................................................................................... 79
4.14 PROMOTIONS................................................................................................................... 80
5 CASHIERING..................................................................................................................................81
5.1 TRANSACTION CODE GROUPS........................................................................................85
5.2 TRANSACTION CODE SUB GROUPS................................................................................86
5.3 TRANSACTION CODES..................................................................................................... 87
5.4 ARTICLES......................................................................................................................... 88
5.5 CASHIER CODES............................................................................................................. 89
5.6 PETTY CASH – HOTEL ACCOUNTS.................................................................................90
5.7 FOLIO GROUPING CODES....................................................................................................... 91
5.8 ROUTING CODES.................................................................................................................. 92
5.9 ADJUSTMENT CODES...................................................................................................... 93
5.10 PAYMENT TYPES.............................................................................................................. 94
5.11 TAX TYPES...................................................................................................................... 95
5.12 NUMBER TO WORDS....................................................................................................... 96
6 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE........................................................................................................97
6.1 ACCOUNT TYPES............................................................................................................. 97
7 COMMISSION PROCESSING...................................................................................................99
7.1 COMMISSION CODES....................................................................................................... 99
7.2 BANK ACCOUNTS........................................................................................................... 100
8 USERS..............................................................................................................................................101
8.1 JOB TITLES.................................................................................................................... 101
8.2 DEPARTMENTS............................................................................................................... 102
8.3 USERS........................................................................................................................... 103
9 GENERAL.......................................................................................................................................104
9.1 LOCATORS..................................................................................................................... 104
9.2 TRACK IT........................................................................................................................ 105
7.3 MESSAGE FORMATS...................................................................................................... 107
10.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................... 109
10.2 GUEST PROFILES.......................................................................................................... 110
10.3 COMPANY/TRAVEL AGENT/SOURCE PROFILES.............................................................111
10.4 RESERVATIONS.............................................................................................................. 113
10.5 GROUPS & TOURS......................................................................................................... 116
10.6 FRONT DESK.................................................................................................................. 117
10.7 CASHIERING................................................................................................................... 120
10.8 CHECK-OUT................................................................................................................... 122
10.9 NIGHT AUDIT.................................................................................................................. 123
10.10 TELEPHONE/CONCIERGE......................................................................................124
10.11 HOUSEKEEPING..................................................................................................... 125
10.12 ACCOUNTING......................................................................................................... 126
10.13 REPORTS............................................................................................................... 128
10.14 Contingency Plan............................................................................................... 129
Opera Installation and Configuration Guide
Congratulations on your decision to install MICROS-Fidelio Opera Hotel Edition.
This guide is intended to assist you in preparing for your upcoming installation. Contained within are a series
of worksheets designed to survey your requirements from the system and assist you with decisions and your
configuration requirements.

How to use this document

To gain the most effective benefit from this document, distribute the included worksheets to the appropriate
department heads at the hotel. The MICROS-Fidelio installers will review the information for completeness
and gather any other relevant materials not provided for in this document prior to commencing configuration.

You may decide to use this installation period as an opportunity to re-engineer your business processes.
Please keep in mind that MICROS-Fidelio does not define policy and procedure for your operation, but can
assist with refining your procedures in line with Opera’s functionality.

Follow these guidelines when completing this guide:

 Type or print the information
 Insert additional pages where necessary
 Make copies of completed worksheets
 Use proper case when completing the worksheets.
 Configuration codes should be kept between 2-5 characters with their descriptions kept between 15-20
characters. This is very important for reporting where column widths are fixed.
 If you have information that you think should be included, and is not asked for in this document, include
your information on a separate page.
 Gather as much information about your hotel’s operations as possible to relay to installation team

Hotel Stationery
As part of the Opera installation stationery items such as registration card and guest folio must be
configured. Please ensure you provide your installation project manager with samples of ALL required forms,
if pre-printed or design plans of what you would like Opera to generate if printed to plain paper.

A copy of the hotel’s logo in bitmap format (BMP file) is also required for inclusion on reports and other
printed material.
If you have questions while completing this guide, please contact your local MICROS-Fidelio office for

1 Reservations

1.1 Out of Order / Out of Service

 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Opera provides two options for flagging a room that is unable to be sold due to damage, maintenance, etc.
The difference between the two options is whether or not the total number of rooms in the hotel’s inventory
(and therefore, the occupancy percentage) is affected by removing these rooms.

Out of Order
If a room is placed Out of Order it is not available to the front desk clerks for assignment. It will also be
removed from the total room inventory counts. This effectively reduces the total number of rooms in your
hotel. Therefore, for the period the room remains out of order, 100% occupancy is calculated using only the
remaining rooms. (Example: If you have a 100 room hotel and place 5 rooms out of order, 100% occupancy
is reached when 95 rooms are occupied)

Out of Service
If a room is placed Out of Service, it can be available (depending on user rights) to the front desk clerks for
assignment and it remains in the total room inventory counts. This means that the occupancy percentage is
calculated by including out-of-service rooms in the total number of rooms in the hotel. Out of Service rooms
are generally returned to inventory before the end of the business day.

When placing a room Out of Order or Out of Service a reason is required. Reports can then be produced to
show each status sorted by reason code.

Use the worksheet to provide a list of Out of Order/Service reason codes and explanations. Please keep in
mind that a remark can be added as each Out of Order/Out of Service room is entered. Therefore, a room
with a leaking faucet could be coded PLB (Plumbing) and “Leaking Faucet-Bathroom Sink” entered in the


Provide a list of out of order/out of service reasons.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Executive Housekeeper
 Engineering Manager
 Front Office Manager

Out of Order/Out of Service Reason Codes Examples

OOO/OOS Reason Codes Description

ACON Air Conditioning
PLB Plumbing
HEAT Heating
GEN General Repairs

1.2 Room Conditions

 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Assigned rooms are rooms that are temporarily unavailable. While these rooms are not technically
“available”, they can be blocked for arrival guests and sold if necessary.

There are two types of assignment reason codes:

 Housekeeping
 General

A general assigned room will not be displayed in the vacant room search screen, used to locate a room for
an arrival or during room blocking. Although these rooms may be vacant and inspected, and available for
arrival guests, it may be necessary to remove them, temporarily, from the list of available rooms. An example
might be for show rooms, which are held for the sales department to show to prospective clients.

A housekeeping assignment, on the other hand, does not remove the room from display within vacant room
search. A housekeeping assignment simply flags the rooms with some reason related to housekeeping. An
example would be beds zipped or interconnecting door unlocked.
A king-bed room can display within vacant room search and indicate that it has been unzipped into twin

For both status’, a prompt will be displayed if the room is selected for check-in.


Provide a list of assignment reasons.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Executive Housekeeper
 Engineering Manager
 Front Office Manager

Room Condition Codes Examples

Assignment Reason Code Description Assign Type

MBR Mini Bar Removed Housekeeping
ZIP Beds Zipped to King Housekeeping
SHW Show Room General
1.3 Room Maintenance
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Room Maintenance request codes are reasons for creating a work order. Examples would be Heat, Air
Conditioning, and Plumbing. When placing a maintenance request, the user is able to add further comments
to describe the problem. Therefore, to put a maintenance request for a faulty air conditioner, the code AC
(Air Conditioning) could be entered and “Air Conditioning unit needs new fan” entered in the remarks.


Provide a list with default room maintenance request codes.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Engineering Manager
 Executive Housekeeper
 Front Office Manager.

Room Maintenance Codes Examples

Room Maintenance Code Description Display Sequence

AC Air Conditioning 1
PLB Plumbing 2
HEAT Heating 3
1.4 Housekeeping Section Codes
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Housekeeping section codes are used to divide the property into logical housekeeping areas. Dividing the
property into housekeeping sections makes it easier to assign rooms to attendants for daily cleaning.

Attendants can then be assigned to each section or distributed evenly across the hotel depending on

Opera allows for both day and evening sections to be linked to each room. Day section being the regular
room cleaning for stay-over and departure rooms and evening sections being for turndown service. The
same section can be used for both day and evening service.

Note: When entering single digit sections, use zero’s to precede each number.
For example Section 1 = 01, 2 = 02.


Provide a list with housekeeping sections.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Engineering Manager
 Executive Housekeeper.

Housekeeping Section Codes Examples

Section Code Description

01.1 First Floor-North
01.2 First Floor-South
02.1 Second Floor-North
02.2 Second Floor-South
03.1 Third Floor – Section 1
03.2 Third Floor – Section 2
1.5 Housekeeping Attendants
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Opera has the ability to store housekeeping attendant information, daily assignments, and track
credits/number of rooms cleaned by each attendant. Housekeeping attendants can be assigned to the
sections detailed in section 1.4, above or to a specific floor number.

In addition, attendants can be listed as active or inactive, based upon status.

Housekeeping attendants can be configured personally (by name) or in general (i.e. maid number). Should
you want to work with credits and points for bonus system, you would have to set them up personally.

Note: Only one attendant should be assigned to each section or floor.


Provide a list with housekeeping attendants. Include section or floor numbers if applicable.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Executive Housekeeper

Housekeeping Attendants Examples

Employee ID Name Section Floor Available?

ACHAMBERS Ann Chambers 2B 2 Active
DBLUE Don Blue 3A 3 Inactive
04 Attendant 04 04 4 Inactive
1.6 Housekeeping Task Codes
 Front Office
Sales and Catering

Only if Simple Task Sheets are used.


Opera allows you the ability to generate task sheets and store multiple housekeeping tasks, i.e. daily
cleaning, mattress turning, evening turndown etc.

Each task code can generate separate task sheets for attendants to complete.


Provide a list with housekeeping tasks.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Engineering Manager
 Executive Housekeeper

Housekeeping Task Codes Examples

TASK CODE DESCRIPTION Instructions Sequencee

CLN Daily Cleaning Clean Departures First 1

FLP Mattress Flipping Only on departed rooms 2

PKP Pick Up Room Light Clean Room 3

TRN Turndown Ice, refresh linens, and chocolates 4

INS Inspection Obtain Check List from Manager 5

SPR Spring Clean Quarterly Spring Clean

1.7 Facility Management – Facility Task
 Front Office
Sales and Catering
Only if Full Task Management is used. Management


For Hotels where Housekeeping does not provide a full service on each day of the stay, certain facility task
such as “full clean” and “light clean” can be created. These task codes can then be attached to the room
types in room type configuration. You can also assign priorities through the sequence number. (eg that a full
clean takes precedence over a light clean scheduled for the same day.) Task instructions will be used on the
room attendant sheet. You can also define which task should be used on the departure day.


Provide a list of Facility Task Codes

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Executive Housekeeper

Facility Task Codes Examples

Code Description Instructions Departure task? Sequence

CLEAN Full Cleaning Standard Cleaning Y 1
required including towel and
linen change

LIGHT Light Cleaning Dust, make bed, 2

1.8 Facility Management – Facility Code
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


In addition to the Facility Tasks Facility codes can be assigned to the different room types to allow
forecasting on items, such as sheets, towels, etc. Facility Codes are not mandatory for the use of Facility


Provide a list of Facility Code Codes

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Executive Housekeeper

Facility Code Codes Examples

Code Description Sequence

KS King Sheet 1
TS Twin Sheet 2
HT Handtowel 3
BT Bath Towel 4
WC Wash Cloth 5
SH Shampoo 6
1.9 Reservation Types
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


All reservations and group blocks in Opera are categorised by a reservation type.
The reservation type code identifies:
 If the reserved rooms are deducted or not deducted from inventory (definite or tentative)
 If it is guaranteed or non-guaranteed
 If it requires an address or a telephone number


Provide a list of all reservation types.

Note: CHECKED IN is a required type and will come pre-configure and must not be deleted.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager.

Reservation Types Examples

Resv Description Ded. Arr. CC Deposit Address Phone Inactive

Type Inv Time
Checked 6PM Guarantee X
CC Credit Card X X
COMP Company CC X X
DPST Deposit X X
GRPTEN Group Tentative X
PM Phone X X
1.10 Deposit Rules
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Deposit Rules define at what date which deposit amount will be due. The due date can be defined based on
number of days before arrival or after the reservation date. The deposit amount can be defined as
percentage, flat amount of the room rate or the number of room nights. The rules can the be scheduled
based on reservation type or rate code or manually added to a reservation or a business block


Decide which deposit rules your hotel utilizes as part of the current rate and group/catering conditions.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Director of Sales
 Reservations Manger
 Sales Manager
 Director of Finance/Controller

Deposit Rules Examples

Rule Description Amount Type Days before Days after

Arrival Booking
100$5WK 100 $ 5 weeks prior to arrival 100 Flat 35
50%10DAY 50 % 10days prior to arrival 50 Percent 10
1N7DAY 1 Room Night 7 days after 1 Night 7
1.11 Cancellation Rules
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering

Similar to Deposit Rules they define which cancellation penalties apply if a reservation is not cancelled in
time. The penalty date can be defined based on number of days before arrival and a cancellation time (eg
4pm). The penalty amount can be defined as percentage, flat amount of the room rate or the number of
room nights. The rules can the be scheduled based on reservation type or rate code or manually added to a
reservation or a business block

Decide which cancellation rules your hotel utilizes as part of the current rate and group/catering conditions.

Completed By
Input from the following department heads is recommended:
 Director of Sales
 Reservations Manger
 Sales Manager
 Director of Finance/Controller

Cancellation Rules Examples

Rule Description Amount Type Days Cancel

before Before
Arrival Time
4pmfull Full amount 4pm day of arrival 100 Percent 0 16:00
1night3days 1 Night 3 days prior to arrival 1 Night 3 16:00
1.12 Rule Schedules
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering

The above defined deposit and cancellation rules can be automatically added to a reservation by scheduling
rules. Rules can be defined for specific reservation types (e.g. Deposit Requested) or specific rate codes
(e.g. Theatre Package where Tickets have to be purchased by the hotel prior to arrival). If these rules should
only apply for certain periods such as high demand a date range can be added.

Decide for which reservation types or rate codes deposit or cancellation rules apply.

Completed By
Input from the following department heads is recommended:
 Director of Sales
 Reservations Manger
 Sales Manager
 Director of Finance/Controller

Rule Schedule Examples

Rule Rate Code Reservation Type Begin Date End Date

4pmfull Guarantee CC 01.01.03 31.12.10
50%10DAY OPERA 01.08.03 31.10.03

1.14 No Show Posting Schedule

 Front Office
 Sales and Catering

To post NoShow charges automatically to the NoShows rules can be set up which define the amount to be
posted. These rules are based on the reservation type of the reservation before it turns into NoShow.

Decide for which reservation types or rate codes deposit or cancellation rules apply.

Completed By
Input from the following department heads is recommended:
 Reservations Manger
 Director of Finance/Controller

No Show Posting Examples

RES Type Source Code Posting Rule

1.13 Colours
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Colours can be used in various ways in Opera to indicate a special scenario.

Guests can be highlighted through this functionality.
The use of colours is defined through a setting in Opera. They can be used either to indicate a VIP Level,
used to specify a market segment or they can be user definable through a field on the reservation screen.
The colour will then show in the search screens on Reservation, Arrival and InHouse level.
The below colours are available in Opera, descriptions can be defined through the hotel.


Provide a list of Colour definitions.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Sales Manager
 Reservations Manager
 Front Office Manager

Colour Code Examples

Code Description Display Sequence

RED VIP Guest 1

BLUE Special attention 2
CYAN Convention 3
1.14 Discount Reason Codes
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Opera provides the ability to quote discounts on room rates, which are deducted directly from the configured
rate amount. In case a discount was entered, no matter if it is an amount or a percentage, the system
requires the entry of a discount reason. These reasons have to be configured in the systems set up.

The guest in house rate variance report will provide a list of guests in-house with discrepant rates; included
on this report are the reasons for the discount.


Provide a list of discount reasons.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Sales Manager
 Reservations Manager
 Front Office Manager

Discount Reasons Examples

Code Description Display Sequence

NA Requested room type not available 1

FOM Per Front Office Manager 2
GM GM’s approval 3
1.15 Cancellation Reasons
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Opera requires a reason for every reservation cancellation. These cancellation reasons codes are only used
for individual reservations; there is a separate section for block cancellation reasons.

At the time of cancelling a reservation, the user can select the reason and enter additional information such
as who cancelled and their contact details. This information is then retained with the reservation in the user


Provide a list of cancellation codes.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Sales Manager
 Reservations Manager
 Front Office Manager

Cancellation Codes Examples

Code Description Display Sequence

PRICE Price too high 1

PLAN Plans changed 2
SICK Sickness 3
OTH Other Reasons 4
1.16 Origin codes
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Opera maintains origin of business statistics and allows to track reservations by setting up origin codes.
These codes represent the originating media source for each reservation. They are used for reporting


Provide a list of origin codes.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Sales Manager
 Reservations Manager
 Front Office Manager

Origin Codes Examples

Code Description Display Sequence

EMAIL E-Mail 1
FAX Fax 2
CRES Central Reservation Office 3
TEL Telephone 4
1.17 Trace Texts
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


This option provides the facility to define standard trace messages applicable for each trace department.
Default trace messages eliminate the need for the user to retype commonly needed trace messages by
providing a list of predefined messages to select from.


Provide a list of standard trace messages for all trace departments.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager
 Executive Housekeeper
 Controller

Trace Messages Examples

Trace Department Sequence Description


REC 1 Call manager upon arrival

RES 1 Charge full deposit
HSK 1 Extra bed to be set up
HSK 2 Unlock interconnecting door
FIN 1 Please check for cost absorption
MOD 1 VIP to meet and greet on arrival
1.18 Alert Definition – Alert Messages
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Alerts can be used to alert a user in certain areas of the lifecycle of a reservation to perform a certain actions
- such as following up on missing credit card details when updating a reservation or to call the Duty
Manager upon arrival. The alert will pop up when the reservation is accessed. The areas are Reservation
(each time the reservation is accessed), Check In and Check Out (Opening of the billing screen). The
description can be modified


Decide which alerts are useful for the operation

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office/Desk Manager
 Reservations Manger

Alert Messages Examples

Code Description
GM Call General Manager
VOU Collect Whole Sale Voucher
SAFE Collect Safety Box Key
1.19 Alert Definition – Global Alerts
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Global alerts can be automatically attached to all reservations that meet the alert criteria. Global alerts can
be set up to appear at any or all of the following times: at check in, at check out, and/or whenever the
reservation is opened. Sets of display conditions further restrict the global alert display based on reservation
type, block code, number of adults/children, arrival/departure time, and a host of other criteria.


Decide which alerts are useful for the operation

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office/Desk Manager
 Reservations Manger

Global Alert Examples

Code Area Description and Filter

PRIVATE Reservation Private guest. Do not address guest by name – always if
GM Check-in Call GM - always if VIP code is entered
1.20 Room Classes
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


A room class is a method of grouping the different room types available in your hotel.
If your property has different styles of accommodation, such as villas and hotel suites – you may like to
separate these using room classes.

Refer to the room classification hierarchy below to understand how room classes relate to room types and
individual rooms.

It is NOT necessary to have different room classes. However, availability and reporting can be filtered by
room class. For example, you may have an executive club floor that you would like to be identify separately
in reporting and on availability screens.

Room Classification Hierarchy


Provide a list of the different room classes.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager
 Executive Housekeeper

Room Classes Examples

Room Class Room Class Description Display Sequence

ECF Executive Club Floor 2
RMS Hotel Rooms 1
VLS Villas 1
HSE House Use 2
ALL All Rooms 1
1.21 Room Types
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


A room type code is used to identify each type of room available in your hotel. In Opera, availability is
calculated and displayed by room type, so you should only define those room types that you consider being
vital for tracking availability.

Room types appear in sequence order across the rate grid and availability screens. Only 12 room types can
be displayed on the each screen at one time—scrolling buttons will allow viewing of the next any additional
room types. If you have a large number of room types, you should consider using room classes (section 1.9)

A room type can also be created that is Generic. This room type does not have any physical rooms
associated with it, but allows the hotel to make a reservation for a room, just not guaranteeing which type of
room that will be. This could be for a standard, deluxe, or executive room. These rooms were commonly
regarded to as a Run of House room type.

It is also possible to define a room type, created from a mix of other room types. These virtual room types
are commonly used to define suites, made up from interconnecting rooms opened to define a single room of
a new room type.

Physical features of these rooms can be attached at the room type level and will copy to all associated
rooms for that type. If you require the ability to track the availability of smoking and non smoking rooms, you
would need to create double the number of room types suffixed with an identifier such as S or N.

If you are using S&C or wish to use the function diary in PMS only at least one room type for Meeting
Rooms has to be created.

Refer to the Room Classification Hierarchy below to understand how room types relate to room classes and

Room Classification Hierarchy


Provide a list of the different room types and their codes.

Note: Room types can be a maximum of 4 alphanumeric characters and each room type must be unique
and only be associated with one room class (section 1.9). For example, the NSD room type can only be
associated with one room class. If the same room type exists in another room class, it will have to be
named something different, NNSD, ND, etc.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager
 Executive Housekeeper.
 Reservations Manager

Room Types Examples

Room Room Type No. of Room Type Description Max. Display

Class Rooms Occupancy Sequence

STD SNK 48 Std Non Smoking King 3 1

STD SSK 100 Std Smoking King 5 2
DEL DOS 4 Deluxe Ocean view Suite 6 3
VIL 2BVN 20 2 bedroom villa non smoking 5 4

VIL 3BVS 44 3 bedroom villa smoking 8 5

EXE EES 4 Executive Edwardian Suite 6 6

1.22 Rooms
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering
 Management


Opera requires that each room in the hotel have the following details defined:

 Room number
 Room type
 Default rate code *optional
 Default rate *optional
 Maximum number of guests *optional
 Display sequence *optional
 Floor preference *optional
 Smoking/non-smoking preference
 Phone number (future functionality)
 Square unites, measurement, key number (future functionality)
 Features of the room (i.e., connecting doors, type of view, handicap facilities, etc.)
 Housekeeping section *optional
 Housekeeping credits *optional
 Housekeeping credits stay over/departure *optional
 Eligible for turndown
 Turndown credits *optional

Refer to the Room Classification Hierarchy below to understand how rooms relate to room classes and room
Room Classification Hierarchy


Provide a list containing all rooms with appropriate details. Make as many copies as necessary of the
following worksheet so that the details of each room in the property may be defined.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Executive Housekeeper
 Reservation Manager

Rooms Examples

Room Room Connecting Floor SMK. Features Day Evening Turndown HSKP
# Type Suites Pref. Pref. Section Section Service Credit

0101 OSN 0102 1st S AC, CN, LF, NE 1 1 Y 1/1


0102 OSN 0101, 0103 1st S AC, CN, LF, NE 1 1 Y 1/1


0901 CKNG None High NS AC, CN, LF, NE 9 N/A N 1/2


Connecting suites apply when blocking a room. If this room is a connecting suite, a prompt will be displayed
asking if the user would like to also block the connecting suite. If yes, a 2 nd reservation will automatically be
made at a 0.00 rate and all charges will be transferred to the 1 st room (i.e. parent’s and children’s rooms or
creating an “on the fly” suite for a guest). This prompt will occur each time either room is blocked.

“Component rooms” are combined to form an extra room type called a virtual suite. The virtual suite room
type will need to be created, then it is a matter of defining which room types make up the virtual suite, and
then which physical rooms encompass the suite.
1.23 Booking Types
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


When creating a Business Block you can define what type of booking this is. This will allow you to search
and report on this field for a general overview of the type of business you are booking or generating, i.e.
Weddings, Conferences, Exhibitions.


Provide a breakdown of all Booking Types, these can include both Group Room Bookings, Catering
Functions or a combination of both.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Sales Manager
 Catering Manager

Booking Type Examples

Codes Description
WED Wedding
CON Conference
INC Incentive
CON Contract
1.24 Reservation Methods
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


When creating a Business Block for Group Rooms, this indicates the means by which the Reservations for
these Group Rooms will come to the Hotel.


Define how individual reservations are to be received in PMS for Group Room Bookings. As this is a
common field, the codes need to be agreed upon by PMS and S&C teams.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Reservations Manager
 Sales Manager

Reservation Method Examples

Codes Description
IND Individual Call In
ROL Rooming List
RES Reservation Cards
1.25 Block Cancellation/Lost/Refused Reasons
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


When a Business Block is no longer going ahead at your property, you can turn the Booking Refused, Lost
or Cancelled base on your Business Block Status Configuration. Different Reasons can be defined for Lost,
Cancelled and Refused Bookings.


List the appropriate reasons why a piece of business may be lost or cancelled. These reasons will be used
for both Group Room Bookings, Catering Functions and a combination of bookings.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Reservations Manager
 Sales Manager
 Catering Manager

Block Cancellation Reasons Examples

Codes Description
POR Poor Pickup
CMR Changed Meeting Requirements
MEC Meeting Cancelled
DAT Dates Changed – Cannot Accommodate

Block Lost Reasons Examples

Codes Description
ATT Insufficient Attendees
CIT Change of City
RAT Rate too High

Block Refused Reasons Examples

Codes Description
ROO Not enough Rooms available
MTG Not enough Meeting Space available
BUD Budget too low
1.26 Destination Codes
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


When a booking turns Lost or Cancelled you can capture the Destination of that piece of Business. This
allows you to track reasons why you are loosing revenue to a particular competitor repetitively.


List all Hotel Properties or Venues where your hotel may loose business to. These destinations will be used
for both Group Room Bookings, Catering Functions and a combination of bookings.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Sales Manager
 Catering Manager

Destination Code Examples

Codes Description
COV City Convention Centre
HIL Airport Hilton
SHA Island Shangri-La
CRP Crowne Plaza
1.27 Floor Plans
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Opera provides the ability to create floor plans in the system, which then may be viewed within Opera. The
floor plan will display the current room status and guest information. This is meant as a tool to see where a
room is situated in the hotel, which view is has, whether it is close to the elevators, etc.


Please provide the floor plans of all room floors.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Executive Housekeeper

Please provide your hotel’s floor plans to Micros-Fidelio, who will assist you with creating them within Opera.
1.28 Item Inventory
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


In order to allow properties to manage inventory of certain items such as extra beds etc we have opened up
the existing item functionality for PMS. These item codes can then be attached to a reservation a Business
Block or a package element so that the inventory get automatically decremented if a rate or package code is
used on a reservation.


Provide a list with default inventory item classes and items.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Executive Housekeeper
 Front Office Manager


Item Class Examples

Item Class Sequence

Housekeeping Items 1
Entertainment Items 2

Items Example

Fieldname Content
Name Extra Bed

Description Extra Bed

Item Code. This code is used to attach the item

Responsible Dept. This is a pick box, which needs to be configured prior to creating Items. This can be
used for reporting i.e. Housekeeping department receive a report for all extra beds.
Quantity in stock 20

Critical Y, if Y then the system will check inventory, and warn users when stock is depleted

Print Is this to be printed?

2 Profiles

2.1 Preference Groups

 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Preference groups are used to group guest requests on their profile. An example of a preference group
would be newspaper, and the corresponding preferences would be
 Wall Street Journal
 New York Times
 USA Today, etc.

Opera is installed with and requires several specific preference groups such as room features, smoking,
floor, specials, newspaper, and room type. New preference types can be created as well as corresponding

It is also possible to define the number of preference that can be recorded for a particular preference group.
For example, only a single smoking preference is logical but several newspaper preferences are allowed.

Note: Room Features, Floor, and Smoking preference types are attached to a room’s configuration.


Preference Groups Preference Codes

Provide a list of all preference codes.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager.
Preference Groups in Opera

Preference Type Code Description

FLOOR Floor Preferences
INTERESTS Profile Interests
KEY OPTIONS Options for Key Cards
SMOKING Smoking / Non Smoking Preferences
SPECIALS Guest Special Preferences
NEWSPAPER Newspaper Preferences
ROOM TYPE Room Type Preferences

Preference Group Examples with Quantity Limitation

Preference Type Code Description Max Quantity Sequence

SPECIALS Guest Special Requests 3

NEWSPAPER Newspaper Preference 2
SMOKING Smoking Preference 1
ROOM_FEATURES Room Feature Preference 2
FLOOR Floor Preferences 4
ROOM_TYPE Room Type Preference 1
INTEREST Profile Interests
2.2 Preferences
 Front Office
Sales and Catering

Room Features


Room features are used to designate physical attributes of a room such as corner room, high floor, Jacuzzi
tub, etc. When searching for a room in Opera for pre-blocking or during check in, these room features can
be used to find the exact room the guest prefers. These room features can be attached to a guest’s profile
and will always be used when searching for a room for future reservations.


Provide a list of all room feature codes.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Engineering
 Executive Housekeeper
 Reservations Manager

Room Features Examples

Room Feature Code Description

NE Near Elevator
BTH Bath
INT Internet Access
FAX Fax in the Room
IC Interconnecting
Floor Preferences


The floor preference is used to designate which floor the room is actually on:
1st floor, 2nd floor, or generally speaking high or low floor. This preference is configured on each room and
can also be attached to a guest’s profile. If attached, it will be used when searching for a room during pre-
blocking or check-in.


Provide a list of all floor preference codes. Codes are recommended to be no more than 5 alphanumeric

Note: If using actual floors and they are single digit, please enter them as two digits Floor 1 = 01, Floor 2 =

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager

Floor Examples

Floor Preference Code Description

01 1st Floor
02 2nd Floor

Smoking / Non-Smoking Preferences


Smoking preference allows for rooms to be identified as either smoking or non-smoking. These preferences
can be attached to a guest’s profile. If this preference is attached to the guest profile, then only those rooms
will be searched for during room blocking or check-in.


Provide a list to designate the smoking feature of a room.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager

Smoking/ Non-Smoking Preference Examples

Preference Code Description

SM Smoking
NS Non-Smoking
CG Cigar Smoking Room
Guest Special Preferences


Special request preferences are used to indicate any items the guest would like, i.e. early arrival, fresh
flowers in the room, champagne, chocolates, bathrobe, late departure, etc.

Special requests could be similar to room features, but keep in mind; room features are only physical
attributes of a room. For example, a high floor maybe a special request but a preference for the 8 th floor
would be an actual floor preference.

A specials report can be printed for guests arriving, staying over and departing a particular date and can be
distributed to all departments in the hotel.

Special requests are most commonly used for reservation specific requests with only a small number of
requests being recorded on the profile for future reference.


Provide a list of all special request codes.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Engineering
 Executive Housekeeper
 Reservations Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager.

Special Request Codes Examples

Special Request Code Description

EA Early Arrival
LD Late Departure
CC Champagne and Chocolates
BR Bath Robe
CH Champagne
CF Cheese and Fruit Platter
RO Rollaway Bed
COT Crib
Profile Interests


This is a list of services that your hotel can provide to a client. Hence, you are quantifying the reasons why
this guest, account or contact is utilizing your property, and what they are interested in at your property.
These codes are often used when creating a mailing list, as you may be opening a new Chinese Restaurant
and you want to include all persons who would be interested in dining in the new restaurant.

Provide a breakdown of all services your hotel currently can provide now, and any other services your clients
may be interested in.

Completed By
Input from the following department heads is recommended:
 Front Office Manager
 Reservation Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager
 Catering Manager

Profile Interest Examples

Codes Description
F&B Food and Beverage Promotions
ACO Accommodation & Package Specials
SPO Sporting Related Promotions
CON Conventions

Minibar Options, Key Options, Video Options, Phone Options and TV Options are being completed by the
Installer as they are related to Interfaces.
2.3 Languages
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Languages are used to denote which language the guest prefers to speak. Language codes can also be used
to translate interface texts/messages and print folios into the language of the guest. In order to use this
additional functionality, all transaction codes descriptions would need to be configured in each of the languages
configured below.


Provide a list of languages used for guest profile, interfaces, and guest folios.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager

Languages Examples

Language Description
2.4 Nationalities
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Nationalities are entered on the profile and can be used for statistical and financial reporting segmenting the
guests that have stayed at your hotel.


Provide a list of guest nationalities.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager

Nationalities Examples

Nationality Description Sequence Language Code

American 1 E
German 2 DE
Canadian 3 E
British 4 E
Swedish 5 SW
2.5 Regions
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Regions are used to consolidate statistical information for a selection of countries or states defined in section
2.6. and 2.7.Once configured, the region codes can be linked to each country/state code. Statistical
information, such as room nights can then be reported consolidated for the defined regions.


Provide a list of regions.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager
 Sales Manager

Region Examples

Region Code Region Sequence

North America 1
South America 2
Europe 3
Middle East 4
Australia/New Zealand 5
2.6 Countries
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Opera provides the ability to store detailed geographical data in connection with generating addresses,
reservations, and financial reporting based on demographics. Opera provides a default listing of countries with
the correct ISO code (International Standards Organization), but these can be customized for additional
statistical reports by region, state/province, etc.

For each country code you define the address format to be used for mailing of confirmation letters, statements


Provide a list of countries if ISO codes are not applicable or Region Codes/ Statistical codes should be

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager

Country Examples

Country Code Country Statistic ISO Code Region Code

Canada 21 CA NAM
United States 20 US NAM
Germany 43 DE EUR
2.7 States
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


States (or provinces) are set up as a default listing in Opera with the correct ISO code (International Standards
Organization), but these can be customized for additional statistical reports by region, city, district, etc..

It is also possible to assign region codes, from section to states instead of countries should you wish to
consolidate multiple states into a single region. As an example, the 52 US states could be linked with four
major regions: northeast, northwest, south east and south west USA.


Provide a list of states/provinces.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager

State Codes Examples

Country Code State Code Description

AK Alaska
AL Alabama
AB Alberta
VC Victoria
WA West Australia
2.8 Districts
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Districts are user definable groupings of geographical areas within a country. If states have been configured
for the country, you may set up districts that consist of one or more of the following combinations:

 Country/state/city
 Country/state/postal code
 Country/state/city/postal code

For example, for the US, one district might include the cities of Chicago IL, North Chicago IL, and Racine
WI. Another district might include the entire state of Delaware, the city of Philadelphia PA, and postal codes
08101 through 08104 in Camden NJ.

If the country has not been configured using states, you may set up districts that consist of any one or more
cities within a country. For example, a district could be set up for the Netherlands consisting of the cities of
Rotterdam and Delft.


Provide a list of Districts.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager

Districts Examples

Code Description
Europe, Africa, Middle East
Asia Pacific
2.9 Cities
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Cities are configured with a range of associated postal codes to enable the city to automatically populate when
entering an address. A city can have multiple postal code ranges if necessary. Statistical and financial
reporting can be obtained by city


Provide a list of cities and their zip codes.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager

Cities Examples

Country City From Postal Code To Postal Codes

Mountain Village 99632 99632
Houston 99694 99694
Berlin 10001 14330
Paris 75001 75020

Cities pre Configured for US, States for Canada and Australia but can be modified
2.10 Titles
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Titles are used to define the greeting to be used when addressing the guest both verbally and by mail. Within
the profile the user can select a list of values relevant to the language of the guest, if using multiple languages.


Provide a list of all salutations in all languages used in the hotel.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager

Salutations Examples

Code Description Envelope Greeting Display Seq Language

Prof. 1 E
Prof Dear Professor
Ms 2 E
Ms Dear Miss
Mrs 2 E
Mrs Dear Mrs.
Mr 2 E
Mr Dear Mr.
M 3 F
Monsieur Dear Monsieur
2.11 Relationship Types
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


This option provides the possibility to define relations/links between different profiles. A relationship can be
made between profiles that allow for rates to be shared or for financial and statistical reporting. A common
relationship would be for a parent and subsidiary company. Information can be gathered for both profiles
separately, but then reported together. For example, MICROS Systems Inc could have two relationships,
once for MICROS-Fidelio and for OPUS. Profiles would be created for all three companies and attached to
reservations, as well as statistics calculated on each profile. A report could be generated that would
calculate all three profiles together showing totals generated by MICROS Systems, Inc. (MICROS Systems,
Inc + MICROS-Fidelio + OPUS).

These relationships are used by both the PMS and S&C systems, therefore should include all relationships
that the S&C Team will need to capture between their different types of Accounts, Contacts at these
Accounts, Vendors and Travel Agents. Relationships for Master Sub relations are predefined to allow for
consolidates production reports.

Provide a list of all relationship type codes.

Completed By
Input from the following department heads is recommended:
 Front Office Manager
 Reservations Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager
 Catering Manager

Relationship Type Codes Examples

Relationship Relationship From To Relationship From Profile To Profile Type

Description Description Type
Company Company Master Company Company Company
IMPLANT Company Agent Sub Company Agent
2.12 Communication Types
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


On every profile, for guests, companies, agents and groups it is possible to record multiple phone numbers.

As an example, a company profile may have a fax and phone number. You can also configure phone types
for email and web page details.

As well as phone types, there are predefine phone roles. Each phone type you create is associated with one
of the phone types available.


Provide a list of phone types used.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Sales Manager
 Reservation Manager

Phone Types Examples

Phone Role Phone Type Description Order Number

PHONE HOME Home Phone Number 1

PHONE BUSINESS Business Phone Number 2
FAX FAX Fax number 3
EMAIL BEMAIL Business Email Address 4

Phone roles are pre configured with Opera indicating the method of communication, Phone, Fax,
Email, Pager, and Webpage.
2.13 Address Types
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Just like multiple telephone numbers, multiple addresses can also be stored on a profile. For an individual
guest you may wish to record their home and postal address. For a company you may wish to record their
physical street and postal addresses.


Provide a list of address types used.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Sales Manager
 Reservation Manager

Address Types Examples

Address Type Description Display Sequence

HOME Home Address 1
BILLING Billing Address 2
BUSINESS Business Address 3
POBOX Post Office Box Number 4
2.14 Mailing Action Codes
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Opera provides the ability to store additional information on the guest’s profile. One of these additional
possibilities is mailing codes. With mailing codes you can define which mailing lists the guests should
included in.

When you are generating mailings from Opera or creating address labels for mailings one of the filter
options is to select only those profiles with a particular mailing code. All guests who have this entry in the
mailing code field of their profile will be included in the selection.


Provide a list of mailing codes.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Sales Manager
 Reservations Manager
 Front Office Manager

Mailing Codes Examples

Code Description Display Sequence

CHR Christmas Mailing 1

EAS Easter Mailing 2
PRI New Prices 3
2.15 Account Type
Front Office
 Sales and Catering


This provides a further detailed breakdown of the type of accounts you are working with. Opera has hard
coded the type of Account/Profile being Company, Agent, Source or Vendor. This field allows the Sales Team
to define these hard coded options a little further. This does not need to include Industry or Market Segment
references to the Account, as there are separate fields for this use.


Provide a breakdown of all Account Types.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Sales/Marketing Manager
 Catering Manager

Account Type Examples

Codes Description
COD Corporate Domestic
COI Corporate International
LOA Local Agent
INA International Agent
2.16 VIP Levels
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Opera provides the ability to define different VIP levels for your guests.
Throughout Opera guests are commonly filtered using the VIP code assigned to them. Many of the Opera
reports also offer the ability to filter guests based on the VIP status. Some common uses would be to
determine VIP arrivals and departures, or VIP guests in house.

VIP status is usually used to identify regular guests, celebrities, royalty, hotel owners, loyalty club members
and import corporate guests.


Provide a list of VIP levels.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Sales Manager
 Reservations Manager
 Front Office Manager

VIP Level Examples

Code Description Display Sequence

RG Regular Guest 1
CL Celebrity 2
OWN Owner 3
LCM Loyalty Club Member 4
2.17 Keyword Types
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


You can define multiple types of Keywords that you would use for an Account. The most commonly used
Keyword can be an Acronym for that account. Or you can create a Corporate Code that you would link to all
accounts who are owned by the same company. This can then be used for simple mailing queries of
Company Groups, or for Reporting Consolidation. A default keyword type is pre defined.


Provide a breakdown of all Keywords Types you want to assign to an Account.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Sales/Marketing Manager
 Front Office Manager

Keyword Types Examples

Codes Description
ABC Acronym for a Company
COR Corporate Code
CLB Club Number
2.18 Inactive Reasons
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Profiles can be set to inactive if business with the hotel has stopped. There is no need to delete the profiles
if they are going to be used in the future again.
Keeping these profiles means that the information stored can still be used.


Provide a breakdown of all Inactive Reasons you would like to use.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Sales/Marketing Manager
 Front Office Manager

Keyword Types Examples

Codes Description
CLO Company has closed
BUS Business has moved to another area
2.19 Profile Request Definition
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Profile requests can be entered on the profile from profile search or through Profile options to track guests’
request for communications with the hotel. These communications can be either sent directly through email
if an smtp link to the email system has been established or then be used to extract these requests to
process them through mail.

When the email option is used a html page can be coded within Opera which would then contain the link to
the actual electronic communication on the web site.


Provide a set of all Profile Request Definitions.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager.

Request Definition Example

2.20 Profile Request Types
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Once Request Definitions have been created (if emailing is required) Request Types need to be defined.
These request types will then be attached to the Profile.


Provide a list of all request types.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Sales & Marketing Manager

 Front Office Manager
 Reservation Manager

Request Type Example

3 Memberships
Membership is an additional module that can be activated to calculate points for any membership or loyalty
program available at the hotel. User defined cards can be created and membership details applied to these
new cards. This guide will only cover allowing membership cards and numbers to be stored on guest

3.1 Membership Class

 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Class determines which type of card is being stored, either loyalty (frequent guest) or frequent flyer.


Provide a list of membership card classes.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Sales Manager
 Reservation Manager

Membership Class Examples

Membership Class Membership Class Description Seq. Loyalty Frequent Flyer Program
Code Program

FFP Frequent Flyer Program 1 N Y

FGP Frequent Guest Program 2 Y N
3.2 Membership Types and Levels
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Each unique frequent flyer or frequent guest program that you offer needs to be configured as a
membership type.

Types allow for points to be automatically calculated based on transaction criteria as well as validation of
card numbers and membership levels. Opera has a standard list of frequent flyer and loyalty program cards
already predefined with card type/number validations that can be used.

Each program can optionally have a series of levels associated with it. Points can be awarded per type level
or generically for the member type.

For each membership type, you can define whether this card type should automatically be copied to any
reservation made by the guest, whether the system should prompt the operator or whether no action should
be taken.

Opera allows ‘double dipping’ by allowing multiple member types on the one reservation.

A message, to be printed on the folio can also be defined for each member type. If multiple types are
associated with the reservation, the first (primary) type will be printed on the folio.


Provide a list of frequent guest, frequent flyer, and hotel loyalty program membership types used.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Sales Manager
 Reservation Manager

Membership Type Examples

Membership Description Class Action Sequence Folio Message Levels

Type Auto Prompt/
Prompt User/
UA United Airlines FFP Auto 1 Mileage Plus account will be Premier,
credited for this stay Premier
Exec, 1K
AC Air Canada FFP P 2
RP Rewards Plus FGP A 3 Your FS Card will be credited for Silver, Gold
this stay
Membership Levels Examples

Membership Membership Level Level Description

UA PRE United Premier
EXEC Premier Exec
1K Premier 1K
RP BRZ Bronze
SLV Silver
GLD Gold

3.3 Membership Calculation Groups

 Front Office
Sales and Catering
PMS Add on license Code Membership (OPP_MEM)active


If the add on license for Memberships is active, Opera can calculate membership points. In order to control
for which rates, transactions etc Points are awarded the following groups can be defined:
 Transaction Groups
Transaction codes, which allow the same behaviour with regards to membership points can be
grouped together. (e.g. all food transaction codes for all outlets can be grouped into a Group Food
 Market Groups
As with the above similar Market codes (e.g. Corporate Local and Corporate Worldwide) an be
grouped here
 Rate Groups
Rate codes (e.g. COR1, COR2, COR, etc) can be combined to Rate groups

These groupings can then be used to define calculation rules for the different membership programs


Provide a list of groups you will need to set up your membership program calculation rules

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Sales/Marketing Manager
 Reservation Manager
 Director of Finance/Controller
4 Rate Management

4.1 Market Code Main Groups

 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Market groups allow you to group market segmentation codes into categories corresponding to the hotel’s
marketing strategy. This segmentation provides both statistics and financial reporting at the group level, as
well, as at the code level. For example, a market group could be GOV = Government. Market Codes
belonging to this group could be FG=Federal Government, SG = State Government, LG = Local
Government, etc.

A marketing statistic report is calculated each night to determine the total rooms/revenue posted to each
market segment and then subtotalled at the market group level. In the example above, rooms and revenue
would be broken out on each market code and then subtotalled for total rooms and revenue for GOV as well.

Marketing Hierarchy

Provide a list of all market groups.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Reservations Manager
 Front Office Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager.

Market Groups Examples

Market Groups Description Sequence

GOV Government 1
IND Individual 2
GRP Group 3
CRP Corporate 4
4.2 Market Codes
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


When making a reservation, the appropriate market code will need to be selected. This can either be
entered by the agent or linked to the rate code and populated automatically. Based on the market
segmentation codes, Opera can produce daily, month-to-date, and year-to-date statistics of revenue,
number of guests, number of rooms occupied, and average room rate. These market codes will be linked to
a Market Group. A market code and market group can have the same code.

In addition, monthly revenue budget can be entered for each of the market codes.


Provide a list of all market codes with the market groups they belong to.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Reservations Manager
 Front Office Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager

Market Codes Examples

Market Code Description Market Group Display Display Colour

FG Federal Government GOV 1
SG State Government GOV 2
GA Group Association GRP 3
GC Corporate Group GRP 4
CP Complimentary COMP 5
HS House Use COMP 6
RC Rack Rate IND 7
DC Discount IND 8
NC National Corporate CRP 9
LC Local Corporate CRP 10

Display colours can be used in the room plan to indicate the reservation’s market segment. A choice of
seven colours is provided.
4.3 Turnaway Codes
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


When a potential guest calls to inquire about availability, pricing, etc. and does not make a reservation,
Opera allows you to track this lost business as so called Turn away. A turn away can be classified into two
categories: Denials and Regrets.

Denials are reasons for turning away business on the hotel side, i.e. Sold Out, Room/Rate not available.

Regrets are reasons why a guest does not book the reservation, i.e. price sensitivity, location, etc.


Provide a list of codes used to track lost business (i.e., regrets and denials).

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager.

Turnaway Codes Examples

Sequence Turn away Type

Turn away Code Description (Regret or Denial)
SO Sold Out Denial
PR Price Resistance Regret
RT Room Type Requested Not Available Denial
GE General Inquiry Regret
RL Restricted Profile/Guest Denial
BQ Banquet facilities not available Denial
4.4 Source Groups
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Just as market codes can be grouped into market groups for reporting purposes, source codes may also be
grouped into general source groups for statistical reporting.

Refer to the Source Code Hierarchy below.

Source Code Hierarchy


Provide a list of all source groups.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Reservations Manager
 Front Office Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager.

Source Groups Examples

Source Group Description Sequence

ADV Advertising 1
AGT Agent 2
GDS Global Distribution
4.5 Source Codes
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Opera allows you to track reservations by source. Source refers to where the reservation came from, such
as direct from the guest, via an agent, through a wholesaler or from the central reservation system.

Source codes might also be used to capture the advertising source.

Just as market codes can be grouped into market groups for reporting purposes, source codes may also be
grouped into source groups for reporting.

Refer to the Source Code Hierarchy below.

Source Code Hierarchy


Provide a list of all required source codes and the main groups they belong to.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Reservations Manager
 Front Office Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager.

Source Code Examples

Source Code Description Source Group Display Sequence

LA Local Agent AGT 1
IA International Agent AGT 2
SAB Sabre GDS 3
APL Apollo GDS 4
WK Walk In DIR 5
DR Direct Call DIR 6
Rate/Yield Management Overview
The following overview should help provide a very basic understanding of some of the rate/yield
management options available in Opera. It is important to understand how the rates interact in Opera to
fully maximize their use in Opera.

Rate Code

Rate/Yield Management within the Opera system starts with the rate code. A rate code is associated with
specific room rates according to the room type. When making a reservation, the reservations agent can
choose a rate code to display the available rates (based on the arrival, departure dates, adults, children,
etc). The available rates are then displayed as follows:

Rate Room Types (Twin, King, Double Double and Suites)


Rack 100 110 110 200 250 500

Government 95 105 105 190 210 435

Bed & Breakfast 135 145 145 235 285 535

Rate Categories

Rate codes may also be grouped into rate categories. For example, rate codes PCORP, LCORP, NCORP
could be grouped into a rate category called CORPORATE rates. Then, when making a reservation, the
reservations agent could also elect to display available rates by rate category instead of rate code. The
available rates would then display as follows:

In this example, suites are not available for the preferred corporate rate. For this reason, there are no room
rates listed under the "ST" room types for the PCORP rate code.

LCORP 175 175 175 195 195 195
NCORP 165 165 165 185 185 185
PCORP 165 165

If the reservations agent does not enter a rate code or rate category when making a reservation, the system
displays ALL available rate codes based on the arrival and departure dates.

It is also important to note that management can define the order in which the rate codes will display when
making a reservation in the rate code availability grid.

Rate Class
Rate class is the highest grouping for rates. Rate categories are assigned to a rate class. When searching
for available rooms, a rate class can be selected showing only those rate codes that are in the rate
categories attached to the rate class. So there are three levels at which available rates can be retrieved: By
rate code, rate category, or rate class.

Closing out Rates

Rates can be closed out by each of the three levels mentioned above. A single rate code can be marked as
closed, a rate category marked as closed and therefore closes out all associated rate codes, or the rate
class can be closed, closing out all the associated rate categories and rate codes. Depending on the hotel’s
demand, a rate structure could be set so that similar rates are grouped together into rate categories and
classes. For example, the hotel has five tiers of rates 10% discounted rates, 25% discounted rates, 50%
discounted rates, full rates, and complimentary/house use rates. An example of full rates might be Rack.
Corporate, AARP, AAA might be examples of 25% discounted rates. GOV, Weekend, and Tour & Travel
might be examples of 50% discounted rates. This rate structure makes opening and closing rates very easy
depending on occupancy. If in high demand, then close out all 25% and 50% rate categories, leaving Full
and 10% open. In low demand, open up all rate categories. To go one step further, rate class could be used
as well, High, Medium, Low. The high rate class would have the Full and 10% discount rates. Medium
would have 25% and 50%. Low would have everything else. If in high demand, close out the rate classes
Medium and Low. In low demand, open all rate classes.

The rate structure in Opera can be configured to be very complex or kept relatively simple depending on the
hotel’s policies on rates and selling strategy.

Within Opera, the user also has the ability to control the availability of room rates for any date or range of
dates in the future. Different controls (also referred to as flags) can be applied to any future date(s) for any
rate code(s) including:

 Open: The rate code is available for reservations on the date.

 Closed: The rate code is not available for reservations on the date.
 Closed to Arrival: The rate is not available for reservations arriving on the date but is available to guests
who wish to arrive on a prior date and stay through.
 Closed to Departure: The rate is not available for departures on this day.
 Minimum Length of Stay: Reservations arriving on the date must stay a minimum number of nights to
qualify for that rate.
 Maximum Length of Stay: Reservations may not stay longer than X number of days.
 Minimum Stay Through: The minimum stay through restriction differs from the minimum length of stay in
that it is not restricted to the arrival date of the reservation, rather it applies as long as any part of your
reservation touches the restricted date, the guest must day X number of days from the restricted day.
For example, if MST = 3 on Friday, February 12 th. Any guest, who stays the night of February 12 th, must
stay for 3 nights, else this rate will not be available.

Rate Strategies
Rate strategies provide the ability to have the system continuously monitor performance (occupancy or
number of rooms sold) for any future date or range of dates. Once the future date(s) reach, or fall below,
certain pre-defined levels of occupancy or occupied rooms, the strategy can automatically apply a specific
availability flag (as described in Availability section above). This can be very helpful if, for example, you
forecast a "sell-out" for a future date and want to make sure that the discount rates are "closed" as soon as
occupancy reaches a certain level before the date.

These strategies can be setup to automatically apply a flag to a specific rate code, a rate category or ALL
available rates.


On July 4th a hotel is expecting to sell out. They want to make sure that if overall occupancy reaches 65%
by June 15th, all rate codes in the Discount rate category should be automatically "Closed." Once the
strategy is set, as soon as the occupancy for July 4 th reaches 65% before June 15th, the system will not
show any Discounted rates in the rate grid, rather they will be flagged as CLOSED. The inverse condition
should also be set stating that if occupancy on July 4 th is less than 65%, then “Open” the rate category
Discount so the rates will show available in the rate availability grid.

Sell Limits
Opera provides the ability to change the number of rooms to sell in your hotel on a daily basis, sometime
called Overbooking. If the hotel would like to oversell, a sell limit can be set on the room type, a room class,
or on the house level. Also, sell limits can also be used in combination with rooms and rates. For example,
only 3 rooms might be available at the Weekend Rate for the Twin room type. Or if you only want to sell 50
Twins but have 75 of them left to sell, this is also acceptable. These limits can be set by percentage or
number of bookings.
Event Calendar
The event calendar is another tool Opera offers for your Rate/Yield Management. Here you can enter certain
events, which might affect your booking situation, and also attach day types to the different days.

Day types as previously mentioned can be used to increase/decrease existing rates by a certain predefined
factor. Day types can also be used to control the sequence of the rates in the rate grid on a daily basis.
Rates situated at the top of this rate grid will be offered first by your agents.

4.6 Rate Classes

 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Refer to the Rate Structure Hierarchy below to understand how rate classes relate to rate categories and
rate codes. Rate classes are a third, optional level in the hierarchy of defining rate codes. Most commonly
rate categories and rate codes are used.

If you have a significantly large number of rate codes, rate classes can be helpful in grouping these logically.

Rate Structure Hierarchy


Provide a list of all rate classes.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended

 Reservations Manager
 Front Office Manager
 General Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager

Rate Classes Examples

Rate Class Description Display Sequence Begin Date End Date

HIGH High Rates 1 01/01/01 12/31/10

STAND Standard Rates 2 01/01/01 12/31/10
OTHER Miscellaneous Rates 3 01/01/01 12/31/10
LOW Low Rates 4 01/01/01 12/31/10
4.7 Rate Categories
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


Rate categories are away in which to group a number of rate codes together.
When defining rate availability, it is possible to close a single rate code or an entire rate category, which in
turn would close all rates within the category.

Categorisation of rates can also be useful at the time of a reservation enquiry. The user is able to request to
display a category of rates, rather than seeing all rates within the system. For example, if a caller is
interested in hotel packages, the operator can filter and display the package rate category, eliminating group
and corporate rates from the screen.


Provide a list of all rate categories.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended

 Reservations Manager
 Front Office Manager
 General Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager.

Rate Categories Examples

Rate Associated Rate Display

Category Description Class Sequence Begin Date End Date
RACK Rack Rates HIGH 1 08/11/00 12/21/01
DISC Discounts LOW 2 08/11/00 12/21/01
WHL Wholesales STANDARD 3 08/11/00 12/21/01
CMP Complimentary OTHER 4 08/11/00 12/21/01
GRP Group Rates 5 08/11/00 12/31/03
PKG Package Rates 6 08/11/00 12/31/03
4.8 Rate Codes
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering


A rate code forms the core of Opera’s yield management and reservation process. Rate codes are used to
define the various prices for each room type over particular date range or rate season. For a single rate
code, it is possible to identify two separate rate amounts over a seven-day period (mid-week and weekend)
and a separate price per person.

Rate codes are also used to create hotel packages, which include food, beverage, leisure or other supplies.
By associating package elements
(Section 4.9) with a rate code, it is possible to build a package of entitlements for a guest staying on the rate.

Refer to the Rate Structure Hierarchy below to understand how rate codes relate to rate headers and rate

Rate Detail
 Price for room

Rate Code  Rate Header  Rate Detail

Price for room

Rate Detail
Price for room
While the rate header is containing all the relevant information concerning the rate code, the rate detail is
where the price for each room type is entered.

For each rate code, it is possible to define short information, displayed at the time of performing a rate query.
This short information provides the user with a quick, meaningful explanation of the rate code and
entitlements. Long information can also be entered, providing a full page of detailed information about the
rate code – entitlements, restrictions, how to sell, cost of up-sell etc.

The rate header defines the sell dates for the rates – this is the period that the reservation can be created
using this rate. The rate detail then defines the actual price per room type for specific date ranges or
seasons. As an example, you may have a rate code GDIY that is an low-season rate available between 1-
Oct and 28-Feb which can only be booked in throughout June. The rate header sell dates would be 1-Jun to
30-Jun and the rate detail would be 1-Oct to 28-Feb.

To improve the speed of reservation input, statistical information such as market and source can be
defaulted on the rate code header. For each reservation created, the default values applied to the rate code
will propagate the reservation; leaving fewer fields to complete and ensuring accurate statistics. For rates
where the market or source can vary, these fields should be left blank to force the user to think about the
correct value to select.

Rate codes can be configured in multiple currencies. For overseas agents, where contracts may be
negotiated in US$ a separate rate code, in US$ can be added which will converted to local currency at the
time of posting using a predefined exchange rate.

As the rate code defines the amount to be posted to the account nightly, it is also necessary to define the
transaction code to be used to record the postings. Commonly, a single transaction code is used for
accommodation charge, however, Opera allows you to reference a variety of transaction codes should you
wish to separate accommodation charges. Transaction codes are defined in section 5.

Provide all necessary information on rate codes for the installation. Make sure your actual and next year
rates are set and you have all details on hand.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended

 Sales/Marketing Manager
 Reservations Manager / Front Office Manager

Rate Code Examples

Rate Code Description

LCORP Local Corporate Rate
NCORP National Corporate Rate
SUMD Summer Delight Package
INDS Industry Rate
STAFF Staff Rate
4.9 Package Elements
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


In Opera, a rate code can also consist of many package entitlements. Each entitlement is termed a package

A package element is defined as an additional item that can either be included in the rate or in addition to
the rate, i.e. breakfast, champagne, dinner, a movie, golf green fees, etc.

A package group is a collection of package elements. Package groups allow commonly grouped elements
to be defined as one item with the need to only reference the one group item on the rate code. In turn Opera
is aware to allow the individual elements that make up the package group.

The package group ROMANCE could be made up of package elements: breakfast, champagne, and
chocolates. When adding these packages to the rate, the package group would only have to be selected,
rather than having to attach multiple package elements to the rate

P a c k a g e E le m e n t G ro u p s P a c k a g e E le m e n ts

Package Elements Hierarchy

Package elements can be configured to create an allowance, rather than charging (posting) the specific
entitlement automatically. Using allowances, Opera reserve an amount that is then offset against the actual
posted charge as it occurs. This occurs internally and does not display on the guest folio. Allowances are
commonly used for point-of-sale transactions, such as dinner or breakfast where the guest will dine and can
be expected to charge back to their room. Rather than having to inform your outlets of what guests and
staying on specific packages, each guest can simply charge back to their room; Opera will then determine if
package allowances exist to offset the room charge. Any overage, above the entitled amount will be posted
as a surcharge to the guest’s account.

Alternatively, Opera can automatically post a package entitlement, eliminating the need for user intervention.
In the case of parking or theatre ticket, Opera can split from the accommodation charge the amount required
and in-turn post an amount for the cost of the tickets or parking. No allowance is created and no user
intervention is required.

Some questions to consider when defining your package elements:

1. Are package elements included in the price of the room or are then added to the price of the rate
detail? For example, the rate detail price is $100 and the breakfast package element $15. Should
the guest be charged only $100.00 ($85 credited to room revenue and $15 for breakfast = $100) or
$115 ($100 room + $15 breakfast)? This will determine if package elements are “Add to Rate”
2. Are package elements available each day, or only on certain days? Opera can have elements
available each day, only on arrival/departure, or 7 other ways. Are package elements available all
day or only during certain hours? Breakfast 5am – 10am, Dinner 5pm -10pm.

3. Are package elements that are posted from an outlet/point of sale system, posted directly to the
guest room or does the guest present a coupon and this amount is posted to a house account?

4. How are package elements charged? Per reservation; person; adult; child or per room?

5. For package elements such as breakfast and dinner, are the guests quoted a dollar amount they
can spend, given a special menu to order from, include any outlet including room service?

6. What happens if the guest exceeds their package element price? For example, the guest is
charged $50.00 for breakfast, but the rate includes breakfast for two. The guest has a $54.00
breakfast. Where should this extra $4 be posted? What if the guest does not have breakfast,
where should the $50 be credited?

7. When a package element such as breakfast is posted from the restaurant, does the charge come
across into the PMS system as one line Room Service $35, or is it broken out into Room Service
Food $17, Beverage $8, Tax $4, Gratuity $6?


Provide a list of all package elements.

Note: Package elements should be created first and then attached to package groups.

Completed by

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Controller
 Sales/Marketing Manager
 Reservations Manager

Package Code Examples

TRX Profit

TRX Loss

Calculation Rule
Separate Line?
Allow. Amount

Add to rate?
Item Price
Trn Code

Code Description
Y 30,00 2500 2501 N N p.p./day
BFI Breakfast incl. 2005 30,00
Y 30,00 2500 2501 N Y p.p./day
XBF Breakfast excl. 2005 30,00
N 0,00 Y Y
PAR Parking 5000 20,00
Y 30,00 2600 2601 N N p.p./day
DIN Dinner 4000 30,00
Y 10,00 2600 2601 N N p.p./day
BEV Beverage 4200 10,00
4.10 Package Element Groups
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


The package module allows you bundle package elements into groups. If you commonly have a need to link
the same elements to rate codes, you can group them and then link the group element to the rate code

P a c k a g e E le m e n t G ro u p s P a c k a g e E le m e n ts


Provide a list of all package element groups.

Completed by

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Controller

Package Element Groups Examples

Package Element Package

Group Code Description Short Description Type Group Package Elements List

HB Halfboard Halfboard Group DIN,BEV

OTH Other Packages Others Group PAR
4.11 Package Forecast Groups
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


In order to simplify the forecasting of package elements Opera Provides Package Forecast Codes. This
allows forecasting all American Breakfasts (which can be posted through multiple Package elements e.g.
one incl. and one adding to the rate etc.) thus allowing having one report for your F&B department showing
all guests with American Breakfast.


Provide a list of all package forecast groups.

Completed by

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Controller
 F&B Manager

Package Forecast Groups Examples

Package Forecast
Code Description
BKF Breakfast
HF Half Board
4.12 Event Codes
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Opera allows special events to be entered and then displayed in rate and availability screens. These could
be holidays, high occupancy days, groups/conventions, etc. For each event you will define an event code.


Provide a list of all upcoming event codes.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager.

Event Codes Examples

Event Code Event Description Display Sequence

DEMO Gaming Demo Convention 1
SELL-OUT City Wide Sell Out 2
TRADE SHOW Trade Show 4
CITY FAIR City Fair 5
MUSIC Music Festival 6
4.13 Day Types
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Day types allow rates to be either be increased or decreased on these days depending on forecasted
occupancy. Rates will be temporarily increased for that day type by a percentage or flat amount.

Each day type can be re-used for multiple dates. These codes will be displayed on the control panel
availability screen together with the event codes, giving your reservation agents the ability to view upcoming
and current rate factors. For example, CW = City Convention Day Type, increase all rates by 10%.

Only rates codes that have been configured with the Rate Calendar option will be affected. Rates can also
be re-sequenced by day types in the rate availability grids.


Provide a list of day type codes you would like to use and think about different rate orders.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager.

Day Types Examples

Multiplier Adder
Day Type Description Display Sequence
10.0 0.0
A Exhibition 1
0 10.00
PH Public Holiday / Long W/End 2
25.0 0.00
CITY City Wide Sell Out 3
15.0 0.00
JAZZ Jazz Festival 4
4.14 Promotions
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Promotion Codes are used to configure, identify and track promotional packages. This option is available
when the function Promotion is turned on. Promotions are attached to reservations for any outlet or amenity
throughout the property and does not necessarily offer a discount. When a rate code has been attached to
the promotion and the Rate Query is performed through F5 selecting this promotion only the attached rate
code is shown.


Provide a list of all promotions.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager

Promotion Examples

Booking Booking Stay Stay

Promotion Promotion Promotion Start End Start End
Group Code Name
01.08.08 01.02.09 01.11.08 01.02.09
SEASON Winter Winterpromotion
01.02.08 31.08.08 01.06.08 31.08.08
SEASON Summer Summerrate
01.10.08 24.12.08 23.12.08 27.12.08
XMAS Xmas Xmas Package
5 Cashiering

In Opera, a hierarchy is used to structure the transactions code to post revenue and payment to hotel
accounts. This allows you to control the system at different levels. This functionality becomes especially
critical for tax and revenue reporting. The number of tiers in the hierarchy provides for "revenue buckets" at
several levels, allowing sophisticated reporting and tracking.

Transaction System Hierarchy

Additionally, relationships may be defined between transaction groups and transaction class types to meet
specific business requirements. Be aware that attribute values defined lower in the hierarchy (e.g., for a
transaction code) always override attribute values defined higher in the hierarchy (e.g., for the transaction

There are three required transaction code types: Product Consumption/Revenue Codes (Debit), Folio
Payments/Payment Codes (Credit), and Purchased Packages/Package Codes (if your hotel does not use
package elements, you do not need to make any entries here). It is important to note that transaction codes
must be defined as the correct transaction type or they will not function as expected.

For example: all payments must belong to the payment type; if they are not defined as such, no methods of
payment will be displayed at time of checkout. Within each of the three types, there are transaction groups
and transaction subgroups. These transaction groups and transaction subgroups are used mainly for
transaction group and transaction subtotal reports.

Please refer to the Simple Transaction Structure and the Modified Transaction Structure diagrams
representing sample configurations.

Because of the transaction hierarchy of codes, with lower level items belonging to higher level groups, you
must set up transaction data for new properties in the following sequence:

1. Select the appropriate transaction type

2. Define necessary transaction group(s)
3. Select each transaction group in turn and define the necessary transaction subgroup(s)
4. Select each transaction subgroup in turn and define the necessary transaction codes

MICROS-Fidelio recommends defining transaction codes using three or four digit numeric codes. These
codes may correspond with the general ledger codes for reporting identification.
Simple Transaction Structure

Simple Transaction Structure

Revenue Payment Package

Codes Codes Codes
Subgroup Transaction Subgroup Transaction Subgroup Transaction
Codes Group Group Codes
Hotel Hotel Packages

801 Cash - Local

101 Room Charge Currency 870 Honeymoon
102 No-Show Charge 802 Cash - Foreign
Rooms 871 Golf
103 Cancellation Fee Payments Packages
Currency 872 Weekend
104 Day-Use 805 American Exp. 873 3-Day Weekend
105 Room Adjustment 806 Visa
807 Mastercard
120 Coffee Shop Brkfast 850 House Account
121 Coffee Shop Bev. 851 Accounts Rec'v
122 Coffee Shop Lunch
123 Coffee Shop Dinner
130 Lounge Beverage
F&B 131 Lounge Appetizer
132 Lounge Dinner
140 Dining Room Lunch
141 Dining Room Dinner
142 Dining Room Bev.

301 Local Call

302 Long Distance
Telephone 303 Operater Assist.

501 Federal Tax

Taxes 502 State Tax
503 City Tax
Moderate Transaction Structure

Moderate Transaction Structure

Revenue Payment Package

Codes Codes Codes
Subgroup Codes Subgroup Transaction Subgroup Transaction
Group Group Group
Codes Codes
Rooms Packages
101 Room Charge
102 No-Show
Revenue 103 Cancellation 870 Honeymoon
Fee 871 Golf
104 Day-Use 801 Cash –
105 Room Local Currency Packages 872 Weekend
Adjustment Cash
802 Cash – 873 3-Day
Taxes Foreign Currency Weekend
150 Federal Tax
151 State Tax
152 City Tax
201 Breakfast 805 American
202 Lunch Exp.
203 Dinner 806 Visa
Shop Charge
204 Supper
205 Beverage 807 Mastercard

210 Appetizers
Lounge 211 Beverage
212 Dinner

850 House
220 Breakfast Account
Dining 221 Lunch
222 Dinner 851 Accounts
Room Rec'v
223 Supper
224 Beverage

250 Federal Tax

Taxes 251 State Tax
252 City Tax

301 Local Call

302 Long
303 Operator

310 Federal Tax

Taxes 311 State Tax
312 City Tax

5.1 Transaction Code Groups

 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Transaction codes group determine whether the associated sub groups and transaction codes will be
classed as revenue, payment or wrapper (package).

Within a revenue-based group, it is possible to define a non-revenue sub group or transaction code.


Provide a list of all transaction groups.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Controller
 Front Office Manager

Transaction Groups Example

Transaction Group Code Description TYPE

RMS Accommodation Revenue REVENUE
ATR Atrium Restaurant Revenue REVENUE

5.2 Transaction Code Sub Groups

 Front Office
Sales and Catering


The transaction code sub groups define the grouping for transaction codes. They automatically define the
transaction type from the group they belong to. Codes have to be unique and can only be attached to one


Provide a list of all transaction subgroups.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Controller
 Food & Beverage Manager
 Front Office Manager

Transaction Subgroups Example

Description Group
Subgroup Code
RMR Room Revenue
RMO Other Room Revenue
PCC Credit Card Payments
POT Other Payments
PCA Cash Payments
PKG Packages
5.3 Transaction Codes
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Every charge that will appear on a guest’s folio must have a transaction code of its own. The cashier uses
these codes to post charges to a guest folio and the system uses some of these codes to do its internal
posting. For reporting purposes, the transaction codes are grouped into transaction types, transaction groups,
and transaction subgroups.

Consider carefully the numbering of your transaction codes. Ideally, you should apply logic to the grouping of
items (e.g., all room related charges should be in the, say, 1000 group, F&B in the 2000 etc.) to keep the
auditing simple. You should always allow for future ‘growth’ as your requirements change by leaving gaps in the
transaction code sequence.

Bear in mind that these codes are not "fixed" until they have been used in a transaction so you can change
them until you are satisfied. However, once you have used the code, it begins accumulating charge history, you
cannot change or delete the code.

Use the provided worksheet and start with the list of transaction codes you currently use. Break them into
subgroups and these subgroups into groups and list the individual items in the order you want them to be
entered into Opera. This will not necessarily be your final list, so do not be too concerned that this is "etched in
stone" at this time. Transaction codes are not important to the cashier as they can use alphabetic look-up at
posting time. This means you are in no way limited to the codes you are currently using.

For each code, group or subgroup of codes it is also possible to define other transactions that should
automatically be generated. This is used to handle the tax requirements of your property. If a posting is made
inclusive on tax, Opera will generate the tax posting automatically.

For each transaction code it also possible to define another, different code to be used for posting
adjustments. Adjustment for previous day transactions will not, therefore, affect the balance of the
transaction code for the day and will be tracked against a specific adjustment code. The use of additional
adjustment codes can greatly assist with the balancing of outlet postings automated via an interface. If you
intend to adjust using the same transaction code this can be left blank.
Transactions Codes can be defined to be relevant for Deposit / Cancellation rules by ticking the appropriate
For certain transaction codes we can also tick the option for Check No Mandatory. In doing so the cashier
would have to put in a check number when posting something to that transaction code.

Opera also requires a number of internal transaction codes, which are used by the application for operations
such as package posting; these will be discussed and configured during the installation. Please refer to the
section within to transaction code worksheet for further information.


Provide a list of all transaction codes.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Controller
 Front Office Manager
5.4 Articles
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Articles can be used to efficiently post revenue based on pre-defined articles. This can be used for minibar,
a hotel shop or the business centre


Provide a list of articles.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Controller
 Front Office Manager
 Housekeeping Manager

Articles Examples

Article Code Description Trx Code
001 Water 2200
002 Juice 2200
003 Lemonade 2200
010 Peanuts 2200
100 Laundry - Shirt 6000
101 Dry Cleaning - Trousers 6001
5.5 Cashier Codes
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Each user of Opera who will have access to the cashiering area of Opera must have their own cashier ID in
addition to their user ID (section 8). The cashier ID is used to track each posting. As each posting is
associated with a cashier ID, financial reporting is then generated by cashier number.

On the provided worksheet, please list all hotel personnel who will be using the cashier module functions. This
should include all Front Office Cashiers, Concierge Staff, Night Audit personnel, Front Office management and
any applicable Accounting management and personnel. Each person, using any option for which a cashier has
to be opened, requires a cashier. If reservation staff will be responsible for the posting of deposit payment, they
will also require a cashier number.

Starting amount: If you choose to work with fixed starting balances, you would enter the opening amount of
each cashier’s float.

Float Amount: What will be the float amount for which this cashier is responsible.
At the end of each shift, the cashier is balanced and closed; once closed it must be re-opened before the
user is allowed to post another transaction. The number of time a user can close and re-open their cashier is
defined by the ‘Maximum Uses” setting per cashier. For security purposes, you may wish to restrict users to
1 or 2 uses per business day.


Provide a list of cashier users.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Controller
 Front Office Manager

Cashiers Examples

Cashier # Cashier Name Float Amount Starting Maximum Number of

Balance Uses
101 James Smith $500 N/A 3
103 Mary Anne N/A $500 5
5.6 Petty Cash – Hotel Accounts
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Opera gives you the ability to track petty cash by specific hotel accounts. Petty cash withdrawals during a shift
are reported in the end-of-shift report and the night audit provides a report that details all petty cash charges for
the day. Please note that if the use of petty cash is not frequent, it is not necessary to set up different accounts.
One generic petty cash account may be sufficient.


Please provide a list of hotel accounts.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Controller
 Front Office Manager

Hotel Accounts Examples

Account Code Description

9010 Newspapers
9012 Flowers
9014 Office Supplies
5.7 Folio Grouping Codes
 Front Office
Sales and Catering

Folio and Revenue Buckets allow you to group your defined transaction codes together into groups or
buckets for consolidation purposes when printing a folio.

There are three sections to this area of Opera

 Arrangement Codes
 Expense Folio Buckets (depending on Application Parameter “Prompt For Expense Folio Upon
 Group Folio Buckets


Define your folio grouping codes

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Controller
 Front Office Manager

Expense Folio
As well as the standard guest folio, which can be printed in a variety of styles, Opera can also generate
expense folios that can summaries transactions for up to 12 groups/buckets.


2/2 200.00 84.75 35.00 12.00 2.25 17.60
3/2 200.00 56.10 28.50 16.90 7.50 8.25

Sample Expense Worksheet

Code Description Transaction Codes

1 Accommodation 1000,1010,1020,1030,1040,1050,1060,1070,1080,1090
2 Food 2000, 2100,2200,2300
3 Beverage 2005,2105,2205,2305

Group Folio
A similar facility is available for group accounts. As the group folio is defined separately, a different bucket
configuration is possible than the expense folio.

Sample Group Folio Worksheet

Code Description Transaction Codes

1 Accommodation 1000,1010,1020,1030,1040,1050,1060,1070,1080,1090
2 Food & Bev 2000, 2100,2200,2300, 2005,2105,2205,2305
3 Telephone 3000,3010,3020
Arrangement Codes
Arrangement codes are a way in which to group similar transaction together and print the folio using this
summarised configuration. For example, if you have configured transactions code for breakfast food and
breakfast beverage separately, you can define an arrangement code ‘Breakfast Charge’ that links these
together. When the guest folio is printed in arrangement code style, the individual postings for food and
beverage are consolidated and printed as a single posting – ‘Breakfast Charge’; the detail of the food and
beverage component is hidden.

Please be aware that one transaction code can only be attached to ONE arrangement code.

Sample Arrangement Worksheet

Code Description Transaction Codes

ATRB Atrium Breakfast 2000,2005
ATRL Atrium Lunch 2100, 2105
ATRD Atrium Dinner 2200, 2205

5.8 Routing Codes

 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Opera allows any charges posted to a guest room to be divided into 8 separate accounts. Each account can
then be payable by a different person/company if required. In order to have Opera automatically route
charges to specific accounts there is an option known as Routing Instructions. Within folio instructions, the
user can select one or more transaction codes to be routed to this account. As there are often a large
number of transaction codes to select, billing instructions can be defined which pre-groups transaction codes
together. The user, in place of each transaction code, can then select a single billing code.

As an example a billing instruction code, FD could be defined which groups all food transactions. Another,
FB, could be defined for all food and beverage charges.


Please provide a list of all billing codes.

A maximum of three alphanumeric characters is recommended for the billing codes. This section requires
that you have completed your transaction code configuration in section 5.3.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Controller
 Front Office Manager

Routing Codes Examples

Billing Code Description Transaction Codes

PH Phone 3000, 3010,3020

RT Room & Tax 1000, 1010,1020,1030, 1040
FD Food 2000,2010,2020,2030,2040,2050
BV Beverage 2005,2015,2025,2035,2045,2055
5.9 Adjustment Codes
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


In Opera, cashiering reason codes are used to define the reason for changes to transactions on a guest

Opera uses three different types of cashiering reason codes:

 Adjustment types are used for changes made to a guest folio after the business day of the original
 Deletion types allow an entire transaction to be deleted.

It is not uncommon for a property to have similar or identical reason code descriptions for the different
reason code types.


Please provide a list of all cashiering reason codes. A maximum of five alphanumeric characters is
recommended for the reason codes.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Controller
 Front Office Manager

Adjustment Reason Codes Examples

Reason Code Description Reason Code Type

UPD-A Update Adjustment

MGR-A Managers Discretion Adjustment
EMP-A Employee Empowerment Adjustment
WRG-F Wrong Folio Deletion
5.10 Payment Types
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Payment Types define the list of available payment methods within a reservation. Each credit limit code will
then define the guest’s default credit limit based on their method of payment.

For example, Cash credit limit can be set to $0.01, and then as soon as the guest’s balance exceeds this
limit, the guest will be included on the credit limit report.

Payment Type configuration also ensure the correct algorithm check is made when the payment method
(card number) is entered. Credit Limits can be applied to each payment type to ensure tracking.


Please provide a list of all payment types used in the hotel. Before defining your
payment types, you will need to have configured your transaction codes in section 5.3. Also please provide a
list of all credit limits for your payment types.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Controller
 Front Office Manager

Payment Type Examples

Check Code Description TRN code Credit Limit

AB Australian Bankcard 9001 2000.00
AM Amaco
AX American Express 9003 3000.00
CB Carte Blanche 9004 1500.00
DC Diners
DS Discovery
EC Euro Card
ER En Route
MC MasterCard
SW Switch
VA Visa
CA Cash Payment 9000 0.01
XY Generic Validation
ZZ No Validation
5.11 Tax Types
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Tax types are used to identify the eligibility of a guest for tax exclusions or inclusions.
Each transaction code, sub group or group defined in section 5.1 and 5.2 may have automatic tax charges
generated with each posting made. This does not apply to included taxes. Please take fiscal regulations into

In order to establish the price, if any, of the tax amount generated, tax types are used and tax prices
assigned to each tax type.


Determine the tax types requirements for your state, territory or country.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Controller
 Front Office Manager

Tax Type Examples

Code Description
0 Regular Guest
1 Exempt State Tax
2 Exempt Federal Tax
5.12 Number to Words
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Money amounts must often be printed in word form rather than (or in addition to) being printed as numerals.
If the Profile Language function is not being used, and the base language for the property is not English, the
Number To Words feature may be used to translate the numerals into words for whatever language has
been chosen as the base language. Reports that reference a profile language, such as folios and receipts,
will automatically select the appropriate translation for the particular instance of the report, if available.


Provide a list of numerical descriptions.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Controller
 Front Office Manager

Number to Words Examples

Number Description
1 One
2 Two
3 Three
6 Accounts Receivable

6.1 Account Types

þ Front Office
Sales and Catering


Accounts receivable account types define the general types of accounts that may exist at your property.
Examples could be company, local agent, overseas agent, individual and internal accounts.

For each type of account, a unique credit limit and specific reminder cycle with special reminder formats can
be established. Should you want to send reminders in different languages, you would need one account type
for each language.

It is also possible to print the AR aging report group by account type.


Provide a list of all accounts receivable account types. A maximum of five alphanumeric characters is
recommended for each type.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager
 Controller

Account Types Examples

Account Type Description Credit Limit Statement


CO Company English
TO Tour Operator 5000.00 English
CC Credit Card 10000.00 English
IN Individual 1000.00 English
FC French Accounts 10000.00 French
Reminder Cycles

Reminder cycles define the general periods after which reminder letters are sent and in what order they are
sent. For each type of account, a unique reminder cycle with unique reminder letters can be defined.
Reminder letters can be used in addition to account statements to detail invoices that are outstanding for
each aging period.

If you wish to use reminder letters, please prepare sample letters for each cycle for each account type prior
to the start of the installation.


Provide a list of all accounts receivable reminder cycles.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager
 Controller

Reminder Cycles Examples

Account Type Number of Letter Name


CO 20 1st reminder
CO 40 2nd reminder
CO 60 3rd reminder
TO 14 1st reminder
TO 28 2nd reminder
TO 42 Last reminder
7 Commission Processing
7.1 Commission Codes
þ Front Office
Sales and Catering


In order to establish the amount of commission payable to an agent it is necessary to define commission
codes. These codes are linked to the agent profile or a rate code; Opera will then calculate the amount of
commission payable for a guest stay.

Commissions can be either a percentage of revenue, a flat rate per night or a flat rate per stay.
If paid on revenue, you can determine which transaction codes to calculate commission on; this is necessary
in the event that you are paying commission on accommodation and particular meal charges.

In the case of rates that should not be commissionable, you would have to define this in the rate code set up
and enter the commission code “NON”.


Define the commission codes required.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager
 Controller

Commission Code Examples

Commission Description On revenue / on VAT% on Per stay / per Flat or %

Code Reservation top night

10% 10% Commission Revenue % Y
20% 20% Commission Revenue % N
$5 5$ Flat Commission Reservation Stay F N
NON No commission Revenue % N
7.2 Bank Accounts
þ Front Office
Sales and Catering


You can define the bank account(s) from which your property will be paying commissions, and the currency
in which the payments will be made.

Multiple bank accounts are needed if you intend to pay commission in different currencies. One bank
account can only have one currency associated with it.

If commission payment is handles differently with different agents, there is also the need to define different
bank accounts. Commission can be paid using cheques, bank draft or via and EFT export file (WTP & HCC).

Each agent profile, within Opera, is then assigned a currency code, which associates the profile with a
particular bank account.


Provide a list of all bank accounts.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Reservations Manager
 Controller
 Sales/Marketing Manager

Bank Accounts Example

Account Bank Branch Routing Payment Next Check Minimum

Bank Number Code Code Number Method Format Number Processing Currency

Bank 14845 333 111 3257 CHK 101 5.00 USD

c. Bank 140 120 266 360 EFT HCC 250 1.00 USD
8 Users

8.1 Job Titles

 Front Office
 Sales and Catering
 Management


All employees within Opera must be assigned a Job Title, this will describe each staff members role within
the Hotel. These Job Titles can be used to print on Contracts, Letters for forms that are generated from
Opera. Job Titles must be configured prior to creating any employees in the system.


List all Job Titles for employees who will be using Opera, or for whom reports will be generated from Opera
e.g. Housekeeping Attendants.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Rooms Division Manager
 Reservation Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager
 Catering Manager
 IT Manager

Job Title Codes Examples

Codes Description
ACC Accounting Clerk
BCO Banquet Coordinator
FDC Front Desk Coordinator
SLM Sales Manager
REM Reservations Manager
8.2 Departments
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering
 Management


Each user created within Opera will be assigned to a Department that exists in the Hotel. This list should
include all departments or business units that are contained in the hotel. These department codes are used
in numerous areas of Opera including: when assigning Tasks within the Quality Management System or
when assigning Responsible Departments for preparing Food and Beverage Menu Items.


List all departments/business units within the Hotel. Remember to include all Kitchen Departments that you
divide your food & beverage preparation amongst.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Rooms Division Manager
 Reservation Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager
 Catering Manager
 IT Manager

Department Codes Examples

Codes Description
AUD Audit
BAN Banquet Floor Staff
FRO Front Office
HSK Housekeeping
RES Reservations
8.3 Users
 Front Office
 Sales and Catering
 Management


Every person that will be actively using Opera Front Office, Sales and Catering or Quality Management,
must be set up as both an employee and as a user. Ensure that you have established job titles before you
set up employees because each employee must be assigned a specific job title. Employees must be
configured prior to becoming users. All Sales and Catering users can also have Goals setup against their
employee name.


List all employees that will use any part of Opera Hotel Edition.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Rooms Division Manager
 Sales/Marketing Manager
 Catering Manager
 IT Manager
 Engineering/Facilities Manager

Employee Example

Field Explanation:

Last Name: Last Name of the Employee

First / Middle Name: First Name / Middle Name of the Employee
Job Title: Job Title from predefined selection
Department: Department from predefined selection
Login Name: UserName
Password: Password
Confirm Password: Password
Cashier ID: Cashier Id from predefined selection

Application Access Control: Tick the application the User needs access for

9 General

9.1 Locators
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


This option is used to create the standard texts that are offered whenever a user needs to record the specific
whereabouts of a guest (guest locator). The user is also able to enter free text for specific locations not pre-
configured. The standard locators are defined for those most commonly used areas of the hotel where a guest
may be located.

A locator can also be used to note a do-not-disturb or incognito guest in the hotel.


Provide a list with guest locators. The locator codes have to be numeric and are not used for the entry of the
locator. They are more or less a display sequence.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Telephone Manager

Locator Codes Example

Locator Code Description

1 In the Bar
2 At the Pool
3 DND – Please take message
9.2 Track It
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


Track It is an Opera application for monitoring and tracking guest luggage, parcel, and lost item receipt,
storage, and delivery. Track It also supports valet operations with features for tracking and managing
parking activities and vehicle logistics.

Several Track It groups are recognized by Opera — Parcel, Baggage, Lost, and Valet. This differentiation is
made because of the slightly different tracking requirements when handling these categories.

Messages can be automatically generated to notify guests when a specific type of item has been attached to
their reservation. For example, if a UPS parcel was delivered for the guest, a message saying "Please call
the Front Desk for room delivery of a UPS parcel."


Provide a list with Track IT locations. Track It locations identify the places where Parcel, Baggage and Lost
items or Valet-managed vehicles are being held. A location may be associated with multiple Track It groups.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Chief Concierge

Track it Examples

Code Description Valet Parcel Baggage Lost

STORE Storeroom X X X X
ROOM Guest Room X X


Provide a list with Track IT Actions. Track It actions identify what response is expected from staff or other
parties relative to a Track It ticket. For Parcel or Baggage tickets, actions might be Store, Deliver to Room,
Deliver to Conference, etc. For Lost types, actions might be Hold for Guest or Deliver to Room. For Valet
tickets, actions might include Park, Retrieve, Refuel, Wash, etc. Actions are associated with a status that
indicates whether some response is pending or expected of staff (an Open status), or whether no action is
required or the ticket is resolved (a Closed status). Action statuses are used by Opera to filter tickets for
display and query purposes.

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Chief Concierge
Track It Actions Examples

Code Description Status Valet Parcel Baggage Lost

DEL Deliver Bag OPEN X
PICKUP Pick up bag from OPEN X X
STORE Store for guests OPEN X X X
next visit


Provide a list of Track It Types. Track It types identify items that are then classed into groups. For example,
types in the Parcel group might be Box or Envelope; Baggage types might include Golf Bag, Laptop,
Suitcase, etc.; Valet types might be Overnight Parking, Hourly Parking; or possibly, kinds of vehicles: Pickup
Truck, Sedan, SUV, or Bus; Lost types might be Eyeglasses, Jewelry, Clothing, etc. A type can belong to
multiple groups.

Track It Types Examples

Code Description Valet Parcel Baggage Lost

LOST Lost Item X
9.1 Message Formats
 Front Office
Sales and Catering


This option provides the possibility to define message texts. Messages can be sent to the guest’s in room
television via an interface, printed and delivered or simply saved within Opera.

In order to ensure consistency in the format of guest messages, standard texts can be defined.
Message can also be configured in each language defined in Opera.


Provide a list of standard message texts.

Completed By

Input from the following department heads is recommended:

 Front Office Manager

 Telephone Manager

Message Formats Examples

Code Description Order by Language

FAX We received a facsimile for you at the reception. 1 E

VISIT came to visit you. 2 E
CALL has called. 3 E
BACK Please call back! 4 E
10 Operational Policies & Procedures Questionnaire

This questionnaire is divided into the following sections. Please ensure that all sections have been
completed prior to the Planning and Configuration Meeting.

If the hotel has an existing operational policies & procedures manual, please provide a copy to your
MICROS-Fidelio project manager.

Section Done

Guest Profiles
Company/Travel Agent/Source Profiles
Groups & Tours
Front Desk
Night Audit
Contingency Plan

Hotel Name:
Hotel Project Manager: Date:
Hotel Name:

10.1 General

1. How many rooms are there in the hotel?

2. What is the average length of stay?

3. What is the scheduled date for cutover?

4. What is the forecasted occupancy on cutover night?

5. Do you wish to convert profiles from your existing Yes  No

system to Opera?

6. Do you have suites? Yes  No

If Yes, how many: __________

7. Do you sell your rooms by special features (i.e., non Yes  No

smoking, view)?

8. Do you have shift supervisors? Yes  No

9. Do you want to produce forms in multiple languages? Yes  No

If Yes, please list below:

10. Does any staff have special needs?

11. Do Front Desk staff perform both cashier and clerk Yes  No

12. Are reservation duties shared between reservations Yes  No

staff and front desk staff?
Hotel Name:

10.2 Guest Profiles

1. Does the hotel have data-entry input rules? For Yes  No

example: von der Heide, Von der Heide. If Yes, please outline below:

2. How many VIP codes will there be?

3. Will there be any record of the company for whom the Yes  No
guest works, as opposed to the company making the If Yes, what details are required to be recorded:

4. What fields are required to be displayed on the guest  Nationality

profile (indicate with )  Country
 Region
 State
 Passport No.
 Date of Birth
 Driver License
 Mailing Code (for mailing)
 Club Member Number
 Frequent Flyer
 Specials Code (fruit, flowers, etc.)
 E-Mail

5. Should there be an indication as to whether the Yes  No

address is residential or business?

6. Are there any other fields that are required to be Yes  No

displayed which meet legal requirements? If Yes, please specify below:

7. Are there any other fields required to meet your Yes  No

information/marketing/operational needs? If Yes, please specify below:

8. Should the last rate used for the guest be stored on the Yes  No

9. Criteria can be created to decide which profiles are kept

or not (i.e., no address - not kept). What profiles will be
kept and not kept?
10. Will the hotel use the Blacklist / Cash list feature? Yes  No
If Yes, who will maintain this feature?:

Please attach to the back of this section the

Blacklist/Cash list Policy for Front Desk/Reservation

11. Who will maintain the guest profiles?

Section Attachments:
 Hotels Blacklist/Cash list Policy

Hotel Name:

10.3 Company/Travel Agent/Source Profiles

1. The system allows for KEYNAME search. That is, if Yes  No

you are searching for American Express as a Company
name, you can use AMEX as a Key Name Search to
find the profile. Will the hotel use KEYNAME SEARCH

2. How many telephone, fax and telex fields are required

on the profile?

3. Is company/agent/source CONTACT information Yes  No

required? If Yes, what information on the contact is required?

4. Should there be a field available for billing contact? Yes  No

5. Does the hotel work with special rates for Yes  No


6. Are there billing instructions that always apply to Yes  No

reservations connected to specific company or agent

7. Do you have a master list of companies or travel Yes  No


8. Will master accounts be used? Yes  No

9. Do you enter IATA numbers for travel agents? Yes  No

Company/Agent/Source Profiles continued…

10. For Travel Agents, is there a special commission Yes  No


11. For Travel Agents, will commission be paid in local or Local  Foreign
foreign currency? If Foreign currency is to be used, please list below:

12. Will the hotel be using the Blacklist / Cash list feature Yes  No
on these profiles? If Yes, who will maintain these profiles?

13. Are there any other fields required on these profiles to

meet the needs of the hotel?

14. Who will maintain the company/agent/source profiles?

Hotel Name:

10.4 Reservations

1. Are the majority of your reservations made by Yes  No


2. Is the hotel going to use the Rate Management Yes  No


3. Do you want to modify the rate display order by day? Yes  No

4. Will rates be quoted in foreign currency? Yes  No

5. If using foreign currency for rates, will rates be fixed

upon check in or will rate vary according to the rate of
exchange throughout the stay?

6. Will the hotel want to use the UPGRADE feature? Yes  No

7. Do you send confirmation letters? Yes  No

8. Are confirmation letters sent by fax interface or will be Yes  No

required to be sent by fax interface?

The Front Office program has the ability to have different screens of reservation information - depending upon the status
of the reservation. For example, when the reservation has been made, the screen will contain specific fields relating to a
RESERVATION stage. Once the guest has checked in, the screen can contain specific fields relating to the CHECKED-
IN stage of the reservation. Some hotels do not gather payment details until the guest is registering and checking in,
hence the fields do not appear in the RESERVATION screen, but in the CHECKIN screen. Some hotels have this
particular field on both screens, as part of the hotels procedures for Credit Card Guarantee reservations require the
recording of the credit card details on the reservation.

9. Is the “payment method” required on the reservation Yes  No

Reservations continued…

10. What other payment method fields are required to be  Credit Card Number
placed on the reservation screen?  Expiry Date
 Approval Amount
 Approval Code

 Other:
 Other:
 Other:

11. Should the credit card number be copied over to the Yes  No
guest profile (history)?

12. Do you want to record the name of the person who Yes  No
made the reservation (i.e., secretaries name, guest
name, etc.)?

13. Is it necessary to differentiate between complimentary Yes  No

and house use?

14. Is it necessary to record transportation details of the Yes  No

guest (i.e., flight details, etc.)

15. Would there be a requirement to restrict postings from Yes  No

the POS to a guests folio? (No Post Feature)

16. Are there any other fields required on the reservation Yes  No
screen? If Yes, please specify:

17. How does the hotel handle SHARE reservations?

18. Does the hotel wish to record business turned away or Yes  No
guest declined? (TURNAWAY)

19. Will Registration Cards be printed for same day Yes  No

reservations? If Yes, who will print them?

20. Who handles reservations when the reservation

office/department is closed?

21. Does the hotel accept reservations for day use rooms? Yes  No

22. What is the hotels policy for cancelling a reservation?

23. During the reservation taking process, does the Yes  No
reservationist take the name, address and telephone
details of the guest?

24. What is the hotels policy on NO SHOWS?

25. What is the hotels policy on guarantee and deposit-

required reservations and their requirements?

26. Who will post advanced deposits for the following

reservations types: ____________________________
Individual Reservations ____________________________
Group Reservations ____________________________
Banquet Masters

27. How are advanced deposits refunded and who posts

the refund?

28. Will the hotel maintain a waitlist? Yes  No

29. Will overbooking be used and who will set the levels? Yes  No

30. Will the hotel sell the overbooking limit by room type? Yes  No

31. Will the EVENTS feature be used? Yes  No

32. Is there a legal requirement that ensures that the Yes  No

accompanying guest must be registered in detail (apart
from just the name of the accompanying guest)?

33. Does the hotel work with “package” rate codes? Yes  No
Hotel Name:

10.5 Groups & Tours

1. What percentage of business does the groups/tours

business represent to the hotel?

2. Does the hotel have allotments? Yes  No

3. Does the hotel cater for aircrews? Yes  No

4. Is there a staff member specializing in the co-ordination Yes  No

of group/tour business?

5. What other staff members should be trained in

group/block features?

Please answer questions 6, 7 and 8 if the hotel will be installing or is using the Opera Sales & Catering product.

6. Will sales staff have an allocation of rooms to sell? Yes  No

7. Who enters the group rooming lists?

8 Who blocks rooms for groups?

9. Will the hotel be using OFFERS and OPTIONS when Yes  No

using blocks?

10. Will the hotel want to receive block history on a daily or Daily  Monthly
monthly basis?

11. Who is responsible for Group Maintenance?

12. Will registration cards be printed for group members? Yes  No

13. Will key envelopes or labels (for key envelopes) be Yes  No

printed for groups?
Section 5 –Groups and Blocks continued….
17. Who will print registration cards and labels? Reg Cards: _________________________
Labels: ____________________________

18. Will luggage tags be printed? Yes  No

If Yes, who will print them?

Hotel Name:

10.6 Front Desk

1. Does/will the hotel print guest cards? Yes  No

2. Is there a remote check in for groups? Yes  No

3. Is there a remote check in for VIPs or other special Yes  No


4. What are the procedures for handling VIPs or other

special guests?

5. Do you have an executive floor(s)? Yes  No

6. Who is permitted to be checked in/out on this floor and

where is this done?

7. What permanent accounts will be needed? (minibar

adjustment, sales and promotions, staff meals…)

8. Who will check in and out the house accounts listed in

Question 7?

9. When will the house (permanent) accounts be cleared?

Front Desk continued….

10. Do you have many foreign language guests? Yes  No

11. Do you pre-block/allocate rooms for arrival? Yes  No

12. What is the policy for pre-block/allocate rooms?

13. What is the policy for room and rate changes? Who can
do these?

14. Does the hotel have a frequent stay program? Yes  No

15. What are the details of this program? Do members

have a unique membership number?

16. Does the hotel have a frequent flyer program? Yes  No

17. At the change of each shift, do the appropriate staff use Yes  No
Shift Check Lists?
Front Desk continued….

18. Are imprints taken of credit cards? Yes  No

19. How is/will credit card authorization be handled?

20. Are registration cards printed? When?

By Whom?

21. Is the hotel required to follow any legal requirements Yes  No

regarding the registration of guests? If Yes, please outline below:

22. If a guest is paying by cash, is a deposit required? Yes  No Amount:___________

23. Are there any special check in/checkout procedures that

should be outlined?

24. Does the hotel work with a blind cash drop? Yes  No

25. Does the hotel work (or will work) with the video Yes  No
checkout option?

26. Is there a special policy about walk-in business? Yes  No

If Yes, please outline below:

27. Does the hotel record items which are “loaned” to Yes  No
guests during their stay (hair dryers, safety deposit If Yes, is there a fee for non-return?
Yes  No
If Yes, how is this enforced?
Hotel Name:

10.7 Cashiering

1. Do cashiers have their own “float”? Yes  No

2. Will cashiers be able to delete postings? Yes  No

3. Will cashiers be able to modify the text on postings? Yes  No

4. Will cashiers balance their floats at the end of shift? Yes  No

5. Does the hotel exchange foreign currency? Yes  No

If Yes, does the hotel record the passport number of the
Yes  No

6. On currency exchange, does the hotel charge Yes  No

commission or a fee for the service?

7. Who is responsible for setting the exchange rates?

8. Does the hotel wish to print foreign currency exchange Yes  No


9. What is the term used for adjustments to guests folio


10. Who authorises these adjustments?

11. What supporting documentation is required for an

adjustment to be made?

12. What is the term used for refund of guests moneys?

13. Who authorises these?

14. What support documentation is required for a refund to

be made?

15. Are hotel bills paid regularly from the Cashiers float Yes  No
(i.e., papers, flowers, etc.)

Does the hotel use PAID OUTS?

16. Yes  No

17. What is the procedure for paid outs?

18. Does the hotel require paid out receipts to be printed? Yes  No

19. Does the hotel allow cash paid outs on credit cards? Yes  No
If Yes, what is the policy regarding limits and

20. How are late charges handled?

21. What manual postings are completed by Front

Desk/Cashiering staff?

22. Do any other departments post manual charges (i.e., Yes  No

laundry, tours, etc.). If Yes, what is the procedure:

23. Is there a charge for parking? Yes  No

If Yes, how is to posted?

24. Will charges via POS be split into meal periods and Yes  No
subtotals (food, beverage, tobacco, etc.)?

25. Settlements in outlets by cash and credit card can be Yes  No

transferred to the Front Office program for balancing
daily revenue during the night audit process. Is this
how the hotel wishes these transaction to be recorded?

26. For manual postings, will the hotel require an entry Yes  No
(docket number) in the Supplement field?

27. Will POS postings be directly posted into Accounts Yes  No


28. Will the hotel require use of the FIXED CHARGES Yes  No

29. How are minibar charges posted?

Hotel Name:

10.8 Check-Out

1. Should there be an open balance printed on city ledger Yes  No


2. Should the telephone number of all telephone charges  Mandatory Appear  Optional
appear on the guest’s folio, or should this be optional
for the guest?

3. Does the hotel offer Express checkout? Yes  No

4. What is the policy for City Ledger checkouts?

5. How are walk-outs handled?

Hotel Name:

10.9 Night Audit

1. Does the hotel have night audit staff? Yes  No

If Yes, how many?

2. Describe the duties of night audit staff?

3. Is Shift Balancing a night audit duty? Yes  No

4. Does the night audit staff balance the hotel’s revenue Yes  No
for the day? If No, what is the procedure for this activity?

5. Are any guest’s folios printed for next day departing Yes  No

6. What reports are generated during the night audit

(please attach examples)?

7. Who are these reports distributed to?

Hotel Name:

10.10 Telephone/Concierge

1. Does the hotel have dedicated PBX staff? Yes  No

If No, who answers the hotel telephone?

If Yes, are these staff rostered 24 hrs?

2. Will the PBX Interface automatically post all telephone Yes  No


3. What is the hotels procedure for the in-house guest


4. Where will guest messages be printed?

5. Who will maintain the telephone book feature?

Hotel Name:

10.11 Housekeeping

1. Will/does the housekeeping department have a terminal Yes  No

and printer?

2. Will the Housekeeping Department be responsible for Yes  No

updating the Room Status in the program? If Yes, will this be completed manually or via the
telephone interface?
 Manually  Telephone Interface

3. What will be the policy/procedure for this activity?

4. Who assigns the maids list/dirty rooms each morning?

5. Who places rooms OOO or OOS?

6. How are room discrepancies handled?

7. When are room discrepancies checked?

8. Does the hotel provide a turn down service? Yes  No

If Yes, what is the procedure:

9. What is the policy for lost and found?

Hotel Name:

10.12 Accounting

1. Who checks the Credit Check Report?

2. What is the hotels policy regarding exceeding credit for

in-house guests?

3. What is the hotels policy for City Ledger Checkout?

Who authorises these?

4. How does the hotel identify that a folio will be direct

billed to another account or party?

5. What is the policy for Travel Agents Vouchers?

6. Does the hotel have a Gift Certificate program? Yes  No

If Yes, how is this handled?

7. Will the hotel be using Opera Accounts Receivable? Yes  No

If No, what is the name of the existing system:

8. Outline the hotels policy regarding Rebates and

Allowances within Accounts Receivable.
Section 12 - Accounting continued….

9. Do accounts have account receivable numbers? Yes  No

If Yes, what is the format:
 AAA999
 9999
 Other:

10. Who is responsible for maintaining all accounts in this


11. Who is responsible for printing folios from bill history?

12. Are there any special tax requirements regarding the Yes  No
posting and printing of bills in Accounts Receivable? Is Yes, please outline below:

13. Will the hotel be using the commission-handling Yes  No


14. What is the percentage and in what currency are

commissions paid to agents?

15. How is commission paid?  Cheques/checks (by hotel)

 Bank Draft
 Export file for EFT transfer
 Other:

16. Will the hotel be using the Opera back office export Yes  No
Hotel Name:

10.13 Reports

1. What backup reports are printed?

2. When are these reports printed?

3. What shift reports are printed?

4. What emergency reports are printed (in case of system


5. What is the procedure for backup and emergency

report printing and filing?
Hotel Name:

10.14 Contingency Plan

It is extremely important to have well documented procedures (reports, financial and systems) in case of the
following emergencies:

 system/network down
 fire or other evacuation emergency

Please attach these procedures after this sheet.

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