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ePortfolio References

Bacer, K., Brown, J., Bruzzese, J., Effinger, K., McMillan, B., Price, K., Silver, E., Temple, T., Wilson,

T. (2018 - 2019). Master of Arts in Education: Learning and Technology. School of Education,

Azusa Pacific University. Azusa, CA. Retrieved from

Cogswell, R. (2016, April, 19.) Briefcase. [Photograph]. Retrieved from

Rodriguez, F. (2019, June 23) ID Theft [Video file]. Retrieved from

Rodriguez, F. (2019, June 23). Flat Tire Replacement [Video file]. Retrieved from

Weebly is the easiest way to create a website, store or blog (n.d) Retrieved from

Wix is the easiest way to create a website, store or blog. (n.g) Retrieved from

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