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Applied Energy Symposium and Forum 2018: Low carbon cities and urban energy systems,
Applied Energy
Energy Symposium andSymposium
CUE2018, Forum andLow
5–7 June Forum
2018, 2018:
carbon Low
Shanghai, China carbon
and urbancities
urban energy 5–7 June
systems, 2018,2018,
5–7 June Shanghai, ChinaChina
Densities The
and excess molarSymposium
volumes of methanol with three fatty
Densities and15th
excess molar volumes
International on of methanol
District with
Heating and three fatty
acid methyl esters from 283.15 to 318.15 K
Assessing methyl estersof
feasibility from 283.15
using the heatto 318.15 K
Yanjun Sunaa, Gaolei Diaa, Juan Xiabb, Xiaopo Wangc,c,*, Xiaohu Yanga,a,*, Siyuan Hecc
Yanjun Sun , Gaolei forXia
Di , Juan a long-term district
, Xiaopo Wang heatYang
*, Xiaohu demand forecast
*, Siyuan He
Institute of the Building Environment & Sustainability Technology, School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong
Institute of the Building Environment & Sustainability
a,b,c a Technology,
a Xi’anSchool
University, 710049,of China.
b Settlements and Civil cEngineering, Xi’an Jiaotong
I. Andrić *, A. Pina , P. Ferrão , J. Fournier ., B. Lacarrière , O. Le Corre
China National Heavy Machinery Xi’an 710049,
Research InstituteChina.
Co., Ltd., Xi’an 710032, China.
China National
Key Laboratory of Thermo-Fluid Heavy
Science and Machinery Research
Engineering, MinistryInstitute Co., Ltd.,
of Education, Xi’an
Xi’an 710032,
Jiaotong China. Xi’an 710049, China
a c
IN+KeyCenter for Innovation,
Laboratory Technology
of Thermo-Fluid andand
Science Policy Research -Ministry
Engineering, InstitutoofSuperior Técnico,
Education, Xi’an Av. Rovisco
Jiaotong Pais 1, 1049-001
University, Lisbon,China
Xi’an 710049, Portugal
Veolia Recherche & Innovation, 291 Avenue Dreyfous Daniel, 78520 Limay, France
Abstract Département Systèmes Énergétiques et Environnement - IMT Atlantique, 4 rue Alfred Kastler, 44300 Nantes, France
The main components of biodiesel are fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) or fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE). Methanol is
The main components
commonly of biodiesel
used as a reference molecule arefor
fatty acid methyl
modeling esters
diesel fuel (FAMEs) or fatty
thermodynamics acid ethyl
properties. In thisesters
work,(FAEE). Methanol
experimental densityis
data of the used
binaryas mixtures
a referenceof molecule
methanol forwithmodeling diesel
three fatty acidfuel thermodynamics
methyl properties.
esters (methyl caprate, In this work,
methyl experimental
laurate, density
methyl myristate)
were of the binary
reported mixtures of pressure
at atmospheric methanoloverwiththethree fattycomposition
entire acid methylrange
estersat(methyl caprate,from
temperatures methyl laurate,
283.15 methylK.myristate)
to 318.15 Density
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the
were reported were
measurements at atmospheric
performed pressure
using an over
entire composition
digital range atdensimeter.
vibrating U-tube temperatures frommolar
Excess 283.15 to 318.15
volumes wereK.calculated
greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned through the heat
from were performed
the experimental data and using an AntonasPaar
correlated the digital vibrating equation
Redlich-Kister U-tube densimeter. Excess
for the binary molar volumes
mixtures. were calculated
The optimized sets of
sales. Due to the changed climate conditions and building renovation policies, heat demand in the future could decrease,
from the experimental
parameters of the equation data and temperature
at each correlated aswerethe obtained
Redlich-Kister equation
by the least formethod.
squares the binary mixtures. The optimized sets of
prolonging the investment return period.
parameters of the equation at each temperature were obtained by the least squares method.
The main scope of this paper is to assess the feasibility of using the heat demand – outdoor temperature function for heat demand
Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
forecast. ©
Copyright The2018district of Alvalade,
Elsevier Ltd. All located
All rights
rights in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665
Selection and© 2018 Elsevier
peer-review Ltd.
under reserved.
responsibility of the scientific committee of Applied Energy Symposium and Forum 2018: Low
Selection thatpeer-review
vary in bothunder
construction periodofand
responsibility thetypology.
scientificThree weather
committee scenarios
of the (low, medium,
CUE2018-Applied high) Symposium
Energy and three district
carbon andand
cities peer-review
urban under
energy responsibility
systems, CUE2018. of the scientific committee of Applied Energy Symposium and Forum 2018: Low
Forum 2018:scenarios
renovation Low carbon cities
were and urban
developed energy systems.
(shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were
carbon cities and urban energy systems, CUE2018.
compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and validated by the authors.
Keywords: Methanol, Methyl caprate, Methyl laurate, Methyl myristate, Density, Excess molar volume;
The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications
Keywords: Methanol, Methyl caprate, Methyl laurate, Methyl myristate, Density, Excess molar volume;
(the error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation
scenarios, the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered).
value of slope coefficient increased on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the
1. Introduction
decrease in the number of heating hours of 22-139h during the heating season (depending on the combination of weather and
Due to scenarios
renovation the rapidconsidered).
growth inOnfossil fuelshand,
the other demand
environmental degradation,
increased for 7.8-12.7% per an decade
intensified searchonfor
(depending the
Due toscenarios).
coupled the
has rapid Thegrowth
become values in fossil
an important
suggested fuels
most to and
used prominent environmental
modify degradation,
of alternatives
the is biodiesel
function parameters an[1-3],
for the intensified issearch
scenarios a mixturefor
ofimprove the has
fatty acid become
accuracy an important
of heat issue.
demand or The
ethyl) andmost
be produced of alternatives is biodiesel
by transesterification of[1-3], which
vegetable is or
oils a mixture
an esters (typically
alcohol. methyl
Fatty acid or ethyl)
methyl estersand can be are
(FAMEs) produced by using
obtained transesterification of vegetable
methanol, while oilsethyl
fatty acid or animal
fats withThe
© 2017 an Authors.
Fatty acid
by methyl
Elsevier esters
Ltd. (FAMEs) are obtained using methanol, while fatty acid ethyl esters
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 29 82668210; fax:+86 29 82668789.
address:author. Tel.: +86 29 82668210;; fax:+86 29 82668789.
E-mail address:;
Keywords: Heat demand; Forecast; Climate change
1876-6102 Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection Copyright © 2018
peer-review Elsevier
under Ltd. All of
responsibility rights reserved. committee of the Applied Energy Symposium and Forum 2018: Low carbon cities
the scientific
and urbanand peer-review
energy systems, under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Applied Energy Symposium and Forum 2018: Low carbon cities
and urban energy systems, CUE2018.
1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling.
1876-6102 Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CUE2018-Applied Energy Symposium and Forum
2018: Low carbon cities and urban energy systems.
144 Yanjun Sun et al. / Energy Procedia 152 (2018) 143–148
2 Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000

(FAEEs) are obtained with ethanol. Biodiesel is considered as a renewable and environmental friendly alternative
diesel fuel for diesel engine.
Investigations show that blending biodiesels with traditional petroleum diesel may improve engine performance
and reduce most exhaust emissions significantly [4-6]. The study of thermodynamic and transport properties are
important in understanding the molecular interactions in pure solutions and liquid compounds [7,8]. Among these
properties, viscosity and density have direct effects on the injection system, atomization quality and combustion
quality. A large series of studies on the density and viscosity of biodiesel + diesel oil mixtures have been carried out
in the past several years [9–11].
However, biodiesel has relatively higher viscosity and poor low temperature flow properties compared to diesel.
Therefore, adding low-viscosity additives become an effective method to compensate for these drawbacks of
biodiesel. Among different additives, short-chain alcohols are good options due to their excellent volatility and low
temperature fluidity. Hence, the study of density and viscosity for mixtures of alkyl esters with alcohols is essential
not only for simulation and optimization of diesel engine but also for the understanding of the interactions between
them. To the author’s knowledge, thermodynamics and transport properties of methanol with pure FAMEs, such as
methyl caprate, methyl laurate, and methyl myristrate, are still scarce in the literature. In this work, the density of
binary mixtures of methanol with methyl caprate, methyl laurate, and methyl myristate at temperatures from 298.15
to 318.15 K over the entire composition range were reported. A Redlich–Kister equation for the excess molar
volume was applied to represent the density of the liquid mixture.

2. Experimental section

2.1. Chemicals

Methanol (CAS No. 67-56-1), methyl caprate (CAS No. 110-38-3), methyl laurate (CAS No. 111-82-0), and
methyl myristate (CAS No. 124-10-7) were obtained from Sigma Aldrich. The declared purity was better than 99%
in mole fraction. All the solvents were used without further purification. The binary mixtures under investigation in
this work were prepared by mass using an analytical balance (model AB204-N, Mettler-Toledo) with an accuracy of
±0.1 mg. The uncertainty of the mole fraction was less than 2.0 × 10−4.

2.2. Density measurements

The density was measured by means of an Anton Paar digital vibrating U-tube densimeter (model DMA 5000 M).
The temperature was determined using two integrated Pt100 platinum thermometers with an uncertainty of ±0.01 K.
Before the measurement, the densimeter was calibrated at atmospheric pressure with bidistilled and degassed water
and dry air. The difference of the measured density data for the water and the reference values was less than 5 × 10−6
g cm−3, as indicated in Table 1. During the measurement, the mixed sample density was measured at thermal
equilibrium after changing the temperature following successive increments. At least three dependent measurements
were taken at each temperature, and the average values were obtained. Taking into account the influence of all
possible factors (uncertainty of temperature, uncertainty of mole fraction, and uncertainty of density measurement
for pure substance), the combined uncertainty of density values was less than 3 × 10−5 g cm−3 with a 0.95 level of

Table 1. Comparison between the experimental and literature data for density values of pure components at different temperatures.
Component T/K
This work Literature data
Water 283.15 0.99970 0.999699
293.15 0.99821 0.998203
303.15 0.99565 0.995645
313.15 0.99221 0.992212
323.15 0.98804 0.988030
Yanjun Sun et al. / Energy Procedia 152 (2018) 143–148 145
Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 3

3. Results and discussion

The experimental results of the binary mixtures of Methanol + Methyl caprate, Methanol + Methyl laurate, and
Methanol + Methyl myristate over the temperature range from 283.15 to 318.15 K at atmospheric pressure, are
given in Tables 2-4.
The excess molar volumes VE for the binary or ternary mixtures were calculated using the following equation:

xi M i n
xi M i
VE 
i 1 i 1 

where ρ is the measured density of the mixtures, xi, Mi, and ρi are the mole fraction, molar mass, and density of
component i, respectively. The VE values of Methanol + Methyl caprate, Methanol + Methyl laurate, and Methanol +
Methyl myristate systems are also given in Tables2-4. The uncertainty of the excess molar volumes was estimated to
be less than ±6.0 × 10−3 cm3 mol−1.

Table 2. Densities and excess molar volumes for methanol + methyl caprate from (283.15 to 318.15) K at Atmospheric Pressure (0.1 MPa)
10−3ρ 106 VE 10−3ρ 106 VE 10−3ρ 106 VE 10−3ρ 106 VE
/kgꞏm-3 /m3ꞏmol /kgꞏm-3 /m3ꞏmol /kgꞏm-3 /m3ꞏmol /kgꞏm-3 /m3ꞏmol
283.15K 288.15K 293.15K 298.15K
0.0000 0.88050 0.0000 0.87642 0.0000 0.87233 0.0000 0.86823 0.0000
0.0998 0.87889 -0.0101 0.87478 -0.0053 0.87064 -0.0013 0.86649 0.0061
0.2001 0.87689 -0.0020 0.87275 0.0045 0.86858 0.0115 0.86441 0.0198
0.3002 0.87444 0.0098 0.87027 0.0166 0.86608 0.0249 0.86187 0.0343
0.4000 0.87140 0.0240 0.86720 0.0318 0.86297 0.0406 0.85873 0.0508
0.5006 0.86751 0.0363 0.86328 0.0433 0.85902 0.0510 0.85474 0.0610
0.6000 0.86243 0.0523 0.85816 0.0587 0.85385 0.0662 0.84953 0.0751
0.6996 0.85543 0.0696 0.85110 0.0753 0.84675 0.0816 0.84237 0.0894
0.8000 0.84512 0.0866 0.84072 0.0910 0.83629 0.0964 0.83185 0.1027
0.8501 0.83806 0.0877 0.83363 0.0909 0.82915 0.0957 0.82465 0.1012
0.9000 0.82915 0.0730 0.82465 0.0759 0.82012 0.0791 0.81557 0.0831
0.9400 0.81981 0.0612 0.81525 0.0632 0.81067 0.0655 0.80606 0.0682
1.0000 0.80066 0.0000 0.79600 0.0000 0.79131 0.0000 0.78660 0.0000

303.15K 308.15K 313.15K 318.15K

0.0000 0.86413 0.0000 0.86003 0.0000 0.85592 0.0000 0.85180 0.0000

0.0998 0.86235 0.0112 0.85820 0.0193 0.85403 0.0295 0.84986 0.0393
0.2001 0.86022 0.0299 0.85603 0.0420 0.85182 0.0562 0.84760 0.0710
0.3002 0.85766 0.0460 0.85342 0.0605 0.84917 0.0779 0.84490 0.0961
0.4000 0.85449 0.0622 0.85022 0.0760 0.84594 0.0924 0.84163 0.1115
0.5006 0.85045 0.0732 0.84614 0.0870 0.84180 0.1041 0.83744 0.1231
0.6000 0.84520 0.0858 0.84084 0.0982 0.83646 0.1134 0.83205 0.1299
0.6996 0.83798 0.0986 0.83357 0.1093 0.82912 0.1224 0.82466 0.1366
0.8000 0.82738 0.1103 0.82289 0.1187 0.81837 0.1287 0.81382 0.1400

0.8501 0.82014 0.1074 0.81560 0.1145 0.81103 0.1228 0.80643 0.1319

0.9000 0.81100 0.0875 0.80641 0.0927 0.80178 0.0986 0.79712 0.1053

146 Yanjun Sun et al. / Energy Procedia 152 (2018) 143–148
4 Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000

0.9400 0.80144 0.0712 0.79679 0.0747 0.79210 0.0787 0.78739 0.0832

1.0000 0.78187 0.0000 0.77712 0.0000 0.77234 0.0000 0.76753 0.0000

Table 3. Densities and excess molar volumes for methanol + methyl laurate from (283.15 to 318.15) K at Atmospheric Pressure (0.1 MPa)

10−3ρ 106 VE 10−3ρ 106 VE 10−3ρ 106 VE 10−3ρ 106 VE

/kgꞏm-3 /m3ꞏmol /kgꞏm-3 /m3ꞏmol /kgꞏm-3 /m3ꞏmol /kgꞏm-3 /m3ꞏmol

283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15

0.0000 0.87693 0.0000 0.87300 0.0000 0.86906 0.0000 0.86512 0.0000
0.1003 0.87577 -0.0533 0.87182 -0.0507 0.86784 -0.0460 0.86387 -0.0417
0.1998 0.87407 -0.0299 0.87008 -0.0244 0.86607 -0.0177 0.86207 -0.0101
0.3001 0.87196 -0.0057 0.86795 -0.0007 0.86392 0.0070 0.85988 0.0160
0.3999 0.86935 0.0155 0.86530 0.0222 0.86124 0.0301 0.85716 0.0394
0.5001 0.86593 0.0438 0.86186 0.0490 0.85775 0.0566 0.85364 0.0656
0.6007 0.86138 0.0676 0.85726 0.0729 0.85310 0.0808 0.84894 0.0888
0.6999 0.85513 0.0864 0.85094 0.0912 0.84673 0.0973 0.84250 0.1044

0.7999 0.84569 0.1033 0.84141 0.1070 0.83710 0.1126 0.83278 0.1188

0.8499 0.83896 0.1083 0.83461 0.1124 0.83025 0.1169 0.82586 0.1222

0.9000 0.83007 0.1043 0.82566 0.1071 0.82121 0.1107 0.81674 0.1148
1.0000 0.80066 0.0000 0.79600 0.0000 0.79131 0.0000 0.78660 0.0000
303.15 308.15 313.15 318.15
0.0000 0.86119 0.0000 0.85725 0.0000 0.85332 0.0000 0.84938 0.0000
0.1003 0.85990 -0.0368 0.85592 -0.0307 0.85194 -0.0231 0.84796 -0.0162
0.1998 0.85806 -0.0012 0.85404 0.0103 0.85002 0.0229 0.84599 0.0361
0.3001 0.85583 0.0268 0.85178 0.0397 0.84772 0.0548 0.84364 0.0708
0.3999 0.85308 0.0506 0.84899 0.0647 0.84488 0.0805 0.84076 0.0974

0.5001 0.84952 0.0767 0.84538 0.0900 0.84123 0.1057 0.83706 0.1223

0.6007 0.84477 0.0989 0.84057 0.1114 0.83636 0.1255 0.83213 0.1417

0.6999 0.83826 0.1132 0.83400 0.1242 0.82971 0.1363 0.82541 0.1496
0.7999 0.82845 0.1260 0.82409 0.1345 0.81970 0.1444 0.81529 0.1553
0.8499 0.82146 0.1283 0.81704 0.1354 0.81259 0.1437 0.80811 0.1527
0.9000 0.81226 0.1196 0.80776 0.1251 0.80322 0.1314 0.79866 0.1383
1.0000 0.78187 0.0000 0.77712 0.0000 0.77234 0.0000 0.76753 0.0000

Table 4. Densities and excess molar volumes for methanol + methyl myristate from (298.15 to 318.15) K at Atmospheric Pressure (0.1 MPa)
10−3ρ 106 VE 10−3ρ 106 VE 10−3ρ 106 VE
/kgꞏm-3 /m3ꞏmol /kgꞏm-3 /m3ꞏmol /kgꞏm-3 /m3ꞏmol
298.15K 303.15K 308.15K
0.0000 0.86321 0.0000 0.85941 0.0000 0.85559 0.0000
0.1003 0.86198 0.0037 0.85812 0.0152 0.85427 0.0226
0.1996 0.86040 0.0352 0.85651 0.0504 0.85262 0.0626
0.3004 0.85849 0.0544 0.85456 0.0728 0.85063 0.0868
0.3998 0.85609 0.0797 0.85211 0.0995 0.84814 0.1146
Yanjun Sun et al. / Energy Procedia 152 (2018) 143–148 147
Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 5

0.4998 0.85295 0.1057 0.84895 0.1191 0.84493 0.1340

0.5999 0.84877 0.1219 0.84471 0.1348 0.84064 0.1472
0.6999 0.84282 0.1367 0.83869 0.1480 0.83453 0.1614
0.7999 0.83375 0.1431 0.82947 0.1559 0.82519 0.1678
0.8501 0.82707 0.1456 0.82273 0.1550 0.81838 0.1643
0.9000 0.81820 0.1295 0.81377 0.1366 0.80933 0.1428
0.9501 0.80542 0.1021 0.80087 0.1057 0.79631 0.1093
1.0000 0.78660 0.0000 0.78187 0.0000 0.77712 0.0000
313.15K 318.15K
0.0000 0.85178 0.0000 0.84798 0.0000
0.1003 0.85041 0.0324 0.84655 0.0419
0.1996 0.84872 0.0775 0.84482 0.0939
0.3004 0.84669 0.1026 0.84276 0.1199
0.3998 0.84417 0.1302 0.84020 0.1436
0.4998 0.84092 0.1480 0.83689 0.1653
0.5999 0.83656 0.1622 0.83246 0.1784
0.6999 0.83035 0.1767 0.82614 0.1940
0.7999 0.82088 0.1813 0.81653 0.1983
0.8501 0.81400 0.1754 0.80964 0.1839
0.9000 0.80487 0.1503 0.80039 0.1575
0.9501 0.79172 0.1131 0.78710 0.1176
1.0000 0.77234 0.0000 0.76753 0.0000

Excess molar volumes for the binary mixtures were correlated as the Redlich-Kister equation:

V E x1 x2  Ai  x1  x2 
 (2)
i 0

Ai are adjustable parameters and n is the number of the coefficients in the equation which was determined by
standard deviation, σ. The standard deviation was calculated by the equation:

 V E  V E  2
N  n 
 cal exp 

where Nexp is the number of experimental points, VE cal is the calculated results from Eq. (3). The Redlich-Kister
coefficients, Ai, along with the standard deviations of the fit were determined using the least square method at each
For the studied binary mixtures in this work, the dependence of VE on concentration at different temperatures is
shown in Fig. 1. The solid lines represent calculated results from Eq. (3). The VE values of all the systems (methanol
+ methyl caprate, methyl laurate, and methyl myristate) are positive over the whole range of compositions and
increase slightly with temperature. Positive VE values can be attributed to the weak interactions between different
molecules. The maximum value of VE occurs at approximately x1 = 0.8. Comparison of (a), (b), (c) in Fig. 1, it
clearly indicates that VE for the mixtures decrease with methyl ester chain length at constant temperature. This
shows that as R1 in R1COOCH3 increases in chain length, the polarity of the ester decreases, allowing greater
accommodation of the methanol molecules.
148 Yanjun Sun et al. / Energy Procedia 152 (2018) 143–148
6 Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000

0.16 0.18

(a) 0.16
0.20 (c)
0.14 (b)
0.12 0.16
0.10 0.10


10 V /m mol



10 V /m mol
10 V /m mol
0.08 0.10



0.06 0.04




0.02 0.02
0.00 -0.04
-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
x1 x1 x1

Fig. 1. Excess molar volumes for (a) methanol (1) + methyl caprate(2), (b) methanol (1) + methyl laurate(2), and (c) methanol (1) + methyl
myristate(2) as function of the mole fraction of methanol at various temperatures. ■ 283.15K;□ 288.15 K; ● 293.15 K; ○ 298.15 K; ▲ 303.15 K;
△ 308.15 K; ◆ 313.15K; ◇ 318.15 K. Solid lines show results calculated from Redlich–Kister equation.

4. Conclusion

New experimental results for densities of binary mixtures of methanol with methyl caprate, methyl laurate were
presented at temperatures (283.15–318.15) K and at atmospheric pressure in the whole composition range. Excess
molar volumes were calculated from experimental data and fitted using the Redlich–Kister equation.


The authors are grateful to acknowledge financial support for the work by National Natural Science Foundation
of China (Grant No. 51606148)


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