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FINAL Lesson Plan Template 2018-2019

One class period of time

Name Marisa Hare

Grade Level Grade 4

Subject Area Math, specifically symmetry

Introduction: By using the SmartBoard, present a photo of a butterfly and allow the students to
examine the butterfly. Allow the students to point out what they notice, and select
it on the smartboard. (NEPF 3, Engagement: Indicator 2) This will allow a chance
to see if the students notice symmetry, and introduce the topic. Showing a couple
different photos of the butterflies will give the students a chance to notice
substantial reasoning of symmetry.

Daily Reviews: This will be my chance as a teacher to reflect on the previous lessons/classes to
understand how the students are doing. I will also link today’s lesson on symmetry
to the previous lessons in geometry and how you see angles and lines. Going
over the lesson of lines and angles will be a refresher before the lesson itself.

Daily Objective: The daily objective (Students will be able to understand symmetry, identify
symmetry and be able to display an example of symmetry) will be displayed on
the board and the students will record the objective from the board. The students
will record the information with the tablet that is assigned to the student during
instruction. The students will save the objective daily to help with further
instruction. (NEPF 5, Assessment: Indicator 3)

Concept and Skill This is my opportunity to give the definition of symmetry and help the students
Development and fully understand the concept. I will do this by providing other examples of
Application: symmetry in our everyday lives, not just butterflies to show that symmetry can be
found anywhere on anything, even a rainbow for example. During this portion of
the lesson, I will provide a note-taking worksheet that the students fill in. The
worksheets will be saved and stored in a binder along with the objectives. There
will be plenty of opportunities for the students to ask questions and interact with
the lesson.

Guided Practice I could use this portion to do an activity with paper and scissors. The activity
(Teacher led): would have the students fold the paper in half, and cut a shape out on the side of
the fold. When they unfold the paper the shape will have symmetrical sides. This
will give the students a fun way to explore what symmetry is. This is a fun way to
relate the topic to the students, and increase their understanding.

Independent Practice This would be a chance for the students to hop back on the tablet and have the
(Alone): students use a sketchpad feature and their own butterfly using colors and shapes
and angles that they want. They will use their understanding of symmetry and
create symmetrical patterns. (NEPF 4, Engagement: Indicator 3)
After the students create their own butterflies, they will break off into pairs. The
Group Practice (Whole pairs will explain to each other and identify what makes their butterfly patterns
class or small groups): symmetrical. I will give the students about 10 minutes to collaborate and share
their creations. After the 10 min, the pairs will present what what symmetrical
about the other students butterfly patterns to ensure that they know how to
identify symmetrical angles and lines.

Homework Assigning homework assignments that include elements from the previous
Assignments: lessons, along with the symmetry lesson. This will refresh the students minds one
last time. The students have to turn the homework in the next day.

Closure: For the closure, have the students write down their definition of symmetry and
turn it in before they leave for the day.

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