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Campugo St. Sto. Tomas South, Jaen Nueva Ecija


3rd Preliminary Examination



and Section: Date:


I. Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer. (20 points.)

1. It is rubbish, waste, things we throw away.

A. Pollution
B. Garbage
C. Environmental problems
D. Plants

2. We have so many of them like: air, sea and land pollution, holes in the ozone layer

and so on.

A. Environmental problems
B. Garbage
C. Energy
D. Mountain

3. It is a process of making our environment dirty and unhealthy for living.

A. Recycling
B. Pollution
C. Endangered animals
D. Cleaning

4. It is a very big problem. If we don't protect them, they will disappear forever.

A. Domestic animals
B. Animals in danger
C. Pets
D. Environment

5. A great deal of pollution comes from the fumes they give off.

A. Cars
B. Trains
C. Bikes
D. Electric Motorcycle
6. It is the science that studies the relations of plants, animals and people to each other

and to their environment.

A. Biology
B. Ecology
C. Medicine
D. Zoology

7. Which of the following will help you to save water?

A. Leave the tap running whilst you brush your teeth

B. Flush the toilet 3 times
C. Have a very deep bath every day
D. Have a quick 1-minute shower

8. Which of these modes of transport is best for the environment?

A. Bike
B. Car
C. Bus
D. Tractor

9. Since that last few weeks you are noticing that someone is throwing plastic bags on
your neighborhood street every day. What do you do?

A. Pick them up and carry them home so I can put them in the recycle bin
or call the local council to register a complaint.
B. I wouldn't bother about it. After all, why should I worry about someone
else's trash?
C. Pick up the bags for a few days but then leave it to the authorities.
D. Throw them in the river.

10. You see a piece of litter on the floor. What do you do?
A. Kick it across the street.
B. Pick it up naturally
C. Stare at it for a second then walk away
D. All of the above

11. Laws are _____.

A. Feelings about your country

B. Written rules that help us live safely and peacefully together
C. Promises to vote for the right people
D. None of the above

12. Patriotism is _____.

A. A feeling of love for your country

B. A system of keeping order with laws
C. Things that are given
D. None of the above

13. A custom is _____.

A. A promise to follow our country's laws

B. A group of people living in a particular place
C. A person’s way of doing something.
D. None of the above
14. Responsibilities are _____.

A. Things we need to take care of

B. Things we deserve
C. Things that are giving
D. None of the above

15. The _____ is a promise to follow our country's laws.

A. Constitution
B. National Anthem
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. None of the above

16. _____ are things we deserve or should have.

A. Contributions
B. Rights
C. Patriots
D. Custom

17. A _____ is a person who loves his or her country.

A. citizen
B. immigrant
C. patriot
D. kind

19. A _____ is a group of people living in a particular place.

A. community
B. patriot
C. citizen
D. society

20. Rights are _____.

A. Things we deserve or should have

B. The specific way a group of people does something
C. Promise to follow our country's laws
D. None of the above

II. On the space provided, write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
(5 points)

______1. One’s love for the nation can be seen in the way he or she sings the national
______2. Being money-wise means keeping your money and using it only for self
______3. Money is an inexhaustible resource.
______4. Money can be an instrument of love.
______5. To be money-wise means to be able to distinguish needs from wants.
III. Essay (5 points)

1. Why is it important to save money?


I- _______
II- _______

Total ____

T.S. ______________ P.S. ______________

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