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THIRD EDITION MICHAEL LITTLEWOOD LANDSCAPE DETAILING FOREWORD The success of both editions of Landscape Detailing has resulted in a review of material and data for the third edition. In view of the many more details that have been produced since the second edition it was felt that the user would prefer to have them in two volumes for ease of use. This book covers details relating to surfaces and the first volume relates to enclosures. Many landscape architects, architects, other professionals and students responsible for the production of drawn details and specifications for landscape construction works have a need for ready reference. This book has been produced to meet that need and it can be extended by additional sheets. It has been arranged for ease of copying of sheets and it is sufficiently flexible for designers to use the details for their specific requirements. The range of materials for external works and their possible combinations for surfaces would make it impossible to provide a definitive book of details. It is not the intention of this book to supplant the landscape designer's own skill and experience, which is vital to the success of any project. This is still essential in evaluating the site conditions, assessing the character of the environment and creating sensitive design solutions. It is hoped that the book, if used correctly, will allow the designer to spend more time on design details, avoiding the need to produce repetitive drawings for basic construction elements. It has been found that the details can be very useful for costing purposes and to support the preliminary design when presented to a client. To assist the designer and to save further time in writing specifications, check lists for these have been included in this edition along with technical guidance notes and tables. Design information has been excluded; many other publications deal with this subject much more adequately than could be achieved in this book. General comments on appearance have been given only where it was felt appropriate. vii CKNOWLEDGEMENTS | must give particular thanks to many people who have supported me in some way — no matter how small — and who have encouraged me to complete this third edition, which has been greatly enlarged. My particular thanks must go to Caroline Mallinder and Paddy Baker of Butterworth- Heinemann — my publishers — both of whom have supported my work and put up with so many frustrating delayed publishing dates. Thank you for being so patient. Also to landscape architects Andrew Clegg, Melissa Bowers, Naila Parveen, Donna Young, Peter Dean and Craig Schofield, all of wham have succumbed to my persistence in drawing the details and reading the text. My appreciation must also go to Colin MacGregor of NBS for his ready and willing assistance on specification matters as well as Alistair Smythe of Specification and Barrie Evans of the Architect's Journal. A very special thanks to Doris Evans for typing the text and correcting it so many times. | am also very grateful to civil engineers = John Williamson and Alan Taylor for their advice on retaining walls and to Peter Morrison of Ibstock Building Products Ltd for his kind assistance on brick walls in general. All have contributed to this book to ensure that it eventually reaches the publishers, after such a long time.

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