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bamboo plantation brochure 2018

BAMBOO success story
Perseverance is an instrument to achieve great works.

Carlo T. Balneg at age 14 started to work with only a simple bolo paired
with bamboo. Deprived of economic conveniences in life and at a very
innocent age, he believed that working on bamboo pieces which are abundant
in their locality would help him and his family relishes a better economic
status in life.

He then started helping his father in bamboocraft making. His first task
was to cut and scrape the bamboo poles. Bamboocraft making thus became a
family activity in order to augment their meager income from farming which is
the family’s main occupation. Marred with difficulties and lesser opportunities
in life, he forgone his college studies and joined In-Hand Abra Foundation
instead. For 10 years, he was able to acquire and enhance his production
skills. Eventually, his exposure to new technologies through In-Hand’s project
engagement with CITC inspired him to move on.

After 10 years at In-Hand Abra, Carlo decided to go solo. He then

registered a new business—the Carlo’s Bamboocrafts, Furniture &
Furnishings—at the Department of Trade and Industry in 2004. As he
continuedly improved his skills, marked by persistence, he supplied local
consolidators with his various products. It did not end here. As he kept
introspecting, he analysed deeply and tried to expand his market. That his
market would not only be confined and limited with the local
consolidators, thus, he embarked on an aggressive market
search. With the support of DTI, he started joining trade
fairs in Abra, at the neighboring provinces, in Manila and
Cebu. With this, prominent firms from Manila became his
regular buyers. His clients/customers kept increasing then.

Copyright © Carlos Bamboocraft, Furniture and Furnishings 2018

Over exploitation and mismanagement of our natural forest
resources together with the increasing population leads to
degradation of our natural resources. With this, adverse
consequences took place such as impoverishment of watershed,
disruption of ecological balance and consequently unfavorable impact
on the quality of all life forms. Several studies found that bamboo
plant can be a solution to this problem.

Bamboo is a grass belongs to the Gramineae family. It serves as

an alternative to survive the forest and its products considering the
increasing demand of timber and wood. Moreover, it is being
considered as a multifunctional, fastest growing and highest yielding
renewable resource. With its wide range of uses, it provides economic,
social and environmental benefits to society. This has created an
employment and livelihood opportunities to local people, boost socio-
economic condition and alleviate poverty of its growers, and mitigate
climate change. Likewise, it has contributed significantly to
community development and revenues to governments (Akwada and
Akinlabi, 2016).

According to Akwada and Akinlabi (2016), a 20m bamboo culm

can replace itself within 50 days as opposed to a 20m hardwood tree
which can take decades to grow. A single bamboo clump can produce
up to 15 kilometers of usable pole over a 15-year period. It sequesters
around 4 times more CO2 than average timber and produces 35%
more Oxygen. Bamboo possesses an excellent tensile strength
property of 52 pounds per square inch, stronger than most steel. Also,
it is a major component in the construction industry and
infrastructural developments across South America and Asia.
The plant’s rapid establishment and
growth allow frequent harvesting
which limits exposure to disaster and
allows farmers to flexibly adapt their
management and harvesting practices
to new growing conditions as they
emerge under climate change.
Activities UWM Cost/UWM Density Cost Remarks
A. Survey, Mapping and Planning (SMP) Ha 5,000.00 5,000.00
Sub-total 5,000.00
B. Seedling Production & Establishment
1 Production of planting materials No. 35.00 200 7,000.00
2 Plantation Establishment
2.1 Site Preparation & Planting Ha 6,500.00 6,500.00
2.2 One(1) pass M & P Ha 1,000.00 1,000.00 Based on the existing cost per Unit
Sub-total 14,500.00 of Wt. of Measure (UWM)under
Year 1 Cost ( A + B) 19,500.00 enhanced National Greening
3 2nd Year Maintenance & Protection Ha 3,000.00 3,000.00 Program (eNGP)
Year 2 Cost 3,000.00
4 3rd Year Maintenance & Protection Ha 2,000.00 2,000.00
Year 3 Cost 2,000.00
Total Direct Cost 24,500.00
15% Supervision Cost 3,675.00
Grand Total (Direct Cost + 15% SC) 28,175.00
Infation rate allowance of 20% per Year
Year 1 Cost (19,500.00) 3,900.00 20% of Year 1 Cost
Year 2 Cost (3,000.00) 600.00 20% of Year 2 Cost
Year 3 Cost (2,000.00) 400.00 20% of Year 3 Cost

Overall Total Cost 33,075.00

Note: Planting Distance: 5m x10 m

C National Greening Program

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