Detailed Lesson Plan in Health Final

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Rochedel T.

Asuncion BSEd-MAPEH 4 October 12, 2018

EDUC 140, 12:30-1:30 pm ASSIGNMENT

Detailed Lesson Plan in Health

Grade 12

I. Subject Matter: Basic Life Support (CPR) and First Aid

II. Objectives: at the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. define basic Life Support and First aid;
b. Discuss the importance of basic life support and first aid;
c. identify the correct sequence of basic life support (CPR) and first aid, and
c. Perform basic life support (CPR) and first-aid to a human dummy.

III. Instructional Materials:

a. Reference:
Book: Thygerson, A., Guli, B. & Kromher, J. (2007). First Aid, CPR, and AED.
Jones and Barlett Publishers,Inc:United Kingdom
Website: Mayo Clinic (1998-2018). Cardiovascular resusciation:first aid.
Retrieved October 12, 2018 from
b. Audio Visual Aids: Powerpoint slides, pictures, projector, speaker
c. Realia: 4 pieces of human dummy, AED, Alcohol, plastic bag for mouth cover

IV. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Routine
“Good Morning Class” “Good Morning Ma’am”

“Before we start, kindly pick up pieces of (Students will pick up pieces of papers
papers and trash under your desk” and trash)

“Okay, so let us pray first. Miss Dayanan (Miss Dayanan will lead the prayer) “In
kindly lead the prayer” the name of the Father....Amen.”

(Checking the attendance) (The student say present as the teacher

“Say present if you’re name is called” calls their name)
B. Motivation

“Okay class, before we formally start with

our lesson, let’s have an activity called “Yes Maam” ( The students divide into
“charades”. two groups)
I want you to divide yourselves into two
groups. First and second column will be
the group 1 while the third and 4th column
will be the Group 2. Am I clear class?”

“ So the mechanics of this game is you “Yes Ma’am”

need to pick a piece of paper in this box
and you have to "act out" the image (Group 1 representative pick the image of
without speaking, while the other Drowning and Electrical shock acted it
members of your team will try to guess out)
what the phrase is. You need to answer it (Group 2 representative pick the image of
within 2 mins. Each group should have Cardiac Arrest and Choking and acted
one representative. Okay? it out)

“Did you have fun with our activity, class”? Yes Ma’am

“Now who among you here has an idea (Dave raised his hand) “Cardiac arrest is
what is cardiac arrest?” when the heart malfunction and suddenly
stops beating”

“Very good Dave!” Then who among you April raised will raise her hand) “ Choking
here has an idea what is chocking? occurs when a foreign object lodges in
our throat or windpipe, blocking the flow
of air.”

“Very Well said April!” “Who has an idea “Cardiovascular resuscitation Maam”
what are some of the basic life support”

“Okay, Is there some other more? “First Aid Maam”

C. Presentation of the Lesson

“Now, this afternoon we are going to

discuss what is basic life support which is
first aid and cardiovascular resuscitation”

“But before that what will you do while “Listen, behave, sit properly, understand
your teacher is discussing in front?” the lesson, cooperateand participate,

“Can I expect that from you?” (All) “Yes Ma’am”

“Good. First we will define what first aid is. (Roxan will read)
(powerpoint) Roxan kindly read the first  First aid is an emergency
and second bullet. measure, generally consisting of
simple, often life-saving techniques
that most people can train to
perform with minimal equipment
and no previous medical
 The term usually refers to
administering care to a human,
although it can also be performed
on animals.

“Thank you Roxan. So it is stated that first

aid is a process of assistance given to
any person suffering a
sudden illness or injury with care
provided to preserve life, prevent the
condition from worsening, or to promote
recovery. “
Did you understand that class? “Yes Maam”

“Next, we proceed to the aims of first aid. “To preserve life Ma’am”
What is the importance of having
knowledge on basic life support or first
 “To prevent further harm on the victim

“Very good! All your answers are correct. 

We can also include promoting recovery
wherein we can apply bandage to a

“Now let’s proceed to the definition of
cardiovascular resuscitation.Loraine,
kindly read please read the first bullet?”
(Loraine will read)
 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR) is a lifesaving technique
useful in many emergencies,
including a heart attack or near
drowning, in which someone's
breathing or heartbeat has
“Okay thank you. Class have you already stopped”
experience doing CPR?”
“Not yet Ma’am”
“You know, It's far better to do something
than to do nothing. Remember, the
difference between your doing something
and doing nothing could be someone's
life. What if it can be your friend or one of
the members of your family, right?”

“CPR can keep oxygenated blood flowing

to the brain and other vital organs until
more definitive medical treatment can
restore a normal heart rhythm.”

“When the heart stops, the lack of

oxygenated blood can cause brain
damage in only a few minutes. Do you “15 minutes, Maam”
think how many minutes the victim will “5 minutes, ma’am”
survive?” “10 minutes,maam”

“That’s right! A person may die within

eight to 10 minutes.”

“So how much can CPR improve the (CJ raised his hand) “CPR can double or
chances of survival?” triple the chances of surviving, ma’am!”

(Fejay raised his hand) “Maybe because

“But why do some people do not want to they don’t know how to give CPR and
do CPR sometimes?” they’re afraid to do it and panic. But the
truth we shouldn’t be afraid, and our
actions can be a big help”
“Very good point, Feejay!” (Denxel will read)
“Let’s continue, before starting the CPR
you should check the following. “ Denxel,  Is the environment safe for the
please read” person?
 Is the person conscious or
 If the person appears unconscious,
tap or shake his or her shoulder and
ask loudly, "Are you OK?"
 If the person doesn't respond and two
people are available, have one person
call 911 or the local emergency
number and get the AED, if one is
available, and have the other person
begin CPR.
 If you are alone and have immediate
access to a telephone, call 911 or
your local emergency number before
beginning CPR. Get the AED, if one is
 As soon as an AED is available,
deliver one shock if instructed by the
device, then begin CPR.

Now, Let’s proceed on the correct

sequence of CPR. Remember to spell “C-
A-B” which stands for:
C- Compression
A- Airway
B- Breathing
“Kindly repeat” “C- Compression, A- Airway,
B- Breathing”

Now, I will demostrate to you on how to (The students formed a big circle and
perform CPR on a human dummy. Class, observe)
Please form a big round circle and please
carefully observe on what I will do and “Yes Maam”
after this we will have individual hands-on
activity. Am I clear,class”

For Compressions: Restore blood

circulation: (perform with human dummy)
“First, put the person on his or her back (The students observe)
on a firm surface.

Second, Kneel next to the person's neck

and shoulders.

“ Third, place the heel of your dominant

hand over the center of the person's
chest, between the nipples. Place your
other hand on top of the first hand. Keep
your elbows straight and position your
shoulders directly above your hands”

“Fourth, Use your upper body weight (not

just your arms) as you push straight down (The students observe)
on (compress) the chest at least 2 inches
but not greater than 2.4 inches. Push hard
at a rate of 30 compressions a minute.

For Airway: Open the airway

“If you're trained in CPR and you've

performed 30 chest compressions, open
the person's airway using the head-tilt, (The students observe)
chin-lift maneuver. Put your palm on the
person's forehead and gently tilt the head
back. Then with the other hand, gently lift
the chin forward to open the airway”
For Breathing: Breathe for the person
“Rescue breathing can be mouth-to-
mouth breathing or mouth-to-nose
breathing if the mouth is seriously injured
or can't be opened”

“With the airway open (using the head-tilt,

chin-lift maneuver), pinch the nostrils shut
for mouth-to-mouth breathing and cover
(The students observe)
the person's mouth with yours, making a

“Prepare to give two rescue breaths. Give

the first rescue breath — lasting one
second — and watch to see if the chest
rises. If it does rise, give the second
breath. If the chest doesn't rise, repeat the
head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver and then give
the second breath.”

“Thirty chest compressions followed by

two rescue breaths is considered one
cycle. Be careful not to provide too many
breaths or to breathe with too much force.

Resume chest compressions to restore


“As soon as an automated external

defibrillator (AED) is available, apply it
and follow the prompts. Administer one
shock, then resume CPR — starting with
chest compressions — for two more
minutes before administering a second
shock. If you're not trained to use an AED,
a 911 or other emergency medical
operator may be able to guide you in its
use. If an AED isn't available, go to step 5

“Continue CPR until there are signs of

movement or emergency medical
personnel take over.”

“Now, have you properly observed the

correct sequence in performing CPR, “Yes Ma’am”

“Did you familiarized the steps of CPR?” “Yes Ma’am”

“Is there any questions”

“Ma’am, what does an AED stands for
and how does it function?”

“AED stands automated external

defibrillator. It helps the heart to restart by
shocking it”
D. Drill

“Is there some more clarifications before “None, so far Ma’am”

we go to our drill?

Now, for our drills since we only have 4

human dummies, I want you to form 4
groups and each member of the group will
perform basic life support (CPR) with the
following guidelines:
“Yes, Maam” (The students will begin to
 correct sequence of basic life perform the basic life support (CPR) with
support ( CPR ) the correct sequence and proper
 the proper posture in doing CPR posture.)
and first aid.

Am I understood class?

(Playing the music “Stay Alive” by Bee

Gees )

E. Evaluation

In a ½ sheet of paper the students will write their insights about the lesson and
activity they do and cite the importance of knowing how to apply basic life support
(CPR) and first aid in any particular situation.

F. Assignment
 What to do: Interview at least 3 lifeguards in different resorts in General
Santos city about the qualifications of being a lifeguard and what are the
training/seminar/workshops of life saving they had attended. Please
include pictures of interview.
 Where to put: Long bond paper, printed (arial 12)
 When to pass: October 15, 2018
 No of points: 50 points

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