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AbuAsraf Dipatuan is with Magar Kto and Bajunaid Malaco.

June 26 at 9:42 AM ·
RESOLVE: Tablighs Are Not Part Of The Ahlulsunnah Muslims
Affirmative: Magar Kto.( Salafi Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah) Muslim / Islam.
Negative: Abu Jaiyana Bajunaid Malaco (Hanbali Sunni ) Muslim / Islam.
Moderator Abu-Asraf Dipatuan
1. Presentations: 1,500 words each side
2. First Rebuttals : 1,300 words each side
3. Cross fire 📷
3.1 The Affrimative would post 5 questions maximum
3.2 The Negative side would answer all 5 questions with a maximum of 500 words per question
3.3 The Negative side would post 5 questions maximum
3.4 The Affirmative side would answer all 5 questions with a maximum of 500 words per question.
4. Second Rebuttals: 1, 200 words for each side
5. Conclusions: 1,000 words maximum for each side.
1. Every post must be counted using Microsoft office word count. Any excess of the maximum word
count would render the violator lost in the debate.
2. The burden of proof is on the Affirmative side.
3. The language of the debate would be in English and or Arabic, but in no case that Google articles be
copy-pasted by either side except for ayat of the Qur'an or Ahadith.
4. No photos of any kind shall be posted by either side. No internet links shall be posted Except when the
moderator requires them for the purpose of clarrification.
5. Any Ayah of the Quran and or Hadith cited as evidence for or against an argument, it exact reference
must be provided.
6. The time for responding to the post of the opponent is 6 hours. After 6 hours is an authentic warning.
Failure to respond after 12 hours will automatically render the debater lost in the debate.
7. Only the Moderator can arbitrate the debate.
8: Ang Moderator ay Nagbibigay ng Warning sa Sinumang Pasaway sa Rules format... 3 Count Warning
sa Pasaway ay ituturing na Talo.
9: Sa Mga Readers ay Hwag po makisawsaw sa Debate, Like lang ang pwede at I Mention mo kung
Sinong Nais mo maging Audience sa Debate.
21You, AbuAsraf Dipatuan, Amer Husein Ali and 18 others
181 Comments7 Shares

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AbuAsraf Dipatuan Affirmative ang Mauna sa Presentation argument.

Magar Kto Oras mo na.... Go go go.

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Magar Kto Affirmative
I accept the challenge of my opponent to prove that the practice of tabligh in worship is mixed with shirk and
bid'ah according to their book Fadha'il Amal itself stated in their book and also as seen in Their activities
worship is mixed with bid'ah like performing journey without the basis of the Quran and hadith, the
unchangeable Qur'an and hadith. Making bid'ah is a serious task
Hadith on Bidah: Innovations in religion are rejected.
Aisha reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever innovates into this
matter of ours that which does not belong to it, it will be rejected.”

In another narration, the Prophet said, “Whoever performs a deed that is not in accordance with our matter
will have it rejected.”

Source: Ṣ aḥ īḥ al-Bukhā rī 2550, Ṣ aḥ īḥ Muslim 1718

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

َْ ‫سلّ َْم َمنْ أَحدَثَْ فِي أَمْ ِرنَا َهذَا َما لَي‬
ْ‫س فِي ِْه فَ هه َْو َرد‬ َ ‫ع َلي ِْه َو‬ ّْ ‫صْلّى‬
َ ‫َللاه‬ ِّْ ‫ل‬
َْ ‫َللا‬ ْ‫عن َها قَالَتْ قَالَْ َرسهو ه‬ ّْ ‫ي‬
َ ‫َللاه‬ ِ ‫شةَْ َر‬
َْ ‫ض‬ َ ِ‫عائ‬
َ ْ‫عن‬

ْ‫س َعلَي ِْه أَم هرنَا فَ هه َْو َرد‬ ْ ً ‫ع َم‬

َْ ‫ل لَي‬ َ َْ‫عمِل‬
َ ْ‫وفي رواية أخرى قال َمن‬

2550 ‫صحيح البخاري كتاب الصلح باب إذا اصطلحوا على صلح جور فالصلح مردود‬

1718 ‫صحيح مسلم كتاب األقضية باب نقض األحكام الباطلة ورد محدثات األمور‬
Jamā’at of today? They claim that they do And how is their going out to the people for Khadeejah Abdul-
Wahid 0 Jamā’at? They claim that they do not promote grave worship and other innovations. And how is their
going out to the people for the purpose of da’wah wrong?

Answer [1]:

Jamā’at at-Tablīgh, for those who do not know, was founded by Muhammad Ilyās al-Kandahlawi, a Deobandi
Chisti-Sūfi. His upbringing was upon the Maturīdi creed [2], Deobandi school and Sufi mysticism [3]. Tablīghi
Jamā’ah affirms this, and it is written in their biographies of him. Muhammad Ilyas deviated in his belief and
methodology from the first three generations. He was born in 1885CE and he died in 1945CE at the end of the
Second World War. He was ardently loyal to the Hanafi Deobandi movement and he set up his Jamā’at at-
Tablīgh based on a dream.
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• AbuAsraf Dipatuan Magar Kto

Yan lang ba ang Presentation mo sa Unang Tindig mo?

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• Magar Kto AbuAsraf Dipatuan yes

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• AbuAsraf Dipatuan Magar Kto ok

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• Magar Kto To end the debate immediately. And I'm using my cellphone only. Then the words are limited

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Bajunaid Malaco PRESENTATION - Negative Side Part 1

I begin by mentioning the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

All praise is due to Allah alone, who has no partner in His dominion, the sole creator of all that exist.

I bear witness that there’s no deity worthy of any worship except Allah, and that Muhammad peace be upon
him is Allah’s servant and messenger.

After that:

As-salamu alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Ladies and gentlemen, the subject of this debate is about Tablighs whether or not they are from the
Ahlulsunnah Muslims.

I am a Sunni Muslim, I follow the Hanbali madhab without fanaticism. For a very long time now, I observed
that extremist people are so fanatic to their own creed to the extent that any Muslim group or organization
that doesn’t agree with their belief system are automatically labeled as heretics, innovators, and even pagans.

It makes me very sad that many of my Muslim brothers are bullied, and wiped off from the group of the
people of Sunnah indiscriminately by these extremists. In this debate, I will prove, insha Allah, that these
extremists are grossly ignorant about Islam and Muslims and they don’t deserve to be called as "salafis".

These people call themselves as "salafis", but the salaf has nothing to do with them. They are extremist people
who are potential terrorists in the future. May Allah protect the Muslims from them.

To proceed, it is very important in a formal debate like this one to define our terminologies in order to avoid
What do we mean by the word, TABLIGH???

Tabligh is a noun form derived from ballagh (ْ‫ )بَلِغ‬which means to convey or to proclaim something. This has
to do with the command of Allah s.w.t in the Quran commanding the Messenger s.a.w to convey the message
revealed unto him from Allah:

Surah 5: 67 -
ْ َ ‫َللا‬
۞ َْ‫ل يَهدِي القَو َْم الكَاف ِِرين‬ َّْ ‫ن‬ ْ ِ ّ‫ص همكَْ مِنَْ الن‬
ّْ ِ‫اس ْۖ إ‬ ِ ‫َللاه يَع‬ َ ‫ل بَلِغْ َما أهن ِزلَْ ِإلَيكَْ مِنْ َربِكَْ ْۖ َوإِْنْ لَمْ ت َفعَلْ فَ َما بَلّغتَْ ِر‬
ّْ ‫سالَت َ ْهه ْۖ َو‬ ّ ‫يَا أَيُّ َها‬
ْ‫الرسهو ه‬

O Messenger! Convey what has been sent down to you from your Lord. And if you do not, then you have not
conveyed His Message. Allah will protect you from mankind. Verily, Allah guides not the people who

The Scholars of the Ahlul Sunnah are unanimous that this particular commandment of Allah to the Prophet
s.a.w is hukum aamm which means it is also a commandment to every Muslim to convey the message of Islam
to the people. Therefore, it is a duty of each and every Muslim to convey (Ballagh) the message, ie. Make

This duty is further strengthen by the commandment of the Prophet s.a.w for the Muslims to convey from him
even if what one knows is a single ayah:

" َْ‫ي صلى هللا عليه وسلم قَال‬ ّْ ‫ن النّ ِب‬ ّْ َ ‫ أ‬،‫عمرو‬ َ ‫ن‬ َ ،َ‫شة‬
ِّْ ‫عنْ َعب ِْد‬
ِْ ‫َللا ب‬ َ ‫عنْ أَبِي كَب‬َ ،َ‫عطِ يّة‬ ُّ ‫ أَخ َب َرنَا األَوزَ اع‬،‫ضحّاكهْ بنهْ َمخلَد‬
َ ْ‫ َحدّثَنَا َحسّانهْ بنه‬،‫ِي‬ ّ ‫اصمْ ال‬
ِ ‫ع‬َ ‫َحدّثَنَا أَبهو‬
ِْ ‫ى همتَعَ ِمدًا فَليَتَبَ ّوأْ َمقعَدَْهه مِنَْ الّْن‬
‫ار‬ ّْ َ‫عل‬
َ ‫ب‬ ‫ه‬ ً
َْ َ‫ َو َمنْ َكذ‬،‫ َو َح ِدثوا َعنْ بَنِي إِس َرائِيلَْ َولَْ َح َر َج‬،‫عنِي َولَوْ آيَة‬َ ‫"بَ ِلغهوا‬

The Prophet s.a.w said, "Convey from me even if it were a single ayah, and tell others the stories of Bani Israel
, for it is not sinful to do so. And whoever tells a lie on me intentionally, will surely take his place in the (Hell)

Sahih Bukhari Vol. 4, Book 55, Hadith 667

Therefore, conveying the message of Islam is an established Sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w. In technical
terminology, anyone who conveys the message of Islam is called Tabligh in Arabic language.

How come that some so-called salafis are telling us that tablighs are not from among the Ahlulsunnah
Muslims??? Isnt this a clear fanaticism, ignorance, and extremism on their part???

I really think so. be continued in a moment.

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• Shamsodden Bin-Daud Sanggacala Macatanong Bajunaid Malaco wa alaikum salam.

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• Roy Javier Mura Asddn

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• Roy Javier Ibs Amor III

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Bajunaid Malaco PRESENTATION - Negative Side Part 2

What is Jamaat Tabligh?

Jamaat Tabligh is an organization of Muslims designed for the purpose of making da’wah in order to convey
ْ‫ بَلِغ‬the message of Islam as discussed in part 1. The main objective of their dawah is to revive the Sunnah of
the Prophet s.a.w in terms of his Sunnah Fi’liya (Sunnah of Actions).

Muslims from the different schools of thought among the Ahlul Sunnah such as from the Hanafi, Maliki,
Shafi’ee, and Hanbali Madhabs, get together and perform the da’wah locally and even internationally for those
who are wealthy among them because this is self-funded organization. Some members of the Sufi tariqas or
mystic sufis also participate in this dawah movement.

Their main focus is to encourage those Muslims who neglect their duties to Allah especially the performance
of their 5 times daily Salah (prayer). The Tablighs don’t promote a particular madhab, what is important for
them is that people will be reminded about the Importance of Salah and the consequences of not performing

They have come up with an ijtihad that when they go for dawah, they have a time frame for it; 3 days, 7 days,
etc. This ijtihad of theirs is often questioned by some people because they thought that these odd numbers
which they came up with is in their Aqeedah, however, after knowing that its just a matter of ijtihad, the
doubts disappear. No Tabligh would say that if someone or any group that would make Dawah for 2 days or 4,
or 6 days is wrong.

Tablighs use siwak because the Prophet s.a.w used it. They also prefer the loose garments instead of T-shirts
or any tight clothing because it is the sunnah. They grow their beards, shorten the lower garments upto the
ankles – all of these are Sunnah fi’liyah of the beloved Prophet s.a.w

The Prophet s.a.w is reported to have said in his farewell Hajj that Muslim should adhere to the Book of Allah
ie, the Quran and to his (Prophet’s) Sunnah. Reported in the Al Muwatta of Imam Malik, Mustadrak of Imam Al
Hakim, Seera of the Prophet s.a.w by Ibn Ishaq, and Ibn Hisham.

The controversial book used by early Tablighs, Fadhael Amal, does contain weak ahadith. Some scholars even
say that it contains fabricated ahadiths. However, because of the advancement of knowledge, many Tablighs
are now using the Riyadhus-Salihin as their main textbook which is approved by the majority of Sunni
scholars as a reliable book of hadiths.

They also use the Qasas Al Anbiya of Ibn Kathir as a source of information about the stories of the Prophets.
Some of the local Tablighs especially those who can neither read or understand Arabic or English, they still
use their old book Fadhail Amal which is translated to their native language. We hope that Allah would give
them the ability to read and understand Arabic or English or both.

There are rumors, allegations that there are books used by some Tablighs which contain shirk or religious
innovation. As explained above, the Tabligh organization is participated by Muslims from different schools of
thought (madhahib). Those who do bid’ah or shirk have nothing to do with their being Tablighs. It has
something to do with their main group’s aqeeda especially the mystic sufis.

Mystic sufis would do bid’ah and shirk regardless of whether they participate in tablighs’ dawah or not. The
vast majority of Tablighs doesn’t condone any form of shirk or bid’ah because that would destroy their efforts
in reviving the Sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w as explained in part 1 of this presentation.

It is therefore absolutely wrong to label all Tablighs as not part of the Ahlulsunnah Muslims just because
some people who participated in their dawah do so.

We have Shafi’ee madhab followers, Hanafi Madhab followers, etc who do shirk in the graves of their
shuyokh, they celebrate Mawlidun Nabi, etc, NO Muslim with a sound mind would conclude that just because
some followers of those madhabs do shirk or bid’ah then all followers must be considered as mushriks and or
innovators – it is 100% false generalization of people.

My very knowledgeable opponent in this debate has already posted his presentation against all the Tablighs,
but I don’t think that his presentation has any substance whatsoever. Much of what he posted is purely copy-
paste from google.I dont think that he has presented a strong argument that would convince any neutral
person that the Tablighs are not from the Ahlulsunnah Muslims.

On the other hand, I have demonstrated that the Tablighs are promoters of the Sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w.
The mistakes of those who participated in the Tabligh Dawah does not and can not affect those Tablighs who
dont condone those mistakes.

It’s up to you audience to judge which of the two debaters has the proper knowledge about the subject of this

Jazakallaho Khayr.

End of my presentation. AbuAsraf Dipatuan

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Magar Kto Rebuttal, who is first moderator

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• Shamsodden Bin-Daud Sanggacala Macatanong Magar Kto hintayin natin si guro AbuAsraf Dipatuan baka
busy pa yun

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AbuAsraf Dipatuan Magar Kto

Ikaw parin Bro ang first Rebuttal ,Pasensiya na hu kayo nakatulog ako kagigising ko lang sige magrebuttal
kayo 1300 Word maximum.

Pray pa ako.

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Magar Kto Aff. RUBUTTAL part 1

Another lie of my opponent is that Tabligh or ballaghna is referred to in verse 5:67. Let's lay out the verse that
it does not refer to Mohammad Ilyas who just appeared in the 90's
Muhammad Ilyas founded the tabligh 90's, from Diovande sufie sects belongs to 72sects in Islam. According
to what he reads in the biography he can read, because of his dream is to build the tabligh group in the 90's
and start the book and make his book Fadha'il Amal
Another lie of my opponent is that Tabligh or ballaghna is referred to in verse 5:67. Let's lay out the verse that
it does not refer to Mohammad Ilyas who just appeared in the 90's. The conveyed words are for Jews and
chrians, not for Muslims.
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Magar Kto Aff. Rebuttal part II

Allah said next,

﴿ ْ‫ب َءا َمنهواْ َوٱتّقَوا‬ ِ ‫ن أَهلَْ ٱل‬

ِْ ‫ڪت َ ٰـ‬ ّْ َ ‫﴾ َولَوْ أ‬
(And if only the People of the Scripture had believed and had Taqwa...) Consequently, had the People of the
Book believed in Allah and His Messenger and avoided the sins and prohibitions that they committed;
ِْ ‫سيِ َٔـات ِِہمْ َو َألَدخَلنَ ٰـ ههمْ َج ّن ٰـ‬
ِْ ‫ت ٱلنّع‬
﴿ ‫ِيم‬ َ ‫ڪفّرنَا‬
َ ْ‫عنہهم‬ َ َ‫﴾ ل‬
(We would indeed have expiated for them their sins and admitted them to Gardens of pleasure (in Paradise).)
meaning We would have removed the dangers from them and granted them their objectives.

ِ ‫نجيلَْ َو َماْ أ ه‬
﴿ ْ‫نزلَْ إِلَي ِہم مِن ّربِ ِْہم‬ ِ ‫﴾ َولَوْ أَنّہهمْ أَقَا همواْ ٱلتّو َر ٰٮةَْ َو‬
ِ ‫ٱۡل‬
(And if only they had acted according to the Tawrah, the Injil, and what has (now) been sent down to them
from their Lord,) meaning, the Qur'an, as Ibn `Abbas and others said.

﴿ ْ‫ت أَر هج ِل ِهم‬

ِْ ‫ڪلهواْ مِن فَوقِ ِهمْ َومِن ت َح‬
َْ َ ‫﴾ َأل‬
(they would surely have gotten provision from above them and from underneath their feet.) Had they
adhered to the Books that they have with them which they inherited from the Prophets, without altering or
changing these Books, these would have directed them to follow the truth and implement the revelation that
Allah sent Muhammad with. These Books testify to the Prophet's truth and command that he must be
followed. Allah's statement,

﴿ ْ‫ت أَر هج ِل ِهم‬

ِْ ‫ڪلهواْ مِْن فَوْقِ ِْهمْ َومِن ت َح‬
َ َ ‫﴾ َأل‬
(they would surely have gotten provision from above them and from underneath their feet.) refers to the
tremendous provision that would have descended to them from the sky and grown for them on the earth.
Allah said in another Ayah,

ْ ِ ‫س َماءِْ َوٱألَر‬
﴿‫ض‬ ّ ‫علَي ِہم بَ َر َك ٰـتْ مِنَْ ٱل‬ ْٰ ‫ن أَهلَْ ٱلقه َر‬
َ ‫ى َءا َمنهواْ َوٱتّقَواْ لَفَتَحنَا‬ ّْ َ ‫﴾ َولَوْ أ‬
(And if the people of the towns had believed and had Taqwa, certainly, We should have opened for them
blessings from the heaven and the earth.) Allah's statement,

َ ْ‫﴾ مِنہهمْ أ ه ّمةْ ُّمقت َِصدَةْ َو َكثِيرْ مِنہهم‬

﴿ َْ‫سا َْء َما يَع َملهون‬
(And among them is a Muqtasid Ummah, but for most of them; evil is their work.) is similar to Allah's

ِْ ‫ى أ ه ّمةْ يَہد هونَْ بِٱل َح‬

﴿ َْ‫ق َوبِِۦه يَع ِدلهون‬ َ ‫﴾ َومِْن قَو ِْم همو‬
ْٰ ‫س‬
(And of the people of Musa there is a community who lead (the men) with truth and establish justice
therewith.) (7:159) and His statement about the followers of `Isa, peace be upon him,

﴿ ْ‫﴾ فَْـَٔاْتَينَا ٱلّذِينَْ َءا َمنهواْ مِنہهمْ أَج َرههم‬

(So We gave those among them who believed, their (due) reward.) Therefore, Allah gave them the highest
grade of Iqtisad, which is the middle course, given to this Ummah. Above them there is the grade of Sabiqun,
as Allah described in His statement;

﴿ ْ‫عدن‬ َ ْ‫ير • َجنّ ٰـته‬ْ‫ڪبِْ ه‬ َ ْ‫ل ٱل‬ ْ‫ٱلل ذَٲِْلكَْ ه َْهو ٱلفَضْ ه‬
ِْ ّ ‫ن‬ ِْ ‫سابِقهْ بِٱلخَي َرٲ‬
ِْ ‫ت بِإِذ‬ َ ْ‫ظالِمْ ِلنَف ِسِۦه َومِنہهم ُّمقت َِصدْ َومِنہهم‬ َ ‫ب ٱلّذِينَْ ٱص‬
َ ْ‫طفَينَا مِنْ ِع َبا ِدنَاْ فَمِن ههم‬ َْ ‫ث ه ّْم أَو َرثنَا ٱل ِكت َ ٰـ‬
ْ‫سا ِو َْر مِن ذَهَبْ َولهؤلهؤً اْ َو ِلبَاسهہهمْ فِي َہا َح ِرير‬ َ ّ
َ ‫﴾ يَد هخلهونَ َہا يه َحلونَْ فِي َہا مِنْ أ‬
(Then We gave the Book as inheritance to such of Our servants whom We chose. Then of them are some who
wrong themselves, and of them are some who follow a middle course, and of them are some who, by Allah's
permission, are Sabiq (foremost) in good deeds. That itself is indeed a great grace. `Adn (Eden) Paradise
(everlasting Gardens) will they enter, therein will they be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their
garments there will be of silk.) (35:32-33)

ْ َ ‫ٱلل‬
﴿ َْ‫ل يَہدِى ٱلقَو َْم ٱل َك ٰـف ِِرين‬ َّْ ‫ن‬ ْ ِ ّْ‫ص همكَْ مِنَْ ٱلن‬
ّْ ِ‫اس إ‬ ّْ ‫سالَت َ ْههْۥ َو‬
ِ ‫ٱلله يَع‬ ِ ‫ل بَلِغْ َماْ أ ه‬
َ ‫نزلَْ ِإلَيكَْ مِن ّربِكَْْ َوإِن لّمْ ت َفعَلْ فَ َما َبلّغتَْ ِر‬ ّ ‫﴾ يَ ٰـأَيُّ َہا‬
ْ‫ٱلرسهو ه‬
(67. O Messenger! Convey what has been sent down to you from your Lord. And if you do not, then you have
not conveyed His Message. Allah will protect you from mankind. Verily, Allah guides not the people who
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Magar Kto Centeneous Aff. Rebbutal part 2. Obviously the message that Gabriel brought with him the
message of Allah 5:67 in his Messenger Prophet Muhammad (saws) was in the book Ahlul. Not for Muslims
doing tablighs. Tawheed oneness of Allah To announce ahlul books and not for Muslims. Another
misconception and allegation of my opponent regarding salaf?
The word 'Salafi' is derived from the Arabic word "Salaf". Salaf means "predecessor" or" forefather " and
refers to the first three generations of Muslims... The prophet Mohammad is said to have declared," I am the
best Salaf for you.'
To Contenue.... Aff. Part 3 Rebut.
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AbuAsraf Dipatuan Magar Kto

Paalaala Bro.
1300 words lang ang Rebuttal .

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• Magar Kto AbuAsraf Dipatuan OK maiksi Lang iyan

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Magar Kto Aff. Rebuttal part 3. My competitor claims that Ahlul Sunnah wal jama'a is the tabligh? Anyone can
claim even Shia, sufie, khawarij ect. Is it claimed that ahlul sunnah them? What does ahlul sunnah mean?I give
the meaning ahlul sunnah, To read my opponent and to study.

In the language: "a path/way or a course".[1]

Its usage in the Shari'ah: "the guidance which the Messenger and his companions were upon in terms of
knowledge, belief, speech and action. This is the Sunnah, the following of which is obligatory, whose
adherents have been praised, and whose abandoners have been rebuked[2]. The term 'Sunnah' is also used
for the various acts of worship and beliefs, just as everything which is contrary to it is termed 'bid'ah'

In the language: "[it] is from Ijtima' (a gathering, where people come together, i.e. a unification) and this is the
opposite of separation, dispersal. The Jama'ah are a people who have united together on a certain

Its usage in the Shari'ah: "They are the salaf[5] of this Ummah, from among the Companions and the tabi'in
(successors of the Companions) and whoever follows them in goodness until the Day of Judgement. They are
those who unite themselves upon the Book and the Sunnah and upon their leaders (i.e. their scholars) and
those who travel upon that which the Messenger, His Companions and those who followed them in goodness
were upon."[6]

Ahlus-Sunnah wa'l-Jama'ah
"They are those who hold on to the Sunnah of the Messenger, the ones who unite themselves upon that and
they are the Companions of the Messenger, the Scholars of Guidance, who follow the Companions and
whoever travels upon their path in terms of belief, speech and action until the Day of Judgement[7], while
remaining steadfast upon this adherence. They avoid innovating and innovations in whatever place or
age/era they may be. They are the ones who will remain uppermost, aided (by Allah) until the Day of

So Ahlus-Sunnah wa'l-Jama'ah have been described with sticking to the Sunnah and [in all circumstances]
avoiding / disregarding the invented matters and innovations in the Din (religion).[8]

So, now the tabligh is not really ahlul sunnah wal jama'a? Why! Because they follow the book except the
Quran and hadith sahih. The book produced by Muhammad Ilyas, Fadha'il Amal, is the center of their faith.
There they took the 6points which can not be read in the Qur'an and hadith, and their activities which added
travel 40days abandoning children's wives, ect....
There is so much to say about their bid'ah work, but more than one thousand words. Here's Just For a brief
rebutt in his posts.done moderator
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Bajunaid Malaco FIRST REBUTTAL – Negative Side


As-Salamu Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuho

After that:

Ladies and gentlemen, there is nothing to rebut/refute from my opponent’s presentation because everything
he said is heresay, purely copy-paste from Google, specifically from ABUKHADEEJAH’s website. I can give you
the link of that article if the moderator allows it in order to prove to you that my opponent who is so quick in
making general fatwa against the Tablighs is no more than a Google student; not deserving any trust about
any matter in Islam even in small issues.
With regards to my opponent’s first rebuttal, his case becomes worse because 97% of his comments is still
copy-paste from Google, he cant build his own argument. This is the reason why he can post comments in an
instant because all he has to do is copy-paste from Google.

Moreover, he said that I lied about Surah 5:67 because he said that I was saying that I said that Tabligh or
ballaghna is referred to in verse 5:67. This is very shameful accusation indeed. He has a big, big problem in
understanding simple English. What I clearly said in connection to Surah 5:67 is the DERIVATIVE of the
Arabic word Tabligh.

Here’s what I exactly said:

“What do we mean by the word, TABLIGH???

Tabligh is a noun form derived from ballagh (ْ‫ )بَلِغ‬which means to convey or to proclaim something.”

It is indicated in the verse “Yaaa aiyuhar Rasoolu BALLIGH maaa unzila ilaika mir Rabbika” The word Tabligh
is the noun form of the word BALLIGH.

I don’t think that my opponent can actually read, let alone understand Arabic well.
He also insinuated that I am saying that Surah 5:67 was revealed about certain Mohammad Ilyas. I never
mentioned Mohammad Ilyas in my presentation and I also was not talking about the sabab an-nuzul of the
ayah – It was all about the root word or the word in which the term Tabligh is derived from. My opponent is
talking gibberish here, barking on a strawman.

In my opponent’s first rebuttal part 2, everything he posted is a complete nonsense because he is giving ayat
which prove that Surah 5:67 doesn’t refer to Mohammad Ilyas when I never said or even insinuated that it
was revealed about Mohammad Ilyas. All I said is the derivation of the word Tabligh from the word Ballagh
used in that verse. It has nothing to do with Mohammad Ilyas. This is extremely ludicrous!!!

In the part 3 of his first rebuttal, he said that “ My competitor claims that Ahlul Sunnah wal jama'a is the

Folks, I never said such a thing, it’s a lie, a strawman fallacy. What I clearly said was that the Tabligh are
striving hard in order to revive the Sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w especially the Sunnah Fi’liyah in terms of how
they dress, grow beard, using siwak, etc, and most importantly in calling those who are negligent to do their 5
times daily prayers. Other groups and madhahib of the Ahlulsunnah do the same as well, therefore the
Tablighs are part of the ahlulsunnah Muslims, they are not the only ahlulsunnah group. My opponent has
some problem in either proper understanding English language or in reading comprehension.

In the last part of his rebuttal, he defined the words Sunnah, Jama'ah, Ahlus-Sunnah wa'l-Jama'ah, and they he
made a very funny conclusion that Tablighs are not Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaah because they have a book
except the Quran and hadith sahih. – This conclusion is called a Non Sequitur Fallacy. A non sequitur is a
conclusion or reply that doesn’t follow logically from the previous statement.

None of the definitions he gave says that if a group of Muslims has a book other than the Quran and Hadith
Sahih , that group cant be part of the AhlulSunnah wal Jamaah.

His conclusion doesnt follow with his premises that’s why it’s like a comedy/joke.

Moreover, if a certain group of people has a book which contains weak hadiths, then all the ahlulsunnah
Muslims are therefore not really ahlulsunnah because they have not just one book but many books which
contain weak hadiths such Sunan Abo Dawud, Jami’At-Tirmidhi, Sunan An-Nasa’i, etc, all these books contain
many weak hadiths.
In summary, all that had been said by my opponent against the Tablighs have no weight whatsoever, based on
hearsay, copy-paste articles from Google, and some comical argument.

I still believe that there is still no argument from the affirmative side which could convince any neutral
audience that the Tablighs are not part of the Ahlulsunnah Muslims.

May Allah guide us and may he guide the extremists.

Jazakallaho Khayr.

End of my first rebuttal. AbuAsraf Dipatuan

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AbuAsraf Dipatuan Bajunaid Malaco

Ok pasok Tayo Ngayon sa Cross fire Question and Answer portion...

Bro Magar Kto 5 Question Para kay Bro Bajunaid .

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Magar Kto Aff. Cross fire

Question 1.The title of our debate is ahlul sunnah Muslim, so give the correct meanings of ahlul sunnah
Muslim. With daleel.
Q#2. Question number 2. Along with the fadha'il Amal books, you have read the story of the Fadha'il Amal
book so that you say that there is no daleel and bid'ah in the practice of Tabligh of worship?
Q#3 Daleel. regarding the founder of jamat tabligh grave inside that mosque that allowed it to be an ahlul
sunnah Muslim?
Q#4 daleel about the journey of 45 days and leave the spouse child without food?
Q#Do you prove that there is no bid'ah when worshiping tablighs? With daleel
Question #5. Do you prove that there is no bid'ah when worshipping tabligh tabligh? With daleel.
That's it. Shukran
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• AbuAsraf Dipatuan Bro Bajunaid Malaco

Pakisagot Muna itong Tanong ni Bro Magar Kto,di mo pa yata Sinagut ito ?
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o · 23h
• Magar Kto AbuAsraf Dipatuan Tama ka bro, dba pinaunahan na kita kagabi pa. Sorry sasagutin ko ang
5question ni Bajunaid kung mabigyan Niyan ng kasagutan ang tanung ko Lalo na sa tanung number 1.kasi
iyan ang pinag main topic namin. Paano natin Mai conclude ang tabligh na isang ahlul sunnah Muslim kung
hindi niya Alam at hindi niya alam meaning ng ahlul sunnah Muslim. Sorry

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• Magar Kto Kung ayaw niyang sagutin ang tanung ko. Ay sasagutin ko ang 5question Niya mamaya. Ok

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o · 23h
• AbuAsraf Dipatuan Magar Kto

Paunahin natin siya Sumagot ,dahil ikaw ang Unang nagCross Exam sa Kanya, dapat siya muna ang Sasagut,
wait mo na lang siya para di Magulo ang Debate ok.

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AbuAsraf Dipatuan Bro Magar Kto at Bro Bajunaid Malacosa mga Cross Exam ninyo ay Dapat i Mention
ninyo rin ang Name ng Kadebate ninyo para madaling Hanapin ng Bawat Panig.

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• Bajunaid Malaco Sinagot ko na yan kanina bro

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o · 21h
Bajunaid Malaco Part 3.2


As-Salamu Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuho

These are my answers to my opponent’s 5 questions.

Question 1.The title of our debate is ahlul sunnah Muslim, so give the correct meanings of ahlul sunnah
Muslim. With daleel.

No, you are mistaken, the title of our debate is “Tablighs Are Not Part Of The Ahlulsunnah Muslims”
Don’t cut the title of the debate – read it properly and completely.

Question number 2. Along with the fadha'il Amal books, you have read the story of the Fadha'il Amal book so
that you say that there is no daleel and bid'ah in the practice of Tabligh of worship?


You are mistaken again. I already have said in my presentation part 2 that the fadhail Amal does contain weak
hadiths, therefore, those hadiths cant be used as basis or evidence for aqeeda, only for encouragement and
many Sunni Ulama agreed that weak hadiths can be used for encouragement as long as they are not da’if

Moreover, I also explained in my presentation that Tablighs are now using the Riyadhus-Saliheen book as
basis of their dawah, as well as, the Qasas Al Anbiya of Ibn Kathir. Only those locals who neither read nor
understand English or Arabic language still hold their old book fadhail amal because it is translated into their
native languages.

If you have any objection about the reliability of Riyadhus-Saliheen book and the Qasas Al Anbiya, let me
know why.

Q#3 Daleel. regarding the founder of jamat tabligh grave inside that mosque that allowed it to be an ahlul
sunnah Muslim?


I don’t understand your question – state it correctly.

If you can give me the exact reference of a book written by that person whom you said as founder of jamat
tabligh in which he said that he shall be buried inside the mosque, then I will deal with it accordingly. Don’t
give me hearsay information here, give me facts.

You are fond of asking for dalil but you yourself don’t have dalil for your information, everything is copy-
paste from websites and hearsay information.

Q#4 daleel about the journey of 45 days and leave the spouse child without food?

Please refer to my presentation part 2 because I already touched this issue on number of days in Dawah done
by some Tablighs.
3, days, 7, days, 40 days etc number of days are simply a matter of IJTIHAD. The problem is you did not read
my presentation properly.

An Ijtihad is an independent reasoning that is employed when the Quran or the Sunnah is silent about a
certain issue. There is no prescribed number of days in the Quran and in the Sunnah that any Muslim group
can do their dawah, so many Tablighs made an ijtihad that 3, days, 7, days, 40 days etc is okay or convenient
for them, and it becomes their tradition. No tabligh would tell you that you cant make Dawah other than those
above-mentioned number of days.

As far as leaving the spouse and children without food while on khuroj, that’s not what the Tablighs teach. It
is a mistake done by some ignorant Tablighs because they misunderstood the tawakul to Allah. Tabligh
leaders do not agree with it. Therefore, you should not make a sweeping generalization about all the Tablighs.
The mistakes of some Tablighs has nothing to do with other Tablighs who don’t do such mistakes.

If one of your siblings made a mistake, should we blame all of your family just because of the mistake done by
one of your siblings??? Your argument is absolutely weird/absurd.

Question #5. Do you prove that there is no bid'ah when worshipping tabligh tabligh? With daleel.


My nose is about to bleed because of your questions, especially this last question of yours. You must have had
a very good English teacher!

Anyway, let me respond to what I can digest from your question.

When it comes to people doing bid’ah, this is common to all groups not only with Tablighs. Hanfis, Shafi’ees
and others, some of their followers do celebrate Mawlidun Nabi which is a bid’ah in religion without any
shadow of a doubt. Having cited that fact, can we now say that all followers of Hanafi, Shafi’ee madhabs and
others are people of bid’ah just because some of their followers celebrate Mawlidun Nabi???

The answer is a big No. The mistake of the other members can not affect those who don’t do it as explained in
my answer to your question #4.

If there are Tablighs who do bid’ah, which I think there are, and many Muslims from different Madhabs as
well, their mistakes affect them only, it cant affect those who don’t do bid’ah. Our duty is to make dawah to
those people because most of them are ordinary Muslims, they have no high degree in Islamic studies. May be
the reason why they do bid’ah is because of ignorance or misunderstanding of the Sunnah – they need our
proper explanation, not harshness because harshness will not make them understand the correct Sunnah.

May Allah guide you.

Thank you very much. AbuAsraf Dipatuan

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AbuAsraf Dipatuan Bajunaid Malaco

Ito Na Bro pasensiya na Ngayon lang lumabas sa fb ko mahina siguro Network.

Magar Kto ito na Pala ang Sagut ni kapatid na Bajunaid.

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o · 21h
• Shamsodden Bin-Daud Sanggacala Macatanong Ok nahanap ko na mga guro.

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• Hakim Sultan 😂😂😂 question #5 😂😂😂

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Bajunaid Malaco Part 3.3

Here are my 5 Questions for #MagarKto:

1. You made a conclusion in your Rebuttal part 3 that Tablighs are not part of the AhlulSunnah Muslims
because they follow the book except the Quran and hadith sahih, are you aware that there are many book of
hadith of the Ahlul Sunnah which also contain hadiths which are not sahih???

2. If a Sunni Muslim uses a book which contains both Sahih and weak hadiths and he only cites the weak
hadiths for encouragement of people in to good works but not as basis of aqeeda, would that make such Sunni
Muslim not part of the Ahlulsunnah anymore? Why or why not?
3. If some people in a certain madhab from the madhabs of the Ahlulsunnah Muslims such as the Shafi’ee
madhab, do bid’ah due to ignorance or due to whatever reason, would that make the whole Shafi’ee madhab
not part of the Ahlulsunnah Muslims? Why or why not?

4. Many Tablighs nowadays, due to easy access to Islamic knowledge, have undertood the risk in using weak
hadiths, so they now use the Riyadhus-Saliheen as their main textbook in Dawah instead of the fadhail Amal,
and they also use the Qasas Al Anbiya bookof Ibn Kathir in narrating the stories of the Prophets, do you agree
with them on this? Why or why not?

5. Linguistically speaking, what is the definition of the word “Tabligh” in Arabic language what is its root word
or what word does it derived from?

Please take note that Im not asking about the word Tabligh as a people, Im asking about Tabligh as an Arabic
word, so please avoid diverting from the question.

Thank you very much. AbuAsraf Dipatuan

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• · 23h

• AbuAsraf Dipatuan Bajunaid Malaco

Bro Pakisagut Muna ang Tanong ni Magar Kto ,Bago ninya sagutin ang Tanong mo, diko nakita ang Sagut mo
sa Kanya Bro.

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• Bajunaid Malaco Sinagot ko na bro bago pa ako nagpost nitong cross exam ko sa kanya

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AbuAsraf Dipatuan Bajunaid Malaco

Ok na Bro nakita ko na Pasensiya na. …See More


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o · 21h
• Magar Kto Sumagot na ako ngayon . Kaya reqest sana paki copypaste at ipost ulit kasi hindi ko makita ang
nilatag kung iyan dahil sa cp ko

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o · 18h
• Shamsodden Bin-Daud Sanggacala Macatanong Di kasi maayos ang pagkasynod sunod ng mga comments
kaya hirap hanapin. Di ba pwedingvayosin sa settings para magkasunid sunod ang mga cimments
bro AbuAsraf Dipatuan?

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• Shamsodden Bin-Daud Sanggacala Macatanong Bajunaid Malaco di ko dun mahanap yang mga sagot mo

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AbuAsraf Dipatuan Shamsodden Bin-Daud Sanggacala Macatanong

Di kaya yan talagang ganyan, pag dika nag aabang sa Debate, mahirap ma retrieve ng Readers ang palitan ng

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o · 17h
• Shamsodden Bin-Daud Sanggacala Macatanong AbuAsraf Dipatuan di ko makita yang mga sagot ni
bro Bajunaid Malacopero try kong hanapin kasi andyan lang siguro yan.

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• Bajunaid Malaco Nahanap na ng moderator bro Shamsodden Bin-Daud Sanggacala MacatanongShamsodden
Bin-Daud Sanggacala MacatanongShamsodden Bin-Daud Sanggacala Macatanong. Kasalanan kasi yan ni Kto
dahil ang dami nyang side comments

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• Shamsodden Bin-Daud Sanggacala Macatanong Ok bro Bajunaid Malaco hanapin ko na lang uli, like ko na
lang pag nakita ko.

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• Shamsodden Bin-Daud Sanggacala Macatanong May sagot na din ba si Magar Kto sa 5 questions ni
bro Bajunaid Malaco?

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• Amer Husein Ali Parang ang hirap sundan ang debate lalo na pag ganito na hiwahiwalay na at wala ng
arrangement ang dpat na pagkakasunodsunod ng mga comments and replies. Maibabalik pa ka aya eto sa

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o · 9h

Magar Kto Aff.cross fire

Opponent's 5 question

Part 3.3

Here are my 5 Questions for #Magarkto

1. You made a conclusion in your Rebuttal part 3 that Tablighs are not part of the AhlulSunnah Muslims
because they follow the book except the Quran and hadith sahih, are you aware that there are many book of
hadith of the Ahlul Sunnah which also contain hadiths5 which are not sahih???

Answer: I quote ahlul sunnah wal jama'ah not ahlul sunnah muslim. No ahlul sunnah Muslim in8 the
teachings of the scholars (shari'ah law)or no one point the scholar in the term ahlul sunnah Muslim.
Opponents inventor.

2. If a Sunni Muslim uses a book which contains both Sahih and weak hadiths and he only cites the weak
hadiths for encouragement of people in to good works but not as basis of aqeeda, would that make such Sunni
Muslim not part of the ahlulsunnah anymore?why or why not?

Answer, ahlul sunnah wal jama'ah not ahlul sunnah muslim .

Ahlul sunnah wal jama'ah (sunni/salafi) is the used hadith sahih is only six.the six book of hadith kutub al-
NASA'I ,SUNAN IBN MAJAH.(note not including sahih fadhail Amal tabligh book).

3.if some people in a certain madhhab from the madhhab ,of the ahlul sunnah Muslims such as the shafi'ee
madhab ,do bidah due to ignorance or due to whatever reason,would that make the woold that make the
whole shafi'ee madhab not part of the ahlul sunnah muslims?why or why not.

Answer. As I said the four Madhhab are ahlul sunnah wal jama'ah not ahlul sunnah Muslim.
these Imams learned fiqh (jurisprudence) from the quran and sunnah and they Mujtahideen in this
regard.they do not make bidah like celebration Maulid Nabi,travelling 40days and leave the families ect...

4. Many Tablighs nowadays, due to easy access to Islamic knowledge, have undertood the risk in using weak
hadiths, so they now use the Riyadhus-Saliheen as their main textbook in Dawah instead of the fadhail Amal,
and they also use the Qasas Al Anbiya bookof Ibn Kathir in narrating the stories of the Prophets, do you agree
with them on this? Why or why not?

Answer. the book Fadaa’il al-A‘maal by Muhammad Zakariyya

The book Fadaa’il al-A‘maal – the original title of which was Tableeghi Nisaab – by Muhammad Zakariyya al-
Kandahlawi is a collection of chapters about various virtuous deeds. It was written by the author to be a
reference for the group Jamaa‘at al-Tableegh. This book became of great importance for them, which they
read in their gatherings and study in their schools and mosques. It is written in Urdu, which is why it did not
become widespread in the Arab countries; rather it is widely known in the countries in which Jamaa‘at al-
Tableegh is widespread, such as India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Shaykh Hammood at-Tuwaijri said in al-Qawl al-Baleegh (p. 11):

The most important book among the Tableeghis is Tableeghi Nisaab (also known as Fadaa’il al-A‘maal), which
was written by one of their leaders whose name is Muhammad Zakariyya al-Kandahlawi. They pay a great
deal of attention to this book, which they respect as Ahl as-Sunnah respect as-Saheehayn and other books of

The Tableeghis have made this book the most important reference work for the Indians and other non-Arabs
who follow them. It contains a great deal of matters of shirk, innovation (bid‘ah), myths, and fabricated
(mawdoo‘) and weak (da‘eef) hadeeths. In fact it is a book of evil, misguidance and confusion (fitnah). End

Shaykh Shams ad-Deen al-Afghaani said in his book Juhood ‘Ulama’ al-Hanafiyyah fi Ibtaal ‘Aqaa’id al-
Qubooriyyah (2/776):

The leading imams of the Deobandis have books which are venerated by the Deobandis, but they are filled
with the myths of grave-worshippers and Sufi idolatry, such as – and he mentioned a number of books,
including Tableeghi Nisaab, i.e., Nisaab at-Tableegh, and Manhaj at-Tableegh. These Deobandis did not openly
disavow these books or warn against them, and they did not put a stop to the printing and sale of these books.
The markets of India and Pakistan and elsewhere are full of them. End quote.
5. Linquistically speaking ,what is the definition of the word "Tabligh" in arabic language what is its root word
or what word does it derived from?

Answer. Tabligh is not an arabic word ,but is, Urdu and used to described people who are with movement.
Tabligh meaning similar to 'missionary' where people who are part of the movement and go around
spreading the word,hold a metting.
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Magar Kto AFF. second Rebuttal 1

#Burden of Proofs against my opponents.

Muhammad Ilyas himself is buried in the Nizām Ad-Dīn Mosque, the headquarters of the organisations in
Delhi, India. Four graves are inside the mosque complex behind the rear pillar of the prayer area. [5] This fact
is denied by many who are part of the Tablīghī sect, especially its Arab members. Placing graves inside a
mosque or building a mosque over a grave is sure a pathway to Shirk. So how can it be said that they do not
exaggerate regarding graves? The Prophet (salallāhu alaihi wassallam) stated, “Those that came before you
used to take the graves of their Prophets and righteous ones as places of worship, so do not take the graves as
places of worship. Indeed, I forbid you from that.” [6] He(salallāhu alaihi wassallam) also said, “When a
righteous man or pious servant from amongst them would die, they would build over his grave, a place of
worship – and they would make in it these pictures. And they are the worst of creation in the sight of Allāh.”
[7] And he(salallāhu alaihi wassallam) said, “Indeed the most wicked of people will be those who are alive
when the Final Hour reaches them and those who take the graves as places of worship.” [8]

These narrations prove the prohibition of taking graves as mosques and places of worship. This is regardless
of whether the grave was introduced into the Mosque after building it, or whether the Mosque is built
amongst or over the graves. All of this is disallowed by textual proofs.

Tablīghi Jamā’ah sect has a source reference book entitled Fadā’il Al-A’māl authored by Muhammad
Zakariyyah Al-Kandahlawi. It is a well-known and a widespread book that is translated into different. And it is
available in English. This book is filled with fabricated narrations, invented stories of Sufi mysticism,
veneration of graves, worship at shrines and innovated types of dhikr and worship. Many of these stories
reach the level of polytheism and unbelief!

For example, in the chapter Fadā’il Ad-Durūd [9] they claim that a saint saw the Prophet(salallāhu alaihi
wassallam) in a dream saying, “Whoever wants something from anyone should go to his grave and supplicate
to Allah for it.” [10] This is a clear example where Muhammad Zakariyyah Al-Kandahlawi ascribes to Allah’s
Messenger(salallāhu alaihi wassallam) that which is not found in any authentic narration. The true religion of
Islam and Prophetic hadīth are not based upon mystic dreams – and especially dreams which oppose the
authentic texts. Tablīgis leaders believe that it is allowed for a person who requires something from anyone,
he should just go to the grave of that person and ask! They believe that when you stand next to a grave, it is
likely that your supplication (du’ā) will be accepted. Al-Kandahlawi, reports from another shaikh who said, “I
travelled to Madīnah Munawwarah and went to the blessed grave of the Noble Prophet (salallāhu alaihi
wassallam). I conferred salutations and heard ‘wa alaykas-salā m’ from within the blessed chamber.”

[5] For photographic evidence see: :// and At-

Tuwayjiri, p.12.

[6] Sahīh Muslim.

[7] Bukhāree 427, Muslim 528.

[8] Reported by Abu Hātim, Ahmad 1/405 (38844), Al-Albāni in Tahdīr as-Sājid, p. 23, it is authentic.

[9] In English, refer to “Fadhaail-e-Durood – Virtues of Salaat and Salaam” (PDF) translated by Moulana Irfan
Adalat, Darul-Uloom, Bury, UK. In Urdu, refer to “Faza’il-e-A’maal”, published by Idara Irshaad-e-Diniaat Pvt.
Ltd. Nizamuddin, No-13, Delhi, India. I have used the Urdu references as noted in a refutation posted
on, article ID, GRV020004.

[10] Incident (hikāyah) 35, p. 97 (Urdu); p. 169 (English).

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Magar Kto Aff. Second Rebuttal part# 2

Burden of proofs

40 days that leave the wives and children can be considered bid'ah. Because there is no basis in the Qur'an
and Hadith / Sunnah.

The Qur'an gave great value to the proper dealing with his wife ... "and live with them in goodness ..." Qur'an
In addition to the Qur'an, the Prophet Mohammad (saws) also emphasized, 'The best of you is He is best for
his wife. "(Tirmidhi)
This is my response to my opponent because of the work of Tabligh is much wrong but the bid is still
traveling for Khuroj. The spouses and children suffering from the pursuit. It has many cases that occurred by
former tabligh become salafi that confronted about their departure for the Khuroj.
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Magar Kto Aff. Second. REBBUTAL PART 3


Hadith on Bidah: Innovations in religion are rejected.

Aisha reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever innovates into this
matter of ours that which does not belong to it, it will be rejected.”

In another narration, the Prophet said, “Whoever performs a deed that is not in accordance with our matter
will have it rejected.”

Source: Ṣ aḥ īḥ al-Bukhā rī 2550, Ṣ aḥ īḥ Muslim 1718

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

َْ ‫سلّ َْم َمنْ أَحدَثَْ فِْي أَم ِرنَا َهذَا َما لَي‬
ْ‫س فِي ِْه فَ هه َْو َرد‬ َ ‫ع َلي ِْه َو‬ ّْ ‫صلّى‬
َ ‫َللاه‬ ِّْ ‫ل‬
َ ‫َللا‬ ‫عن َها قَالَتْ قَالَْ َر ه‬
ْ‫سو ه‬ ّْ ‫ي‬
َ ‫َللاه‬ ِ ‫شةَْ َر‬
َْ ‫ض‬ َ ِ‫عائ‬
َ ْ‫عن‬

ْ‫س َعلَي ِْه أَم هرنَا فَ هه َْو َرد‬ ْ ً ‫ع َم‬

َْ ‫ل لَي‬ َ َْ‫عمِل‬
َ ْ‫وفي رواية أخرى قال َمن‬
2550 ‫صحيح البخاري كتاب الصلح باب إذا اصطلحوا على صلح جور فالصلح مردود‬

1718 ‫صحيح مسلم كتاب األقضية باب نقض األحكام الباطلة ورد محدثات األمور‬
It is very clear that I stand as an affirmative side that I certify that Tabligh is where its founder made shirk
and bid'ah. So is not among ahlul Sunnah wal jama'a.
IMAAM AL-AWZAA'EE (d 157H)rahimahullah - said :" adhere to the narrations of the salaf (the prophet and
sahaba :Tabi'een, and at Tabi'een) even if the people were to abandon you. And beware of the openion of
people, no matter how much they beautify it with speech." ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728H)rahimahullah - said :"
there is no criticism for the one who proclaim the way( Madhhab) of the salaf, who attaches himself to it and
refers to it. Rather, it is Obligatory to accept that from him by unanimous agreement (ittifaaq) because the
way (Madhhab) of the salaf is nothing but Truth (haqq). Majmoo al Fataawa 4:149.
Imaam al-Asbahaanee (d. 535H) - rahimahullah said, "the sign of Ahlus sunnah is that they follow the salafus
Salih and abandon all that is innovated (bid'ah) and newly introduced into the Deen." al hujjah fee Bayanil
Mahajjah 1/364.
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AbuAsraf Dipatuan Magar Kto

Ok na Bro Basa ko na.

Kapatid na Bajunaid Malaco

Time mo na sa 2nd Rebuttal ...pagkatapos mo papasok tayo sa Conclusion.

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Bajunaid Malaco Part 4. SECOND REBUTTAL – Negative Side


Ladies and gentlemen:

Starting from my presentation, then in the cross fire, then in my first rebuttal, I pointed out many times that
my opponent did not present any argument EXCEPT Copy-pasted stuff from Google. I mentioned the name of
the website where he copy-pasted all his responses because I thought that he would at least feel ashamed of
his WHOLESALE PLAGIARISM, but instead of being ashamed of it, he even posted the websites which he copy-
pasted his responses from, thereby violating rule #4 of this debate.

I already told you before folks that this kind of extremist person is a potential terrorist – he doesn’t care, let
alone be ashamed of his plagiarism, and he doesn’t respect the rules which he agreed upon to be followed.

It is quite clear to everyone now that my opponent doesn’t really have any credibility and word of honor. My
statement that this man who calls himself a salafi doesn’t really deserve to be called a salafi – he deserved to
be called a shia rafida.

Anyway, for the purpose of sharing some knowledge with you, I would like to point out some of my
opponent’s poor tactics in evading my cross exam questions:

1. He evaded my question #1 because he knows that it completely refutes his poor argument that Tablighs are
not AhlulSunnah Muslims because they have a book which has hadiths which are not Sahih. Folks, there are
many books of the Ahlul Sunnah which contain hadiths which are not Sahih,such as the Sunan Books, The
Mustadrak, Musnad of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, et cetera, so according to the poor argument, all the Sunnis
are not Ahlul Sunnah Muslims. If that’s the case, no Sunni Muslim is AhlulSunnah.

It is therefore 100% incorrect to argue that just because a group of Muslims uses a book which contains weak
hadiths would make them not part of the Ahlul Sunnah Muslims.

Magar Kto’s alibi for evading the question is that I used “ahlulSunnah Muslims” instead of “AhlulSunnah wal
Jamaah” then no answer was given.

Folks, the title of our debate is “RESOLVE: Tablighs Are Not Part Of The Ahlulsunnah Muslims” – Why did he
agree to debate that proposition if the proposition is not acceptable in the first place???

Moreover, there is no problem in using Ahlulsunnah Muslims because there are other groups of Muslims who
don’t call themselves Ahlulsunnah but they are considered as Muslims such the Zaidiya Shia. Sunni Scholars
consider the Zaidiya Shia as Muslims and even those from the 12vers Shia who are ignorant about the
polytheistic doctrines of the shia. Therefore, “AhlulSunnah Muslims” is a valid description for the Sunnis or
what is called Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaah in contrast with the Shia Muslims.

Therefore, it is very clear that my opponent is grossly uneducated about these terminologies, and the reason
why he evaded answering the question is because he is crucified by it upside down.

In my Question #2, “If a Sunni Muslim uses a book which contains both Sahih and weak hadiths and he only
cites the weak hadiths for encouragement of people in to good works but not as basis of aqeeda, would that
make such Sunni Muslim not part of the ahlulsunnah anymore?why or why not?”

He has no answer whatsoever except that he used the same alibi that he used in my question #1 – You already
have understood why he evaded this valid and very important point of mine, he would crucify him upside

In my Question #3 he completely evaded the question “.if some people in a certain madhhab from the
madhhab ,of the ahlul sunnah Muslims such as the shafi'ee madhab ,do bidah due to ignorance or due to
whatever reason,would that make the woold that make the whole shafi'ee madhab not part of the ahlul
sunnah muslims?why or why not.”

The point of the question is that in every group whether tablighs or any madhab for that matter, there are
some members who do mistakes for whatever reason. However, those who made the mistakes only are the
ones responsible for those mistakes, while those who did not participate in those mistakes can’t be blamed
for it. Hence, if there are Tablighs who are doing mistakes, it’s their mistakes not those Tablighs who do not
do the same.

That’s why Magar Kto evaded this question because it would crucify him again upside down.

In my Question #4, I asked him about Tablighs who are now using Riyadhus-Saliheen and Qasas Al Anbiya of
Ibn Kathir instead of the old book fazail amal – what a surprise! He did not answer the question and he copy-
pasted the article from that website which talks about fadhail amal – Magar Kto is so brilliant in running away
from the question, bravo!!!

Lastly, in my question number 5, he said that the word “Tabligh” is not an Arabic word. Very funny, I already
explained to him the derivative of the word Tabligh from the Quran and from the hadith is sahih Bukhari.
Tabligh is a the noun form of the word “Ballagh” which means to convey. He taught that it is an Urdu word –
what a brilliant google student indeed!!!

In summary, it is very clear that my opponent has a very limited knowledge about the subject of this debate.
All his information are from hearsay, websites, etc.

I believe that the readers has now realized how Magar Kto is completely crushed and pulverized in this

I didn’t mind debating an extremist who is using a troll account because my objective in this debate is to show
to the people that those who make a sweeping generalization in their takfir to our fellow Sunni Muslims are
actually mistaken, most of them are ignorant people, and our Ulama from the different madhahib including
the Ulama from Saudi Arabia has NOTHING TO DO with those extremists who are musing their fatawa out of
context. These extremists are the ones hindering the unity of the Ahlulsunnah Muslims.

Allah said ْ‫َللا َجمِيعْا ً َولَْ تَف َّرْقهوا‬

ِّْ ‫ل‬ِْ ‫َواعت َِص همواْ بِ َحب‬
“And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided.”

We should not be divided by this extremist group, they are very few people, and most, if not all of them are
grossly ignorant about Islam and Muslims.

I am not a member of the Tabligh organization, I am a Hanbali Sunni. There are some practices of some of the
Tablighs that I don’t agree with, but I consider them as my Ahlulsunnah brothers. Those some of them who
persist in their mistaken practices despite clear evidence and explanation given to them, it is between them
and Allah s.w.t. My duty is to convey the message to them in the best way possible.

Jazakallaho Khayran. AbuAsraf Dipatuan #Magar_Kto

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AbuAsraf Dipatuan Shukran Bro Bajunaid.

Bro Magar Kto Pasok tayo sa Huling Pananalita ang Conclusion 1000 Words Maximum..
Pagkatapos mo.

In Sha Allah si Bro Bajunaid Malaco Conclusion din sa Kanyang huling pananalita.

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Magar Kto Aff. Conclusions part 1

I laughed at my opponent because of his cruel words against his debate.
Aff. Cross fire, my opponent did not answer my question with He did not respond well with the basis that
could believe his stand as negative side Rather, rude word is read against me beggining of representation
until rebuttal #2

Aff. Cross fire AFF. Question with no clear answer from him. 1, Q2, Q3, Q4.,Q5, Aff. Cross fire
Question 1.The title of our debate is ahlul sunnah Muslim, so give the correct meanings of ahlul sunnah
Muslim. With daleel.
Q#2. Question number 2. Along with the fadha'il Amal books, you have read the story of the Fadha'il Amal
book so that you say that there is no daleel and bid'ah in the practice of Tabligh of worship?
Q#3 Daleel. regarding the founder of jamat tabligh grave inside that mosque that allowed it to be an ahlul
sunnah Muslim?
Q#4 daleel about the journey of 45 days and leave the spouse child without food?
Q#Do you prove that there is no bid'ah when worshiping tablighs? With daleel
Question #5. Do you prove that there is no bid'ah when worshipping tabligh tabligh? With daleel.
That's it.
Bajunaid Malaco answerPart 3.2


As-Salamu Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuho

These are my answers to my opponent’s 5 questions.

Question 1.The title of our debate is ahlul sunnah Muslim, so give the correct meanings of ahlul sunnah
Muslim. With daleel.

No, you are mistaken, the title of our debate is “Tablighs Are Not Part Of The Ahlulsunnah Muslims”
Don’t cut the title of the debate – read it properly and completely.

Question number 2. Along with the fadha'il Amal books, you have read the story of the Fadha'il Amal book so
that you say that there is no daleel and bid'ah in the practice of Tabligh of worship?


You are mistaken again. I already have said in my presentation part 2 that the fadhail Amal does contain weak
hadiths, therefore, those hadiths cant be used as basis or evidence for aqeeda, only for encouragement and
many Sunni Ulama agreed that weak hadiths can be used for encouragement as long as they are not da’if

Moreover, I also explained in my presentation that Tablighs are now using the Riyadhus-Saliheen book as
basis of their dawah, as well as, the Qasas Al Anbiya of Ibn Kathir. Only those locals who neither read nor
understand English or Arabic language still hold their old book fadhail amal because it is translated into their
native languages.

If you have any objection about the reliability of Riyadhus-Saliheen book and the Qasas Al Anbiya, let me
know why.

Q#3 Daleel. regarding the founder of jamat tabligh grave inside that mosque that allowed it to be an ahlul
sunnah Muslim?


I don’t understand your question – state it correctly.

If you can give me the exact reference of a book written by that person whom you said as founder of jamat
tabligh in which he said that he shall be buried inside the mosque, then I will deal with it accordingly. Don’t
give me hearsay information here, give me facts.

You are fond of asking for dalil but you yourself don’t have dalil for your information, everything is copy-
paste from websites and hearsay information.

Q#4 daleel about the journey of 45 days and leave the spouse child without food?


Please refer to my presentation part 2 because I already touched this issue on number of days in Dawah done
by some Tablighs.
3, days, 7, days, 40 days etc number of days are simply a matter of IJTIHAD. The problem is you did not read
my presentation properly.

An Ijtihad is an independent reasoning that is employed when the Quran or the Sunnah is silent about a
certain issue. There is no prescribed number of days in the Quran and in the Sunnah that any Muslim group
can do their dawah, so many Tablighs made an ijtihad that 3, days, 7, days, 40 days etc is okay or convenient
for them, and it becomes their tradition. No tabligh would tell you that you cant make Dawah other than those
above-mentioned number of days.

As far as leaving the spouse and children without food while on khuroj, that’s not what the Tablighs teach. It
is a mistake done by some ignorant Tablighs because they misunderstood the tawakul to Allah. Tabligh
leaders do not agree with it. Therefore, you should not make a sweeping generalization about all the Tablighs.
The mistakes of some Tablighs has nothing to do with other Tablighs who don’t do such mistakes.

If one of your siblings made a mistake, should we blame all of your family just because of the mistake done by
one of your siblings??? Your argument is absolutely weird/absurd.

Question #5. Do you prove that there is no bid'ah when worshipping tabligh tabligh? With daleel.


My nose is about to bleed because of your questions, especially this last question of yours. You must have had
a very good English teacher!

Anyway, let me respond to what I can digest from your question.

When it comes to people doing bid’ah, this is common to all groups not only with Tablighs. Hanfis, Shafi’ees
and others, some of their followers do celebrate Mawlidun Nabi which is a bid’ah in religion without any
shadow of a doubt. Having cited that fact, can we now say that all followers of Hanafi, Shafi’ee madhabs and
others are people of bid’ah just because some of their followers celebrate Mawlidun Nabi???

The answer is a big No. The mistake of the other members can not affect those who don’t do it as explained in
my answer to your question #4.

If there are Tablighs who do bid’ah, which I think there are, and many Muslims from different Madhabs as
well, their mistakes affect them only, it cant affect those who don’t do bid’ah. Our duty is to make dawah to
those people because most of them are ordinary Muslims, they have no high degree in Islamic studies. May be
the reason why they do bid’ah is because of ignorance or misunderstanding of the Sunnah – they need our
proper explanation, not harshness because harshness will not make them understand the correct Sunnah.
May Allah guide you.

Thank you very much. AbuAsraf Dipatuan\

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Magar Kto Aff. Conclusions part 2.

Aff.cross fire
Opponent's 5 question

Part 3.3

Here are my 5 Questions for #Magarkto

1. You made a conclusion in your Rebuttal part 3 that Tablighs are not part of the AhlulSunnah Muslims
because they follow the book except the Quran and hadith sahih, are you aware that there are many book of
hadith of the Ahlul Sunnah which also contain hadiths5 which are not sahih???

Magar Kato Answer: I quote ahlul sunnah wal jama'ah not ahlul sunnah muslim. No ahlul sunnah Muslim in8
the teachings of the scholars (shari'ah law)or no one point the scholar in the term ahlul sunnah Muslim.
Opponents inventor.

2. If a Sunni Muslim uses a book which contains both Sahih and weak hadiths and he only cites the weak
hadiths for encouragement of people in to good works but not as basis of aqeeda, would that make such Sunni
Muslim not part of the ahlulsunnah anymore?why or why not?

Magar Kto Answer, ahlul sunnah wal jama'ah not ahlul sunnah muslim .
Ahlul sunnah wal jama'ah (sunni/salafi) is the used hadith sahih is only six.the six book of hadith kutub al-
NASA'I ,SUNAN IBN MAJAH.(note not including sahih fadhail Amal tabligh book).

3.if some people in a certain madhhab from the madhhab ,of the ahlul sunnah Muslims such as the shafi'ee
madhab ,do bidah due to ignorance or due to whatever reason,would that make the woold that make the
whole shafi'ee madhab not part of the ahlul sunnah muslims?why or why not.

Magar Kato Answer. As I said the four Madhhab are ahlul sunnah wal jama'ah not ahlul sunnah Muslim.
these Imams learned fiqh (jurisprudence) from the quran and sunnah and they Mujtahideen in this
regard.they do not make bidah like celebration Maulid Nabi,travelling 40days and leave the families ect...

4. Many Tablighs nowadays, due to easy access to Islamic knowledge, have undertood the risk in using weak
hadiths, so they now use the Riyadhus-Saliheen as their main textbook in Dawah instead of the fadhail Amal,
and they also use the Qasas Al Anbiya bookof Ibn Kathir in narrating the stories of the Prophets, do you agree
with them on this? Why or why not?

Magar kato Answer. the book Fadaa’il al-A‘maal by Muhammad Zakariyya

The book Fadaa’il al-A‘maal – the original title of which was Tableeghi Nisaab – by Muhammad Zakariyya al-
Kandahlawi is a collection of chapters about various virtuous deeds. It was written by the author to be a
reference for the group Jamaa‘at al-Tableegh. This book became of great importance for them, which they
read in their gatherings and study in their schools and mosques. It is written in Urdu, which is why it did not
become widespread in the Arab countries; rather it is widely known in the countries in which Jamaa‘at al-
Tableegh is widespread, such as India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Shaykh Hammood at-Tuwaijri said in al-Qawl al-Baleegh (p. 11):

The most important book among the Tableeghis is Tableeghi Nisaab (also known as Fadaa’il al-A‘maal), which
was written by one of their leaders whose name is Muhammad Zakariyya al-Kandahlawi. They pay a great
deal of attention to this book, which they respect as Ahl as-Sunnah respect as-Saheehayn and other books of

The Tableeghis have made this book the most important reference work for the Indians and other non-Arabs
who follow them. It contains a great deal of matters of shirk, innovation (bid‘ah), myths, and fabricated
(mawdoo‘) and weak (da‘eef) hadeeths. In fact it is a book of evil, misguidance and confusion (fitnah). End

Shaykh Shams ad-Deen al-Afghaani said in his book Juhood ‘Ulama’ al-Hanafiyyah fi Ibtaal ‘Aqaa’id al-
Qubooriyyah (2/776):

The leading imams of the Deobandis have books which are venerated by the Deobandis, but they are filled
with the myths of grave-worshippers and Sufi idolatry, such as – and he mentioned a number of books,
including Tableeghi Nisaab, i.e., Nisaab at-Tableegh, and Manhaj at-Tableegh. These Deobandis did not openly
disavow these books or warn against them, and they did not put a stop to the printing and sale of these books.
The markets of India and Pakistan and elsewhere are full of them. End quote.

5. Linquistically speaking ,what is the definition of the word "Tabligh" in arabic language what is its root word
or what word does it derived from?

Magar kato Answer. Tabligh is not an arabic word ,but is, Urdu and used to described people who are with
Tabligh meaning similar to 'missionary' where people who are part of the movement and go around
spreading the word,hold a metting.
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Magar Kto Aff. Cunclusion part 3

Aff. Second. REBBUTAL PART 3

Magar Kto against tabligh jama'ah

Hadith on Bidah: Innovations in religion are rejected.

Aisha reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever innovates into this
matter of ours that which does not belong to it, it will be rejected.”

In another narration, the Prophet said, “Whoever performs a deed that is not in accordance with our matter
will have it rejected.”

Source: Ṣ aḥ īḥ al-Bukhā rī 2550, Ṣ aḥ īḥ Muslim 1718

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

َْ ‫سلّ َْم َمنْ أَحدَثَْ فِي أَم ِرنَا َهذَا َما لَي‬
ْ‫س فِي ِْه فَ هه َْو َرد‬ َ ‫ع َلي ِْه َو‬ ّْ ‫صلّى‬
َ ‫َللاه‬ ِّْ ‫ل‬
َ ‫َللا‬ ْ‫عن َها قَالَتْ قَالَْ َرسهو ه‬ ّْ ‫ي‬
َ ‫َللاه‬ ِ ‫شةَْ َر‬
َْ ‫ض‬ َ ِ‫عائ‬
َ ْ‫عن‬

ْ‫س َعلَي ِْه أَم هرنَا فَ هه َْو َرد‬ ْ ً ‫ع َم‬

َْ ‫ل لَي‬ َ َْ‫عمِل‬
َ ْ‫وفي رواية أخرى قال َمن‬

2550 ‫صحيح البخاري كتاب الصلح باب إذا اصطلحوا على صلح جور فالصلح مردود‬

1718 ‫صحيح مسلم كتاب األقضية باب نقض األحكام الباطلة ورد محدثات األمور‬
It is very clear that I stand as an affirmative side that I certify that Tabligh is where its founder made shirk
and bid'ah. So is not among ahlul Sunnah wal jama'a.
IMAAM AL-AWZAA'EE (d 157H)rahimahullah - said :" adhere to the narrations of the salaf (the prophet and
sahaba :Tabi'een, and at Tabi'een) even if the people were to abandon you. And beware of the openion of
people, no matter how much they beautify it with speech." ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728H)rahimahullah - said :"
there is no criticism for the one who proclaim the way( Madhhab) of the salaf, who attaches himself to it and
refers to it. Rather, it is Obligatory to accept that from him by unanimous agreement (ittifaaq) because the
way (Madhhab) of the salaf is nothing but Truth (haqq). Majmoo al Fataawa 4:149.
Imaam al-Asbahaanee (d. 535H) - rahimahullah said, "the sign of Ahlus sunnah is that they follow the salafus
Salih and abandon all that is innovated (bid'ah) and newly introduced into the Deen." al hujjah fee Bayanil
Mahajjah 1/364.
AFF. second Rebuttal 1

#Burden of Proofs against my opponents.

Muhammad Ilyas himself is buried in the Nizām Ad-Dīn Mosque, the headquarters of the organisations in
Delhi, India. Four graves are inside the mosque complex behind the rear pillar of the prayer area. [5] This fact
is denied by many who are part of the Tablīghī sect, especially its Arab members. Placing graves inside a
mosque or building a mosque over a grave is sure a pathway to Shirk. So how can it be said that they do not
exaggerate regarding graves? The Prophet (salallāhu alaihi wassallam) stated, “Those that came before you
used to take the graves of their Prophets and righteous ones as places of worship, so do not take the graves as
places of worship. Indeed, I forbid you from that.” [6] He(salallāhu alaihi wassallam) also said, “When a
righteous man or pious servant from amongst them would die, they would build over his grave, a place of
worship – and they would make in it these pictures. And they are the worst of creation in the sight of Allāh.”
[7] And he(salallāhu alaihi wassallam) said, “Indeed the most wicked of people will be those who are alive
when the Final Hour reaches them and those who take the graves as places of worship.” [8]

These narrations prove the prohibition of taking graves as mosques and places of worship. This is regardless
of whether the grave was introduced into the Mosque after building it, or whether the Mosque is built
amongst or over the graves. All of this is disallowed by textual proofs.

Tablīghi Jamā’ah sect has a source reference book entitled Fadā’il Al-A’māl authored by Muhammad
Zakariyyah Al-Kandahlawi. It is a well-known and a widespread book that is translated into different. And it is
available in English. This book is filled with fabricated narrations, invented stories of Sufi mysticism,
veneration of graves, worship at shrines and innovated types of dhikr and worship. Many of these stories
reach the level of polytheism and unbelief!

For example, in the chapter Fadā’il Ad-Durūd [9] they claim that a saint saw the Prophet(salallāhu alaihi
wassallam) in a dream saying, “Whoever wants something from anyone should go to his grave and supplicate
to Allah for it.” [10] This is a clear example where Muhammad Zakariyyah Al-Kandahlawi ascribes to Allah’s
Messenger(salallāhu alaihi wassallam) that which is not found in any authentic narration. The true religion of
Islam and Prophetic hadīth are not based upon mystic dreams – and especially dreams which oppose the
authentic texts. Tablīgis leaders believe that it is allowed for a person who requires something from anyone,
he should just go to the grave of that person and ask! They believe that when you stand next to a grave, it is
likely that your supplication (du’ā) will be accepted. Al-Kandahlawi, reports from another shaikh who said, “I
travelled to Madīnah Munawwarah and went to the blessed grave of the Noble Prophet (salallāhu alaihi
wassallam). I conferred salutations and heard ‘wa alaykas-salā m’ from within the blessed chamber.”
[5] For photographic evidence see: :// and At-
Tuwayjiri, p.12.

[6] Sahīh Muslim.

[7] Bukhāree 427, Muslim 528.

[8] Reported by Abu Hātim, Ahmad 1/405 (38844), Al-Albāni in Tahdīr as-Sājid, p. 23, it is authentic.

[9] In English, refer to “Fadhaail-e-Durood – Virtues of Salaat and Salaam” (PDF) translated by Moulana Irfan
Adalat, Darul-Uloom, Bury, UK. In Urdu, refer to “Faza’il-e-A’maal”, published by Idara Irshaad-e-Diniaat Pvt.
Ltd. Nizamuddin, No-13, Delhi, India. I have used the Urdu references as noted in a refutation posted
on, article ID, GRV020004.

[10] Incident (hikāyah) 35, p. 97 (Urdu); p. 169 (English).

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Bajunaid Malaco Part 5. CONCLUSION - Negative Side

Ladies and Gentlemen, Allah s.w.t said in the Quran:

‫ن ال َباطِ لَْ كَانَْ زَ ههوقًا‬

ّْ ِ‫ل إ‬ ُّْ ‫َوقهلْ َجا َْء ال َح‬
ْ‫ق َوزَ هَقَْ البَاطِ ه‬

And Say: "The truth has come and falsehood has perished. Falsehood is always bound to perish!"

Allah spoke the truth. The falsehood of the belief of Magar Kto has been badly exposed and utterly crushed in
this debate.

Everyone can see how he got crushed and he already admitted that he really lost in this debate.

Magar Kto also congratulated me for winning in this debate, but I dont care about it, I am still sad that I have
debated a person that is claiming to be a follower of the Salafus-Saleh but is so extreme in his judgement
against his fellow Muslims who are also doing their best in following the way of the Salafus-Saleh. Sweeping
generalization is absolutely irrational and unfair.

I would like to reiterate my very important point which I mentioned in this debate as a way of giving advice to
Magar Kto and his ilk that it is absolutely evil, incorrect, irrational, and abusive to criticize or judge any group
of people based on what some mistakes their brethren have done. As I pointed out, there are people from all
madhahib that do bid'ah in religion and some of them even do shirk. We can not label all Madhahib as ahlul
bid'ah or mushriks just because of their followers are doing bid'ah or shirk.

In Shiaism, most of the 12ver scholars are doing bid'ah and shirk but we can not say that all shias are
ahlulbid'ah or mushriks because there might be many of them who dont agree with their scholars - that's why
they are allowed to enter Makkah for Hajj.

Allah would not judge people by the name of their madhabs or organization, He judge people individually
based on individual's knowledge, belief, actions, and sincerity.

I know of many Tablighs who are speaking very strongly against bid'ah and shirk. That Mr. Ilyas that you
were attacking has nothing to do with what many Tablighs who are firm in their belief and following the
Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Allah will not them whether they know, let alone follow Mr. Ilyas.

Alhamdulillah, many Tablighs nowadays are open-minded. They now use the Riyadhus-Saliheen instead of
the Fazail Amal as their main textbook for dawah.

They also welcomed us when we offered lectures for them. I teach them about the fiqh of Imam Ahmad bin
Hanbal rahimahullah regarding the fiqh of Salah from the book Al Umda or Umdatul Ahkam. This is also the
reason why I said that I am a Hanbali Sunni - I follow the fiqh of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbali r. particularly that
book, and I also get knowledge from the fiqh of other Madhabs such as the Maliki, Shafi'ee, and Hanafi,
because all of them virtually taught us that if we find a sahih hadith then we should follow it and disregard
their (Imam's) statement. "Idha Sahlal Hadith, Fa Huwa Madhabi".

So those who do bid'ah, or shirk or both, that's between them and Allah. Our duty is to remind them, teach
them based on our little knowledge about the Sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w

The Prophet s.a.w said that "Kullo Bani Adam Khatta" that's why reminding each other is important, after all
Al Islam is a deenul Nashiha.

Thank your very much, and may Allah open the minds of Magar Kto, he has the full opportunity to repent,
change his extremist views againt the Tablighs or any Muslim organization. He can use his real account and
forget this troll account of his. Division among the Muslims is prohibited in the Quran.

ِّْ ‫ن الّذِينَْ َْف ّرقهوا دِينَ ههمْ َوكَانهوا ِشيَعًا لّستَْ مِن ههمْ فِي شَيءْ إِنّ َما أَم هرههمْ ِإ َلى‬
َْ‫َللا ث ه ّْم يهنَبِئ ه ههم بِ َما كَانهوا يَفعَلهون‬ ّْ ِ‫إ‬

Indeed, those who divide their religion and become sects, you are not with them in anything. Only their affair
(is) with Allah, then He will inform them of what they used to do.

Jazakumullaho Khair.

SubhanakaAllahumma wa bihamdika, Ashhadu ann la ilalah ila anta, astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk.

AbuAsraf Dipatuan
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