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Paul University Surigao

St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Information Needs Assessment of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte: Towards a Proposed Library
Collection Development Plan 1



Gigaquitnon is the term used to describe the people who live in the Municipality of

Gigaquit, Surigao del Norte. It is said that Gigaquit got its name from two native words

“Gigad” which means shore and “Gakit” meaning a bamboo raft. This raft was used by early

settlers as transportation from the hinterland to the shore. From what was handed down by

word of mouth during the years, the two words were joined and later became “Gigaquit” (Wow

Surigao Philippines, 2018).

Like other place, development is a must to cope with the changes in the needs of the

people. There are many developments that are soon to be built and implemented in the town

and one of these is the Gigaquit Eco-Tourism Industry, Flood Control, Livelihood Programs

and many others. These developments demand many things to prepare and these do not apply

only to a certain group or place in the community but to the every aspect of the Gigaquitnon’s

way of living. With these aforementioned developments, more information is to be acquired to

make everyone aware of what to do and when is the high time to do it.

Information plays an important role in almost every human activity. It values the

development process of the person’s learning and growth and eventually to the country as a

whole. As stated by RA 7743, the law recognizes the vital role of information in the
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Information Needs Assessment of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte: Towards a Proposed Library
Collection Development Plan 2

development of the nation. It helps to promote the moral and intellectual well-being of the

people, at the same time to elevate literacy level of the nation.

A public library is a library that serves the community. It is funded by the government or

the Local Government Unit (LGU) to serve the public’s interest in terms of their information

needs. According to Public Library Manifesto (1994), a public library has been considered as a

local gateway to knowledge that provides a basic condition for lifelong learning. It supports

also independent decision-making and gratifies cultural development of the individual as well

as the social groups.

Public libraries support access to information services in the community. Indeed, many

communities, especially in rural areas, rely on free information services in their libraries since

access to information portals is quite expensive for a single subscriber (Mugwisi, Jiyane &

Fombad, 2016). With the demand of information in today’s daily activities such as in the job,

schools and even in the household chores like cooking, fishing, rearing for agricultural crops

and knowing weather forecast, brings information services into greater blockbuster needs in the


In order to make a library service more responsive to the needs of its clienteles, a library

must be more sensitive and relatively innovative in rearing people’s requirements and

demands. Hence, the need to collect client’s feedback and knowing one’s strengths and

weaknesses is an important activity that a librarian should do. It is mentioned by Henry (2001)
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Information Needs Assessment of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte: Towards a Proposed Library
Collection Development Plan 3

that public libraries should provide services and collection that are based on local needs, which

should be assessed also regularly.

The information needs group their responsibility to make their targets to be done

successfully. This working group includes household workers and workers in the middle to

lower income earners. In one of the studies conducted in America by the Pew Research

Center’s Library Services Survey (2013), 6224 Americans ages 16 and older, adults who live

in lower-income households, and adults with lower levels of educational attainment are more

likely to say that public library services very important. Most of the users of the information

are those who are working.

Gigaquit Municipal Library was established in the year 2012 by the Local Government

Unit of the Gigaquit as a joint project of the Non-Government Organization (NGO) called

Lumad Gigaguitnon Worldwide, Inc. It has been one of the great projects of this NGO fronting

their legacy in the community. The said library is located adjacent to the Municipal building of

the Gigaquit. The facility could only cater 30 persons all at once. Its collections are only

limited to some subjects and most of them are fiction, specifically for children.

The researchers observed that the use of Gigaquit Municipal Library is not maximized.

The library has a good facility and located strategically at the center of the town, however, it

has only limited visits by the localities. One of the reasons is that the library has no collection

that could address the information needs of the town people as mentioned by the library staff.
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Information Needs Assessment of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte: Towards a Proposed Library
Collection Development Plan 4

The town mayor is aware of this and even aware of the benefits that the community library

could help to the town folks. However, as to what to acquire and where to start, especially they

don’t have a librarian; this goal might be a difficult task for them to meet. The town mayor

wanted to build a library collection based on the information needs of the locals.

The researchers wanted to assess the community of Gigaquit in determining their

information needs. It is in this purpose that the researchers wanted to help the community in

building their library collection anchored on the needs of the community. Along with this, the

researchers also wanted to know the trends of information needs and the present depth of

library collection available in the Gigaquit Municipal Library.

Theoretical Framework of the Study

This study is anchored on the R.A. 7160 (1991), An Act Providing for a Local Government

Code of 1991. The law deals about delivering the basic services to the community by the

government and the local government unit (LGU) that the territorial and political subdivisions

of the state shall enjoy service and meaningful local autonomy to enable them to attain their

fullest development as self-reliant communities and make them more effective partners in the

attainment of rational goals. The same Republic Act longs to provide basic services and

facilities maintenance of public library and take custody on its account. The LGU is

responsible to give those basic needs of the community. Under of the law, the library
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Information Needs Assessment of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte: Towards a Proposed Library
Collection Development Plan 5

municipality should develop and have maintained the support for the information needs of the

community. In this relation, the Gigaquit Municipal Library’s purpose is to provide access to

knowledge, dissemination of information and promote lifelong learning to the community. The

library needs to take actions to address the information needs of the community.

The researchers also used the Information Needs Assessment Model of Dhingra and

Misra (2004) that emphasizes assessing the information needs of the rural communities. It

helps to categorize the different types of information needs of the locals. To know the

information needs of the community is a very important goal that a librarian must comply since

the result would bring to a decision of what kind of materials are to be acquired by the library.

It will also serve as guide to the librarians to develop the collections of the library.

The study will determine first the information needs of the locale in terms of the basic

needs, access to justice, classified and entertainment, government information, daily

information, announcements, self-employment, environmental awareness and area profile. This

information is thought to be the foundation of the Gigaquit Municipal Library Collection.

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Information Needs Assessment of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte: Towards a Proposed Library
Collection Development Plan 6


“Identifies the information needs of the “Take custody of the local
rural communities” library”
Dhingra and Misra, 2004

Collection Evaluation Analysis

 Basic Needs; MUNICIPAL
 Access to Justice; LIBRARY TO
 Classified & Entertainment; ADDRESS THE
 Government Information; INFORMATION
 Daily Information; COMMUNITY
 Announcements;
 Self-employment;
 Environmental Awareness,
 Area Profile




Figure 1.Schematic Diagram of the Study

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Information Needs Assessment of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte: Towards a Proposed Library
Collection Development Plan 7

Information about basic needs is considered important since it provides survival level of

resources to every individual. It includes agriculture, livelihood, emergency services,

transportation, water, healthcare, education, and other things that adequately provide for

individual and to their families. According to Bennett (2006), Abraham Maslow represents the

hierarchy of needs of human as a pyramid with the most fundamental needs at the bottom. The

bottom of the pyramid is the physiological needs which are the physical requirements for

human survival. These needs are air, water, food, etc. that should met first of every individual.

In view of this, the library should contain basic needs of information from different learning

resource materials that can help the community to meet their basic needs.

Access to justice is also considered an information need because every individual has a

privilege to know that they have equal rights in the rule of law. Access to justice is being able

to know the rights of every people to the context of the court system of their country. It

includes court case information and remedies for grievances. As stated by Roseveare (2013),

law ensures not only in the books and courtrooms but also available to the ordinary people and

actively use the law to their needs. Hence, the library should provide the information about the

court system of the country and the rights of every individual to the court. Therefore, the

library will help the community to be aware to their rights and the law of the

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Information Needs Assessment of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte: Towards a Proposed Library
Collection Development Plan 8

Furthermore, classifieds and entertainment is also considered as information needs of the

rural community. Entertainment brings happiness which is a fundamental medicine that helps

to aids health and well-being of the people in times of depression and anxieties. On the other

hand, classifieds advertise business enterprises and job opportunities to individuals. According

to Folden (2013), when life gets tough people want to forget their problems for a moment.

People tend to escape from reality for a short period of time and forget all the problems,

through movies, magazines, recreational activities, music, sport events and other things that

allow people to become happier just for a short period of time. Therefore, the library should

also have leisure books or library activities that the community can relieve from their anxiety

and depression.

Moreover, government information is also considered as information needs of the locals

since every community has a government. Government information is any information that

produced, compiled, created and printed by the local government and law/order made by the

government/municipality. According to Meijer and Thaens (2009), it helps the community to

inform in different issues such as traffic information, food safety, school quality, and etc.

Therefore, government information helps the community to inform in a variety of issues

regarding to the government. And also, government information is also considered to be as

primary sources that could help people who are conducting research studies. Hence, the library
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Information Needs Assessment of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte: Towards a Proposed Library
Collection Development Plan 9

as a source of information, it is important that it has its local information resources that could

help the community to be aware of what happening to their municipality/government.

Furthermore, daily information is also considered important since everyday people

demands different information in their day-to-day lives. Information such as weather updates,

lottery results, news reports, and other information that the people need to their everyday life.

This information can retrieve by the local through newspapers, radio, television, internet and

other devices that can supplement the daily information needs of the community. According to

Church, Cherubini and Oliver (2014), people encounter different information needs into their

daily lives such as knowing the latest football results, watching news, weather updates,

economic prices and other needs that the society encounters every day. Therefore, daily

information is essential part of daily living to the individual. It provides awareness to the

community on what happening to their environment. Hence, the library must contain

information that can help the community to solve their daily information needs.

On the other hand, an announcement is also considered as information need of the rural

community. It gives information about something that has happened or that will happen.

Important information awareness to the community will be posted through announcements

such as barangay health program, barangay assembly, training programs, new livelihood

program or livelihood update and other information that the local government needs to

announce to the community. As mentioned by Suggett (2018), public service announcement is

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Information Needs Assessment of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte: Towards a Proposed Library
Collection Development Plan 10

to raise awareness to the current issues and to change the public opinion of individual.

Announcement can be obtained through various advertisements like television, radio, through

online, flyers and posters. It helps the community to be educated in the important issues of

society. Announcement is different from daily information because this shall not need to be

released daily. Therefore, the library must have a bulletin in order to help in disseminating of

information of the local government and also to update the community to its new services and

books of the library.

Moreover, self-employment is also included since a lot of people in rural communities

engaging to the self-employment business. Self-employment is a situation where an individual

works for himself instead in working for an employer that pays a salary or wages. As stated by

Dawson, Henley and Latreille (2009), many individuals chose to be self-employed due to

unable to find appropriate salary to their job. For this reason, people engage in small

enterprises that provides important services in rural communities such as general stores, hair

salon, electrician enterprises and etc. Hence, the library should obtain information that helps

the self-employed to have a better understanding of their business and guide them in managing

their business.

Furthermore, environmental awareness is also considered as information needs of the

rural communities since it helps people to understand the consequences of human activities to

the environment and vice versa. As mentioned by Kumar (2013), environmental education and
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Information Needs Assessment of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte: Towards a Proposed Library
Collection Development Plan 11

awareness encourage people to participate in conservation, protection and management of the

environment. For this reason, the library helps to disseminate information about environmental

awareness to the people in order for them to be educated and to be aware to protect our


On the other hand, area profile is also included to know the strength and weakness of the

community. It helps to understand the characteristics of the people who live in the community.

It provides basic information of a certain community. It describes the population, economy,

education, health and housing conditions of the area. Information found in area profile is the

age-based information, ethnicity, education, stability, employment, unpaid work, income,

households, housing venture and the residence. Audit Commission in the United Kingdom

(2006) agrees that “place strong emphasis on people and place and on issues that cut across

service boundaries, for example a picture of the needs of specific sectors of the community,

such as older citizens’. Therefore, area profiling is important so that the local authorities

identify the areas with particular problems to the community. For this reason, the library will

be a great help in providing information that could help in particular problem of the

community. By providing the right information by the library, it helps the community to have

options on how to solve their problems.

After getting the information needs of the community, these will be checked to the

available materials in the Gigaquit Municipal Library. Materials refer to the

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Information Needs Assessment of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte: Towards a Proposed Library
Collection Development Plan 12

collections/resources of the library to satisfy the information needs of the users. The library

must acquire and house materials that will meet the needs of the community. According to

Henry (2001) a public library must have adequate resources to sustain and develop services

that meet the needs of the community. Public libraries must provide materials in any format

and updated collections to meet the ever changing needs of the community. The information

needs stated above will affect the library collections of the Gigaquit Municipal Library. The

library must support the information needs of the community by providing resources and


The Gigaquit Municipal Library was assessed to determine its strengths and weaknesses

in the collection against the identified information needs of the community. Collection

evaluation analysis using content analysis will be utilized. The list of full accessioned materials

will be the main means to check the availability of the information needs in the library.

The final phase of the study is the Proposed Collection Development Plan which is

intended to help the Gigaquit Municipality Library in meeting the information needs of the

community. This plan will be formulated based on the results and finding of the information

needs assessment and the collection evaluation analysis.

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Information Needs Assessment of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte: Towards a Proposed Library
Collection Development Plan 13

Statement of the Problem

The study determined the information needs level of the Municipality of Gigaquit.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the Information Needs Level of the Gigaquitnons in terms of their:

1.1. Basic Needs;

1.2. Access to Justice;

1.3. Classified and Entertainment;

1.4. Government Information;

1.5. Daily Information;

1.6. Announcements;

1.7. Self-employment;

1.8. Environmental Awareness, and;

1.9. Area Profile?

2. What are the top 5 information needs of the Gigaquitnons as to their age and place?

3. What are the resources available in the Gigaquit Municipal Library based on the

information needs of the Gigaquitnons?

4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Gigaquit Municipal Library collection?

5. Based on findings what collection development plan maybe proposed?

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Information Needs Assessment of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte: Towards a Proposed Library
Collection Development Plan 14


The researcher assumed that the Municipal Library of Gigaquit met the information needs

of the community through its available materials

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be a great help to the following:

Municipal Library Personnel. The result of this study will provide awareness in terms of

the collection of the library to the personnel of Gigaquit Municipal Library. It helps them to

determine what kind of information they need to their library for the better improvement of

their collection and services to their clientele.

Municipal Library Management. The result of this study will help the Gigaquit Municipal

library to manage effectively their collections, to provide better services and to meet the

information needs of their clientele.

Community of Gigaquit. They are the one to benefit the result and proposed intervention

for this study. The findings of this study will help the community to become aware on the

available resources in the Gigaquit Municipal Library.

Local Government Unit. To let them more aware of the needs and the importance of

addressing them this need to take action. The government can assist the library by aiding
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Information Needs Assessment of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte: Towards a Proposed Library
Collection Development Plan 15

financial assistance and human resource to improve the collection and services of the Gigaquit

Municipal Library.

Students. The findings of this study will help students to maximize the library resources

of the Gigaquit Municipal Library. By utilizing the resources it helps the students to gain new

knowledge and ideas for their personal development.

Future research. The outcome of this research study will bring ideas and guide whoever

undertakes related studies like this.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focused on the Municipality of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte. It assessed the

information needs of the community at the same time to compare them with the existing library

collection. The selected participants of this study are the residents of the Municipality of

Gigaquit. The study aims to conduct on the Academic Year 2018-2019 on the month of August

to September.

Definition of Terms

For clarity and easy understanding of the concepts and terms used in this study, the

following terms are defined conceptually and operationally:

Gigaquitnon is the term used to describe the residents of the Municipality of Gigfaquit.

Assessment is a quantitative and qualitative measurement of the degree to which a

library’s collections, services, and programs meet the needs of its users, usually undertaken
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
Surigao City, Philippines

Information Needs Assessment of Gigaquit, Surigao Del Norte: Towards a Proposed Library
Collection Development Plan 16

with aim of improving performance (Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science,


Collection development policy is a formal written statement of the principles guiding a

library’s selection of materials, including the criteria used in making selection and deselection

decisions and policies concerning gifts and exchanges.

Community is a group of people living in the same place or having a particular

characteristic in common.

Information needs is a gap in a person’s knowledge that, when experienced at the

conscious level as a question, gives rise to a search for an answer.

Library resources refer to the sources of information such as books, journals,

encyclopedia, e-books and other formats.

Public library is a library or library system that provides unrestricted access to library

resources and services free of charge to all the residents of a given community, district, or

geographic region supported wholly or in part by public funds.

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