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Indry Dwiyani
Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi
Muh. Nur Hidayat Nurdin

Faculty of Psychology, State University of Makassar

Jl. AP Pettarani Makassar, 90222


Cognitive dissonance is a form of discomfort feeling by individuals due to the

mismatch between the two cognitive elements inside. Cognitive dissonance
appear in a gay because of the discomfort feeling by gay itself due to the behavior
performed. This study aims to reveal the cognitive dissonance of gay in Makassar
and the background that causes the individual to be a gay. This study uses
qualitative research with phenomenological approach involving three research
subjects. The subjects were gay who was and is in a relationship with the same
sex. Data collection techniques used in the form of in-depth interviews with the
type of open questions. Based on the results obtained can be inferred that the
background of the individual being gay is their sense of curiosity than passion or
events homosexual has ever experienced, and sparked by a comfortable feeling
when interacting with men, childhood experiences more often play with peers
female, desire to find a replacement for a father figure, a desire to live freely, and
as a form of release from the destroyed family relationships. Gay experiencing
cognitive dissonance due to a conflict between feeling comfortable in a
relationship with the same sex with the fear of rejection from family and
community as well as the confidence to start a relationship with the opposite sex
(marriage life). Overview of cognitive dissonance gay in Makassar can be a
solution to open up the public insight about gay identity without seeing
discrimination against gay or support itself.

Keyword: Cognitive Dissonance, Gay, Discomfort Feeling

Individual sexual orientation between male and female (Ahmadi,

commonly involve attachment 2007). This sexual orientation

experienced by a person is the one even Indonesia that still firmly hold
that underlie intimacy. But it can not their religion's norms, where most of
be denied that there is tendency on their people embrace Islam, it made
sexual orientation on same sex or Majelis Ulama Indonesia issued a
usually called homosexual. dead penalty fatwa to everyone who
Homosexual grow wide until 20th do homosexualism, including gay.
century. Homosexual that known as Other than that, negative thought
sexual orientation term on same sex about gay existence also widely
became taboo issue in many country spread in social media.Raleydan
around the world, including Lucas (2006) expressed that these
Indonesia. thought arrised because of limited
Started from 1980s, homosexual information that socity have on those
mobilization started to occur, minority people.
especially male gay which are one of When that thought arise, gay
homosexual type. Kartono (1989) people surely will feel
also express that male homosexual uncomfortable. However, gays can
exictence estimated three until four not force their self to change their
times more than female homosexual. gender identity to adapt with their
These male gay mobilization then sorrounding’s demands. Gay whose
getting more push by gay felt issues from their surrounding
organisations existence in Indonesia surely depends on how big is their
around 1990s (Oetomo & Suvianita, self awareness. Gay’s self awareness
2013). However, gay existence until and self control to doing their sexual
these day getting a lot of obstacle activity to their same sex are two
from their surrounding. different opposite things, and hard to
Gay existence in society has solve.
caused negative stereotypes and low These issues then will bring out
acceptance, especially in Makassar it strungle inside gay’s self in
self. Family and society are two Makassar. Strungle inside their self
important element that gave effect on in here means having a close bond
low acceptance on gay identity it with cognitive dissonance. Cognitive
self. Oetomo and Suvianita (2013) dissonance is psychological state that
expressed that family take a big potray in compability between faith,
impact on motivate male to be a gay, attitude, and individual behavior
where as acceptance from family (Egan, Santos, & Bloom, 2007).
side is limited by strong cultural Gays in Makassar that survived but
pressure to get married then there was a struggle that happen
heterosexually. between inside desire and society’s
Governments law also clearly demands that surely will arise
prohibited homosexual in Indonesia, cognitive dissonance in their mind.

A person whose felt cognitive Kartono (1989) expressed that

dissonance would feel inconvenience there are some factors that affecting
in their mind. Those inconvenience a person to become a homosexual,
will getting stronger by values or those are:
norms that people around them a. Bad environmental factor or
professed and belief. In accordance considered unfavorable for
with Matz and Wood (2005) sexual maturity grow normally.
expressed that social relation that b. Hereditary factor which can be
came from environment, is source of either unstability sex hormons.
cognitive dissonance appearance. c. Past experience factor where
Gay senses fear of losing friends individual seek for satisfaction
and depression level along with by homosex relation as impact of
anxiety that higher that heterosexual homosexual experience on their
people. In accordance with Subhrajit adolescent.
(2014) research which explain d. Traumatic experience of boys by
impact of society that discriminate, their mother, so that hatred for
abuse, or even threaten gay, gay then their mother and for every female
feel inconvenience and ended with arised. This factor then brong out
hiding their sexual orientation by homosex urge that tend to be
turning into covered individuals. stayed.

THEORETICAL BASIS B. Cognitive Dissonance

1. Homosexuality Definition 1. Cognitive Dissonance Deffinition
Kartono (1989) mentioning that Wibowo (Sarwono, 2013)
homosexuality is sex interaction by expressed that cognitive dissonance
same sex. As well as mentioned by is uncomfortable states as impact of
Chaplin (1997) that homosexuality is incompability between two attitude
sexual interaction by group which or more, and between attitude and
came from same sex. Homosexual’s behaviour. This Incompability
activity that appear on male or appear in mind. Festinger (Metin &
usually called with gay is various Camgoz, 2011) explained that
(Kartono, 1989). This activity cognitive dissonance happen if there
involve various kind of action. is opposite relation, as result of
Homosexuality that happened on denied or reject from one cognitive
male could happen with various way, element to another element, between
such as manipulatingtheir partner cognitive elements inside their self.
genitals by insert penis into mouth Jordens and Overwalle (2005)
and using mouth to reach orgasm. expressed that cognitive dissonance
2. Factors that Affect happened when individual started to
Homosexuality Emergence feel inconvenience on their self.

Cognitive dissonance could reduced identity. Festinger (Metin &

when individual try to interpret Camgoz, 2011) mentioned that
behavior which did as unaccordance dissonance that happened in
behavior. When that interpreting individuals self can not be exclude
happen inside individual’s cognitive from decision making.
element, then reducing dissonance
easily happen. RESEARCH METHODS
2. Cognitive Dissonance Root Research method that researcher
Cause on Gay did on this study is qualitative
Festinger (Sarwono, 2013) research. Creswell (2007) stated that
expressed that cognitive dissonance qualitative research is a inquiry
in not only arise from individual, but process to understand and explore
also could happen as impact of social issues in people’s self. This
external factor outside their explanation about qualitative
self.Some factors that could be cause research is fit with what researcher
cognitive dissonance appeareance would explore, which is cognitive
are: dissonance pictured that happened
a. Inconsistence logic which is think within gays in Makassar.
logic that denied other thinking This research used a
logic. phenomenology approach. Creswell
b. Cultural value which is one of (2007) expressed that qualitative
cause that appear when a person is rsearch by phenomenology approach
in a different culture. is aiming to getting picture about
c. Common opinion is when an meaning of individuals experiences
opinion differ with common about a phenomenon. As for
opinion. phenomenon that is meant is gay that
d. Past experience also could be one rampantly appear in Makassar at that
of cause that can arise dissonance time.
when cognition inconsistence with Researcher used snowball
their past experience. sampling technique which is
3. Cognitive Dissonance on Gay sampling technique with few source
Gay whose felt cognitive at start, but by the time it flew it’s
dissonance in their self will source getting bigger (Sugiyono,
experience a lot of consequance. 2013). Researcher at beginning got
Inaccordance with what has been one subject from a foundation in
expressed by Sarwono (2013) that Makassar, then got more subject
gay will seek for new information to from first subject’s friend. Subject
reduce inconvenience in their self criterion is gay who having or had a
then end up with decision making to same sex relationship.
stay being gay or change their

Length factors that can affect a person to be

Relationship a gay, which is:
Subject being a
Gay a. Unfavorable environment factor.
Having same This factor was experienced by
HA sex 6 years subject on early child until
relationship adolescence. Subject whos
Having same surrounded by a lot ofgirl friends
N sex 9 years
relationship on their peer group tend to be a
Having same feminine.
A sex 5 years b. Past experience factor where a
relationship person has experienced a sexual
Data collection technique that experienced that made them feel
being used were interview and comfortable and passionate.
observation. Data validation Uncomfortable experience that a
technique were member check on person got in early adolescent
research subjects, peer de briefing when they were touched by man
with other researchers, and data for the first time made them
triangulation with subject best courious and feel a joyful sexual
friends. Sugiyono (2013) expressed passionate.
that data triangulation is verification c. Hereditary factor which could be
technique by using data checking unbalanced hormons, so that made
from various sources with various individuals traits unmatch with
ways and times. sex role that that person have.
Feminine trait that subjects
admitted is match with a research
This research involved three
by Michael, Peggy, Alex, dan
respondents who are gays and having
Joan (1997) in America that found
same sex relationship at that time.
gay stereotype is feminine in
This research done by asking some
many things, including their
open questions to three respondents.
Respondents then did semiformal
2. Gay cognitive dissonance
interview for two times with
researcher to reveal cognitive
Wibowo (Sarwono, 2013)
dissonance pictures that he
expressed that cognitive
dissonance is uncomfortable state
1. Be a Gay Background
caused there is incompability
Subjects strart their same sex
between two attitude or more, and
relationship because their
between attitude and behavior.
curiousness about gay itself. Kartono
This incompability arised in
(1989) explained that there are some
individuals mind. Cognitive

dissonance happened on three cognitive dissonance that arise as

subjects who are gays for a long result of common opinion that
time. contradict with opinion which
Reseach result on three individual have.
subjects revealed hat subjects
think that being a gay is CONCLUSSION AND
something common. Love feeling SUGGESTION
surely can not be denied. Subjects Based on result which is obtained
from this research, could be
then accepted their feeling and felt
concluded that:
comfortable to be gays. 1. Individual reason be a gay is
However, on the other side caused of couriosity that arise
subjects also feel scare of from passion or homosexual event
rejection from society and their experienced. Other than that,
sorroundings cause of their things that could enhance gay
identity as gays. Three subject behavior could be playhood
experience with opposite sex,
having a same sex relationship
thought about loving same sex is
clandestinely cause of that fear. normal, desire to seek for dad
Subjects felt those substitute, and as an impingement
uncomfortability cause of the from broken family and feeling of
emergence of beliefs, such as: bridled on early childhood, so that
1. Men nature suppose to love arised desire to live freely.
woman, not their same sex. 2. Cognitive dissonance picture on
gay is clearly visible on
2. Beliefs about God’s forbid
confussion that they experienced
loving same sex. between comfortability to having
3. Desire to start married life same sex relation and fear of
with opposite sex and staring a rejection from family and society.
family. Other than that, future orientation
Subjects expressed their desire about married life with opposite
sex increase gay’s cognitive
to start married life with their
dissonance level. This made gay
opposite sex. However opposite reduce dissonance and avoid
thought from that appear. Subject dissonance to make their self
felt fear of heterosexual relation comfortable.
that can not last longer cause they As for suggestion that could given
think that they only love man, not are:
woman. 1. For government and social
institution suggested to do depth
Other cognitive dissonance
riset about cognitive dissonanceon
source that happened on subjects gay which could be a seminar or
are cultural value and opinions. group conseling with gay in
Sarwono (2013) expressed that Makassar.
common opinion is source of

2. For gay’s family suggested to Matz, D.C. & Wood, W. (2005).

giving more attention and Cognitive dissonance in group:
acceptance to gay so that good the consequences of
and enough communicaton can be
disagreement. Journal of
3. For next researcher suggested to Personality and Social
digging deeper about cognitive Psychology, 88(1), 22-37.
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process until reaching consonance Metin, I., & Camgoz, S. M. (2011).
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