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Soldiers of the 169th Infantry, 43rd Infantry Division

Taken from the Historical & Pictorial Review

Camp Shelby, Mississippi 1942

1BnHQ Cpt. Dunbar Harold H. 74 Asst. S-1, S-2, S-3

1BnHQ Lt. Col. Litke William E. 74 Bn. C/O
1BnHQ 1Lt. Potter Russell D. 74 C/O HQ Detach.
2BnHQ 2Lt. Allen Morris E. 98 C/O HQ Detach.
2BnHQ 2Lt. Kritchman Fred A. 98 Supp. Officer
2BnHQ Lt. Col. Schwolsky Harry 98 Bn. C/O
2BnHQ Cpt. Welch Herbert E. 98 Bn. X/O
3BnHQ Pvt. Bogan James A. 113
3BnHQ Cpl. Cadrain Robert A. 113
3BnHQ Pvt. Dixon Chanley B. 113
3BnHQ Maj. Hagedorn Raymond E. 113 Bn. X/O
3BnHQ Pfc. Handfield Gilbert J. 113
3BnHQ Pvt. Jensen Hans J. 113
3BnHQ 1Sgt. Joyal Joseph E. 113
3BnHQ Cpl. Kettner Joseph J. 113
3BnHQ Stf.Sgt. Klimkiewicz Joseph J. 113
3BnHQ Pvt. Kloskowski Edward J. 113
3BnHQ Cpl. Larson Ernest H. 113
3BnHQ Sgt. LeClaire Fernand R. 113
3BnHQ 2Lt. Linsley Edward L. 113
3BnHQ Pfc. Marshall Paul B. 113
3BnHQ Pfc. Masselk ? 113
3BnHQ Pvt. Mieczkowski Stanley J. 113
3BnHQ Pvt. Nollet Edward E. 113
3BnHQ Pvt. Petersen Bob 113
3BnHQ Pvt. Potter John R. 113
3BnHQ Lt. Col. Reincke Frederick G. 113 Bn. C/O
3BnHQ Cpl. Reinhorn Harry W. 113
3BnHQ Pvt. Reut Emil W. 113
3BnHQ Pvt. Simons Jack 113
3BnHQ Pvt. Smolak Anthony J. 113
3BnHQ Pfc. Sulwester Louis W. 113
3BnHQ Pvt. Thompson Edward C. 113
3BnHQ Pfc. Toczko Walter S. 113
3BnHQ Pvt. Vinson A. B. 113
3BnHQ Pfc. Walintukonis Joseph A. 113
3BnHQ Pvt. Wallinder Daniel 113
3BnHQ Pvt. Walton Everett 113
3BnHQ Pvt. Wanner Frank 113
43rd BrgGen Barker Harold R. Div. Artillery C/O
43rd MajGen Hester John H. Division C/O
43rd Col. Pratt Don F. Div. Chief of Staff
43rd BrgGen Wing Leonard F. Asst. Div. C/O
I 1Lt. Lehman Edward R. Co. X/O
I 1Lt. Nevers Stanley P. Co. C/O
I 2Lt. Thorland Osmund E.
Inf.HQ 1Lt. Brodersen Alwyn
Inf.HQ 1Lt. Healey John F., Jr.
K Cpt. Cowles Walter G. 118 Co. C/O

K 1Lt. Curtin John W. 118 Co. X/O

K 1Lt. Mabry Robert C. 118
K 1 Sgt. Barrera Charles F. 118
K St.Sgt. Kokoch Michael 118
K St.Sgt. Savino Michael 118
K St.Sgt. Squatrito Ernest A. 118
K Sgt. Cohen Julius 118
K Sgt. Greenough Wilson C. 118
K Sgt. Kravontak Andrew J. 118
K Sgt. Lovett Jeremiah F. 118
K Sgt. McCarthy William J. 118
K Sgt. McCollum Clarence E. 118
K Sgt. Mellen Oliver C. 118
K Sgt. Quinn Walter J. 118
K Sgt. Rowe Anthony J. 118
K Sgt. Russell Earl F. 118
K Sgt. Tiemann George H. 118
K Sgt. Watson Arthur J. 118
K Sgt. Wells Thomas G. 118
K Cpl. Balazs Albert J. 118
K Cpl. Dougherty William J. 118
K Cpl. Evans William L., Jr. 118
K Cpl. Falcetta Dillio V. 118
K Cpl. Farrell William P. 118
K Cpl. Fitzgerald Joseph R. 118
K Cpl. Gurski Alexander 118
K Cpl. Kenney Lester O. 118
K Cpl. Lucas Ferdinand L. 118
K Cpl. McDowell William H. 118
K Cpl. Paquin Clarence H. 118
K Cpl. Perotti John W. 118
K Cpl. Ray Andrew 118
K Cpl. Spillane James F. 118
K Cpl. Vennart Donald E. 118
K PFC Bailey Harry 119
K PFC Bauer John H. 119
K PFC Beardsley William C. 119
K PFC Brenger Stephen 119
K PFC Brenger William P. 119
K PFC Brown Ernest L. 119
K PFC Cabe Willard W. 119
K PFC Clark William E. 119
K PFC Coleman James S. 119
K PFC Danner Harold J. 119
K PFC Dickinson Joseph W. 119
K PFC Dodd Chester O. 119
K PFC Douglas Jessie R. 119
K PFC Driscoll Daniel F. 119
K PFC Ferrell Clifford 119
K PFC Franklin Marshall 119
K PFC Fugedi Steve W. 119
K PFC Greene Dale 119
K PFC Hafner Fritz 119
K PFC Henry William C. 119
K PFC Hudson William O. 119
K PFC Humphrey Dewey T. 119
K PFC Ingle Vernon H. 119
K PFC Mastrangelo Thomas J. 119

K PFC McDowell George C. 119

K PFC Mellen John A. 119
K PFC Otfinoski Lawrence E. 119
K PFC Proctor Jess W. 119
K PFC Sedlak Frank 119
K PFC Wagner Raymond A. 119
K PFC Wolcheski George A. 119
K PFC Zuraw Edward 119
K Pvt. Scott Owen M. 118
K Pvt. Abbey Raymond E. 119
K Pvt. Adamyak Thomas 119
K Pvt. Allsup Clarence S. 119
K Pvt. Amerson Edgar B. 119
K Pvt. Bailey Albert H. 119
K Pvt. Barber Henry T. 119
K Pvt. Basarab Michael N. 119
K Pvt. Benevento Vincent P. 119
K Pvt. Blair Sanford 119
K Pvt. Bland Oscar L. 119
K Pvt. Brock Clyde M. 119
K Pvt. Byrns Edward J. 119
K Pvt. Cale Louis 119
K Pvt. Chapman Olin R. 120
K Pvt. Cobb William E. 120
K Pvt. Danne Arthur E. 120
K Pvt. Donovan Howard W. 120
K Pvt. Doss Albert L. 120
K Pvt. Driver Vernon D. 120
K Pvt. Edwards Jim P. 120
K Pvt. Fleming Casey M. 120
K Pvt. Freeman Zachariah H. 120
K Pvt. Futch Warren 120
K Pvt. Gant James T. 120
K Pvt. Gifford William H. 120
K Pvt. Giles Lyman S. 120
K Pvt. Giles M. 120
K Pvt. Godwin Clifton C. 120
K Pvt. Gordy Carl 120
K Pvt. Green George m. 120
K Pvt. Grigsby John 120
K Pvt. Haigler William c. 120
K Pvt. Hill James e. 120
K Pvt. Johnson Jackson c. 120
K Pvt. Joiner Clabert 120
K Pvt. Jones John p. 120
K Pvt. Kegley John 120
K Pvt. Kelley Woodrow v. 120
K Pvt. Land Ivan d. 120
K Pvt. Latham Herman f. 120
K Pvt. Leavins John w. 120
K Pvt. Maffett Johnie e. 120
K Pvt. Mays Johnny r. 120
K Pvt. McClam Pearlie w. 120
K Pvt. McCraw Clarence 120
K Pvt. McIlwain William a. 120
K Pvt. McKenzie Rufus r. 120
K Pvt. McKinnon William, Jr. 120
K Pvt. McManus Leonard w. 120

K Pvt. McRorie Charles R. 120

K Pvt. Medlin Edwin a. 120
K Pvt. Mick Thomas K. 120
K Pvt. Middleton Clarence b. 120
K Pvt. Mills Roland d. 120
K Pvt. Mitchell John r. 120
K Pvt. Mitchell Merlin d. 120
K Pvt. Moncato Louis J. 120
K Pvt. Morgan Lonnie p. 120
K Pvt. Morgan Samuel a. 121
K Pvt. Moseley Maxwell t. 121
K Pvt. Nelson David 121
K Pvt. O’Brien Terrence 121
K Pvt. Owens Byron D. 121
K Pvt. Parker Genoah 121
K Pvt. Parker Harmon 121
K Pvt. Parker Willis t. 121
K Pvt. Pagliaro Patsy f. 121
K Pvt. Perkins Clabron 121
K Pvt. Perkins James m. 121
K Pvt. Powers Leo h. 121
K Pvt. Paythress Leo f. 121
K Pvt. Pressley Robert h. 121
K Pvt. Proctor Henry a. 121
K Pvt. Rammage Jack 121
K Pvt. Riddle Dewey p. 121
K Pvt. Ryan William j. 121
K Pvt. Salonia Rosario 121
K Pvt. Saracino Victor j. 121
K Pvt. Sawyer Nathan 121
K Pvt. Shea Patrick f. 121
K Pvt. Shoe William h. 121
K Pvt. Sisler Ralph l. 121
K Pvt. Smith Adolph 121
K Pvt. Smith Elms 121
K Pvt. Smith Homer d. 121
K Pvt. Spearman Franklin j. 121
K Pvt. Thompson l. 121
K Pvt. Vallie William j. 121
K Pvt. Waldrep Wilton m. 121
K Pvt. Warren Cleo j. 121
K Pvt. Weed Henry o. 121
K Pvt. Wegent Sam s. 121
K Pvt. Westbrook Edward c. 121
K Pvt. White Jesse d. 121
K Pvt. Williams Parmer e. 121
K Pvt. Williamson Stephen w., Jr. 121
K Pvt. Willoughby Willie l. 121
K Pvt. Wojcicki Eugene s. 121
K Pvt. Wright James w. 121
K Pvt. Wright John h. 121
K Pvt. Yost Robert W., Jr. 121

L 1Lt. Burr Walter E. 122 Co. C/O

L 1Lt. Tracy Walter H., Jr. 122 Co. X/O
L 1 Sgt. Nicol William D. 122
L St.Sgt. D’Amour Jean R. 122
L St.Sgt. Frappier Phillip A. 122

L St.Sgt. Gillespie James M. 122

L St.Sgt. Whitmore George N. 122
L Sgt. Chartier Wm. A. 122
L Sgt. Clairmont Roger J. 122
L Sgt. Clark Francis L. 122
L Sgt. Cristofori Antonio A. 122
L Sgt. Drescher Arthur W. 122
L Sgt. Goettlich Walter F. 122
L Sgt. Jacobs Elmer R.. 122
L Sgt. Kilburn Wilbur D. 122
L Sgt. LaPalme Godfrey L. 122
L Sgt. Levesque Lucien E. 122
L Sgt. Levesque Maurice P. 122
L Sgt. Martin Charles E. 122
L Sgt. Pageau Leo J. 122
L Sgt. Schaer John J. 122
L Sgt. Scranton Walter A. 122
L Sgt. Smith Slade S. 122
L Cpl. Bachand Harvey J. 122
L Cpl. Beaulieu George E. 122
L Cpl. Bourey F. 122
L Cpl. Jurewicz Stefan 122
L Cpl. Lavigne Leon A. 122
L Cpl. Maily Gustave J. 122
L Cpl. Pepin Andrew H. 122
L Cpl. Pizzo Walter R. 122
L Cpl. Roberts Eldridge R. 122
L Cpl. Shippee Otis C. 122
L Cpl. Timmins Elmer R. 122
L Cpl. Zoldak Stanley 122
L PFC Blair Roland A. 123
L PFC Caya Leo P. 123
L PFC Carrara Anthony T. 123
L PFC Cerreto Michael J. 123
L PFC Desjarlais Conrad J. 123
L PFC Desjardins Lucien R. 123
L PFC Doiron Donat J. 123
L PFC Dubina George 123
L PFC Dumas Gerard J. 123
L PFC Dumas Henry C. 123
L PFC Fisher Francis W. 123
L PFC Foster Yewell B. 123
L PFC Halecki Stanley P. 123
L PFC Harrington Frank E. 123
L PFC Helie Walter T. 123
L PFC Holbrook Laurens B. 123
L PFC Insalaco Antonio J. 123
L PFC Jacobs Robert C. 123
L PFC Kay Creighton L. 123
L PFC Lacey John B. 123
L PFC Lambert George M. 123
L PFC Lamothe Gerard C. 123
L PFC Madore Adrian J. 123
L PFC Marcoux Theodore J. 123
L PFC Masterbone Frank J. 123
L PFC Mileski Julian W. 123
L PFC Morrison George W. 123
L PFC Moseley Richard G. 123

L PFC Nichols Terrence N. 123

L PFC Parvi Oscar E. 123
L PFC Pencikowski Raymond E. 123
L PFC Pingal Charles P. 123
L PFC Pingal Frederick J. 123
L PFC Roy Wilfred C. 123
L PFC St. John Elmer A. 123
L PFC Salinsky Albert J. 123
L PFC Sarazin Gerard J. 123
L PFC Seglerski Joseph F. 123
L PFC Spooner Lewis B. 123
L PFC Starr Robert M. 123
L PFC Stone Leonard E. 123
L PFC Stone William F. 123
L PFC Taurinski Bronsilaus 123
L PFC Thibodeau Carl E. 123
L PFC Turcotte Jerome G. 123
L PFC Viullermet Martin D. 124
L PFC Walden Kenneth L. 124
L Pvt. Alleman Joseph 124
L Pvt. Anderson Woodrow W. 124
L Pvt. Ashworth Carl 124
L Pvt. Backman Luther B. 124
L Pvt. Barwick James E. 124
L Pvt. Bethea French T. 124
L Pvt. Bingham Charlie H. 124
L Pvt. Blackburn Howard E. 124
L Pvt. Blalock Orville B. 124
L Pvt. Bohara Joseph 124
L Pvt. Boone Herbert R. 124
L Pvt. Boyer George F. 124
L Pvt. Briggs Wilbur S. 124
L Pvt. Broomes James J. 124
L Pvt. Bullard Marvin E. 124
L Pvt. Bullard William O. 124
L Pvt. Butler Joseph W. 124
L Pvt. Cabe Grady J. 124
L Pvt. Casey Furman M. 124
L Pvt. Christmas Thomas A. 124
L Pvt. Comeaux Louis S. 124
L Pvt. Cook Paul 124
L Pvt. Cooper Ralph L. 124
L Pvt. Corbett Keith 124
L Pvt. Dumas Therman W. 124
L Pvt. Fortier Gerard J. 124
L Pvt. Frasier Joseph 124
L Pvt. Free Houston V. 124
L Pvt. Horton Franklin A. 124
L Pvt. Huey James C. 124
L Pvt. Jones Richard 124
L Pvt. LaVecchia Louis R. 124
L Pvt. LeBoeuf Phirma 124
L Pvt. Ledoux Alton 124
L Pvt. Lee Percy W. 124
L Pvt. Lindsey Iola R. 124
L Pvt. Lowrey William E. 124
L Pvt. Matthews Clifford A. 124
L Pvt. McCauley Dominic 124

L Pvt. McCrory Omie E. 124

L Pvt. McNamara Robert E. 124
L Pvt. Meadows Ralph E. 124
L Pvt. Migues Chiney 124
L Pvt. Miller Bennet 125
L Pvt. Miller Willie L. 125
L Pvt. Monte Gussie A. 125
L Pvt. Morgan Robert R. 125
L Pvt. Mosley A.W. 125
L Pvt. Murov Joe M. 125
L Pvt. Naremore Ralph H. 125
L Pvt. Noland William E. 125
L Pvt. Nolley William E. 125
L Pvt. Norris J.C. 125
L Pvt. O’Brien Francis J. 125
L Pvt. Orr Ernest W. 125
L Pvt. Pekarovic William J. 125
L Pvt. Prudhomme Aubrey J. 125
L Pvt. Racca Fred H. 125
L Pvt. Racine Gilmer 125
L Pvt. Reynolds James C. 125
L Pvt. Salemi John J. 125
L Pvt. Schexnider Onice 125
L Pvt. Shuff Leonard 125
L Pvt. Skowvon James T. 125
L Pvt. Smith Walter R., Jr. 125
L Pvt. Squires Willard P. 125
L Pvt. Stanfield James W. 125
L Pvt. Stanfill Fred D. 125
L Pvt. Stewart Louis P. 125
L Pvt. Sturlese Enos J. 125
L Pvt. Swindle Clovis E. 125
L Pvt. Tarrant William W. 125
L Pvt. Theriot Joseph R. 125
L Pvt. Thomas T.W. 125
L Pvt. Vaccarella Morris J. 125
L Pvt. Whatley Maurice 125
L Pvt. Wilkinson Robert D. 125
L Pvt. Wilks Delbert G. 125
L Pvt. Wiltz Francis 125
L Pvt. Wingertsman Donald R. 125
L Pvt. Wojcik William S. 125
L Pvt. Wren Laurie B. 125
L Pvt. Yates Samuel A. 125
M Sgt. Abare Clifton L.
M Pfc. Abramczyk Stanley E.
M Cpl. Alex Charles
M Cpl. Anderson Norman
M Cpl. Anderson Norman J.
M Pvt. Anzulewicz Paul F.
M Pvt. Arzsyla Dominic F.
M Pvt. Atwater Frank
M Pfc. Auger Roland E.
M Pvt. Ballard Mack J.
M Pvt. Bass Rufus
M Pvt. Benoit Hiliot A.
M Pvt. Bergeron Paukin
M Pvt. Blue Leslie H.

M Pvt. Bodin Russell E.

M Pvt. Bonner James H.
M Pvt. Boudoin Milton E.
M Pvt. Boudreaux Alton J.
M Cpl. Bradley Roger i.
M Pvt. Brady Pluribus E. U.
M Pfc. Brayfield Edward W.
M Pvt. Broussard Kerney P.
M Pvt. Broussard Sidney J.
M Pvt. Budden Louis T.
M Pfc. Butler Robert J.
M Pvt. Campbell Vernon
M 1Sgt. Caporale J.
M Pfc. Clayton William R.
M Pfc. Cook Stuart A.
M Pfc. Cote Paul A.
M Cpl. Crawford Charles A.
M Cpl. Currier Roger C.
M Pvt. D’Aquin Edmond, Jr.
M St.Sgt. Davey Edwin D.
M Pvt. Dearing Bernard C.
M Pfc. Deckman Robert
M Pvt. Derbonne Raymond
M Pvt. Derise Wilbert J.
M Pvt. Derouen Ulyses J.
M Cpl. Devereaux Frank
M Pvt. Domino Joseph F.
M Pfc. Domizio Donald P.
M Sgt. Dornfield Joseph F.
M Pvt. Dubose William H.
M Pvt. East Framan R.
M Cpl. Ejza Andrew J.
M Pvt. Ellender Lorie L.
M Cpl. Ellsworth Howard s.
M Pvt. Emerson John W., Jr.
M Pvt. Esteves Frank C.A.
M Pvt. Everage Homer M.
M Pvt. Fleury John M.
M Pfc. Garzewski Henry W.
M Pvt. Genest Roland G.
M Pvt. Going Robert E.
M Pvt. Goodwin Foster A.
M Pvt. Governale Benny G.
M Pvt. Gray Willie R.
M Pfc. Grey Kenneth W.
M Pvt. Grubbs Vernon W.
M Pvt. Guidry Neuville
M Pfc. Hartz Phillip H.
M Pfc. Hayes Mathew J.
M Pvt. Hebert Clifton
M Pvt. Hebert Elmoer W.
M Pvt. Hebert Otto
M Pvt. Hebert Percy
M Pvt. Hicks John B.
M Pvt. Himel Clifton J.
M Pvt. Holder Lester W.
M Pvt. House Louis
M Sgt. Howe Francis C.

M Pvt. Howell Herman R.

M Pvt. Huntsberry James E.
M Pvt. Huvel Joseph H.
M Cpl. Hyer Walter T.
M Pfc. Janik Stanley J.
M Pfc. Johnson Edward H.
M Pvt. Jones Benjamin O.
M Sgt. Kalnik Bruno J.
M Cpl. Kaminsky Walter W.
M Cpl. Kania Andrew J.
M Sgt. Kelly Francis C.
M Sgt. Kruger William L.
M Pvt. LaFleur Ray J.
M Pfc. LaFountaine George J.
M Pvt. LaGrange George S.
M Pvt. Landrum Willie I.
M Pvt. Landry Riley J.
M Pfc. LeBrun Emile J.
M Pvt. Leleau Theodore S.
M Pvt. Lietz John F., Jr.
M 2Lt. Lindquist Ben R.
M Pfc. Malicki Edward S.
M Sgt. Malikowski Joseph J.
M Pfc. Mangan Joseph E.
M Cpl. Marturano James J.
M Pfc. McMurray Edward P.
M Cpl. Melowicz Anthony S.
M Cpl. Mitchell Erwin M.
M Pfc. Murzyn Chester S.
M Cpl. Orzechowski Walter G.
M Pfc. Pater Theodore J.
M Pfc. Pavano Thomas
M Pvt. Perkins James T.
M Sgt. Petanovitch Michael A.
M Pfc. Pisarsky Harry
M Pfc. Ponte Albino J.
M Pvt. Quebodeaux Leonord
M Pvt. Railey Romus M.
M 1Lt. Rankin James W. Co. C/O
M Pvt. Rawlins Whitney J.
M Pvt. Reynolds Jessie A.
M Pvt. Richard Fereole O.
M Pvt. Rockenbaugh Gilman J.
M Pvt. Rodden Enice
M Pvt. Romero Whitney J.
M Cpl. Rousseau Roland J.
M Pvt. Rowell George O.
M Pvt. Royer Charlie
M Pvt. Santilli Peter B.
M Pvt. Saucier John L.
M Pvt. Scanlon Robert L.
M Cpl. Schiffert John A.
M Sgt. Schroeder Richard P.
M Pfc. Sheldon Donald F.
M Pvt. Simmons Cecil A.
M Pfc. Sirois Adrian H.
M Cpl. Slusz Joseph S.
M Pvt. Smith Gus

M Cpl. Steenhoff Kenneth R.

M Pfc. Suraviecki Andrew J.
M Cpl. Sylvester George P.
M Pfc. Testa Alfred A.
M Pfc. Thiede Walter G.
M Cpl. Todzia Stanley P.
M Pvt. Valeriano Primo J.
M Pfc. Wassil Anthony J.
M Cpl. Woodward Francis A.
M Pfc. Young Robert F.
M Pfc. Zembko E.
M Cpl. Ziccards Dominic F.
Medic. Cpt. Cole Milton J. Asst. Reg. Surg.
Medic. Maj. Duffy Leo T. Reg. Surg.Com.
Medic. Cpt. Fisher Ben J. Dental Officer
Reg.HQ 1Lt. Broderson Alwyn C/O – HQ Co.
Reg.HQ 1Lt. Healy John F., Jr.
Reg.Staff 1Lt. Ahern David J. Reg. Transp. Officer
Reg.Staff 2Lt. Brown Joseph A., Jr. Asst. Personnel Adj.
Reg.Staff Cpt. Burr Dudley H. Reg. Chaplain
Reg.Staff Col. Cramer Kenneth F. Reg. C/O
Reg.Staff 1Lt. Doyle Neil J. Reg. Chaplain
Reg.Staff Lt. Col. Hawley Philip C. Reg. X/O
Reg.Staff 1Lt. Healey John F., Jr. Reg. Cmcn. Officer
Reg.Staff 1Lt. McIntosh Claude Reg. Chaplain
Reg.Staff 1Lt. Monz Joseph L. Reg. Adjutant
Reg.Staff 1Lt. Vogt Robert G. Reg. Motor Transp. Officer
Reg.Staff Maj. Zimmer Joseph E. Reg. Supply Officer


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