Aamir Liaquat's Wife and The Homewrecker

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Aamir Liaquat’s wife and the homewrecker

By Kanza Jamil
Psychology student at University of Karachi

Aamir Liaquat Hussain is one of the most controversial Pakistani television host and
politician who has a specific way of ​always ​staying in the news, and almost ​never ​in a
good way. He has been a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan since August

Source; Brandsynario

Now this dude, who has a degree of Arts and Islamiat AND a PhD in it too, is known for
freaky and at times and quite frankly, dumb behaviour. His insanely stupid actions and
and baffling controversies have been following throughout the length of his entire
Source; Pakistan Today

Now very recently, Aamir Liaquat Hussain found his way back in to news when and his
undisclosed wedding came to light after a copy of his marriage registration certificate
got leaked on the social media. and this time it’s getting ugly and emotional.
Source; Unknown

The entire scenario was so controversial, Liaquat first wife, Bushra Aamir, was
reportedly admitted to the hospital due to ill health after the scandal hit her husband. As
she replied to someone asked her, on Twitter, about how true the news is, To which she
replied with great disbelieve and faith in her husband, that it can not be true! And as far
as Amir Liaquat's first wife was concerned, the “rumours” Of his second marriage were
disgusting and his alleged Second wife, was just a team member.

Source; Twitter

So apparently Ahmer Bhai had been having a secret extramarital affair with one of his
very pretty team member who was almost half his age. Aamir Liaquat Hussain’s second
wife, Syeda Tooba Anwar, is a twenty four year old, who worked in a private
News-channel as a Manager for Corporate Affairs.

She was in the team of Aamir Liaquat’s Ramadan transmission from where she got
close to the forty seven year old Aamir Liaquat Hussain and finally she got Nikkahfied to
him in a private ceremony with the rich showman, double her age.
Source; Newzyta

Later, the TV show host finally confirmed his second marriage in front of the ECP and
revealed that she still lives with her parents. What’s even more, he admitted that her
‘Rukhsati’ will be held in September 2018. And that was some truth out of his mouth at
last. ​During the process of filing nomination papers, he had to reveal about his second
Source; Urdupoint.com

The couple finally had the Rukhsati and Aamir ​Liaquat Hussain​ threw a valima with his,
half his age second wife, ​Syeda Tooba Anwar,​ for all close friends and family. But not
the immediate family of course, since his broke his immediate family for stay with the
younger bird.

Now while Aamir Liaquat Hussain was busy in his public display of affection with is
young, second wife, “We tied the knot,” the 47-year-old MNA wrote the caption on his
cheesy tweet. “There is a reason why two people stay together. They give each other
something nobody else can.” He also shared two official pictures with his wife, Tuba.

His Valima function was held in Karachi and a large number of political personalities
attended the event. Including Governor of Sindh Imran Ismail, who was in attendance.

Source; Global Village Space

On the other side, his wife and daughter took to twitter, the devastation that Aamir
Liaquat Hussain left for them to deal with. Aamir Liaquat is still married to his first wife
Syeda Bushra Aamir and has two beautiful children from the marriage. His daughter
Dua e Aamir is also an artist and a son.
Amir Liaquat keeps pouring his love for his new wife but didn’t come to rescue his
family, who he has left devastated in pain. Even his wife Bushra Aamir came forward to
express her trauma with heartfelt tweets.
Source; Hamariweb - Photos

His first wife shared a beautiful quote on twitter, stating that If you cheat on someone
that is willing to do anything for you, you actually treated yourself out of true loyalty.
Syeda Bushra Amir tweeted this with the caption, “Cheating is not a mistake. It's a
choice.” and she in acords was right on all accounts here.
Source; Twitter

After that there were a lot of beautiful quotes and posts that Syeda Bushra Amir
employed to ease her devastating pain as gracefully as possible. And she very
beautifully succeeded in achieving such.

“Loyalty is not grey.” she posted. “It is either black or white. You are either loyal
completely or not loyal at all. And people have to understand this that you can not be
loyal only when it serves you to be.”
Source; Twitter

Another post to share how hurt she really was with the world without actually stating the
words accusing Aamir Liaquat Hussain of his disloyalty and cruelty, she stated, “The
individual who is in love has only one friend; himself”
Source; Twitter

After that, there was another of the very beautiful posts, stating that, “God put in the
heart of a person to the irritable, unconditional love for another person And then test the
person with a lot of difficulty one way or another. And he wants to see the patience of
his follower throughout the test that he has given. And When the individual I love those
are the patient and reach a breaking point then the God tells the person that all this love
for other people are just temporary and a phase of the times True love only belongs to
God and true loyalty to God is the only thing that can fill the individual with true peace.”

The post was originally shared by another individual but Syeda Bushra Amir with the
caption, “There are some pain that you cannot explain with words but you can only go
through them and suffer in silence. And then the God and the faith you have is the only
hope you really have, your only support and your only saviour.”
Source; Twitter

But Syeda Bushra Amir apparently related to it on the personal level, since she
retweeted it with the caption, “Corruption is not just the corruption in money. People can
also be corrupted in relationships and that corruption is the most painful and lethal form
of corruption”

Source; Twitter
Another post by Bushra, probably referring to media and the mess that her once decent
life turned into because of her husband. “Where’s can actually hurt and leave scars so
think before you talk or gossip”

Source; Twitter

And this post, most probably referring to how proud this man was about his own
extramarital affair and how widely accepted by this nation “The worst mistake is the
mistake and what doesn’t even that the person mistaken to realise the intensity and the
impact of their mistake”

Source; Twitter
Sba shared another post depicting her intense loneliness and immense suffering that
the betrayal of her husband left for her stating “Do you know what the true pain is?
When you have so much to say but silence is your only resort”
With the caption, “
“God lead people to meet other people like themselves, Their true equal and may it be
good or bad thing, depends on the individual’s true nature. People do get punished for
their crimes in the world. Karma does exist.”

Source; Twitter

All of this and everything sba and her children were going through while Aamir Liaquat
Hussain was busy celebrating Eid and other happy moments with his young bride who
barely a little older than his daughter.
Source; Youtube

His daughter was also devastated to find out that I have heard father is a cheater and
dishonest man. Dua Aamir took over Twitter. She tweeted multiple tweets to express
her feelings after watching his father move on from his own family.
“​Another day, another tragedy” she stated. “Ever since you hurt your family. Sincerest
prayers for you to recover. And that too goes for the homewrecker. Hoping Allah guides
you to the right way. Whilst your children wipe their tears away.”

She dedicated her pain and her message to her father, stating “Your devastated
daughter in pain, Duaa Aamir.”
Source; Twitter

The thing that ​Aamir Liaquat Hussain’s ​young daughter understood and the fact that
most women in this country fail to understand, is that ​Aamir Liaquat Hussain ​was the
“home wrecker” in whole situation. He was the one who cheated and not the other
young girl, Syeda Tuba Amir . He is the one who broke the trust of his family, Tuba was
single, ​Aamir Liaquat Hussain ​was not. He made the promise of loyalty and protection
to his wife, that new girl did not. It was his responsibility to protect his wife’s heart, not
the other girl’s.
Source; Twitter

No one deserves to suffer the presence of a dishonest man in family, so ​Syeda Bushra
Amir ​was, in a way liberated from this cheating old man and maybe now, that she is free
and very much alive, she can look for a better, more trustworthy man.
Source; Twitter

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