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1 Acquired Deformities of Finger and Toes (Kelainan pd jari tangan & kaki) M20
2 Acquired Deformities of Nose (Kelainan pd hidung) M95.0
3 Acute Abdomen (nyeri akut abdomen) R10.0
4 Acute Appendicitis (Infeksi usus buntu akut) K35
5 Anal Fistula (Celah pd dubur) K60.3
6 Asphyxiation (Kesulitan bernapas) T71
7 Hyperplasia of prostate N40
8 Hydrocele and sprematocele N43
9 Benign mammary dysplasia N60
10 Burn and corrosion, body region unspecified (COMBUSTIO) (Luka bakar) T30
11 Bursitis (not elsewhere classified) M71.5
12 Calculus of prostate (Batu pd prostate) N42.0
13 Calculus in urethra / Urethrolithiasis (Batu pd urethra / ureter) N21.1
14 Cholelithiasis (Batu pd kandung empedu) K80
15 Cholecystitis (Infeksi pd kandung empedu) K81
16 Convulsions, not elsewhere classified (Kejang) R56
17 Contracture of Muscle (Kontraksi Otot) M24.5
18 Cleft Palate (Sumbing pd rahang atas) Q35
19 Cleft Lip (Sumbing pd bibir) Q36
20 Cutaneous Abcess, Furuncle and Carbuncle (Bisul) L02
21 Cystitis (Infeksi kandung kemih) N30
22 Diviated Nasal Septum (Septum deviasi) J34.2
23 Diaphragmatic Hernia (Hernia diafragma) K44
24 Dislocation, sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of lumbar spine and S33
25 Dizziness and giddiness (Pusing) R42
26 Donors or organs and tissues (Donor organ) Z52
27 Examination and observation following other accident (Pengamatan pd Z04.3
28 Examination and observation following work accident (Pengamatan pd Z04.2
kecelakaan kerja)
29 Effects of foreign body entering throught natural orifice (Corpus Alieum) T15
30 Femoral Hernia (Hernia di kaki) K41
31 Fissure and fistula of anal and rectal regions K60
32 Follow up examination after surgery for other conditions (control post Z09.0
33 Follow up examination after treatment of fracture (kontrol sehabis Z09.4
pengobatan fracture)
34 Follow up care involving removal of fracture plate and other internal Z47.0
fixation device (Kontrol pengangkatan plate pd patah tulang)
35 Fracture of Bone following insertion of orthopaedic implant, joint M96.6
prosthesis, bone plate (Patah tulang yg dikuti pemasangan implant dan
36 Fracture involving Multiple Body Regions (Patah tulang dan tubuh) T02
37 Ganggrene, not elsewhere classified (Borok) R02
38 Ganglion M67.4
39 Haemorrhoids (ambeien) I84
40 Hypotermia T68
41 Hydrocele and sprematocele N43
42 Hypertrophy of breast (Hipertropi pd payudara) N62
43 Inflammatory disorders of breast (Radang pd payudara) N61
44 Injuries to the head (contusion, open wound, laceration, fracture, etc) S00
(luka pd kepala)
45 Injuries to the neck (open wound, fracture, dislocation, etc) (luka pd S10
46 Injuries to the thorax (contusion, open wound, laceration, fracture, etc) S20
(luka pada dada)
47 Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine and pelvis(luka pd S30
perut, punggung dan pinggang)
48 Injuries to the shoulder and upper arm (contusion, open wound, S40
fracture, dislocation, etc) (luka pd bahu dan lengan atas)
49 Injuries to the elbow and forearm (contusion, open wound, fracture, S50
dislocation, etc) (luka pd siku dan lengan bawah)
50 Injuries to the wrist and hand (contusion, open wound, laceration, S60
fracture, etc)
(luka pd pergelangan tangab dan tangan )

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