Bringingtheworldintotheclassroomthrougheducationaltechnology 160826060017

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“Technology can bring the real world into the

classroom, which means that as teachers we can

better prepare kids for the exciting adventures that
they will face in their future.”

Dan Roberts– Seychelles

 Educationists began exploring the use of technology that
supports models of teaching that emphasize learning with
understanding and more active involvement.

 This exploration “made a decision to use a technology to

go beyond facts-based, memorization-oriented curricula
to a curricula in which learning with understanding is
emphasized was embraced.”
Technology provides
Technology acts as
support to the solution cognitive support.
of meaningful

Technology promotes
collaboration as well
as independent
• Finding answers to complex problems brought to the classroom is
one important function of technology.
• Some problems brought to the classrooms can be simulated and
created with graphics, video and animation.
• Simulations or exploratory environments called MICROWORLDS
allow students to carry out actions and investigation right inside the
classrooms with the use of the computers.
• The use of technology provides cognitive support to learners.
• Multimedia databases on CD-ROMs, videodisc or the Worldwide Web
provide important information source for students who are doing
• Electronic references are easy to search and they provide information
very quickly
• It can leaners visualize processes and relationships that are invisible or
difficult to understand.
• Students may create charts, maps and other graphic representations
which they can generate through simulation.
• Interconnectedness in networking through technology supports
• Provides avenues for discussion and communication among
• A two-way video and two-way audio systems allow students
and teachers at remote sites to see and hear from each other.
 Stand-alone programs
 Programs available on the internet
Information Databases
• “ stand-alone” software's,
videodisc or CD-ROM
• Programs which are available on the internet from where the
school can choose a site. KIE (Knowledge Integration
Environment) GLOBE Program (Global Learning and Observation
to Benefit Environment)
• Electronic field trips – This communication technology allows
learners to travel and visit places for global explorations. Virtual
electronic field trip – through an interactive broadcast from
expedition site
• Print-based materials available in electronic form.

• Ex. Set of National Geographic Magazine is now in CD –

ROM, Encarta and Grolier - provide access to vast
• 1. Selection of their own topics to provide sense of ownership.
• 2. Conduct research, plan the development and presentation of
the product.
• 3. Selection of simple multimedia presentation that gives only
limited number of options.
• 4. Opportunities for teaching grammar, writing, spelling within the
context which is meaningful to the students.
Modified Technology Education requirements for prospective
(technology standards and performance indicators for teachers)

1. Technology operation and concepts. They should:

a. Demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills and

understanding of concepts related to technology
b. Demonstrate continuous growth in technology
knowledge and skills to keep abreast of current and
emerging technologies.
2. Planning and designing learning environment and
experiences supported by technology. They should:

a. Apply current research on teaching and learning with

technology when planning the learning environment and
b. Identify and locate technology resources and evaluate
them for accuracy and suitability
c. Plan for the management of technology resources within
the context of learning activities.
d. Plan strategies to manage student learning in a
technology-enhanced environment.
3. Teaching learning and the curriculum.
Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and
strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning.
Teachers should:

a. Use technology to support learner-centered

strategies that address the diverse needs of students.
b. Apply technology to develop students’ higher order
skills and creativity.
c. Manage student learning activities in a technology-
enhanced environment.
4. Assessment and evaluation
Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety
of effective assessment and evaluation strategies. They

a. Use technology resources to collect and analyze data,

interpret results, and communicate findings to improve
instructional practice and maximize student learning.
b. Apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine
students’ appropriate use of technology resources for learning,
communication, and productivity.
5. Productivity and professional practice
Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and
professional practice. They should:

a. Use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development

and lifelong learning.
b. Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make
informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student
c. Apply technology to increase productivity.
d. Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and
the larger community in order to nurture student learning.
6. Social, ethical, legal, and human issues
Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal, and Human issues
surrounding the use of technology in schools and apply those principles
in practice. They should:

a. Apply technology resources to enable and empower learners

with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities.
b. Identify and use technology resources that affirm diversity.
c. Promote safe and healthy use of technology resources
d. Facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all
SUMMARY With the global perspective, educational technologies and innovative
teaching are imperative in today’s time. The unlimited resource of available
technology and its utilization for innovative teaching promise challenging
experience for prospective teachers. This lesson cannot sufficiently explore all
possibilities to respond to the challenges, however, it has clearly underscored
that technology can provide support to teaching in the resolutions of
meaningful problems, act as a scaffolding to learning, and promotes
independent learning and collaboration with experts. The lesson also offered
technology programs for teaching in the form of stand alone program, programs
through internet and information data base. Suggested requirements for
prospective teachers are included in this lesson for you to ponder on.

• It almost goes without saying that Roberts is extremely passionate

about 21st century learning. Perhaps most important, he pushes
the status quo of how schools use and view technology. “Taking
[technology] away from a child in school today would be like taking
away a pen from me when I was learning,” he says.
• - dan roberts

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